Download presentation reading Odoevsky town in a snuffbox. Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky “Town in a snuffbox. Reading of a work by a teacher

Life and work of V.F. Odoevsky; literary fairy tale “Town in the Snuff Box”; familiarization with the real structure of a music box; developing the skill of selective reading and competently composing answers to questions; learning to divide text into semantic parts, drawing up a plan; the ability to convey the content of what was read on behalf of the hero.



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LITERARY TALES by V.F. Odoevsky “Town in the Tabakerka” Petukhova G.V. Labytnangi

Gusli-samogudas: they wind up on their own, they play on their own, they dance on their own, they sing their own songs. Speech warm-up Read “bird market”

Gusli-samogudas: they wind up on their own, they play on their own, they dance on their own, they sing their own songs. Read it slowly

Gusli-samogudas: they wind up on their own, they play on their own, they dance on their own, they sing their own songs. Speed ​​read

Gusli-samogudas: they wind up on their own, they play on their own, they dance on their own, they sing their own songs. Read with a questioning tone

Gusli-samogudas: they wind up on their own, they play on their own, they dance on their own, they sing their own songs. Read with an affirmative intonation

Read the Gusli-Samoguda with a cheerful intonation: they wind up on their own, they play on their own, they dance on their own, they sing their own songs.

What is this saying about? How do you understand “samogud harp”? How was the word “samogudi” formed?

V.F. Odoevsky “Town in a snuffbox”

music boxes

Vocabulary and lexical work Choose synonyms for the word “daddy”

Vocabulary and lexical work (father, dad (colloquial); daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, parent, daddy).

Vocabulary and lexical work (That’s what they used to call their father)

Work on proverbs and sayings Every matter is a person..., a person and...

Work on proverbs and sayings Every thing is done by man and is glorified, carried out,

Working on proverbs and sayings It’s not a mosquito:

Working on proverbs and sayings It’s not a mosquito: (you can’t brush it aside)

Work on proverbs and sayings A good deed without...

Work on proverbs and sayings A good deed will not remain without... reward

Work on proverbs and sayings Judge people not by their words...

Work on proverbs and sayings Judge people not by words, ... (but by deeds)

Petukhova G.V. primary school teacher MAOU Secondary School No. 5 WWW:// school 5-

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"Town in a snuffbox"

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A hedgehog lies by the Christmas tree, the hedgehog has needles, And below, looking like little hedgehogs, last year’s cones lie on the grass.

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V.F. Odoevsky worked under the pseudonym “Grandfather Iriney.” When he turned 30, a collection for children, “Children's Tales of Grandfather Irenaeus,” was published.

These included the fairy tales “The Worm”, “Moroz Ivanovich” and “Town in a Snuffbox”.

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The snuff box was a small elegant box containing a handful of fragrant dust.

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Bureau - a desk with a desk that has several small drawers and compartments for storing papers and small items. Usually the upper part is closed with a retractable flexible curtain

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The slide is furniture for dishes

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Shutters are wooden shutters on windows in wooden houses.

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A weather vane is a device for determining the direction and measuring wind speed.

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The star lit up - Right - With these words - Courteous -
with these words

very polite

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Yes, there was something to see! What a wonderful snuff box! motley, from a turtle. What's on the lid? Gates, turrets, a house, another, a third, a fourth - and it’s impossible to count, and all are small and small, and all are golden; and the trees are also golden, and the leaves on them are silver; and behind the trees the sun rises, and from it pink rays spread across the entire sky.

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Meanwhile, the music plays and plays; It’s getting quieter and quieter, as if something is clinging to every note, as if something is pushing one sound away from another. Here Misha looks: at the bottom of the snuffbox the door opens, and a boy with a golden head and a steel skirt runs out of the door, stops on the threshold and beckons Misha to him. “Why,” thought Misha, “daddy said that it’s too crowded in this town without me? No, apparently good people live there, you see, they invite me to visit.” - If you please, with the greatest joy!

Ding-ding-ding! - the boy answered. - Let's go, don't worry, just follow me. Misha obeyed. In fact, with every step they took, the arches seemed to rise, and our boys walked freely everywhere; when they reached the last vault, then the bell boy asked Misha to look back. Misha looked back, and what did he see? Now that first vault, under which he approached when entering the doors, seemed small to him, as if, while they were walking, the vault had lowered. Misha was very surprised.

