Varieties purchased. Garden lily of the valley (kupena) - we grow it in the garden plot. Garden lilies of the valley - planting and care

Found throughout the European part of Russia, in Western and Eastern Siberia, Ukraine and Belarus, kupena ( Polygonatum), known primarily due to the healing properties of one of its types - fragrant bath ( Polygonatum odoratum) (its other names are pharmaceutical purchase, medicinal purchase). In medicine, it is used as a hemostatic, antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.


Bought, or Solomon's seal ( Polygonatum) - a genus of plants in the Asparagus family ( Asparagaceae). Common names: crow berries, wolf grass, wolf berries, hernia, spool, navel, core, blood grass, blood grass. The genus consists of more than 70 species.

In decorative floriculture the following are most often grown: Kupena multiflorum (Polygonatum multiflorum), Kupena two-flowered(broadleaf) ( Polygonatum biflorum) And Fragrant kupena(medicinal) ( Polygonatum odoratum). Also interesting Kupena pink (Polygonatum roseum) with pink flowers.

Description of fragrant (medicinal) kupena

Kupena is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Asparagus family. The rhizome is thick, knotty, clearly shaped, horizontal. The stem is grooved, straight below, arcuately curved at the top, 35-60 cm high. The leaves are alternate, rather large, elliptical or oblong-ovate with protruding arcuate veins, green above, bluish-green below, glabrous, facing one side of the stem.

The flowers are white, slightly greenish, drooping, 1-2 per peduncle, located in the leaf axils. The pericarp is six-toothed, 6 stamens, one pistil. The fruit is a spherical black and blue berry. Blooms in May-June. The fruits ripen in July-August. The scientific name of the genus “polygonatum” comes from the Greek words “poly” - many and “goni” - node or knee and characterizes the multi-nodular or multi-generated rhizome of the medicinal plant.

Phillip Merritt

The plant is also called Solomon's seal. The origin of this name goes back to the distant past. According to legend, King Solomon marked the kupena with his seal as a useful plant, and traces of the seal on its rhizome are supposedly preserved to this day. Kupena officinalis grows in the European part of the country, in the Urals, in Western and Eastern Siberia. Alkaloids, glycosides, as well as saponins, mucus, resins, sugars (glucose, fructose, arabinose) inherent in the lily of the valley were found in the plant. The leaves contain ascorbic acid.

Caring for your bath

Kupenas are very unpretentious in culture. Particularly effective in shaded areas. In illuminated places, although they develop normally, the stems reach smaller sizes. They are relatively undemanding when it comes to soil, but grow better in humus-rich, manure-rich, moist areas. The plant does not tolerate stagnant spring waters; in dry weather it should be watered and also protected from snails and caterpillars.

Colin Gould

Plants in shady places are especially comfortable. The graceful shape of the stems with large, long-lasting leaves and light-colored flowers that stand out against the background of dark green shoots, and later large dark blue or red berries give groups of these plants a decorative appearance. It is recommended to grow kupena in shaded and semi-shaded areas to create a decorative and stable ground cover.

Kupena thickets are long-lived, can occupy an area for 12-15 years without replanting, under their canopy the growth of weeds is difficult, and they do not need watering or fertilizing. They provide excellent cutting material for bouquets and arrangements. Kupena squat is suitable for a rocky garden; it looks good in combination with tiara, dicentra, hellebore, and woodruff.

Planting and propagation of kupena

Reproduction by segments of rhizomes with a renewal bud. The best planting time is late summer.

Seed propagation is difficult. The seeds are enclosed in the berry and do not remain viable for long. A gradual stratification is recommended: 3-4 months at 2-5 degrees, 3 months at 18-20 degrees and again 3-4 months at 2-5 degrees. The seeds germinate when they pass the 3rd stage, after which they are transferred to a bright room with a temperature of 20-22 degrees. Seedlings are not capricious, but develop slowly. Flowering occurs in 3-5 years. Pre-winter sowing in open ground is preferable.

Use of kupena in medicine

When handling the kupena, care must be taken, since all parts of the kupena contain toxic substances and have an emetic effect. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

For medicinal purposes, rhizomes, which are dug up in the fall, and fresh grass are most often used. The drugs have a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Anne Vorstenbosch

Kupena is used in folk medicine for rheumatism, lower back pain, hernia, hemorrhoids, colds, dropsy, jaundice, diabetes, as an antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, expectorant, blood purifier, emetic, emollient and enveloping agent. Sometimes Kupena leaves are applied to wounds, a decoction is used to make a poultice for bruises.

Decoction and alcohol tincture of rhizomes Kupena is used for bronchitis and pneumonia, peptic ulcers, headaches, heart ailments, osteochondrosis, gout, arthritis, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Juice of fresh rhizomes baths remove spots and freckles on the face. (At the same time, you should remember the possibility of a burn!) In Tibetan medicine, kupena was used for hemorrhoids, polyarthritis, gastrointestinal and other diseases, and it was also believed that it prolongs life.

Flower Photos

Kupena, like lily of the valley, belong to the same genus of plants and in addition to its medicinal properties, kupena is grown in gardens for its delicate, lightly touching aroma that will carry you into the summer on a soft cloud of its flowers.

Perennial shade-loving plants are very much in demand in an established garden. A special microclimate is formed under the canopy of tree crowns, and shady places appear more and more. The time has come to select flowering shade-loving plants for the garden. One of these plants is kupena. It is unpretentious, blooms pleasantly, and after flowering, due to the curved shape of the shoots and beautiful foliage, it does not lose its decorative effect. So, briefly about planting and caring for kupena in the open ground.


