How long do they keep the clothes of a deceased person? When can you distribute the belongings of the deceased: advice from a priest, useful information

After the death of a person, relatives and family mourn and feel sad, and all the little things in the house remind them of the deceased. Many people wonder what to do with all the personal belongings of the deceased after he passes into the “other world.” They are also interested in: “Is it possible to wear things after the deceased?”

Customs of different peoples of the world

There is a huge number of people on the planet, all people belong to different religions and their own beliefs. And everyone approaches death differently. In Western countries, the question about death is posed in this way: that after it, the soul of every person lives, that is, it ends up in two well-known places. It's either Heaven or Hell. Actions are weighed on the scales of “good and evil” and on the basis of this the soul is sent to the right place.

In the East, they believe that the hovering soul does not die after death, but continues to travel throughout the world, and can be reborn into any other living creature. Among them:

  • plants;
  • People;
  • animals.

The direction of the soul, of course, does not end precisely after death; they say that if during life a person has not fully “worked off” his own “debts,” so to speak, then he will definitely be reborn in order to complete everything that he did not have time to do.

Eastern people always cremate the deceased, and some of the peoples belonging to the East burn the body at the stake, after which, along with the body, all its belongings. This raises the question, where to put the personal belongings of the deceased?

What to do with personal belongings

The energy of death is very different from the living bioenergy of a living person. Many people with psychic abilities describe the energy of the dead as cold, viscous, viscous, or one that makes the body shiver. From this we can say that it differs significantly from the energy of living things.

Some believe that after washing the clothes of the deceased, they can be safely worn, dust and dirt can be washed off from the clothes, but all the information and energy of the deceased cannot be erased, and cannot be washed off in any way. This is something to consider before putting on your outfits.

Nothing lasts forever in this world. Death is the logical conclusion of life’s journey; it cannot be foreseen and the deadlines allotted on Earth cannot be postponed. This is so inevitable that no one is able to resist this process. The unknown is scary, and there are many myths and assumptions associated with death, because no one knows for sure what will happen next. Is there an afterlife, and is the soul immortal?

A person is alive as long as he is remembered. All personal belongings that he used during his life are another reminder of a loved one. Some people believe that you can wear the things of a deceased person, and there is nothing terrible or reprehensible about it. After all, often after death there remains a lot of good-quality clothes and shoes, which are simply a pity to throw away, but not everyone can wear them. Because overcoming the psychological barrier is not an easy task. What to do?

Psychologists' opinion

To the question “is it possible to wear the things of a deceased person?”, psychologists give a unanimous answer: it is impossible. Having put on the clothes of the deceased, his relative, friend, just a close person will constantly think about him. Of course, the memory of someone who has passed on to another world needs to be honored, but not in this way. What are the risks? Yes, at least in the fact that such clothes will constantly sow panic, unreasonable anxiety, not always light sadness and mental disorder. So it’s not far from depression or serious mental illness.

Of course, if the deceased left behind an expensive leather jacket, then throwing it away is at least unreasonable. But putting it on yourself immediately after a sad event is not recommended. It's better to put it out of sight. You need to wait about six months, and only then try it on yourself. And if you don’t mind, then you can simply give the jacket to someone.

There is an opinion that things, and not only clothes and shoes, are capable of accumulating the energy of the person who wore them. This is true. The concept of “energy memory” has not been canceled, which means that wearing jewelry that was worn by a now deceased person during his lifetime is fraught with certain consequences. If the former owner of the jewelry was kind, generous and had good energy, then such a piece will be of great benefit to its current owner. But if the jewelry belonged to an unkind person with strong energy, then it is better to put such a product away, because wearing it will not lead to anything good.

Common sense or prejudice?

Who will win this battle depends on the person’s worldview, his upbringing and personal attitude towards such things. All people are different: someone can put on the clothes of the deceased literally the next day after his death, while others will never do this, even if it is a chic mink coat or an arctic fox fur coat. For some, the question “is it possible to wear things after a deceased person?” is not spicy. It is clear that such clothes need to be thoroughly washed and ironed or dry cleaned.

