Essay based on the painting by I.I. Mashkova “Strawberries and a white jug. Essay on the painting by Mashkov - Strawberries and a white jug The history of the creation of the painting strawberries and a white jug

“Strawberries and a White Jug” is one of the most famous still lifes of the painter Ilya Mashkov.

In 1913, the artist visited Italy. This country amazed him with its splendor. However, it is surprising: having returned to his homeland, he paints a picture thoroughly permeated not with the Italian, but with the Russian spirit.

The viewer enjoys contemplating the generous gift of summer nature - ripe berries. A simple porcelain plate filled with black and white currants. And on a tin tray and on a table covered with a simple tablecloth are strawberries. Its berries are so appetizing that you just want to take at least one and put it in your mouth. It was no coincidence that the artist painted the picture with oil paints: this gives the canvas volume and stunning realism.

The still life is successfully complemented by the image of raspberries, which, as if by chance, someone scattered on the table. Currant branches in a transparent glass jar make the picture even more picturesque.

Italian notes are also felt in a typically Russian still life. Don't the outlines of a simple white jug in the background resemble the outlines of ancient sculptures? This makes the picture even more touching and bewitching – you just can’t take your eyes off it.

The still life is illuminated by the gentle summer sun, the glare of which plays everywhere: on amber and blue-black currant beads, on scarlet strawberries, on a milky white jug.

This is one of those paintings that is worth looking at when you are sad. The canvas exudes joy - and you involuntarily smile.

Inga Maslova

I really love paintings that depict still life or landscape.
They are so bright, colorful, rich.
Every detail drawn in them, the play of light and shadow help to fully reveal the intended image.
When I saw the painting “Strawberries and a White Jug,” I was simply amazed how the entire color palette, the entire summer flavor could be so accurately conveyed.

For his work, the artist chose a neutral background so that nothing would distract us from the painted berries.
In this picture, Mashkov painted not only strawberries, but also black, white currants and raspberries.
It is shown both in the form of a bush, which stands in a jar of water, and separately in a deep plate with a rim.
The picture shows what wealth the summer months bring us.
Strawberries are depicted both with and without branches, lying separately on the table, and in a silver bowl.
Strawberries are huge and probably very tasty.

On the right side of the picture there is a white pot-bellied jug.
It is shown empty.
I think that the author drew it for contrast, so that the bright, beautiful berries would look even more appetizing.
The picture literally emanates the aromas of these fruits.
I just want to take and try one of these berries and plunge into the summer freshness.
Moreover, it happened quite recently and we have not yet forgotten it.

The artist draws with great love every detail, every curve on the strawberry.
On the left are the two largest, ripe berries.
Against their background, the raspberries lying nearby are a little lost.
I would like to note that there is not a single berry that was drawn carelessly.
In my opinion, the picture turned out to be homely simple, but at the same time, brilliant.
It is by looking at such works that we begin to think about the simple joys of life, which we manage to forget in the everyday bustle.
The artist provided another opportunity to admire the summer gifts of nature, which are filled with the warmth of the sun.

I really love paintings that depict still life or landscape. They are so bright, colorful, rich. Every detail drawn in them, the play of light and shadow help to fully reveal the intended image. When I saw the painting “Strawberries and a White Jug,” I was simply amazed how the entire color palette, the entire summer flavor could be so accurately conveyed.

For his work, the artist chose a neutral background so that nothing would distract us from the painted berries. In this picture, Mashkov painted not only strawberries, but also black, white currants and raspberries. It is shown both in the form of a bush, which stands in a jar of water, and separately in a deep plate with a rim. The picture shows what wealth the summer months bring us. Strawberries are depicted both with and without branches, lying separately on the table, and in a silver bowl. Strawberries are huge and probably very tasty.

On the right side of the picture there is a white pot-bellied jug. It is shown empty. I think that the author drew it for contrast, so that the bright, beautiful berries would look even more appetizing. The picture literally emanates the aromas of these fruits. I just want to take and try one of these berries and plunge into the summer freshness. Moreover, it happened quite recently and we have not yet forgotten it.

