Shift work schedule online. Programs for scheduling work

It is important to properly plan the schedule of each employee, assign weekends, work days and vacation days. The main thing is not to get confused in all this later. To ensure that this definitely doesn’t happen, we recommend using special software that is perfect for such purposes. In this article we will take a closer look at several representatives and talk about their disadvantages and advantages.

Graphic is suitable for creating an individual work schedule or for organizations with only a few employees, since its functionality is not designed for a large number of employees. First, employees are added and their color designation is selected. After which the program itself will create a cyclic schedule for any period of time.

It is possible to create several schedules; all of them will then be displayed in a designated table, through which they can be quickly opened. In addition, it is worth noting that although the program performs its functions, updates have not been released for a long time, and the interface is quite outdated.

AFM: Scheduler 1/11

This representative is already focused solely on scheduling an organization with a large number of employees. For this purpose, there are several tables where the schedule is drawn up, the staff is filled in, shifts and days off are set. Then everything is automatically systematized and distributed, and the administrator will always have quick access to the tables.

To test or familiarize yourself with the functionality of the program, there is a chart creation wizard, with which the user can quickly create a simple routine by simply selecting the necessary items and following the instructions. Please note that this opportunity is only suitable for informational purposes; it is better to fill out everything manually, especially if there is a lot of data.

This article describes only two representatives, since not many programs are produced for such purposes, and most of them are buggy or do not perform the stated functions. The presented software copes with its task perfectly and is suitable for drawing up various schedules.

If you work in HR, chances are you often have to juggle multiple tasks at once. Your responsibilities can be very varied and include not only finding and attracting the best talent, but also developing employee motivation and managing training and education.

For those who juggle so many tasks at once, it's important to build a system that allows you to stay organized and not miss a beat. You can use Excel templates for this. But how do you find and select the best Excel templates to suit your goals? We've reviewed and reviewed key HR Excel templates and provide you with a short description of each template, along with a download link.

We'll also show you how to use HR templates in Smartsheet, a spreadsheet-based collaboration tool that lets you collaborate with colleagues to simplify your HR processes even more than Excel.

An employee shift schedule helps organize the work process during shift work. But you need to know how to calculate it correctly so that it does not cause confusion.

Shift work is often used in organizations with a continuous production process. Also, 24-hour activities are carried out by some service enterprises.

In any case, to organize the work of employees, it is necessary to draw up a work schedule. At the same time, it is important to calculate it correctly so that there is no confusion during the labor process.

Basic moments

First of all, the need for a shift schedule is required for the proper organization of the work and rest schedule of each employee.

Using it, you can visually systematize all shift data. Any organization with a shift work schedule has its own individual schedule.

In this case, the direction of the enterprise’s activity and the type of products produced do not matter. However, some standard requirements apply to any schedule.


The work schedule is a separate document or an appendix to the collective agreement.

To correctly draw up a work schedule, the duration of the labor process should be taken into account.

For example, if the activity occurs in only one shift, then the schedule approaches an eight-hour workday with an hour-long lunch break. The specifics of the work, its features and nuances should be taken into account.

Every aspect must be carefully analyzed. The shift schedule must comply not only with the needs of the enterprise, but also with legal regulations.

Purpose of the document

The purpose of any work schedule is to regulate the activities of the entire team. A correctly drawn up schedule reflects the specifics of labor and the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The schedule determines the number of working days, weekends and lunch breaks. If necessary, changes to the schedule are allowed.

The frequency of changes is determined by management, but the schedule can be changed no more than once a month. Several options are used to correctly draw up a schedule.

Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. The choice of the most suitable work schedule is the direct prerogative of management.

There are such types of shift schedules as:

Shift work It is considered most suitable for organizations with a 24-hour work schedule. In this case, employees are expected to work in shifts. This helps ensure continuity of the production process
Flexitime Suitable for use by enterprises in which employees often have to work on weekends and travel to. With such a schedule, employees independently decide when it is most convenient for them to work and in what mode
Weekly chart At the same time, employees must work a strictly defined number of hours per week; employees individually agree with management on the work schedule

Current standards

In order for the organization’s activities to be carried out continuously, it is necessary to draw up a shift schedule. But it is necessary to take into account the norms of the Labor Code.

