Addition and subtraction of two-digit and single-digit numbers. How to explain to a child the subtraction and addition of two-digit numbers

(p. 36-37)


* fixing the methods of adding single-digit numbers with the number 8 with the transition through a dozen;

* develop the ability to solve simple problems;

* instill diligence, perseverance in overcoming difficulties.

Lesson progress


Teacher: Hey, listen, kids!

It's time for us to work.

Here comes the moment

Show patience.

Let's listen and remember

To know a lot.

We cannot be distracted.

Get to work, friends!

//. Checking homework.


1) Name the numbers in increasing order:

19, 15, 8, 3, 17, 1, 20, 6, 12.

2) Name the numbers that occur when counting between numbers:

17 and 19, 15 and 17, 8 and 15.

3) Increase by 3: Decrease by 2:

4 7 6 5 10 12 8 9 7 10

4) Vasya had 5 notebooks in a cage and the same number of notebooks in a ruler. He gave a friend 2 notebooks. How many notebooks did Vasya have in total? How many notebooks does he have left? 5 + 5 - 2 = 8

How can you call figures 2 and 5 in one word?

What figures are made up of other quadrangles in this drawing?

No. 6 p. 37 on the oral account.

Task dictation.

Solve the problems by writing only the answers:

a) 8 snowflakes fell on the girl's palm. 5 snowflakes have melted. How much
What snowflakes are left in the palm of your hand? (3)

b) There are 6 rose bushes near the house and the same number near the school. How many
rose bushes at home and at school? (12)

c) There are 15 chickens and 3 turkeys in the yard. How many more chickens than turkeys
shek in the yard? (12)

d) There are 9 camels in the zoo, and 4 more lions. How many lions
and the zoo? (thirteen)

Game "Connoisseurs"

The students are divided into three teams. At the signal of the teacher, each participant in turn goes to the board and writes down an example with the answer:

1st team 2nd team 3rd team

The game lasts no more than three minutes. The team with the most points wins. The number of correctly written and solved examples is taken into account,



How can you add 3 to 8?

8 + 2+ 1 =10+ 1 = 11

* Drawing up an addition table of the form 8 + □ using the technique
addition by parts
(the sequence of steps when adding is convenient
show on the number line).



* Textbook work

No. 2. 8 + 4 \u003d 12 (k.) - in the II box.

No. 3. Repetition of the commutative property of addition. No. 4, 5 (oral), 8.


No. 7. Brother - 10 gr.

Sister - ? for 3 gr. less

Solution: 10-3 = 7 (gr.) Answer: 7 mushrooms.


What is melon?

Bakhcha - a plot sown with watermelons, melons.

a) 8 watermelons were collected from melons, and 9 more melons. How many melons
collected from melons? (8 + 9 = 17)

b) Kolya was given as many badges as he had. He counted
all the badges, there were 16 of them. How many badges did Kolya have at first? (eight)

What cases of addition with the number 8 do you remember?

Which of the tasks aroused your interest?

What type of work is challenging?

Have we achieved our goals?



Page 37 No. 8.7

Lesson 18.



* teach students how to use subtraction on parts in expressions like 11-3, 12-4, 13-5, etc. d.;

* develop the skill of oral calculations;

* Cultivate perseverance in overcoming difficulties.

During the classes


We all want to learn

To be proud of your work.

So be careful

And diligent in everything.


1) Name the numbers in decreasing order:

18, 10, 20, 16, 11, 15, 8, 5, 0.

2) Add to 10: Decrease by 4:

8 7 6 9 5 10 14 8 9 4

3) 6 is 4 and?

7 is 2 and?

8 is 4 and?

9 is 3 and?

4) 19cm*2dm 1dm 3cm*30cm

40 cm * 4 dm 1dm5cm * 50 cm

5) Puzzles:

** + 1 =***

39 + □=40

□- 1 = 79

□- 1 = 90

* Mathematical dictation

Write down the number that is 9 more than 2.

Decrease 12 by 3.

Write the largest single number

What is the sum of the numbers 8 and 9?

What is the difference between the numbers 16 and 7?

How much is 14 less than 16?

What number will you get if you add 3 to 5 and increase by 10?

What is the number you get if you reduce 9 by 6 and add 8?


* Explanation of the material by children under the guidance of a teacher according to the illustration of the textbook

* Compiling a subtraction table

12-4=8 14-6 = 8 16-8-8

13-5 = 8 15-7 = 8 17-9 = 8

How does the minuend change? What about the subtracted? (Increases by 1.)

What happens to difference? (Remains unchanged and equal to 8.)



* Work on the textbook

No. 2. 13-5 = 8 (st.) - in a teapot.

No. 3 - orally. No. 5.

Oh, 5, 9. 10. 13, 16

20, 15, 11, 10, 7, 4

No. 6. 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 (kg) - the weight of the dog. No. 7. 10-6= 14 (kg)


a) The girl's age is expressed as the smallest two-digit number,
which is written with different numbers. How old is the girl? (10)

Who is called a jeweler?

