Essay on the topic: The influence of art on humans. The influence of art on human life - Unified State Exam arguments The problem of the influence of creativity on people

Unified State Examination essay:

A well-known fact: even before our era, the ancient Persians, understanding the power of the artistic image, forbade captive peoples to teach slave children music. The problem of the impact of works of art on a person’s worldview is raised in the proposed text by the famous 19th century writer G.I. Uspensky.

To draw the reader's attention to the problem posed, the author turns to a fragment from the life of his hero, who first saw the statue of Venus de Milo. It is no coincidence that the main compositional device of the text is antithesis: in order to show the power of influence of a work of art, the writer contrasts the state of the narrator before visiting the Louvre and after meeting the masterpiece. And if initially the hero was oppressed by “something bitter, terrible and undoubtedly vile,” then the statue “straightened the soul of a crippled, exhausted creature.” The author analyzes the consequences that resulted from a person’s interaction with a work of art: the hero has changed so much that he feels the need to reconsider his behavior: for him it has become “unthinkable to say something wrong, to offend a person.” And the reason for this “firm, calm, joyful state” that gripped the hero is in communication with the work of the sculptor.

The author’s position is beyond doubt: G.I. Uspensky rightly believes that communication with art can change a person completely, straighten his soul. The author is convinced that the creations of great masters can open up “endless prospects for human improvement.”

The conclusion that G.I. Uspensky comes to is close and understandable to me. I think that art can not only change the way you look at the world, but also make a person stronger.

To verify the validity of my opinion, I will turn to V.P. Astafiev’s miniature “Hymn of Life” from the “Zatesi” cycle. Our focus is on a twenty-year-old heroine, doomed to death and knowing it. We see that Lina does not live, but survives, unable even for a minute to forget about the illness, to distract herself from depressing thoughts. Is there a force that can break this circle and change a girl’s worldview? Reading the work, you understand that the great P.I. Tchaikovsky was able to do it. Together with Lina, we listen to music that glorifies life, gives hope, shoots upward, and feels the great, reviving power of art.

You can be convinced that the creations of masters can “straighten” and make a person stronger by reading F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment.” The author introduces the reader to the daughter of a minor official, Sonya Marmeladov. We learn that while helping her consumptive, half-crazed stepmother, her young children, and her always drunken father, the heroine is forced to live on a “yellow ticket.” Together with another hero of the novel, Rodion Raskolnikov, we are amazed at how in Sonya “such a shame and such baseness” coexists with high, holy feelings! Where does the “great sinner” draw strength, since it would be wiser to “head in the water” and end her dishonorable life? What keeps it going? Surprisingly, the source of her patience, meekness, and concern for others is the book “The Gospel”! Before our eyes, a timid, weak, defenseless heroine, reading about the resurrection of Lazarus, becomes stronger than the main character, and the source of her strength is in the book. Such is the impact of art. The text of G.I. Uspensky is addressed, of course, to each of us. Finding yourself together with the main character in front of something “extraordinary, incomprehensible,” you begin to understand the role that art plays in human improvement.

Text: G. Uspensky

(1) Without a goal and without the slightest definite desire to walk along this or that street, I once walked across Paris for dozens of miles, carrying in my soul a load of something bitter and terrible, and quite unexpectedly made my way to the Louvre. (2) Without the slightest moral need, I entered the museum, mechanically walked back and forth, mechanically looked at an ancient sculpture, about which I understood absolutely nothing, and felt only fatigue and tinnitus - and suddenly, in complete bewilderment, without knowing why, struck by something extraordinary, incomprehensible, he stopped in front of the Venus de Milo.