It is required to correctly determine the duration of working hours for each employee. You will also need to calculate the required number of employees for each shift.

The shift schedule is developed in accordance with the provisions of Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The employee is immediately introduced to the existing schedule.

The condition for shift work is prescribed in the internal regulations of the organization. This condition is included as a separate clause in the employment contract.

The manager has the right to change the schedule at any time. Moreover, each employee must be notified of upcoming changes at least a month in advance.

When drawing up a work schedule, you need to take into account some legal requirements:

If the employee's working day is twelve hours Then the total amount of working time per week cannot exceed forty hours. According to the employer, the employer is free to use any schedule, provided that work alternates with rest. The duration must be at least forty-two hours per week
Based on the length of the night shift Should be an hour shorter than the daytime. If this hour is used for work, then it must be paid at double the rate. Night hours must also be paid twenty percent higher than the daytime hourly rate.
Length of shift before a public holiday Must be reduced by an hour, which requires . If reduction is not possible, the hour worked will be paid twice
In accordance with Article 103 of the Labor Code, it is impossible For the same employee to work two shifts in a row without proper rest. So if the length of the shift is twenty-four hours, then the next day should be a day off
With an eight or twelve hour work day It is possible to extend the duration of a shift only in exceptional cases. For example, a technical accident occurred at the enterprise, there is no one to replace the employee, etc.
With a three-shift work schedule Required to alternate shifts every week

The procedure for creating a working schedule for employees

You can create a work schedule manually or using special software.

If the organization has a small staff, then you can draw up a schedule on a regular piece of paper using simple mathematical calculations.

If all employees come to work every day and working hours are always the same, then you can do without a shift schedule altogether.

If an organization has a working day of more than eight hours, then it is more advisable to use a sliding schedule with “floating” rest days. The most popular schemes are 2/2 or 3/3.

In some cases, the 7/7 option is used, but this mode is used very rarely. It is believed that already on the fifth day, an employee’s productivity drops significantly due to the accumulation of fatigue.

In order for the above schemes to be successfully applied, the number of employees must be even. In 24-hour establishments, a shift schedule is used.

2 day shifts 2 days off – 2 night shifts – 2 days off
1 day shift 1 night shift – 2 days off

The first option is more convenient because it allows the employee to fully relax. The second method allows you to rest only on the second day; the first day is spent sleeping.

But such a schematic approach is suitable if the majority of the staff are working students. How to correctly draw up a monthly work schedule in a large organization?

If the number of staff allows you to divide it into seven teams, you can use the 5/2 schedule. The work process looks like this:

2 night shifts from 21.00 to 8.00
1 evening shift from 18.00 to 22.00
1 day shift from 16.00 to 22.00
1 morning shift from 8.00 to 16.00

With this schedule, each employee works forty hours a week. At the same time, two shifts work simultaneously during the night period. You can use the work schedule every other day.

If the number of employees allows, you can organize work in three days. As a rule, such schemes are used in security companies.

But at the same time, we should not forget about the hours of rest required by law during a shift. This means that at least one “extra” employee must be on shift.

Required data

When drawing up a work schedule, you should consider how many hours each employee works and the total length of the working day.

It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the organization’s activities and the structure of the working day. Each factor should be considered individually in order to maximize its importance when creating a schedule.

If an employee is hired with a shift requirement, then all the nuances of the work process should be immediately discussed.

A correctly drawn up work schedule must comply with the conditions specified in or annex to it.

In general, to create a schedule you will need:

  • organization documents;
  • acting ;
  • applied production calendar;
  • calculator;
  • Labor Code;
  • form .

Who should compile

Drawing up a work schedule in an organization is the responsibility of labor specialists. The management of the enterprise should also be directly involved in the process.

You need to understand that a well-drawn schedule will help you outline the rhythm and style of production activities for several years in advance.

After the schedule is drawn up by an employee of the HR department or another responsible employee, its certification is required.

The manager must familiarize himself with the schedule and then certify it with his signature. In this case, the position of the manager and his personal data are indicated.

Approval of the work schedule is the responsibility of the organization's general director. He is obliged to endorse the schedule. The resolution must contain the name of the position, personal data, date, signature.

