Fairy tale beauty and the beast summary read. What was the real story of beauty and the beast. Mysterious castle in the forest

One winter night, the prince throws a ball in his castle. An old beggar woman offers him a rose in exchange for shelter from the cold. The prince, disgusted by her appearance, throws the woman away, despite her warning not to be deceived by appearances. Transformed into a beautiful sorceress, she turns the prince into a monstrous Beast and his servants into household items, after which she erases the memories of the castle from the minds of everyone present at the ball. The Sorceress bewitches the rose, warning that the Beast, unless he learns to love another person and is able to achieve reciprocated love by the time the last petal falls, he will remain in his cursed state forever.

Several years later, in the settlement of Willenow, an eccentric book-obsessed girl named Belle is strolling through her town. A selfish hunter and ex-soldier named Gaston tries in vain to seduce Belle and marry her, but due to his personality, she keeps blowing him off. Gaston also doesn’t know, but his outrageous friend, LaFou, is secretly in love with him. Belle lives with her father, Maurice, who is overprotective of her due to the death of her mother when Belle was still a child. Maurice leaves, and suddenly, as darkness falls, he discovers a mysterious castle. He receives permission to enter from the invisible owner of the castle, but he immediately leaves after he begins to think that the glass of water is talking. When Maurice leaves, he picks a rose from a beautiful bush. This attracts the attention of an invisible creature, who pulls Maurice off his horse and drags him away.

The next day, Gaston sets up wedding paraphernalia in Belle's house and tries to ask her to marry him, but Belle humiliates and rejects him. Belle later sees her father's horse and, thinking that something bad has happened to him, rides the horse to the castle. There she sees Maurice, who is locked in a dungeon, and she begs the kidnapper (the Beast Prince) to free her father, and even says that she is ready to take his place.

The Beast agrees and one of his servants returns Maurice to the village. Belle grieves in the dungeon, but is suddenly freed by the castle's butler, Lumiere, who has been turned into a candelabra as a result of Agatha's curse, and he gives her a more comfortable room, despite the objections of the castle's majordomo, Cogsworth, who has been turned into a mantel clock. Belle meets other castle employees who have been cursed. With the castle's head cook Mrs. Potts, who was turned into a teapot, her son Chip, who was turned into a glass of water, the court composer, Maestro Cadenza, who was turned into a harpsichord, Cadenza's wife and opera singer, Madame de Garderobe, who was turned into wardrobe, and Lumiere's maid and friend Plumette, who was transformed into a feather duster.

At first Belle is distant from the Beast due to his cruel nature, but after he saves her from a pack of wolves, they begin to open up to each other and over time, the Beast begins to behave better, finding a person in his heart. Meanwhile, in the village, Maurice tries to call for help to save Belle, but everyone mistakes him for a madman. Gaston, in order to show himself in a good light, goes with Maurice, but when Maurice refuses him Belle's hand, Gaston, in order to avenge the humiliation, chains Maurice to a tree, to LaFou's horror.

Returning to the castle, after a romantic dance between Belle and the Beast, Belle sees through the magic mirror that Maurice, who was forged from the tree with Agatha's help, is feeling unwell, as his health has been undermined. The Beast, now in good spirits, allows Belle to leave the castle to look after Maurice, causing some grumbling from the servants. He even allows Belle to take the mirror with her. After Belle arrives at Maurice's house and tells him why she is no longer in the castle, an angry crowd unexpectedly approaches the house, led by Gaston, who told everyone in the city that Maurice is crazy, because he talks about the monster and that that Gaston wanted to kill him, leaving him in the forest. They intend to place Maurice in a mental asylum.