A jeweler is a master in the manufacture of products from precious metals and stones.

b) The jeweler made 18 rings of gold and silver. How many rings
was from gold, if silver 9? (18 - 9 = 9)

c) A blacksmith shoed 2 horses. How many horseshoes did it take?
(4 + 4 = 8)


What needs to be done for this? (Represent the subtrahend as a sum of convenient terms and subtract the numbers from the minuend.)



Lesson 19

(p. 40-41)

C e l and:

To learn to apply the well-known subtraction technique, based on the connection between the actions of addition and subtraction when subtracting the number 8;

Develop the ability to solve problems of known types:

To form an active life position in children.

During the classes



1. The game "Silent"

Children show the answer with the help of cards on which the numbers from 1 to 20 are written.

2. Compare

12-2*9 + 3 7-2*10-1

3. Name the "neighbors" of the numbers: 9, 13, 14, 17, 19

4. Solve problems

Dima needs to cut out 10 circles. He has already cut out 8 circles. How many circles are left for Dima to cut out?

Mom bought 3 kg of potatoes and 2 kg of onions. How many kilograms of vegetables did mom buy?

There are 7 elephants in the zoo, 2 of them are baby elephants. How many adult elephants?

Drawing up tasks according to schemes, and their solution a B C D)

* Game "Math duel,"

The class is divided into 3 teams (in rows). Each team has 1 person. In turn, they ask each other examples of the studied species. (Team versus team.) Each correct answer is a point. If a player makes a mistake, his team comes to the rescue, but this is only half a point. The team with the most points wins.



The solution of the example is based on the connection between the operations of addition and subtraction. Since 8 + 3 = 11, so 11-8 = 3 and 11-3 = 8,

* Compiling a subtraction table for the number 8

13 -8 = 5 since 13 = 8+5

14-8 = 6 14 = 6 + 8

15-8 = 7 15 = 8 + 7

16-8 = 8 16 = 8 + 8


* Work on the textbook
No. 2, 6 - orally.

No. 3. Solution of examples by "chain".


What kind of task?

How are comparison tasks solved?

What is the rule for comparing numbers? 7 - 3 = 4 (kg)

Oh, 3, 6, 9 or 1, 4, 7

10, 13, 16, 19 11, 14, 17


No. 8. Brought - 15 kg

Sold - 8 kg

Left - ? kg Solution: 15-8 = 7 (kg) Answer: 7 kg.

Why is the problem solved by subtraction?

What action is the remainder?


a) Two boys played chess for 4 hours. How many hours did you play
Each of them?

b) There are 6 apples in the basket. How to divide them among three boys,
so that everyone gets 2 apples, and that 2 apples remain
in the basket? (Give one of the boys apples in a basket.)


What is the purpose of our lesson?

Do you think we have achieved it? Why - ?

Self-evaluation and mutual evaluation. Assessing the work of students

HOMEWORK: #8 p.41

Topic: Addition and subtraction of single digits with the numbers 8 and 9 with the transition through the digit

Lesson Objectives:

Consolidation of methods for adding single-digit numbers with the numbers 8 and 9 with the transition through a dozen;

Repeat the numbering of single-digit numbers, their composition;

Application of the studied methods of calculations in solving simple problems;

Develop the ability to solve simple problems to find the sum and increase the number by several units;

Promote the development of cognitive activity;

Cultivate arbitrary attention, interest in learning new things.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

I'm glad to see you all, friends.

It's time for us to start the lesson.

Sit up straight, don't be naughty

And keep a close eye on everything.

I have to think and answer

And repeat what you have learned.

Are you ready?

I wish you success.

II. Verbal counting.

* Chain count from 0 to 20.

* From 20 to about.

· Problem solving

One owl catches 8 mice per night. No cat can compete with an owl. How many mice can three owls catch together?

· In Belarus, the most common dove is the gray dove. The female lays 2 eggs twice a year. How many eggs does a female blue dove lay in a year?

· 3 pairs of garden buntings, listed in the Red Book, and 5 pairs of starlings settled in the garden. How many birds are in the garden?

· 3 common cranes together weigh 15 kg. How much does one crane weigh?

3. Verification work

Option 1

1. Write down the numbers in which: 1 dec. 5 units, 20 units, 1 dec. 1 unit, 1 dec.

2.Solve examples

9 – 2 16 – 4

7 – 3 18 – 3

3. Solve the problem:

8 watermelons grew in the greenhouse, and 6 more melons. How many melons grew in the greenhouse?

4.Solve inequalities

15+3 … 18 16-2 … 17

20-2 … 11+5 18+2 … 13-4

Option 2.

1. Write down the numbers in which: 1 dec. 4 units, 17 units, 1 dec. 2 units, 2 dec.

2. Solve examples.

8 – 3 15 – 3

9 – 5 12 – 10

3. Solve the problem.

Zhenya found 12 shells by the river, and Ira found 4 less. How many shells did Ira find?

