Sociometric indices. Sociometry: study of interpersonal relationships in a group Processing and analysis of test results

Determination of Seashore's group cohesion index

Group cohesion is an extremely important parameter that shows the degree of integration of the group, its cohesion into a single whole.

Answers are coded in points according to the values ​​​​given in brackets (maximum amount +19 points, minimum -5). You do not need to provide scores during the survey.

I. How would you rate your class membership?

    I feel like a member of it, part of the team (5)

    Participate in most activities (4)

    I participate in some activities and do not participate in others (3)

    I don't feel like I'm part of a group (2)

    I live and exist separately from her (1)

    I don’t know, it’s difficult to answer (1)

II. Would you move to another class if given the opportunity?

    Yes, I would really like to go (1)

    Would rather move than stay (2)

    I don't see any difference (3)

    Most likely would have stayed in my class (4)

    I would really like to stay in my class (5)

    I don't know, it's hard to say (1)

III. What are the relationships between members of your class?

    Worse than most classes (1)

    I don't know, it's hard to say (1)

IV. What is your relationship with your class teacher?

    Better than most teams (3)

    About the same as in most teams (2)

    Don't know. (1)

V. What is the attitude towards work (studies, etc.) in your team?

    Better than most teams (3)

    About the same as in most teams (2)

    Worse than in most teams (1)

    Don't know (1)

Levels of Group Cohesion

    15, 1 points and above - high;

    11.6 - 15 points - above average;

    7 - 11.5 - average;

    4 - 6.9 - below average;

    4 and below - low.

    5) Diagnostic technique “Make a wish”

    The child is told that there is such a belief: if you see a star falling and have time to make a wish, it will definitely come true. “ Imagine that you see a shooting star. What wish would you make?”

    Processing of the results can take place according to the following scheme: write down desires, summing up those that are repeated or similar in meaning:

    Material (things, toys, etc.);

    Moral (having animals and caring for them, etc.);

    Cognitive (learn something, become someone);

    Destructive (break, throw away, etc.).

8) Graphic test “I am a position”

A circle is drawn on a piece of paper. The student places a dot - his “I” relative to the circle (it can be placed in the circle, the center of the circle, behind the circle). The purpose of this test is to identify the nature of children’s self-esteem and the place of each child in the team. The results of this test can be used to form classroom self-government.

) Test “Pedestal”

Students in the class are given sheets of paper on which they must build a podium for the award. The pedestal consists of 3 steps. They must lead 1 person from the class to each step. The student has the right to keep one step for himself if he considers it necessary. Those children who, in their opinion, are a significant figure in the life of the class are placed on a pedestal.

This technique allows you to see the relationships of students in a team, their attachment to each other, and determine the moral side of student relationships. You can role-play the situation: “You have to participate in sports competitions. Who would you like to see win?”

The results obtained will give an idea of ​​the main properties of the child’s personality, which are expressed in the unity of knowledge, attitudes, motives of behavior and actions.

A parable about spiritual emptiness...

Sad kindness walked along the road,The soul drove her out of her heart.She cried out: - I don’t need tears and worries,After all, life without them is easy and good.Understand, she said, times are alarming and evil,Sentimentality and sadness don’t suit me.Why waste heat on good actions,Take Love and Faith on a long journey.And I’m with you: - said compassion,Fear plagues me from lies and greed.After all, since the creation of the universe,I played on Love's lips.They left their hearts, obeying the parting words,And callousness laughed after them.Cold and gloomy insensibility crept there,GOD'S light was blocked by indifference.I went into all sorts of troubles, my soul was devastated,Forgetting about Conscience, sweeping aside Honor.Gray without repentance, unforgiven before GOD,She was filled with betrayal and arrogance.*The rule was* acquisitiveness, permissiveness reigned,And the world seemed ghostly good.As soon as the stupid heart calmed down in arrogance,Trouble stabbed a sharp knife into the soul.The blood from the wound was cold, gushing restlessly,But there is nothing to heal the enemies around.And now, with a hoarse voice, the soul screams desperately,Love, Nadezhda Vera help...Goodness heard the call, whispered repentance,Healing, a stream of living tears gushed out.Forgiveness and sincerity know no distance,If the *lesson* is learned reliably. * * * Having been cleansed from the coma of evil, the soul barely recovered,Do not defile your hearts with emptiness.Keep love with faith, a simple rule of life,To avoid a *ridiculous* end.

After all, as one wise man said, “Know yourself and you will know the world.”

Who am I in this black and white world?

In which bird does my soul live?

Maybe the wing is broken

And I’m not allowed to fly?

Perhaps I feel lonely?

Or maybe I’m singing together with someone,

Or do I enjoy wide freedom,

Or am I taking care of my nest?

