Slavic calendar of carols dar. Ancient Slavic calendar Daaryan circle number of the god Kolyada dar Slavic Vedic calendar

Ancient Slavic-Aryan Calendar– Kolyada Gift, i.e. a gift from God Kalada. Method of calculating days in a year. Another name is Krugolet Chislobog.
Nowadays, this calendar is used only by Old Believers - representatives of the most ancient Slavic-Aryan Faith - Ingliism.

Our calendar - or, as we say, Kolyady Dar- was banned by Peter the Great. In Summer 7208 (1699) he issued a decree abolishing all the old calendars that simultaneously existed in the Russian lands, and introduced the Western European calendar from the Nativity of Christ, while he moved the beginning of the calendar (New Year) from the Day of the Autumn Equinox (among the Slavs-Old Believers ) and September 1 (for Christians) on January 1, and designated the starting date - 1700:

“Since in Russia they count the New Year in different ways, from now on stop fooling people and count the New Year everywhere from January 1, 1700 from the Nativity of Christ. And as a sign of good beginnings and fun, congratulate each other on the New Year, wishing prosperity in business and in the family. In honor of the New Year, make decorations from fir trees, amuse children, and ride down the mountains on sleds. But adults should not commit drunkenness and massacres - there are enough other days for that.”

The start date of the new calendar was not chosen by Peter the Great by chance. On December 25, the entire Christian world celebrates the Nativity of Christ. According to the Bible, on the eighth day the baby Jesus was circumcised according to the Jewish rite, that is, on January 1, the Christian church celebrated the Circumcision of the Lord.

This date was chosen by Peter the Great... by his decree he ordered all his subjects to celebrate the beginning of the new calendar and congratulate each other on the New Year.

Structure Daarisky Krugolet Chislobog converges with eastern systems (Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian, etc.), but unlike the duodecimal system, Krugolet uses the hexadecimal system. In addition, the circle of elements consists of 9 elements, respectively, colors.

The full circle of life is 144 years (16 years for 9 elements). Summer begins on the day of the Autumn Equinox, it coincides with the beginning of chronology on Earth. Since, according to legend, at this time our ancestors arrived on Midgard (that’s what our planet was called then).

From each important event the Races began a new countdown, but the old one was also preserved.
As of today (September 29, 2009 AD) it goes:

Each astronomical year is equal to 365.25 days. Now every fourth year, in order to equalize the astronomical year, a day is added and the year with such a day is called a leap year.
The ancient Slavs had 15 years of 365 days and every 16th summer had 369 days, such a year was called the Holy Summer, in which each month had 41 days.
In ordinary summers there were 3 seasons: Winter, Spring and Autumn, there were 9 months in the summer of 40 and 41 days per month, all even months - 40 days and in the odd month 41 days.

Summer seasons:

3 times Month Meaning Start of month dates
Autumn Ramhat Month of the Divine September 20 – 23
Winter Islet Month of Collected Gifts October 31 – November 3
Baleth Month of White Light and Peace December 10 – 13
Gaylet Month of Blizzard and Cold January 20 – 23
Spring Daylet Month of Awakening of Nature 01 – 04 March
Eilet Month of Sowing and Naming April 11 – 14
Valet Month of the Winds May 21 – 24
Autumn Haylet Month of Receiving Nature's Gifts 01 – 04 July
Taylet Month of Completion August 10 – 13

The beginning of summer strictly coincides with the Autumn Equinox, which corresponds to the astronomical calendar and is therefore easier to use.

The ancient Slavic calendar for the year consisted of two tables, for the even and odd months, for the ordinary year and one for the holy year. Each week has 9 days.

Days of the week:

No. Days of the week Note Patron God
1. Monday (After Week) Start, Labor Day Horse (Mercury)
2. Tuesday (SECOND) labor Day Ouray (Mars)
3. Treteynik (THIRD) Rest, fasting Perun (Jupiter)
4. Thursday (FOURTH) labor Day Varuna (Uranus)
5. Friday (FIFTH) labor Day Indra (Chiron)
6. Sixth (SIXTH) labor Day Stribog (Saturn)
7. Sedmitsa (SEVENTH) Rest, fasting Svarog (Phaeton)
8. Osmitsa (AXIS OF THE WORLD) labor Day Zarya-Mertzana (Venus)
9. Week (NO BUSINESS) Rest, day of guests, gatherings, songs

The day began at 19-30 winter time and 20-30 summer time, there were 16 hours in a day. Each of the 16 hours also had its own name:
1st hour - Lunch (beginning of a new day) - 19.30 - 21.00 (winter time, respectively 20.30 - 22.00 - summer time; then only winter time is indicated).
2 - Evening (appearance of star dew in Heaven) - 21.00 - 22.30.
3 - Draw (odd time of three moons) - 22.30 - 24.00.
4 - Polich (full path of the Moons) - 24.00 - 1.30.
5 - Morning (starry consolation of dew) - 1.30 - 3.00.
6 - Zaura (star shine, dawn) - 3.00 - 4.30.
7 - Saurnice (end of the starlight) - 4.30 - 6.00.
8 - Nastya (morning dawn) - 6.00 - 7.30.
9 - Svaor (Sunrise) - 7.30 - 9.00.
10 - Morning (calming the dew) - 9.00 - 10.30.
11 - Morning (the path of collecting calm dew) - 10.30 - 12.00.
12 - Obestina (mass, joint meeting) - 12.00 - 13.30.
13 - Lunch, or have lunch (meal), 13.30 - 15.00.
14 - Podani (rest after the meal) - 15.00 - 16.30.
15 - Utdaini (time of completion of actions) - 16.30 - 18.00.
16 - Poudani (completed day) - 18.00 - 19.30.
The new day began at 16:00.

Slavic calendar:

Odd (full) Even (incomplete)
1 10 19 28 37 5 14 23 32
2 11 20 29 38 6 15 24 33
3 12 21 30 39 7 16 25 34
4 13 22 31 40 8 17 26 35
5 14 23 32 41 9 18 27 36
6 15 24 33 1 10 19 28 37
7 16 25 34 2 11 20 29 38
8 17 26 35 3 12 21 30 39
9 18 27 36 4 13 22 31 40

Thus, it was only necessary to remember from which day of the week the year begins and then the countdown simply proceeds according to these tablets.

Yarilo - the Sun - moves along the Svarog circle and passes through 16 heavenly palaces (analogous to the eastern zodiac circle), in which the Suns, Stars and star clusters are collected. Each palace, in turn, is divided into 9 halls, in each hall there are 9 tables, on both sides of the tables there are benches 72 on one side and 72 on the other side. Women sit on one side and men on the other.
It is from the Svarozh circle that the souls of people come to earth at the moment of birth.
The hall changes: at 15-00 winter time, and at 16-00 summer time.

Svarog circle:

No. Sign Genus Patron God Tree
1. Virgo AND Alive
2. Ras (Leo) M Tarkh
3. Eagle M Perun
4. Horse M Kupala
January February March April May June July August September October November December 2018 2019

01 November
Eleventh Makosh Friday, day of the Goddess Makosh

10th of November
Flaxseeds. Flax crushing, the beginning of female marriage

November 14
The beginning of Autumn Svarozh, the day of Ovinnik and Gumennik

We have to admit: now there is no unity among the Slavs on many issues. Thus, the Slavic calendar can be found in different versions. Let us briefly name them and present the Slavic calendar, which we consider the most reliable, confirmed by historical sources.

Why do we need a Slavic calendar?

A strange question at first glance, but let's think about the purpose of the calendar. A calendar is needed, first of all, to measure time. The Slavic calendar organizes life and helps determine patterns. Therefore, we divide the year into months that differ in character: weather, traditional work and holidays for this month, gifts of nature that appear precisely at this time.

The Slavic calendar appears along with an understanding of the cyclical nature of the year, the recurrence of natural phenomena: rain in July or snow in January, the harvest ripe by August, the appearance of “winter roads” along a frozen river in December. The Slavic calendar marks important natural dates, which were used to judge changes in nature, and, along with it, the changes that occur to humans. Agree, at seven o’clock in the evening in a bright, warm summer and a cold, dark winter, we feel differently. Therefore, it is impossible for supporters of their native culture to do without knowledge of the Slavic calendar - it gives an understanding of ancient traditions.

How did the search for the Slavic calendar begin?

It would seem that there is one calendar for everyone, but there are difficulties here: the modern calendar with its names of months and the New Year, which falls on January 1, came to us from Rome. This calendar is often layered with another one - with the dates of church holidays. Separately, there are secular and public holidays. The result is a calendar that does not reflect Slavic traditions at all. Therefore, the Slavs began to look for their original Slavic calendar of holidays.

Unfortunately, the search is not easy. We think that it will not be long before the Slavs come to a unified calendar, as long as the situation remains this way.

What Slavic calendars exist?

  • Slavic-Aryan calendar (can be found under the names: Vedic calendar, carols dar, circle of the number god, Da-Aryan circle of the number god).

This calendar, unfortunately, is often found on the Internet. Unfortunately, because it has no reliable basis. The calendar is built on a complex and unusual hexadecimal system, from which it is very difficult to switch to the secular calendar (and yet in society we live according to it). A complex division into “mansions”, “chambers”, “halls”, more reminiscent of a mixture of Western and Eastern astrology than the true traditions of our ancestors.

  • Lots of designer calendars.

We will not now list all possible variants of the Slavic calendar. What distinguishes them is that almost always the calendar is very complex and only the author of the system fully understands it. It is quite difficult to use such a calendar and even more difficult to imagine that it was once common among the Slavs.

  • Agrarian calendar with overlay of Christian holidays.

It may seem strange how this item ended up on the list of Slavic calendars, but let's look at it from this angle. No matter how much we would like to consider the belief in the Slavic Gods as a continuous tradition, Christianity still influenced our culture. However, it was not easy to remove the usual holidays from the Slavic calendar; we often find their echoes in Christian holidays.

Which Slavic calendar should you believe?

The issue of restoring the Slavic calendar is not an easy matter. We cannot claim that the calendar we ourselves use is ultimately correct. However, it is this version of the Slavic calendar or calendars similar to it that are used by the Veles Circle community and the Circle of Northern Knowers.

The Slavic calendar is based on the monthly word, known in the Russian North. Embroidery with a “month-word” pattern, divided into 12 parts, according to the number of months of the year, with days of the week and holidays marked on the “petals,” has survived to this day.

Please note that most dates in the calendar are indicated “old style”. This is how we get the Slavic calendar that existed among our ancestors. In it, Kupala, as expected, falls on the shortest night of the year, and not on July 7, and Kolyada falls on the shortest day, and not on Christmas.

Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog “Kolyada Gift”

and VedicAstrology.

Our chronology is not connected either with the Sun, or with the Earths, or
with the Moons, nor with the Stars, but is connected with the Laws of the One Kind.
For the Suns, Stars, Earths and Moons speed up and slow down their
move, and the Laws of the One Family are UNSHAKEABLE, and their observance
is observed by Chislobog, who is the guardian of the Rivers of Time.

We are told that the word calendar comes from the Latin "calendarium", which translated from Latin literally means the following: "record of loans", "debt book". The fact is that in Ancient Rome, debtors paid debts or interest in the first days of the month, i.e. on the days of the Kalends (from the Latin “calendae” or “kalendae”, also “calends” - the name of the first day of the month among the ancient Romans). But the Greeks did not have calends. Therefore, the Romans ironically said about inveterate defaulters that they would repay the debt in Greek calendars, that is, it is not known when. This expression has become popular in many languages ​​of the world.

The name of the Slavic-Aryan Calendar is “Kalyady Dar”, which literally means the gift of Kolyada. Those. the word “calendar” comes not from the “debt book” of the Romans, but from the fusion of Kalyada Dar. Another name for the Calendar is Chislobog’s Circle.

Nowadays, only the Orthodox Slavs (not to be confused with Christians) Old Believers-Ynglings and the Irish Order of Druids use the ancient Daarian Circle of Chislobog. The Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog has its roots in the times when our Ancestors lived on the northern continent, which they called Daaria (Hyperborea, Arctida, Arctogea). The calendar has a Runic display form, i.e. the names of the Forties (months), numbers, days of the week and the names of Years were written down in Runes (secret Images for transmitting a large amount of information). The first Fortieth Anniversary was designated by one Rune, and the rest were designated by a combination of two Runes, with the second Rune indicating part of the cycle of rotation of our Earth around our Yarila. This cycle is called Summer and denotes a “structural” period of time in the Daariysky Circle of Chislobog (from the 1st to the 144th year).

The calendar is based on the oldest 16-digit number system. 16 Years form a Circle, which passes through 9 elements, creating a Circle of Life in 144 years, since it is based on the model of the Universe and on the axial centralization and galactic orientation of the Earth.

If we consider the time of 2012 A.D., then this is Summer 7520 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple... but this does not mean at all that our World was created 7520 years ago...

