How old is the “Field of Miracles”, who are its leaders and where is the famous museum located. The history of the legendary game Field of Miracles Who was the first presenter of the Field of Miracles program

If you grew up watching the “Field of Miracles” program, I do not recommend reading this text so as not to ruin your children’s naive fantasies. It's not that I ran to the TV every Friday to watch next issue capital show, but due to certain circumstances I somehow had to see the invariably mustachioed Leonid Yakubovich often, who even by that time had become a symbol of Channel One. And before I had no doubt that the capital show is just a well-coordinated work of the scriptwriters, where there is almost nothing alive. However, I only hoped for one thing - that Yakubovich would not read out memorized phrases, but would speak himself. Only in reality everything turned out to be much worse...

And this, oddly enough, seemed like a gift. Of course, all this is for the sake of the age category of the show, because the game itself in the program takes an insignificant amount of time, but every year the game seems more and more plastic and wretched, although I will not hide that as a child I was crazy about it and even wondered with my parents letters... So, according to an article published by Ruposters, the authors of the capital show "Field of Miracles" have been deceiving viewers for many years. The editors of the project themselves buy gifts for participants for Leonid Yakubovich.

Program participant Mikhail Mayer lifted the veil of secrecy over how the filming of “Field of Miracles” actually takes place. According to the man, the editors themselves gave him presents for Yakubovich and forced him to lie about his small homeland.

“There they dressed me up as a gypsy, put on a red shirt, because I was going to sing the song “Guitar” by Uspenskaya. Backstage they told me: “Say that you came from Irkutsk, here are your cranberries, here are mushrooms.” I felt embarrassed, the gifts didn’t seem to be mine . Well, okay... I went out, spun the drum, guessed two letters. They gave me a DVD player and went from there. And Chuna, the town where I lived for 10 years, booed me after this program. For what I said in broadcast that I am from Irkutsk,” said Mikhail Mayer.

Yaroslavl resident Ivan Koptev also confirmed that Yakubovich is given presents prepared in advance by the editors of the show. According to the ex-participant, the edible gifts on the show are all fake, since “Aunt Zina’s borscht” would otherwise go sour on the way from Vladivostok.

“The editors of the program discussed gifting Yakubovich as an obligatory, already boring ceremony with each participant separately. I was going to give a painting by the self-taught artist Vasily Bakharev from the city of Danilov, which Yaroslavl region, and a bag of crackers - I have two near my house penal colonies. But creative Group“Fields of Miracles” also handed me a prison sweatshirt,” Koptev said.

As it turned out, all participants fill out a special form in which they indicate what gifts they are going to bring to the studio. If people have nothing to give, then the editors can choose something themselves - the main thing is that the gift corresponds to the place where the participant came from. Thus, Inna Kameneva was presented in the studio as a resident of Cherepovets, although in fact she is a Muscovite.

“They immediately asked me: “Are you coming with gifts?” I said yes. I immediately planned to bake pies and make a cake. But the editor said that I didn’t have enough vodka. So they bought it for me so that I could give all these gifts to studio," said Kameneva, who participated in the capital show on February 3.

I understand that television is always scripted and staged, there is nothing surprising in this, it just becomes a little sad after such articles, because childhood ends with them. And, by the way, it is completely unclear why people who are already bringing gifts should buy others and come up with other cities? Are there really not enough heroes from different cities? What do you think?

More details

TV show plot:

“Field of Miracles” was invented and brought to life by the famous journalist Vladislav Listyev, after watching several episodes of a similar American program “Wheel of Fortune”. He also became the first host of the capital show.

The game “Field of Miracles” takes place in three rounds, each of which involves 3 players. The presenter thinks of a word (rarely a phrase) indicated on the scoreboard, and during the course of the game gives guiding hints. Players take turns spinning the reel. Sectors with different number points that the player will receive if he guesses the letter, or special sectors (“Chance”, “Plus”, “Bankrupt”, “Prize”, etc.). Next, the player names the letter of the alphabet that he believes is present in the hidden word. If there is such a letter, then it opens on the scoreboard, and the player receives the dropped number of points (if there are several such letters, they all open and points are awarded for each), and can spin the reel again. If a player guesses the whole word, he can name it on his turn. If the answer is incorrect, the turn goes to the next player. The winner of each round advances to the final, and the participant who wins the final is invited to play a super game.