The artist draws with great love every detail, every curve on the strawberry. On the left are the two largest, ripe berries. Against their background, the raspberries lying nearby are a little lost. I would like to note that there is not a single berry that was drawn carelessly. In my opinion, the picture turned out to be homely simple, but at the same time, brilliant. It is by looking at such works that we begin to think about the simple joys of life, which we manage to forget in the everyday bustle. The artist provided another opportunity to admire the summer gifts of nature, which are filled with the warmth of the sun.

Ilya Ivanovich Mashkov is a Russian artist. The main direction of his work was painting still lifes. In his works, the artist sought to show the beauty of berries, fruits, household utensils, figurines and other objects. Mashkov’s most famous work is the painting “Strawberries and a White Jug.” It is made, like most of the artist’s paintings, in bright, saturated colors with large strokes. The main color of the composition is red, with the help of different shades of this color Mashkov was able to convey the beauty of ripe juicy berries, a gift of summer. The background of the painting is a dark milky color; it does not stop the viewer’s attention, allowing you to enjoy the more important details of the still life.

In the foreground of the canvas are ripe strawberries and raspberries. The two ripest and largest strawberries are on the left side of the picture. Because the light falls on them, the berries shine and shimmer in the rays of the sun. Branches with raspberries are placed in the center of the composition: two branches are yellow and one is red. Light also falls on their leaves, and they appear white, even transparent. The rest of the table space is occupied by chaotically arranged strawberries. The two berries in the right corner have not yet ripened; they have a greenish tint. There are also strawberries in the background of the picture. It is displayed in a heap on a silver platter.

In the central part of the table there is a plate with black and white currants. Next to it stands a transparent glass vase, which also contains currant branches with berries hanging on them. The light falling on them makes the white berries transparent, and gives the black ones a rich hue. This makes the currants sparkle like precious stones. Carved currant leaves are green and dark; they decorate the top of the branches. Only the foreground and central plan of the picture are illuminated; there is a shadow in the background. Because the light does not reach the other end of the table, the strawberries on the silver platter appear dark red.

An important part of the still life is the white clay jug. It sets off ripe berries; against its background they become brighter and more saturated. Looking at the picture, an involuntary question arises: what is in the jug? Maybe there is fresh water or milk, or maybe there is a sweet fruit drink made from ripe berries.

The painting by Ilya Ivanovich Mashkov “Strawberries and a White Jug” is filled with a warm atmosphere, the aroma of berries and light. It reflected a sunny summer day, which presented wonderful gifts to man. How amazing and beautiful summer nature is.

Option 2

In the foreground are large strawberries scattered chaotically on the table. There are whole bunches here, and there are berries of irregular, bizarre shape. They all still retain their green branches, and therefore it seems that they have just been plucked from the bushes. The artist used different tones of red and orange to depict the berries. Some of them are not yet fully ripe, they have a white side, while others simply attract with their fragrant ripeness. A tin tray is filled with strawberries and is in the background. All the berries in it are selected: large and very ripe.

In addition to strawberries, the viewer sees raspberries and currants on the table. White and black currants lie in a deep white plate with a blue stripe along the edge. And whole currant branches, with leaves and berries, stand in a simple glass jar. There is a visible reflection of the sun on the can. White currants look especially appetizing. Its thin-skinned berries seem to shine through. If we look closely, we will even notice small bones in them.

The entire still life is illuminated by natural daylight, perhaps coming from the window of a village house.

The composition is completed by a white round jug in the background. The sun also plays on its glossy surface. The jug is very simple, everyday, devoid of any decoration or painting. But at the same time it seems so comfortable and homely. It can be seen that it was often used in everyday life and will be useful to the owner more than once. Perhaps it contains milk for a delicious country breakfast, or it will soon be filled with aromatic berry compote.

The artist placed the berries and the jug on a dark, brownish background, which allows the viewer to focus all the attention on the bright strawberries. It can be assumed that the objects of the still life are on a simple table, covered with a grayish canvas tablecloth, which is pushed towards the wooden wall of the house.