(3) I stood in front of her. looked at her and constantly asked himself: (4) “What happened to me?” (5) I asked myself this from the first moment, as soon as I saw the statue, because from that very moment I felt that great joy had happened to me... (6) Until now I was like (I suddenly felt this way) here on this glove crumpled in his hand. (7) Does it look like a human hand? (8) No, it’s just some kind of lump of leather. (9) But then I blew into it, and it became like a human hand. (10) Something that I could not understand blew into the depths of my crumpled, crippled, exhausted being and straightened me, ran through the goosebumps of a reviving body where, it seemed, there was no longer sensitivity, made everything “crunch” just like that, when a person grows, it also made him wake up vigorously, without even feeling any signs of recent sleep, and filled the expanded chest and the entire grown body with freshness and light.

(11) I looked at this stone riddle with both eyes, wondering why it happened like this? (12) What is this? (13) Where and what is the secret of this firm, calm, joyful state of my entire being, which, unknown how, poured into me? (14) And he absolutely could not answer a single question for himself; I felt that there was no word in the human language that could define the life-giving mystery of this stone creature. (15) But I did not doubt for a minute that the watchman, the interpreter of the Louvre miracles, was telling the absolute truth, claiming that it was on this narrow sofa, upholstered in red velvet, that Heine came to sit, that here he sat for hours and cried.

(16) From that day on, I felt not just a need, but a direct necessity, the inevitability of the most, so to speak, impeccable behavior: to say something that is not what one should, even if only in order not to offend a person, to keep silent about something something bad, having hidden it within oneself, to say an empty, meaningless phrase solely out of decency has now, from this memorable day, become unthinkable. (17) This meant losing the happiness of feeling like a human being, which had become familiar to me and which I did not dare want to diminish even by a hair. (18) Treasuring my spiritual joy, I did not dare to go to the Louvre often and went there only if I felt that I could accept the life-giving secret into myself with a clear conscience. (19) Usually on such days I woke up early, left the house without talking to anyone and entered the Louvre first, when no one was there yet. (20) And then I was so afraid of losing, due to some accident, the ability to fully feel what I felt here, that at the slightest spiritual inconsistency I did not dare to come close to the statue, but if you come, look from afar, you will see that it is here , the same one, you’ll say to yourself: (21) “Well, thank God, you can still live in this world!” - and you will leave. (22) And yet I could not determine what the secret of this work of art is and what exactly, what features, what lines life-giving, straighten and expand the crumpled human soul.

(23) In fact, whenever I felt an irresistible need to straighten my soul and go to the Louvre to see if everything was fine there, I never understood so clearly how bad, bad and bitter it is for a person to live in this world right now. (24) No smart book depicting modern human society gives me the opportunity to understand so strongly, so concisely and, moreover, absolutely clearly, the grief of the human soul, the grief of all human society, all human orders, as just one glance at this stone riddle. (25) And I thought about all this thanks to the stone riddle, it straightened out the human soul in me, crumpled by the present life, introduced me, I don’t know how or in what way, with the joy and breadth of this feeling.

(26) The artist took what was needed for him, both in male and female beauty, catching only the human in all this; from this diverse material he created that truth in man that exists in every human being, which at the present time resembles a crumpled glove, and not a straightened one.

(27) And the thought of when, how, in what way the human being will be straightened to the limits that the stone riddle promises, without resolving the question, nevertheless draws in your imagination endless prospects for human improvement, human future and gives rise to a living grief over the imperfections of modern man. (28) The artist has created for you a model of a human being. (29) And your thought, sad about the endless “vale” of the present, cannot help but be carried away by a dream into some infinitely bright future. (30) And the desire to straighten, to free the crippled present person for this bright future, which does not even have definite outlines, joyfully arises in the soul.

(According to G. Uspensky *)

Unified State Examination essay:

Have you ever thought about the impact of the books you read on you? How can they change you? How can they help? The role of the book as a work of one of the branches of art is truly great. The problem of the influence of art on a person’s worldview is raised in his text by the famous publicist E. Vinokurov.

The fact that people from ancient times felt the influence of objects of art is evidenced by rock paintings, with the help of which ancient people tried to leave information about themselves to future generations, and used art as a way of transmitting feelings, moods, and thoughts to their fellow tribesmen.