4.Solve inequalities

14+3 … 18 15-4 … 11

20-6 … 12+5 17+3 … 12-4

5. Insert missing action signs

Physical education minute

V. Summing up the lesson. Reflection. Self-evaluation, mutual evaluation. Evaluation of students' work by the teacher.

* Game "Continue the thought"

The teacher starts the sentence and the student finishes:

Today in class I did...

I realized that...

I found it easy to deal with...

VI. Homework. page no. 41 No. 9


C e l and:

Teach children to use the addition by parts method for examples of the form 7 + □,

To consolidate the rules for finding unknown components during addition and subtraction;

Cultivate perseverance in overcoming difficulties, independence in reasoning.

During the classes



a) Instead of dots, put a “+” or “-” sign so that the entries are!

9...6<14 8 ... 3 > 10

7 ... 5 > 11 9 ... 4< 13

b) Name only correct examples:

6 + 7=13 8 + 4=11

6 + 6=13 18-10 = 8

4 + 8 = 12 10-4 = 5

c) Insert the missing numbers in the boxes so that the entries are ver-

8+ 9-□ = 7 16-10+□=11
6 + 7-□=10 14- 10 +□= 12

3. Solve problems

Youths must plant 20 trees. They have already planted 15 trees. How many trees are left for the young naturalists to plant?

One district has 9 schools and the other has 2 more schools. How many schools are in the other area? How many schools are in the two districts?

Tasks in verses:

There was an elephant in the zoo

The monkeys counted everything:

Two played in the sand

Three sat on the board

(2 + 3 + 12 = 17)

In a quiet river under the bridge

There lived a mustachioed old catfish.

He has a wife

And fourteen somyats.

Who will count them all?

Our catfish will be very happy.



Students, under the guidance of a teacher, using the method of addition in parts, using a numerical beam as a visual illustration, solve an example:

Do you think the value of the expression will change if Pome
to take the terms in places?

7 + 4=11, and 4 + 7 =?

Why doesn't the value of the expression change? (Repeat re-
vengeful property of addition.)


* Textbook work

No. 1. Finding the sum of numbers, using the picture of the textbook. No. 2. 1) 15-6 = 9 (p.) 2) 14 - 6 = 8 (p.)


No. 3. Solution of examples by "chain". Repetition of the rules for finding unknown components in addition and subtraction,

№ 5. 8 + 7 - 5 = 10 9 + 4 + 7 = 20

No. 6. In the red circle - 6

In red and blue circles - 3

Only in the blue circle - 8

In a red or blue circle - 14 No. 7. 15-7 = 8 (dm) PHYSICAL MINUTE

No. 9. Solution of examples. work in pairs,


a) Katya and Sveta cut out 10 leaves each and finished one work
temporarily. Katya started work earlier. Which of the girls worked honey
lazier? (Katia.)

b) Tanya asked Marina: “How old is your sister?” - "Doga
give yourself, - answered Marina. - If you add the largest one
digit number with the smallest two digit, then you will know the age of my
sisters." How old is your sister? (9 + 10 == 19)


What did we learn in class today?

What rule was used when solving examples with a "window"?

How to find the unknown subtrahend?

How is the minuend found?

* Self-evaluation and mutual evaluation. Evaluation of student work by a teacher


Topic: Addition of single-digit numbers with the number 7 (p. 44-45)


Learn to use the method of permutation of terms when adding two and three numbers;

Develop the skill of oral calculations:

During the classes



I. Silence game

2.Find mistakes

10-3 = 7 11-6 = 6 15-3 = 12

11-2 = 8 9 + 7=17 11-4 = 7

9 + 5 = 14 10 + 3 = 13 9 + 6=13

3. Count forward and backward from 20 to 40

4. Name the numbers in ascending, descending order 1, 20, 3, 18, 16, 10, 23, 30, 20, 42, 32, 38, 29, 40.

5. Solve problems

After dinner, there were 10 plates left. Katya has already washed 7 dishes. How many dishes are left for the girl to wash?

There were 9 sparrows and 4 crows on a branch. 5 birds flew away. How many birds are left?

Tasks in verses:

Eight cute kids Wanted to become smarter. Three owls and two cows were invited to their school.

How many students are in this class? (8 + 3 + 2 = 13)

We drew circles - Three blue and three black, Well, red ones -

Five circles.

Who has an answer? (3 + 3 + 5 = 11)


Solve and write down the answers:

a) A small bird said, reasoning:
- My family is quite small -

Me, seven wives, and six children...

