Soloist of the Demo group Daria Pobedonostseva: “It rarely happens that everyone is happy with the change of the soloist, but my parents and husband became my main support and support. Sasha Zvereva: biography, personal life of the ex-soloist of the Demo group Sasha Zvereva now

Today's telephone conversation with the former soloist of the Demo group and designer Sasha Zvereva for the editor of the Stars and Children column Tatyana Silina was not the first. They had seen each other for several years. Then her daughter Vasilisa was 7, her son Makar was only 2 years old. They gladly met Tatyana in their Moscow apartment and enthusiastically talked about their favorite toys.

That conversation with the mother of two children was remembered for a long time. And especially the phrase: "I do not strive for peace and to be supported by a man." 6 years have passed - and it became clear that Sasha Zvereva was not cunning at all.

Sasha Zvereva, singer, designer

[email protected]

Sasha, you are now in Los Angeles. With three children. In the status of an unmarried girl. That is, it turns out that the desire to constantly do something and be financially independent has not disappeared?

Nothing has changed since our last interview! I am not supported by a man and I am not in such a state that I can relax and, like most women, do housework and take children to circles. There was not, is not and will not be. I live in America, pursue a career, develop my business, dedicate myself to children. And when a person appears in my life, I will make sure that he is not another man whom I will need to help financially and pull this share on myself. And inner peace… I finally found it!

About 5 years ago, I didn’t have the confidence inside me that I have now. I didn’t feel like if something happened, I could handle everything on my own. I had some dependence on a man. When our relationship went wrong, I tried to save them. And at the same time, not because I love and can’t live, but because it was scary. This is what happens to most women in Russia. They do not know where to go, what to eat, what to do in case of separation. I have gone through this fear.

I know that I will do everything myself, I know that I will endure everything and that everything will be better than it could be.

Children of Sasha Zvereva: Vasilisa, Makar and Leo

[email protected]

And so it happened. You alone with three children moved to live in the United States. What prompted you to do this?

Just a few days ago I wrote a post about why I moved. You see, when you tell Russian people that it happened because of the weather, they don't believe it! (laughs) For them, this is not a serious reason to leave their comfort zone and move to a distant country, because "it's expensive, difficult, scary."

But you know, there is such an expression: “Nothing is impossible if you are crazy to the right degree.”

This is what happened to me! I was so crazy about Moscow, from the dirt around ... I am a person for whom all the little things are important. This can even be understood from my Instagram. I always describe the weather in detail, I look at the soil, grass, leaves, clouds. For me this is really very important. In Moscow, you left the supermarket with bags, put them in the trunk, and on your jeans there was a giant stain of dirt from the car. Dirt is everywhere - on tights, on the windshield, when you drive along the Moscow Ring Road ... And here, clean jeans all year round, a clean car, it smells delicious of the ocean. For me, these details are everything! It is very comfortable to live here. Comfortable inside and out - from shopping for underwear to the smell of water in the sink.

Sasha Zvereva is engaged in her own clothing brand SZstyle

[email protected]

Comfort is, of course, great. But in a foreign country you need to do something, and this is probably more difficult than at home ...

Of course, you need to practice. I have a business. The SZstyle project is a Russian production of "universal clothes" that can be worn by pregnant women, nursing women, and ordinary girls (there are special rubber bands and hidden zippers for feeding in the clothes). And also SZLA - store in Los Angeles. I bring excellent vitamins and dietary supplements from America, super-effective cosmetics based on plants and superfoods. All of these are sold in my store. I also give concerts in Russia and America.

I am also engaged in my informational activities - I tell women how to prepare for childbirth.

In general, in America there is a very large percentage of births by caesarean section. But in Los Angeles right now the trend is all natural and natural, women's minds are changing. And I can come in handy here, because I have a wonderful example of three natural births, I have moved to another country behind me. I think that all this inspires confidence in me as a person who can be listened to and who can be trusted.

Sasha calls her parents very wise people

[email protected]

Sasha, how did your parents react to your decision to move?

My parents are very wise people. Maybe I would not be equal to them in some everyday or business matters, but in their attitude towards children - definitely! They never impose their opinion and vision. They accept any choice of their children. They can warn, talk about their concerns, but there has never been pressure or rejection on their part. I am trying to transfer this wisdom to my children - no matter what you are, even if the whole world is against you, know that there are people at home who will always be for you, who will be on your side.

I understand that you are a very independent and independent girl. But still three children - not one baby. They require enormous attention, expenses ...

