Essays. Where Onegin met Tatyana for the first time How Onegin and Tatyana met

A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” is a work whose central plot is the love of Tatiana and Eugene. The different fates of these heroes, different upbringings could not interfere with the feeling. Tatyana completely surrenders to love, dreams of Onegin, experiences a truly deep and bright feeling for him. Onegin rejects the girl, although many years later he will regret it... A sad story about a man and a woman who were prevented by something, who did not fight for their happiness.

Onegin and Tatyana meet in a village where the main character comes to visit his uncle. The girl, feeling lonely next to her loved ones, finds Evgeniy a person close to her. Unable to bear the waiting and languor, she writes him a letter in which she confesses her feelings to the young man. I had to wait several days for an answer. The episode being analyzed is the meeting between Tatiana and Onegin, during which Eugene gives an “answer” to the girl in love.

The characters’ explanation is the climax, the most important stage in their relationship. Why does Eugene reject love? I think it’s not just that he didn’t love Tatyana. Looking ahead, we can say that the writer sees secular society, or more precisely, its morals and customs, as the culprit of all troubles. And who, if not Pushkin, would know about the customs of that time? No wonder he calls Onegin his “old friend.” The author knows so well all the habits and thoughts of his hero that one cannot help but feel that in the contradictory image of Onegin, in the description of his way of life, Pushkin to some extent expressed himself.
Evgeny, suffering from “the blues” and “boredom”, fed up with metropolitan life, replacing feelings with the “science of tender passion”, could not appreciate the pure soul of Tatyana, madly in love with a person close to her in spirit.

After a moment of silence, Onegin begins his speech. The girl’s letter touched him, but, alas, did not arouse a reciprocal feeling:

Your sincerity is dear to me;

She got excited

Feelings long gone

Evgeniy says that he is not worthy of Tatiana. He believes that love, like everything else in his life, will quickly get boring and become boring. Without even trying to sincerely imagine his future with his loving wife, he rejects Tatyana, coming up with a thousand excuses and justifications, picturing family life:

Marriage will be torment for us.

No matter how much I love you,

Once I get used to it, I’ll stop loving it immediately.

During his entire speech, Onegin speaks and thinks only about himself. It is not the first time for him to utter such words: past fleeting hobbies, capital ladies... He has not yet realized that Tatyana is better than all of them, she knows how to truly love for human qualities, and not for her position in society. Giving her his reasons, Onegin did not understand that he was breaking the girl’s heart, bringing her pain and suffering, although he could have given her happiness and joy.

Tatyana did not answer Evgeniy:

Through tears, seeing nothing,

Barely breathing, no objections,

Tatyana listened to him.

First love is the brightest feeling. And the saddest thing is if it doesn’t find reciprocity. Tatiana's dreams are shattered, love loses its bright colors. An inexperienced girl, raised in the village, adoring sentimental French novels, dreamy and impressionable, did not expect to be rejected. Tatiana's frankness and her romantic letter to the object of her adoration sets her apart from other girls. She was not afraid to express her feelings, was not afraid of the future and completely surrendered to the feeling.
Onegin was the best for her: mature, smart, congenial, desirable. But his years and intelligence played a cruel joke on Tatyana. Trusting his mind too much and not his heart, Onegin does not want to change himself and his life for the sake of love.

Eugene's next meeting with the girl will take place on her name day, some time later. Here there will be a conflict between Onegin and Lensky because of Olga.

The love of Tatyana Larina and Evgeny Onegin, described in the novel by A.S., is tragic. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Moreover, this love suffers two fiascoes: the first through the fault of the hero, the second through the fault of the heroine. The society in which they lived put its own limits and obstacles on their path to happiness, and they could not go against everyone for the sake of pure and bright love, voluntarily condemning themselves to eternal torment.

During the first meeting, Onegin is a bored and relaxed metropolitan dandy. He does not have any serious feelings for Tatyana, but says, nevertheless, that it is she, and not Olga, who represents something interesting. That is, he pays attention to Tatyana, but his devastated soul only touches with its tip the true, heartfelt perception. At the moment of their first meeting, Tatyana is a completely inexperienced, naive girl who secretly dreams of great love (which is banal) and carries within herself enough inner strength for this (which is not very common).

During the last meeting, Onegin is full of renewed spiritual strength, he understands how rare happiness he has missed. The important fact is that significant changes are taking place in Onegin. And now he can see it, experience sincere feelings. Tatyana, with her powerful inner core, appears as a spiritually very strong person, that is, her development throughout the novel is also obvious. She not only resigns herself to the forced marriage, she forces her to treat herself as the queen of the very light in which she never dissolved, unlike Onegin.