In ancient times, the creation of the world was called the conclusion of a peace treaty between warring peoples. Thus, we have a “new frame of reference.” This very peace treaty between the Great Race (ancient Rus-Aryans) and the Great Dragon (ancient Chinese) was concluded on the day of the Autumn Equinox, or on the 1st day of the First month of Summer 5500 from the Great Cold (Great Cold). The Great Race then won victory, which was depicted in the form of an image - a White Knight on a horse hits the Dragon with a spear (now this image is interpreted as St. George the Victorious defeating an ancient serpent... although this same St. George has nothing to do with ancient events... here just the fact that Christians used an ancient image for their own purposes).

Here is a short list of calendar forms used by the Old Believers Slavs:

Calculations corresponding to 2012 AD.

7520 Summer from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (conclusion of a peace treaty between the Great Race and the Great Dragon (ancient China) - 5508 BC)

13020 Summer from the Great Cold (Great Cooling, which was associated with a catastrophe - the fall of fragments of the destroyed Moon Fatta onto Midgard into the Pacific Ocean. Before the fall, Fatta revolved around Midgard (in the equatorial plane) with a revolution period of 13 days. - 11,008 BC. )

40016 Summer from the 3rd Arrival of Vaitmana Perun (38,004 BC)

44556 Summer from the Creation of the Great Circle of Russenia (Great Circle, i.e. the unification of Slavic-Aryan clans for living together. That is, there were several stages of the settlement of Midgard. The first stage, Daaria was settled - 42,544 BC)

106790 Summer from the Founding of Asgard of Iria (from 9 Taylet) (104,778 BC)

111818 Summer from the Great Migration from Daariya (109,806 BC)

143002 Summer from the period of Three Moons (This is the Period when three Moons revolved around Midgard-Earth: Lelya, Fatta and the Month. Lelya is a small Moon with an orbital period of 7 days, Fatta is a medium Moon with an orbital period of 13 days and the Month is a large Moon with a period 29.5 days. Two of these Moons - Lelya and the Month were originally the Moons of Midgard-Earth, and Fatta was dragged from the Earth by Dei. - 140,990 BC)

153378 Summer from Assa Dei (Battle of the Gods, the death of Dei and in this place there is now an asteroid belt, rotating in the 5th orbit after the Earth of Ourea (Mars) - 151,336 BC)

165042 Summer from the Time of Tara (It originates from the time when Midgard-Earth was visited by the Goddess Tara and the North Star is called Tara, in honor of the beautiful Goddess Tara - 163,030 BC)

185778 Summer from the Time of Thule (Arrival of the Rasen (brown eyes) and settlement of the Thule province in Daariya -183,766 BC)

211698 Summer from the Time of Svaga (Arrival of the Svyatorus (blue eyes) from the palace of the Swan (Ursa Major) and settlement of the province of Svaga in Daariya. - 209 686 BC)

273906 Summer from the Time of Kh'Arra (Arrival of the Kh'Aryans (green eyes) from the Hall of Finist the Bright Falcon (Horn) or, according to modern - the constellation Orion. - 271 894 BC)

460530 Summer from the Time of Gifts (Arrival of the Da'Aryans (silver-eyed) on the Whitemars (celestial chariots) to Midgard from the Zimun Star System - the Heavenly Cow (Ursa Minor) - 458 518 BC)

604386 Summer from the Time of the Three Suns (beginning of the Daarian calendar) (602,374 BC)

957520 Summer from the Time of the Appearance of the Gods (955 508 BC)

1.5 billion Summer from the arrival on Midgard of the first Whitemara of the Great Race of the Celestial Race.

The Da'Aryan Calendar is a conditional representation of the radiation of the Galactic Grid of three spaces, periodically changing as the Earth moves.

Everything was arranged for man and for man - Man of Light and Cosmos - this is the main essence of the Slavic-Aryan Calendar.

The usual day for the Slavic-Aryans began at 6 pm in the evening, was divided into sixteen parts, and ended at 6 pm the next day. (Pic. 1)

A week consisted of 9 days (the number of human chakras), a month consisted of 40-41 days, and there were 9 months in a year, i.e. also according to the number of chakras.

Why does the Slavic-Aryan Circle of Years, like a 16-hour day, consist of 16 years?

The day we are familiar with today consists of 24 hours, which is a reflection of the apparent movement of the Sun in the zodiacal constellations and is a multiple of their number.

The Aryans lived and live in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, where there are 16 main palaces in the sky - of which 4 large ones are constantly in the sky, both day and night, appearing in the northern latitudes not going beyond the horizon - Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, Cassiopeia and Cepheus. And 12 constellations are zodiacal, located in the ecliptic plane and appear from the horizon only periodically. All these northern constellations are radiating and shed light of their own spectrum. (Pic. 2)

It is these Northern non-setting constellations that are the main ones, exerting a constant influence on a person, which is why they are sacred, and the zodiac ones are only secondary. This is how ancient Slavic-Aryan sources describe the star map of the Northern sky:

“...The Runic Chronicles... say that our Yarilo-Sun is located in the galactic structure of the Swati Star System (there are no analogues in modern constellations), also called the Svarog Path or the Heavenly Iriy. Swati is represented as a left-handed swastika. Our Yarilo-Sun is located in the lower part of one of the swastika sleeves of Swati. It is Tri-light, because. illuminates three Worlds: Reality, Nav and Rule (spectrum of radiation from the Earths of three spaces). Yarilo-Sun is part of the palace of the Goddess Zimun (Heavenly Cow or, in modern terms, Ursa Minor) and is the eighth Earth.

Also in the Swastika arm of the galaxy is the solar system Dazhbog - the Sun (modern name: Beta - Leo). It is called the Yarilo-Great Golden Sun, it is brighter in terms of light emission, size and mass than the Yarilo-Sun. Ingard-Earth revolves around the Golden Sun; its orbital period is 576 days. Ingard-Earth has two moons: the Big Moon with an orbital period of 36 days, and the Lesser Moon - 9 days. The Golden Sun system is located in the Hall of the Race on the Svarog Circle. In the Golden Sun System, on Ingard-Earth, there is biological life similar to life on Midgard-Earth. This land is the ancestral home of many Slavic-Aryan Clans..."

“...In the center of Svarga, the Hall of Fire is revealed - Stozhary (Svetozhary) - the Forge of Svarog itself, the Source of everything that exists. This is the top of the World Tree, the Mer-mountain, the place of contact between our world and the Superworld, in which the Supreme Race Himself exists. In Stozhary, Goy Roda - the East of the World - pierces the World Egg of our Universe, initiating Svarga's Rotation. These Stozhars are the essence of the North Star, which is now called the Polar Star, and our Ancestors called it Sedava, the Syad Star. Sedava revealed the star images of Svarog and Lada in human form - the Constellations now called Cepheus and Cassiopeia. Svarog and Lada walk around the Tree of the Worlds, which is entwined with its Guardian - Veles in the guise of the Fire Serpent (Dragon constellation). Nearby you can also see a constellation, which some call the Ursa, others - the Cow, and still others - the Deer. These guards of Iria are Veles and Dazhbog. In the very center of Stozhar Svarozhikh there is an image of a fiery Ladle (Ursa Minor). This Bucket was thrown into the sky by Veles, and then by the Roof...”

The most complete wave environment of light in the Northern Hemisphere should take into account not the 12 zodiacal constellations, like the southerners, but the 16 constellations of the sky, or “chambers,” as the Aryans called them.

Therefore, the system of 12 zodiacal constellations for the Aryans is incomplete and alien, and is significant only for the southern regions.

Then the Aryans had a Circle of Life, consisting of 16 × 9 = 144 years.

These are the daily, annual, 16-year, 144-year and 25920-year cycles. Changing the light emission fields of three spaces directly affects human biology through changes in the synthesis of hormones and, consequently, his social behavior, and hence - on the events of life and society. A perfect and scientifically based system of the influence of light on biology and human life - there are no “fortune tellers” here.

In accordance with Slavic-Aryan astrology, which came to us from ancient times, our Earth not only moves around the Sun, but also rotates around its axis, and the axis, in turn, slowly moves along a circular cone. In this case, the North Pole describes an ellipse in space, which is the base of this cone, and the South Pole is, accordingly, its top. The axis of this cone is perpendicular to the plane of the earth's orbit, and the angle between the axis and the generatrix of the cone is approximately 23°27'. This movement of the earth's rotation axis along a circular cone is called precession. And as a result of this, a complete (visually observed from Earth) revolution of the starry sky occurs in 25,920 years. This is where Svarog Circle is located.

Throughout the Svarog Circle (for an earthly observer), our Sun moves across the vault of heaven from constellation to constellation (chamber) in the opposite direction from the usual annual cycle. The position of the Sun in the sky is determined during the solstices, i.e. in which constellation (chamber) the Sun is located on March 22 (Latin, Western style) or September 22 (Aryan, Russian style) - we live in that era. Since, unlike Western and Chinese astrology, the Slavic-Aryans distinguish not 12, but 16 zodiacal constellations in the firmament, then, accordingly, the zodiacal era lasts 1620 years. That is, the point of the autumn solstice of the Sun moves into a new palace every 1620 years.

The Svarog circle consists of the following palaces:

Halls of the era

God is the Patron

Epoch date (relative to modern times)

10948-9328 BC era

Dazhdbog (Tarkh)

9328-7708 BC era

7708-6088 BC era

6088-4468 BC era

4468-2848 BC era

2848-1228 BC era

1228-392 BC era

392-2012 era



2012 -3632 AD era

Busl (stork)

3632-5252 AD era

5252-6872 AD era

Kolyada, Varuna

6872-8492 AD era

8492-10112 AD era

10112-11732 AD era

11732-13352 AD era

13352-14972 AD era

This is the most complete cycle of the celestial Grid of Galactic radiations.

Not all ancient names have been restored so that they can be clearly identified and combined with modern names of the constellations.

The figure (Pic. 3) shows a fragment of a person’s chakra structure with runic signs that reveal the essence of wave pumping. Please note - all runic symbols in the figure exactly correspond to the runes of the Ancient Slavic-Aryan Calendar - the Daarian Circle of Chislobog, i.e. denote SPECTRA OF WAVE FIELDS OF NATURAL RADIATIONS OF THREE SPACES - THE GALACTIC GRID OF LIGHT.

You need to understand that the connection between Nature and man is one of the basic Vedic principles. Artificial field waves (electrical devices that replace the sun, air, clean water and communication with nature) are unacceptable in principle for a harmonious whole person, but only on Earth, among its Nature and the fields of natural cosmic radiation, do we draw the power of the entire Universe. Therefore, the Higher Powers apply the only possible solution - to project the radiation of the corresponding sectors of the starry sky onto the Earth and people.

Look and count - ALL 16 significant emitting sectors of space with their spectra were used. ALL!

Here the temporary zones of action of these radiations are specially highlighted, and the seasons are indicated in color. Please note that the combination of fields (“warm - cold”) carries out SPECTRAL ADJUSTMENT OF WAVE FIELDS.

When Yarilo-Sun passes a certain Hall, the connection of its Light with the Light of the Hall gives influence on the destinies and character of people, and gives Power, which is perceived by the Sacred Trees that grow on Midgard-Earth.

That is, the solstice point of the Sun moves into a new palace: (Pic. 4)

In the image of the Svarog Circle (Shield of Chislobog) on ​​the outer circle of the engraving you can see the Patrons of the Halls. On the second circle, from the outer edge, the hours of time are shown: Daily Circle, in which there are 16 hours, 4 hours for each time of day: 4 hours for the Evening, 4 hours for the Night, 4 hours for the Morning and 4 hours for the Day. Each hour has its own name, a hall (Characters and Cuts) image and Runic writing.

In the next Circle the Runes of the 16 Heavenly Halls are depicted; their outline has a certain connection with the location of the stars in the Firmament and with the Natural Elements. Therefore, very often these Runes were placed on amulets. Not only on those worn by people, but also on amulets protecting livestock and poultry. In addition, these amulets can be found on dishes and other household utensils.

The next circle is called the Circle of the Elements, it identifies the 9 Elements through which life passes. Each Element is given its own name and its own Rune of Order: 1. Earth, 2. Star, 3. Fire, 4. Sun, 5. Tree, 6. Heaven, 7. Ocean, 8. Moon, 9. God.

Each Summer is in one way or another connected with the Circle of Elements, so knowing the elemental characteristics, you can know what to expect from a particular Summer (year).

Next came the Weekly Circle. It was used to determine not only the serial number of the day of the week, but also which of the Gods patronizes this day, as well as which of the Nine Earths of the Yarila-Sun system gives its power.

In the very center, in the Circle, is the structural designation of a person. 9 points pointed to 9 main energy centers (chakras) of a person, through which he receives various streams of life force. On 9 types of human consciousness, on 9 different feelings that are given to man.

