Dream of a marriage proposal from a stranger. Marriage proposal according to the dream book

Why do you dream of a marriage proposal? Often thoughts that haunt us in reality are visualized in dreams. Girls of marriageable age see in their dreams beautiful princes, albeit without horses, but in beautiful suits, with flowers and coveted velvet boxes, inside of which rings glitter. Some of these dreams are simply drawing out the details of a dream, the other part becomes a prophecy or a warning.

Often thoughts that haunt us in reality are visualized in dreams

Dream books compiled by psychologists, soothsayers and yogis are almost unanimous on this issue. The dream books say that if you dream of a proposal made in a night vision by a loved one, then most likely this is a visualization of the desire to unite your destiny with a gentleman dear to your heart. This dream has a real background, and it is destined to come true. Whether this event will happen soon will have to be judged by the days of the week when the dream occurred.

G. Miller's dream book interprets a marriage proposal received from a loved one as:

  • coming changes. Whether they will be pleasant or not should be judged by what feelings on your part accompanied the events occurring in the vision.
  • The interpretation is influenced by clothing and the general atmosphere, a romantic explanation.
  • A proposal to change your own and your status, received from a stranger, is a dream of an approaching acquaintance with your other half.
  • For a married woman, such a vision is advice to be more modest and attract less attention from men.

Felomena's dream book predicts success in business, reaching a new, higher standard of living.

The gypsy dream book predicts that a woman who has a dream with a proposal will unite her destinies with a man she likes:

  • Good luck;
  • Joy;
  • All the blessings of the world.

If a man dreams that he is proposing, even to his beloved, then this does not bode well. He may have to take on onerous obligations that he cannot refuse.

Astromeridian and the 21st century dream book decipher Morpheus’ message as:

  • Approaching events reflected in a dream.
  • For a girl who does not have a groom, this dream is an omen of meeting a status suitor.
  • If a married lady dreams of this dream, it means that the marital relationship will move into a new phase. Perhaps this is due to the birth of a child, grandchild, or moving to a new place of residence. But it is possible that couples who have lived under the same roof for many years will be able to restore their relationship to its former fervor.

The interpretation of a dream where a proposal is made with a ring is given by a modern dream book:

  • A friend or stranger asks for the honor of becoming a life partner; this dream promises a new acquaintance.
  • Even a person whose first meeting can cause severe irritation can later become irreplaceable.
  • The unspeakable joy experienced in a dream speaks of the approach of events that will radically change life.
  • The indignation and anger experienced from the proposal are an omen of an imminent separation from the current boyfriend. He is not the hero of your novel.

The wanderer’s dream book, compiled with the help of meditation, foretells:

  • Interesting offers in different areas of life, increasing social status and material wealth. This interpretation is intended for those whose proposal to get married has caused equal emotions.
  • Confusion during a confession in a dream speaks of frivolity, inability to keep one’s word and be punctual in life. All these qualities do not go unnoticed by others.
  • A girl who gave her consent in a dream has a decisive character, prudence, and modesty. All these qualities are valued in her by friends, acquaintances, and relatives. This is an integral nature that has all the data to achieve success.

Marriage proposal in men's dreams

Marriage proposals... men also have such dreams. More often they should be considered as warnings and warnings.

A determined man who dreams that he is proposing to start a family has most likely taken on difficult obligations.
  • A determined man who dreams that he is proposing to start a family has most likely taken on difficult obligations. If this applies to his professional activity, then the following statement can be applied to him at this point in his life: - “Married to his own work.” The difficulty of overcoming obstacles in life depends on the emotional mood experienced by a man in a dream.
  • An indecisive young man had a dream: this is most likely due to his doubts before the upcoming explanation with his beloved.
  • Witnessing a marriage proposal made to a younger relative in a dream means that he himself is not destined to marry.

We are all masters of our own destiny. Whatever the dream predicts, the consequences it prophesies can be avoided. To do this, you need to reconsider your lifestyle.

Why do you dream of a marriage proposal in a dream (video)

Receive a marriage proposal from a guy you know in a dream

The guy from whom you are expecting a proposal in reality made one in a dream - this is a good sign:

  • Immediate dramatic changes in life.
  • The marriage will take place, if not official, then civil.
  • The strength of the union is facilitated by sincere mutual feelings.
  • There is no guy nearby who is suitable for the role of the groom, which means Morpheus predicts his imminent appearance.