The author of the text offered to me examines this problem using the example of the great Russian poet. From the first lines of the text, Vinokurov analyzes the role of Sergei Yesenin’s creativity in the life of a Russian person. The author notes the simplicity and accessibility of Yesenin’s poems, notes their spiritual depth.

The first sentence of the text fully conveys the author’s position: “We can say with confidence that there are few poets in the world who, like Yesenin, are the soul of the nation and enjoy the boundless love of the people.” The author is confident in Yesenin as a brilliant, great poet who wrote only what he felt, only the truth. Using the metaphors “artist of intuition”, “naked conscience of the nation”, Vinokurov explains the uniqueness of the poet’s influence.

It is impossible not to agree with Vinokurov’s position. And from my point of view, art influences a person’s perception of the world. There are times in each of our lives when we feel empty, disappointed, lonely, and I am no exception. At such moments I like to listen to the works of contemporary composer Ludovico Einaudi. They help me push away all the bad things and discover the strength to admire the world.

A similar way out of a life impasse for the heroine of the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" is the Gospel. I was amazed that Sonya Marmeladova, finding herself in a difficult situation, was able to find support in the moral commandments indicated in the Holy Scriptures. After all, as soon as Sonya remembers the story of the resurrection of Lazarus, she casts aside her insecurities and turns from a pathetic girl in need of help into one who is ready to provide this help.

No less interesting is the position of the famous American writer Ray Bradbury. In the novel Fahrenheit 451, the owner of a house marked by firefighters for burning refuses to leave the house alone. The heroine chooses death by fire among her favorite books, so hated by society. This act clearly shows the influence of art on a person, its invaluable value for everyone.

Analyzing this problem, we can conclude: art influences the life of society, helps a person decide in this life, understand what is worth living for.

Text by E. Vinokurov

(1) It is safe to say that there are few poets in the world who, like Yesenin, are the soul of the nation and who enjoy the boundless love of the people. (2) Yesenin is loved by different strata of society: young people and old people, workers and professors.

(3) How can we explain such love of the Russian people for Yesenin’s work? (4) After all, this is a very complex poet, and there is no person who would fully understand him, nor is there yet a critic who could explain and comment on all the richness of the content of Yesenin’s poetry. (5) Its simplicity and accessibility sometimes seem to hide from view the enormous spiritual depths that it latently contains.

(6) Yesenin is a national thinker, and this, above all, determines love for the poet. (7) Look how he thinks big and big, and he thinks about the most significant problems of the world that worry people so much: about life and death, about the peasantry, about Russian history, about the fate of an individual and the entire people.

(8) Yesenin is a great artist of intuition, and this also determines the special attitude of the people towards the poet’s work. (9) Yesenin’s thoughts are born along with an explosion of emotions - they are like blinding flashes, these are most often the deepest spiritual insights. (10) No wonder he suggested: “But in the eyes of my insights there is a wondrous light.” (11) With all his great intuition as an artist, he unmistakably guessed the truth, wrote only the truth, nothing but the truth, and therefore what he wrote sounds louder and louder every year.

(12) Yesenin is a singer of love. (13) This topic is also close to every person. (14) The poet knightly stood for a high spiritual understanding of love, for the utmost spirituality of feeling, did not reconcile himself with compromise, demanded maximum love tension, maximum experience.

(15) A poet is a seismograph, a compass. (16) He conveys the vibrations of the era, he is a philosopher, we use him to determine the paths of history, the strength of tremors. (17) This seismograph just needs to be sensitive and the compass to be accurate. (18) And Yesenin was an ideal instrument in this sense - he was the naked conscience of the nation.

(According to E. Vinokurov)

>Essays by topic

The influence of art on humans

“The task of art is to excite the heart,” the famous French writer and philosopher of the Enlightenment, Claude Adrian Helvetius, once said. It seems to me that that short phrase already contains the answer to the question about the influence of literary, artistic, musical and other works on a person.