Belle uses the magic mirror to show everyone that Maurice is not crazy, but the villagers now begin to fear the beast. Gaston appeals to the villagers, persuading them to attack the beast. He locks Belle with Maurice so that she does not have time to warn the Beast. With the help of Maurice, Belle frees herself and rides Philippe in time to save the Beast. The servants fight with the crowd that has already entered the castle, and LaFou goes over to the side of the servants. Gaston manages to find the monster, who is sad, not seeing the beauty, and shoots him, apparently killing him, as he falls from the roof dead. When Belle appears, Gaston gloats about his victory, but the Beast gets up and fights Gaston, gaining the upper hand. Instead of killing Gaston, he orders him to leave. The monster goes to meet Belle. Gaston shoots the Beast from the footbridge. He wins, but the bridge crumbles and he falls to his death.

The beast dies in the arms of the beauty in his room. Belle is very sad. All enchanted servants lose their magical state and turn into real inanimate objects. Agatha enters the beast's room and uses magic dust to slowly turn it back into a human, resurrecting it. When he and Belle kiss, the other servants also transform from objects into people, and soon Mrs. Potts finds her husband Jean, a potter in Villeneuve.

The film ends with Belle dancing with the Beast as a prince in a ballroom, surrounded by her new family.

Charles Perrault fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast"

The main characters of the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast" and their characteristics

  1. Beauty, the youngest daughter of a merchant, beautiful and kind, brave and faithful, hard-working.
  2. The monster, scary in appearance, but kind and noble, only threatened death, but in fact helped everyone.
  3. The merchant, at first went broke, then met the Beast and became rich
  4. Sisters of the Beauties, envious and greedy, lazy.
  5. Fairy, kind, but also cruel.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast"
  1. Merchant family
  2. Daughters order gifts
  3. Ancient castle in the forest
  4. The monster and his demand
  5. The beauty goes to the castle
  6. Offer
  7. Sick father
  8. Second week of absence
  9. Dying Monster
  10. Beautiful Prince
  11. Fairy justice.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast” for a reader’s diary in 6 sentences:
  1. A merchant goes to town and his daughters ask him to bring them gifts.
  2. The merchant gets into a magic castle and picks a rose
  3. Beauty, the merchant's youngest daughter, goes to the Beast
  4. The Beast lets Beauty go to her father, but Beauty is too late to return.
  5. The Beauty declares her love for the Beast and he turns into a prince
  6. The Prince and the Beauties are getting married, the sisters are turning into statues.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast"
It is not appearance that is most important in any person, but what kind of heart he has.

What does the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast" teach?
This fairy tale teaches us to be honest, keep our word and not envy the success of others. The fairy tale teaches us not to pay attention to appearance, but to judge a person by his deeds and actions.

Review of the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast"
I liked the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast", although its ending was not entirely happy. The fairy set a strange condition for the sisters, turning them into statues - to become kinder. I don't understand how statues can do this. But of course I was happy for Beauty and the Beast, because their happiness is deserved and fair.

Signs of a fairy tale in the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast"

  1. The Enchanted Prince
  2. Magic mirror
  3. Magic ring
  4. Fairy-tale creature - fairy.
Proverb for the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast"
Judge not by appearance, but by deeds.
All that glitters is not gold.
If you give your word, keep it, and if you don’t give it, keep it.

Summary, brief retelling of the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast"
The merchant had three daughters and three sons. The youngest daughter's name was Beauty.
The merchant went bankrupt, but one day he received a message that one of his ships had been found. The merchant went to the city and asked his daughters what to bring them. The elders asked for dresses, and the youngest for a rose.
The merchant paid off his debts and had nothing left. He drove home and saw an ancient castle. The merchant saw the table set and ate, then slept, and in the morning he found coffee and buns. As the merchant was leaving, he picked a rose from the rose bush and a terrible monster immediately appeared.
He said that his name was the Beast and wanted to kill the merchant. The merchant told about his daughters and the Beast released him on the condition that he return in three months to the merchant or his daughter, and gave him a chest of money for the journey.
The merchant returned home and told about the Beast. The youngest daughter decided to go to the Beast.
She found a table set for two and dined with the Beast. She did not hide from the Beast that he was very scary.
One day the Beast asked her to marry him, but Beauty refused.
In the magic mirror, Beauty saw that her father was sick and the Beast allowed her to visit her father, but said that if Beauty did not return in a week, it would die.
The beauty put the magic ring by the bed and woke up at home. Her sisters were jealous of her beautiful dress and jewelry. They persuaded Beauty to stay another week.
On the ninth day, Beauty had a dream in which the Beast was dying. She immediately put the ring by the bed and woke up in the Beast's castle.
Beauty found the Beast dying and sprinkled it on his face. The monster said that he was dying happy. But Beauty said that she loved him and agreed to marry the Beast.
Immediately, instead of the Beast, a handsome prince appeared and they went to the castle. Beauty's father and sisters were there. A fairy appeared who said that Beauty would be the queen of the castle, and turned the sisters into statues.