How many suits do you need for the summer? (14)

b) The family subscribes to 4 newspapers and 6 magazines. How much more
family subscribes to magazines than newspapers? (2)

c) A cancer has 10 legs, and a bee has 4 less. How much is a bee's leg? (6)

d) While the bread was soft, it weighed 20 kg; when hardened, its weight
became 1 kg lighter. How much does stale bread weigh? (nineteen)

e) 16 glasses of raspberries and currants were brought from the garden. Raspberries at
carried 7 glasses. How many brought currants? (9)

f) Schoolchildren dug up part of a 10 m long garden bed.
walk another 5 m. What is the length of the beds? (15)



* Teacher's explanation

Two expressions are written on the board: 4 + 7 and 7 + 4.

Which expression is easier to solve?

Do you think it is possible to put the sign "=" between these expressions? Why? (Students remember the commutative property of addition.)


* Work on the textbook

No. 1. Calculation of expressions according to the sample.


No. 2. Comparison of expressions by the method of proof.

No. 3 - orally.

No. 4. At Ales' At Kolya's

No. 5. Carrots - 6

Beets - 6

It became -? Solution:

1)6 + 6 + 4 = 6 + 4 + 6 = 10+ 6= 16 (pcs)


Answer: 16 pieces became, there is a difference for 2 vegetables.


No. 6 - orally.

No. 7. Calculating expressions in a convenient way, using the technique of permuting terms when adding three numbers.

Under the guidance of a teacher, students complete the table and solve the problem: 7 + 4 = 11 (k.)

Why is the problem solved by addition?


a) Vitya found 17 russula and chanterelles in the forest. He said raw
he has as many jacks as chanterelles. Was Vitya wrong?

b) How are these figures similar? What is the difference?

(Signs of similarity: they have 4 corners, 4 sides, contain 16 cells. Signs of difference: 1st all sides are equal, 2nd - opposite sides are equal.)


What mathematical property have we repeated?

Why is it necessary to use the technique of rearranging terms in an expression?

* Self-evaluation and mutual evaluation. Assessing the work of students by a teacher HOME WORK

Topic: The relationship between addition and subtraction

C e l and:

To carry out with students the transfer of knowledge of the subtraction technique based on the composition of the number and subtraction but in parts to cases of the form 11-4, 12-5, 13-6;

"open?)" method of working with inequalities based on a numerical beam;

To instill accuracy, a sense of confidence in the performance of tasks.

During the classes



1. Compare

5 + 4* 16-6 20- 10 *5 + 5

12 +3 *9 + 7 9 + 8* 18-2

3.Solve problems

The boy first drew 8 circles, and then 2 more. He has already painted 6 circles. How many circles are left for the boy to color?

Task in verse:

Our tree is high, How beautiful:
Green, beautiful. Eight green balls
She is decorated. The rest are red.

For a holiday amazing. All of them - twenty. You know

Here are the balls burning on it, How many red ones. Count!

(20-8 = 12)


* Teacher's explanation

An example is written on the board: 11-4.

How to solve it in two ways?

1 way. It is necessary to remember the composition of the number 11. The number 11 is 4 + □ what number? (7) So. 11 -4 = 7 since 7 + 4 = 11 or 4 + 7 = 11.

2 way. It is necessary to represent the number 4 as a sum of convenient terms, such that when subtracting from 11, 10 remains. This is ... (1 and 3).

Means. 11-4 = 11-1-3 = 7. /\ 1 3


* Work on the textbook

No. 1. Finding the difference based on schemes. When performing the exercise, students should understand that when the minuend and subtrahend are increased by the same number, the difference does not change.


No. 2. Solution with commenting.

No. 3. Black - 9 cm Red - 4 cm III segment - 7 cm (remaining)

No. 4, Drawing up tasks from drawings and their oral solution.

Task1. 10-3 = 7 (p.)

Problem 2.12-3=9 (gr.) or 12-9 = 3 (gr.)

No. 5. Numbers 3, 4, 5 for 2< □ < 6

Numbers 10, 11 12. 13. 14 for 9<□<15


No. 6. 20 cm; 1 dm 8 cm; 1 dm 5 cm; 1 dm; 2 cm

So Sasha won.
No.8.15-12=3 (kg)

VI. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL. Tasks for ingenuity

a) One sausage is cooked for 2 minutes. How many minutes will it cook
3 such sausages?

b) There are 5 sons in the family. Each of them has one sister. How many children
in family?


What is the most important thing you remember in the lesson?

Why do you need this knowledge?

* Self-evaluation and mutual evaluation. Evaluation of student work by a teacher


Lesson number 24.

Topic: Adding single digits to the number 6 (p. 48-49)


To teach how to change previously acquired knowledge to solve new examples of the form 6 + 6, 6 + 5;

Develop problem solving skills by reasoning from question to data and from data to question;

Cultivate voluntary attention.

During the classes



1. Game "Labyrinth"

Go through three "gates" and score a total of 20, 15.

Sasha brought 9 carrots for the rabbits, and Tanya brought 7 carrots. How many carrots did the children bring?

There were 10 trucks in the garage, and cars - 7 cars less. How many cars were in the garage?

