Fabulously epic genre technological map according to federal state standards. Presentation on the topic "fairy-tale-epic genre". Illustrations for fairy tales

Turning to themes of folk mythology, Vasnetsov radically changed the Russian historical genre, combining historical realities, reproduced with archaeological accuracy, with the exciting atmosphere of legend. He drew the content of his paintings from the beautiful, romantic world of folk fantasy.



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Victor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov 1848 - 1926 Fairy-tale - epic genre in painting


Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov was born on May 15, 1848 in the Russian village of Lopyal, Urzhum district, Vyatka province (now Kirov region), in the family of an Orthodox priest. Initially he studied at the theological seminary in Vyatka (1862-67), then, fascinated by art, he entered the drawing school at the St. Petersburg Society for the Encouragement of Arts, where in 1867-68 he studied under the guidance of I. N. Kramskoy. In 1868-75 he improved his skills at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Since 1878 - member of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions.

The artist loved to wander through the old Moscow streets. And when he returned home, he often said: “How many miracles I have seen!” In front of St. Basil's Cathedral I could not hold back my tears. What was seen and experienced matured in the film “Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible”

Painting “Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible”

The figure of the king occupied almost the entire canvas. Ivan the Terrible, dressed in a brocade opashen, in a cap with icons, in embroidered mittens, descended the steep stairs. His appearance was majestic, his face expressed will, great intelligence and at the same time suspicion, embitterment and anger. The strictly consistent color scheme of the painting created the impression of monumentality.

After the massacre of Igor Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsians

In the painting “After the Massacre of Igor Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsians,” the artist wanted to solemnly, sadly and poetically glorify the heroism of Russian soldiers, as did the creator of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” That is why he depicted not the horrors of battle, but the greatness of death for the homeland. Peace emanates from the bodies of the fallen. The beautiful, mighty hero, lying with his arms spread wide, and the young prince in azure robes personified the idea of ​​selfless service to the Motherland.

Knight at the crossroads

Twilight steppe, a former battlefield with bones scattered across it. The evening dawn is burning down. A prophetic stone stands as a warning at the crossroads of three roads. The knight who stopped in front of him was immersed in deep thought.


In the film “Bogatyrs”, the heroes of Russian epics, beloved by the people, appear as defenders of their people. In a combination of courage and pride, intelligence and dexterity, and unbending greatness of spirit, the heroic outpost of ancient Rus' is embodied in Vasnetsov’s painting. The laconic landscape palpably conveys the vastness and vastness of Russian fields.


One of the artist’s most poetic creations is the painting “Alyonushka” - an image of a bitter orphan’s lot. A lonely sad girl sits on a stone by the water. There are forests around. And, as if taking part in her grief, they bow to the orphan aspen tree, guard her slender fir trees, and swallows chirp affectionately over her. There is grief in Alyonushka’s brown eyes, and like her grief, the pool is dark and deep. Tears are falling and golden leaves are flying down.

Vasnetsov carried his love for folklore and Russian folk tales throughout his life. His painting “The Flying Carpet” (1880) is full of poetic fabulousness. The silhouette of the carpet, spread out like a strange bird, and the desert steppes far below, and the lucky Ivanushka - all this excites the viewer’s imagination, evoking in him the images he loved from childhood.

Carpet plane

Among Vasnetsov’s paintings on fairy-tale subjects, “Ivan the Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf”, “Three Princesses of the Underground Kingdom”, “The Sleeping Princess”, “The Snow Maiden” and others are famous.

Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf

The Snow Maiden is a character from a folk tale about a girl made of snow who came to life. Like all other characters of Vasnetsov, Snegurochka reflects the ideal of beauty, “pure snow-covered Russia,” and nature completely repeats the mood of the heroine. An unknown forest, scattered fir trees, a gloomy but moonlit sky and snow sparkling under the moon with a bright shine.

Snow Maiden

The painting “The Sleeping Princess” takes us into a real fairy tale. Bright rich colors only emphasize the unusualness of what is happening in front of us. The painted tower, the bear and peacocks sitting on the branches, the jester and the young guslar, the emerald green of the forests - all this looks like a child’s joyful dream. That’s right, we caught just that moment when the princess pricked her finger with a spindle, and a terrible prediction came true - not only the girl, but the entire huge kingdom fell asleep. People, birds, animals, flowers and trees - everyone is sleeping. It seems that not a single breeze dares to disturb the enchanted palace, not a single sound will reach here.

