Essay based on the picture seeing off the militia. Description of the painting by Y. Rakshi “Seeing off the militia” Color scheme of the painting seeing off the militia

An essay based on a painting by the wonderful Russian artist Yu.M. Rakshi (1937-1980) “Seeing the Militia” develops students’ creative abilities, their research skills, and fosters patriotic and aesthetic feelings. The essay is written in 8th grade.

Essay based on the painting “Seeing off the militia.” 8th grade

Yuri Mikhailovich Raksha was born in 1937 into a family of workers. He studied at an art school and graduated from VGIK with a degree in production design. Participated in the creation of such significant films as “Time, Forward” and “Ascension”. Many paintings by Yu.M. Rakshas received wide recognition and brought him worldwide fame.

Yuri Mikhailovich died very young, he was only forty-three years old. In 1980, the terminally ill artist completed work on the grandiose triptych “Kulikovo Field”. This multifaceted work consists of three parts: “Blessing for the battle”, “Seeing off the militia”, “The coming”.

The triptych is dedicated to the Battle of Kulikovo, which took place in 1380 and marked the beginning of liberation from the Tatar-Mongol yoke. The painting “Seeing off the militia” is the right side part of the triptych. Another name for the painting is “The Crying of Women.”

In the center of the composition are women and children. They accompany the Russian army, consisting of their husbands, sons and brothers, leaving for the campaign. Mighty warriors are surrounded by fog, a bloody battle awaits them, and many of them will give their lives for their homeland, protecting mothers, wives, and children. White-stone Moscow is visible in the distance, with thousands of militia emerging from its gates.

In the foreground is a young, beautiful woman with a sad and beautiful face. This is the wife of Dmitry Donskoy, Grand Duchess Evdokia. Soon she will have a child, her children are next to her - the boy hangs his head, he also feels the tragedy of what is happening; a teenage girl looks intensely at the departing warriors, trying to remember their faces, to preserve the memory of them.

It is known that Dmitry Donskoy and Evdokia loved each other very much and one can understand what feelings the princess experienced as she saw off her beloved husband to a feat of arms. To the right of Evdokia, a bare-haired woman in a red sundress sank to the ground, exhausted. She threw her head back, her mouth was open - she was sobbing, her grief was immeasurable.

A young girl with her head covered with a scarf prays, and a gray-haired old man standing behind the women blesses the warriors with his staff. A woman standing next to him clutches her little son to her chest. Everyone, commoners and nobles, rallied into one in the face of a common disaster. Now they are the Russian people. This picture teaches us to love our homeland, appreciate the people living in it, and admire its past.

About the author: Yuri Mikhailovich Raksha (1937-1980) - Soviet painter. On his paintings you can see portraits, landscapes and subject compositions. He also designed feature films and illustrated books. His painting Farewell to the Militia, painted in 1980, combines two genres: portrait and city landscape. It is a fragment of the canvas “Kulikovo Field”. This is the right side of the artist's masterpiece.

Essay on the painting Farewell to the Raksha militia: description and analysis of the artistic canvas

The painting Farewell to the Militia shows the farewell of Russian women to the soldiers who are going to the Battle of Kulikovo. In the foreground are city residents of various classes. These are mainly women and children. They were all united by a common grief, because many men would not return home from the battlefield. Each of them experiences it differently: some are crying, some are praying, and some are looking with bitterness after the departing soldiers.

The central figure on the canvas is a young beautiful woman of a noble family. Apparently, it was her husband who leads this huge army and went to fight against the enemy along with everyone else. Her rounded belly is visible under her yellow-blue brocade dress. The noblewoman hugs her son with her left hand, and covers her stomach with her right. It’s as if she wants to protect her unborn child from all troubles and misfortunes. The woman tries to be strong and does not show her grief in public. But despite her proud appearance and stately posture, deep down she is very worried about the fate of her husband and their children. The young woman has brown hair braided. A headband decorated with precious stones is worn on the head.

Her son looks about eight years old. The fair-haired boy is very upset about breaking up with his father. He sadly lowered his head. A girl of about ten years old is sitting on the ground next to him. She picks wildflowers and watches her father leave for battle. This bouquet of lilac flowers was probably intended for him. But in this turmoil she did not have time to give it away. Behind the girl we see a sobbing woman. Powerless, she sank to the ground and grabbed her head with her right hand. Her dark brown hair is loose. She is dressed in simple clothes: a light blouse and a dark red sundress.

