Download the Avz utility to remove viruses. AVZ is a utility for virus treatment and system recovery. How to create a restore point

AVZ Antiviral Toolkit is a popular antivirus utility, valuable primarily for its power. It is a direct analogue of TrojanHunter and LavaSoft Ad-aware 6. We recommend downloading AVZ for free on our portal. You will receive reliable protection against the following malicious objects:

  1. SpyWare and AdWare modules.
  2. Trojan.Dialer and Trojan programs.
  3. BackDoor modules.
  4. Network and mail worms.
  5. TrojanSpy, TrojanDownloader, TrojanDropper.

Antivirus utility AVZ

The very first functional responsibility of AVZ in Russian is the removal of SpyWare and Trojan programs. But let’s talk in more detail about other capabilities and features of the software developed by Oleg Zaitsev.

  • Regular updates of safe file databases.
  • Search for viruses in firmware using analysis (registry, disk and memory files).
  • Built-in Rootkit search system without using signatures and correctly blocking its operation.
  • Detection of Trojan DLLs and Keyloggers (keyloggers).
  • Studying suspicious files through neural networks.
  • Automatic diagnosis and treatment of viruses.
  • Winsock SPI/LSP settings analyzer.
  • Built-in manager of processes, drivers and services.
  • Autorun manager - control of many new keys.
  • Function for searching a file according to certain criteria (result - text protocol and table).
  • System of built-in analyzers (data from open TCP/UDP ports, Downloaded Program Files (DPF), network sessions, shared resources).
  • Cleaning the system using the Boot Cleaner driver.
  • Analysis of blocked objects and moving them to quarantine.
  • AVZGuard - protection of antiviruses and antispyware, as well as eliminating problems with hard-to-remove malicious files.

AVZ is reliable

We offer you the latest version for Windows 7/8/XP/Vista. It includes many useful improvements in heuristic scripts and wizards. It is also worth noting that the program allows the use of external control scripts.

This is a reliable and high-quality search for malicious Trojan programs and other suspicious objects. Download to your computer and be sure that the system is secure.

Information about the software
Name: AVZ
Program version: 4.43
Interface language: Russian English
Treatment: not required

System requirements:

AVZ - Free, fast working antivirus utility. Includes AVZ itself and additional utilities AVZGuard/AVZPM/BootCleaner.
The main purpose is to detect and remove SpyWare and AdWare modules, as well as Dialer (Trojan.Dialer), Trojan programs, BackDoor modules, network and email worms, TrojanSpy, TrojanDownloader, TrojanDropper.
In fact, AVZ is an analogue of the popular Ad-aware program (with its own characteristics, of course).
Additional options include a heuristic system check, built-in Rootkit detection system, Winsock SPI/LSP settings analyzer, built-in process, service and driver manager, TCP/UDP open port analyzer, Keylogger and Trojan DLL detector that works without using signatures (an original neuroemulator is used, which allows you to examine suspicious files using a neural network).

A new version of the AVZ antivirus utility has been released - 4.43. The archive with the utility contains a virus database from 02/23/2014 - 297614 signatures, 2 neuroprofiles, 56 treatment microprograms, 405 heuristics microprograms, 9 IPU microprograms, 236 troubleshooting microprograms, 649446 safe file signatures. The new version contains a number of improvements and enhancements.

[++] New functionality - network diagnostics to identify problems created by malware (diagnostic operations are in the updated database)
[++] Added heuristics for detecting malicious scheduler jobs
[++] Script editor - syntax highlighting, editor pop-up menu and support for standard hotkeys
[++] Filter in the autorun manager (displaying all or only clean ones unidentified by the database)
[++] Script editing and execution window: added syntax highlighting, color highlighting of specific commands of the AVZ script language, display of the cursor line and column, standard keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+A are supported)
[+] MD5 output by process in HTML report
[+] Outputting the full name of the OS version into the protocol and XML
[+] Improved quarantine strategy (improved quality of quarantine on x64, improved parser)
[+] Added display of information on selected files (number and total size) in the quarantine view
[+/-] The operation of the spoollog parameter has been changed (if the full path is not specified, it is counted from the AVZ directory)
[+/-] The XML version of the files is displayed in x.x.x.x format
[+/-] In the description of the scheduler job in XML, all fields are displayed (previously, some were available only in the HTML log, new fields JobName, Status and FullCmd)
[+/-] XML: added escaping of 0x00 (NUL) characters, such characters are replaced with spaces to eliminate problems with protocol parsers
[-] Fixed an error in the file name parser in autorun and process manager (available in 4.41 through a database update)
[-] XML: Fixed a bug with duplicate parameter names in XML, due to which the log did not pass verification of XML parsers
[-] XML: Fixed a bug with missing spaces between parameters in XML, due to which the log did not pass verification of XML parsers
[-] Fixed a bug with the localization of MessageDlg (in the English localization there were Russian inscriptions on the buttons)

Launching the AVZ utility may be required when contacting Kaspersky Lab technical support.
Using the AVZ utility you can:

  • receive a report on the results of the system study;
  • execute the script provided by a Kaspersky Lab technical support specialist
    to create Quarantine and delete suspicious files.