There is an opinion that after the birth of three children it becomes easy even with the fourth, even with the fifth. Not! Each child is an even greater burden. Both moral and financial. And the most important thing is responsibility. I feel a huge, incredible responsibility. In principle, I arranged everything in my life so that now I can breathe and wake up in the morning happily and easily. But responsibility... It will last until, probably, the youngest child is at least 21-22 years old. Here, for example, a girl, in any case, needs to be provided with initial capital in a bank, a car, housing.

I understand that I must be able to do everything and be in time for everything. How - I do not know yet, but, as they say, the road will be mastered by the walking one.

Makar and Vasilisa spoke English 3 months after moving

[email protected]

How are children in a new country? After all, moving is a new language, new friends, a new school ... This is not always painless ...

At first it was very difficult. But absolutely everyone who moves with children over 10 years old faces this. Until the age of 10, they tolerate such changes normally, at this age it is simply important for them that their mother is nearby. But after that it is more difficult, because children form a certain circle of friends that they do not want to change. And so Vasilisa was given a difficult move. Everyone told me: "Sasha, give her a year to adapt." But I remember that a year has already passed, but still things did not move much from the dead point. I even began to worry ... We worked with a psychologist - Vasilisa told him on Skype about all her problems. Everything fell into place when the daughter had a large team of friends. She became more self-confident, fell in love with this country.

Tell us how Vasilisa and Makar reacted to the fact that at one moment the family was left without a dad?

Vasilisa saw that something was wrong. Makar didn't care - he was still too small. To explain how we all reacted to parting with Ilya (father of Vasilisa and Makar - ed.), I will give an example: just imagine - a man was walking along the road and his car was hit. He was gone in an instant. And it happens that a person is sick for a long time and the whole family understands that he will soon be gone. Yes, it is hard, but there is an internal readiness for this.

So it was with Ilya - we all understood that this story was ending.

Sasha Zvereva with her ex-husband, father Leo, DJ and musician Dmitry Almazov

[email protected]

Is there anything you can't forgive your loved one?

It’s difficult… With age, the boundaries expand and you are more ready to accept a person as he is, you move away from material ideas, for example, “I can’t forgive him if he doesn’t earn a lot of money”, “I won’t be able to forgive him if he will cheat on me with another woman.” It is more important for me if a person cannot accept me, my side, fails to defend my interests, and I cannot feel protected next to him. This is going to ruin my relationship.

You lived with a man without a stamp in your passport, you were a legal wife. During this time, have you changed your view of what a family should be like?

I lived with a man for 10 years with the hope that if you don’t sign, then it’s forever. However, the relationship ended. Then she lived in marriage for 4 years and thought that now it was definitely forever. Also no. You know, I think that the most important thing is love between people. If there is love, then it doesn't matter if there is a seal or not. Probably the most important thing is the wedding. I didn't have a wedding. This is where you need to approach.

You are a very outspoken person. Especially in the reality show "Pregnant" on "Home". Are you afraid to open up to the world like that?

Believe me, in the reality show “Pregnant” and on Instagram, you saw 1/8 of everything that happens in my life. I do not show the true state of things, I do not tell how my affairs really are.

Sometimes I even play such complicated games to lure people away from what I really want to hide.

So don't worry about me. What I need, I safely hid (smiles).

Naturalness is Sasha's original motto

[email protected]

You have half a million subscribers. That is, you are the person who is interesting. Whom you want to look up to. After all, this is a big responsibility! Not scary?

I can’t answer for people whether they adequately perceive the information on Instagram or not. I judge myself. Sane people will always give their assessment. I read a lot of people on Instagram - these are psychologists, and valeologists, and adherents of a healthy lifestyle, and coaches. Of course, I do not agree with all of their postulates. I take note of something, I apply something in life, but I immediately forget something. I believe that this should be the case for every sane person. I try to write neatly, I feel this responsibility. For example, I never said that you need to give birth only at home, that hospitals are bad, scary and wrong. I can calmly talk about this with people who, I am sure, will understand everything correctly and will not blindly imitate. But I will not discuss this with a large audience.

In her personal life, the former member of the Demo group had to go through humiliation and broken love before she met her new happiness. First Sasha Zvereva's husband Ilya, to whom she gave birth to two children - daughter Vasilisa and son Makar, in fact, lived at her expense. After graduating from MSTU. Bauman and graduate school, he got a job in a bank, but he did not succeed in making a good career, and Sasha had to become the main earner in the family.

In the photo - Sasha with her first husband and children

She went on tour in the eighth month of pregnancy, but this did not bother Ilya much, and he took everything for granted. In addition, in the third year of family life, Sasha Zvereva's husband increasingly began to apply to the bottle. The parents of the first spouse treated her, to put it mildly, coolly, and even the birth of children was perceived not with joy, but as an extra burden for themselves.