Standing behind her is an old woman in a brown robe. Silent grief is visible on her face. Apparently she had just seen her sons off. Next to her is a girl wearing a white and gold satin scarf. She bowed her head in prayer and crossed herself with her right hand. Behind them stands a gray-haired old man with a staff. He raised his eyes to the sky and prayed to God to help and protect the warriors. On the right of the canvas you can see another woman holding her blond son tightly to her chest. They all stand on a hill next to the road along which their husbands, fathers, brothers and sons go to war. A common grief united all Russian people.

The white stone walls of the Kremlin are visible in the background. An army of thousands is moving out of the fortress gates. Like a human river, thousands of men go to defend their homeland from the enemy. Townspeople and peasants, rich and poor, on foot and on horseback - all are united in this human stream. In their hands they hold spears and shields. One of the riders has a red flag in his hands.

And behind this human river you can see another, real one with blue water. And on its other bank there is a yellow field and a green forest, and white clouds float in the blue sky. This reminder of peaceful life creates an even greater contrast, further emphasizing human grief.

In the image of women, the artist shows our Great Rus'. Just as these wives and mothers grieve, so Rus' grieves, seeing off its sons to mortal combat. This picture evokes patriotic feelings in us. She teaches us to love our Motherland and be proud of it. The author encourages us to appreciate and respect the defenders of our native land. And, of course, do not forget your history.

Essay based on the painting Farewell to the Militia Rakshi Y.M. 8th grade

In the center of the picture are old people, women and children. Standing on the hills along the city walls of white-stone Moscow, they see off their children, fathers and husbands on a great and dangerous campaign that will end in a bloody battle with a dangerous and cruel enemy in the person of the Tatar-Mongols.

In the distance you can see the gates to white-stone Moscow, from which the brave defenders of the patronymic emerge; its powerful stone walls rise to the sky, almost touching the clouds passing by.

Terrible wars pass in orderly rows along women and children crying with grief. Surrounded by fog, gloomy and brave, they pass by without even looking back, without saying goodbye with a glance. Each warrior is dressed in chain mail, with a pike and shield, on foot or on horseback with a shield.

In the foreground of the picture is a young and beautiful woman with white curls and a sad face - the Queen of Rus', Princess Evdokia. She sees off her husband with longing and faith in a great victory. On the left side of her were her children - a blond boy with a sadly bowed head and a girl sitting on the grass with a languid and tense look.

Evdokia experiences mixed feelings, joy from the imminent birth of a child and sadness from the thought that her beloved husband may not return from the campaign.

To the right of the princess, a girl in a red sundress sits on the green grass, clutching her head, she sobs with grief.

In the background we can see an old man with a staff, who blesses the warriors going into the distance for a glorious victory.

All the people of Moscow, rich and poor, nobles and commoners, rallied together to defend their homeland, their homeland of any kind.

Essay based on a painting Seeing off the militia Rakshi

One of the parts of the triptych “Field of Kulikovo” by Yuri Raksha is the canvas “Seeing Off the Militia,” dedicated to the events leading up to the Battle of Kulikovo. The artist tried to feel the spirit of the times, recreated on the canvases, and bring it closer to modernity. That is why he drew some of the characters from his contemporaries - in one of the knights of the triptych Vasily Shukshin is easily recognized, and in one of the characters in the company of Dmitry Donskoy the author himself is depicted.

The fragment “Farewell to the Militia” depicts the farewell of the squad under the command of Dmitry Donskoy to their families and relatives. Elders, women, children went beyond the city limits to send a farewell glance to fathers, spouses and sons setting off on the military road - the army itself had already set off and was engulfed in a haze of fog. The faces of the mourners display the whole gamut of emotions: sadness in the eyes, hope in the heart that they will soon meet their relatives.

Among the women, children and elders seeing off the warriors, the princess is in the foreground. Having cried all her tears, she realizes that now she needs to worry about the children and the baby she is expecting. Near her is her little son, who undoubtedly realizes that he, being the only man left in the family, is obliged to take care of his mother and sister. The prince's daughter, with an elusive smile on her face, is at her mother's feet. The girl, impressed by what was happening, listened to the chants. In those days, most events took place with musical accompaniment - and Donskoy’s squad went to battle to the terrible sound of pities.