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Meanwhile, they were surrounded by bell boys, tugging at Misha’s dress, ringing, jumping, and running. “You live a joyful life,” Misha told them, “you could stay with you forever.” You do nothing all day, you have no lessons, no teachers, and music all day long. - Ding-ding-ding! - the bells screamed. - I’ve already found some fun with us! No, Misha, life is bad for us. True, we don’t have lessons, but what’s the point? We wouldn't be afraid of lessons. Our whole problem lies precisely in the fact that we, the poor, have nothing to do; We have neither books nor pictures; there is neither daddy nor mummy; have nothing to do; play and play all day long, but this, Misha, is very, very boring. Will you believe it? Our tortoiseshell sky is good, our golden sun and golden trees are good; but we, poor people, have seen enough of them, and we are very tired of all this; We’re not an inch from the town, but you can imagine what it’s like to sit in a snuffbox for a whole century, doing nothing, and even in a snuffbox with music.

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Misha had just approached him when the warden shouted: “Shura-mury!” who walks here? who's wandering around here? Hanky ​​panky? who doesn't go away? who doesn't let me sleep? Hanky ​​panky! hanky panky! “It’s me,” Misha answered bravely, “I’m Misha...” “What do you need?” - asked the warden. - Yes, I feel sorry for the poor bell boys, they are all so smart, so kind, such musicians, and at your order the guys constantly knock on them... - What do I care, shura-muras! I'm not the big one here. Let the guys hit the boys! What do I care? I’m a kind warden, I always lie on the sofa and don’t look after anyone. Shura-murah, Shura-murmur...

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He looks at a golden tent with pearl fringe; At the top, a golden weather vane is spinning like a windmill, and under the tent lies Princess Spring and, like a snake, it curls up and then unfurls and constantly pushes the warden in the side. Misha was very surprised by this and said to her: “Madame princess!” Why are you pushing the warden in the side? “Zits-zits-zits,” answered the princess. - You are a stupid boy, a foolish boy. You look at everything, you see nothing! If I didn't push the roller, the roller wouldn't spin; if the roller did not spin, it would not cling to the hammers, the hammers would not knock; if the hammers did not knock, the bells would not ring; If only the bells did not ring, there would be no music!

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“Town in a snuffbox” Completed by: Primary school teacher of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow Secondary School No. 899 Guseinova M.E.

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A hedgehog lies by the Christmas tree, the hedgehog has needles, And below, looking like little hedgehogs, last year’s cones lie on the grass.

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V.F. Odoevsky worked under the pseudonym “Grandfather Iriney.” When he turned 30, a collection for children, “Children's Tales of Grandfather Irenaeus,” was published. These included the fairy tales “The Worm”, “Moroz Ivanovich” and “Town in a Snuffbox”.

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Bureau - a desk with a desk that has several small drawers and compartments for storing papers and small items. Usually the upper part is closed with a retractable flexible curtain

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Yes, there was something to see! What a wonderful snuff box! motley, from a turtle. What's on the lid? Gates, turrets, a house, another, a third, a fourth - and it’s impossible to count, and all are small and small, and all are golden; and the trees are also golden, and the leaves on them are silver; and behind the trees the sun rises, and from it pink rays spread across the entire sky.

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Meanwhile, the music plays and plays; It’s getting quieter and quieter, as if something is clinging to every note, as if something is pushing one sound away from another. Here Misha looks: at the bottom of the snuffbox the door opens, and a boy with a golden head and a steel skirt runs out of the door, stops on the threshold and beckons Misha to him. “Why,” thought Misha, “daddy said that it’s too crowded in this town without me? No, apparently good people live there, you see, they invite me to visit.” - If you please, with the greatest joy!

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- Ding-ding-ding! - the boy answered. - Let's go, don't worry, just follow me. Misha obeyed. In fact, with every step they took, the arches seemed to rise, and our boys walked freely everywhere; when they reached the last vault, then the bell boy asked Misha to look back. Misha looked back, and what did he see? Now that first vault, under which he approached when entering the doors, seemed small to him, as if, while they were walking, the vault had lowered. Misha was very surprised.

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Meanwhile, they were surrounded by bell boys, tugging at Misha’s dress, ringing, jumping, and running. “You live a joyful life,” Misha told them, “you could stay with you forever.” You do nothing all day, you have no lessons, no teachers, and music all day long. - Ding-ding-ding! - the bells screamed. - I’ve already found some fun with us! No, Misha, life is bad for us. True, we don’t have lessons, but what’s the point? We wouldn't be afraid of lessons. Our whole problem lies precisely in the fact that we, the poor, have nothing to do; We have neither books nor pictures; there is neither daddy nor mummy; have nothing to do; play and play all day long, but this, Misha, is very, very boring. Will you believe it? Our tortoiseshell sky is good, our golden sun and golden trees are good; but we, poor people, have seen enough of them, and we are very tired of all this; We’re not an inch from the town, but you can imagine what it’s like to sit in a snuffbox for a whole century, doing nothing, and even in a snuffbox with music.