That's the miracle in every bird - me!

How multifaceted my life is.

Group cohesion? an extremely important parameter showing the degree of integration of the group, its cohesion into a single whole,? can be determined not only by calculating the corresponding sociometric indices. It is much easier to do this using a technique consisting of five questions with multiple answer options for each. Answers are coded in points according to the values ​​​​given in parentheses (maximum amount? nineteen points, minimum? five). You do not need to provide scores during the survey.

  • 1. How would you rate your membership in the group?
  • 1.1. I feel like a member of it, part of the team (5).
  • 1.2. I participate in most activities (4).
  • 1.3. I participate in some activities and do not participate in others (3).
  • 1.4. I don't feel like I'm a member of the group (2).
  • 1.5. I live and exist separately from her (1).
  • 1.6. I don’t know, I find it difficult to answer (1).
  • 2. Would you move to another group if such an opportunity presented itself (without changing other conditions)?
  • 2.1. Yes, I would really like to go (1).
  • 2.2. I would rather move than stay (2).
  • 2.3. I don't see any difference (3).
  • 2.4. Most likely, he would have remained in his group (4).
  • 2.5. I would really like to stay in my group (5).
  • 2.6. I don't know, it's hard to say (1).
  • 3. What are the relationships between the members of your group?
  • 3.1. Better than most teams (3).
  • 3.2. About the same as in most teams (2).
  • 3.3. Worse than in most teams (1).
  • 3.4. I don't know, it's hard to say (1).
  • 4. What is your relationship with management?
  • 4.1. Better than most teams (3).
  • 4.2. About the same as in most teams (2).
  • 4.3. Worse than in most teams (1).
  • 4.4. I don't know (1).
  • 5. What is the attitude towards work (studies, etc.) in your team?
  • 5.1. Better than most teams (3).
  • 5.2. About the same as in most teams (2).
  • 5.3. Worse than in most teams (1).
  • 5.4. I don't know (1) .
  • 1.5 Lutoshkin’s sketch map

For a general assessment of some of the main manifestations of the psychological climate of the team, you can use the map diagram by L.N. Lutoshkina. Here, on the left side of the sheet, those qualities of the team that characterize a favorable psychological climate are described, on the right? qualities of a team with a clearly unfavorable climate. The degree of expression of certain qualities can be determined using a seven-point scale placed in the center of the sheet (from plus three to minus three).

Using the diagram, you should first read the sentence on the left, then on the right, and then mark with a plus sign in the middle part of the sheet the assessment that most closely matches the truth.

We must keep in mind that grades mean: plus three? the property indicated on the left always manifests itself in a given group; plus two? the property manifests itself in most cases; plus one? the property appears quite often; zero? neither this nor the opposite (indicated on the right) properties are manifested clearly enough, or both are manifested to the same extent; minus one? Quite often the opposite property appears (indicated on the right); minus two? the property manifests itself in most cases; minus three? the property always appears.

To present the overall picture of the psychological climate of the team, you need to add up all the positive and negative points. The obtained result can serve as a conditional characteristic of the psychological climate of a greater or lesser degree of favorability.

However, is a simpler assessment possible? through periodic measurement of emotional states using the same created by L.N. Lutoshkin's color painting technique, in which students are asked to choose which color they associate with being in a given group, situational mood, etc. In this case, the following colors are used: red? enthusiastic mood; orange? joyful; yellow? bright, pleasant; green? calm, balanced; violet? anxious, tense; black? despondency, complete disappointment, loss of strength.

Group cohesion- an extremely important parameter showing the degree of integration of the group, its cohesion into a single whole - can be determined not only by calculating the corresponding sociometric indices. It is much easier to do this using a technique consisting of 5 questions with multiple answer options for each. Answers are coded in points according to the values ​​​​given in brackets (maximum amount: +19 points, minimum: -5). You do not need to provide scores during the survey.

  1. How would you rate your membership in the group?
    1. I feel like a member of it, part of the team (5).
    2. I participate in most activities (4).
    3. I participate in some activities and do not participate in others (3).
    4. I don't feel like I'm a member of the group (2).
    5. I live and exist separately from her (1).
    6. I don’t know, I find it difficult to answer (1).
  2. Would you move to another group if the opportunity presented itself (without changing other conditions)?
    1. Yes, I would really like to go (1).
    2. I would rather move than stay (2).
    3. I don't see any difference (3).
    4. Most likely he would have stayed in his group (4).
    5. I would really like to stay in my group (5).
    6. I don't know, it's hard to say (1).
  3. What are the relationships between your group members?
    1. Worse than most classes (1).
    2. I don't know, it's hard to say (1).
  4. What is your relationship with management?
    1. Better than most teams (3).
    2. About the same as in most teams (2).
    3. Don't know. (1)
  5. What is the attitude towards work (study, etc.) in your team?
    1. Better than most teams (3).
    2. About the same as in most teams (2).
    3. Worse than in most teams (1).
    4. I don't know (1).