Eugene Onegin. How the first and last meetings of Tatiana and Onegin determine the characters' characters

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  • how the first and last meetings of Tatiana and Onegin determine the characters' characters
  • first meeting of Onegin and Tatyana
  • first and last meeting with Tatyana
  • Onegin's last meeting with Tatyana

Finally, we come to the analysis of the 4th chapter of Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”. The drama is growing. “Hardly anyone wrote poetry in Russian with such ease as we notice in all of Pushkin’s poems. He has an inconspicuous job; everything is at ease; a rhyme sounds and calls out another,” Voeikov wrote about the poem.

Onegin came to Tatiana in the garden. The scene of Onegin's meeting with Tatyana is key in this chapter, carrying a psychological load. And to emphasize this, Pushkin does not insert any significant actions into this chapter.

Having read novels, Tatyana expects that after her confession, secret meetings with her beloved hero, love adventures and experiences will await her. But Evgeny behaved not like the hero of her favorite novels, but like an ordinary person. While he was walking into the garden, he remembered his stay in St. Petersburg, his love affairs, and the bitter experience he had accumulated.

Before you judge our hero, put yourself in his place. He barely had time to notice Tatyana behind the flashing servants, the samovar, and cups of tea. Remember, when the friends were returning home, Onegin was the first to note his mother.

By the way, Larina is simple,

But a very sweet old lady;

The sad, silent girl could hardly attract attention to herself. And even more so, a person who knew women could not fall in love in a couple of hours. Tatyana was clearly in a hurry with her confession.

Once again, I propose to put ourselves in the shoes of our hero. He receives a letter. Even if it’s touching and sincere, from a girl she barely knows. What should he have done? Any decent person, no matter whether he was a nobleman or a bourgeois, would have done exactly the same in his place. Even today, 200 years later. There are 2 scenarios here. The bastard would have taken advantage of the girl’s naivety and inexperience, would have screwed her up and abandoned her. And he would have made him famous all over the area. However, in Russian society in the 19th century, morals were much stricter, and he would have to answer to the assembly of the nobility. He was not ready to get married. So he did what he should have done.

He offers the girl his brother's love and friendship. The author also says that Onegin could have taken advantage of the love of the inexperienced Tatiana, but nobility and a sense of honor prevailed. Onegin invites Tatyana to listen to a confession, but his monologue is more like a rebuke. He admits to Tatyana that he does not seek to tie the knot, shows what kind of future awaits Tatyana if he marries her.

Believe me (conscience is our guarantee), Marriage will be torment for us. No matter how much I love you, Having gotten used to it, I will immediately stop loving you; You will begin to cry: your tears will not touch my heart.

And at the conclusion of his monologue, Onegin gives Tatyana advice: “learn to control yourself.” This phrase has become popular in less than 200 years.

Tatyana did not answer Evgeniy.

Through tears, without seeing anything,

Barely breathing, no objections,

Tatyana listened to him.

But what confusion, what storm of feelings reigned in her soul, the reader can only guess. The nobility in Eugene’s characterization is emphasized by Pushkin’s carefully selected vocabulary: “silenced feelings,” captivated, “young maiden,” “bliss.”

At the end of the conversation, in order to soften the harshness and coldness of his words, Evgeny gave her his hand, on which Tatyana leaned, and they returned to the house together.

But if Tatyana had chosen as her confidante not a nanny, who knew nothing about love, but her mother, the plot of the novel could have developed differently. Mother would not allow her to write this letter, because she understood that this could only scare off a potential groom. But Onegin would have been laid such networks that only noble mothers are capable of. There would be thousands of excuses to invite Onegin to the Larins’ estate, and Onegin would not be able to refuse them. All conditions would have been created for Evgeny to get to know Tatyana better, and then, lo and behold, he would fall in love with her and propose to her.

However, dear reader, you have the right to disagree with our judgment.

As mentioned above, apart from Tatyana’s meeting with Onegin, the author does not develop the narrative and does not describe any significant actions in this chapter.

First, he analyzes Onegin’s act, noting that

very nice of you

Our friend is with sad Tanya.

What follows is a discussion about friends, which can be expressed in one proverb: God, deliver me from friends, and I myself will get rid of enemies. You never expect anything good from your enemies. That's why he is an enemy, to expect a stab in the back and betrayal from him. But when slander is repeated by a person who calls himself a friend, it is perceived differently by society and hits harder.

At the end of the lyrical digression that takes up 5 stanzas of the chapter, the author gives advice that has become the slogan of our 21st century - love yourself.

Pushkin again returns to the image of Tatyana, describes her state of mind after a conversation with Evgeniy. Unrequited love left a heavy imprint on Tatiana's heart. She completely lost her taste for life, her freshness. Neighbors from the district villages began to pay attention to her condition, and they said that it was time to marry her off.

But while Tatyana was silently withering away, Olga and Vladimir Lensky were happy, they enjoyed simple communication with each other, and the wedding day had already been set.