But there is one rule that is the same for everyone, both for connoisseurs of tradition and for those who disdain generally accepted canons: shoes left over from a deceased person should never be worn! On the fortieth day after death, it must be given to strangers, and completely free of charge! If you don’t respect traditions and are skeptical about omens, at least respect the deceased. This belief arose quite a long time ago. And it clearly did not arise out of nowhere. If you need to give away your shoes, give them away. Why feel sorry for her?

What to do with the belongings of deceased children

It is believed that a child from the moment of birth until the age of seven is an angel. And after death, his soul, bypassing the Last Judgment, immediately goes to heaven. The death of a child is such a terrible tragedy in the life of parents that it is not easy to survive. After all, parents live with their grief for the rest of their lives. If such an irreparable disaster happened, what should you do with the child’s things? Definitely, they cannot be given to other children. Accordingly, you cannot accept such gifts either. In order not to offend the inconsolable parents, you can take the gift, but using it is strictly prohibited. No one wishes harm to their offspring, so why give them the opportunity to use things that have necrotic energy?

Children have a special sensitivity to negative energy, therefore they are very vulnerable. So is it necessary to expose them to such dangers? As for the parents of a deceased child, they are advised to throw away all the child’s belongings. After all, accidentally stumbling upon them, for example, while cleaning an apartment, can cause such emotional shock that it will be impossible to do without the help of specialists. And you don’t need to give your baby’s clothes and toys to anyone. It’s better to leave a couple of items as a keepsake, so that in moments of unbearable melancholy you have something to cry over.

What to do with things left after the death of cancer patients

There is a theory: cancer is an infection. It may be secondary, but it is an infection! So is it necessary to take risks by wearing clothes left over from people who died from this terrible disease? Absolutely no! Bed linen, personal belongings, items of clothing - it is recommended not to just throw it in the trash, but to burn it. Everything that can be washed is washed, and not just with warm water, but with the use of sanitary gel or other, more reliable and strong means - the same “bleach”.

If good clothes are left from the deceased, then the bravest, of course, can wear them, but first the most thorough sanitary treatment must be carried out. But what to do with jewelry if the deceased had any? Any metal perfectly absorbs any energy and is considered an excellent carrier of information about a person. And what kind of energy can a cancer patient have, especially when the disease progresses and the owner of the jewelry dies in terrible agony, when pain and suffering literally haunt him, and he is not happy with himself and is waiting for death as a release from his torment?

It is clear that the most negative. Therefore, leave something as a souvenir: a ring, earrings or a chain, and take everything else to a pawnshop and hand it over as scrap gold, and with the money raised, it’s better to build a good monument for the deceased. This will probably be the most correct decision. After all, the dead no longer need anything - neither gold nor silver. They only need memory. And the word “monument” is a derivative of “memory”. Do we need even more compelling arguments?

What do psychics think about this?

To the question: “is it possible to wear the things of a deceased person,” psychics can answer unequivocally and unanimously - it is possible, but not advisable. The fact is that a piece of the soul of the deceased remains in his things, and when a living person begins to use them, then negative karma passes to him. It is believed that the soul leaves the earth on the fortieth day after death. And if some item was considered unloved by the deceased, then his personal energy does not last long, which means that such clothes can be worn on the fortieth day. But if the clothes were worn often and were loved, then their energy shell is destroyed for quite a long time. Therefore, there is no need to rush in this matter, and it is better to wait one year.

As for jewelry, especially items with diamonds, it is better to refrain from wearing them, because diamonds are a treacherous and not a good stone. It is capable of carrying information about its owner for not just tens, but hundreds of years. That's why ancient diamonds bring nothing but misfortune. In order to protect themselves from the influence of negative energy, psychics use certain rituals. Salt and holy water are used to carry them out. But the most effective way is considered to be energy cleansing.