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Misha had just approached him when the warden shouted: “Shura-mury!” who walks here? who's wandering around here? Hanky ​​panky? who doesn't go away? who doesn't let me sleep? Hanky ​​panky! hanky panky! “It’s me,” Misha answered bravely, “I’m Misha...” “What do you need?” - asked the warden. - Yes, I feel sorry for the poor bell boys, they are all so smart, so kind, such musicians, and at your order the guys constantly knock on them... - What do I care, shura-muras! I'm not the big one here. Let the guys hit the boys! What do I care? I’m a kind warden, I always lie on the sofa and don’t look after anyone. Shura-murah, Shura-murmur...

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He looks at a golden tent with pearl fringe; At the top, a golden weather vane is spinning like a windmill, and under the tent lies Princess Spring and, like a snake, it curls up and then unfurls and constantly pushes the warden in the side. Misha was very surprised by this and said to her: “Madame princess!” Why are you pushing the warden in the side? “Zits-zits-zits,” answered the princess. - You are a stupid boy, a foolish boy. You look at everything, you see nothing! If I didn't push the roller, the roller wouldn't spin; if the roller did not spin, it would not cling to the hammers, the hammers would not knock; if the hammers did not knock, the bells would not ring; If only the bells did not ring, there would be no music!

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"Town in a snuffbox"

Completed by: Primary school teacher of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow Secondary School No. 899 Guseinova M.E.

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The star lit up - Right - With these words - Courteous -

very polite with these words

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Yes, there was something to see! What a wonderful snuff box! motley, from a turtle. What's on the lid? Gates, turrets, a house, another, a third, a fourth - and it’s impossible to count, and all are small and small, and all are golden; and the trees are also golden, and the leaves on them are silver; and behind the trees the sun rises, and from it pink rays spread across the entire sky.

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Meanwhile, the music plays and plays; It’s getting quieter and quieter, as if something is clinging to every note, as if something is pushing one sound away from another. Here Misha looks: at the bottom of the snuffbox the door opens, and a boy with a golden head and a steel skirt runs out of the door, stops on the threshold and beckons Misha to him. “Why,” thought Misha, “daddy said that it’s too crowded in this town without me? No, apparently good people live there, you see, they invite me to visit.” - If you please, with the greatest joy!

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Ding-ding-ding! - the boy answered. - Let's go, don't worry, just follow me. Misha obeyed. In fact, with every step they took, the arches seemed to rise, and our boys walked freely everywhere; when they reached the last vault, then the bell boy asked Misha to look back. Misha looked back, and what did he see? Now that first vault, under which he approached when entering the doors, seemed small to him, as if, while they were walking, the vault had lowered. Misha was very surprised.

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Meanwhile, they were surrounded by bell boys, tugging at Misha’s dress, ringing, jumping, and running. “You live a joyful life,” Misha told them, “you could stay with you forever.” You do nothing all day, you have no lessons, no teachers, and music all day long. - Ding-ding-ding! - the bells screamed. - I’ve already found some fun with us! No, Misha, life is bad for us. True, we don’t have lessons, but what’s the point? We wouldn't be afraid of lessons. Our whole problem lies precisely in the fact that we, the poor, have nothing to do; We have neither books nor pictures; there is neither daddy nor mummy; have nothing to do; play and play all day long, but this, Misha, is very, very boring. Will you believe it? Our tortoiseshell sky is good, our golden sun and golden trees are good; but we, poor people, have seen enough of them, and we are very tired of all this; We’re not an inch from the town, but you can imagine what it’s like to sit in a snuffbox for a whole century, doing nothing, and even in a snuffbox with music.

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Misha had just approached him when the warden shouted: “Shura-mury!” who walks here? who's wandering around here? Hanky ​​panky? who doesn't go away? who doesn't let me sleep? Hanky ​​panky! hanky panky! “It’s me,” Misha answered bravely, “I’m Misha...” “What do you need?” - asked the warden. - Yes, I feel sorry for the poor bell boys, they are all so smart, so kind, such musicians, and at your order the guys constantly knock on them... - What do I care, shura-muras! I'm not the big one here. Let the guys hit the boys! What do I care? I’m a kind warden, I always lie on the sofa and don’t look after anyone. Shura-murah, Shura-murmur...

