Fairy tale The True Truth (Andersen G.H.) read the text online, download for free. Hans Andersen - the true truth Anderson Hans Christians the true truth

Andersen's fairy tale "The True Truth" makes fun of gossips and how rumors can turn an unimportant story into a whole incident. One chicken dropped a feather, and on the other side of the city a rumor spread that five chickens had died.

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Fairy tale True truth read

A terrible incident! - said the chicken, who lived on the other side of the city, and not where the incident happened. - A terrible incident in the chicken coop! I just don’t dare spend the night alone now! It's good that there are a lot of us in our place!

And she began to tell it, so much so that all the chickens’ feathers stood on end, and the rooster’s comb shrank. Yes, yes, the true truth!

But we'll start over, and it all started in a chicken coop on the other side of town.

The sun was setting and all the chickens were already roosting. One of them, a white short-legged hen in all respects, respectable and respectable, regularly laying the required number of eggs, having sat down comfortably, began to preen itself before going to bed and straighten its feathers with its beak. And then one small feather flew out and fell on the floor.

Look how it flew! - said the chicken. - Well, it’s okay, the more I clean myself, the more beautiful I become!

This was said as a joke - the chicken was generally of a cheerful disposition, but this did not in the least prevent her from being, as already said, a very, very respectable chicken. With that she fell asleep.

It was dark in the chicken coop. The chickens were all sitting nearby, and the one that was sitting side by side with our chicken was not yet sleeping; It wasn’t that she was deliberately eavesdropping on her neighbor’s words, but just listening out of the corner of her ear - this is what you should do if you want to live in peace with your neighbors! And so she could not resist and whispered to her other neighbor:

Did you hear? I don’t want to name names, but there is a chicken here who is ready to pluck all her feathers just to be more beautiful. If I were a rooster, I would despise her!

Just above the chickens an owl was sitting in a nest with her husband and children; Owls have sharp ears, and they did not miss a single word from their neighbor. At the same time, they all rolled their eyes intensely, and the owl waved its wings like fans.

Shh! Don't listen, kids! However, you, of course, have already heard? Me too. Oh! My ears are just drooping! One of the hens became so forgetful that she began plucking her feathers right in front of the rooster!

Prenez gade aux enfants - said the father owl. “Children shouldn’t listen to things like that!”

We’ll still have to tell our neighbor the owl about this, she’s such a sweet person! - And the owl flew to the neighbor.

Uh-huh, uh-huh! - both owls then hooted right above the neighboring dovecote. - You heard? You heard? Yes! One hen plucked all her feathers because of the rooster! She will freeze, freeze to death! If you're not already frozen! Yes!

Kur-kur! Where where? - the pigeons cooed.

In the next yard! It happened almost before my eyes! It’s simply indecent to talk about it, but it’s the true truth!

We believe, we believe! - said the pigeons and cooed to the chickens sitting below:

Kur-kur! One hen, they say, even two, plucked all their feathers to distinguish themselves in front of the rooster! Risky idea! You can catch a cold and die, but they already died!

Crow! - the rooster crowed, flying up onto the fence. - Wake up. - His eyes were still completely stuck together from sleep, and he was already shouting:

Three hens died from unhappy love for a rooster! They plucked all their feathers! Such a nasty story! I don’t want to remain silent about her! Let it spread all over the world!

Let it go, let it go! - the bats squeaked, the chickens clucked, the roosters crowed. - Let it go, let it go!

And the story spread from yard to yard, from chicken coop to chicken coop, and finally reached the place from where it started.

Five hens, it was said here, plucked out all their feathers to show which of them had lost more weight from their love for the rooster! Then they pecked each other to death, to the shame and disgrace of their entire family and to the loss of their masters!

The chicken that dropped one feather, of course, did not recognize its own history and, like a respectable chicken in all respects, said:

I despise these chickens! But there are many of them! However, one cannot remain silent about such things! And I, for my part, will do everything to ensure that this story gets into the newspapers! Let it spread all over the world - these chickens and their entire family are worth it!

And the newspapers actually published the whole story, and this is the true truth: it’s not difficult for one little feather to turn into as many as five chickens!

A terrible incident! - said the chicken, who lived on the other side of the city, and not where the incident happened. - A terrible incident in the chicken coop! I just don’t dare spend the night alone now! It's good that there are a lot of us in our place!

