An essay based on a painting by K.F. Yuon “Domes and Swallows. Description of the painting by Yuon “Domes and swallows Domes and swallows description of the painting

Lesson script.

Preparing to write a descriptive essay based on the painting by K.F. Yuon "Swallows and Domes".

Systematization of essay writing skills - descriptions based on a picture;

Activating vocabulary on this topic;

Consolidating knowledge about epithets and spelling;

Introducing students to art;

Expanding the horizons of students - getting to know the life and work of K. F. Yuon;

Objectives: educational – teach writing an essay based on personal observations; develop the ability to construct a text in accordance with the composition of a descriptive essay, systematize the material, determine the theme and genre of painting; develop self-control skills; speech training of students in order to prevent speech defects and grammatical errors in essays; educational – to cultivate independence, creative activity, aesthetic perception of works of art, love of nature; to cultivate a sense of beauty, interest in oral folk art, painting, music; developmental - to develop the ability to pay attention to the meaning of words and their use in oral and written speech; develop the ability to consciously use the expressive means of language in one’s own statements; development of a sense of beauty.

During the classes.

Hello guys!

– Today we will write a descriptive essay based on the painting. We are already familiar with this artist and this type of text

Remember what features of this type of texts do you know?

Remember what artistic style of speech is.

We will create our description using an artistic style of speech.

−How is the description constructed?

The peculiarity of the description in the picture is that

a) it is necessary to understand the artist’s intention;

b) understand how the artist managed to realize his plan (the originality of the painting’s composition, paint, lighting);

c) convey your attitude towards the landscape in the picture, the feelings, thoughts, desires that this landscape evokes in you.

−What artistic means should you use to make your description colorful, expressive and accurate? −Which part of speech will help you accurately and vividly describe the characteristics of objects?

Let's refresh the facts of the famous artist's biography.

– Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon (1875 – 1958) – the largest Russian painter, creator of deeply national images of Russian nature. The artist was born in Moscow. He received his artistic education at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Yuon constantly painted modest and beautiful Central Russian nature. His landscapes have always been distinguished by poetry, sincerity and cheerfulness. The artist’s favorite theme was the end of winter, the beginning of spring, the joyful awakening of nature from its winter sleep. Blue-white snow, a clear blue sky and the spring sun filling everything with its warmth and light, the fabulously magical decoration of the winter forest - all this vividly appears before us on the canvases of K. F. Yuon. His paintings “Russian Winter”, “Winter Sun” , “End of winter. Noon” are impressive and create a cheerful, cheerful mood.

Consider the painting by K. F. Yuon “Swallows and Domes.” We see the high arch of the dome, which is breathtaking. There is in painting the concept of “Yuonsky sky” (azure blue, “washed”). The artist knows how to convey the fullness of life in everything: in the March snow, in the flight of swallows over the domes of the church. The houses under the sky seem like toys (from a bird's eye view) in comparison with the huge sky, which occupies more than half of the canvas. The blue sky is "decorated" with swallows.
– The artist depicted five church domes in the foreground.
– Four domes are white with gold specks, and the fifth – the main dome – is all gold.
– There is a cross on each dome, and one of them is reflected in a large golden one.
– You can see the monastery below. Lots of houses painted in bright colors.
– There is a lot of greenery in the city.

– What do you think is the artist’s intention? What is this picture about? Why is it named like that?

– How does the foreground drawing reveal the artist’s main idea? What is the role of lighting in the foreground? What do you think the artist likes best in the foreground?

How did the artist depict the sky?

– How does the background of the picture help Yuon realize his plan? What colors predominate in the background?

-Why should preference be given to the present rather than the past tense of verbs when describing? (This enhances the vividness of the description.)

-Thus, you have many means at your disposal to make your speech correct, figurative and expressive. Take advantage of this wealth!

Let's make an essay plan

1. Introduction. The artist and his paintings or K.F. Yuon – master of landscape

2. Description of the picture. Unusual perspective of the picture.

a) foreground: domes, crosses, roof of the temple

b) background: swallows, clouds, houses, steam locomotive smoke

3. Conclusion. My impressions of the picture.

– Our speech should be rich in content, correct in form, figurative. Therefore, unjustified repetitions (tautologies) should be avoided.

Vocabulary work

Synonym words that will help us when writing an essay.

The artist is a wonderful master of landscape, master of the brush, author of the canvas, painter, landscape painter.

Creates - writes, depicts (but does not draw, does not describe).

A painting is a canvas, a reproduction, a work of art.

(Wealth of tones) amazes, surprises, amazes

Now, guys, you need to write an essay - a description of the painting of the Swallow and the Dome.”

Description of Yuon’s painting “Domes and Swallows”

The artist Yuon depicted some provincial town in his canvas “Domes and Swallows”.
It is no different from other similar cities.
It has a church, the domes of which are depicted in the picture.
They are illuminated by sunlight, and the golden crosses stand out against the blue sky.
Swallows are circling in the high sky, they rejoice in the sun and warmth.
Small clouds dilute the blue of the sky.