Is it possible for relatives to carry the things of a deceased person? After energy cleansing, it is possible, but not earlier than forty days after death. Of course, not all clothes can be worn. For example, relatives, and everyone else, are not allowed to wear the deceased’s underwear and the clothes he was wearing at the time of death. But if you had a bad relationship with the deceased, then you cannot wear his clothes, because negative energy will definitely manifest itself.

How does the Orthodox Church relate to this issue?

Superstitions and the church are so far from each other that they are considered completely opposite concepts. Orthodoxy categorically does not accept some rituals and traditions associated with funerals, and indeed with death in general. It is believed that a glass of water covered with a slice of bread, which is placed at a wake, is a misinterpretation of ritual rites. However, this attribute is mandatory when holding such a sad event, and its presence has become a tradition. But the church perceives this ritual as a relic of paganism and does not consider it a traditional ritual.

As for the clothes of the deceased, in Russian Orthodoxy it is customary to distribute them to all those in need. That is, people wear it and remember the deceased with a kind word, pray for his soul and thank him for partial deliverance from need. Such clothes are distributed precisely for the purpose of remembering the soul. It should be noted that the Orthodox Church is very skeptical about “black energy”, “auras”, “karmas” and other concepts. “Is it possible to wear the things of a deceased person?” Orthodoxy answers this question unequivocally: it is possible. And it’s best to keep only those things that are valuable not financially, but as a memory. It makes sense to take what remains to a church or parish, and then they will be given to those who really need it.


There is no need to be afraid of the dead, because they will no longer bring any harm to anyone, but you need to be afraid of the living. The living should be feared, not the dead, because they will no longer bring any harm. Everyone successfully uses what the dead left them as a legacy: language, their knowledge, works of art and much more. So should you be afraid of their things? If we analyze what is written above, we can conclude: things of the dead can be used, but with some reservations.

This question involuntarily arises among people who are faced with the death of a loved one. And almost everyone has an inner feeling that it is impossible to wear the things of the deceased.

Psychologists believe that the things of the deceased will involuntarily remind of him, provoking the already shattered psyche of those around him.

Psychics literally feel dead things and warn people not to wear things of seriously ill people and those who suffered before death.

The Church, on the contrary, believes that the things of the deceased should be distributed to the poor and needy, to give things a second life, so that they, in turn, will pray for the soul of the deceased.

What to do with the belongings of the deceased?

Since ancient times, people believed that the clothes of the deceased begin to emit dead energy, which has a bad effect on the living, and therefore ALL personal belongings were burned. Many people think that if they had a warm relationship with a deceased person, then his things can be worn as a memory, and there, in heaven, the deceased will be pleased that his things continue to live and are not thrown into the trash.

It is believed that the clothes worn by the deceased NOT often, after 40 days it becomes wearable. There are some superstitious rules, perhaps they have a real basis, perhaps they are capable of psychologically setting you up for the fact that your clothes have been cleaned:

1. Things can be soaked in salt water and then washed.
2.After washing, the item is sprinkled with holy water.
3. Things can be remade and altered.

However, the personal belongings of the deceased and bed linen are in almost all cases thrown away or even burned. For some, clothes are a memory, but for others, they are pain. Therefore, some try to get rid of or give away clothes.

Some funeral agencies provide services for removing the deceased's belongings and distributing them to people in need. You can do the same yourself by contacting shelters or churches.

You should be concerned if a person pays too much attention to the clothing, photographs, and personal belongings of the deceased. Stuck in the past, a person loses the present.

Rules? Personal belongings of the deceased, which he often wore or which were with him when the death directly occurred, are strictly prohibited. Many people bury the deceased in this way, without removing his wedding ring, wristwatch, or cross. You need to be especially careful with the belongings of a person who died from a serious illness, a violent death, and who suffered before dying.

It is believed that other things of the deceased cannot be worn or distributed before the 40th day of death. This is due to the fact that over time the energy weakens, and also to the fact that until the 40th day, according to Christian canons, the soul is still not defined in that world.

