An essay on the topic of the path of honor and the path of dishonor. Let's write an essay together. Direction “honor and dishonor” Is honor important in our time

What are honor and conscience? Are they necessary? For what? Yes, honor and conscience have always been needed in our difficult life. If people didn’t have them, it’s scary to think what would happen to humanity. Without conscience and honor, the human race would have died out long ago. I am convinced that conscience is the inner voice of a real person; a voice that controls our thoughts, actions, deeds.

When thinking about honor, you think exclusively about honest people. It’s a pity that honest people are having a hard time now. We live in a time when people who allow themselves to tell the truth can be dealt with. The 20th century provides terrible examples when people are simply destroyed for what they said or did. Moreover, this happens completely unnoticed: the person either simply disappears, or turns out to be “accidentally” killed, or all the facts indicate that this is suicide. And there are a lot of examples. V. Tsoi died.

The conclusion was made that it was an accident. But is it? Then came the death of Igor Talkov. The murder took place in front of several witnesses, but no one saw the killer. And in recent years, journalists have begun to be killed. This is the worst thing. Who else besides them can tell the truth? D. Kholodov was killed. Someone did not want the secret to become apparent. And you can guess who. Then they killed V. Listyev. Their deaths shocked the world. But this is not the end. And there is a fear that the killers will never be found.

In works of art, writers glorified heroes with honor and conscience. I believe that these were the heroes of M. A. Sholokhov’s works “Virgin Soil Upturned” Davydov, Nagulnov and Razmetnov. They were united by the fact that they defended a common cause and sacredly believed in the party. Even though the heroes sometimes made mistakes, they were not afraid to defend their views on the creation of collective farms and knew how to admit their mistakes.

For Davydov, Nagulnov and Razmetnov, it was a matter of honor to catch the instigators of the conspiracy against Soviet power. And at this time they did not imagine how tragic their destinies would be. Conscience would not allow me to abandon the work I had started, to remain on the sidelines.

Honor and conscience did not allow the heroes of the story “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet...” not to complete the task and to retreat. They knew that they would die, but they believed that they would gain time. And so it happened. All five girls died, and Sergeant Major Basque suffered because he could not save them. The thread broke. There is no continuation, but there is memory and there is the son of Rita Osyanina, who became an honest man capable of defending his Fatherland.

What would happen if the girls got scared, wavered, retreated? Would victory be possible then? Small feats make up the single feat of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. We are grateful to all those who defended our honor, our conscience on the battlefields and persevered. I would like to believe that people with a clear conscience and honor will not disappear in our country. And finally they will be appreciated. They will be looked up to, they will be glorified.

But a person does not need honor and conscience for glory. And not only in war or in any other extreme situations. In everyday life, it is important for an ordinary person to behave with dignity, that is, to live according to the principles of honor and conscience. Lines from Pushkin’s “The Captain’s Daughter” come to mind, my father’s order to Pyotr Grinev: “Take care of your honor from a young age.” Apparently, this is the most important wish for a person. And the most worthy path in life, however, is also the most difficult. There is another one, easier, simpler. But there is baseness, meanness, dishonor!

I would like to stick with the first one.

(Option 2)

Honor and conscience?! Many people use these words in everyday life. But if you ask them what the meaning of these words is, not everyone will answer. And the answers will be completely different.

Why? Yes, because this question is much more complicated than it seems at first glance. And now this question is before me. And I can’t immediately find a definite answer to it. I open the encyclopedic dictionary to the word “conscience” and read:

“Conscience is the concept of moral consciousness, the conviction of what is good and evil, the consciousness of moral responsibility for one’s behavior.” I completely agree with the definition of the author of this dictionary, but I would still particularly highlight the end of this formulation: “conscience is the consciousness of moral responsibility for one’s behavior.” My conscience has become a little clearer; all that remains is to deal with the word “honor”. I turn over a few more pages, find the word “honor” and read: “honor is the moral qualities and ethical principles of an individual worthy of respect and pride.” And we can agree with this definition. But on my own behalf, I would put a question mark next to the word “pride”.

In my opinion, which I don’t want to impose on anyone, the words “pride” and “honor” are a little contradictory, but that’s just my opinion.