Savyano-Aryan Calendar (Vedic)

Our chronology is not connected either with the Sun or with
Earths, neither with Moons, nor with Stars, but connected with the Laws of the One Creator. For
The Suns, Stars, Earths and Moons speed up and slow down, and the Laws of the Creator
One unshakable, and their observance is monitored by Chislobog, who is
guardian of the Rivers of Time.
Origin of the word "calendar"
We are told that the word calendar comes from the Latin
"calendarium", which literally means in Latin
the following: “record of loans”, “debt book”. The fact is that
in ancient Rome, debtors paid debts or interest on the first days of the month,
those. on the days of the calendars (from the Latin “calendae” or “kalendae”, also
“Kalends” is the name of the first day of the month among the ancient Romans). But at
There were no Greek Kalends. Therefore, the Romans are ironic about inveterate defaulters
they said that they would repay the debt in Greek calendars, that is, it is not known when.
This expression has become popular in many languages ​​of the world.
If we return to the Latin language, it turns out that “debt” is
Latin “debitum”, “book” - “libellus”,
"liber libri". “Note” ‒ “nota”,
"litterae". Note in the sense of “notepad” - “album”,
"tabella". "Loan" would be "faeneror". And some
the first part of “calendarium” the word “caleo” is translated as
“proclaim”, but translate “ndarium” (or at least
"darium") they cannot. It is clear that the calendarium has nothing to do with the courts
and has no debts. So maybe this word was borrowed from us?
The name of the Slavic-Aryan Calendar “Kalyady Dar”, which
literally means Kolyada's gift. Those. the word "calendar" comes from
not from the “debt book” of the Romans, but from the fusion of Kalyada Dar. Other
The name of the Calendar is Chislobog’s Circle.
Nowadays the ancient Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog (DKCH) is used only
Orthodox Slavs (not to be confused with Christians) Old Believers-Inglings and Irish
Order of Druids. DKCH has its roots in the times when our Ancestors lived on
northern continent, which they called Daaria (Hyperborea, Arctida, Arctogea).
The calendar has a Runic display form, i.e. names of Sorokovniki
(months), numbers, days of the week and the names of Years were written down in Runes (secret Images
to transmit a large amount of information). The first Fortieth Anniversary was designated by one
Rune, and the rest were designated by the connection of two Runes, with the second Rune,
pointed to part of the rotation cycle of our Earth around our Yarila. This cycle
called Leto (“years” in place of Let appeared under Peter I, and the image
"year" (from "godina") means "structural"
period of time in DKCh (from the 1st to the 144th year)). From the word "Summer" in
our language has preserved the concepts: chronicle, chronicler, chronology, how many
How old are you, etc.
The calendar is based on the oldest 16-digit number system. 16 years form
A circle that passes through 9 elements, creating the Circle of Life in 144 years. AND
Despite its unusualness, for modern perception, this calendar
system, the most accurate and convenient of all currently existing
calendars. Over the past few tens of thousands of years, our calendar has not
“ran away” and did not “lag behind” for a single day, because he relies on
model of the Universe and on the axial centralization and galactic orientation of the Earth.
Our Midgard-Earth moves around Yarila, rotating around its axis, and the axis,
moves slowly in a circular cone. In this case, the north pole describes in
space ellipse, which is the base of this cone. The axis of this cone
perpendicular to the plane of the earth's orbit, and the angle between the axis and the generatrix of the cone
equal to approximately 23°. This is the movement of the axis of rotation along a circular cone according to the scientific
is called precession, and our Ancestors called it the Day of Svarog. And as a result
this is a complete (visually observed from the Earth) revolution of the starry sky, all 16
The palaces (constellations) take place over 25,920 years. At the moment, astronomers
consider the length of precession to be equal to 25729 years (Platonov's year). Astrologers believe
that the precession cycle is 25920 years and one astrological era is equal to 1/12
cycle and is 2160 years. Previously, before the cataclysm, there was no precession, the axis angle
was approximately 30° and the axis strictly pointed towards the center of our galaxy:
“...In the center of Svarga the Hall of Fire is revealed - Stozhary (Svetozhary) - the Forge of Svarog itself,
The source of all that exists. This is the top of the World Tree, Mer-mountain, place
the contact of our world with the Superworld, in which the Supreme Race Himself exists. IN
Stozharakh Goy Rod - the East of the World - pierces the World Egg of our Universe,
initiating the Rotation of Svarga. These Stozhars are the essence of the Star of the North, which is now
called Polar, and our Ancestors called it Sedava, Syad-star. At Sedava's
the star images of Svarog and Lada were revealed in human form - Constellations, now
called Cepheus and Cassiopeia. Svarog and Lada walk salt-and-pepper at the Tree of the Worlds, which
the Guardian is wrapped around him - Veles in the guise of the Fire Serpent (Dragon constellation). Near
a constellation is also visible, which some call the Ursa, others the Cow, and
the third - Deer. These guards of Iria are Veles and Dazhbog. In the very center of Stozhar
Svarozhikh is the image of the fiery Ladle (Ursa Minor). This Ladle was thrown into the sky
Veles, and then - Kryshen..."

Yarilo-Sun enters the Hall of the “Fiery Ladle”,
whose name is Zimun. The palace is a system of luminaries (Suns and Stars),
moving in their orbits around the center of the Hall, where the object is located,
which astronomers call a neutron star, which was discovered in 2004
year. In astronomy it is called 1RXS J141256.0+792204.
On the coat of arms of Belovodye you can see the location of Yarila in the Hall of Zimun. Yarila
depicted in the form of the Star of England, surrounded by sixteen Halls, along which
Yarila throughout the Svarog Circle (for the earthly observer) for one
Leta moves from Hall to Hall in the opposite direction from usual
annual cycle: Hall of the Virgin, Boar, Pike, Swans, Snake, Crow, Bear, Busla,
Wolf, Fox, Tour, Elk, Finist, Horse, Eagle, Race:

Chamber of the Virgin 18 Taylet ‒ 1 Ramhat

Hall of the Boar 1 Ramhat ‒ 22 Ramhat

Hall of Pike 22 Ramkhat - 4 Aylet

Hall of the Swan 4 Aylet ‒ 25 Aylet

Hall of the Serpent 25 Aylet ‒ 7 Beylet

Hall of the Raven 7 Beylet ‒ 29 Beylet

Hall of the Bear 29 Beilet ‒ 12 Geilet

Hall of Busla 12 Geylet ‒ 37 Geylet

Hall of the Wolf 37 Geylet ‒ 22 Daylet

Hall of the Fox 22 Daylet ‒ 4 Elet

Hall of Tura 4 Elet ‒ 26 Elet

Hall of the Elk 26 Elet ‒ 9 Veylet

Finist's Hall 9 Veylet ‒ 31 Veylet

Hall of the Horse 31 Veylet ‒ 13 Heylet

Hall of the Eagle 13 Heylet ‒ 35 Heylet

Hall Race 35 Heylet ‒ 18 Taylet

When Yarilo-Sun passes a certain Hall, its connection
Light with the Light of the Hall gives influence on the destinies and character of people, and gives Strength,
which is perceived by the Sacred Trees that grow on Midgard-Earth.

The position of the Sun in the sky is determined during
solstices, i.e. in which constellation (chamber) is the Sun located on March 22
(Latin, Western style) or September 22 (Aryan, Russian style) - in that
This is the era we live in. Because, unlike Western and Chinese astrology,
The Slavic-Aryans distinguish not 12, but 16 zodiac constellations in the firmament
(halls), then, accordingly, the zodiac era lasts not 2160, but 1620
years. That is, the point of the autumn solstice of the Sun moves every 1620 years

Yarilo-Sun is part of the “triple star system”

(in astronomical terms). In addition to him, it (the triple system) includes
White Giant and Brown Dwarf (Mara). One of the Brown Dwarf Lands ‒
Nimizis, which was depicted as a disk with wings, having an orbital period
3600 years.
A day of Svarog = 180 Circles of Life (25,920 Years). Now they count centuries (100
years), and the Slavic-Aryans considered the Circles of Life, which consists of 9 Circles of Years
or equal to 144 Years - this is the minimum life span for people in this world.
Accordingly, the Circle of Years = 16 Years: fifteen simple Years and the sixteenth -
Sacred Summer. This is due to the fact that every sixteen years the orbit
Midgard lengthens due to interaction with other Earths (planets) and Leto
extended by 4 days. This cycle is also associated with ancient events, namely 15
years, the migration of the Clans of the Great Race from Daariya to Rassenia (the territory from
Ural to the Pacific Ocean), and in the 16th Summer our Ancestors settled new lands and
brought glory to Our Gods. In honor of this event, the Ancestors began to celebrate
Paskhet, which translated from the Kh’Aryan runic means “The path along which they walked”
The Years are counted from the day of the Great Ramha-Ita holiday (or from the day of the New Year,
those. the beginning of a new Summer).
Every Summer has its own name. Now is the Summer of the “Earthly (Black) Priest
" To check this, according to the DKCh table you need to year from R.H. add
5508, and if the day of the autumnal equinox has already passed, then add 5509. And from
from the received subtract 7376. We get Summer 2. Using the DCT table we find that the number 2
corresponds to the Summer of the “Earthly (Black) Priest”.

for example, compare with eastern

calendar system.
Each Summer has 9 Fortieths (months) and contains three natural seasons: Autumn, Winter and Spring.
Those. for each natural season there are three Sorokovniks.
Simple Summer = 365 Days, in which everything
The odd Sorokovniks contain 41 days, and the even ones – 40 days.
Sacred Summer = 369 Days in which all Fortieth Days contain 41 days.
Incomplete 40th anniversary = 40 days.
Full Fortieth Day = 41 Days.
Instead of modern months, “of old they were considered forties: the first
forty, another forty, etc.”, “What is nine forty, what is four ninety
- one”, “Sorokoviny or sorochiny f. pl. wake, remembrance,
remembrance, remembrance, prayer, on the 40th day" - excerpts from the dictionary
All Forties (months) began on strictly defined days
weeks. For example, if the first Fortieth of the year begins on Tuesday, then that’s all
the rest of the odd Forties will begin on Tuesday, and the even ones on
week. Therefore, the calendar that we carry with us today and which
contains 12 different month tablets, previously it contained only two tablets: one -

for odd months, another for even months:

It was very convenient, all the odd months of Simple Summer

began on one day of the week, and all even numbers began on the other. And since the Sacred
Summer consists of 41 weeks, then the next Circle of Life began on the same day
weeks the same as Holy Summer. Thus, each Circle of Life, i.e. cycle from
144 years, started on Monday.

The names of the months not only in Runik had a deep meaning, but also in

Initial letter too. In their totality, the Images of the Initial Letters with which they began
the names of Sorokovniki also carried a special meaning. To somehow understand him,
you just need to remember the names of the initial letters in the Old Slovenian writing and that
they mean: R - Retsi, - to instruct, to inform; A - Az, - man, people; B - Gods; G ‒ Verb, ‒ to speak; D - Good; E - This, - indicating form; V ‒ Vedi, ‒ Vedas, wisdom, knowledge; X - Storage, - preservation; T - Firmly, - completion, final
form. By combining these Images of initial letters, we get the following text: The Gods instructed man, speaking kindly,
keep this Wisdom firmly.
Week = 9 Days carried
numerical form and were called:

Explanation of the picture: on the outside there are days of the week (not indicated) and their
patrons. Behind the corners of the triangle are three moons: Lelya, Fatta and
Month. In the center of the triangle is the symbol of Midgard-Earth. Day of the week on which you
happy was born for you.
The nine-day week was remembered not so long ago, we can
make sure by reading the tales of the Siberian storyteller Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov:
Well, Gavrilo, during that week
Let's take them to the capital;
We'll sell it to the boyars there,
We'll split the money evenly.
(The Little Humpbacked Horse)
The eighth period has already passed
and the week has come.
(Stone bowl)

Slavic measures of time
Day = 16 Hours.
The Slavic-Aryan day begins at 18 Gregorian hours (in winter and at 19
hours according to summer time). Because 1.5 billion years ago our Ancestors in this
time of day landed on Midgard-Earth.
From that moment on, the record of time began and this was imprinted in the sayings: “from
evening until evening”, “long day until evening when there is nothing to do”,
“morning evening is wiser”, in the evening they say “here is the day
passed”, “day and night - a day away”, i.e. day turns into night
- the day ended with sunset. In some countries this tradition is still
has been observed for some time now. By the way, the word “day” comes from the verb to weave, poke. Day
- this is a junction, a confluence of day and night, their connection; the day is woven from day and night.
This word, besides Russian, is also found in some languages ​​(for example, in Bulgarian
day - “day-night”).
An hour is 1½
Gregorian Every Hour has its

Hour = 144 Parts (= 90 minutes).
Part = 1,296 Beats (= 37.56 seconds).
Beat = 72 Moments (1 sec = 34.5 beats).
Instant = 760 MiGs (1 sec = 2484.34 instants).
Mig = 160 Sigs (1 sec. = 1888102.236 migs). This is where the word came from
“jump”, i.e. move very, very quickly.
Whitefish = 14000 Centigs (1 second = 302096358 Whitefish). 1 sig
approximately equal to 30 vibrations of the electromagnetic wave of a cesium atom taken as
the basis for modern atomic clocks.