The famous host of the capital show “Field of Miracles” Leonid Yakubovich was born in the summer of 1945 in Moscow. A romance broke out between his parents at the front: first the couple corresponded, and then met. The reason for the correspondence between two unknown young people was a curious incident.

The mother of the future TV star, Rimma Shenker, worked at the post office during the Great Patriotic War. She packed collected gifts and warm clothes knitted with her own hands into parcels for front-line soldiers. The parcels went to the front without a specific address. One day, captain Arkady Yakubovich received a parcel with gifts from Rimma. He was amused and puzzled by the fact that the unknown needlewoman, along with a touching letter, put two mittens for one hand into the box. Arkady Solomonovich decided to write to the unknown girl Rimma, and she soon answered him. The ensuing correspondence led to a meeting and a passionate romance. So the couple Yakubovich and Shenker had a son as soon as the fighting died down.

From an early age, the father taught his son to be independent and responsible for his actions. He never checked his diary because he believed that Leonid himself should decide how to study. Perhaps that is why the boy showed particular diligence in preparing his homework, but most of all he liked literature and history.

However, Leonid Yakubovich was expelled from school in the eighth grade. On summer holidays The guy and his friend went on a short expedition to Siberia: the guys responded to a street advertisement for work for young people. New mosquito repellents were tested on them: young Yakubovich with the same “volunteers” as himself simply sat in the taiga and wrote down when and how many mosquitoes would bite them. But the business trip dragged on, and the guy returned to the capital when his classmates finished the first quarter.

Yakubovich had to finish his studies at evening school, and during the day work as an electrical mechanic at the Tupolev plant.

Leonid Yakubovich decided who to be in the sixth grade. On new year holidays the guys staged the fairy tale play “Twelfth Night”, in which he played the Jester. On improvised theater stage the boy experienced such a storm of pleasant emotions that the question of a future profession disappeared: of course, he would become an artist.

After successfully graduating from evening school, Leonid Yakubovich did not forget about his childhood dream: he successfully passed exams in three capital cities at once theater universities. But it was then that his father, who worked as a designer at one of the factories, intervened and demanded that his son acquire a “livable” specialty, and only then go wherever he wanted. For Leonid, dad was always the most authoritative person, whom he could not disobey. Therefore, the guy entered the Institute of Electronic Engineering.

Leonid Yakubovich in student years

At a technical university, Leonid Yakubovich continued to do what he loved: he enrolled in the Student Miniature Theater and soon made his debut on its stage. But soon the young artist dropped out of the mechanical engineering institute, preferring civil engineering. The fact is that this university had a strong KVN team “MISI”, into which Leonid Yakubovich “fit in” perfectly. The guys toured all over the country, received applause from its farthest corners, found new friends, and fell in love. According to Leonid Arkadyevich, these were the happiest years of his life.

So it began creative biography Yakubovich, which continues successfully to this day.

A television

In 1971, Leonid Yakubovich graduated from the institute and went to work in his specialty at the Likhachev plant. At the same time he continued to write humorous stories and scripts that I became addicted to during the years when I performed in student team KVN. Many of the monologues he wrote were read by aspiring artists and.

Yakubovich is the author of several plays that were staged on the theatrical stage (“The Gravity of the Earth,” “Parade of Parodists,” “We Need Victory Like Air,” “The Haunted Hotel,” “Peek-a-Boo, Man!” and others).

In the early 80s, the cinematic biography of Leonid Yakubovich began: he first appeared on the screens in the famous film directed by Yuri Egorov “Once Upon a Time Twenty Years Later,” where the main characters were played by and. It is unlikely that the audience noticed Yakubovich in this melodrama, because he played cameo role: one of the classmates gathered at the alumni meeting.

In his youth, Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich became famous as a screenwriter for the popular Soviet programs “Come on, guys!” and “Come on, girls!” In addition, he made successful steps in business, founding the first Auction House in USSR.

In 1991, the artist was invited to the casting of the host of the entertainment television program “Field of Miracles” on Channel One, and already in November of that year Leonid Yakubovich appeared on the screens in the show beloved by millions. “Field of Miracles” enjoyed incredible success and popularity: people came to it from all over former USSR, and the presenter himself became not only the face, but also the symbol of the rating project. Until now, most people associate the host’s surname with this show.

The principle of operation of the TV show was very similar to the American analogue of “Wheel of Fortune”, but Leonid Yakubovich brought a lot of his own to the show: he improved and came up with the main “tricks” of the project. The director and author of the show approved the appearance of the black box in the program, as well as the organization of the legendary museum of the “Field of Miracles” show, where numerous gifts were sent from the participants.