2. Solve problems

9 girls worked in the garden, they were 6 less than boys. How many boys worked in the garden?

There are 15 helicopters and 5 planes at the airfield. How many helicopters and planes together? How many fewer airplanes than helicopters?

Tasks in verses:

ten penguins

They rode on the ice.

Three on a sled

One on skates.

How many penguins

Left to ride

If four

did you go swimming? (10 + 3 + / 14. 14-4 = 10)



Textbook work

No. 1. Explanation of addition of the form 6 + 5 according to the scheme in the textbook.
№2. 9 + 2=11- 11-2 = 9 11-9 = 2

9 + 3= 12 12-3 = 9 12-9 = 3 etc.


No. 3. I neg. - 9 cm

II neg. - ? 4 cm shorter

III neg. - ? 3 cm longer

Solution: 1) 9-4 \u003d 5 (cm) - the length of the II segment; 2) 5 + 3 = 8 (cm) - the length of the III segment. Then the segments are built.

No. 4. 1) 10-6 \u003d 4 (l) - poured into the bath -; : 2) 7 - 4 = 3 (l) - left in the can. No. 5. 9 + 3 = 12 (south) - it was.


No. 6. 12-2=10 12-4=8 10-2=8 etc.

No. 7, 9 - orally.



A) Which of the little men is "extra"? How is he different from the rest?

The extra one is the fifth, since in it the triangle and the square are reversed.

b) How are the pictures different?

The sun on the circle on the left has 7 rays, and on the circle on the right - 6; the handle of the mug is triangular on the left, and quadrangular on the right.


What tabular cases of addition with the number b do you remember?



Topic: Table of addition within 20 and corresponding cases of subtraction


To teach students how to use the summary table of addition and subtraction:

Develop the ability to solve problems of the studied type;

During the classes



1. Arithmetic dictation

(Students write their answers in their notebooks.)

Find the difference between the numbers 14 and 10.

Increase 6 by 4.

Reduce 12 by 3.

What number is greater than 18 by 1?

What number is less than 15 by 3?

How much more is 9 than 6?

How much more is 11 than 4?

Decreased 20, subtracted 10. What is the difference?

The first term is 9, the second term is 10. What is the sum of the numbers?

a) Solve examples:

13 -□= 8 11-3-9

□ -4 = 16 12 + 4-5

□ + 2 = 11 18-3-6
6 + □=14 17-5-10

the rest:

6 + 6=13 15-8 = 4 9+4=13

3 + 9 = 12 7 + 7=14 16-8 = 8

15-6 = 8 5 + 6=11 8+3=12

12-5 = 7 14-5 = 7 19-10 = 8



Teacher's explanation. Introduction to addition and subtraction tables
tanning numbers according to the textbook

No. 1. Solving examples for finding the difference based on the table -.

Textbook work. Fixing new material

No. 2. 8+ 4= 12 (l)

Why is the problem solved by addition?


10-4 = 6 etc.

No. 4 - orally.

Anya Borya Vera Gena

4 fish 3 fish 1 fish 2 fish

(most) (or 2 fish) (least of all) (or 3 fish)

girls: 4+1=5 fish. The same number of fish

boys: 3 + 2 = 5 fish ~ girls and boys caught

6. Tuesday.

№7. 20; 18; 9; 12; 15; 15; 19.


No. 9 - by options


It is necessary to pour 11 liters of gasoline into the canister, having only two cans: one with a capacity of 2 liters. the other - 5 l. How can I do that?

1 way: 2 + 2 + 2 + 5 = 11 (l)

2 way: 1) 5-2-2 = 1 (l)

2) 1+5+5 = 11 (l)


What goals did we set at the beginning of the lesson?

What helped us achieve our goals?

How many of you find it difficult to solve examples with the transition through a dozen?

What is the purpose of the table of addition and subtraction of numbers that you met in the lesson?

* Self-evaluation and mutual evaluation. Evaluation of student work by a teacher


Page 51 No. 8

Combined test



Check students' ability to solve simple problems;

Check the assimilation of the studied methods of addition and subtraction of numbers within 20:

Develop the ability to work independently.

Material for control work

1 option 2 option

1. Solve examples:

9-2 16-4 8-3 15-3

7-3 18-3 9-5 12-10

8+ 3 13-7 7 + 4 14-8

9+ 4 15-6 9 + 6 16-7

10 + 7 20-8 10 + 8 20-9

2. Solve the problem:

8 watermelons grew in the greenhouse. Zhenya found 12 shells by the river.
and 6 more melons. How much and Ira is 4 less. How many
melons grown in a greenhouse? Did Ira find kushek?

3. Fill in the blanks:

4 + 1 = 6-□ 8-6 = 9-□ 10 + 6 = 15 +□ 9-5=7-□
5-□ = 2 + 2 7 + □=16-6 4 + 4 = 9-□ □+ 3 = 12-2

4. Write down and solve an example in which:

the number 16 is decreasing. 2 - the first term is 11, the second is 5. subtracted.