The disaster united citizens from different walks of life. Women and children, old parents were left alone and it was unknown when the soldiers would return or whether they would return home. The relatives cannot resist this situation, and do not even try to stop the soldiers. They understand that their defenders are coming to serve as a shield, first of all, for their families, and also to secure the city from enemy invasion.

Landscape is very important for a general understanding of the mood of the triptych. The picture definitely shows that autumn is coming. The sky is gloomy, clouds are approaching - as a symbol of disaster from which Rus' must be saved. The horizon, integral to all components of the triptych, unites the Kulikovo Field, the Trinity Monastery, and Moscow. Unites into a single whole - the Motherland. To the blessed Motherland, which must be protected and preserved.

Triptych of paintings by the famous Russian artist Yu.M. Rakshi is dedicated to the Battle of Kulikovo, which took place in 1380 and marked the beginning of the liberation from the three-hundred-year Tatar-Mongol yoke.

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    Reshetnikov Pavel Fedorovich was born in July 1906 into a creative family. From an early age the boy worked because there was not enough money for food. 1929 Reshetnikov enters the Higher Art and Technical Institute.

  • Essay on the painting Autumn. Hunter Levitan 8th grade

    In this painting by Isaac Levitan, we see a clearing in the forest, or rather, a forest path. The forest is autumn, the sky is gloomy. Nature is preparing for winter; somewhere on the path there are even small pieces of snow, which probably appeared relatively recently

    Artists are the keepers of history, depicting many events in their paintings. The tragedy that happened to the ancient city of Pompeii as a result of the eruption of Vesuvius was reflected in the canvas of Karl Pavlovich Bryullov.

At all times, the most basic and sacred duty for every person was to protect his land from the enemy. Living as a patriot and dying for the Motherland has always been a great honor. The painting by Y. Rakshi “Seeing off the militia” is dedicated to the theme of protecting Russia from the Tatar-Mongol yoke. We see that the artist depicted on the canvas a militia emerging from the city gates, women and children seeing off their men to war.
On the left side of the picture, like a river, a people's river flows from the white city gates: the city's military men, peasants, ordinary townspeople, foot soldiers, horsemen - everyone goes to battle to stand up for the independence of their land.
In the center of the picture and on its right side, the painter depicted children, women: mothers, wives and sisters, who came out to accompany their husbands to military battle. There are both commoners and noble women here. They stand huddled closely together: their common grief has erased the social boundaries between them.
One of the women crosses herself and bows to the army. She, like everyone who came to see them off, understands that many of the soldiers will not return home from this campaign, so she bows to them, as they bow to the great martyrs. Each of the women looks out for her husband, father, son as they walk, follows them with her eyes, and in her eyes there is anxiety, sadness, inexpressible grief. One of the women in a red sundress is depicted bare-haired, sitting on the grass, her head is slightly thrown back, her mouth is slightly open - the woman is crying, wailing. Her whole pose suggests that she no longer expects to see the one she is seeing off alive, so she cries for him as if he were dead. In the center of the mourners is a beautiful young woman, with wheat-colored hair braided in a braid, with a hoop on her head. She is wearing a yellow dress with blue stripes. She is not a commoner, but a woman of noble birth. With her left hand she hugs the boy, her son, who stands with his head down. A woman sees off her husband, the boy's father. Most likely he leads the militia. The woman tries to be strong, sadness is frozen in her eyes, but she should not show her grief to her son - after all, if her husband dies, she alone will have to raise the future defender of her native land. Of course, she calls on her son to be proud of his father, the defender of the Fatherland, who goes to battle as a saint.
Viewers of the painting are amazed by the extraordinary expressiveness of the color scheme of the painting, as well as the emotional depth of the experiences conveyed by the artist in this canvas. The images of women symbolize Rus' itself, which, seeing off its sons to mortal combat, mourns.

Essay on literature on the topic: Description of the painting by Y. Rakshi “Seeing off the militia”

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Description based on the painting by Y. Raksha “Seeing off the militia”

Teachers offer students to write an essay based on the painting “Seeing Off the Militia” during Russian language and literature lessons. In this article we will give the tips and recommendations necessary to perform this work at a high-quality level.

A few words about the artist

An essay based on the painting “Seeing Off the Militia” will contain many historical facts. But let's move on to the personality of the artist. Yuri Raksha was born on December 2, 1937. And he passed away on the first autumn day of 1980. Raksha was not only a talented painter and graphic artist, but also a film director.