You need to draw up a work schedule in advance. According to the law, each employee must familiarize himself with the schedule one month before it comes into force.

If a shift schedule is introduced in an organization for the first time, then employees should be familiarized with the schedule two months before the start of its use.

Sample document

There is no standard template for drawing up a work schedule. Consequently, organizations, when planning an operating mode, can develop a sign, template or other acceptable form on their own.

But it must certainly contain the following required details:

  • full and abbreviated name of the organization corresponding to the constituent documents or full name. individual entrepreneur - indicated in the upper left corner, all other information is indicated below;
  • Title of the document;
  • validity;
  • name of the structural unit for which the schedule was developed.

After completing the document header, you can start creating a table:

Draw a table The serial number is written in the first column, the employee’s personal data and position are written in the second, and the employee’s personnel number is written in the third.
Schedule the month by numbers By allocating a separate column for each working day
Make a separate column for reference After approval of the schedule, workers must sign and date
Determine the required number of shifts Necessary for process continuity, and the duration of each shift
Calculate the number of employees Every shift
Schedule working days for all employees To do this, it is first advisable to assign a symbol to each shift

Programs specially designed for this greatly facilitate the process of compiling.

For example, using a program based on Microsoft Excel, you can create a schedule for the year ahead, as well as a production calendar for any year. To create a schedule, you can set any work scheme.


When drawing up a work schedule, especially if this is done for the first time, many questions often arise.

This is probably why it is worth noting points that require special attention:

  • compliance with labor laws;
  • specifics of activity;
  • individual approach to employees;
  • peak moments of working hours when a break is most appropriate;
  • the organization’s operating hours, since working days may also include holidays;
  • eliminating processing, which will save on labor costs;
  • choosing the most appropriate schedule;
  • taking into account the opinions of the employees themselves.

How to create a work schedule for 5 people

In most cases, when working in shift mode, it is recommended to have an even number of workers. But what if a small organization employs five people?

After all, it is important that each employee works the same amount of time. As an example, we can consider a situation where an enterprise employs five people.

The working week consists of six days. Sunday is a common day off for everyone. Each employee is assigned an individual serial number, from 1 to 5.

The workflow will look like this:

Monday 1,3,5
Tuesday 1,2,3,4,5
Wednesday 1,2,3,4
Thursday 1,2,3,4,5
Friday 1,2,3,4,5
Saturday 2,4,5

With this approach, each employee will work five days per week.

If in three days

To draw up a work schedule every three days, you should initially determine the norms of working hours using the production calendar.

In this case, it is necessary to exclude from the calculation the annual salary due to employees.

Calculate the number of hours per year For which the work schedule is drawn up. Why is a forty-hour work week taken into account? The number of weeks in a year is determined and multiplied by forty
Determine the duration of the vacation Each employee in hours. Forty must be multiplied by the number of weeks in twenty-eight days. That's one hundred and sixty hours
Subtract the amount of vacation from the number of annual hours Divide the result by twenty-four (hours in a day). Get the number of working days per year
Divide the number of calendar days in the accounting year by the number of working days The result will show the required number of employees for the one-day/three-day mode
  • draw a graph;
  • enter serial numbers, personal data and write down the dates of the month;
  • determine the dates of return to work for each employee, observing the sequence of days off;
  • familiarize employees with the schedule a month before implementation.

It may seem incredible, but often the success of an organization depends on a properly designed work schedule.

When determining the potential of an enterprise, the literacy of the operating mode occupies one of the leading positions.

To obtain the greatest efficiency, experienced managers try to pay maximum attention to the schedule of production activities.

A work schedule is a concept that is familiar to all enterprises, institutions and firms, regardless of the form of ownership and direction of activity, since with its help it is possible to organize the normal work of all personnel.

What is a work schedule?

The schedule should be understood as the schedule of staff working hours, in days and hours. The work schedule allows you to systematize and streamline the working time of all employees of the institution in order to increase productivity.

According to the definition, the established work schedule is understood as a special schedule that takes into account the duration of the period during the calendar time intended for work by the employee. The standard working time is set at the management level and is reflected in a special production calendar.

Working time is the time period that is intended to fulfill established obligations in accordance with concluded employment contracts between the employee and the employer. As a rule, this period does not include a refreshment break.