The guy from whom you are expecting a proposal in reality made one in a dream - this is a good sign

Your relationship with your boyfriend is over, and in your dream he proposes marriage to you? This speaks of one’s own indecision, unwillingness to turn over the page of life that has been read. Such dreams haunt people who are indecisive, wholly dependent on outside opinions, who are gullible and suggestible.

A marriage proposal in a dream came from an ex-boyfriend

While a person with whom your relationship is already in the past haunts you in your dreams, you can forget about the progress of your relationship in real life. Constantly returning to the past, the need to compare all the guys with your ex is marking time. You are simply stuck in the past, which night vision eloquently reminds you of. Such a dream cannot evoke any emotions other than disappointment if you still like the person.

An enemy proposes in a dream, what does this mean?

If a person asking for reciprocity is unpleasant to you both in a dream and in reality, you have to wait for unpleasant events. Gossipers, intriguers for personal gain or out of envy, try to put you at odds with your loved one. You should not tell strangers about your relationship. The better you talk about your other half, the more envy you make people feel.

If a person asking for reciprocity is unpleasant to you both in a dream and in reality, you have to wait for unpleasant events

In a dream, your admirer did not receive your consent to marriage, but was flattered by the proposal - this is a sign that:

  • the other half is next to you;
  • instead of friends, like-minded people with whom you can part with without regret;
  • work does not bring satisfaction.

Change! Change everything! Live a full, joyful life! Such a call is made by the subconscious, showing a dream in which a long time ago a stranger or an unpleasant person offers to reunite and start a family.

A stranger proposed and gave a ring in a dream

You are offered to get married, but you see a person for the first time, and even then in the kingdom of Morpheus. We have to determine his intentions intuitively, because only in fairy tales are princes selfless. Such a dream is more likely to lead to confusion than to joy or disappointment.

An early meeting with a permanent partner is expected, a relationship with whom can develop into a strong, happy marriage

The interpretations of this dream are very diverse:

  1. An early meeting with a permanent partner is expected, a relationship with whom can develop into a strong, happy marriage.
  2. Strengthening your financial position, changes in social status, career growth.
  3. Consent to get married given to a stranger from a dream foreshadows a dilemma in making a decision in business, an issue on which the way of your future life depends.
  4. An unconditional refusal to an offer made in a dream by a stranger warns of the need for greater attention to all opportunities to change something in your life, so as not to miss a truly worthwhile chance.

If strangers propose marriage on behalf of their lover, this is a warning that an intrigue is being prepared in those around you with the goal of discrediting and denigrating you in someone’s eyes.

If they not only marry him, but also present him with a ring on his behalf, this speaks of his tender, warm feelings.

If you were personally made an offer: what does it mean to see such a thing in a dream?

A proposal made by a guy who gives a ring in a dream also speaks of his intentions to get married in real life.

Dream Interpretation: marriage proposal (video)

But in this dream, the iconic symbol is the ring. If it shines and fits like a glove on your finger, it means your couple is harmonious. The ring is large or small, which means that one of the pair is stuck at a lower stage of development. Such a couple is not viable, and a quick breakup is inevitable. Otherwise, the marriage will be unhappy for both spouses.

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Many young girls are very interested in knowing why they dream that a guy is proposing. The interpretation of such a dream depends on many nuances: details, other characters in the dream, the mood of the dreamer and her position in real life.

What if you dream about a guy proposing?

First of all, you need to know that a dream in which a young man asks the dreamer to marry him has nothing to do with this celebration in reality. A girl who was proposed to in a dream will have to change her attitude towards life because of a situation that will force the dreamer to make a choice. It is quite possible that such a dream promises changes in the workplace and the dreamer will have to make a difficult choice that will change her future life.

If in a dream a girl agreed to marry a young man, then in reality she should prepare for the fact that her chosen one will not rush into the wedding and it is quite possible that the dreamer will not receive a real proposal.

If in her dream a girl answered “no” to her fiancé, then in reality she will be disappointed in her partner. A situation may arise in which the dreamer needs help, but the young man will not lift a finger to help his soul mate.