And she began to tell it, so much so that the feathers of all the chickens stood on end, and the rooster’s comb shrank. Yes, yes, the true truth!

But we'll start over, and it all started in a chicken coop on the other side of town.

The sun was setting and all the chickens were already roosting. One of them, a white short-legged hen in all respects, respectable and respectable, regularly laying the required number of eggs, having sat down comfortably, began to clean and preen itself before going to bed. And then one small feather flew out and fell to the ground.

Look, it's gone! - said the chicken. - Well, it’s okay, the more you prettify yourself, the prettier you become!

This was said as a joke - the hen was generally of a cheerful disposition, but this did not in the least prevent her from being, as already said, a very, very respectable hen. With that she fell asleep.

It was dark in the chicken coop. The chickens were sitting nearby, and the one that was sitting side by side with our hen was not yet sleeping: it wasn’t that she was deliberately eavesdropping on her neighbor’s words, but she heard it out of the corner of her ear - this is what you should do if you want to live in peace with your neighbors! And so she could not resist and whispered to her other neighbor:

Did you hear? I don’t want to name names, but there is a chicken among us who is ready to pluck all her feathers just to be more beautiful. If I were a rooster, I would despise her!

Just above the chickens an owl was sitting in a nest with her husband and children; Owls have keen hearing, and they did not miss a single word from their neighbor. At the same time, they all rolled their eyes intensely, and the owl waved its wings like fans.

Shh! Don't listen, kids! However, you, of course, have already heard? Me too. Oh! My ears are just drooping! One of the hens became so forgetful that she began plucking her feathers right in front of the rooster!

Be careful, there are children here! - said the owl father. - They don’t talk about such things in front of children!

We still need to tell our neighbor the owl about this, she is such a sweet person!

And the owl flew to the neighbor.

Uh-huh, uh-huh! - both owls then hooted right above the neighboring dovecote. - You heard? You heard? Yes! One hen plucked all her feathers because of the rooster! She will freeze, freeze to death! If it's not already frozen! Yes!

Kur-kur! Where where? - the pigeons cooed.

In the next yard! It happened almost before my eyes! It’s simply indecent to talk about it, but it’s the true truth!

We believe, we believe! - said the pigeons and cooed to the chickens sitting below: - Kur-kur! One hen, and others say even two, plucked all their feathers to distinguish themselves in front of the rooster! A risky undertaking. It won’t take long for them to catch a cold and die, but they already died!

Crow! - the rooster crowed, flying up onto the fence. - Wake up! - His eyes were still sticking together from sleep, and he was already shouting: “Three hens died from unhappy love for a rooster!” They plucked all their feathers! tales.! I don’t want to remain silent about her! Let it spread all over the world!

Let it go, let it go! - the bats squealed, the chickens clucked, the rooster crowed. - Let it go, let it go!

And the story spread from yard to yard, from chicken coop to chicken coop, and finally reached the place from where it started.

Five hens, it was said here, plucked out all their feathers to show which of them had lost more weight from their love for the rooster! Then they pecked each other to death, to the shame and disgrace of their entire family and to the loss of their masters!

The hen who dropped the feather had no idea that this whole story was about her, and, like a respectable hen in all respects, she said:

I despise these chickens! But there are many of them! However, one cannot remain silent about such things! And I, for my part, will do everything to ensure that this story gets into the newspapers! Let it spread all over the world - these chickens and their entire family are worth it!

And the newspapers actually published the whole story, and this is the true truth: from one feather it is not at all difficult to make as many as five chickens!

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A terrible incident! - said the chicken, who lived on the other side of the city, and not where the incident happened. - A terrible incident in the chicken coop! I just don’t dare spend the night alone now! It's good that there are a lot of us in our place!

And she began to tell it, so much so that the feathers of all the chickens stood on end, and the rooster’s comb shrank. Yes, yes, the true truth!

But we'll start over, and it all started in a chicken coop on the other side of town.

The sun was setting and all the chickens were already roosting. One of them, a white short-legged hen in all respects, respectable and respectable, regularly laying the required number of eggs, having sat down comfortably, began to clean and preen itself before going to bed. And then one small feather flew out and fell to the ground.

Look, it's gone! - said the chicken. - Well, it’s okay, the more you prettify yourself, the prettier you become!

This was said as a joke - the hen was generally of a cheerful disposition, but this did not in the least prevent her from being, as already said, a very, very respectable hen. With that she fell asleep.