5. Insert the missing numbers into the boxes so that the entries are correct.

> + 3 > - 8

< □ - 5 < □ + 2

Topic: Fixing the addition table(p. 42-62)


fixing the table of addition and subtraction of single-digit numbers within 20 with the transition through the category;

Solving composite problems of the studied species

To teach students how to use the summary table of addition and subtraction:

Cultivate accuracy in work.

During the classes



a) Solve examples:

13 -□= 8 11-3-9

□ -4 = 16 12 + 4-5

□ + 2 = 11 18-3-6
6 + □=14 17-5-10

b) Name correctly solved examples, correct mistakes in

the rest:

6 + 6=13 15-8 = 4 9+4=13

3 + 9 = 12 7 + 7=14 16-8 = 8

15-6 = 8 5 + 6=11 8+3=12

TOPIC OF THE LESSON: « Subtraction of single digits from 10 "
Understand student roles develop an interest in learning.

    Learn to plan your actions in accordance with the task, to form the ability to evaluate the correctness of your actions.
    Organize your workplace under the guidance of a teacher.


    To form the ability to work with a textbook as a source of information, in the conditions of solving educational problems, to answer simple questions from the teacher.
    Consider a way to subtract single digit numbers from 10.
    Continue the formation of subtraction and addition skills within 20 based on knowledge of the composition of the number and with the help of the "Addition Table".
    Improve the ability to make connections between actions
addition and subtraction.
    Develop the ability to reason and analyze.
Participate in the dialogue in the classroom, listen and understand the speech of others.
Equipment: textbook "Mathematics" (Author - A.L. Chekin, grade 1, part 2), printed notebook for independent work No. 2 (Author - O.A. Zakharova), school supplies, a fan with numbers,

During the classes:
1. Motivation for learning activities.
a) greeting;
b) Setting up for the lesson:
The bell rang and fell silentThe lesson starts.Well check it out buddyAre you ready to start the lesson? Is everything in place Is everything okayPen, book and notebooks (2)?
Is everyone seated correctly?Is everyone watching closely?
2. Actualization of basic knowledge.
a) verbal arithmetic (The teacher reads the assignments)
1. The game "Distribute the numbers in the house"
Using the numbers of this series, distribute them into cells so that their sum is equal to the number of the house. In order not to forget what numbers were distributed to neighboring apartments, it is necessary to mark them with arrows.
1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 + (The house with the number 10 on the roof)

We played with you and fixed the composition of the number 10.-What interesting things did you notice when distributing numbers into neighboring cells?(Neighboring cells contain numbers that are in the same places on the left and right)You are very attentive! I share your point of view!
3. Message of the topic of the lesson.
What topic are we going to study today? (pause) -Subtraction of single digit numbers from 10. Where can you find out what we have learned and what remains to be learned? (refer to textbook content)
Teacher: Open the textbook on the page where the new topic is located,READ THE TOPIC TITLE.Why do you need to be able to subtract single digits from 10?
Look closely, where do we start work?

4. Learning new material. Work according to the textbook (p. 48).
Task number 1. Find and write down in a notebook all the differences in which the reduced is 10. 10 – 5 15 - 10 10 - 3 9 - 4 10 – 1 10 - 2 (pay attention to the symbols for the task)-What are they talking about? (think)
-We will work in pairs. Agree which of you is reading and who is listening in order to accurately complete the task.
- Read the first part of the task.
Find and write down in a notebook all the differences in which the minuend is equal to 10.

10-5 10-3 10-1 10-2 Voice your differences?
- Let's analyze the proposed differences.-How are they similar?
(Reduced by 10, and subtracted by a single digit)
- Calculate and write down in a notebook the values ​​of these differences, using the knowledge of the composition of the number 10.Checking the value of differences using a fan.
-Excellent! You are on the right track.
Read task number 2 to yourself Write down the differences in your notebook. Find and write down the values ​​of the indicated differences using the "Addition Table" 10 – 8 10 - 5 10 – 3 10 - 6 10 – 2 10 – 4 10 – 9 10 – 7 10 – 1
What does the author of the textbook advise us? Where can I peep the "Addition Table"? (textbook flyleaf)
Children work independently. (Check by row, chain)
-Why were you recommended to use the "Addition Table", because we were subtracting?Have you noticed the connection between addition and subtraction?-What rule did you use?-Let's repeat in chorus! (If we subtract the known term from the sum, we get another (unknown) term.
Well done! You did an excellent job of analyzing the addition table!
-Summarize. -So, what do we learn in the lesson? (subtract single digits from 10)-Children who figured out how to subtract single digits from 10(Based on knowing the composition of the number and using the "Addition Table")
1 physical minute (Students perform the exercise by repeating the words and the corresponding movements after the teacher)
Our rest is physical education.Take your seats:Step in place of the left, right,One and two! One and two!Keep your back straightOne and two! One and two!And don't look under your feetOne and two! One and two!CHECKING THE PRIMARY PERCEPTIONIndependentwork in a printed notebook. Page 80 (task number 1, mutual check)-Children, I will give you a hint, it is more convenient to count on a horizontal line.
1 + 9= 10 – 9 = 10 – 1 = 2 + 8 = 10 – 8 = 10 – 2 = 3 + 7 = 10 - 7 = 10 – 3 = 4 + 6= 10 – 6 = 10 – 4 = 5 +5 = 10 – 5 = 10 – 0 =
-Check your values? What pattern did you see?(Subtraction and addition are related)GREAT! YOU'RE RIGHT!
WORK FROM THE TEXTBOOK, task number 3, p.48 Task. There were 10 sheep grazing on the lawn. Of these, 3 are black and the rest are white. How many white sheep were grazing on the lawn?Solve the problem in your notebook. Calculate and write down the answer.
-Read in an undertone the text for the third task of the textbook.-Can this text be called a task?How did you manage to recognize the problem?

