White resin. White slumber - benefits and harm. Medicinal properties of the herb

The white slumber plant has several names. It is called tar, egg grass, firecracker, tar, tooth-potion. There are several versions of the origin of the names. According to the first, the name is associated with the Greek word “sialon”, which translates as “saliva”. This is due to the stickiness of the stems of some varieties. According to the second, the plant is associated with the name of the Greek god, the companion of Bacchus: “Silenos” - constantly drunk. If you pick one inflorescence and slap it, you will hear a distinct pop. Hence another name for the plant – firecracker.

White slumber has been used since ancient times for the treatment of various pathologies. A decoction of the plant's rhizomes was used to bathe children who were not growing well. The infusion is an effective remedy for bites from rabid animals.

Valued by plants and gardeners. It is used in landscape design. In addition, doze is used in Italian cuisine. People eat fresh leaves, as well as stew and steam them. Dream leaves are added when preparing soups, closed pizzas, and risotto. Residents of Northern Kir prepare vitamin salads from the plant. Old leaves are boiled or fried with the addition of garlic.

In addition, slumber is an excellent honey plant. From dry, crushed roots of the plant, combined with water, a soap solution is made, which is used instead of detergent.


White Sandman is a herbaceous perennial that belongs to the Carnation family and reaches a height of sixty centimeters or more. It is equipped with bare erect stems, lanceolate or ovoid gray opposite leaves, and white unisexual flowers. The fruits of the plant are ovoid fifteen-millimeter capsules. Doze blooms, as a rule, at the beginning of the summer, and the fruits ripen by July.

Western and Northern Europe is considered the birthplace of the nap. The Caucasus, Mongolia, Asia, the Himalayas, Japan, America, Russia, Ukraine - habitat. Meadows, edges, clearings, wastelands, ditches, riverine meadows are places of growth.

Collection and preparation

For the production of healing compositions, mainly the above-ground part of the nap is used. It is recommended to collect raw materials during flowering. Next, the grass and plants are thoroughly washed. Then each stem of the dream is carefully laid out on a clean surface. The grass is usually dried in a room with sufficient ventilation.

Next, the raw materials are poured into paper bags, tied tightly and placed for storage in a dry, dark place. The workpieces must be stored in the dark. It happens that the fruits of the dream are used to prepare medicines. They are harvested in mid-autumn. Then they are dried in dryers or a warm room and placed in cardboard boxes or paper bags. Fruits should be stored in a dark room with good ventilation. The duration of storage and use of blanks is two years.

Composition and beneficial properties

The plant contains many useful and healing substances:

  • triterpene saponins;
  • saponins;
  • flavonoids;
  • resinous substances;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • vitexin;
  • sinapic and ferulic acid;
  • alkaloids;
  • coumarin;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • carotene;
  • proteins;
  • phytoncides;
  • essential oils;
  • micro- and macroelements.

The plant has emollient, diuretic, sedative, analgesic, tonic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, restorative and immunostimulating properties.

Drema-based formulations promote:

  • normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eliminating painful sensations;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improving the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • therapy: dysentery, bronchitis, heartburn, gastritis, pathologies of the genitourinary system, toothache, tuberculosis, shortness of breath, hemorrhoids, hernia.

Folk remedies

Recipes for effective medicines are passed down from generation to generation. The drugs help in the treatment of various ailments. But they can only be used with the permission of the attending physician.

➡ Uterine bleeding, umbilical hernia, epilepsy: use of healing infusion. Brew the crushed dried aerial part of the doze in half a liter of just boiled water. Leave the product in a warm room for an hour. Take 50 ml of filtered drink four times a day.

➡ Gastrointestinal pathologies: infusion therapy. Brew fifteen grams of the dried, crushed plant in two hundred milliliters of boiling water. Let the composition sit. It is recommended to consume 60 ml of the filtered composition three times a day.

➡ Nephritis, rheumatism: treatment with decoction. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of dried, finely chopped above-ground parts of the plant. Place the container on the stove, wait for the composition to boil, and then simmer the composition over low heat for fifteen minutes. Take ten grams of the strained drug four times a day.

➡ Hemorrhoidal cones: poultice therapy. Mix a handful of dried, finely chopped above-ground parts of the plant with a small amount of boiling water. Wait until she steams. Wrap the mixture in gauze and apply to the sore spot.

➡ Gastritis, gastrointestinal problems: treatment with doze seeds. Take the seeds of the plant in an amount of twenty grams and steam them with boiling water - 200 ml. Cool and take half a spoonful of the strained medicine three times a day.