It was dark in the chicken coop. The chickens were sitting nearby, and the one that was sitting side by side with our hen was not yet sleeping: it wasn’t that she was deliberately eavesdropping on her neighbor’s words, but she heard it out of the corner of her ear - this is what you should do if you want to live in peace with your neighbors! And so she could not resist and whispered to her other neighbor:

Did you hear? I don’t want to name names, but there is a chicken among us who is ready to pluck all her feathers just to be more beautiful. If I were a rooster, I would despise her!

Just above the chickens an owl was sitting in a nest with her husband and children; Owls have keen hearing, and they did not miss a single word from their neighbor. At the same time, they all rolled their eyes intensely, and the owl waved its wings like fans.

Shh! Don't listen, kids! However, you, of course, have already heard? Me too. Oh! My ears are just drooping! One of the hens became so forgetful that she began plucking her feathers right in front of the rooster!

Be careful, there are children here! - said the owl father. - They don’t talk about such things in front of children!

We still need to tell our neighbor the owl about this, she is such a sweet person!

And the owl flew to the neighbor.

Uh-huh, uh-huh! - both owls then hooted right above the neighboring dovecote. - You heard? You heard? Yes! One hen plucked all her feathers because of the rooster! She will freeze, freeze to death! If it's not already frozen! Yes!

Kur-kur! Where where? - the pigeons cooed.

In the next yard! It happened almost before my eyes! It’s simply indecent to talk about it, but it’s the true truth!

We believe, we believe! - said the pigeons and cooed to the chickens sitting below: - Kur-kur! One hen, and others say even two, plucked all their feathers to distinguish themselves in front of the rooster! A risky undertaking. It won’t take long for them to catch a cold and die, but they already died!

Crow! - the rooster crowed, flying up onto the fence. - Wake up! - His eyes were still sticking together from sleep, and he was already shouting: “Three hens died from unhappy love for a rooster!” They plucked all their feathers! Such a nasty story! I don’t want to remain silent about her! Let it spread all over the world!

Let it go, let it go! - the bats squealed, the chickens clucked, the rooster crowed. - Let it go, let it go!

And the story spread from yard to yard, from chicken coop to chicken coop, and finally reached the place from where it started.

Five hens, it was said here, plucked out all their feathers to show which of them had lost more weight from their love for the rooster! Then they pecked each other to death, to the shame and disgrace of their entire family and to the loss of their masters!

The hen who dropped the feather had no idea that this whole story was about her, and, like a respectable hen in all respects, she said:

I despise these chickens! But there are many of them! However, one cannot remain silent about such things! And I, for my part, will do everything to ensure that this story gets into the newspapers! Let it spread all over the world - these chickens and their entire family are worth it!

And the newspapers actually published the whole story, and this is the true truth: from one feather it is not at all difficult to make as many as five chickens!

A terrible incident! - said the chicken, who lived on the other side of the city, and not where the incident happened. - A terrible incident in the chicken coop! I just don’t dare spend the night alone now! It's good that there are a lot of us in our place!

And she began to tell it, so much so that the feathers of all the chickens stood on end, and the rooster’s comb shrank. Yes, yes, the true truth!

But we'll start over, and it all started in a chicken coop on the other side of town.

The sun was setting and all the chickens were already roosting. One of them, a white short-legged hen in all respects, respectable and respectable, regularly laying the required number of eggs, having sat down comfortably, began to clean and preen itself before going to bed. And then one small feather flew out and fell to the ground.

Look, it's gone! - said the chicken. - Well, it’s okay, the more you prettify yourself, the prettier you become!

This was said as a joke - the hen was generally of a cheerful disposition, but this did not in the least prevent her from being, as already said, a very, very respectable hen. With that she fell asleep.

It was dark in the chicken coop. The chickens were sitting nearby, and the one that was sitting side by side with our hen was not yet sleeping: it wasn’t that she was deliberately eavesdropping on her neighbor’s words, but she heard it out of the corner of her ear - this is what you should do if you want to live in peace with your neighbors! And so she could not resist and whispered to her other neighbor:

Did you hear? I don’t want to name names, but there is a chicken among us who is ready to pluck all her feathers just to be more beautiful. If I were a rooster, I would despise her!

Just above the chickens an owl was sitting in a nest with her husband and children; Owls have keen hearing, and they did not miss a single word from their neighbor. At the same time, they all rolled their eyes intensely, and the owl waved its wings like fans.