He worked a lot and loved traveling, so he visited the Far Eastern taiga, watched oil workers work at sites, and went on expeditions with geologists. We also saw him at the construction site of the Baikal-Amur Mainline. The artist made sketches and sketches during his travels, and upon returning to Moscow, he thought about the scenes he saw, and then created masterpieces based on them.

Nature has always come first for Rakshi. He compared it to a temple or workshop where he was a parishioner. Yuri Raksha painted classical landscapes, as well as urban landscapes, portraits and works of everyday and historical genres. He also created posters for films.

But before writing an essay on the painting “Seeing Off the Militia,” you need to know important information about the painting itself and the history of its creation.

How the triptych was created

You may be surprised and even ask: “What does this have to do with the triptych?” Despite the fact that the canvas “Seeing off the militia” is a fragment of a triptych called “Kulikovo Field”. The fragment we are interested in is the right side of the masterpiece.

Raksha began creating The Field a year before his death. Russian folk costumes were brought from Mosfilm. The artist began to work with inspiration.

His wife recalls that one evening a telephone call from the hospital suddenly rang in the apartment. Irina Raksha immediately went there. During the conversation, the doctor showed her blood tests and told her that Yuri had leukemia. At that time it was already an acute form of leukemia. My wife asked what does this mean? The doctor replied that the artist had no more than a month to live.

Fight against death

Irina made many attempts to extend the life of her beloved husband. And it should be noted that the artist was granted another year. Perhaps forces from above extended Yuri’s life so that he could complete the triptych “Kulikovo Field”. The artist struggled with death; he courageously hid his torment and pain. His wife saw him working until exhaustion, rushing to finish the job.

In August 1980, Yuri Raksha finished “Seeing Off the Militia,” and the Lord completed his life’s journey. On September 1, the artist passed away. Yuri's wife noticed that even the paints did not have time to dry. She believes that the Kulikovo Field kept him on sinful earth. And you and I are starting to write the essay “Seeing Off the Militia” based on the painting by Y. Rakshi.

Preparatory stage

Before a student begins writing an essay, it is necessary to create a plan. Without it, written work will not have logic and harmonious composition. The contents of the plan may vary. The most important thing is that the presentation be consistent.

An essay on the painting “Seeing Off the Militia” should contain a description of the plot of the painting, as well as the images present on it. In conclusion, you should describe the conclusions and emotions that the picture evoked when viewing.

The plot of the canvas

The right fragment of the triptych in question combines the features of several genres, namely: classical and urban landscapes, as well as portraits. To continue writing an essay on the painting “Seeing Off the Militia,” you need to analyze the plot.

On one sunny day, women and children see off their husbands, brothers and sons to war. The Russian army is surrounded by fog. Bloody battles await him. Many warriors will not return from the battlefield. They will give their own lives for their homeland, protecting their loved ones. Behind you can see the white stone walls of the Moscow Kremlin, from the gates of which the Russian army is advancing. Let's move on to the description of the central plan.

Essay (Yu. Raksha “Seeing off the militia”): images of mourners

In the center of the picture are women and children. We immediately notice the image of a beautiful and young woman. She holds her hand on her stomach because she is expecting a baby. Her face is sad, but at the same time it is beautiful. We see the woman wearing a beautiful dress, her head is decorated with a crown with precious stones. Her rich attire distinguishes her from the rest, because before us is Princess Evdokia, the wife of Prince Donskoy.

To her left is her son. The youth lowered his head, because his heart was filled with heavy forebodings. A girl sitting nearby looks carefully at her fathers leaving. He tries to remember their faces in order to save the images in his memory.

According to various historical documents, we know that Prince Dmitry Donskoy and his wife Evdokia passionately loved each other. One can guess what the princess is experiencing at the moment of farewell.

To her right, in a red sundress, clutching her head from powerlessness, a young girl sighs. This pose expresses her immense grief. A girl in a white and gold scarf prays, making the sign of the cross. Behind the crowd stands an old man with a staff. He blesses the army. Next to him is a young mother, she is holding her son to her chest.

The essay “Seeing Off the Militia” based on the painting by Y. Rakshi does not end there. The conclusions and emotions of the viewer are important. Before us are simple and noble people who have rallied in the face of common grief. All of them are Russian people. This picture encourages us to learn to love our Motherland, appreciate and respect the people who lived and live now, and also admire the history and achievements of our people and the state as a whole!

Appreciate and study the history of the country in order to avoid making the mistakes of past years in the future.

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