Sleeping Princess

The painting “Three Princesses of the Underground Kingdom” depicts three princesses: gold, precious stones and coal - the mysterious depths of the earth. It is written on the plot of the fairy tale of the same name. The peasant son Ivan, descending underground, found the kingdom of gold, precious stones and iron and brought the princesses of these kingdoms to earth. Vasnetsov depicts three princesses in luxurious decorations, symbolizing the richness of the Earth's interior.

Three princesses of the underworld

BOYAN (Bayan), Russian songwriter of the 11th - 12th centuries, composed songs of glory in honor of the exploits of princes. First mentioned in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” The accordion was captured by the artist during the “magical process” - the performance of songs. The long gray hair of this hero flutters in the wind, large burning eyes stand out on his face, directed somewhere into the distance... The warriors surrounding him They personify the force that is called upon to protect Russia.

Turning to themes of folk mythology, Vasnetsov radically changed the Russian historical genre, combining historical realities, reproduced with archaeological accuracy, with the exciting atmosphere of legend. He drew the content of his paintings from the beautiful, romantic world of folk fantasy.

Savina Galina Vladimirovna

Art teacher

"Berestyanskaya Secondary School" - branch of MKOU "Demushkinskaya Secondary School"

« Organization of artistic and aesthetic activities of schoolchildren during aesthetic lessons»

Work program on fine art grade 7 for teaching materialsA. S. Piterskikh, G. E. Gurov “Fine arts grades 7-8”, edited by B. M. Nemensky.

Fine arts lesson "Fairytale-epic genre. The magical world of fairy tales." 7th grade

The purpose of the lesson:

Educational – form an idea of ​​the fairy-tale genrebased on the example of illustrations for fairy talesV.M. Vasnetsova

Educational – cultivate a love for folk art,moral, aesthetic andartistic and aestheticattitude towards the worldchildren's love for the work of children's book artists and interest in art.

Developmental – develop a general outlook, memory, speech,creative attitude to completing a task.

Tasks :

1. Educational - to form an idea of ​​the fairy-tale genre.

2. Educational - to cultivate a moral and aesthetic attitude towards the world, love and interest in art.

3.Developing - to develop skills in search work and collective perception, a creative attitude to completing a task.

Equipment and materials:

1. Multimedia projector; multimedia presentation for the lesson.

2. Reproductions of works by V. Vasnetsov, based on fairy tales, as well as books with illustrations.

3. Art materials: watercolor and gouache paints, brushes, colored pencils, water jars, palette.

4. On stands, walls, cabinets - illustrations to Russian folk tales: “Alyonushka”, “Bogatyrs”, “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf”
5. On the board are the words “Fairy tales!” Who didn’t love them in Rus'!”

Lesson structure for learning new knowledge:

Lesson steps

Teacher action

Student action

Organizing time

Hello guys! Check the readiness of the workplace. On your tables you should have:watercolor and gouache paints, brushes, colored pencils, water jars, palette.

Greetings to the teacher!

1 min

Repetition of what has been learned.

We continue to consider genres of painting. Let's remember all the genres that you know.

The teacher writes down the names of the genres on the board or attaches ready-made printed ones to the board; if the children find it difficult, he helps.

Studentscalled genres.

- Mythological genre

Battle genre

Everyday genre


Historical genre

Still life

Animalistic genre


- Fairy-tale genre

Creating a problematic situation.

And in order to find out the topic of today's lesson, I suggest you complete a small task. The cards contain definitions of the genres that we wrote on the board. Your task is to find the correct definition for each one. To do this, we take one task at a time,and on the board we combine the definitionto the appropriate genre.

The teacher distributes cards to students.

(1sheet)-Mythological genre

(2sheet)-Battle genre

(3sheet)-Everyday genre

(4 sheet) -Scenery

(5 sheet) -Historical genre

(6 sheet) -Still life

(7 sheet) -Animalistic genre

(8 sheet)-Portrait

We coped with the task, but one genremissed, name it.

Think about it, what is the topic of our lesson?

Right. Well done! And our last definition.

(9sheet)-Fairytale - epic genre (attaches definition)

1 illustration of myths and legends of different peoples.

2 depiction of battles, military exploits, military operations

3 depiction of scenes from a person's everyday, personal life

4 depiction of nature, environment, countryside views, etc.

5 depiction of historical events and characters

6 image of inanimate objects(utensils, fruits, dead game, bouquets of flowers, etc.)

7 image of animals.