Before using, storing, or inheriting other jewelry that belonged to the deceased, but which was not on him at the time of death, a special ritual is performed. First, they are placed for 9 days in a glass of clean water, then for 9 days in a glass with salt, and then for 9 days on a windowsill where the rays of the sun and moon fall. After this, the decorations can be illuminated in the church.

Esotericists urge caution when handling mirrors that belonged to the deceased. Being a conductor and reflecting the thoughts, feelings, desires of others, it can harm the living. The mirror is sprinkled with holy water, three white candles are lit. Even flame - everything is fine. If the candles crackle, smoke, or turn black, then the mirror transmits the negative.

What to do with the cross of the deceased?

As a rule, the deceased is buried together with a pectoral cross. The Church believes that the pectoral cross of the deceased can be worn, but first it is better to consecrate it in the church.

There is a rumor among people that you cannot wear the cross of a deceased person, since you will be wearing someone else’s cross. The cross can be melted down into something else, taken to a church or buried in a water source (sea, lake, river). But in most cases, such crosses are not worn, but are placed in a box in memory of the deceased.

What to do with photographs of the dead?

It is customary to keep photographs of deceased relatives as a keepsake in a separate album and not mix them with photographs of living ones. The photographs are usually examined on the days of remembrance of the dead. Post-mortem photographs (taken when the person is already dead) are considered grave photographs. This practice existed in the 19th century, when cameras were still rare and expensive.

It is also very difficult to perceive photographs taken directly during the funeral. It is believed that it is not good for the living to be photographed in a cemetery, especially next to the deceased. Psychics believe that photographs of the dead drain the energy of the living. If the number of photographs is 1-3, then a person may not feel much of a difference, but if there are a sufficient number of them, then the surrounding space begins to change, people get tired faster, they need more time to regain strength, their mood worsens, and irritability appears.

Everyone decides for himself what to do with the photographs depicting his deceased relative. However, if you have this question, it means you are worried about it. Psychologists believe that if you have internal discomfort from the image, then it is better to remove it. You should not keep a framed photograph of the deceased in your bedroom; a family room is more suitable for this.

The perception of a photograph depends on how long ago the incident occurred; some people may have photographs of distant great-grandparents and great-grandparents hanging on their walls and we perceive them normally. But seeing a close relative, you can return to those days again and again, remembering again and causing yourself pain with these memories. Psychics, in turn, believe that by doing this we attract the dead to us and do not let go. Think for yourself, if we put a portrait of the deceased in the most prominent place, we often look at him, remember and live in the past. But we are alive and must continue to live! This is where various signs arise when a woman, putting the portrait of her deceased husband in the most prominent place, does not marry again.

Much depends on perception. If a child has a small pendant with a photo of his dead parents, he considers them angels, asks them for help, then is there anything bad in this? There is only one piece of advice: listen to your feelings, and they will tell you what to do with the photographs. If in doubt, it is better to remove the pictures. And remember, the main thing is what is in our heads, how we see the situation, so it is.

Is it possible to sleep on the bed of a deceased person?

It's possible, but not necessary. It is believed that the bed has a bad effect on the health of the living. If a person was suffering or ill before death, it is not recommended for anyone to sleep on the bed. However, many people neglect this rule and sleep in a bed in which a relative has just died, sometimes without even changing the bed linen. And they sleep like this for many years and nothing happens! People with psychic abilities explain this by the fact that such people have strong energy and the attitude that this is all nonsense and does not work! And some even feed off this dead energy, their sleep becomes better, and in the morning they feel more energetic.

This is comparable to a hyperactive child who likes to sleep with his grandmother, since the old grandmother willy-nilly pumps energy out of the child, and a hyperactive child full of energy falls asleep better with her.

It should be remembered that many people die in hospital beds and the beds are not changed! But we don’t know this, which means we don’t traumatize our psyche.