The city is all green, which means summer has come.
Lush crowns of trees cast shadows on the houses.
In the distance you can see small houses of city residents.
If you look closely, among the houses and greenery you can see the smoke that a passing train leaves behind.
There is probably a train station in the city.
The church seems to be on a mountain or hill.
It towers over the entire city.
Perhaps the artist simply depicted this, bringing the temple to the forefront.

Yuon did not show the life of an ordinary provincial town.
Its poverty, problems and poor infrastructure.
The artist decided to show only the joy of a warm day, blooming nature and jubilant swallows.
Bright saturated colors convey the mood that the author wanted to depict in his painting.
Warm weather can make anyone rejoice, despite setbacks and problems.
Although there is not a single person on the canvas, they, most likely, like swallows, rejoice in the warmth and sun.

The painter paid attention to the quiet, measured life of the city and highlighted the domes of the church against the backdrop of the bright sky.
Perhaps he put the church in the foreground for a reason.
As long as there is faith in God, there is life.
In a difficult situation, a person will come to the temple and find peace for his soul.
That is why Yuon singled out the church as something important and emphasized the joy of life with the bright colors with which he depicted a sunny day.

Artist K.F. Yuon depicted some provincial town in his canvas “Domes and Swallows”. It is no different from other similar cities. It has a church, the domes of which are depicted in the picture. They are illuminated by sunlight, and the golden crosses stand out against the blue sky. Swallows are circling in the high sky, they rejoice in the sun and warmth. Small clouds dilute the blue of the sky.

The city is all green, which means summer has come. Lush crowns of trees cast shadows on the houses. In the distance you can see small houses of city residents. If you look closely, among the houses and greenery you can see the smoke that a passing train leaves behind. There is probably a train station in the city. The church seems to be on a mountain or hill. It towers over the entire city. Perhaps the artist simply depicted this, bringing the temple to the forefront.

K.F. Yuon did not show the life of an ordinary provincial town. Its poverty, problems and poor infrastructure. The artist decided to show only the joy of a warm day, blooming nature and jubilant swallows. Bright saturated colors convey the mood that the author wanted to depict in his painting. Warm weather can make anyone rejoice, despite setbacks and problems. Although there is not a single person on the canvas, they, most likely, like swallows, rejoice in the warmth and sun.

The painter paid attention to the quiet, measured life of the city and highlighted the domes of the church against the backdrop of the bright sky. Perhaps he put the church in the foreground for a reason. As long as there is faith in God, there is life. In a difficult situation, a person will come to the temple and find peace for his soul. That is why Yuon singled out the church as something important and emphasized the joy of life with the bright colors with which he depicted a sunny day.

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education
"Children's Art School of Pochinkovsky District"
Lecture course.
History of paintings.
History of fine arts.
Developer: art department teacher
MBU DO "DSHI Pochinkovsky district"
Kazakova Inna Viktorovna

Konstantin Yuon. "Domes and Swallows".

Konstantin Yuon was a unique person. He lived a very long time and
prosperous life. Everything in life worked out for him, of course, not without effort. All
whatever he strived for, he achieved. Until the very end of his life, he remained very
optimistic and he embodied all the joy and happiness with love in his paintings!
One of the best works of art is a canvas called “Domes and
swallows." This is a very bright and glorious page of painting in the Soviet Union. Painting
was written in 1921 on the theme of ancient cities and architectural buildings.
It was during this period of writing that the author’s talent developed in the best possible way. On
The image before us is presented from a very unusual and interesting perspective. Artist
as if he himself had become one of the birds and was soaring in the clouds with them. It's like he's from a flight
heights I saw all the beauty of the earth and conveyed it to the audience with colors. The composition looks like
very colorful and bright. The canvas shows the architecture of Zagorsk, which
captivates the viewer with its uniqueness.

The painter chose an unusual point of view, so everything takes on a new meaning for the viewer.
unexpected look. In the background the artist showed ordinary houses, and in the foreground -
that shrine that people created. With the help of the temple in the picture, the author wanted to show
to us, who should have the unity of earth and heaven! After all, the crosses are golden
depicted on the canvas, noticeably reaching out to God, followed by sinful people who
they want to atone for their sins and get closer to heaven.
The whole composition around is rejoicing, rejoicing, delving into the picture you can feel
spring warmth, which the author tried to reflect, which also shows the sun, happiness
and crosses that rise only to the heavenly sky.
Painting is designed to give the viewer something eternal, reasonable and beautiful.
This is exactly what you can get by looking closely at the optimistic and bright canvas
Yuona. The author not only makes you admire the architecture and nature of the ancient
cities of Russia, but also to join spiritual life.

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