What happens to us when we see a beautiful picture in front of us, hear a wonderful melody or watch a performance on a theater stage? Our soul seems to come to life, and many new thoughts immediately appear in our heads. Everyday problems fade into the background, and their place is taken by memories of the pleasant moments of our lives.

Art awakens vivid emotions in us. This can be a feeling of joy and euphoria or, conversely, light sadness and sadness. Many works are specially created for the purpose of making a person think about certain problems and rethink something for themselves.

When a person himself is a creator, the influence of art on him is especially strong. Sometimes, obsessed with a new idea, a master can completely immerse himself in his illusory world, forgetting about everything around him. At this moment, he lives only with his dream, and such endless devotion to it allows him to ultimately create a real masterpiece.

We need art almost as much as we need air, water or food. What else can lift our spirits so much when we are suddenly depressed, give us inspiration, make us believe in our strength!

I have noticed more than once how pleasant it is sometimes to walk through an art gallery, look into a museum, or just visit a cinema. After such sessions of contact with beauty, your soul immediately becomes light.

Art makes us kinder and more sympathetic, develops in us the ability to empathize with the grief of others and respond to people’s requests. In a word, it makes us better! Therefore, I want as many new creations as possible to appear in the world every day, changing and transforming our lives.

Sometimes I feel bad for my peers who spend little time reading, but a person who reads thinks and reflects! The problem of the influence of art on a person, identified by the author of the proposed text, attracts the attention of many writers and publicists. V. Astafiev also thought about it, indicating its priority for thoughtful readers.

To convey the importance of the problem, he talks about a girl who has very little time left to live. Lina, being a medical student, knew that she was doomed , and lived to be twenty years old. The girl visited theaters and understood: the world will always be divided into two poles - life and death. These views helped her see the fine line between two short words. The author draws readers' attention to the following fact: Lina ended up in a planetarium, where the guides talked about the change of day and night, and the seasons on Earth. She saw the star dome : “Music poured out from somewhere on high.” For a moment, the girl imagined swans and the dark force lying in wait for them, and thought about eternal life. It was music that made her rise, rush upward, and live!

The author does not provide a ready-made solution to the problem. It makes the reader think , To make a conclusion. And yet, watching how V. Astafiev writes about what worries him, I will allow myself to assume that the position is as follows: art has a huge impact on our lives, encourages us to do good deeds, makes us think about the good and kind . We need to turn to art in time, and only then its enormous power will open to us the “vast celestial world.”

Undoubtedly, V. Astafiev is right! I also hold a similar opinion, because art can influence all areas of our lives, you just need to learn to feel and understand the language of the works.

The importance of this issue is proven by the fact that it is especially clearly presented in L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.” Natasha Rostova was far from beautiful and did not have a remarkable appearance. The heroine was able to amaze Andrei Bolkonsky with her singing. Her voice influenced him, he felt the girl’s inner beauty and saw Natasha as a completely different person. Here it is, the enormous power of art!

The correctness of my position is confirmed by another argument. How many songs were written during the war years! These melodies lifted the people, awakened a sense of patriotism, and forced them to go to the defense of their homeland. Everyone knows the song “Holy War”. It became the musical emblem of the Great Patriotic War. With this song, the Soviet people, seized with “noble rage,” went into mortal combat. The music of war had a huge influence on the tenacity of our soldiers in battles and on their desire for victory.

In conclusion, I will emphasize the deep meaning of V. Astafiev’s text, which drew attention to the problem of the influence of art on a person. We only have to turn to the vast world of beauty, which will help us find the right path and give answers to many questions.

Every person realizes that medicine and education have a powerful impact on us. We are directly dependent on these areas of life. But few would admit that art has an equally important influence. Nevertheless, it is so. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of art in our lives.

What is art?

There are many definitions in various dictionaries. Somewhere they write that art is an image (or the process of creating it) that expresses the artist’s view of the world. Sometimes a person cannot express in words what he can draw.

In another interpretation, this is the process of creativity, creating something. Realization of the need to make the world a little more beautiful.

Art is also a way of understanding the world. For example, for a child who, by drawing or singing songs, remembers new words.