Illustrations and drawings for the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast"

Once upon a time there lived a rich merchant, and he had three daughters. All the daughters were good, but the father loved the youngest - Beauty - most of all. And not only the father.

Everyone loved the beauty for her beauty and kind heart.

One day the merchant went bankrupt, and he and his daughters were forced to move to the village. Of the three sisters, only Beauty was not afraid to work hard.

In order not to experience any more troubles, the merchant went to overseas countries. He saw a lot, and now he found himself in a wonderful palace. How many treats were there on the table!

After eating, the merchant got drunk and went for a walk in the garden. He sees scarlet roses. “Give me,” he thinks, “I’ll pick it for my youngest daughter.” He had just picked the rose when a shaggy monster appeared in front of him.

For picking my flower, you will pay me! - his voice boomed. - Let your beloved daughter Beauty come here instead of you!

Nothing to do. And so it happened.

And Beauty appeared in the Beast's palace. Many days passed, Beauty became friends with the Beast, because he was not at all evil. And the Beast loved the girl with all his heart.

But Beauty missed her home, her father and sisters. One day, in a magic mirror, she saw that her father was sick, and the Beast sent Beauty home for a while.

But remember, if you don’t come back, I will die of grief and sadness! - the Beast said goodbye.

How glad we were to see Beauty at home! No one wanted to let her go back to the palace.

I can’t leave the good Beast, I promised to return! - Beauty said to her family and found herself in the palace.

And - lo and behold! - Beauty's love cast a spell on the Beast, he became a handsome prince.

In one state there lived a family of a wealthy merchant, consisting of three daughters and sons. Everyone called the youngest one Beauty because she was beautiful. Her sisters did not like her, since everyone liked her.

Soon trouble came to the merchant's house. During a storm, all his goods drowned, and he and his entire family had to move to a farm and work to earn their living.

The whole year went on like this. The beauty did any work around the house, and even went out into the field to visit her brothers, while her sisters wandered around the yard doing nothing.

Suddenly, the merchant received news of his missing ship, and he again became a wealthy man. Going to the city to get money, he asked his children what gifts to bring them.

The older sisters wanted a lot of elegant clothes, and the younger sister asked for a rose. In the city, their father paid off all his debts and became poor again. Returning home, he got lost and found himself in a dark forest. The merchant felt cold and scared. But suddenly he saw a beautiful castle very close by. When he went there, he saw that there was no one there, and the table with food was set for one person. Without waiting for the owner, the merchant ate and fell fast asleep.

In the morning, without seeing the owner, he thanked him with words, and, mounting the horse that had been prepared for him, went home. Driving past the garden, he picked a beautiful rose for his youngest daughter.

And as soon as he did this, a huge monster appeared and said that he must give his life for the offense he had committed. But the merchant began to justify himself that he did not do it on purpose, but promised to get it for his daughter as a present. The monster let the merchant go, and even gave him a whole chest of treasures, but only on one condition. If he does not want to die himself, then let him send one of his children. In the worst case, he must return on his own.