Shield of Chislobog
In the image
Svarog Circle (Shield of Chislobog) on
The outer circle of the engraving shows the Patrons of the Halls. On the second circle, from the outer
edges, time clock shown: Daily
A circle in which there are 16 hours, 4 hours for each time of day: 4 hours for Evening,
4 hours for Night, 4 hours for Morning and 4 hours for Day. Every hour has its own
own title, damn (Traits and Res) image
and Runic writing.
In the next Circle the Runes of the 16 Heavenly Halls are depicted, their outline is
a certain connection with the location of the stars in the Firmament and with the Natural elements.
Therefore, very often these Runes were placed on amulets. Not only those who
worn by people, but also on amulets protecting livestock and poultry. Besides,
These amulets can be found on dishes and other household utensils.
The next circle is called the Circle
Elements, it identifies 9 Elements through which life passes.
Each Element is given its own name and its own Rune of Order: 1. Earth, 2. Star, 3. Fire, 4. Sun, 5. Tree, 6. Heaven, 7. Ocean, 8. Moon, 9. God.
Every Summer is somehow connected with the Circle
Elemental, so knowing the elemental characteristics, you can know what to expect from
of this or that Summer (year).
Next came the Weekly Circle.
It was used to determine not only the serial number of the day of the week, but also which of the Gods
patronizes this day, as well as which of the Nine Lands of the system
Yarila the Sun gives its strength.
In the very center, in the Circle, is the structural designation of a person. 9 points indicated
into the 9 main energy centers (chakras) of a person, through which he receives
various streams of life force. On 9 types of human consciousness, on 9 different
feelings that are given to a person and much more.

The New Year falls on 1
day of the second month of Ouseni, i.e. on the Day of the Autumn Equinox. How is that
the rule is associated with the fact that the entire harvest has been collected, the bins are filled, and new
The summer began with complete prosperity. Moreover, the most important events were
It is customary to take it on the New Year.
For example, a peace treaty with the Great Dragon (ancient China)
was signed precisely in the New Year. This was very convenient for introducing a new point
countdown of peaceful life, and on the main calendar system this is in no way
reflected. After all, the Creation of the World (between nations) occurred on 1 day of 1 month
Leta 5500 from the Great Cold.
Thus, 1 day of 1 month of Summer 5501 from the Great Cold
at the same time became the 1st day of the 1st month of Summer 1 from the Creation of the World, and since it was peaceful
the agreement was signed in Leto, which bears the name of the Star Temple on the Chislobog Circle,
then the name of the new calendar became - from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (SMZH).
Let's calculate the well-known
date of execution of the building of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR - September-October 1993
Slavic-Aryan manner. These events occurred at the turn of two years, i.e.
the events and essence of one Summer influenced the events of the subsequent Summer. That's why,
to find out the causes of events, you need to know the essence of both Years:
(1993+5508)–7376=125 and (1993+5509)–7376=126. According to the DKCH table: 125 - White Dog.
13 simple Summer. The essence of this Summer: “The Summer of pseudo-reforms that
carried out in words, not in deeds (people say: “The dog barks the wind.”
wears"). This Summer, dark forces are trying in every possible way to undermine the economy and
destroy the means of production, especially agriculture. But, as a rule,
all these unseemly deeds raise the people to revolt against the dark forces, because
the people need stability, not empty talk from rulers.” 126 ‒ White
Tour. 14th simple summer. The essence of this Summer: “The Summer of popular protests
against the tyranny of dark forces. This Summer, as a rule, it rains a lot
The blood of innocent people, and ritual murders are committed, with human
The real events that took place corresponded to the essence of Let
Circularity of Chislobog. Until September 19, confrontation between branches of government
occurred at the level of verbal mutual accusations. But now, 125 Summer gives way to 126,
September 20 came and the opposing sides moved from words to actions.
The President issues the famous Decree No. 1400, dissolves the Supreme Council, and
the latter, in turn, announces the removal of the president from office and
that all power in the country passes into the hands of the vice president. Verbal fight
between the two branches of government, turned into an armed conflict, as a result
which killed innocent civilians near the Ostankino television center, and also
The building of the Supreme Council was shot from tanks and armored personnel carriers.
The Summer of the Tour occurs every 16 years. These years indicate that in
During these periods, dark forces penetrating into power shed the Blood of innocent people.
Let's calculate, for example, Birthdays. To get the chronology from SMZH, add to your year
birth 5508 or 5509, if born after the autumn equinox. Now
let's calculate in what
A person was born round the clock by subtracting 7376 from past calculations. Example:
(1979+5508)–7376=111. Now, according to the DKCH table, we find that this is Summer
“Star House”, 15th Summer in Krugolet. Another example:
(1981+5508)–7376=113 – this is the Summer of the “Fiery Path”, 1st Summer in the Circle.
Further, using the correspondence table, you can find out the month of your

For example, for May 15, 1979 (05/15/1979): (1979 + 5508) – 7376 =

111. 111 is the 15th (simple) Leto in the DKCh table. Now in column 13-15 we look for which month 15.05 falls on: the sixth month Elet, which is from 11.04 to 21.05,
those. We calculate the birthday like this: 11.04 (April 11) = 01.06 (1 Elet), 12.04
= 02.06, 13.04 = 03.06,…, 15.05 = 35.06 (35 Elet). The characteristics of the 35th of the 4th quarter of the month can be viewed here.
Second example, for April 22, 1981 (04/22/1981): (1981 + 5508) –
7376 = 113. 113 is 1 (simple) Leto in the DKCH table. Now in column 1-3 we look for which month 04/22 falls on: the sixth month Elet, which is from 04/14 to 05/24.
We calculate the birthday like this: 14.04 (April 14) = 01.06 (1 Elet), 15.04 =
02.06, 16.04 = 03.06,..., 22.04 = 09.06 (9 Elet). The characteristics of the 9th of the 1st quarter of the month can be viewed here.
Note: If you were born after 18:00 (winter time or after
19 hours summer time), then you need to add one day to the calculations, because
the new Slavic-Aryan day begins at this time.
Note: Daylight saving time was introduced on April 1, 1981.
To find out in which Hall you were born, use the table of the Svarog Circle.
Note: If your birthday falls on a “borderline”
day, then remember that the change of Halls occurs at 14 o’clock (in modern times: at
15 hours winter time and 16 hours summer time).
For the first example: 35 Elet - Hall of the Elk. Amulet:
rune of the Hall inscribed in the star of England: Fig. For the second example: 9 Elet - Hall of Tours. Amulet: rune of the Hall inscribed in
star of England: Fig. Also a talisman of the Summer of birth, month
birthday, day of the week of birth patronizes and helps.
Let's determine from what day of the week 111 Summer began (for example 1) and 113 Summer (for example 2). Let's use the table:

Let us not forget that if the first Fortieth Summer

starts on Monday, then all other odd Forties will be
start on Monday, and even ones - on Sixth. If on Tuesday, then odd days
Tuesday, and even days - on Weekday, etc.:

Odd months / Even months
Tuesday / Week
Thursday / Week
Friday / Monday
Sixth / Tuesday
Seven / Triteinik
Osmitsa / Chetverik
Week / Friday

111 Summer began with Osmitsa,
This means that the even 6th month of Elet begins on Chetverik

113 Summer began with
Chetverika, which means the even 6th month of Elet begins with Week.
To determine the day of the week of birth, we will use the Sorokovnikov table. For example 1: 1 Elet =
Chetverik, 2 Elet = Friday,... 35 Elet = Tuesday. For example 2: 1
Elet = Week, 2 Elet = Monday,... 9 Elet = Oct.
Checking the calculations:

date, month, year:

To determine the time of birth you need to know the hour and minute
of your birth according to the modern calendar. We remind you that the day
The Slavic-Aryan Calendar begins in ‒ in winter, and in ‒ in
daylight saving time, and last 16 hours, each hour containing 144 parts.
Thus, 1 hour is 1.5 modern hours and, conversely, 1 modern
an hour is equal to two thirds of an old hour; accordingly, 1 modern minute contains
contains 1.6 parts of an old minute.
Therefore, if the hour of birth is between 18 and 24 hours in winter, then
it is enough to count how many hours and parts of the Slavic-Aryan Calendar have passed,
beginning with . For summer time you need to count from and remember that it
introduced on April 1, 1981. If you were born after , then when counting
forget to take into account the 6 modern hours that have passed from to . For
For a better understanding, let's build a table:

Every Slavic hour and every part, as well as palaces and summers,
give a person a certain characteristic at birth.
Example: . Let's change the clock. - it's 9 o'clock. 10 left
minutes. Remember that 1 modern minute = 1.6 parts: 10 * 1.6 = 16. Total: 9
hours, 16 parts.
Example: (after April 1, 1981), i.e. we take into account the transition to
summer time. - it's 11 o'clock. There is 1 hour left, which is equal to 60 minutes,
Let's convert it into parts: 60*1.6 = 96. Total: 11 hours, 96 parts.
Checking the calculations:

Hours Minutes Seconds


life figure
The amulet number of life indicates spiritual and emotional
characteristics of a person. It is calculated according to the Slavic date of birth and
indicates a spiritual basis, in contrast to the life number, which indicates
emotional basis.
For the first example: 35.6.7487 ≡ 3+5 + 6 + 7+4+8+7 = 40 ≡ 4+0 ≡ 4. That is added up all the birthday numbers up to
getting one number. For the second example: 9.6.7489 ≡ 9 + 6 + 7+4+8+9 = 43 ≡
4+3 ≡ 7. Description.
Life number
Calculated based on the modern date of birth and indicates
emotional basis. For the first example: 05/15/1979 ≡ 1+5 + 5 + 1+9+7+9 = 37
≡ 3+7 = 10 ≡ 1+0 ≡ 1. For the second
example: 04/22/1981 ≡ 2+2 + 4 +1+9+8+1 = 27 ≡ 2+7 ≡ 9. Description
Digit of the day
Determines the quality of the day, helps determine the structure of upcoming
events and helps prepare a person for these events. For determining
it is necessary to summarize the figure of life, name and date of settlement. For example, Ivanov
Ivan, born 05/15/1979, calculation as of 12/12/2012:
Ivanov - 6 letters, Ivan - 4 letters. Name digit = 6+4 = 10 ≡ 1+0 ≡ 1
Life number: 05/15/1979 ≡ 1+5+0+5+1+9+7+9 ≡ 1
Digit of the day: 12/12/2012 ≡ 1+2 + 1+2 + 2+1+2 ≡ 11 ≡ 1+1 ≡ 2
Hence the amulet number of the day is: 1+1+2 = 4. Description
(magic) square
(Square of human destinies)
Using the priestly square, the qualities given to a person are calculated
at birth. The priest square looks like this:

4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6

Note that the sum of horizontal lines, vertical lines and
diagonals is 15. For calculations you will need:
Life number: 05/15/1979 ≡ 1+5 + 5 + 1+9+7+9 ≡ 37 ≡ 3+7 ≡ 10 ≡ 1+0 ≡ 1. We write all red numbers in
priestly square.
Number of birth time: 740 ≡ 7+4+0 ≡ 11 ≡ 1+1 ≡ 2. We write all red numbers in priestly
square, except for intermediate calculations:

4 99 2
3 55 777
1111If diagonal 8-5-2 is filled: Life marked by God (favorite

If the diagonal 4-5-6 is filled: Love for one's neighbor.
If the horizontal 4-9-2 is filled: Willpower.
If the horizontal line 3-5-7 is filled: Family life.
If the horizontal line 8-1-6 is filled: Resolution of all issues.
If the vertical 4-3-8 is filled: Hardness of the vital core
If the vertical 9-5-1 is filled: Well-being (material, spiritual, etc.).
If the vertical 2-7-6 is filled: Talent.
The number of numbers in the cells of the priestly square shows the energy portrait, i.e.
how many energy channels (energy flows,

Chakra / Description of chakras / Open channels
1. / Energy of life / 4
2. / Energy of other lives. entities / 1
3. / Universal energy of life / 1
4. / Creative energy / 1
5. / Energy of love / 2
6. / Energy of intuition (premonitions) / 0
7. / Energy of feelings / 3
8. / Energy of fate (karmic) / 0
9. / Energy of mind, intelligence / 2