However, all the definitions written above are very general. The understanding of both conscience and honor has undergone changes over time. The roots of these words go far back, however, it seems to me that they should begin to be considered from the Middle Ages. More than one work is dedicated to this era, but I consider Miguel de Cervantes’s “Don Quixote” to be one of the most significant and striking.

Reading this novel, you involuntarily become imbued with the spirit of the Middle Ages, the spirit of noble knights, who are characterized by both conscience and, of course, honor. It seems to me that there is an opinion that the concepts of “knight” and “honor” are inseparable. In the novel, Don Quixote really protects the weaker, and what are the exploits of this fearless knight worth for the sake of his beloved? This era did not exist in our country. This is precisely what caused Hitler’s attitude towards our country at one time. But the absence of this era in the history of our country cannot be called a disadvantage. Yes, Miguel de Cervantes described Don Quixote, showing him as the embodiment of honor, dignity and nobility. But, contrary to popular belief, for one such “Don Quixote” there were at least twenty “knights” to whom the concepts of “conscience” and “honor” were completely alien and who were only engaged in drinking and spoiling “village girls.” .

Like everyone else, the Middle Ages passed, and other times came, completely different, and with them the meaning of honor and conscience changed. To trace this time, I chose Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind. In this novel, completely different people are presented to the reader, with a completely different system of values. And for the most part, they have both honor and conscience, if you follow the definition given at the beginning of the essay. Prove? Please, using the example of southerners.

Conscience is the conviction of what is good and evil. Reading the scenes that take place at the picnic in Twelve Oaks, you understand that all the southerners approve of the Confederacy and everything that happens in it, considering it good, while they consider the northerners evil. Conscience is the consciousness of moral responsibility for one's behavior. Almost all southerners are confident that by fighting the northerners, they are doing what they must do, fulfilling their duty. Honor is the moral and ethical principles of an individual worthy of respect and pride. But that's how it is. People who fight for the freedom of the Confederacy are respected, and people who oppose or even doubt are met not with understanding, but with contempt. The northerners have a completely different value system, but it can just as easily be proven that they also have honor and conscience. The main characters stand somewhat apart from the rest, and concepts such as honor and conscience do not apply to them. Both Rhett Butler and Scarlett were a little ahead of their era...

But the American Civil War passed, southerners and northerners also went down in history. A new era has arrived, wonderfully described by Theodore Dreiser. My favorite literary work is Theodore Dreiser's Trilogy of Desire, and especially its first part, The Financier. Reading this work, you involuntarily become convinced that people’s conscience and honor do not even fade into the background, but somewhere very, very far away. The actions of people, especially Frank Cowperwood, are dictated primarily by their desires, the current situation, sympathy, hostility, and anything but conscience and honor. After all, it wasn’t his conscience that prompted Frank to “rob” the city treasury! Of course, not all people were like the main character; Frank Cowperwood was still the embodiment of America at that time.

It so happened that in my essay I used only foreign literature, but now I will try to correct this shortcoming. It must be said that our country followed a completely different path in its development, and therefore the concepts of honor and conscience were completely different.

This is very clearly seen in the example of one of my favorite works of Russian literature, “The Fate of a Man,” written by Mikhail Sholokhov. The main character of the story, Andrei Sokolov, appears before the reader as a man of endless will, honor and conscience. Could the same Frank Cowperwood or Rhett Butler have endured the trials that befell a simple Russian soldier? Could they really sacrifice the best years of their lives, their health, their family for the sake of their homeland? Hardly! Yes, never, because they never had either honor or conscience. It was honor and conscience that helped the main character endure the horror of war and survive.

Our country will always remain the richest, the strongest, the very best, because nowhere will you meet people like Andrei Sokolov! Even if people begin to appear in Russia who are ready to give a damn about honor and conscience, their number will always be small compared to the number of decent people to whom honor and conscience are not alien. You can think this way ad infinitum. Now, after re-reading what was written, I realized that the concepts of honor and conscience are very conditional, very subjective. They depend on the value system adopted in any country, in any circle. In different countries, different people, conscience and honor have completely different interpretations and meanings. And I really want to hope that someday in the future the concepts of honor and conscience throughout the world will be the same, uniting in different countries now and those that existed before, but have not reached our time.

And I really want as many people as possible to have such virtues as honor and conscience.

List of topics in new directions.

There will be no real topics on the Internet before the exam! These are just examples.

"Reason and Feeling"

You can be the master of your actions, but we are not free in our feelings. (Gustave Flaubert).