Even Leonid Yakubovich’s mustache became a symbol of the “Field of Miracles”; it was not for nothing that the artist’s contract with Channel One included a clause prohibiting shaving it off.

The famous presenter was often invited to other projects. In 1996, on the RTR TV channel, Leonid Yakubovich hosted the “Analysis of the Week” program. In the same year, he became the host of the television game “Wheel of History” on the Rossiya TV channel. In this game, participants had to guess historical event which the actors acted out in front of them. But the show was not particularly successful, and was bought by the ORT television channel, where it existed until 2000.

Leonid Arkadyevich also authored the musical television game “Guessing Game,” where participants had to guess songs by melody. But the program had low ratings, although it turned out to be quite expensive, which is why it was soon closed. In 2000, Yakubovich returned to KVN as one of the jury members.

In 2005, Leonid Yakubovich was appointed director of the VID television company, which produced the show “Field of Miracles.” In the same year he created a series of programs dedicated to last hours lives of famous artists - “The Last 24 Hours”. It was published until 2010.

In 2004, 2006 and 2010, Leonid Arkadyevich hosted the “Wash for a Million” program.

In the spring of 2015, an authoritative TV presenter gave an introductory and final words in the program “Collection of Channel One,” and since March 2016, Leonid Yakubovich has co-hosted the program “Star on Star,” which is broadcast on the Zvezda TV channel. This is a talk show to which you are invited famous personalities: actors, artists, athletes with whom Yakubovich and Strizhenov have intimate conversations.

Today Leonid Arkadyevich is a star himself, so a huge number of people listen to his opinion. Due to latest events in Ukraine and the excitement that arose in the light of these events around the name, Yakubovich outlined his position quite clearly: he stated that he was outraged by the desire of some politicians and public figures deprive Makarevich of all state awards.


The artist’s ebullient energy is enough not only to appear on screen as a TV presenter - Yakubovich has a considerable filmography, which includes three dozen film titles. Leonid Arkadyevich played the most striking roles in the films “Moscow Holidays”, “They Don’t Kill Clowns”, “Expedited Help”, “Russian Amazons”, “Paparatsa” and “Three Days in Odessa”.

Leonid Yakubovich in the film "Grandfather of My Dreams"

In 2014, Leonid Yakubovich tried his hand as a producer of the comedy “Grandfather of My Dreams.” He wrote the script for this film and played one of the key roles.

Leonid Yakubovich now

Today famous artist and the TV presenter, despite his advanced age (Yakubovich will turn 72 in the summer of 2017), is full of strength and energy. He still hosts the show “Field of Miracles”, attends various events where stars gather, plays his favorite tennis and continues to build a career.

But Leonid Yakubovich is forced to abandon some plans due to his enormous workload. This happened in September 2016: the premiere of the play “The Last Aztec”, where one of the roles went to the actor, was postponed to indefinite term.

Immediately, alarming rumors spread that Yakubovich fell ill and urgently went to one of the clinics in Germany, where he was supposedly scheduled to have an operation. According to some reports, this rumor was confirmed to journalists by Joseph Raikhelgauz - artistic director Theater "School of Modern Play"

Some fans of the star suspected their favorite had cancer, justifying their suspicion by the fact that Leonid Yakubovich Lately lost significant weight. Others suggested that the star was in an accident and is struggling with it dire consequences. There were still others who claimed that the artist had a heart attack (according to another version, a stroke).

The artist remained silent for a long time, not wanting to refute rumors and speculation, but when they started talking that Leonid Yakubovich had died, he had to break the silence and reassure his overly worried fans.

Leonid Arkadyevich explained that he was still healthy and full of strength. And he decided to lose a couple of tens of kilograms of weight because it became difficult for him to move due to excess weight. To this end, Yakubovich regularly visited the gym and tennis court, managing to get himself in the right shape in a short period of time.