If a girl is proposed to by the person she broke up with, then a new acquaintance and love awaits her. This dream promises good and dramatic changes in your personal life.

Freud's dream book interprets a dream about a marriage proposal in a very unusual way. The girl who saw this is very lonely and has not yet found her soul mate. Even if the dreamer is dating a young man, the dream indicates that the connection between people is very weak.

Many married women wonder why they dream about a guy who proposes. It turns out that receiving a marriage proposal while married is a sign of good changes in family relationships. After this dream, the dreamer can count on increased attention from her husband and ardor of feelings on his part.

If a girl who is not dating anyone receives a proposal from a stranger in a dream, then she should prepare for a long journey. It is possible that soon the girl will have to go on a trip to resolve her affairs.

If in a dream a stranger hands over a ring made of precious metals, decorated with sparkling stones, in reality the dreamer should expect a stab in the back from loved ones. It is possible that troubles will arise because of friends who will harm the dreamer with thoughtless words or actions.

If a young man in a dream asks a girl to marry him and at the same time gives him a luxurious bouquet of flowers, the dream is not very favorable for the dreamer. In reality, a girl will shed a lot of tears because of a representative of the stronger sex. We are also talking about a very strong resentment that will not give the girl peace.

What does it portend?

If a girl is proposed to by a ragamuffin whose clothes are dirty and torn, then the dreamer will face difficult times ahead in reality. We are talking about financial problems due to a stranger. After this dream, it is better not to lend money to anyone, not to take a loan or credit, and to take all financial matters seriously. Otherwise, the dreamer will be mired in need and crisis for a long time.

If in a dream a girl is proposed to by her boyfriend, but the dreamer sees herself as pregnant, then you should prepare for troubles and problems that will require an immediate solution. The larger the belly, the more problems will fall on the head of the person who sees such a dream.

If in her dream the dreamer witnesses that her boyfriend is proposing to a completely strange girl, there is no need to be upset or sad. This dream does not bring any negativity into real life. Rather, it's the other way around. The dreamer will have an influential patron who will protect and protect the girl in every possible way. By the way, the patron is not necessarily a man; it is possible that a woman will take the dreamer under her wing.

If a girl is puzzled by the question: “why do you dream that my boyfriend is proposing to me,” then you should turn to dream books. The modern dream book interprets such a dream very simply: the girl in reality is really looking forward to the proposal and this desire is reflected in her dreams.

Some dreams that the dreamer remembers can be prophetic and warn a person about future events. But, as a rule, most dreams are empty and should not be paid attention to, especially if the dreamer does not really remember all the details and characters.

If a woman dreams of a loved one proposing marriage to her, then in reality she should prepare for global changes. Do you want to know exactly what a marriage request might mean in a dream? Remember in detail everything that you dreamed of. In particular, your feelings and the overall emotional picture. All this will allow you to choose the most accurate interpretation in the future by turning to the dream book for help.

If you dreamed of a marriage proposal, then in reality everything will probably change for you. According to the dream book, the ringed lady sees the plot as a warning. In fact, caution and caution should be exercised. Excessive attention will definitely harm you. Why does a young girl dream that a stranger is proposing her hand and heart? The dream book is sure that in the near future she will meet her one and only.

If you dreamed that you were being proposed for marriage and given a ring, then in reality you will definitely find your true happiness. The dream book is sure that in reality you will experience a whole ocean of emotions. After all, in reality, a person will appear who will be worthy not only of your attention, but also of love. In this case, at first you will feel hostility towards the fan, but after a while everything will change.

Why else would you dream of hearing a marriage proposal? Global changes await you in the future. According to the dream book, the exact interpretation depends, first of all, on your feelings in the dream. If you feel indignation, then in reality your relationship with your current partner will most likely end in nothing. If you feel joy, then, as the interpreter believes, the relationship will reach a new level.

Other interpretations of sleep

Why do you dream of a marriage proposal from a stranger? According to the dream book, you will soon be given an offer, by accepting which you will be able to achieve financial well-being and improve your social status.

The interpretation of a marriage proposal in a dream can be ambiguous. It primarily depends on your reaction in a dream. If, having received an offer, you were confused and could not answer it, then, according to the dream book, in reality you have a reputation as a frivolous and frivolous person.