Quarrels in the family became constant, and one fine day Alexandra realized that she did not want to live like this anymore and could not. She gathered the children, things and left the house. Ilya tried to improve relations, but Sasha did not give up.

In the photo - Sasha Zvereva and Dmitry Almazov

Since she rented an apartment in the same house, so as not to change the kindergarten for her daughter, the ex-husband sometimes began to take the children to him, but, despite persuasion, Sasha did not want to reunite with him. Less than a month later, a new man appeared in her life - musician Dmitry Almazov (DJ Bobina). They met by chance through a mutual friend, whom Zvereva turned to in search of new material.

Soon they began to live together. And, if they were not going to legitimize their relationship with Ilya, then they entered into an official marriage with Dmitry. Sasha Zvereva's new husband recognized her children, and she was about to give birth to their common child, when suddenly Almazov decided to leave her, saying that he was not comfortable living with her and her children.

In a fit of feelings, Zvereva wrote on her blog that her husband had abandoned her and shared how hard it was for her to survive the departure of a loved one. A month later, when Sasha decided to arrange a big celebration on the occasion of the birthday of her son Makar and invited her close friends to it, Dmitry Almazov also came. According to many, this could be considered as a way to make peace with his wife, but Sasha did not give any comments on this, perhaps for fear of frightening off luck. Soon, a new entry appeared in Sasha's microblog, in which she shared with readers the good news that Dmitry had returned, and she was happy again.
You might also be interested to know.

The life of Alexandra Zvereva

  • Alexandra is a singer.
  • Born in Germany, March 1, 1981.
  • Height - 166 cm, weight - 50 kg.


Alexandra's father was a military man who served in Germany. Later, the family moved to Staraya Kupavna, which is located in the Moscow region. She studied at school, later at the gymnasium. She graduated from the School of Musical Art.

In 1999 he entered the Moscow Linguistic University. From an early age, Alexandra loved to sing, and when she heard on the radio that a soloist was recruiting for a group, she went to an audition, where, having heard her beautiful voice, they immediately signed a contract.

In 1999, Alexandra joined the Demo group. In the summer, Alexandra sang the songs "2000 Years" and "The Sun", which began to spin on all radio stations. It was these songs that took the lead and helped Alexandra win the love of her listeners.

The group became so popular that they almost had no free time. They have visited many countries and cities.


After leaving the group in 2011, new songs "I'm Going Crazy", "Stay" and "Don't Leave" were released, which become a hit.
Also, starting in 2011, Sasha became a TV presenter and came out as an expert in the Promotion project.
In 2015, a new album "Thank you" was released.

life behind the scenes

Ilya was the first husband. Alexandra gave birth to two children. The daughter was named Vasilisa, and the son Makar. Due to the fact that Ilya began to drink more often, Alexandra left him, taking the children and things. Ilya tried to return the relationship, but Alexandra did not agree.

The second marriage took place with Dmitry Almaznov, with whom they live to this day. In 2015, the third son of Sasha named Leo was born.

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Sasha Zvereva. Full name - Alexandra Valerievna Zvereva. She was born on March 1, 1981 in Potsdam (GDR). Russian singer, former soloist of the Demo group (1999-2011).

Father - Valery Zverev, a military man, served in the Western Group of Forces in the GDR, where Alexander was born.

Mother is a teacher.

I went to the first grade of the school in the GDR. There, in Germany, she began to study music. From an early age she had an excellent ear for music and a good voice.

Since 1996, the family has lived in the village of Staraya Kupavna, Moscow Region.

Sasha told about her childhood that it was usual for a Soviet child - she spent a lot of time in the yard with friends. Every summer I went to the country with my parents. As a teenager, she loved to go out at night with her friends.

After graduation, she entered the Moscow Linguistic University. At the same time, she did not leave music lessons. Once I heard an announcement on the radio about the recruitment of soloists in a new youth musical group. And she decided to go to the casting.

After passing the casting, Sasha Zvereva became the vocalist of the musical group, which was given the name "Demo". The group was founded by producers Vadim Polyakov and Dmitry Postovalov, known for working with.

In February 1999, the recording of the first songs began, such as "The Sun" and "2000 Years". In addition to Zvereva, dancers Maria Zheleznyakova and Danila Polyakov take part in the project. In the fall, director A. Igudin shot a video for the song "Sun" and was shown on television. "The Sun" and "2000 Years" have long occupied leading positions in the charts of Russia and the CIS countries.