On the other hand, it is a social process of human interaction with society and with himself. This concept is so ambiguous that it is impossible to say in which part of our life it is present and in which it is not. Let's consider the arguments: the influence of art on a person is noticeable in the spiritual sphere of our lives. After all, it is under its influence that what we call morality and education is formed.

Types of art and its influence on human life

What's the first thing that comes to mind? Painting? Music? Ballet? All this is art, like photography, circus, decorative arts, sculpture, architecture, pop and theater. The list can still be expanded. With each decade, genres develop and new ones are added, as humanity does not stand still.

Here is one of the arguments: the influence of art on a person’s life is expressed in the love of fairy tales. One of the most influential forms is literature. Reading surrounds us since childhood. When we are very little, mother reads fairy tales to us. Girls and boys are taught the rules of behavior and type of thinking using the example of fairy-tale heroines and heroes. In fairy tales we learn what is good and what is bad. At the end of such works there is a moral that teaches us what to do.

At school and university, we read obligatory works of classical authors, which contain more complex thoughts. Here the characters make us think and ask ourselves questions. Each direction in art pursues its own goals, they are very diverse.

Functions of art: additional arguments

The influence of art on a person is vast, it has various functions and purposes. One of the main goals is educational.The same moral at the end of the fairy tale. The aesthetic function is obvious: works of art are beautiful and develop taste. Close to this is the hedonic function - to bring pleasure. Some literary works often have a predictive function; remember the Strugatsky brothers and their science fiction novels. Another very important function is compensatory. From the word “compensation”, when artistic reality replaces the main one for us. Here we are often talking about mental trauma or life difficulties. When we turn on our favorite music to forget ourselves, or go to the cinema to escape from unpleasant thoughts.

Or another argument - the influence of art on a person through music. Hearing a song that is symbolic for oneself, someone may decide to take an important action. If we move away from the academic meaning, the influence of art on a person’s life is very great. It gives inspiration. When a man saw a beautiful painting at an exhibition, he came home and started painting.

Let's consider another argument: the influence of art on a person can be seen in how hand-made goods are actively developing. People are not only imbued with a sense of beauty, but are also ready to create masterpieces with their own hands. Various areas of body art and tattoos - the desire to create a work of art on your skin.

Art around us

Has anyone ever thought, when decorating their apartment and thinking through the design, that at the moment you can notice the influence of art on you? Making furniture or accessories is part of arts and crafts. Selection of colors, harmonious shapes and ergonomics of space - this is exactly what designers study. Or another example: when you were choosing a dress in a store, you gave preference to the one that was correctly cut and thought out by the fashion designer. At the same time, fashion houses are not modest, trying to influence your choice with bright advertising videos.Video is also part of art. That is, while watching advertising, we are also under its influence. This is also an argument; the influence of true art on a person nevertheless reveals itself in higher spheres. Let's consider them too.

The influence of art on humans: arguments from literature

Literature influences us infinitely. Let us remember how in Leo Tolstoy’s brilliant work “War and Peace” Natasha Rostova sang for her brother and healed him of despair.

Another elegant example of how painting can save a life was described by O. Henry in the story “The Last Leaf.” The sick girl decided that she would die when the last ivy leaf fell outside her window. She did not wait for her last day, since the leaf was drawn for her on the wall by an artist.

Another example of the influence of art on a person (arguments from literature are very revealing) is the main character of Ray Bradbury’s work “Smile,” who saves the painting with Mona Lisa, believing in its great significance. Bradbury wrote a lot about the power of creativity, he argued that only by reading books can a person become educated.

The image of a child with a book in his hands haunts many artists, in particular there are several wonderful paintings with the same title “Boy with a Book.”

The Right Influence

Like any influence, art can also be negative and positive. Some modern works are depressing and do not convey much aestheticism. Not all films teach good things. We need to be especially careful about content that influences our children. The correct selection of things around us, music, movies and even clothes will provide us with a good mood and instill the right taste.

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