The AVZ utility does not send statistics, does not process information, and does not transmit it to Kaspersky Lab. The report is saved on the computer in the form of HTML and XML files, which are available for viewing without the use of special programs.

The AVZ utility can automatically create a Quarantine and place copies of suspicious files and their metadata into it.

Objects placed in Quarantine are not processed, are not transferred to Kaspersky Lab, and are stored on the computer. We do not recommend restoring files from Quarantine; they can harm your computer.

What data is contained in the AVZ utility report

The AVZ utility report contains:

  • Information about the version and release date of the AVZ utility.
  • Information about the anti-virus databases of the AVZ utility and its basic settings.
  • Information about the version of the operating system, the date of its installation and the user rights with which the utility was launched.
  • Search results for rootkits and programs that intercept the main functions of the operating system.
  • Search results for suspicious processes and information about these processes.
  • Search results for common malware based on their characteristic properties.
  • Information about errors found during the scan.
  • Search results for programs that intercept keyboard, mouse, or window events.
  • Search results for open TCP and UDP ports that are used by malware.
  • Information about suspicious system registry keys, disk file names, and system settings.
  • Search results for potential operating system vulnerabilities and security issues.
  • Information about damaged operating system settings.

How to execute a script using the AVZ utility

Use the AVZ utility only under the guidance of a Kapersky Lab technical support specialist as part of your request. Doing it yourself may damage the operating system and cause data loss.

  1. Download the executable file of the AVZ utility.
  2. Run avz5.exe on your computer. If Windows Defender SmartScreen prevented avz5.exe from running, click More detailsExecute anyway in the window Windows has protected your computer.
  3. Go to section FileExecute script.
  1. Paste into the input field the script that you received from the Kapersky Laboratory technical support specialist.
  2. Click Launch.

  1. Wait until the utility finishes and follow the further recommendations of the Kapersky Lab technical support specialist.

AVZ is a functional antivirus utility that can remove spyware and Trojans, as well as some other types of malicious code. AVZ is not just an anti-virus scanner - the program can also conduct so-called heuristic analysis to detect viruses based on typical signs. Heuristic analysis can detect viruses even when they are not in anti-virus databases.

One of the features of AVZ is a database of safe files. This is not a signature database; it includes digital signatures of “clean” files. This database includes system files and files of known safe programs. The exclusion method can be used to analyze important system areas and remove all malicious programs from these areas.

It should be separately noted that AVZ effectively fights one of the most dangerous types of viruses - Rootkit. The program analyzes basic system libraries and modules to determine whether their functions have been intercepted. The program can effectively block rootkits and also protects itself from the actions of such viruses.

Keyloggers, as a type of spyware, are also within the scope of this antivirus. It quite reliably detects actions to install “hooks” and intercept keystrokes. Signature analysis is not used to find keyloggers.

Antivirus can also be used for in-depth analysis of processes. The built-in process manager displays all running processes, loaded libraries and services, which gives a clear picture of what is happening in the system. The anti-rootkit module is associated with this manager and allows you to display hidden processes.

AVZ also has functions for working with the system registry and network protocols. You can find ports that Trojans use to send reports.

AVZ is a small free program for removing spyware and adware from your computer. This application is equipped with scanning functions and automatic detection of potential threats.

When surfing the Internet or installing software, there is a possibility of unnoticed installation of malware that will display advertisements or steal passwords.

To protect your working system from such malicious applications, it is good to use the AVZ utility. It scans systems for dangerous files, uses heuristic analysis to detect suspicious software running in the background, quarantines infected objects, and much more. By downloading AVZ for free, you can protect your confidential data from unauthorized persons. In addition, the application protects your computer from the installation of advertising add-ons in browsers.

The main functions of AVZ are to ensure computer security and remove malicious programs on it. To do this, this anti-virus software uses a special algorithm in the background - heuristic analysis. For prevention, you can force a scan of selected areas of the hard drive. In addition, checking removable media when connected to a PC has a good effect - many computers are infected this way. Detected viruses can be deleted or quarantined.

The program is highly customizable, and you can select all the necessary values ​​so that in the future it makes all decisions for you and does not distract you from other matters.

The main features of the AVZ program are as follows:

  • detection of different types of malicious software;
  • Scanning System;
  • use of heuristic analysis;
  • Keylogger detection;
  • scanning removable media;
  • checking active processes;
  • detection of potential vulnerabilities.

The AVZ program copes well with adware or spyware. It works in the background, but you can force the scanning process to quickly search for new vulnerabilities. Note that this antivirus works without installation and to work you just need to download AVZ for free and unpack its archive into the desired folder.

However, this program is not omnipotent and for comprehensive protection of your computer it is better to install another antivirus software, for example, Avast or Norton. As an analogue of AVZ, you can use the Ad-Aware Free antivirus, which is also good at detecting malware.

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