8 image of the external and internal appearance of a person or group of people

Children call.

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

Fairytale - epic genre.

9 description of fairy tales and epics

Setting the lesson goal.

Imagine if you found yourself in an unfamiliar society and in order to somehow address those present, what would you do?

Right. And so let’s write down what we have in order to determine the purpose of our lesson.

The teacher makes notes on the board - “fairy-tale-epic genre”, “V.M. Vasnetsov”, “Getting acquainted”.

Let's try to formulate the purpose of our lesson based on this (if necessary, the teacher helps).

Writes down the topic of the lessons on the board. Asks one of the students to read.

Let's get acquainted.

Students formulate the purpose of the lesson.

To get acquainted with the fairy-tale genre in painting using the example of the work of V.M. Vasnetsova.

Updating knowledge

Slide 1. – portrait of the artist V.M. Vasnetsov.

There are books on your desks. Read about the artistV.M. Vasnetsov.

(One student reads aloud, the rest follow along from the book).

Slide 2.

Turning to the topic of the lesson, answer what two key concepts are spelled out here?

Let's remember what a fairy tale is, what an epic is?

The teacher displays on the slide the definitions of the concepts “Fairy Tale” and “Epic”. Asks the children to read.

Slide 3.

Slide 4.

One of the students reads aloud, the rest follow the text.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov was born in 1848 on May 15 in a village with the funny name Lopyal. Vasneytsov's father was a priest, as were his grandfather and great-grandfather. Viktor Vasnetsov had 5 brothers, one of whom also became a famous artist, his name was Apollinaris.
Vasnetsov's talentmanifested itself in childhood, but the extremely unfortunate financial situation in the family left no options for how to send Victor to the Vyatka Theological School in 1858. Already at the age of 14, Viktor Vasnetsov studied at the Vyatka Theological Seminary. Children of priests were taken there for free.

Victor VasnetsovdiedJuly 231926.

They give tentative answers.

Fairy tale, epic.

Children are reading.

A fairy tale is a magical world into which we often plunge. We experience a feeling of sadness, joy... A fairy tale is a miracle!

Bylinas are ancient Russian epic songs and tales, glorifying the exploits of heroes, reflecting historical events of the 11th - 16th centuries.

Physical education minute

Now we will visit the museum, where we will admire illustrations for fairy tales. To do this, let's go to the paintings that are in our makeshift gallery.

- Look at this picture. It depicts three famous heroes of Russian legends and epics - Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich.

Let's move on to the next reproduction. Here we see Alyonushka, who is an illustration for the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and her brother Ivanushka.”

The next painting by Viktor Vasnetsov, “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf,” is perhaps one of the most folkloric works of Russian fine art.

Our excursion is over. Go to your seats.

Children get up and approach the paintings.

Students listen.

Studentstake their places.

Consolidation of acquired knowledge.

Today in the lesson you will be illustrators and color homemade books for children's fairy tales and epics. Let's remember their name.

Well done!

Now I will distribute coloring books for fairy tales. You fold them in half, and you will get homemade books (shows clearly)

which you can give to your little sisters and brothers.

If you wish, you can sign the text for the illustrations.

The teacher advises children if necessary.

Slide 5.

Bylin - “Dobrynya Nikitich”, “Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich”

Fairy tales- “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, “Ivan Tsarevichand the gray wolf"

The children begin to do their work.


Write down the homework assignment. Complete the work in color, which will be assessed in the next lesson.

Now pick up the emoticon that matches your mood in today's lesson.

(Smileys are on the ports in advance)

Write down tasks in a diary.

Reflection (summarizing the lesson)

At the end of the lesson, let’s remember what topic we learned about in today’s lesson.

That's right, well done!

And let's return to the purpose of our lesson.

Did you achieve the goal of the lesson?

What new things have you learned about yourself?

What was your practical work?

Thank you all for the lesson, goodbye!

Slide 6.

(Everyone cleans their workplace).

Fairytale - epic genre.

- Get acquainted with the fairy-tale genre in painting using the example of creativity

V.M. Vasnetsova.


Color illustrations and make homemade books for kids.

Additional material for the lesson:

1. Epigraph.

"Fairy tales! Who didn’t love them in Rus'!”


Mythological genre

Battle genre

Everyday genre


3. I didn’t understand much, I still need to work

7th grade Topic: Fairy-tale genre. The magical world of fairy tales.