Conclusion: if something is bothering you, you don’t need to pretend to be a SMART person, and, despite the 21st century, throw away the bed and don’t sleep on it, health is more important. If you are a skeptic and don’t believe in anything, then nothing will happen to you. Most people, after the death of a relative, get rid of the bed and renovate the room.

One of the questions that arises after the funeral of a loved one is what to do with his things? Furniture, mementos, clothing, valuables and family archives - how to deal with all this?

Death never brought anything positive. This is the pain of loss, suffering, serious illness or a voluntary decision to die. In any case, the deceased collects a lot of negative energy around him, which spreads to his clothes, personal items, and jewelry. Therefore, many believe that the deceased’s belongings should be put away and never used. Let's try to figure out how serious everything is and answer the question: Why can't you wear the things of a deceased person?

When a person dies, in this world he ceases to live energetically, and his soul completely passes into the subtle world, therefore all things that are connected with a person, with his body, lose their energy supply, and energy-informational connections become dead. The energy of these things becomes dead (life leaves them).

Dead energy is always harmful for a living person. This, to some extent, can be compared with food. When a product is fresh, it is useful to a person; when it is rotten or rotten (dead energy), the product will be harmful (you can be poisoned). When you wear the things of a deceased person, you will inevitably take on dead (negative) energy from these things, which will inevitably extinguish your living energy.

In addition, it often happens that the thing of the deceased after death carries negative connections associated with the problems of the deceased, because of which he died. For example, with some kind of incurable disease. And each disease has its own destructive energy and program of impact on the body and mind. The question is, do you need this kind of influence? You can also take on the illness of the deceased.

Those things that were on a person at the time of his death have a direct connection to the world of the dead, so if a deceased person is changed, the things taken from him are most often burned. It is especially harmful to use things taken from a person who died a violent death. Such things will be filled with violence, negativity, energy of suffering and pain.

If the deceased left a will, it may mention some valuable items and indicate exactly how they should be disposed of. Remember - perhaps a person, during his lifetime, expressed wishes regarding his things. If this is so, his desire should certainly be taken into account. If there were no wishes, you will have to act differently.

Cloth. If the deceased loved and wore the item very often, it will retain personal energy for quite a long time. Those clothes that were used extremely rarely are safe from the point of view of energetic influence after 40 days.

Decorations. This is a separate conversation, because few people would agree to throw away a diamond ring, for example. If the deceased wore jewelry constantly, and it was with him at the time of death, the energy is stored for a very long time, tens or even hundreds of years. This also applies to precious stones.

Bed linen also stores information about the previous user for a long time. This is not surprising, because in a dream a person turns off his mind, allowing internal energy to be freed. Therefore, it is not recommended to use such things.

After the death of a person, it is necessary to restore complete order in his room and home. You can, of course, not touch anything for three days, but then the chances are high that the soul of the deceased will return to its usual environment, and it will be difficult for it to break the threads with our world.

You need to put things in order very carefully. Throw away all unnecessary things, simply rubbish. Clean furniture, floors, walls, windows. Wash everything that can be washed. It is better to get rid of furniture that is not very necessary, because wood absorbs necrotic energy well. This is especially true for the bed. Such items can be taken outside and distributed to those in need, not forgetting to mention where they come from. This rule is suitable not only for furniture, but also for dishes, clothes, shoes and small trinkets.

Naturally, if a person close to you has died, it is impossible to give up all his things. I really want to keep them as a souvenir. And one simply cannot raise one’s hand to show disrespect for the deceased and throw away all his property. In this case, it is advised to take a large suitcase or box, carefully put all the deceased’s belongings in them, tie the box with ropes and tape, and hide it as far as possible for as long as possible. This technique is especially effective for reducing suffering and grief.

Not all things can be given away or hidden. Those that remain must be properly discarded. Anything that burns can be burned. And the rest should be carefully folded and taken to the trash can. In this way we show respect to the deceased.