(2005 - present time)

Executive Producer(s)

Anatoly Goldfeder

Duration Broadcasting TV channel(s)

Central Television of the USSR State Television and Radio (10/25/1990-12/24/1991), Ostankino Channel 1 (12/25/1991-03/31/1995), NTV (together with the “Dolls” program) (06/14/1996),
ORT (1.4.1995 - 30.09.2002), Channel One (from 1.10.2002 to present)

Image format Sound format

2002 to present
Channel One, ORT (Channel One) (from 1995 to present),

Chronology Similar programs Links Official website

Capital show “Field of Miracles” - fun show, one of the first programs of the television company “VID”, the Russian analogue of the American program “Wheel of Fortune”


In the book “Vlad Listyev. Biased Requiem” tells how Vladislav Listyev and Anatoly Lysenko “while watching an episode of the American program Wheel of Fortune in a hotel room, created a capital show.” “Field of Miracles” is the name of the area in A. N. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio.”

Release time

  • From November 2 to December 29, 1990, the program aired on Fridays at 20:00
  • From January 8 to May 28, 1991, the program aired on Tuesdays at 21:45
  • From June 7 to September 6, 1991, the program aired on Fridays at 21:45/21:55
  • From September 13 to September 1, 2006, the program aired on Fridays at 19:40/19:45/19:50/19:55/20:00/20:05
  • From September 8 to March 6, 2009, the program aired on Fridays at 19:00/19:05
  • From March 27, 2009, the program aired on Fridays at 18:20
  • From April 3 to November 13, 2009, the program aired on Fridays at 19:55/20:00
  • From November 20 to August 26, 2011, the program aired on Fridays at 18:20/18:25
  • From September 2 to December 7, 2012, the program aired on Fridays at 18:45/18:50/19:00
  • From December 14 to the present, the program airs on Fridays at 19:55

Studio decoration

In 1996, the upholstery of the table at which the players stood changed from blue to dark blue, with stars and a characteristic pattern that decorated the entire studio, and at the same time the steps along which the presenter descended changed color from light blue to dark blue. Multi-colored triangles were placed on the scoreboard, and the program logo, written in pale pink paint, was placed under the scoreboard on a blue surface. A small luminous element was placed on the floor near the drum to provide a background when the image of the drum was shown from above. Decorative lanterns dotted with small white light bulbs were placed on both sides of the scoreboard. Since that time, the super-game has used constant “minutes to think” music, while from 1991 until the change of musical design there was (as much as possible) silence until 1994. In this year, a melody for reflection began to sound for the first time.

Since 1992, the drum has remained the same, but slightly modified. In the center of the drum there was a small tip resembling the point of a pike. The arrow has changed, but remains on the drum. Instead of the rod, which played the role of a brake, they attached an ordinary plastic strip, similar in size to the rod. The drum rotated a little faster, one handle was missing, one had a completely different knob (with a black ball, but smaller). In mid-1992, the sectors on the same drum were re-glued to colored ones. The maximum number of points increased to 450, the minimum to 10. Since the fall of 1992, the reel was changed again, the color scheme of the sectors remained the same, there is now not one “Prize” sector on the reel, but three, the “Alternative” sector was removed, the number of points has now increased minimum 75, maximum 750.

In mid-1993, a new drum was installed, which was 2 times smaller than the previous one, with low vertical handles, the maximum number of points was 750, the minimum was 100; the arrow was already away from the drum and was a small blue triangle. At the tip of the arrow there was a rubber band as a continuation of the arrow, which slightly slowed down the drum. If the brake was on one sector, and the arrow pointed to the adjacent one, then the sector to which the brake pointed was counted. The drum rotated much more slowly, quickly stopping and swaying quite strongly due to the fact that it was very heavy: when they showed how many points had fallen (the camera showed a close-up of the sector to which the arrow was pointing), you could see how the drum vibrated.

Since January 1994, the arrow shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow. On May 5, 1995, in an issue dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War with the participation of its veterans, other handles were placed on the drum, essentially the same vertical, but taller and gold-plated, the inner diameter of the drum became smaller, thereby ensuring lengthening of gaming sectors, and visual expansion of the reel. The height of the drum was reduced (thereby making it lighter), so the drum rotated for a very long time and smoothly from a weak push. Since the reel rotated for a very long time, the presenter could now communicate with the players longer. The arrow was placed back on the drum.

Until 1997, the arrow on the drum symbolically caught the vertical handles of the drum, but did not slow it down at all. In 1997, the arrow was shortened so that it points exactly to the sector that fell to the player. Some time in 1997, when a player started to spin the reel, theme song rotation continued to play where it stopped (as from 1993 to 1995), that is, it did not start playing again.

In the fall of 1999, some intermediate chords were cut from the drum melody, thereby making it shorter as the drum began to stop faster.