There is no need to give people hope for mutual feelings if there are none at all.

Do you need to let your feelings out?

When we are ready to give in to the dictates of our feelings, Shyness always prevents us from admitting it. Know how to recognize the tender call behind the coldness of words, the excitement of the soul and heart. (Moliere)

If reason reigned in the world, nothing would happen in it.

How terrible the mind can be if it does not serve a person (Sophocles).

Should reason obey science?

Is intelligence a lucky gift of man or his curse?

Do the rational and the moral always coincide?

Reason is a burning glass, which, while ignited, itself remains cold (René Descartes).

In an unreasonable age, reason set free is destructive to its owner (George Saville Halifax).

Feeling is a moral force that instinctively, without the help of reason, makes a judgment about everything that lives... (Pierre Simon Ballanche).

"Honor and Dishonor"

Our honor lies in following the best and improving the worst... (Plato)

Can honor resist dishonor?

Take care of your honor from a young age... (proverb)

How to choose in a difficult moment between honor and dishonor?

Where do dishonest people come from?

True and false honor.

Are there people of honor these days?

Which heroes live by honor?

Death or dishonor?

A dishonest person is ready for a dishonest deed.

Water will wash away everything, only dishonor cannot wash away.

It is better to be poor with honor than rich with dishonor

Is there a right to dishonor?

An honest person values ​​honor, but what should a dishonest person value?

Every dishonesty is a step towards dishonor.

"Victory and Defeat"

Every small victory over yourself gives you great hope in your own strength!

The winning tactic is to convince the enemy that he is doing everything right.

If you hate, it means you have been defeated (Confucius).

If the loser smiles, the winner loses the taste of victory.

Only the one who defeats himself wins in this life. Who conquered his fear, his laziness and his uncertainty.

All victories begin with victory over yourself.

No victory will bring as much as one defeat can take away.

Is it necessary and possible to judge the winners?

Do defeat and victory taste the same?

It's hard to admit defeat when you're so close to victory.

Victory achieved by violence is tantamount to defeat, because it is short-lived.

Do you agree with the statement “Victory... defeat... these lofty words are devoid of any meaning.”

"Experience and mistakes"

Does inexperience always lead to trouble?

The source of our wisdom is our experience.

The mistake of one is a lesson for another.

Experience is the best teacher, but the tuition fees are too high.

Experience teaches only those who learn from it.

Experience allows us to recognize a mistake every time we repeat it.

The wisdom of people is measured not by their experience, but by their capacity for experience.

For most of us, experience is the stern lights of a ship, which illuminate only the path traveled.

Mistakes are a common bridge between experience and wisdom.

The worst trait that all people have is to forget about all the good deeds after one mistake.

Should you always admit your own mistakes?

Can wise men make mistakes?

He who does nothing never makes mistakes.

All people make mistakes, but great people admit to mistakes.

The biggest mistake is trying to be nicer than you are.

"Friendship and Enmity"

Is it true that without true friendship life is nothing?

Is it possible to live life without having friends?

When can enmity develop into friendship?

You must be good with both friend and enemy! He who is good by nature will not find malice in him. If you offend a friend, you will make an enemy; if you hug an enemy, you will gain a friend. (Omar Khayyam).

There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship: excluding friendship from life is like depriving the world of sunlight (Cicero).

Is it possible to love friends for their shortcomings?

Do you agree with the statement “Both friends and foes should be judged with equal measure” (Menander).

Even an enemy can be conquered by noble behavior.

Don't be afraid of the enemies attacking you. Beware of friends who flatter you!

Why does enmity arise between relatives?

You cannot shake hands with clenched fists.

There are no bad nations, there are only bad people...

If yesterday's friend became an enemy, then he was never a friend...

Beware and beware of the domestic enemy, for every arrow fired by the bow of his cunning and the bow of his ill will will bring death (Muhammad Azzahiri As-Samarkandi).

True friendship is based on common views, not common enemies.

Time is an amazing thing. Everything happens over time - the world changes, people's attitudes towards something change. If several decades ago the concepts of “good” and “bad”, “good” and “evil” were the same, today they are completely different.

The theme of honor and dishonor excites the minds of writers and poets from ancient times to the present day. Let's try to figure out whether the true meaning of this concept has been preserved today, or whether it has changed significantly.