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He looks at a golden tent with pearl fringe; At the top, a golden weather vane is spinning like a windmill, and under the tent lies Princess Spring and, like a snake, it curls up and then unfurls and constantly pushes the warden in the side. Misha was very surprised by this and said to her: “Madame princess!” Why are you pushing the warden in the side? “Zits-zits-zits,” answered the princess. - You are a stupid boy, a foolish boy. You look at everything, you see nothing! If I didn't push the roller, the roller wouldn't spin; if the roller did not spin, it would not cling to the hammers, the hammers would not knock; if the hammers did not knock, the bells would not ring; If only the bells did not ring, there would be no music!

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With V. Kutyavina Lesson developments in literary reading: 4th grade. – M.: VAKO, 2010. http://construct. md/ru/moldova/cuzneabudulaia/storelist

Literary reading lesson 4th grade


Goryacheva Nadezhda Vladimirovna primary school teacher MKOU "Chernavskaya Secondary School of Zavyalovsky District" of Altai Territory With. Chernavka

A literary fairy tale is a narrative genre with a magical-fantastic plot, with real and (or) fictional characters, with real and (or) fairy-tale reality, in which, at the will of the author, aesthetic, moral, and social problems of all times and peoples are raised.

A literary fairy tale is an author’s work of art, based on folklore sources, or invented by the writer himself, but in any case, subject to his will. This is a fantastic work that depicts the wonderful adventures of fictional or traditional fairy-tale characters, a work in which magic and miracle play the role of a plot-forming factor and help characterize the characters.

Guess K. Chukovsky "Fedorino's grief" There is no order in this fairy tale. Along the road, utensils run out of the house without looking: they jingle and rattle. Oh, we're getting ready to go, where's the table, pot, frying pan? Who shouts to them: “Oh-oh! Come home”!? Who is jumping along the fence after them? ... Grandma Fedora! He promises to love them and wash them away from all the dirt. Dirty dishes are crying: “Oh, we feel so bad without cleaning!” But they decide, so be it, to forgive old Grandma. They ask you to clean them with sand and wash their sides with boiling water. The cups will again become like the sun... shine! V.M. Garshin "Frog Traveler" In this fairy tale, for fun, Wonderful ducks Carry with them to the south Forgotten fear. What is their girlfriend's name? Yes, of course... Did it end up in the distant south? No or yes? Why did the frog fall? Because she was...


P.P. Ershov Fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse" P.P. Ershov Fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse" I was looking for treasure at the bottom of the sea, And I was an ambassador in the sky. I caught the Firebird on the ground. He chose the Tsar Maiden as his wife. Tell me what is his name? Our answer: Everything is a trifle for the Fool, he will not sell only his skate: even though the big-eared one is small in stature, agile and daring! Everyone knows that horse. What's the name? A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" He lived in a dugout for thirty-three years, and went fishing in any weather. Yes, his old wife openly scolded him for his broken, worthless trough. He had a conversation with the mistress of the sea, and she fulfilled her grandfather’s three wishes. And when she got angry, she rebelled - The blue sea turned black and became agitated. Call me quickly with a smile! - This is a fairy tale about...

Ivan is a Fool!

Little hunchback!

Fisherman and fish!

Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky

"Town in a snuffbox"

Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky (1803 -1869) Prince Russian writer, philosopher, teacher, musicologist.

He worked under the pseudonym “Grandfather Iriney.”

When he turned 30, a collection for children, “Children's Tales of Grandfather Irenaeus,” was published.

The star lit up - Right - With these words - Courteous -

with these words

These included the fairy tales “The Worm”, “Moroz Ivanovich” and “Town in a Snuffbox”.

  • Vocabulary work A snuff box is a small elegant box containing a handful of fragrant dust.
  • Bureau Bureau is a desk with a desk that has several small drawers and compartments for storing papers and small items. Usually the upper part is closed with a retractable flexible curtain. Slide Slide - this is furniture for dishes
  • Wooden shutter on windows in wooden houses.
  • Shutters Weather vane Weather vane is a device for determining the direction and measuring wind speed.
  • Embossed paper Explain the expressions The star lit up - Right - With these words - Courteous -
  • Did you like the fairy tale?
  • What are your impressions of what you read?

Did Misha really visit the snuffbox?

How did the story end?

What did the author want to tell the reader with his tale?


Re-read the fairy tale.

Choose proverbs for the fairy tale.


feather, inkwell


open book with feather


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