Many elements of the Slavic Calendar have survived to this day in the form
sayings and customs, the origins of which, unfortunately, have already been forgotten. For example,
The great funeral feast, that is, the commemoration of a deceased relative, is performed through
a week (9 days) and a month later (40 days), that is, on the ninth and fortieth day.
A mother carries a child in her womb for seven months and forty forty (forty
months) then feeds him with breast milk.
And forty forty (or four years and four months) after the birth of the first
child, women enter a period of life improvement, as a result
why she becomes the Knowing Mother or My Witch. Nowadays we mean a witch
completely different.
369 weeks after the birth of a person, the period of his Spiritual
Education, for at the age of nine the first Great communion with the Ancient
Wisdom of the Gods and Ancestors.
When did the children from the Slavic-Aryan Clans turn 12 years old (108 months) and they
reached a height of 7 spans in the forehead (the forehead is the crown of the head, the frontal place, and the fact that
now called the forehead, called the brow, i.e. beat with the forehead, etc.), for children
a new stage in life began. At 108 months (or at 12 years)
a person comes of age, and he undergoes the rites of Coming of Age and Naming,
after which the boys begin to be taught tribal crafts and martial arts.
And after another 108 months, that is, at the age of 24, he, accepting Spiritual sanctification
Sacred Fire, learns the true meaning of the existence of his Clan and the true meaning
Family name.
At the age of 33, the time of Spiritual improvement begins.
And at 369 months or 41 years, the era of Spiritual Illumination begins.
A girl could only get married after 16 years or 144 months, which
constitutes the United Circle of Circulation. Until this time, she communicates - she learns the News,
those. learns housekeeping, childcare, handicrafts, and at 16
years - finishes telling and becomes a witch. If she hasn't learned or
preserved her chastity, which was a great shame, because Ancestors knew about the laws
Telegony (Laws of Rita), then such people were called Bride, i.e. clumsy, no
in charge. And when such people are taken as wives, it is called Marriage, not WEDDING.
Age of the Fox (392-2012 AD)
In 10948 BC, from the era of Virgo, the next day of Svarog began,
The galactic evening came and the consciousness of humanity began to “fall asleep.” At
At the onset of the galactic evening, the Great Flood occurred, in which she died
Atlantis and almost the entire population of the planet. More than a hundred legends and myths circulate
about this terrible tragedy among different nations, and the Indians of America conduct their
calendar from the occurrence of these events - they now have 13653 on the calendar.
The magnetic poles have shifted (relative to the Earth's crust, not the orientation in
space). Only a few righteous people managed to escape, saving part of
ancient Vedic Knowledge.
Since 4468
BC, the era of Finist, the galactic night of Svarog began, which
continues to this day. The beginning of the night of Svarog was marked by the following events:
like the arrival on our Earth from the dark east side of the descendants of Adam 3662 to
AD There was also a strong earthquake in the 4th century BC, which
led to the famous flood, described even in the Bible, and the formation of the strait
Basfort and Dardonelles.
In 392 AD, the era of the Fox began (the patronage of the goddess Madder),
accompanied by the flourishing of lies and deceit - its symbol is the cross. This
The darkest time always comes before the dawn. About it
the Slavic-Aryans were warned in the "Book of Wisdom of Perun", in which
God Perun gave secret wisdom to the priests and elders of the Clans of the Holy Race, as
prepare for the dark hard times when the sleeve of our Swastika Galaxy
will pass through spaces subject to forces from the dark Worlds of hell. IN
this time the Light Gods stop visiting their peoples, since they, in
in accordance with the law of Heavenly Ethics, do not violate the boundaries of space,
subject to the forces of the dark Worlds of Hell.
The Book of Wisdom of Perun says that many people will die from metal and fire.
7 circles of life (1008 years from the baptism of Rus' to the present day) will be enveloped in darkness
lands of the clans of the Great Race. Indian sources indicate a period of hard times in
900 years. This is a time of wars and the decline of the Faith of the Ancestors, power over the Earth is undivided
belongs to Chernobog and the goddess Marena.
The onset of this fierce time in the book of “Veles” is said as follows:
“Sins are multiplying there. There is no honor for the old from the young, and the children do not listen to their father,
brothers fight among themselves, indulge in lust, indulge in grave vices, all
the classes mixed up, they venerate the relics in those lands and do not glorify the Light Gods,
they reject the Almighty."
The beginning of the Light Times, that is, the dawn, will begin in the Sacred Summer of 7521 from
The Creation of the World in the Star Temple (S.M.Z.H.) or in 2012 from Christmas
Christ's. Among the Mayan Indians, the Svarog night calendar also ends on December 22
2012. And as the ancient scriptures say, we need to expect incredible
changes associated with the transition. Now we can only assume that
the next event that awaits us will be a grandiose military conflict with
possible use of nuclear weapons or natural disaster. And most likely
one and the other, so the dawn comes - the era of the Wolf, the orderly of nature, under
patronage of one of the Ancestors of the Slavic-Aryans - God Veles (is
prediction also in the Edda): “waters will pour on the Earth and cleanse it of
filth." But righteous people will be warned and saved by our Light Ones
Gods, and the Vedic Faith of the Ancestors will be revived. The end will come for dark people
light, and for the light - the end of darkness, and the onset of these events can occur in
a period of no more than one circle of life (144 years).
European calendar systems
Different peoples living in Europe had different systems for counting days.
The Celts and Scandinavians originally had a 9-month calendar, but later
it was replaced by 24 months. This was due to the constantly changing
climatic conditions and a complete transition to the runic form of writing. After
transition, each month was designated by its own rune, from the so-called. Futarch (collection of Runes).
The months differed in length, so month 1 was 14 days, month 2 - 15
days and 3 months - 16 days... then this alternation was repeated.
This alternation was primarily associated with the phases of the Moon, the periodicity
which is 29.5 days. Thus, the first 4 months of the Runic calendar
(14+15+16+14=59) corresponded to 2 full lunar months (29.5+29.5=59). A
a further system of alternating months connected the lunar phases with
solar calendar. Those. the year of the Runic calendar contained 360 days.
But since the Runic also contained the 25th empty rune, sometimes called the rune of Odin,
then it also found its application in the calendar. At the end of every third year,
an additional 25th month was inserted, in which there was an alternation of days, first 14,
then 15 and then 16 days. This 25th month helped to even out the cyclicity
solar year, just as they do now with the help of a leap year.
In the south of Europe, on the territory of modern Italy, lived Rasen, of whom there are more
known under the names Etruscans or Tyrrhenians, who also used 9-month
The Latins and Sabines who arrived in Italy brought with them their
calendar systems. Subsequently, new systems appeared, for example
Greek "Olympic cycles" or Latin "Calends from
Foundations of Rome".
The Latins tried to impose their calendar system on the Rasen, and when did this idea
failed, the Latins declared the Etruscans stupid and decided to simply destroy
Julian calendar
This is a large variety of calendar systems, sometimes introducing a large
confusion in the definition of “big trading days”. Therefore, in 45 BC. by decree
Emperor Julius Caesar, a “new” calendar system was introduced,
which was required to be observed throughout the entire Roman Empire. As a basis
this “new” calendar was taken from the current calendar of the priests
Egypt. Julius Caesar changed it somewhat, thus appearing to everyone
famous Julian calendar.
Now imagine the problems Christian missionaries faced,
who went to “enlighten” the pagans of Europe. Even if they
someone was introduced to a new faith, they immediately encountered problems when
to celebrate holidays or at what time to fast.
A different calendar system did not allow Christian missionaries to correctly
determine which local calendar date corresponds to the Julian calendar,
for local calendars were more difficult for Christians to understand, and besides
comparative dates constantly “floated”.
Only one way out was found. Ban the old calendar and introduce a new one ‒
The same picture was observed during the baptism of Rus'. Introduced Julian
The people did not accept the calendar. Because it was not clear to the people why it was needed
The Russian land has an alien calendar, with numbered months in Latin,
of which there are 3 more, and besides, it did not begin on Autumn Day
The equinoxes are at the beginning of spring.
But Christians found a way out of this situation; they came up with Slavic
names for the Julian calendar and months instead of numbers in Latin were given
Slavic names: Berezen, Kviten, Traven, Cherven, Lipen, Serpen,
Veresen, Zhovten, Listopad, Gruden, Sichen, Lyuty.
Only in this form did Christians manage to impose a foreign language on the Slavic peoples.
calendar. The same reconstruction was done in other Slavic countries
Julian calendar, and the months received their Slavic names.
But even after Christians found a way out of this situation, and in
The Julian calendar months received ancient Slavic names
The Slavic-Aryan calendar did not cease to exist. On all Slavic lands they continued
use two calendars, because according to the new (Julian) calendar it was possible
learn about church holidays and past events that happened far from
Slavic lands. And the old calendar was needed primarily for
everyday life of people, because it was used to determine when to start and when
finish agricultural work and other matters. After all, you won’t be satisfied with prayers alone.
But the church and secular authorities were not happy with the fact that people celebrated holidays according to
both calendars, but most of all I was dissatisfied with the confusion that was created
chroniclers, because Russian chroniclers used the dates of the old, Slavic
calendar, and the invited Greek chroniclers used dates from the new
calendar, where the New Year was counted from the first spring full moon...
For example: date March 1, 1005
AD according to the Slavic-Aryan calendar it fell on Summer 6513 from S.M.Z.H, and according to
Christian on Summer 6512 from S.M., thus, the difference between
The Slavic-Aryan calendar and the calendar from the Nativity of Christ was 5508
years, and the Christian calendar has 5507 years.
In order to somehow streamline the inconsistency of the new calendar, in Summer 6856 (1348 AD) by decree of the king
Ivan III, the New Year in the new calendar was fixed on March 1, and the date
years were taken from the old Slavic calendar.
In addition, the adjustment of the new calendar to everyday life began, some
holidays were prohibited, others who celebrated despite the prohibitions,
The Christian church began to adapt to itself. For example:
The Day of God Veles was replaced by the Day of Blasius;
Maslenitsa-Maryon Day was declared simply Maslenitsa;
The Day of God Kupala became the Day of John the Baptist, or as it was called in Russian
manners - Ivan Kupala, i.e. Ivan, who bathed everyone in the river;
The Day of Triglav (Svarog-Peruna-Sventovit) turned into Trinity;
The Supreme Day of God Perun was replaced by the Day of Elijah the Prophet, etc.
But most of all, the church and secular authorities were not happy with the fact that the people were using
two calendars, celebrates two New Years. Christian New Year March 1st, and
Slavic New Year on the Day of the Autumn Equinox.
No prohibitions of the Slavic-Aryan calendar helped, but the adoption of tough measures
up to and including executions, had the opposite effect. In many cities and villages it began
turmoil and uprisings arose, the wholesale extermination of Christian priests took place everywhere
and their assistants. Things got to the point where many thousands were killed
“God’s people,” and then Tsar Ivan III had to “go to
people,” because this was the only way the authorities could calm the rebellious people.
To prevent further unrest and devastation, the king not only allowed people
use the old calendar, but also legitimized the right to honor the Old Faith
Ancestors. Thus, dual faith was officially legalized on Russian soil and
two calendars. The church calendar began to be considered official, i.e.
state, and the old calendar - folk.
The next change in the official calendar occurred after 1 Circle of Life (144
of the year). As Summer approached in the year 7000 from the Creation of the World (1492 A.D.), among
Apocalyptic sentiments grew among Christians in Russia. Everyone was waiting for the end of the world and
They didn’t even compile Easter for subsequent years. But when all the expected deadlines
the end of the world has passed, Moscow Church Council in September Summer 7000 (1492)
approved a new Easter holiday and decided to move the start of the year from March 1 to March 1
September. This decree is still in force in the Christian Church.
Gregorian calendar
In Summer 7090 (1582)
the Catholic Church, at the direction of Pope Gregory XIII, introduced a new
calendar, which received his name. In the new calendar, dating was no longer from
The Creation of the World, and from the Nativity of Christ. The need to introduce new
calendar was associated with the fact that the length of the Julian calendar year
slightly longer than the natural year, and therefore it became a little
lag behind nature, so that in 128 years one day accumulated. Therefore on
By the time the Gregorian calendar was introduced, there was already a 10-day difference.
But not all European countries immediately switched to the new calendar; some
it took countries years or even centuries to switch to the new
Gregorian style. In Russia, they finally switched to this style only in
February 1918.
The Gregorian calendar is also not completely accurate: it lags behind
natural for one day in 3300 years; In addition, the Gregorian calendar is "uneven"
it contains a kind of "jumping". But gradually the Gregorian calendar was
adopted by most states and today is generally recognized.
Years instead of Summer
As everyone knows, the reformer Tsar Peter I opened a “window to Europe”,
when all normal people walk through the door. He took over and entered everything
western. He forced men to wear dresses with frills, ribbons, and bows.
He forced them to shave their beards (the wealth of the Family) so that all men would be effeminate.
He forced smoking and many other obscenities on his people. At court
They didn’t speak Russian, because... it was considered the language of the common people.
They spoke German and Dutch. Those. he was called "Ger"