If in a dream a girl dreams of a marriage proposal, to which she agrees, then in reality, thanks to her personal qualities, she will be able to achieve recognition and respect.

If in a dream it is you who proposes your hand and heart, then, as the dream book suggests, in reality you will have to overcome many small obstacles and problems. However, having “cleared” the path to your goal, you will become stronger and more courageous.

Why did a man in a dream happen to watch his relative being offered marriage? Unfortunately, this episode indicates that he will spend several years in a row alone - without the woman he loves and his faithful companion.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday 03/23/2019

Sleeping from Friday to Saturday can also find application in reality. The abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions given by Morpheus speaks...

Most young and not so young women dream and dream of getting married. This thought occupies their minds, and there is nothing strange in dreaming what they want.

Dream about a marriage proposal from a boyfriend

Unfortunately, such a vision means exactly the opposite - this is how the dream book interprets it. A marriage proposal from a guy with whom the girl has a relationship in real life promises a quick quarrel. And it will be more serious the more pompously the engagement in the dream was arranged.

If the girl was dressed in a white dress, then in the morning she will wake up sick. And if there was also a tiara on the head, then there was a serious danger to one’s health. By the way, this applies not only to marriage proposals. Always seeing yourself in white means illness. But it is not all that bad.

Marriage proposal from a stranger

If such a statement was made by a stranger or his face was not visible, then this means the appearance of an influential patron - this is what the dream book says. A marriage proposal in this case means all sorts of benefits - both moral and material. Career advancement is also possible. But this has nothing to do with real marriage.

If a girl refused to get married in a dream, then in reality an admirer will appear, and more than one. In case of agreement, it is the other way around.

If in a dream a friend or any other girl is preparing for a wedding, then the real marriage will soon take place for the one who dreamed it.

To mark a faithful wedding ceremony, one dreams of a coffin, as the dream book interprets. A proposal to get married in reality will arrive as soon as possible. And this is not surprising. Dream and reality seem to be reflected in a distorting mirror. What is good in visions is bad in life. And if everything is bad in a dream, then in reality you will be lucky.

Marriage proposal with ring and flowers

When you wake up, you need to try to remember all the details: were there flowers, a ring or wine. Their presence and color are interpreted differently by the dream book. A marriage proposal means an unexpected acquaintance. Again, it depends on what color and size it is. sadness, and the larger the stone, the greater the melancholy. Black and dark shades, on the contrary, are fortunate. A diamond symbolizes success in business, and a scattering of small diamonds symbolizes tears. Blue and green stones mean stability and respectability, improving living standards. Yellow promises petty feuds.

If one makes an offer in a dream, then gold is interpreted as poverty, provided that consent is obtained. A simple (iron, tin, copper) ring means wealth.

If she was present in the dream and you need to remember what she was like. Red velvet and round shapes mean honors and a very pleasant journey. Sharp edges and corners coupled with the color white are a nuisance.

If the ring was accepted or put on the finger, it means loss, but if it is rejected, it means unexpected money, as the dream book interprets. The marriage proposal may have been accompanied by flowers. The designations here are the same as for the stones, with a few exceptions. White flowers mean sadness, and red flowers mean success. If you smelled them in a dream, this means good changes in life.

Marriage proposal with wine by the sea

Champagne is often present in dreams of this kind. Drinking wine in a dream means being guilty in reality, as the dream book interprets. If you proposed marriage with light champagne, it means that something good will happen, but in the event that you only saw the wine and did not drink it. Red wine speaks of future rash actions that you will bitterly regret.

If the marriage proposal was made on the seashore, you need to remember what the water was like. A clean, transparent surface means all the good things in life and in the soul. Muddy water - to gossip, with waves and wind - to obstacles.

How to interpret dreams

A dream often reflects what a person is experiencing on a subconscious level. Therefore, you cannot unconditionally believe in everything you see. Perhaps a month ago in some TV series there was a heart-warming scene with a marriage proposal. Or on the way to work I had to miss a wedding procession, and after some time my brain interpreted and pulled the picture to the surface.

If you really want to solve such a dream, then you need to remember as many details as possible. It would seem that they are insignificant at first glance, but in fact they are very important. They are the ones who will tell you what to really expect.