Kids' things
When a child dies, suffering, grief, despair and grief have no boundaries. This is the worst thing that can happen, especially for a mother. Therefore, some families leave the children's room untouched in memory of the baby. This is absolutely impossible to do. So the child’s soul suffers more, because people try to keep it on earth by any means necessary. Children's things should not be stored. Only the most beloved and treasured objects can be neatly folded and hidden away so that you can look at them only occasionally.
You can't give such things as gifts either. Children strongly absorb necrotic energy. Their unprotected karma may suffer greatly.

There are several possible ways to energy cleanse the belongings of the deceased.
Salt. This method is quite common and consists of the following: the clothes of the deceased person must be soaked for several hours in cold salt water. Only after this thoroughly wash, rinse, dry, iron on all sides.
Trust a professional in energy cleaning. There are knowledgeable people who perform certain rituals to cleanse the home and belongings of the deceased.

The loss of a loved one is a grief for a family. His memory remains in the hearts of his relatives forever. But what to do with the things that were left after his death? It’s a pity to throw away good shoes and expensive clothes, but you can’t wear the jacket of the deceased. There is nothing wrong with this, but any belongings of the deceased left their energy on them.

Is it possible to wear things of the deceased - what psychologists say

Psychologists do not advise wearing the deceased’s belongings immediately after the death of a person. Wearing the dress of a deceased friend or the shoes of a deceased brother, you will constantly think about the deceased. It is necessary to remember the dead, but honor the memory of another person who has passed into the world in a different way. The clothes of the deceased have a negative effect on the psyche of a living person. Anxiety, panic, and mental disorder occur. This can lead to serious depression.

Proceed as follows:

  • Give inexpensive items to the poor or orphans. This is a good thing, caring for your neighbor. Poor people will be grateful to you;
  • Try giving expensive things to your friends, if you don’t mind. The new owner of the shoes or clothes is not connected at the energetic level with the deceased person. Things will not bring him harm;
  • put expensive things out of sight for six months. Place them away in the closet, and after six months you can wear them. But first wash, iron or dry clean;
  • alter your clothes. Make shorts out of trousers, a sundress or a blouse out of a dress. The clothes will have a new energy field.

Is it possible to wear things of a deceased person - the opinion of psychics

Every person’s things accumulate his energy. Our ancestors, saying goodbye to the deceased, buried all his things with him in the grave. It was believed that it was dangerous to use them, otherwise the energy of the deceased would be transferred to the living. The deceased's bed should be burned or thrown into a trash container! The belongings of a deceased cancer patient have doubly negative energy. They need to be washed well and disinfected.

Psychics believe that it is possible to wear the things of a dead person. But first, perform magical rituals to cleanse the object of bad energy:

  • wash in water with added salt;
  • rinse thoroughly under running water;
  • read the prayer;
  • light a church candle and circle it around the item several times;
  • soak your clothes in incense smoke;
  • wipe things with holy water;
  • Seek help from psychics and magicians. They will perform a ritual to cleanse the item of negativity. Be careful, there are many scammers among psychics.

Is it possible to wear the clothes of a deceased person - the opinion of the Orthodox Church

The Church condemns superstition and does not recognize magic. In the Orthodox Church, it is customary to distribute the belongings of a deceased person to needy and poor people. They will pray for the soul of the deceased. It is usually distributed after forty days from the date of death. It is on the fortieth day that the soul finally breaks its connection with the body. Priests do not forbid relatives from carrying the deceased’s belongings.

Is it possible to wear jewelry of the deceased?

The deceased’s jewelry accumulates the most of his vital energy. And if a person died from a serious illness, imagine the energy on such a cross or ring. Jewelry stores information about the owner for hundreds of years. It is best not to leave these decorations in the house, but to place them in the coffin along with the deceased owner. If the decoration remains, give it energy cleansing or consecrate it.

Free from prejudice, people wear things of a deceased relative or friend. The memory of the deceased makes these things dear to the heart come alive, and the clothes cozy and warm. Remember the deceased in church and remember how dear he was to you during his lifetime.

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