Name the condition of this task. ( 10 sheep grazed on the lawn, 3 of them black, others white)
- Formulate a requirement? (How many white sheep were grazing in the meadow?)What does it mean to solve a problem? (Choose the correct action).- Solve the problem in your notebook. Calculate and write down the answer.
(One child writes the solution to the problem on the board).. Solution: 10-3=7(s)
Answer: 7 white sheep grazed on the lawn.
-If it is difficult for you to solve a problem, then imagine that out of 10 sheepthree blacks took them home and only whites remained to graze.
- Was the new knowledge useful in solving this problem?
Congratulations, you are on the right track!
Physical Minute 2 (Students perform the exercise by repeating the words and the corresponding movements after the teacher)(Curious Varvara looks to the left, looks to the right.
And then he looks down, his neck muscles tense.. Comes back, relaxation is nice.
And then he looks up, above all and further than all.
Comes back, relaxation is nice.)
WORK IN THE PRINTED NOTEBOOK No. 2, p.80, task 2Complete the text of the problem according to the scheme. Solve the problem. Calculate and write down the answer. In two vases. . candy. How many candies are in the big vase if there are 4 candies in the small vase?
(children work in pairs, additional task).
What help in solving the problem does the author offer us?(The author offers a scheme with circles and arcs)

Summary of the lesson. 3. There were 10 books on the shelf. How many books were taken if there were 7 books, 5 books, 9 books, 4 books, 1 book, 8 books, 2 books, 6 books left?
(pupils show on fans)
It was

-What did you learn in the lesson?How can you subtract single digits from 10?(Remember the composition of the number 10 and learn the "Addition Table")
Reflection. On the tables you have the sun and the cloud. I will ask you to
you, leaving the class for a break, attached on the board: the sun,
if today's lesson was interesting for you and you had a good
mood, or a cloud, if you were bored in the lesson and you had
Bad mood.

Lecture 2. Methods for studying the numbering of the numbers of the first ten. Addition and subtraction of single digit numbers

Methodology for studying the numbering of the numbers of the first ten

1. Basic concepts of mathematics.

2. General questions of the methodology for studying the numbering of numbers.

3. Preparing children to study the numbers of the first ten.

4. Methodology for studying the numbering of the numbers of the first ten.

Literature:(1) Chapter 2. §1, pp.52-63; (2) §23, 30; (9) Chapter 4, §14; (11)-(13).

Basic concepts of mathematics

Number is one of the basic concepts of mathematics, which arose for the first time in connection with the needs of counting objects. From the set-theoretic standpoint, a natural number is considered as the number of elements of a finite set. The number 0 also has a set-theoretic interpretation: it corresponds to the empty set (0 = n(Æ)). Since only one number corresponds to one and the same set, the entire set of finite sets is divided into classes of equal sets. A natural number is a common property (invariant) of a class of non-empty equivalent sets. Thus, the number 5 is a common property that sets containing five fingers, five vertices of a five-pointed star, five sides of a pentagon, and so on have. Each class is defined by any of its representatives, for example, a segment of the natural series.

Two natural numbers are called equal if the sets corresponding to them are equivalent, otherwise the numbers are called unequal, i.e. if a = n(A), b = p(B), then a = b<=> A~B and a¹ b <=> A ¹ B.

The relation "less than" also has a set-theoretic interpretation. If the set A is equivalent to its own subset of the set V and n(A) = a, n(B) = b, they say that the number a is less than the number b, and write a< b. In the same situation, they say b is greater than a, and write b > a.

A segment of the natural series Na is the set of natural numbers not exceeding a natural number a. So, N6= (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).

Counting elements of a set A - establishment of a one-to-one correspondence between a non-empty finite set A and a segment of the natural series Na. Number a is called the number of elements in the set, and this number is a quantitative natural number.