To conclude the analysis of the 4th chapter, attention should be paid to Lensky’s antithesis to Onegin in the last stanza. Lensky is young and not as experienced as Onegin. He believes in Olga's love and is therefore happy. “But the one who foresees everything is pitiful” - this is about Onegin. Knowledge and excessive experience often interfere with living and being happy.

Lyrical digressions at the end of the chapter indicate that a time interval will be allowed between the events of the 4th and subsequent 5th chapters. Onegin's explanation with Tatyana took place in August - early September (the girls were picking berries in the garden). The actions of the 5th chapter will take place in January, at Christmas time.

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"The last meeting of Onegin and Tatiana" is urgently needed. help) and got the best answer

Answer from GALINA[guru]
Tatyana's last declaration of love for Onegin gains
the character is not ambiguous, but compassionate love.
The scene of Tatiana's last meeting with Onegin, where Tatiana,
responding to Onegin’s belated declaration of love, he asks
so that he leaves her and says: “I love you (why lie?),
But I was given to someone else;
I will be faithful to him forever. ”
In what sense did Tatyana express these words? What does her new confession mean: “I love you (why lie)...”. These mysterious words of hers, it seems, have not yet been solved: “Questions, Questions... many generations of Russian readers asked them, solved them for themselves,
but there are no clear answers.
Only one thing is clear: respect for her husband and a sense of duty elevates Tatyana
in your own eyes. Cheating for the sake of love or love bought by betrayal is not for her.

Answer from Yita Dragileva[guru]
... He rushed to her, to his Tatyana
My uncorrected weirdo.
He walks, looking like a dead man.
There is not a single soul in the hallway.
He's in the hall; further: no one.
He opened the door. What about him
Does it strike with such force?
The princess is in front of him, alone,
Sits, not dressed, pale,
He's reading some letter
And quietly tears flow like a river,
Leaning your cheek on your hand.
Oh, who would silence her suffering
I didn’t read it in this quick moment!
Who is the old Tanya, poor Tanya
Now I wouldn’t recognize the princess!
In the anguish of insane regrets
Evgeniy fell at her feet;
She shuddered and remained silent;
And he looks at Onegin
Without surprise, without anger...
His sick, faded gaze,
A pleading look, a silent reproach,
She understands everything. Simple maiden
With dreams, the heart of former days,
Now she has risen again in her.
She doesn't pick him up
And, without taking my eyes off him,
Doesn't take away from greedy lips
Your insensitive hand...
What is her dream now?
A long silence passes,
And finally she quietly:
"Enough; stand up. I must
You need to explain yourself frankly.
Onegin, do you remember that hour,
When in the garden, in the alley we
Fate brought us together, and so humbly
Have I listened to your lesson?
Today it's my turn.
Onegin, I was younger then,
I think I was better
And I loved you; and what?
What did I find in your heart?
What answer? one severity.
Isn't it true? It wasn't news to you
Humble girl's love?
And now - God! - the blood runs cold,
As soon as I remember the cold look
And this sermon... But you
I don't blame: at that terrible hour
You acted nobly
You were right before me:
I am grateful with all my heart...
Then - isn't it true? - in a desert,
Far from vain rumors,
You didn't like me... So what now
Are you following me?
Why are you keeping me in mind?
Is it not because in high society
Now I must appear;
That I am rich and noble,
That the husband was maimed in battle,
Why is the court caressing us?
Is it not because my shame
Now everyone would notice
And I could bring it in society
Do you want a tempting honor?
I'm crying.. . if your Tanya
You haven't forgotten yet
Know this: the causticity of your abuse,
Cold, stern conversation
If only I had the power,
I would prefer offensive passion
And these letters and tears.
To my baby dreams
Then you had at least pity
At least respect for the years...
And now! - what's at my feet?
Brought you? what a small thing!
How about your heart and mind
To be a petty feelings slave?
And to me, Onegin, this pomp,
Life's hateful tinsel,
My successes are in a whirlwind of light,
My fashionable house and evenings,
What's in them? Now I'm glad to give it away
All this rags of a masquerade,
All this shine, and noise, and fumes
For a shelf of books, for a wild garden,
For our poor home,
For those places where for the first time,
Onegin, I saw you,
Yes for the humble cemetery,
Where is the cross and the shadow of the branches today?
Over my poor nanny...
And happiness was so possible
So close!. . But my destiny
It's already decided. Carelessly
Perhaps I did:
me with tears of spells
The mother begged; for poor Tanya
All the lots were equal...
I got married. You must,
I ask you to leave me;
I know: in your heart there is
And pride and direct honor.
I love you (why lie?)
But I was given to someone else;
I will be faithful to him forever."
She left. Evgeniy stands,
As if struck by thunder.
What a storm of sensations
Now he's heartbroken!

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