Arriving home, the merchant told about his adventures. The older sisters began to blame Beauty, the brothers were eager to kill the monster. But Beauty, having a noble heart, went to the forest monster to protect their family from misfortune.

Arriving at the palace, in the large hall she saw a table with prepared food for two people. Suddenly a monster appeared in front of her and asked if he was forcing her to come here. Having heard a negative answer, the monster promised not to offend her.

He did everything for her. I prepared a special room, books, outfits. And Beauty admitted to the monster that, although he was ugly, he was very kind and noble.

One day, looking in the magic mirror, she saw that her father was sick, and she asked to go home. The monster, having sent her to her family, gave her a magic ring with which she can return to him. But if this does not happen, he will die of melancholy.

Beauty's return home inspired the father, but on the contrary angered the sisters. They looked with envy at her expensive dresses and the girl’s even more blossoming beauty.

A week later she got ready to go back, but her sisters did not let her go, and Beauty stayed for a while longer. One day she dreamed that the Beast was dying without her. And she resolutely returns to the castle. There, in the garden, she sees a dying monster. The girl hugged him without being afraid and asked him not to die, because she loves him so much and is ready to become his wife. And as soon as these words were spoken, the gloomy castle turned into a most charming palace, and instead of the monster there was a beautiful king. The magic spell has broken.

The sorceress who appeared appointed Beauty the queen of the castle, and turned the evil sisters into stone statues for their bad character. The beauty and the prince got married and lived in complete harmony.

The fairy tale teaches us that appearance is not the most important thing in a person, but his rich spiritual world.

Picture or drawing of Beauty and the Beast

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Film "Beauty and the Beast": description, plot, trailer, actors, photos, poster

Original name: Beauty and the Beast

A country: USA

Genre: musical, fantasy, melodrama

Actors and roles in the film Beauty and the Beast

Emma Watson, Luke Evans, Ewan McGregor, Dan Stevens, Emma Thompson, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Stanley Tucci, Ian McKellen, Kevin Kline, Josh Gad

The main role, the beautiful Belle, is played by 26-year-old actress Emma Watson, a friend of hers from the film “Harry Potter.”

The Beast is played by Dan Stevens. He starred in films - “The Guest”; "The Fifth Estate"; "Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb"; "Daunt Abbey".

Gaston the Hunter is played by Luke Evan.

Belle's father is played by actor Kevin Kline in the film.

Summary of the film Beauty and the Beast

The plot of the next film on the theme of Beauty and the Beast is unpretentious and simple. However, it is very interesting how modern computer technology will embellish the old fairy tale.

The plot of the film "Beauty and the Beast"

In ancient times, in an ancient castle there lived a young prince named Adam. He was no prince, but as a person he was even worse. The angry and narcissistic young man eventually angered the sorceress and she, naturally, bewitched him, turning him into a frog. It was a joke about the frog.

She turned him into a disgusting monster, although the artists even painted him as a very nice monster, one might say noble.

She also managed to, together with Adam, bewitch the castle servants.

As time went. The castle was aging, and life went on as usual. It seemed that no one and nothing could change the current state of affairs. Adam will be able to return to normal only after the magic rose, enchanted by the Sorceress, loses the last petal from its bud.

But there is one thing. During this time, Adam needs to change - to become kind and fair. And the main thing is to fall in love, and not just fall in love, but the love must be mutual. But who would love a monster, even a cute one? It seems that the situation is hopeless.

At the same time, a girl named Belle was born in a small village. He grew and blossomed.

One day her father went to the fair and got lost. Wandering through the dark forest, he unexpectedly stumbles upon an enchanted castle and carelessly enters it.

Now he is at the mercy of the enchanted castle and the Beast.

From now on, two lives, the father and the monster, are in the hands of the beautiful Belle.

But if only it were that simple.

A certain Gaston, a wonderful hunter, passionately in love with Belle, having not achieved reciprocity, will stand at the head of the hunters and try to kill the Beast.

Beauty and the Beast movie poster

Trailer for the film Beauty and the Beast

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