Old times

But before trying to assess the current situation, it is necessary to clearly define what is meant by the concepts of honor and dishonor. It is important to note: time has constantly left significant imprints on these concepts.

For example, during the time of the poets of the Silver Age, for an insult to honor, be it an unflattering review of a person or, especially, a beloved, they were challenged to a duel, which often led to the death of one of the duelists.

The concept of “honest name” has been considered one of the most important since ancient times, and it was defended by any means. The problem of dishonor (or disgrace) was solved by duels.

Not so long ago, in the middle of the last century, honor was the highest value - people fought for it, fought and defended it, and most importantly, they tried not to lose it.

and dishonor?

Honor is the totality of what makes a person a Man with a capital “H”. actions for which you are not ashamed not only in front of yourself, but also in front of other people.

Dishonor is the opposite concept. It personifies the lowest human qualities - selfishness, dishonesty, cynicism. A dishonest person was looked down on at any time, shamed and called upon to change for the better.

Current situation

What's happening these days? It must be said that the concept itself has significantly lost its importance. Due to time and the constant race for a better life, many people began to have a different attitude towards honor. More and more people are ready to step over their dignity in order to achieve any goals. Dishonor is a lie, slander, unscrupulousness. And increasingly, humanity is turning to these concepts in order to gain some benefit.

But the worst thing is that children are raised in such a society. This is our very future, from which society will be formed in the future. And if adults do terrible things, most often deliberately, then small children already see this world in which dishonor is a way to survive.

Who is guilty?

But who or what caused such a sharp change in principles? After all, just 3-4 decades ago, society lived with different attitudes.

Can only the people themselves be blamed for this? Can. But we should not forget that a person lives in society, and often it is this society that influences each person individually.

Modern society and the global situation forces people to do dishonest things. Moreover, sometimes a person struggles with this, resists coercion. But not everyone is able to overcome this. Increased crime, corruption, terrorism - in all this lies the dishonor caused by the situation in society.

Today, every person is forced to literally fight for his life - to have wealth, to live comfortably, to be able to start a family and raise children. Sometimes it is this struggle that forces a person to act dishonestly.

However, this cannot be justified for everyone. While some are fighting for survival, others are taking advantage of the current situation to act dishonorably.

Is everything so bad?

But still, you can’t just complain about the world around you and look at it through dark glasses. In fact, everything is not as bad as it might seem at first glance.

Despite the disappointing situation in the world, nowadays many people are struggling with this problem. Dishonor is not an incurable disease of society. More and more young boys and girls are beginning to realize the lost value. Volunteer movements, relief funds and many other organizations are being created to help people. And selfless help is an important step towards moral honor, which is inherent in every person.

But in order to improve the situation in society, it is enough to start small. Many people believe that one person cannot change anything. There is some truth to this. But by uniting, people can change everything. You just need to start with yourself.

Remember, how long ago did you do something that made you a little better? After all, having done one good deed, you are already embarking on the path of establishing honor in society.

Take care of your honor. Remember, no matter how hard it is in life, there are immortal moral values ​​- love, kindness, mutual assistance, responsibility. And they are the ones who will ultimately help you feel like the happiest person for whom honor is one of the most important values. Let the question remain important for everyone: what is honor and dishonor. The essay written above only gives impetus to the awareness of these concepts.

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Preparing for

final essay

“A SATISFIED MAN” (prose poem) A young man is skipping along the streets of the capital. His movements are cheerful, brisk; the eyes are shining, the lips are grinning, the tender face is pleasantly red... He is all contentment and joy. What happened to him? Did he get an inheritance? Has he been promoted? Is he in a hurry for a love date? Or did he simply have a good breakfast - and a feeling of health, a feeling of well-fed strength surged through all his limbs? Wouldn’t they have placed your beautiful octagonal cross on his neck, O Polish King Stanislaw! No. He composed a slander against an acquaintance, spread it carefully, heard it, this same slander, from the lips of another acquaintance - and I believed her myself. Oh, how pleased, how kind even this sweet, promising young man is at this moment! February, 1878

Prose poem

"Satisfied man"

I. S. Turgenev

What moral qualities of a person were condemned in the work?