We have always counted not years, but Summer. Please note, ancient vaults
about past events were called chronicles, not chronicles. Wrote them
chroniclers. We still ask each other how old you are, not how old
you are years old. There is the word chronology, but there is no year calculation. In Summer 7208
from S.M.Z.H (Creation of the World in the Star Temple) Peter I carried over the New Year, publishing
On December 20, there was a decree to congratulate each other on January 1 “on the new Got,”
and introduce a new foreign Julian calendar, where after December 31, 7208 from
CM. began 1st January 1700
from the birth of Christ (Until the 18th century in Moscow
the state adopted the chronology “from the creation of the world” (CM),
those. from Adam, introduced into Byzantium in the 6th century. The creation of the world dates back to 5508
year BC e. Those. here you can see plagiarism of our latest calendar form
reckoning). The foreign “Got” is consonant with our “Year”,
only ours designates a time period. The word associated with “year”
“godit” (wait), from here “wait” (wait for me), etc. That's why,
so easily “Got” became “The Year.”
The heralds, accompanied by the beating of drums, announced the royal decree to the Muscovites:
“December 20. Named. - About the celebration of the New Year. Great Sovereign
pointed out to say: the Great Sovereign knows not only that in many
European Christian countries, but also in the Slavic peoples, who with
Our Eastern Orthodox Church agrees in everything, as: Volokhi, Moldavia,
Serbs, Dalmatians, Bulgarians and His Great Sovereign's subjects of Cherkassy and all
The Greeks, from whom our Orthodox faith was adopted, all those peoples according to the years
they count theirs from the Nativity of Christ eight days later, that is, from January 1
numbers, and not from the creation of the world, for many different times and counting in those years, and
Now the year 1699 has reached the birth of Christ, and the next January from the 1st
a new year will come, 1700, and a new century of centuries, and for that good and
useful purpose, the Great Sovereign indicated that henceforth it should be counted in the Orders and in
to write about all sorts of villages and fortresses from the current January from the 1st of Christmas
Christ 1700. And as a sign of that good beginning and the new century
in the reigning city of Moscow, after due thanksgiving to God and a prayer service
singing in church and whoever happens in his house, on large and passing roads
noble streets, noble people and houses of special spiritual and worldly
the order to make some decorations from trees and pine branches in front of the gate,
spruce and juniper trees against the samples that were made at Gostin Dvor and at
the lower pharmacy, or whoever is more convenient and decent, depending on the location and gate,
it is possible to do; and for poor people, each one has at least a sapling or a branch
gates, or put over your temple; and then it would be in time, now the future
January on the 1st day of this year, and to stand as a decoration on January until the 7th day of that year
zh 1700. Yes, on the 1st day of January, as a sign of joy, congratulating each other
On the New Year and the century, do this: when on Big Red
the squares of fire will be lit and there will be shooting, then at noble courtyards
Boyars and Okolnichy and Duma and Neighbors and noble people of the chamber,
military and merchant rank to famous people, each in his own courtyard from
small cannons, if anyone has them, and several muskets or other
fire a small gun three times and fire several rockets, as many as
whoever happens, and along the big streets, where there is space, January 1 to 7
at night, light fires from wood or brushwood or straw, and where small
courtyards, having gathered five or six courtyards, put such a fire or, whoever wants,
Place one or 2 or 3 tar and thin barrels on posts, and
fill with straw or brushwood, light it; and in front of the Burmister Town Hall
shooting and such lights and decorations should be according to their consideration.”
Also, “His Majesty ordered to build clock bell towers in different places, on
which had clocks against the Dutch from 1 hour to 12 hours.”
According to Jewish custom, on the eighth day after the birth of a boy (the Abrahamic Covenant
Lord), the parents bring it to the temple, where the rabbi makes the “sacred”
rite of circumcision of the foreskin. Those. Jesus' birthday plus eight days and
we get January 1st. So they said at court “Happy new Got”, where
the word Got in German is God, i.e. "With the new (circumcised) God." Those.
this Peter's joke still exists, and people, having lost the original meaning,
continue on January 1 to congratulate each other on the New circumcised God, and not on
New Year's Eve, as it was before...
Dates and numbers were always written with a capital letter. This tells us that
writing existed among us long before the Thessalonica monks Cyril and Methodius.
And if it weren’t for Peter’s reform, this church fairy tale about “enlightenment
illiterate pagans” would have been forgotten long ago, like a stupid joke. It's not in vain
Empress Catherine II said: “The Slavs many thousands of years before
The Nativity of Christ had its own letters.”
The new calendar was shortened to seven days, to please the fans of the lunar cult,
those. was in favor of the political interests of the Romanov dynasty, which pushed
all historical events under the Jewish Torah, i.e. wrote history: Is-Torah-Ya.
Summer 7262 (1754) in the Dimitrovsky monastery of Belovodye, 30 measured versts from
city ​​of Tara, the Council of Elders, it was decided to use two
chronology, “in order to avoid persecution and the creation of all sorts of troubles,
to the Slavs of the Holy Old Orthodox Faith, from the sovereign's service people and from
ministers of the Byzantine Christian Church."
It was decided to use the Sacred Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog for conducting
Divine services, celebration of holidays and observance of FASTS (P - full, O -
purification, C - own, T - body). And introduced by Tsar Peter, throughout
territory of the Russian Empire, the Julian calendar for the secular life of community members
and parishioners professing the Holy Faith of the First Ancestors.
Calendar number forms
Summer 7522 SMZH
We have many calendar forms of notation. According to the latest, it is now Summer 7522 from
The Creation of the World in the Star Temple (S.M.Z.H.). But this does not mean at all that
our World was created 7522 years ago, as Christians believed and still believe, when
This chronology was not canceled by Peter I and the year calculation was introduced from
Nativity of Christ (R.H.).

In ancient times, the creation of the world was called the conclusion of a peaceful
treaties between warring peoples. Thus, we have a “new
reference system." This is the most peaceful treaty between the Great Race
(Slavic-Aryans) and the Great Dragon (ancient Chinese or Arima, as they call them)
then called) was concluded on the day of the Autumnal Equinox or on the 1st day of the First
month of Summer 5500 from the Great Cold (Great Cooling - Ice Age).
The Great Race won, which was depicted in the form of the image - White
a knight on horseback strikes the Dragon with a spear (see figure, coat of arms of Moscow). But because
Christians attributed all the achievements of our Ancestors to themselves, but now this image
interpret how the Christian holy great martyr George the Victorious wins
the serpent who devastated the lands of the pagan king. As the legend says, when he fell
lot to give the king's daughter to be torn to pieces by the monster, George appeared on horseback and
pierced the snake with a spear, saving the princess from death. The appearance of the "saint"
contributed to the conversion of local residents to Christianity. This legend is often
was interpreted allegorically: the princess is the church, and the snake is paganism. But you
They realized that this same George had nothing to do with ancient events.
This is simply a fact of Christians using an ancient image for their own purposes.
Hanuman (Asura, i.e. prince of Russenia), who ruled in Belovodye and Ahriman (ruler
Arimia, i.e. ancient China) “Created the World”, i.e. concluded a peace
an agreement between the Great Race and the Great Dragon, according to which the defeated Arima
They built a wall (with loopholes in their direction!) to mark the border of Rassenia.
The wall was named Kiy-Tai, which translated from ancient Slovenian means: Kiy ‒
fence, hedge; Tai - completion of the peak, great - that is, “the final one,
limiting great hedge (wall).” Those. ancient times
“China” was the name given to a high fence or fortress wall. For example:
Kitai-gorod in Moscow was named so because of the high wall that surrounded it, and
not at all because of the Chinese.
From that great event, a new countdown of years began for our Ancestors. In memory of
That event, our Ancestors wrote Az-Vesta (the first message), or as it is called
called - Avesta for 12,000 ox hides. Avesta, which is an example of the ancients
Slavic books written on both parchment and gold were destroyed
by order of Alexander the Great, who, although he was a Slav by birth,
origin, but was under the spiritual influence of the Jew Aristotle. to the world
later a longer-preserved distorted version of the Avesta became known ‒
Zend-Avesta, which Zarathustra distorted by adding his comments and
Summer 13022 from the Great Cold
(Great Cooling)
This chronology originates from the Great Cooling, which was associated with
catastrophe - the fall of fragments of the destroyed Moon onto Midgard into the Pacific Ocean
Fatty. Before the fall, Fatta revolved around Midgard (in the equatorial plane)
with a circulation period of 13 days.
It is said in the Santiy Veda of Perun: “... the flow of the River will bring difficult times
Time for the Holy Land of the Great Race... And only
Priests-Guardians of Ancient Knowledge and Hidden Wisdom... For people use
The power of the elements of Midgard-Earth and will destroy the small Moon and their beautiful World... And
Then the Svarog Circle will turn (the earth’s axis will shift) and people will be horrified
Souls..." This event was predicted by Perun during his 3rd visit
During the Great Migration after the death of the Moon Lelya, the Kh'Aryan Family was led by
with the Great Leader Ant reached the Western (Atlantic) Ocean and with the help
Whiteman crossed over to an island in this ocean where beardless people lived
skin the color of the flame of the Holy Fire (people with red skin). On that land
The Great Leader built the Temple (temple) of the Trident of the God of the Seas and Oceans (God Niya),
who patronized people, protecting them from the Forces of Evil. The island began to be called
The land of Antov or Antlan (in ancient Greek - Atlantis, i.e. Atlantis).
However, the development of culture in the Land of Ants has reached a dead end. Part of the Ants, violating
The laws of purity of Family and Blood mixed with the red-skinned people. Great prosperity
clouded the heads of leaders and priests who came from mixed families. Laziness and desire
strangers clouded their minds. And they began to lie to Gods and people, they began to live according to their own
laws, violating the Testaments of the Wise Ancestors and the Laws of the One Progenitor God.
And they began to use the Power of the Elements of Midgard-Earth to achieve their goals. IN
battle between the people of the White Race and the priests of Antlan, who were experimenting with
Crystals of Power (with the help of which you can modify torsion fields, cores
Lun and Zemel) accidentally destroyed Luna Fatta.
During the destruction of Fatta, a huge fragment crashed into the Earth in the region of the western
continent (America), as a result of which the tilt of the earth's axis changed by 36
degrees and continental outlines. This process is described in a number of ancient texts,
as a change in the inclination of the sky in relation to the earth. For example, in ancient Chinese
in the Huainanzi treatise it is described as follows: “The sky tilted towards
northwest, the Sun, Moon and stars have moved.” The earth's axis has acquired
spinning motion along an ellipse, which modern scientists call
"period of precession". Yarilo-Sun began to pass through other Heavenly Halls
on Svarog Circle. There is an inscription on the wall of one of the Mayan pyramids in America
"The small moon crashed." In the Chinese treatise "Huainanzi"
this event is described as follows: “The vault of heaven was broken, the scales of the earth
broke off. The sky tilted to the northwest. The sun and stars have moved.
The land in the southeast turned out to be incomplete, and therefore water and silt rushed there...
In those distant times, the four poles collapsed, the nine continents split...
the fire burned without subduing, the waters raged without drying up.”
A giant wave from falling fragments circled the earth three times, which led to death
Antlany and other islands. Increased volcanic activity has led to
air pollution, which was one of the causes of the Great Cooling and
glaciation. This is where the word “fatality” came from, “Fatal”
outcome" and the number 13 (the number of days Fatta's revolution around Midgard) is considered
unhappy ever since. People moved south to warmer habitats,
and the glacier practically destroyed all traces of habitation in the northern latitudes. Passed
many centuries before the atmosphere began to clear and the glaciers retreated to
This event threw Mankind into the “Stone Age”. Further
Summer 40018 from 3rd Arrival
Whitemans of Perun
Just over 40 thousand years ago, for the third time, one of the Highest Slavic-Aryan Gods
Perun descended on the large Heavenly chariot - Vaitman to Midgard. He has arrived
to us from Urai-Earth from the Hall of the Eagle. This event has become a national symbol
Mexico: an eagle eats a snake - an image from a prophecy that said that it was in
such a place should establish a new home. Just in 2012 they end
calendar and Whitemara should arrive, according to their prophecies. And there will be victory
Light over darkness (the eagle will defeat the snake). Also, the Aztec legend says that their
ancestors came from the north, from a place called Aztlan (i.e. Atlan, Atlantis) and
they were led by the god Huitzilopochtli (which means “hummingbird of the left side”,
"left-handed hummingbird")

Vaitmana Peruna landed in the area of ​​​​Asgard (City of the Gods) in
Belovodye Siberian. For 9 days, the Priests and Warriors of the Holy Race communicated with
Perun. He told them Wisdom from the World of Rule, which was written down by the Magi in
santiyah (golden plates) of Perun. (Gods live in multidimensional Worlds of Rule.
The World of Truth, for example, has 65,536 to the power of 2048 dimensions of space. But,
being multi-dimensional, the Gods periodically come to the World of Revealing - to the 4-dimensional
space, into the World of People, in the form familiar to people - a person).
Summer 44558 from Creation
Great Kolo Rassenii
Great Colo, i.e. The Great Circle, i.e. unification of Slavic-Aryan Clans for
cohabitation. That is, there were several stages of settlement of Midgard. First
stage, Daaria was inhabited. Then, during the time of the Great Asa, they moved
“children of Ares” from the Earth Arya (Mars). There were also migrations from Indgard. AND
etc. And they settled in different places, but this is all one RACE, and Races are the earth, according to
which they settled. The Elder Clans gathered and created the Great Circle,
to live and create together.
Summer 106792 from the Foundation
Asgard of Iria (from 9 Taylet)
In the ancient Slovenian language, As is God embodied in a human body. Our
The ancestors called themselves Asami, their country was called Asia (this is also mentioned
Old Norse epic - “The Saga of the Ynglings”). Asgard - means "City
Gods." Iriysky - because it stands on the river Iriy the Quietest (abbreviated as Irtish,
or Irtysh). There were four Asgards in total. Asgard Daariysky, located in the northern
pole, died (sank) along with the death of the Northern continent - Daariya. Later
Asgard Sagdiysky (the area of ​​​​present Ashgabat) and Asgard were built
Svintjodski (city of Uppsala, Norway). Ruins of Ancient Asgard of Iria,
destroyed by hordes of Dzungars in 1530 AD, discovered by the cartographer of Peter the Great
Remizov, after which the Omsk fortress was built on this site (now the city
Summer 111820 from the Great
Relocations from Daariya