1. General information about the lesson: the lesson was held on February __, 20__ at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Savdyansk Secondary School named after Taranov, in the 7th grade. Teacher - Bocharova Irina Vladimirovna. There were 9 students present at the lesson. 1 lesson according to schedule. The lesson was held in a classroom.
Classroom environment: the classroom is clean, all students are ready for the lesson.
for the teacher - presentations “Genres of Fine Art”, drawings on the board, cards for drawing fairy-tale characters.
for students - sketchbook, brush, gouache, watercolors.
Organization of the beginning of the lesson: students greeted the teacher while standing.
Lesson topic: The children reveal the topic of the lesson as they complete the task.
Educational – to form an idea of ​​the fairy-tale genre using the example of illustrations for fairy tales
Educational - to cultivate a love for folk art, respect for the folk artist who creates beauty for the joy of people.
Developmental – development of general outlook, memory, speech, thinking.
Lesson type: Learning new material.
The main goal of this type of lesson is to give students knowledge on a new lesson topic. The lesson consists of an organizational moment, consolidation of the studied material, presentation of new theoretical material and instructions for completing a practical task.
I prepared for the lesson in a timely manner, prepared all the visual material that will be needed during the lesson. The content, thematic focus and technology were fully consistent with the level of development of the class.
I used my study time rationally. The lesson began with an organizational moment, which began with the students’ working spirit for the lesson. With the help of diagrams and drawings, I led the students to the topic of today's lesson, where the students themselves clearly revealed the goals and objectives of the lesson.
The presentation of new material - the main part of this type of lesson - is carried out using the method of explanation, story with elements of demonstration. To increase the effectiveness of the educational process, during the lesson I used diagrams of the sequence of sketches of fairy-tale characters. For a complete comparison of the distinctive features, plot-thematic paintings were presented as necessary.
I consolidated the new material in the form of a game - the presentation “Fairy-tale characters speak.” At this stage, the students’ knowledge that was acquired during the presentation of theoretical material was very clearly visible.
Before moving on to independent work, a physical examination was carried out. a minute, to preserve the health of students.
During independent work, the teacher provided individual assistance to students based on individual abilities.
At the end of the lesson, an exhibition of students’ work was held, where the work was analyzed: what worked and what didn’t? I was clearly able to see how the students understood this topic. Student assessment.
The lesson was completed in poetic form.

Fairy-tale genre. (mythological genre) (Lesson-reasoning) Objectives: 1. To form ideas about the fabulously epic genre in painting using the example of the works of V. Vasnetsov and I. Bilibin, M. Vrubel. 2. To cultivate a moral and aesthetic attitude towards the world, love and interest in art. 3 Develop skills in search work and collective perception, a creative attitude towards completing a task. Lesson plan 1 Conversation about the features of the fairy-tale genre. 2. Story - a message about the life and work of I. Bilibin, V. Vasnetsov, M. Vrubel. 3. Completing the test task. 4. Summing up and analyzing the task.

From Greek (my thos) - tradition. A genre of fine art dedicated to events and characters about which myths, legends, and traditions tell. The mythological genre was formed during the Renaissance, when ancient legends provided rich subjects for paintings by S. Botticelli, Giorgione, and frescoes by Raphael.

Vasnetsov Viktor Mikhailovich (g.) (g.) Bogatyrs “Legends of deep antiquity”

Bilibin Ivan Yakovlevich (g.) Is a prominent representative of “modern” in Russian graphics, created an ornamental and decorative graphically expressive “Bilibin style” of book illustration, based on the stylization of folk popular print motifs, embroidery, and wood carvings.

Vrubel Mikhail Aleksandrovich (g.) ...Beyond the sea there is a princess that you can’t take your eyes off: During the day the light of God is eclipsed, At night the earth is illuminated, The moon glitters under the scythe, And in the forehead the star burns. A.S. Pushkin

Test task 1. option Which of the Vasnetsov brothers created the painting “Bogatyrs”: Victor or Apollinaris? Which Russian artist designed the façade of the Tretyakov Gallery building? Sitting, flying, defeated... And all the same character from the same artist, only the paintings are different. Name the artist and character. 2. option Which of the Vasnetsov brothers painted the paintings “The Moscow Kremlin under Ivan Kalita” and “The Moscow Kremlin under Dmitry Donskoy”: Victor or Apollinary? In 1896, Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov was awarded the high title of “Honorary Citizen of Moscow.” Which artist painted this letter? Name the Russian artist, the author of the painting “The Swan Princess”.

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