Moral meanness and dishonor

"Satisfied man"

Does harm to others

(composed slander)

"promising man"


  • Honor- this is that high spiritual power that keeps a person from meanness, betrayal, lies and cowardice. This is the core that strengthens the individual in choosing an action; this is a situation where conscience is the judge.
  • Life often tests people, presenting them with a choice - to act honorably and take the blow or be cowardly and go against their conscience in order to gain benefit and avoid troubles, possibly death.
  • A person always has a choice, and how he will act depends on his moral principles. The path of honor is difficult, but retreat from it, the loss of honor is even more painful.

Honor or dishonor?

Being a social, rational and conscious being, a person cannot help but think about how others treat him, what they think about him, what assessments are given to his actions and his entire life. At the same time, he cannot help but think about his place among other people. This spiritual connection between a person and society is expressed in the concepts of Honor and Dignity.

“Honor is my life,” wrote Shakespeare, “they have grown into one, and to lose honor is for me the same as losing life.”

Possible topic formulations:

  • Take care of your honor from a young age...
  • Can honor resist dishonor?
  • Do you agree with P. Corneille’s statement “We have no right to live when honor has perished”?
  • Are there people of honor these days?
  • Is it easy to live without honor and conscience?
  • Honor and honesty: how are these concepts related?
  • What an honor if you have nothing to eat!

The strong are not the best, but the honest ones. Honor and self-esteem are the strongest. (F. M. Dostoevsky)

Honor cannot be taken away, it can be lost. (A.P. Chekhov)

Our honor lies in following the best and improving the worst... (Plato)

Honor is external conscience, and conscience is internal honor. (Arthur Schopenhauer)


To deprive another of his honor is to deprive him of his own.

Publius Syrus

I will endure injustice, but not dishonor.

Honor is more valuable than life.

Schiller F.

The one who betrayed love and who left the battle carries with him equal dishonor.

Corneille Pierre

I agree to endure any misfortune, But I will not agree for my honor to suffer.

Corneille Pierre

Every dishonesty is a step towards dishonor.

V. Sinyavsky

True honor cannot tolerate untruth.

Shamelessness is the soul's tolerance for dishonor in the name of profit. Plato

Honor is the reward given for virtue... Aristotle

Honor from the dishonest is also dishonor. Publius Syrus

Honor is the diamond on the hand of virtue. Voltaire

A dishonest person is ready for a dishonest deed.


Spring of honor, our idol!

And this is what the world revolves on!

(A.S. Pushkin)

The direction is based on polar concepts associated with a person’s choice: to be faithful to the voice of conscience, to follow moral principles, or to follow the path of betrayal, lies and hypocrisy.

Many writers focused their attention on depicting various manifestations of man: from loyalty to moral rules to various forms of compromise with conscience, up to deep moral failure

Introduction, based on FIPI comments to the direction

Honor... Dishonor... Life and society present each person with a moral choice: to live as his conscience dictates, to follow moral principles or to follow the path of dishonor, to achieve everything in life through betrayal, lies and hypocrisy. ….

I think that... Undoubtedly... It seems to me that... In my opinion, ….

Many writers focused their attention on depicting various manifestations of man: from loyalty to moral rules to various forms of compromise with conscience, up to deep moral failure. So, …

Your opinion on this topic

+ transition to arguments from literature

Code of Noble Honor on the pages of literary works

The history of the Russian duel of the 19th century is a history of human tragedies, high impulses and passions. The dueling tradition is associated with the concept of honor in the noble society of that time. There was even a code of noble honor. The willingness to pay with one's life for the inviolability of one's personal dignity presupposed an acute awareness of this dignity.

A.S. Pushkin, the “slave of honor,” defending the honor of his wife and his own honor, challenged Dantes to a duel, because “slandered by rumors” could not live and put an end to the dishonor at the cost of his own life. M.Yu. Lermontov also fell victim to dishonest and evil envious people.

In many works of literature, honor is a measure of the humanity and decency of the heroes.

Honor as the embodiment of the hero's spiritual strength Honor as the embodiment of the hero's spiritual strength

Family honor is a category of folk morality. The defender of popular ideas about honor and dignity is the merchant Kalashnikov in the famous “Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov...” M.Yu. Lermontov. Having based the plot on a real event, Lermontov fills it with deep moral meaning. Kalashnikov comes out to fight “for the holy mother truth,” for family values, for the honor of his wife. The image of the merchant Kalashnikov is close to the people's ideal. Just like the heroes of folk epics, Stepan fights for honor and justice, defends eternal values.