The working time schedule takes into account both the length of the working day and the length of the working week, which necessarily takes into account weekends. Typically, the operating mode can be:

  1. Five-day – with 2 days off.
  2. Six days - with 1 day off.
  3. Unstandardized.
  4. Part-time or part-time work weeks.

As a rule, each institution, due to the specifics of its activities, establishes its own labor regime. At the same time, the manager is responsible for stipulating the established framework for his subordinates - the start time of the working day and its end, as well as the time allotted for rest.

Legislation protects workers, so no labor regime should infringe on the rights of employees.

Thanks to a properly organized work schedule, you can solve many problems at the same time, in particular:

  • Organize staff working hours.
  • Organize timely completion of production tasks.
  • Distribute paid working hours.
  • It is intended for calculating average earnings, calculating wages, calculating benefits, determining the length of insurance, compensation, incentives, vacation pay and other things.

It is mandatory that all employees must be familiarized with the work schedule of a particular enterprise, against signature. If for some reason the employee refuses to do this, then in the presence of two witnesses, this fact is reflected in the act.

A schedule is a document that reflects information about the beginning of an employee’s working day, as well as its end. Without fail, the schedule must be brought to the attention of all personnel, or it must be posted for review, so that it is freely accessible. When drawing up a schedule, take into account its form so that it is as clear as possible to all employees and has legible information for accounting. It must include all members of the staff.

The form requires entering the following information:

  1. List of positions.
  2. Information for each specialist.
  3. Distributed hours.
  4. Development, taking into account the individual nature of the work performed.

When drawing up a schedule, the evenly distributed load of work volumes is taken into account. It also determines the number of shifts - during shift work, as well as the proportional workload of the staff.

Separately, they can provide a list of weekends and holidays to the schedule. It is very important to draw up and fill out the work schedule correctly, without errors, as this may negatively lead to a decrease in the employee’s earnings.

Who is compiling it?

The work schedule is most often an independent, separate document; in some cases it is an addition to the collective agreement. Responsibility for maintaining and drawing up a schedule is assigned to personnel employees by assigning them through an order.

Management must familiarize itself with the schedule and endorse it. When drawing up a schedule, the opinion of the workers, as well as their representation - the trade union committee, must be taken into account.

Why is it worth using programs to create a work schedule?

Software that is designed to create a calendar schedule has one base for operation.

Thanks to specialized software you can:

  1. Reduce the likelihood of defects and errors.
  2. Establish an automated document preparation procedure.
  3. Reduce time spent on scheduling.

Using the software is a huge advantage, but before using it you must:

  1. Understand the general operating principle of the program.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the possibility of drawing up a network schedule.

When creating a schedule in the program, it is necessary to take into account:

  1. Shifts in total, as well as the period of shifts (for shift work).
  2. Duration of working hours.
  3. Total number of working days.
  4. Total number of days off.

Other indicators may also be used due to the specifics of the activities of a particular enterprise, however, such programs are not unified, but specialized and developed specifically for the enterprise, taking into account its characteristics.

Top 5 programs

Among the software that allows you to create work schedules, there are a lot of options that differ in both “stuffing” and interface. Each of the programs has its own advantages, as it allows you to perform one or another function.

In contact with

A shift schedule is a fairly common phenomenon. It is used in a wide variety of industries, most often in companies with a continuous round-the-clock production cycle - the need for its use here is due to the fact that equipment downtime is unacceptable, because they lead to system failures and significant financial losses. But regular, timely replacement of personnel leads to an increase in the volume of output, improved labor productivity and, as a result, greater profits.

Also, a shift schedule is common in other areas, for example, in medical institutions, security structures, firefighters, gas services, rail and transport transportation, air travel, etc.

Number of shifts and workers in them

The number of shifts depends on the characteristics of the organization. This can be two, three or even four shifts per day. Each shift works for a certain period of time - from three to four hours to twelve.

Individually and the number of workers in one shift. This can be one person or even several dozen (the upper threshold is not limited).

Why do you need a shift schedule?

The shift schedule is one of the most important internal documents of the company.

Based on the schedule, employees' working hours are recorded and their wages are subsequently calculated.