The whole picture as a whole gives a feeling of summer warmth, allowing the viewer to experience the joy of simple, everyday things: juicy strawberries, home warmth, comfort.


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Ivan Ivanovich Mashkov is known not only in the world of art, but also to all art lovers. His work dates back to the beginning of the twentieth century, when many artists tried to reflect the reality and difficult truth of life in their paintings. But the painter Ivan Mashkov still preferred beautiful and magnificent still lifes, where the main central place was occupied by berries, porcelain figurines and flowers, as well as any other utensils that can often be found in a cozy home environment. But he showed all this, the most ordinary things, to his viewers in such a way as to prove that even among the most ordinary and simple things one can find something interesting.

The painting “Strawberries and a White Jug” was painted by artist Ivan Mashkov in 1943. It is rightfully considered his most famous work. Ivan Ivanovich’s skill can be seen in his large strokes, which are rich in color shades. Every painterly stroke of a talented artist conveys what the earth has so richly endowed us with.

The canvas by Ivan Mashkov depicts juicy and already ripe berries. The artist placed them in the foreground. Each strawberry is a whole story. They lie like this in Ivan Mashkov’s painting, as if they want to tell people about themselves, to inform people that they are already ripe and can be enjoyed. Artist Ivan Mashkov placed the two largest strawberries on the left so that their ripeness and richness could appear in all their glory under the bright rays of the sun.

There is probably a window on the left in the small room, from where bright sunlight leaks in, falling on the wall, table and floor. The dark tablecloth on the table on the left side is well illuminated by the sun's rays, and the same bright reflections on the dark floor. The remaining strawberries, which the sun's rays did not give their light, are also ripe, but they do not look as ripe. To depict them, the painter used other color shades.

Among all the berries, two stand out, which are not as ripe as all the others. They had not yet ripened, but they were also picked and brought into the room to create this delightful and picturesque still life. And these two unripe berries on the right, and a small bunch of the same berries with a leaf, and on the left a bunch of still unripe strawberries, which are just beginning to turn pink and on which the sun’s rays fall - all this is drawn by the artist so talentedly that it seems as if they are alive, real.

The artist Ivan Mashkov has strawberries everywhere: on the table, on a silver saucer. On a saucer standing in the background of the picture, at the end of the table, a large ripe berry is also neatly laid out. The saucer is of an unusual silver color, so the color combination chosen by the artist is interesting and original.

In the very center of the picture, the painter Ivan Mashkov placed a small white bowl with a small dark blue border. It is shallow, but filled not with strawberries, but with other summer berries: white and black currants, which are depicted appetizingly by the artist. On the one hand, both this plate and the berries on it are perfectly illuminated by the bright rays of the sun. Those small currants that receive the sun's color look as if they are black pearls, precious and expensive. And white currants, brightly illuminated by the sun, look like a handful of diamonds, carelessly scattered on a snow-white plate among black pearl berries.

But not only berries and plates with them are depicted in the painting by the outstanding painter Ivan Mashkov. Closer to the wall, among all this variety of berries, there is a small and almost invisible vase. It is transparent and slightly filled with clean water. Several branches of currants with white and black berries were carefully placed in it. And the white clay jug, which the painter placed in the background, easily fits into this whole composition. It softens the entire still life a little, making it cleaner and fresher. Maybe it contains clean water, but most likely it contains fresh and tasty milk. They enjoy eating and refreshing themselves on a weekday summer day, when the sun is shining brightly and when nature is so generous.

The whole picture by the famous painter Ivan Mashkov is bright, wonderful and reminiscent of summer, which will soon come and a wonderful time will come. On such days, you especially feel how rich nature is, which gives people not only its warmth, bliss and pleasure, but also the summer is rich in rich harvests. Especially in the summer, you want to enjoy sweet and sour berries, which not only give a boost of energy, but are also very beneficial for the human body.

Ivan Ivanovich Mashkov’s canvas exudes the warmth and brightness of a sunny day, striking in its richness and sweetness. The Russian land is wonderful, which can give such gifts to people, because strawberries and currants are the best summer berries. Mashkov's canvas is a true masterpiece of talent.

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