➡ Preparing a soothing drink. Brew the flowers and leaves of the plant - twenty grams in three hundred milliliters of boiled water. Infuse the mixture in a thermos for half an hour. It is recommended to take thirty milliliters of the drug twice a day.


People with individual intolerance, pregnant and breastfeeding women should not take drugs from the plant in question. Should not be used by people with constipation, colitis, gastritis. Do not give nap compositions to small children under any circumstances.

White Sandman belongs to an annual or biennial dioecious herbaceous plant species of the Carnation family. They can reach a height of up to 100 centimeters and are distinguished by a branched, knotty stem. The leaves have an elliptical shape, they are pointed at the ends and are opposite. Dream flowers are white, unisexual, and collected at the top in a semi-umbrella, in a tubular calyx. The plant begins to bloom in early or mid-summer, then oval-shaped fruits with multi-seeded capsules appear, with up to ten teeth on their tops.

Description of white nap

The plant can be found on the edge of a forest, meadow, among bushes, near housing; it grows in Russia. They reproduce, perhaps by seed, the flowers begin to open in the evening, and are distinguished by a delicate, unsurpassed aroma; the petals close during the day. Before the rain is about to fall, the flowers of the slumber can open, so you can know about the weather in advance.

Beneficial properties of napping

The plant is a medicinal species that is highly valued by traditional medicine.

The above-ground part is most often used and must be collected in early summer, when the white doze begins to bloom. Very rarely the root and seeds can be used; they are usually collected in September. All parts of the plant contain manganese, iron, potassium, magnesium salt, and calcium.

Due to this chemical composition, the plant is one of the best hemostatic, analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, and hypnotics. It can be used as infusions, poultices and tinctures.

Application of white nap

The infusion is most often used to relieve pain, inflammation in rheumatism, and can also be used to cure stomach and kidney diseases. An infusion of white slumber helps get rid of insomnia. A decoction based on the flower and leaves can be used for epilepsy, in order for the uterus to contract better after childbirth, also for umbilical hernia, the decoction should not only be used internally, but also apply as compresses. A decoction based on the root is actively used as a homeopathic remedy.

To prepare an infusion of white drowsiness, you will need 20 grams of flowers and leaves, you must first crush them, pour 200 ml of boiling water, boil for up to 15 minutes in a steam bath. Then leave for up to 50 minutes. Take up to 4 times a day, two tablespoons.

A decoction based on the root and seeds is prepared, so it will require 15 grams of both, pour a glass of boiling water, boil everything for up to half an hour. Cool, strain, add water.


Poultices also help well, for them you need to take herb, you can fresh or dry, you must pour boiling water over it, wrap it in gauze, and apply it to the hemorrhoid cones, as well as to the swelling.

The root produces foam, so soap is made from the plant.

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The tincture is good for pain in the teeth and head; with the help of poultices you can get rid of tumors of the glands.

If a person is worried about rapid heartbeat, rheumatism, or kidney diseases, you need to take a decoction based on white napkin. It is also good to use it to stop various bleeding, to treat skin diseases - abscesses, scrofula, lichen.

To prepare a soothing infusion, you need to take 20 grams of leaves and flowers, pour them into a glass of boiling water, and leave for up to 15 minutes. Leave for up to 45 minutes, separate from the grounds. Drink up to 4 times a day.

To heal hemorrhoids, you need to prepare such a decoction for poultices, it will require dry herb, 200 ml of boiling water, you can leave it for only 10 minutes.

If you are worried about jade or rheumatism, you need to take a teaspoon of dry root, a glass of water, and boil everything for up to 8 minutes. If you have a gallbladder disease, you need to take a glass of boiling water and 15 grams of dry plant. Leave for up to two hours, drink one dessert spoon up to 4 times a day.

Contraindications to the use of naps

This type of plant is not used in official medicine, therefore white dormancy has not yet been fully studied. Decoctions and infusions should not be taken for gastritis with low acidity, also for colitis, which is accompanied by constipation, the plant is also contraindicated for intestinal dysfunction. It is important to remember that anyone can have an allergic reaction to white drowsiness, so be sure to check how you perceive the plant. Those people who have bradycardia and increased formation of blood clots should use drugs based on white drowsiness with caution. It is very important, before using white drowsiness, to consult a specialist who will tell you in detail about the use of this type of plant.

Tincture and infusions of white slumber have an antibacterial, distracting effect.

The plant is valued on the farm, it is used to feed livestock, and the flowers are suitable for decorating flower beds.

An infusion based on the plant and tincture, be sure to rinse the mouth in a diluted form if inflammatory processes are bothering you or your gums are suppurating.