Thus, it relates not only to methods of organizing work at an enterprise, but is also a serious accounting form.

We must not forget that if the company provides for shift work, then the availability of the schedule is necessarily checked by government supervisory structures (for example, the labor inspectorate and the tax service). The absence of this document may result in the imposition of an administrative penalty on the enterprise and its management in the form of a fairly large fine.

Legislative regulation, mandatory conditions

The shift schedule is regulated by law, namely Art. 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Part 3 of Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). When introducing it into an organization, it is required to strictly comply with the norms and conditions of the above section of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The rules for operating in this mode are spelled out here quite thoroughly and clearly. There is no point in listing them in this article, but some simply need to be emphasized:

  1. the weekly working hours in the sum of all shifts should not exceed forty hours;
  2. every shift people should be given a lunch break (its duration is determined individually - from 30 minutes to 2 hours);
  3. employees must be provided with uninterrupted rest for 42 hours every week;
  4. the employer is obliged to indicate to employees that it is inadmissible for them to perform their duties in two shifts in a row (except in emergency cases) - and strictly monitor this.

If an organization feels the need to use a shift schedule for different categories (positions) of employees, then for each of them the duration of the shift can be determined separately (such situations occur in transport companies - one work mode is used for drivers, another for dispatchers, and another for service personnel). third).

When creating a schedule, one more important point should be taken into account - if most of it falls at night, then the shift should automatically be reduced by an hour.

All other working conditions must also comply with the law, including in matters relating to the payment of wages, provision of sick leave, vacation, etc.

What is not considered a shift schedule

Some personnel officers mistakenly believe that the work schedule is a day after two/three, two days after two, etc., refers to shift work. If you carefully read the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, it turns out that this is not so. A group of workers, performing their job duties during one day and being replaced by others the next day, works in a regime fixed within the enterprise, but there is no clear procedure for developing such a regime, its coordination and approval.

Some points regarding payment

The calculation of remuneration for a shift schedule is somewhat different from the standard one. The specificity here is that the number of working hours according to the regime established at the enterprise may differ from the norm established by law, both upward and downward (the so-called planned overtime or underwork).

To ensure that there are no errors in salary calculations, at the end of the accounting period, the following parameters should be reconciled: the number of working hours in accordance with the norm and their number, based on real indicators. If, when comparing, the second indicator is greater than the first, you will need to calculate and pay the employee extra for overtime.

If an employee’s shift falls on a day off, then it is paid as usual (this is justified by the peculiarities of the shift conditions). If he is forced to work on a holiday (state non-working days are specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), then he must be paid at the appropriate standard rate, i.e. in double size.

Consolidating the work order

If the management of an enterprise decides to use a shift work schedule, it must enshrine this norm in its accounting policies, or more precisely, in its Internal Regulations.

If the company has a trade union cell, these Rules, including those regarding shift work, must be approved by its representative. A five-day period is allotted for interaction with the trade union - during this period, trade unionists must either approve the Rules presented to them or challenge them with evidence.

It is also possible to establish the use of a shift schedule in a collective agreement.

In addition to the internal regulations and the collective agreement, the clause on shift work must be spelled out in sections of individual employment contracts with employees, indicating the number of hours per shift and other parameters.

The process of creating a shift schedule

The first practical stage in implementing a shift schedule is an order for its creation, issued on behalf of the director of the organization. It contains instructions to create a shift schedule, period, responsible person and other necessary information.

Sample order for approval of shift schedule

The schedule is formed in advance - at least thirty days before the start of the shift.

Each employee mentioned in the document must be familiarized with it against signature. Thus, he indicates that he agrees with this mode of operation.

After development, coordination and final approval, the schedule will be binding both for the management of the enterprise and for the employees designated in it.

For what period is the form drawn up?

The shift work schedule can be formed for any period of time. As a rule, the period for which this document is drawn up is indicated in the company’s regulations. Most often, schedules are drawn up for one month. Each time a new schedule must be approved in accordance with the established procedure.

Is it possible to change the information in it?

Changes are allowed to the approved shift schedule, but only as a last resort and in compliance with certain rules.

Firstly, if changes occur at the initiative of the employer, he must notify his subordinates in advance about them and obtain their written consent - without them, making changes legally will be problematic.