At the end of 1999, they installed a drum with light bulbs on the sides: the drum looked like the prototype of 1993-1999, only much higher and one and a half times larger, with light bulbs along the outer and inner radii. In 1999, the sector values ​​were printed on the drum in a fairly large font; the color of the surface of the inner radius of the drum was, in fact, like the entire drum, black and white, but with very frequent stripes. The arrow was patterned and did not blink, the lights on the sides did not light up. On the black sectors there were red light bulbs, on the white ones - of blue color. The inner radius of the drum rose slightly above its surface, since the inner radius also had light bulbs. The drum rotated smoothly and for a long time, like its previous prototype.

IN New Year's Eve from 1999 to 2000, in the release “With the Residents of the Middle Ages,” the drum was changed (it can be seen at the beginning of the modern intro of the program): the points on the drum were printed in a smaller, more familiar font, and the arrow also changed. The color of the surface of the inner radius has also changed: it has become a more familiar wide black and white stripe. The drum lights began to play rhythmically, with at different speeds, when the prize is taken out and rotated - quickly, in the normal state - slowly. The arrow also blinked. The drum began to rotate approximately the same as under Listyev.

On December 7, 2001 the drum was changed. It was light, spun quickly, but stopped abruptly. The drum had uncomfortable plastic handles, small yellow-blue sectors and a narrowing at the bottom. Multi-colored lights shone through the drum and lit up as it rotated. Unlike all the drums that were generally in the program, including the present one, this one was not solid: the drum itself was in a stationary cylinder. The drum arrow was a small pink triangle attached to the frill of the drum.

On November 3, 2005 (on the 15th anniversary) a drum was installed in predominantly blue color scheme with patterns on the sides and blue and white sectors. The bottom of the drum is patterned and glows blue from the inside. The surface of the drum itself is flat, its diameter is slightly larger than the bottom of the drum, so the drum is somewhat reminiscent of a dining table (although recently the drum has only served as a table). There is a gold star in the center of the drum. The maximum number of points is 1000, the minimum is 350. The drum is heavy, and lately there have been a variety of things on it, mainly fruits and sweets, which are in small baskets. The drum is fully loaded with them, only the sectors with the image of glasses are visible, so it is difficult to rotate, it spins slowly and stops quickly. Instead of the usual vertical handles there are silver balls. The arrow is to the side of the drum, but at the same time attached to it from below, the tip of the arrow is a large golden triangle. On December 30, 2009, in the 1000th program “Field of Miracles,” there was a large cake on the drum with the inscription “Happy New Year.” For release on April 1, 2011, all sectors were re-glued to yellow and blue.

On May 20, 2011, the drum sound changed again to what it was from 1996 to 1999. The musical design stopped playing music, which was a variation of the theme in which super prizes were awarded.

Program design


In 1990, there was no screensaver; only the manufacturer's screensaver was shown - VID.

In 1991, the screensaver consisted of the following: first, bright stripes appeared, forming squares, then a light green surface appeared, divided into 35 squares. Every second figures appeared, then the inscription “ Field of Dreams " After this, the surface narrowed and rose up, then dropped, changing color to gray, in the same form downwards, behind the inscription. Then the background color changed from black to asphalt, and the inscription “K A P I T A L S H O U” appeared in letters.

Towards the end of 1992, the screensaver was improved. From this time until the year 2000, bright stripes quickly moved parallel to each other, thus forming a field of 35 even squares. Further, the field became three-dimensional, gaining volume (and becoming like a chocolate bar), and was grayish-white in color. Under a peculiar slurping sound (until 1993 - a dull noise reminiscent of muffled applause), three-dimensional colored symbols were lowered onto the field various forms, each character ended up occupying one square. Then the main musical motif of the screensaver sounded, under which a field of squares flew into the air, rose, and against its background in pink letters it was written “ Field of Dreams " When the phrase was completely written, the letters became translucent. (Before 1993, the music began only after the completion of the phrase). Then the field flew off the screen (the music continued), and soon returned, turning over reverse side, which is a regular gray square. At this time, the black background of the screensaver changed to dark gray, reminiscent of asphalt. The square was lowered behind the words “Field of Miracles”, and then the phrase “CAPITAL SHO U” appeared in letters under the resulting composition. The musical design of this screensaver changed slightly in 1993.

In 1991, after advertising and before the super game, a blue paper with the word “Field Miracles Capital Show" From 1992 to 1995, advertisements were preceded by a splash screen with jumping silver letters and a silver square frame on a black background under two sharp notes.