Shh! Don't listen, kids! However, you, of course, have already heard? Me too. Oh! My ears are just drooping! One of the hens became so forgetful that she began plucking her feathers right in front of the rooster!

Be careful, there are children here! - said the owl father. - They don’t talk about such things in front of children!

We still need to tell our neighbor the owl about this, she is such a sweet person!

And the owl flew to the neighbor.

Uh-huh, uh-huh! - both owls then hooted right above the neighboring dovecote. - You heard? You heard? Yes! One hen plucked all her feathers because of the rooster! She will freeze, freeze to death! If it's not already frozen! Yes!

Kur-kur! Where where? - the pigeons cooed.

In the next yard! It happened almost before my eyes! It’s simply indecent to talk about it, but it’s the true truth!

We believe, we believe! - said the pigeons and cooed to the chickens sitting below: - Kur-kur! One hen, and others say even two, plucked all their feathers to distinguish themselves in front of the rooster! A risky undertaking. It won’t take long for them to catch a cold and die, but they already died!

Crow! - the rooster crowed, flying up onto the fence. - Wake up! - His eyes were still sticking together from sleep, and he was already shouting: “Three hens died from unhappy love for a rooster!” They plucked all their feathers! Such a nasty story! I don’t want to remain silent about her! Let it spread all over the world!

Let it go, let it go! - the bats squealed, the chickens clucked, the rooster crowed. - Let it go, let it go!

And the story spread from yard to yard, from chicken coop to chicken coop, and finally reached the place from where it started.

Five hens, it was said here, plucked out all their feathers to show which of them had lost more weight from their love for the rooster! Then they pecked each other to death, to the shame and disgrace of their entire family and to the loss of their masters!

The hen who dropped the feather had no idea that this whole story was about her, and, like a respectable hen in all respects, she said:

I despise these chickens! But there are many of them! However, one cannot remain silent about such things! And I, for my part, will do everything to ensure that this story gets into the newspapers! Let it spread all over the world - these chickens and their entire family are worth it!

And the newspapers actually published the whole story, and this is the true truth: from one feather it is not at all difficult to make as many as five chickens!

Fairy tale The real truth about gossip and gossipers. She is not only funny, but also instructive. Be sure to read the fairy tale online and discuss it with your child.

Fairy tale True truth read

In one chicken coop, a venerable hen, sitting on a roost, was doing her evening toilette - preening her feathers. One feather fell to the floor. The chicken thought out loud: “I cleaned my feathers and became more beautiful.” Her roost neighbor overheard the phrase said as a joke. She whispered a secret to another neighbor, changing its meaning. They say that the venerable hen wants to please the rooster so much that she plucked her own feathers. An owl was sitting in the nest above them. Owls have excellent hearing. She told her friend that the chicken had plucked all its feathers and was now freezing from the cold. The pigeons began to ask them who died from the cold. After some time, the pigeons told in another poultry yard that in one chicken coop three hens died from love for a rooster. The rooster, half asleep, did not understand what was happening, but was already shouting to the whole yard about the shameful incident. The gossip came back around lunchtime. It has acquired new details. It turns out that five hens first plucked all their feathers, then pecked each other to death in a competition for a rooster. The venerable hen did not recognize herself in this story. But she was outraged by the behavior of the frivolous chickens. Therefore, she demanded that this story be published in the newspaper for the edification of others. You can read the fairy tale online on our website.

Analysis of the fairy tale The True Truth

In the fairy tale The True Truth, the theme of rumors and gossip is revealed. Using irony, the author shows how one small feather produced five plucked chickens. The example of birds shows how quickly gossip spreads, acquiring ridiculous details. The author condemns gossipers. Gullible fools endure gossip without bothering to use their brains, thereby showing their primitivism. The main idea of ​​the fairy tale is that you cannot expect good from gossips and gossips. What does the fairy tale True Truth teach? The fairy tale teaches young and old not to trust dubious and unverified facts.

Moral of the story: True truth

Gossip needs to be stopped and gossipers put in their place. After all, a chain of gossip can not only lead to funny situations. Gossip can undermine a person's authority and destroy a family or career. Therefore, the moral of the fairy tale The True Truth is worth listening to.

Proverbs, sayings and fairy tale expressions

  • Not everything I heard was shallow.
  • Anyone who is smart will not support evil nonsense.
  • You tell the chicken, and she tells the whole street.
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