If one of the employees asks to change the shift schedule, he must draw up a special application addressed to the manager. The application must indicate the reasons for the request (it must be respectful with appropriate written justifications), then the consent of the other employees to whom the document concerns must be obtained. If colleagues and management managed to reach a compromise, a new order is formed, on the basis of which the necessary adjustments are made to the schedule.

Is it possible to change shifts without making changes to the shift schedule?

Sometimes situations occur at enterprises when employees change shifts without prior notification to management. This is categorically unacceptable.

For such a replacement, management has the right to impose disciplinary sanctions on subordinates.

And in the case of more than one violation of labor discipline (and this is the category these offenses fall into), even dismiss the offenders.

Who draws up the document

The direct task of drawing up a shift schedule can be assigned either to a specialist in the personnel department, or to the head of a structural unit, or to the secretary of the organization. The main condition that the contractor must comply with is to take into account legal norms, the interests of the enterprise and employees.

In this case, after formation, the document must be submitted for signature to the head of the department and the director.

How to coordinate with employees

The shift schedule must be agreed upon with employees in advance, as mentioned above - no later than thirty days before the start of the first shift.

Signatures of consent can be placed directly on the schedule itself, or you can make a separate sheet for this.

If the second option is chosen, then you need to make a table on the approval sheet, enter all the employees there and collect their autographs (with the date they were signed). This document will be an official attachment to the shift schedule.

Features of the formation of a shift schedule, general information

If you are tasked with creating a shift schedule, and you have no idea how exactly it is formed, read our recommendations - they will give you an accurate idea of ​​​​this document. Also check out the example of filling it out - based on it you can easily create your own form.

Before moving on to a detailed description of the schedule, we provide general information about the document. Let's start with the fact that there is no unified form of the schedule. This means that it can be written in free form or according to the model approved in the accounting policy of the organization. In this case, the method of forming the form must be reflected in the company’s regulations.

Regardless of which scheduling method is chosen, the document must contain a number of mandatory data:

  • Company details;
  • information about the place and time of compilation;
  • the schedule itself.

The form must be certified by several persons. Firstly, by those employees in respect of whom it was formed, secondly, by the head of a structural unit and, thirdly, by the director of the company.

It is not necessary to certify the form with a seal - this should be done only when such a condition is in the company’s local documentation.

The schedule can be drawn up on a simple blank sheet of paper (preferably A4 format) or on the organization’s letterhead (if such a requirement is established by management). You can write it manually or on a computer (with mandatory subsequent printing).

How to take into account the shift schedule

All schedules developed at the enterprise are subject to mandatory registration in the appropriate accounting journal. After carrying out all the necessary procedures with them (development, coordination, approval, familiarization), they are transferred for storage to the company’s HR department. Here they are filed in a separate folder with other similar documents. Access to the place of their detention for unauthorized people should be limited.

The duration of their storage is indicated either in local acts of the organization, or is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (but not less than five years). After this period has expired, the schedules can be disposed of in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Sample shift schedule

Before you start filling out the form, you should roughly divide it into three main sequential parts.

The first is the beginning, or, as it is also called, the “hat”. This includes:

  • document's name;
  • date, place of its formation;
  • number (according to the internal document flow of the enterprise);
  • the period for which the schedule is drawn up (week, month, year, etc.).

You can enter this data either in the middle of the document, or on the left or right - it doesn’t matter. The only thing that should be taken into account is that right there, at the top, several lines are allocated for approval of the schedule by the head of the organization (his position and full name must be entered here).

Below is the main block. It is usually presented in the form of a table. It includes step by step:

  • Full name of the employee;
  • date of;
  • the number of the shift on which he will go to work;
  • information about days off.

You can supplement the table with other columns (for example, about an employee’s personnel number, etc.). Under the table, it is necessary to provide a breakdown of the information included in the schedule, including the number of shifts, the number of workers involved in them, the duration of each shift (in hours), as well as the symbols included in the schedule.

Next, you should mark that the opinions of the employees included in the document have been taken into account and collect their signatures. If signatures are placed on the approval sheet, then its presence must be indicated in the shift schedule, indicating it as an attachment to the main document.

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