From 1996 to 2000, after advertising in the program's screensaver, the game reel rotated, the camera approached it so that the points on the sectors were not visible. With each new sector, under one ringing note, letters appeared that formed the words “ Field of Dreams" At last change sector, a golden frame appeared, which, like a square from an old screensaver, fell into the background.

The screensaver, used since December 29, 2000, shows the game studio and a flying spinning reel. An image of Yakubovich is formed from stars on the screen. Then the word “Field of Miracles” is lit in letters and below, in letters, the phrase “K A P I T A L S H O U”. All this happens to a shortened version of the music from the first screensaver, and it sounds twice, first in a jazz style, then, when the letters are lit, in a standard one. .

Musical arrangement

IN latest issue 1995 introduced a new musical arrangement, a new drum melody, almost the same as the previous one, but with softened sounds. Since the drum spun for a very long time from 1995 to 2000, after about the first minute, a melody was inserted into the melody, at which pointers for super prizes were displayed. They changed the melody when the first three came out. We changed the sounds of the sectors (jingles) of the unknown letter. The sounds of an empty and money box were introduced. The melody changed when the super prize signs were brought out and placed on the drum. The melody of “minutes to think” appeared. The sound of the prize being taken out was replaced, but as before, when the prize was taken out, and when the box was guessed, and when the word was guessed, the same melody was played, reminiscent of VID's fanfare.

Sector screensavers

From 1996 to 2000, the screensavers of the sectors “Prize”, “0”, “Bankrupt”, “x2”, “+” changed. They appeared at the moment when the sector fell to the player. Close-up it was shown how the arrow stops on a particular sector. Then, from the designation of the sector, a square seemed to fly out, which then stretched across the entire screen; during stretching, a box with the inscription “Field of Miracles” appeared in the square, which then fell down, at this moment, when the screen saver itself stretched across the entire screen, the box turned over and under a rhythmic sound jumps out of it as one or another letter designating the sector on the game reel (Prize - P, Million - M, Bankrupt - B). .

In January 1998, the “Million” sector was renamed the “Capital” sector (due to monetary denomination); at first it did not have a splash screen. When the “Key” sector was placed on the reel in 1999, it also had a splash screen.

From 2000 to 2003, the sector screensavers changed: “Prize”, “0”, “Bankrupt”, “x2”, “+” and “Chance” flew from colored triangles on a dark blue background, and the loss of sector “0” was accompanied by a sound opening the plug.

Super game screensaver

From 1992 to 1995, the screensaver of the super game showed super prizes in a square and the words “Field of Miracles.”

From 1996 to 2000, the super game's screensaver changed. The square with the word “Field of Miracles” began to rotate quickly, after stopping in the square it was already written “ Super game" At 02:18.

From 2000 to 2011, the super game screensaver changed: we see the word “Super” written in lilac letters in the top line, and the word “Game” formed by lit light bulbs in the bottom line.

From 2011 to the present, the same splash screen is used as from 2000 to 2011, but with music from the splash screen of the 1996-2000 super game.

Rules of the game

The game takes place in three rounds, each of which involves 3 players.

The presenter thinks of a word (rarely a phrase) indicated on the scoreboard, and during the course of the game gives guiding hints.

In the early 1990s, there was an “insurance” that consisted of the following: participants called an “accident” (for example: the “Bankrupt” sector fell out twice in a row, not a single correct letter was named, a move was not completed at all, etc.), and , if something happened to the participant that he was “insurable” from, he received a cash prize.

Players take turns spinning the reel. Sectors with different numbers of points may appear on the reel, which the player will receive if they guess the letter, or special sectors:

  • Prize (P)- the player can choose: to continue the game or drop out of it, but receive a prize hidden in a black box. The host bargains with the player for a prize, which can be any thing: from car keys to a pumpkin. Also, instead of a black box, you can take a cash prize (the player chooses the amount himself). If the player refuses the prize, then it is considered that the player got a sector with 2000 points.
  • Plus (+)- the player can open any letter in the account (if this letter appears several times, then all of them are opened).
  • Chance (Sh)- the player can call the phone (the number is given by a random viewer in the studio) to get an answer or a hint. If the person at the other end of the line answers correctly, they will send him a prize. If a player refuses this sector, it is considered that he got a sector with 1500 points. Currently, the “Chance” sector is displayed on the reel with the image of a telephone.
  • Key- the player is given 5 keys, one of which is for the car. The player selects one of these keys and tries to open the car door with its help. If the key fits, the player takes the car, if not, he continues to play. Moreover, you can refuse this sector, and then the presenter offers 2000 points for the guessed letter. But if a player uses a sector and chooses the wrong key, then the turn goes to another player. Currently, the “Key” sector is displayed on the reel with the image of a key.
  • Bankrupt (B)- the points scored by the player are burned, and the turn passes to the next player. If the “Bankrupt” sector appears twice, the player is given an incentive prize.
  • Zero (0)- the points scored do not expire, but the move is transferred to another player.
  • x2- the player’s points are doubled if he names the letter correctly (if there are two letters, then it is tripled, if there are three, it is multiplied by 4, etc.)
    • At the end of 1991, the drum used a sector Fant (F), the player fulfilled the leader's wishes.
    • Since February 1992 there was a sector Alternative (A), the player was given a word of 6 letters, the player rolled the dice 6 times, the number that came up meant the letter in the account that should open, and after that the player had to name the word in order to play further. If he did not say this word, the move was passed to the next player.
    • IN new year time sector was used New Year with a snowflake on the drum.
    • Also from 1993 to 2001 there was a sector Capital (K)(before the monetary denomination in 1998 it was called Million (M)), when the player was given two bags: one with bagels, the other with money, and he chose the one that, as he believed, contained three million rubles (after denomination - three thousand rubles). If a player chose a bag with bagels, then he took the bagels and the turn passed from him to another player, if a bag with money, then he took the money, and he still had the right to move, while the participant could name any letter.
    • In 1998-2001 the sector was used Scoreboard (T), the player opened special squares on the scoreboard, hoping to find a prize. (Sometimes there are also sectors from sponsors, when they appear, prizes are awarded)
    • Also from December 1995 to 1997 the sector was used Unistroy, to be able to get new apartment, and in the thousandth issue, released on December 30, 2009, there was a sector Nescafe- new sponsor of the program.
    • In the November 23, 2012 issue, the sector was used Continent. The main prize was a TV.

There were also games based on Field of Miracles, written for the Dendy console. There were two versions of the game, the first was released in 1995, the playing field was pink, there was no presenter, the musical accompaniment (the melody of drum rotation) was copied from the game Duck Hunt, and in the “Bankrupt” sector the losing melody from the game Wild Gunman sounded. The second version was written already in 1997 and received a number of improvements, now you play on a black background, more new words to guess, and a two-player game mode. What was interesting about this version was that when you guessed a letter, Mario appeared and opened the letter.

Another game based on Field of Miracles was called “Fortune”, developed by BBG corp. in collaboration with Alexander Chudov. It was notable for its high complexity. A player, having completed the entire game, could win a million, but so far no winner has been found. Also, each cartridge had its own serial number.



  • On March 17, 2012, in the “Yesterday Live” program, a parody of the third screensaver (2000-present) was filmed, where the opening song sounded in the screensaver: “Dances, poems, lezginka, masquerade, a bunch of banal bullshit, and the show is where - then 20 years ago it was intellectual,” and the screensaver went to at a slow pace, and a shortened version of the music from the screensavers of 1991-1992 and 1992-2000 was played twice.
  • In 1992, in the program “Oba-Na!” “a parody of “Field of Miracles” was shown, where the presenter of the real show - Yakubovich - in the real “Field of Miracles” studio presented drunkards, who were Ugolnikov, Voskresensky and Fomenko.
  • In one of the episodes of the program “

Agafoshina’s childhood and family

Rimma was born in Moscow and graduated from school No. 726 there. However, the girl had to graduate from school as an external student. When she was fourteen, her parents, seeing her daughter’s craving for sewing dresses and dressing up, for fashion magazines, and also noting her good natural abilities, took her to Vyacheslav Zaitsev, a famous Russian fashion designer, to participate in a beauty contest. It became clear almost immediately that Rimma could be very successful in her modeling career. For this, I had to pass all the exams externally in order to fully devote myself to the modeling business. In those years, teachers disapproved of such activities, so combining study with work would not have been possible.

As a child, Rimma loved to draw and she was good at it. The fact is that both dad and mom drew well, but only her grandfather became an artist. Drawing remained a lifelong hobby.