Honor as the embodiment of the hero's spiritual strength

« But your honor is my guarantee, and I boldly entrust myself to her", - lines from Tatyana Larina’s letter from the novel by A.S. Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin,” which concludes a declaration of love, not only expresses the young girl’s hope for the decency and dignity of her chosen one. They also convey faith that the honor of the heroine herself will not be violated.

For Larina, the concept of honor and moral purity is the basis of her worldview. Guided by her idea of ​​duty, she remains faithful to her husband, rejecting Onegin’s love. It is possible to sacrifice love, but not to sacrifice honor.

Honor as the embodiment of the spiritual strength of the hero Antithesis honor-dishonor in 20th century literature

(V. Bykov “Sotnikov”).

Literature about the Great Patriotic War does not shy away from the problem of preserving honor. Become a coward, dishonor yourself with betrayal and continue to live with it - this is the choice Rybak makes. He agrees to serve as a policeman, knocks the support from under the feet of his former fellow soldier and becomes the executioner of the one with whom he fought shoulder to shoulder just yesterday. He remains to live and suddenly catches a look full of hatred. Hatred towards him, a coward and a traitor, a dishonest person. Now he is an enemy - both for people and for himself too... Fate deprives Rybak of the opportunity to commit suicide, he will live with his stigma of dishonor.

Literature to help

  • D. Fonvizin “Undergrowth”
  • A. Griboedov “Woe from Wit”
  • A. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”
  • A. Pushkin “Dubrovsky”
  • M. Lermontov “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich...”
  • M. Lermontov “The Fugitive”
  • N. Gogol “Taras Bulba”
  • L. Tolstoy “War and Peace”
  • F. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”
  • A. Green “Green Lamp”.
  • M. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man”
  • V. Bykov “Obelisk”; "Sotnikov"
  • B. Vasiliev “Not on the lists”
  • Prosper Merimee "Matteo Falcone"


Prose poem

"Satisfied man"

  • Formulating your position in the form of a thesis;
  • Micro-output design,
  • using quote

I. S. Turgenev

Dishonor, in my opinion, is…………….. Let us remember …………….. The writer draws ………………….. By asking a series of rhetorical questions, the author tries to understand the reason ………………………… The answer amazes us: ………… Understand the author’s position Irony allows us ……………………………. Reading this work, I remember the words….(proverb)…. + micro-output. Let us recall the prose poem by I. S. Turgenev “The Contented Man.” The writer draws a young man who is all contentment and joy. By asking a series of rhetorical questions, the author tries to understand the reason for this mood. The answer amazes us: the hero is pleased that he composed a slander about another. Bitter irony allows us to understand the author’s position: “a promising young man.” Reading this work, I remember the words of Publius Sirus: “To deprive another of the honor is to deprive one of your own.” Turgenev's hero, I think, dishonored himself first of all.

So, in conclusion, I would like to say that………………. I think that ………………………………. At the end I would like to remember the lines …………………..

So, in conclusion, I want to say that each of us will go our own way in life, each has our own path, full of ups and downs. And yet, I think that the main thing for a person is to be honest both to himself and to others. In the end, I would like to recall the lines of A. S. Pushkin:

Spring of honor, our idol!

And this is what the world revolves on!

Perhaps honor is a heavy burden for everyone, and only a strong personality, brought up in honesty and morality, can bear it. Of course, everyone chooses for himself whether to follow the path of honor or live without it, omitting all unnecessary moral prejudices and pangs of conscience. However, it becomes sad at the moment when such a concept as “honor” is not initially included in a person’s upbringing, because in the future it becomes a tragedy for an entire society. After all, moral decay, the fall of moral principles leads to the collapse of both an individual and an entire nation.

Yuri Levitansky

Everyone chooses for themselves

Everyone chooses for themselves

woman, religion, road.

To serve the devil or the prophet -

everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves

a word for love and for prayer.

A sword for a duel, a sword for battle

everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Shield and armor, staff and patches,

measure of final reckoning

everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves.

I also choose - as best I can.

I have no complaints against anyone.

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Homework Make and write down a complex plan for each of these topics:

  • How are the concepts of “honor” and “fatherland” related?
  • What does it mean to walk the path of honor?
  • What pushes a person to commit dishonest acts?
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