Daaria is a continent at the North Pole of Midgard-Earth, where for a long time
time our Ancestors lived after the settlement of Midgard-Earth. This continent sank in
as a result of the flood created by the waters and fragments of the destroyed small Moon Lelya.
The Santi Vedas of Perun also speak about this: “... These Kashchei, the rulers of the Grays,
disappeared along with the Moon in half an hour... But Midgard paid for freedom
Daariya, hidden by the Great Flood... The waters of the Moon created that Flood, on Earth with
They fell like a rainbow from heaven, for the Moon split into pieces and the army of Svarozhichs in
Midgard has descended...". Image of the outlines of the continent Daaria
preserved on the wall of one of the pyramids at Giza. In 1595 this map was
published by Rudolph, son of Gerardus Mercator. Death of the continent and disaster
were predicted by a sorcerer named Spas, so the Slavic-Aryan peoples began
move along the isthmus formed by the Riphean Mountains (Ural) to the region
Buyan Islands (West Siberian Upland). After a 16-year transition from
Daariya in Russenia and the flood that followed the EASTER holiday was founded
(abbreviation of letters - By Asa Walking This Way). The emerging tradition of painting and beating
the eggs symbolized each other: a broken egg is a symbol of the deceased Moon Lelya,
and the whole egg is Tarkha (Dazhdbog), who destroyed the Moon along with those who were
on it are the Kashchei, who were plotting to destroy Midgard. Read more.
Summer 143004 from the period of Three Moons
This is the Period when three Moons revolved around Midgard-Earth: Lelya, Fatta and Month.
Lelya is a small Moon with a period of revolution of 7 days, Fatta is a middle Moon with a period
circulation is 13 days and the Month is a large Moon with a period of 29.5 days. Two of these
Moon - Lelya and Month were originally Moons of Midgard-Earth, and Fatta was dragged from
Lands of Dei.
Confirmation of those times is in the myths and legends of various peoples.
Summer 153380 from Assa Dei
Assa - Battle of the Gods. The period indicated in the chronology separates us from the war,
taking place in Svarga not only in the World of Revealing, but also in the multidimensional Worlds of Glory and
Correct. Not only people, but also Legs, Arlegs, and Gods took part in that battle. In the world
the Grays (Kashchei) fought against the Slavs and Aryans, and on their side -
blacks (people with dark skin). Before settling on Midgard-Earth
The clans of the Holy Race first populated the Land of Svarog (Dey), then moved to
Earth Oriya (Mars). Everything in the World follows a corresponding spiral of development and
twisting. Descendants of the Heavenly Family for many hundreds of thousands of years
had to wage the Great Asa (battle) with the Forces of the World of Darkness, which carried
disharmony in the lives of our ancestors, they tried to penetrate through flattery and deception
Midgard-Earth, how the Lands of Svarog (Dei) and
Deya was attacked from there. But the priests, with the help of the power of crystals, managed to transfer Deya to
another world. At the same time, during the collapse of temporary structures, the blow flying towards Dei
reflected and tore apart Luna Lutitia. In this place there is now an asteroid belt,
rotating in the 5th orbit after Earth Oreya (Mars). Second Moon of Dei – Fatta
(Phaeton) survived. As a result of a powerful explosion, part of the atmosphere was blown away from
the then inhabited Land of Oreya, after which the Slavic-Aryan families left it,
some of them moved to Midgard (the so-called Children of Orey). After
the end of Assa Dei, many people with skin the color of darkness, left without their Earth,
while on spaceships in space, they asked for mercy and permission to land
to Midgard. Our Ancestors allowed and allocated them lands similar in climate to theirs
homeland, and to adapt to the radiation of Midgard-Earth they dragged Luna Fatta from
5th orbit and launched around Midgard with a period of 13 days.
Summer 165044 from the Time of Tara
It originates from the time when the Goddess Tara visited Midgard-Earth. She
brought with her the seeds of the Sacred Trees and, in addition to that, let us say, flora,
which existed, she also planted forests. That's why Tara is still considered
patroness of trees that give strength. The North Star of the Slavic-Aryans to this day
time is called Tara, in honor of the beautiful Goddess Tara.
Dazhdbog, God Tarkh Perunovich, son of God Perun, also arrived on Midgard-Earth.
God is the guardian of the ancient Great Wisdom, who gave the descendants of the Heavenly Family
nine Santiy (Holy Books). These Santii were written down by ancient Runes and
contained the Sacred Ancient Vedas, the Commandments of Tarkh Perunovich and his instructions.
Santii are plates made of noble metal on which the Ancients are inscribed
x'Aryan runes. The plates are fastened with three rings, which symbolize the three
Mira: Reality (World of People), Nav (World of Spirits and Souls of Ancestors), Rule (Bright World)
The Slavic-Aryan Gods, which the Slavic-Aryans glorify, therefore the essence
Orthodox). All residents in various Worlds (in Galaxies, Star Systems) and
on the Lands where representatives of our Ancient Clans live, they live according to
Ancient Wisdom, Family Foundations and Rules that the Family adheres to.
Tara is Tarha's younger sister. Tarkhtaria (Tartaria, Tataria) - territories from
the Urals to the Pacific Ocean and from the Cold Ocean to Central India, which
patronized by the Gods Tarkh and Tara, the children of God Perun. Our Ancestors said
to foreigners: "...we are the children of Tarkh and Tara...". Later Tarkhtaria became
Tartary, and the biblical people, who have difficulty pronouncing the letter “r”,
called it Tataria.
Summer 185780 from Thule Time
Arrival of the Rasens and settlement of the province of Thule (Thule - fire) in Daariya. Daria was
divided by four rivers, and there were 4 provinces: Svaga, Harra, Rae (?) and Tule,
where was the city of Tule, a city of craftsmen who supplied everyone with everything necessary
tools, mechanisms, etc. I.e. there, as legends say, they were made
tools capable of changing the world without harming the environment, such
like magic crystals, etc. Therefore, the mystical order in Germany was
named - Thule, i.e. like a prototype of that splendor and prosperity that
was in Northern Daariya.
This Slavic Thule Rod came from the Dazhdbog (Golden) Sun System from Earth
Ingard, its annual rotation period is 576 days, and they called themselves
grandchildren of Dazhdbozhy. This Sun is located in the Hall of the Race - White Leopard
or Pardus. Their height was from 175
cm up to 285
see Brown eyes (fiery, hence Tul - fire) and
light brown (yellow). Hair is dark brown. Russes are also called Dews. To them
include the peoples: Western Rossi, Lynx (eyes like a Lynx), Italians, Etruscans
(Russian ethnic group), Dacians (Dhakas or Moldavians), Samaritans, Polezgi, Syrians,
Thracians, Franks, Gotts, Albanians, Avars, etc.
Summer 211700 from Svag Time
Arrival of the Svyatori from the palace of the Swan (Ursa Major) and settlement of the province
Svaga in Daariya. They called themselves Sva-Ga (sva - radiance, ga - advancement) -
these were blue-eyed Slavs. Height 175 cm to 300 cm (not tall at
comparison with the Aryan Clans). Blood type 1 and 2. Hair from white to
light brown. Eye color from heavenly to blue. Peoples belonging to this genus include:
Northern Russians, Belarusians, Borus (Divine Rus from the Land of Borussia in Germany),
Chervony-Rus (in Poland), Polyana, East Prussians, Serebrenye Rus (Serbs),
Croats, Irish, Scotts, Assyrians (Assy from Iria), Macedonians, etc. Their
the ancestral home of Earth-Ruth in the Hall of the Swan of the Sun-Arkolna system.
Summer 273908 from the Time of H'Arra
Arrival of the Kh'Aryans from the Hall of Finist the Clear Falcon (Rorog) or
in modern terms - the constellation Orion. This Aryan clan of the Holy Race looked like this:
iris eyes are green according to the color of their Sun-Rada, blood 1 gram, rarely 2 grams. Height from 180
up to 360 cm.
Hair is brown and light brown. These include: Eastern Rus, Northeastern
Prussians (Pomeranian Russ), Scandinavians (Suomi, Svei, Rodei), Anglo-Saxons, Normans
(Murmans), Gauls, Icelanders (Belovodsk Rusichi), the Holy Lynx people.
Summer 460532 from the Time of Gifts
Arrival of the Da'Aryans on the Whitemars (celestial chariots) to Midgard from Starry
Systems Zimun - Heavenly Cow (Ursa Minor), their Sun Tara (Polar
Star) - an iris with silver-eyed eyes, light brown hair color and almost
whitish, blood type 1, height from 175cm to 390cm. These include: Siberian
Rusichs (Tabolsk Tatars), Northwestern Germans, Rasichs (Ugra and
Lukomorsky), Danes, Dutch, Flemings, Lachalls, Latvians (Latvians), Rives
(Lithuanians and Lithuanians), Estonians, etc.
Two Aryan clans (Da'Aryans and Kh'Aryans) previously met with representatives
Pekelny world and had certain things about them at the genetic level
ideas, as well as practical experience in waging war against them (there was
informational genetic vaccination against evil). Slavic families (Svyatorus and
Rasen), before arriving on Midgard, had no dealings with the forces of Pekla and
relevant practical experience in the fight against imperfection, therefore not
had a proper understanding of evil. And to this day many of our people
are in galactic hibernation, hoping and stupidly believing in “our” leadership,
which mainly consists of the forces of Cinder. “Defend the Clans of Rassen and Svyatorus
from foreign enemies who are coming into your lands with evil thoughts and weapons" ‒
God Perun.
Summer 604388 from the Time of Three
This is one of the most ancient Slavic-Aryan Calendars of Midgard-Earth. He
mentions events more than 600,000 years ago, when, due to rotation
around the center of our galaxy there was a convergence of our solar system with
two other solar systems. As a result of the approach in the sky, it is possible
was to observe two more giant Suns of silver and green color, looking at
which from Midgard-Earth they were equal in size to the visible disk of our
Summer 957522 from Time from
the time of the appearance of the Gods
Summer ~1.5 billion from the arrival of the first Whitemara of the Great Race of the Family on Midgard
About 1.5 billion years ago there was an emergency landing on Midgard due to
breakdown of the “heavenly chariot”. Then our Ancestors settled Daaria (Dar
Ariam - Gods), arriving from the Lands located in the constellations Small and Large
Ursa, Leo, Swan and Cassiopeia. They differ from each other in color
iris of the eyes, which depends on the light spectrum of their native suns:
silver-eyed (gray-eyed) - Da'Aryans, green-eyed - Kh'Aryans, blue-eyed -
Svetorus, fiery-eyed (k'Ariglazye) - Rassen. Da'Aryans have qualities
warrior leaders. The Kh'Aryans have the qualities of sorcerers and priests.
Svetorus have the qualities of artisans and inventors. Rasen are very sociable
and contact.
Our Ancestors landed in () hours on Midgard-Earth on the continent
Daaria, located in the Russian North (Se Vera) (Russian North - Northern
pole). So they chose this time for counting, especially since then it was always day and
night did not come, because at the North Pole the Yarilo-Sun shone constantly, there was
eternal day, as stated in the Tales (volume 4 of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas) that
Yarilo-Sun did not want to retire in order to constantly observe good deeds
Rasichey. Our Ancestors carried the Tradition through the Circles of Time in its original form.
The fact that we are “aliens” is evidenced by the strength of our bones, which
equals 0.8, while almost all animals have from 1.0 to 1.2, except those
They brought cats, for example, to Midgard. A baby screams at birth because...
the pressure is higher than in the galactic ancestral home, which is why the child needs more
time to adapt to such pressure and learn to hold his head,
crawl, walk. Although local residents in the first hours, i.e. they start almost immediately
stand up and move around on your limbs. Therefore, the Ancestors always gave birth in
water to make it easier for the child to adapt to the new world.
If a person is imprisoned in a dark space, he will switch to 36 and 48 hours
modes instead of the 24th, but local animals do not change their usual 24
hourly mode.

Round the clock
Slavic-Aryan Calendar

The ancient calendar is based on a hexadecimal number system and divides long periods of time into Circles of Life, each for 144 Summers (years), and Summer - for three seasons: Autumn, Winter and Spring. In modern chronology, historical counting is carried out in centuries (periods of 100 years), and there are four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter). Thus, the Circle of Life consists of 144 parts (16x9), and each part has its own unique heavenly rune.

The path through the starry sky of Yarila the Sun is called Svarozh circle(25.920 years). The Svarog circle itself is also divided into 16 parts, and they are called mansions, or palaces (1,620 years), which in turn are divided into 9 “halls” each.