If they ask “why do you dream of a marriage proposal,” they usually answer with a smile: only for the good! Well, in fact, the dream book considers a marriage proposal in the light of one of the most positive interpretations.

For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that some sources claim: if you dreamed that gentlemen were making proposals, promising hearts and hands, then in life the opposite will happen - there will be a quarrel.

Which dream book is right? Of course, the statement “if it’s like this in a dream, then it’s the other way around in life” cannot be considered absolutely true. However, on the other hand, a girl should not wait for this particular situation in advance if she had a dream about a scene that is sweet to her heart.

If unmarried people dreamed...

1. Cafe. You and your boyfriend are sitting at a small table. Music is playing. Your lover takes you by the hand and proposes. After he proposes, he puts a ring on your finger.

A dream when a marriage proposal arrives is, of course, always pleasant. And the moment when in a dream your boyfriend takes your hands and puts on the ring himself, may mean that as a husband he will be a reliable protector and breadwinner. You can always rely on him.

2. The marriage proposal takes place in the evening, near your house. The young man walked you to the entrance and decided to explain himself before saying goodbye.

If at the moment of the proposal the chosen one looks into your eyes, then you can be congratulated. Your marriage will be happy, you will quickly become family to each other.

3. In a dream you were given a ring, but you don’t know who it came from.

  • If the jewelry is in a neat velvet box, then a meeting with a stranger is predicted, who will become your betrothed.
  • In the case when the ring is open, the proposal will be made by someone you know, but did not introduce him as a groom. Get ready for a surprise.

4. Sea. Starry southern night. Distant gentle music. You are with your loved one. The chosen one unexpectedly and passionately talks about feelings and starts talking about marriage.

Marriage with a young man whom you saw in a dream will be very romantic, and the relationship will be touching. But you should be prepared for frequent separations due to your future husband's business trips.

5. They proposed marriage to you by presenting a ring in a glass of champagne. Seeing such a “creative” method in a dream for young people promises that an atmosphere of romance and adventure will always reign in the couple. With such a spouse you will not get bored.

6. In a dream, they gave a ring while kneeling. If you dreamed about this, then the marriage will be unequal. You will dominate the family.

7. Receive a marriage promise from a stranger . This dream foreshadows imminent changes for the better.

If a man dreams...

Why do men dream about marriage proposals? For men, such dreams usually predict a happy future.

1. If a man dreams that he is proposing marriage to the woman he loves. The subconscious discovered the Ideal Woman in close surroundings. If a man does not respond to the dream with any action, he will miss the chance to become happy.

Unfortunately, men rarely trust dreams and rarely distinguish the difference between a TV show and a dream. Perhaps because women are more sensitive to the whispers of the heart, dreams and signs, and have developed intuition.

2. If a man in a dream becomes a participant in an episode in which a woman offers to register a relationship.

Men should beware of the consequences of such a dream. Most likely, in the business world, under some tempting offer, an agreement will be slipped in with tricky conditions hidden behind the fine print. Recommendation: Be careful about everything you sign.

If married people dreamed...

For women who are already married and happily married, a dream about a marriage proposal has a different interpretation.

1. In a dream, a real husband proposes. The dream foretells that your relationship will flare up with renewed vigor.

2. You hear an offer from a work friend. Such a dream does not mean good things. Most likely, a young man is picking on you.

In real life, such people should be treated with caution. Such people smile in person, joke charmingly, but behind their backs they plot intrigues and spread gossip.

3. Accept a proposal from a stranger. It’s better not to tell your husband about such a dream. The subconscious mind reports that you are on the verge of betrayal and are ready for a romantic adventure on the side.

Decide – do you need this? This dream is not about easy flirting. Relationships on the side can develop into serious ones. If you are not ready for such changes and are happy with everything in your current marriage, then it is better to avoid possible relationships.

4. Two young men propose at once. The dream promises a lot of trouble and vanity.

As you can see, not all dreams with seemingly positive content clearly indicate the prerequisites for the desired future. But when trying to interpret another dream, remember one secret: the subconscious is straightforward.

The most ornate dream plots consist of the simplest cause-and-effect chains of the “yes-no” type. Therefore, try not to overdo it: the simpler the interpretation, the more correct it is. Author: Igor Vaskin

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