When counting elements, it is important to observe the following requirements: 1) you can start counting from any element of the set A; 2) no element of the set A must not be skipped; 3) no element of the set should be counted twice; 4) the number "one" is called the first when counting; 5) the numbers used in counting follow one after the other without gaps. If these requirements are met, after the end of the count between the set A and a one-to-one correspondence is established with some subset of natural numbers. This subset is usually called a segment of the natural series.

Notation- a language for naming, writing numbers and performing actions on them. The concept of "number system" is closely related to the concept of "numbering".

Numbering- a method of sign-symbolic modeling of natural numbers. Numbering - translated from Latin - reckoning, counting. In mathematics, numbering means a language for naming and writing numbers (a way of expressing and notating numbers).

General questions of the methodology for studying the numbering of numbers

We understand numbering as a way of expressing and designating numbers. The main goal of studying this topic in elementary grades is the formation of the concept of a natural number. In mathematics, there are various approaches to the interpretation of the concept of a natural number.

Teaching a child to subtract and add is a complex, multi-stage process, starting with the study of single-digit numbers and moving into two-digit ones, with a gradual study of the moments when the transition occurs through a dozen. To teach a child to quickly count two-digit numbers, you should go through each stage sequentially. The use of different methods of learning, mainly in a playful way, makes it possible to make the whole process interesting for the baby, which will positively affect the results.

Subtraction of two-digit numbers with the transition through the discharge

It is easier to explain to a child the subtraction of two-digit numbers using. This will allow you to focus on the process and improve the assimilation of the material covered. You should not immediately start with large numbers, it is better to start the first steps with the minimum numbers, gradually increasing.

Such a moment is important - the child will not be able to immediately count in his mind, even when it comes to small numbers. It is better to use a piece of paper, parts of the designer, a computer or other additional tools where the baby can make the required notes. Attention should be paid to the study of the order of formation of tens, up to a hundred. This will help when learning addition and subtraction with the transition through the digit, and not just within one ten. Having mastered the count within ten, you can proceed to the study of more complex actions, using one of the methods or combining them.

Separation of numbers when subtracting

When subtracting a single-digit number from a two-digit number with a transition through the discharge, division can be used. Explain to the child that it will be easier to subtract from a whole ten, and it is enough to divide a single-digit number in such a way that by subtracting one of its parts to get 10, and only then subtract the second part. As a result, the child will quickly master such an account, learning how to correctly divide numbers and get the final result.

This method is well suited in cases where a count of up to 10 has been mastered, and the baby is also familiar with numbers up to at least 20. Classes should be conducted in a playful way, using consumables or special ones.

Using Geometric Shapes to Visualize Numbers

A common option is when tens are indicated by triangles, and units by dots. It is enough to explain to the child the meaning of the figures and give a few examples. After that, you can start training, starting with simple tasks, using numbers up to 20, gradually complicating them.

For the entry-level, this is a suitable option that allows you to carry out calculations quickly and clearly. However, it can be difficult to subtract an additional ten when subtracting (for example, 54-35=19). It is important to explain the subtlety of such a moment to the baby. Subtracting two-digit numbers in this way is better, avoiding such situations, or regularly showing examples to the child for better development.

Taking away with Lego

To apply this method, you can use Lego Duplo, designed for this purpose, or ordinary designer cubes, having previously numbered them. With their help, you can solve complex problems, including those in which there is a transition through a dozen.

It is enough to display the required numbers using the appropriate numbers (eg 25-19). In order to explain the subtlety more clearly to the child, it is enough to divide them into smaller ones (10,10, 5 and 10, 5, 4). The child easily learns that 10-10 = 0, and will be able to remove the extra tens. The remaining equation is further solved easily (10 and 5 - 5 and 4). It remains for the child to count 10-4, having received the final result.

Addition of two-digit numbers

To explain to a child the addition of two-digit numbers is usually easier than the subtraction, even in cases where there is an addition of an additional ten after addition. There are enough ways to learn to choose the most suitable for your baby. Important - the lesson of all preschool children should take place in a playful way.

Number separation

One easy way to learn is to divide numbers into tens and ones. This also helps when adding ten after adding units. For example, 25 + 36 the child will write down as 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 6 + 5 and get the result 50 + 5 + 6. After that, the addition 5 + 6 = 11 takes place. Again, decomposing 11 by 10 + 1, we get 50 + 10 + 1 = 61. Children easily perceive this method and quickly learn to use it even when calculating in their minds.

Use the solution "in a column"

This will make the counting process much easier for your little one. So the child perceives tens and ones more easily, can make notes about additional tens and other necessary records. Adding two-digit numbers in this way is easier and soon the child will be able to carry out the necessary operations in the mind.

This method can also be used to study the deduction.

Application of online games for learning

Today, there are many mini-games that are aimed at helping parents in teaching their child. Their use allows the kid to quickly and with interest learn the basic basics of counting, including cases when there is an addition of two-digit numbers with a transition through the discharge.

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