Demo - Sunshine

The song "The Sun" turned Sasha Zvereva into a superstar of the national stage. But this popularity had another side to the coin.

The singer recalled: “The song“ Sunshine ”appeared at the end of 1999. And in 2000 I became mega-popular. I was 19 years old. Can you imagine what a test it was for my fragile youthful psyche? At the same time, the program "12 Angry Spectators" was released on the MTV channel, where people in the studio criticized the clips. In fact, these were the same "antiques", haters - only it all came from the TV channel. As a rule, the editors then mounted these discussions, and aired only what concerned the work and the video, and not the personality of the artist himself. But once I was “lucky” to get on the set of this program. I was sitting in the editorial room and heard everything. Some frostbitten teenagers began to say that I have crooked and yellow teeth ... I was so worried about it! I sobbed all night. And the next day I went and put myself braces. "

After the first tour of the group in Russia, the Baltic States, Israel, Australia, Great Britain, the group released the album "Sun" in the same 1999. Then there were successful tours in Germany, England, USA.

Later, the albums "Above the Sky" and "Goodbye, Summer" were released.

Since 2003, the group's popularity began to decline. At the end of 2006, the album "Forbidden Songs" was recorded, which was released in 2007. Despite this, the group's activities become more passive and receive less press coverage.

In 2011, the singer left the Demo group and took up a solo career. Although back in 2010 she released her first solo single - “Stay” (lyrics by Sasha Zvereva and A. Osokin, music by Sasha Zvereva).

Initially, she tried to perform the hits "Demo" at her concerts, in particular, the song "Sun". However, in 2012, by a court decision, Zvereva was forbidden to perform the songs of the Demo group.

As a singer, she presented the songs “As Before” (together with El Ray), “Going Crazy”, “Superboy” (together with Sasha Dith & Steve Modana), “Woman”, “Poisonous”, “Why”. However, her solo singing career did not bring much success.

In 2014, she moved to the USA and settled in Los Angeles. She explained that she decided to take such a step for the sake of her children: “First of all, I did it for the sake of the children’s health and my own happiness. It is here that I feel like this, despite the life difficulties that have arisen and arise. the sun, proximity to my beloved ocean - all this makes the experience of all problems more calm than it happened in Moscow. It is much easier to catch despair there. And the children have stopped getting sick. Those endless coughs and snot that torment all Moscow mothers so much are simply not here ".

In America, she continued her music studies. "It seems to me that if a person sings, he will always do it. I sing every day," she said.

In 2015, her first solo album, Thank You, was released.

In the same 2015, she became a participant in the reality show "Pregnant". She starred in a reality show, being pregnant for the third time. Sasha said: “I was expecting a child in America, in Los Angeles. It was a wonderful time, one of the brightest memories of my life. You know, when the birth is over, everything is erased in my mother’s head. Attention switches to the baby. thanks to participation in the TV show, now there is an opportunity to review some moments. I was lucky that even the birth was filmed. I can analyze how everything went, take into account some mistakes. "

From time to time Sasha Zvereva flies to Russia to give a lecture for expectant mothers.

Sasha Zvereva's height: 166 centimeters.

Personal life of Sasha Zvereva:

The first husband is Ilya Gusev (civil marriage), a bank employee.

The couple had two children - Vasilisa (born 2003) and Makar (born 2008).

According to rumors, the marriage broke up due to her husband's addiction to alcohol.

The next choice of the singer was the famous DJ Bobina (real name and surname - Dmitry Almazov). The wedding of Sasha and Bobina took place in August 2011 "according to the customs of the Kazantip festival." And officially they signed in one of the registry offices of Moscow on April 19, 2012.

In May 2013, Sasha Zvereva announced on social networks that her husband had left her. She wrote: “5 minutes ago my husband left me forever. Telling me and my children that it is not comfortable for him to live and build his career next to other people's children and with a woman who wants to give birth to a common child and build a joint house.

However, at that moment she managed to save her family. But later the marriage still broke up. The main reason was Alexandra's move to the United States for permanent residence - Dmitry did not want to leave.

In the USA, Sasha Zvereva in 2015 gave birth to a son from Dmitry Almazov, whom she named Leo.

In the summer of 2018, Sasha Zvereva reported that. On her Instagram, she posted a photo with her boyfriend, noting: “And yes, you have to imagine: this is Dan. He is American. Lives in LA. We met this spring. Already from the second date I knew that it was He ... ".

Sasha is fond of motorcycling, loves riding a motorcycle along mountain serpentines.