Thus, white slumber is one of the valuable medicinal plants, because due to the fact that it contains anti-inflammatory chemicals, diseases of systemic organs can be cured, and the plant will also help stop bleeding. It is especially good to use it for women after childbirth, this way you can recover faster and get rid of uterine bleeding soon. But, despite the fact that white slumber is a medicinal species, the plant cannot be used on its own, because it can harm the body, it has some contraindications that are very important to consider when taking it.

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Lychnis alba Mill., Lychnis pratensis Rafn., Melandrium pratense (Rafn.) Roehl., Melandrium dioicum (L.) Coss. et Germ. subsp. album (Mill.) D. Love, Silene alba (Mill.) E. Krause, Silene latifolia Poir. subsp. alba (Mill.) Greuter & Burdet, Silene pratense (Rafn.) Godr.

Systematic position.

Family Caryophyllaceae Juss., genus Sandman Melandrium Roehl.

Biological group.


Morphology and biology.

The plant is soft-haired with a deep-growing fleshy root, sometimes strewn with rhizomatous rudimentary buds. The stem is erect and often branched from the base, 30-100 cm high. The cotyledons are pointed-ovate, gradually tapering towards the stem. The leaves are opposite in pairs, the lower ones are inverted-ovate and petiolate, the upper ones are lanceolate and sessile, hairy along the edges and along the veins of the leaves. Flowers are unisexual, dioecious, in loose paniculate inflorescence, white, fragrant, loosely planted. The calyx is 15-20 mm long, 10-20 times ribbed, opens only in the afternoon. The fruit is a capsule opening with 10 teeth. The seeds are small, 1-1.5 mm in length. Seeds germinate from a shallow depth. Shoots appear in spring, cotyledon leaves are pointed-ovate, gradually tapering towards the stem. Flowering time is June-August. The mass of a thousand seeds is 0.5-0.7 g. The number of seeds on a plant is 6000. It can also be propagated vegetatively - by root layering.


Almost all of Western Europe, Mongolia, North America (adventive), Greenland. Almost the entire European part of the CIS, with the exception of the Arctic, the Caucasus, Western and Eastern Siberia, the Far East, Central Asia, Kazakhstan.


It grows preferably on nitrogen-rich, loose, sufficiently moist soils, except saline ones.

Economic importance.

Weeds in grain crops, row crops, perennial grasses, in orchards, vegetable gardens, vacant lots, near housing, along roads, in fallow lands, fallow fields. Control measures: stubble peeling, deep fall plowing, cultivation, chemical weeding.

Other names: White tar

Sandman (soleum) white – Melandrium album (Silene alba). Family Caryophyllaceae

Botanical characteristics

Herbaceous perennial plant. The stem is rod-shaped, thin. The stem is erect, furrowed, branched in the upper part, slightly sticky, pubescent with soft hairs. The leaves are opposite, elliptical, appressed, the lower ones are short-petiolate, the upper ones are sessile. The flowers are collected in an apical semi-umbrella, the petals are white. The fruit is a polyspermous ovoid capsule. The seeds are kidney-shaped, oval, ash-gray. Blooms from May to August, bears fruit until October.


It grows in meadows, near roads, near homes, as a weed in crops, among bushes.

Plant parts used

Medicinal raw materials are the above-ground part of the plant, leaves, flowers, and less commonly, roots and seeds, collected in the usual way.

Chemical composition

All parts of white napkin contain flavonoids and saponins. The leaves contain vitamins, phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives. The fruits contain fatty oil.

Application and medicinal properties

IN folk medicine The plant is used for insomnia, to relieve mental stress in the form of baths and internally. Decoctions and infusions of leaves and flowers in Komi are used as sedatives, for epilepsy, uterine bleeding, mainly in the postpartum period, for the treatment of umbilical hernia internally and externally in the form of poultices and compresses.

There is evidence in the literature that white slumber is used for various tumor diseases. Decoctions and tinctures of seeds are used for tumors, most often of the intestines. In this regard, the plant is gaining popularity and is of great interest and value.

In the experiment, preparations of the aerial part increase the contractility of the uterine muscles and have anti-inflammatory and choleretic effects.

The roots have a high foaming property and can be used to make soap. Valuable feed for livestock. Recommended for introduction into culture.


  • For getting infusion take 20 g of leaves and flowers, pour in 200 ml of boiling water, leave in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes, filter. Take 2 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day.
  • Prepared from seeds or roots decoction. Why take 15 g of roots or seeds, or a mixture of them, pour 180 ml of boiling water, leave in a water bath for 30 minutes, cool for 10 minutes, filter, bring to 180 ml. You should take 2 tbsp. spoons 2-3 times a day.
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