At fourteen years old, Rimma’s height was 170 centimeters. This is not much for a model, but she was accepted into the competition. The girl studied, trying to remember all the lessons on the fashion show. The Redstars agency, where she went at the same time, also liked Rimma and approached her. At that time, this agency was headed by Tatyana Koltsova, who literally fell in love with the aspiring model.

Agafoshina started going to auditions, but she wasn’t accepted anywhere. It was all a matter of age, because at fourteen years old a girl is no longer suitable for filming in children’s advertising, but she still doesn’t look like a woman. Unfortunately, due to her age, Rimma could not understand this, she was very upset, and considered herself the worst in the agency.

The beginning of the career of fashion model Rimma Agafoshina

During her work, Agafoshina collaborated with both the Redstars agency and the Point agency. In general, it should be noted that she was more successful as a model in the advertising business. The girl took and still takes her work very seriously, believing that a professional model must have an artistic vision, be an actress and understand the requirements of the director, and for this one must be able to understand and feel how the model herself looks from the outside. In her work, she always put hard work first.

Agafoshina dreams of starring in Vogue or Pantene Pro-V at least once. To date, she has already advertised such well-known brands as L'Oreal, Samsung, Max Factor, Coca-Cola, Mary Kay, Ax Effect, Beeline and others. In addition, Rimma advertises many domestic companies.

Rimma is a PR manager and top model of Modus VivendiS (Russian modeling agency). Her responsibilities include managing advertising and marketing activities. The agency was founded in 1992 and today it is the leading modeling agency in the country. Maxim magazine, compiling a list of the hundred most sexy girls Russia, included Rimma Agafoshina in it, where she was in ninety-second position. This information attracted even more attention to the model’s personality.

Rimma Agafoshina for VAIDE

In the spring of 2008, Rimma tried her hand at filming a video clip for the Moral Code group called “Where are you?”, directed by Fyodor Bondarchuk.

Rimma Agafoshina at the “Field of Miracles”

For many years now, the model has been working in the program “Field of Miracles”, being an assistant to Leonid Yakubovich, her duties are to open the letters and give out prizes to the participants. She started working there back in early age and is still working today, for more than seventeen years. Before “Field of Miracles,” she worked at Zaitsev’s modeling agency, and also as a backup dancer for Bogdan Titomir. The model herself believes that she was accepted for her ability to smile, although it cannot be denied that Rimma’s telegenic abilities and ability to work on camera helped her pass the selection.

Not everyone knows the name of the Russian fashion model, but almost everyone has seen the program “Field of Miracles,” which means Agafoshin too. She is the permanent assistant to the host of this popular TV show. Rimma's role there is not so important, nevertheless, graceful, intelligent and beautiful girl does not go unnoticed by viewers and studio guests.

Despite its apparent simplicity, this work requires constant attention, since during filming anything may be needed. Sometimes there are funny and curious incidents on the program. Once Leonid Arkadyevich even married Rimma to a persistent Latino. Agafoshina usually hides from fans in the dressing room. At home she had accumulated a lot of letters, cards, messages, gifts and love poems - a kind of her own small museum"Fields of Miracles".

Naturally, the success of the model and Rimma’s career will not end. In the future, most likely, her name will be heard thanks to her achievements in the world of fashion, show business and advertising.

Personal life of Rimma Agafoshina

At one time Rimma had an affair with Titomir. The model herself prefers to call it not a novel, but a relationship. While she was young, she didn’t have any questions; as she grew up, learning to analyze and draw conclusions, she realized that she and Bogdan were too different, with different views on life. According to Agafoshina, this was the reason for their breakup.

What makes the model move forward in life is love - in the broad sense of the word, that is, love for her loved ones and those who are dear to her. For Rimma, the meaning of life is in life itself, in being useful to people, whom you love and value.

Agafoshina maintained friendly relations with many models. Some of them work and live abroad, doing advertising for world brands, and some live in Moscow, and they can go to a cafe or cinema together, meet just to chat.

Rimma Agafoshina currently

Speaking about dreams and plans, Rimma noted that at this period of her life, self-realization as a mother comes first. She believes that this is the main thing for every girl and woman. Agafoshina - creative person, even as a child, she dreamed of being a clothing designer, dreamed of creating new exclusive models of fireplaces, and so on. Now all this has faded into the background, and the future family comes first.

The popular model does not consider herself a fashionista; she approaches clothing very simply. There are things that will forever remain her favorites - sneakers, jeans and T-shirts. The main thing is that it all looks sexy and feminine.

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