Discography of Sasha Zvereva:

in the "Demo" group:

1999 - Sunshine
2000 - DJ Remix 2000
2001 - Above the sky
2002 - Goodbye Summer
2004 - Rainbow
2005 - This is show business, baby
2007 - Forbidden songs


2015 - Thank you

Singles by Sasha Zvereva:

in the "Demo" group:

1999 - Sunshine
1999 - 2000 years
1999 - I don't know...
2000 - I take a breath
2000 - Everything is simple! ..
2000 - Above the sky
2000 - Let's sing!
2001 - Strange dreams
2001 - Smile your faces (together with Brothers Smile)
2002 - Last song
2002 - Desire
2002 - Goodbye, summer!
2002 - Until the morning
2003 - Hit
2003 - New Year is coming...
2004 - Rainbow
2004 - Mystery
2004 - Supermom
2004 - Not with you
2005 - Don't think, don't guess
2005 - Everything is fine
2006 - Tenderness
2006 - Neighbors
2007 - This is the sky
2009 - Point
2009 - First kiss
2010 - Create a Movement
2010 - Unwinds braids spring


2010 - Stay
2011 - As before (with El Ray)
2011 - I'm going crazy
2012 - Superboy (with Sasha Dith & Steve Modana)
2012 - Woman
2013 - Yadovita
2014 - Why

Video clips of Sasha Zvereva:

in the "Demo" group:

1999 - Sunshine
1999 - I don't know...
2000 - I take a breath
2000 - Above the sky
2000 - Everything is simple!
2000 - Let's sing
2001 - Strange dreams
2001 - Smile your faces (together with "Brothers Smile")
2002 - Rain
2003 - New Year is coming
2009 - Don't be silent


2011 - I'm going crazy
2014 - Why
2015 - Maybe

Singer and designer Sasha Zvereva, who became a mother in July of this year, having given birth to her third child, has recently been forced to constantly stumble upon questions about where her husband and father of the baby are now. DJ Dmitry Almazov, known under the pseudonym Bobina, did not react in any way to the fact that he became a father, did not visit Sasha in America and did not want to see the heir. All this only strengthened Zvereva's fans in the opinion that the star parents had finally separated, but Sasha remained silent and stoically ignored the appeals of her fans on Instagram, who demanded clarification of the situation. The artist called the questions tactless and even posted this kind of post on her page: “I would like to stop these endless questions about “agdemuzh”. I am ready to share my strengths: children, life at the Big Water, clothes, dance music, appearance, moto .... But I will never cover topics in which I have not excelled, because this makes no sense. Because I don’t want to and I have every right to do so,” thus preventing any attempts by fans to interfere in their personal lives.

However, in the end, Zvereva still decided on a frank speech. She spoke about how the break with Almazov happened as part of the reality show "Pregnant", which is now successfully aired on the Domashny channel. Sasha admitted that she is still married to the father of her youngest son Leo, but in reality, the ex-spouses hardly see each other. The stumbling block was the decision of the singer to move to Los Angeles. Dmitry did not support the decision of his beloved and preferred to stay in Moscow, saying to Sasha in the end: “If you leave, I don’t promise you anything.” Several times during the filming of "Pregnant" Zvereva called Almazov, but ran into either a wall of indifference and misunderstanding, or even long beeps - the star's husband simply did not pick up the phone. According to Sasha Zvereva, her eldest daughter Vasilisa is experiencing the most difficult situation - the girl believes that they need a man in the family. Now this role is successfully performed by Zvereva's father. He communicates with his grandchildren via Skype, deals with them with those subjects that are not taught in an American school, and recently visited Sasha with his children in California, where, by the way, he became the godfather of little Levushka.

Recall that Sasha Zvereva broke up with Dmitry Almazov twice. The first break occurred in the summer of 2012. The star mother was very upset by what had happened, often visited various monasteries, turned to priests for advice, and in the end managed to establish a relationship with her beloved. For the second time, Zvereva gave a hint of discord in the family in the winter of 2015, already pregnant with her third child. While on vacation in Thailand, she wrote a heartfelt post on the network that from now on she hopes only for her own children and is not looking for anyone's loyalty and support. All this allowed fans to assume that the family broke up.

By the way, Sasha Zvereva gave birth to her older children, Vasilisa and Makar, being in a relationship with businessman Ilya Gusev. Officially, the marriage was not registered, and after parting, Zvereva told a lot of unpleasant details about her ex-wife: they say, he lived at her expense, and raised his hand, and applied to the bottle. In that case, Sasha herself initiated the breakup, taking the children and leaving to live in another apartment.

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