Levels of Group Cohesion

  • 15.1 points and above – high;
  • 11.6 – 15 points – above average;
  • 7-11.5 – average;
  • 4 – 6.9 – below average;
  • 4 and below – low.
  • Determination of Seashore's group cohesion index/ Fetiskin N.P., Kozlov V.V., Manuilov G.M. Socio-psychological diagnostics of personality development and small groups. – M., 2002. P.179-180.

Group cohesion - an extremely important parameter showing the degree of integration of a group, its cohesion into a single whole - can be determined not only by calculating the corresponding sociometric indices. It is much easier to do this using a technique consisting of 5 questions with multiple answer options for each. Answers are coded in points according to the values ​​​​given in brackets (maximum amount - 19 points, minimum - 5). You do not need to provide scores during the survey.

Instructions. For each question there are several possible answers. You need to choose the answer that is correct for you and write down its designation on the form.



Methodology for determining the group cohesion index K.E. Seashore “Psychometric test K.E. Sishora"

Determination of Seashore's group cohesion index

Group cohesion - an extremely important parameter showing the degree of integration of a group, its cohesion into a single whole - can be determined not only by calculating the corresponding sociometric indices. It is much easier to do this using a technique consisting of 5 questions with multiple answer options for each. Answers are coded in points according to the values ​​​​given in brackets (maximum amount - 19 points, minimum - 5). You do not need to provide scores during the survey.

Instructions . Each question has several answer options. You need to choose the answer that is correct for you and write down its designation on the form.

  1. How would you rate your membership in the group?
    - I feel like a member of it, part of the team (5)
    - Participate in most activities (4)
    - I participate in some activities and do not participate in others (3)
    - I don’t feel like I’m a member of the group (2)
    - I live and exist separately from her (1)
    - I don’t know, it’s difficult to answer (1)
  2. Would you move to another group if the opportunity presented itself (without changing other conditions)?
    - Yes, I would really like to go (1)
    - Would rather move than stay (2)
    - I don’t see any difference (3)
    - Most likely would have stayed in my group (4)
    - I would really like to stay in my group (5)
  3. What are the relationships between your group members?

    - Worse than most classes (1)
    - I don’t know, it’s hard to say (1)
  4. What is your relationship with management?
    - Better than most teams (3)
    - About the same as in most teams (2)
    - Don't know. (1)
  5. What is the attitude towards work (study, etc.) in your team?
    - Better than most teams (3)
    - About the same as in most teams (2)
    - Worse than in most teams (1)
    - I don’t know (1)

Processing of results and interpretation

Scales: level of group cohesion

Purpose of the test

Group cohesion- an extremely important parameter showing the degree of integration of the group, its cohesion into a single whole - can be determined not only by calculating the corresponding sociometric indices. It is much easier to do this using a technique consisting of 5 questions with multiple answer options for each. Answers are coded in points according to the values ​​​​given in brackets (maximum amount: +19 points, minimum: -5). You do not need to provide scores during the survey.


1. How would you rate your group membership?
1. I feel like a member, part of the team (5).
2. I participate in most activities (4).
3. I participate in some types of activities and do not participate in others (3).
4. I don’t feel like I’m a member of the group (2).
5. I live and exist separately from her (1).
6. I don’t know, I find it difficult to answer (1).
2. Would you move to another group if such an opportunity presented itself (without changing other conditions)?
1. Yes, I would really like to go (1).
2. Would rather move than stay (2).
3. I don’t see any difference (3).
4. Most likely would have stayed in my group (4).
5. I would really like to stay in my group (5).
6. I don’t know, it’s hard to say (1).
3. What are the relationships between the members of your group?

3. Worse than most classes (1).
4. I don’t know, it’s hard to say (1).
4. What is your relationship with management?
1. Better than most teams (3).
2. About the same as in most teams (2).
4. I don't know. (1)
5. What is the attitude towards work (study, etc.) in your team?
1. Better than most teams (3).
2. About the same as in most teams (2).
3. Worse than in most teams (1).
4. I don't know (1).

Processing and interpretation of test results

Levels of Group Cohesion

15.1 points and above - high;
. 11.6 - 15 points - above average;
. 7-11.5 - average;
. 4 - 6.9 - below average;
. 4 and below - low.


Determination of Seashore's group cohesion index / Fetiskin N.P., Kozlov V.V., Manuylov G.M. Socio-psychological diagnostics of personality development and small groups. – M., 2002. P.179-180.
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