Daariyskiy Krugolet Chislobog
Element Earth Star Fire Sun Tree Svaga Ocean Moon God
Color black red scarlet golden green heavenly blue violet white
1 Path (wanderer) 1 129 113 97 8 65 49 33 17
2 Priest 2 130 114 98 82 66 50 34 18
3 Priestess 19 3 131 115 99 83 67 51 35
4 Mir (Reality) 20 4 132 116 100 84 68 52 36
5 Scroll 37 21 5 133 117 101 85 69 53
6 Phoenix 38 22 6 134 118 102 86 70 54
7 Lis (Nav) 55 39 23 7 135 119 103 87 71
8 The Dragon 56 40 24 8 136 120 104 88 72
9 Serpent 73 57 41 25 9 137 121 105 89
10 Eagle 74 58 42 26 10 138 122 106 90
11 Dolphin 91 75 59 43 27 11 139 123 107
12 Horse 92 76 60 44 28 12 140 124 108
13 Dog 109 93 77 61 45 29 13 141 125
14 Tour (bull) 110 94 78 62 46 30 14 142 126
15 Mansions (house) 127 111 95 79 63 47 31 15 143
16 Kapishche (temple) 128 112 96 80 64 48 32 16 144

Every Summer has its own name. Now is the Summer of the “Fire (Scarlet) Scroll”. To check this, according to the table you need to year from R.H. add 5508, and if the day of the autumnal equinox has already passed, then add 5509. And from the result subtract 7376 if the calculation is before 2012 or 7520 if the calculation is after 2012. We get Summer 5. According to the table, we find that the number 5 corresponds to the Summer of the “Fiery (Scarlet) Scroll”.

From the Svarog Circle, the Souls of people come to Earth, and when the Sun passes a certain Hall, the combination of its light with the light of the Hall gives power, which is perceived by the Sacred Tree of the Hall, growing on Earth.

The Earth moves around Yarila (Sun), rotating around its axis, and the axis slowly moves along a circular cone. In this case, the north pole describes an ellipse in space, which is the base of this cone. This movement of the axis of rotation along a circular cone is scientifically called precession, and in this calendar Days of Svarog. As a result of this, a complete (visually observed from the Earth) revolution of the starry sky, all 16 Halls (constellations), the axis passes in 25,920 years (180x144). Previously, there was no precession, and the axis strictly pointed towards the center of our galaxy.

“...In the center of Svarga, the Hall of Fire is revealed - Stozhary (Svetozhary) - the Forge of Svarog itself, the Source of everything that exists. This is the top of the World Tree, Mer-mountain, the place of contact of our world with the Superworld, in which the Most High Race itself exists. In Stozhary, the Goy Roda - the East of the World - pierces the World Egg of our Universe, initiating the Svarga Rotation. These Stozhars are the essence of the North Star, which is now called the Polar Star, and our Ancestors called it Sedava, the Syad Star. Sedava revealed the star images of Svarog and Lada in human form - the Constellations now called Cepheus and Cassiopeia. Svarog and Lada walk with salt at the Tree of the Worlds, which is entwined with its Guardian - Veles in the guise of the Fire Serpent (Dragon constellation). Nearby you can also see a constellation, which some call the Ursa, others - the Cow, and still others - the Deer. These guards of Iria are Veles and Dazhbog. In the very center of Stozhar Svarozhikh there is an image of a fiery Ladle (Ursa Minor). This Bucket was thrown into the sky by Veles, and then by the Roof...”

Circle Day of Svarog describes the Galactic scale of Time (Heavenly Time) and includes 180 Circles of Life. The movement of the circle, unlike all internal circles of time, goes clockwise. Each of the 180 lines on the outer circle absorbs 144 years. Those who tune in to the rhythms of the Universe will definitely have the opportunity to move at least once or twice from one Circle of Life to another. The current Circle of Life began in 2012 and we entered the Heavenly Hall of the Wolf, which will last 1620 years (until 3632).

Epochs of the Day of Svarog
Name of the palace Patron God Epoch date Description of the era
1 Virgo Jiva 10948-9328 BC e. Evening
2 Race (Leopard) Dazhdbog (Tarkh) 9328-7708 BC e. Evening
3 Eagle Perun 7708-6088 BC e. Evening
4 Horse Kupala 6088-4468 BC e. Evening
5 Finist Vyshen 4468-2848 BC e. Night
6 Elk Lada 2848-1228 BC e. Night
7 Tour Kryshen 1228-392 BC e. Night
8 Fox Madder 392-2012 e. Night
9 Wolf (White Dog) Veles 2012-3632 e. Morning
10 Busl (stork) Genus 3632-5252 AD e. Morning
11 Bear Svarog 5252-6872 AD e. Morning
12 Crow Kolyada, Varuna 6872-8492 AD e. Morning
13 Serpent Semargl 8492-10112 AD e. Day
14 Swan Makosh 10112-11732 AD e. Day
15 Pike Rozhana 11732-13352 AD e. Day
16 Boar Ramhat 13352-14972 AD e. Day

Yarilo-Sun enters the Hall of the “Fire Ladle”, or Zemun (Ursa Minor), being its eighth star. The Hall of Zemun is a system of luminaries (constellation) moving in their orbits around the center of the Hall, where an object is located that astronomers call the neutron star 1RXS J141256.0+792204. Yarilo-Sun is part of the “triple star system”. In addition to him, it includes the White Giant and the Brown Dwarf (Mara). One of the Brown Dwarf Earths, Nimizis (Nibiru), is often depicted as a disk with wings, having an orbital period of 3600 years.

On the coat of arms of Belovodye you can see the location of Yarila in the Hall of Zemun. Yarila is depicted as the Star of England, surrounded by sixteen Halls, along which Yarila, throughout the Svarog Circle (for an earthly observer) during one Summer, moves from Hall to Hall in the opposite direction from the usual annual cycle.

To make a complete revolution around the center of the Galaxy, the Sun takes about 223.5 million years, which constitute a galactic year, while the Sun crosses the galactic equator every 32 million years, then rises above its plane to a height of 230 light years and descends again to equator. This oscillatory process, with a period of 32 million years, is the rotation of the Sun (in addition to revolving around the center of the Galaxy) around the center of the Hall.

The flow of the “River of Time” is the rotation of the rings of the Daarian Circle of Chislobog anti-salt: rotation 16 hours in a day, rotation 9 days in a week, rotation 9 months in Summer, rotation 16 years through 9 elements (“halls”) in the Circle of Life, rotation of a series of years through 16 palaces (constellations) of the Svarog Circle.

One Summer contains 9 months, a month - 41 or 40 days (depending on whether it is odd or even), a day - 16 hours, an hour - 144 parts, a part - 1296 shares (36x36), a share - 72 moments, an instant - 760 migov, mig - 160 whitefish, whitefish - 14,000 centigs. Such precision is unattainable even with the most advanced modern chronometers.

A week includes 9 days (Monday, Tuesday, third, Thursday, Friday, sixth, seventh, eighth, week). All months begin on strictly defined days of the week. For example, if the first month of a given Summer begins on Tuesday, then all other odd-numbered months in this Summer will begin on Tuesday, and even months on the seventh. Therefore, the calendar that we now carry in our pocket and which contains 12 different month tablets, previously included only two tablets: one for odd months, the other for even months.

The ancient Slavic calendar, just like the Scandinavian or Celtic one, had a Runic display form, that is, initially the names of months, numbers, days of the week and the names of Years were written in Runes.

A rune is not a letter or a syllable... A rune is a secret Image. The names of the months were originally designated by Runes, and later the entry by Initial Letter was added with a brief disclosure of the semantic meaning.

The first month is indicated by one Rune, and the remaining eight months are indicated by the combination of two Runes, with the second Rune indicating the part of the solar cycle known to us as Summer.

Nine month:

1. Ramhat - month of the divine beginning (41 days),
2. Ilet - month of new gifts (40 days),
3. Beylet - month of white radiance and peace of the world (41 days),
4. Gaylet - month of blizzards and cold (40 days),
5. Daylet - month of awakening of nature (41 days),
6. Elet - month of sowing and naming (40 days),
7. Veylet - month of winds (41 days),
8. Heylet - the month of receiving the gifts of nature (40 days),
9. Taylet - month of completion (41 days).

Circles of Years(16) pass through natural Elemental circles(9), thus, a complete Circle of passage gives Circle of Life.

But not only Summers are considered Circles of 16 years, the complete passage of Yarila the Sun through Heaven among the stars also contains the number 16.

Sixteen hours:

1 - Lunch (beginning of a new day), 19:30 - 21:00 (winter time, respectively 20:30 - 22:00 - summer time; then only winter time is indicated).
2 - Evening (appearance of star dew in Heaven), 21:00 - 22:30.
3 - Draw (odd time of three moons), 22:30 - 24:00.
4 - Polich (full path of the Moons), 24:00 - 1:30.
5 - Morning (starry consolation of dew), 1:30 - 3:00.
6 - Zaura (star shine, dawn), 3:00 - 4:30.
7 - Zaurnice (end of starlight) - 4:30 - 6:00.
8 - Nastya (morning dawn), 6:00 - 7:30.
9 - Svaor (Sunrise), 7:30 - 9:00.
10 - Morning (calming the dew), 9:00 - 10:30.
11 - Morning (the path of collecting calm dew), 10:30 - 12:00.
12 - Obestina (mass, joint meeting), 12:00 - 13:30.
13 - Lunch, or have lunch (meal), 13:30 - 15:00.
14 - Podani (rest after the meal), 15.00 - 16.30.
15 - Utdaini (time of completion of actions), 16:30 - 18:00.
16 - Poudani (completed day), 18:00 - 19:30.


The day ends with sunset. Therefore, the construction of the daily circle is different: the 16th hour (end of the day) is 19:30. At the same time, there is no such concept of “zero time” (00:00), life does not stop, does not disappear, therefore there is no zero hour; let’s say: modern “0 hours 25 minutes” in this system would be written “24 hours 25 minutes”.

Circle of Elements:

1. Earth (black)
2. Star (purple)
3. Fire (red)
4. Sun (golden)
5. Tree (green)
6. Heaven (celestial or azure)
7. Ocean (blue)
8. Moon (purple)
9. God (white)

The elements consistently reflect the sacred aspect of the evolution of the Universe and man, while simultaneously affecting the essential features of the key energy centers of the body.

Days of the week and patrons:

1. Monday, beginning, labor day - Horse
2. Tuesday, Labor Day - Arey
3. Tray, rest, fasting - Perun
4. Thursday, Labor Day - Varuna
5. Friday, Labor Day - Indra
6. Shestitsa, Labor Day - Stribog
7. Week, rest, fasting - Svarog
8. Osmitsa, (Axis Mundi) Labor Day - Mertsana
9. Week, rest, day of guests, gatherings, songs - Yarilo

The calendar in the left column is fully consistent with the Daari roundabout, except for some visual differences in its execution. It makes it possible to select any modern date and see its correspondence to the Daari circle and its detailed description.


The circle with the maximum diameter is the outer circle in which the names of the palaces and patrons are concentrated;
- the next circle contains time runes (name of the hour and serial number);
- then follows a circle where the runes corresponding to the palaces are indicated, it is these signs that are used to make amulets;
- the next circle is divided into nine sectors according to the number of elements - earth, fire, sun, moon, god, star, tree, ocean, heaven. Each element corresponds to a specific day of the week and month of the year. According to this system, our ancestors determined what the next year would be like;
- the penultimate circle, the fifth, personifies the day of the week, the patron and the celestial body;
- the last circle, the central one, is depicted in the form of a star with nine rays, each ray symbolizes a channel (chakra) of a person.


The number 144 is a direct harmonic of how fast the second hand moves around a 360 o circle on a watch dial compared to how fast the Sun moves around a 360 o circle in the sky. There are 86,400 seconds in a 360 o arc of the Sun, which is one day in time. To obtain the amount of relative motion between 1" 360 o of the clock face and 1" 360 o of the movement of the Sun, we divide 86,400 seconds by the number of seconds in one degree 360 ​​o of a circle, or by one minute, or by 60 seconds.

The resulting ratio is 1440 - our present perception of time: in other words, one second of our time moves along the dial 1440 times faster than the Sun along the arc traced in the sky.

The Solar Cycle is a pulsation of Light expressed through the rotation of planets and stars. The light pulsates in octaves, creating a geometry of dimensions.

This becomes one of the most important points because it demonstrates the direct the connection between the frequencies of light and sound - the mathematics of numbers is literally identical. Double the number 144 = 288 – the first number on the diatonic scale. Next we can see:

Baktun of the Mayan Calendar – 144,000 Earth days;
- the main “building block” of all frequencies of sound vibrations – 144;
- the basic number of the frequency of light in Gematria is 144;
- Slavic hour - 144 parts, 1 part - 1296 beats, harmonic 36x36
- and, of course, a 12 x 12 harmonic.

Also, by understanding harmonics, one can see that an atom is also an expression of geometric vibration. This should help explain why the theoretical limit of the Periodic Table of the Elements is 144, the harmonic of light.

Slavic astrology describes the presence of 27 lands in the solar system, some of which existed previously, but are now destroyed: only debris remains in the form of asteroid belts. These are echoes of the battles of the gods, or, as the modern generation would call them, Star Wars. Some of the distant Earths, taken into account by Slavic astrology, have not yet been discovered by modern astronomical science, or (due to their remoteness) are not considered planets of the solar system. Only the development of astronomy and cosmonautics can show how right the Slavic astronomical atlas is.

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