The kupena plant (Polygonatum) belongs to the Asparagus family. It has thick horizontal roots that lie shallow. Loves rich, moist soils, but does not tolerate prolonged stagnation of water. The leaves are oval or lanceolate, arranged alternately, oppositely or in whorls on inclined shoots. There are species with erect stems, but in private gardens plants with arched stems are more often grown. The shoots of the kupena are herbaceous, quite strong, and do not die from rain.

The kupena acquires a special grace during flowering - bell-shaped flowers, which are shaped like lilies of the valley, appear on the shoots in the axils of the leaves. Plant height depends on the type - from 10 to 150 cm:

  • The fragrant or medicinal plant (P. odoratum) has many garden forms, with a height of 60 to 115 cm, and grows quickly. Although this garden form grows quickly, it is not an aggressive plant - the area of ​​its growth can be easily regulated by simply pulling out excess roots, since they do not lie deep. There are variegated variegated forms. It blooms at the end of May for about 20 days.
  • The broadleaf plant (P. Latifolium), about 60 cm high, can grow in extremely dense, clayey soils. Quite drought-resistant species. It also blooms at the end of May. It is this species that most often sets fruit after flowering, so it is easy to propagate by seeds. Sprouts appear in the second year after planting.

Of the upright species, the following can be named: narrow-leaved cupena (P.stenophyllum), pink cupena (P.roseum), whorled cupena (P.verticillatum).

Kupena: planting and care in open ground

Kupena is most often propagated by dividing rhizomes, and planting can be done without any problems throughout the growing season. But if you replant sections of kupena rhizomes in August, they will have already matured buds of renewed growth. The root is buried 5 cm, positioned horizontally. For good establishment, maintain soil moisture.

It must be emphasized that kupenas are not just shade-loving garden plants; they are very undemanding in terms of growing conditions and care. Kupena live in one place for a long time - 10 years or more. In dry weather they need to be provided with watering. Kupenas grow best in shade and partial shade; in sunny places they become smaller. In addition, the plant weakens in the sun and can be attacked by slugs. So growing kupena works better in shady corners of the garden.

Purchased in garden design

Good purchases for compositions in a natural style. They perfectly control the growth of weeds, creating very nice thickets. Combines with ferns, hostas, hellebores, dicentras. Since kupenas are decorative throughout the growing season and do not require frequent replanting, they can be recommended for creating stable ground cover in shaded and semi-shaded areas of the garden.

So, when selecting shade-loving garden perennial plants, you should pay special attention to the kupena; it is very charming in the shady corners of the garden and is undemanding in care. But if you have children in the garden, then it is better not to use broadleaf rose for planting - its fruits can attract the attention of children, and they are poisonous. This is perhaps the only drawback of the purchase. Well, planting and caring for kupena in the open ground is very simple.

When it comes to flowers, it is very difficult, and sometimes almost impossible, to describe them without special botanical terms so that the interlocutor understands which flower is meant. It's easier to show a photo. However, this is not the case with the purchased one. It is enough to ask your interlocutor to imagine a large lily of the valley. And in fact, kupena comes from the same family and is a typical forest flower, with all the peculiarities of planting, care, growing in open ground and propagation.

Description of the purchase: varieties and varieties

Kupena multicolor belongs to plants of the lily family. Kupena is the owner of a graceful curved stem, on which bright oval green leaves are located in two even rows, and small white flowers bloom in their axils.

There are about 50 species of kupena in nature. Most often you can find 3 of them.

Medicinal purchase. It grows among forests and shady bushes of the northern hemisphere. Does not exceed half a meter in height, blooms in late spring - early summer. The fruits of the medicinal plant have a strong emetic effect.

Fragrant bath. It grows up to 80 cm in height and has bluish-green leaves. The fragrant kupena blooms in mid-May and blooms for 5 weeks. This flower chooses the slopes of low mountains and hills, shady forest thickets and forest clearings as its habitat in nature.

Kupena multiflorum. This variety is most often planted by gardeners in pots and open ground. Multi-flowered bloom in early summer.

The rhizome of the kupena plant is interesting in its structure. It consists of links, and when last year’s shoot dies, a small area covered with cork remains in its place. In its appearance, it resembles a seal, which gave the coupon its second name, “Solomon’s Seal.” According to legend, King Solomon awarded this flower with his seal for its healing properties. After all, infusions from kupena root are known for their anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects.

Attention. All parts of the product are poisonous.

Planting kupena

Kupena can be planted on any soil, as it is absolutely not demanding. But if you want the plant to look perfect, then it is best to move the cultivation of the kupena into the shade, onto fertile, dense soil. In the sun, the kupena will grow a little worse and look less impressive. When planting in open ground, it is desirable that the groundwater comes close to the surface. Regular watering is needed, but the plant does not tolerate stagnant moisture. Kupena feels best in the shade of trees, forming lush thickets in which even weeds cannot survive.

Before planting kupena in open ground, the beds are first prepared. Drainage made of crushed stone or sand is poured into the prepared hole, and compost is added to the soil.

Growing kupena from seeds in garden floriculture is practically never encountered, because pollination of this flower can only occur with the help of long-proboscis bumblebees. Seeds are planted in late autumn, and sprouts appear in the spring, and sometimes even only in the 2nd year. In addition, a plant planted from seeds may lose its maternal characteristics. Such plants begin to bloom only in the 3rd year, and sometimes in the 5th.

Caring for your bath

“Solomon’s Seal” is just a godsend for a garden that you don’t have time to care for.

The good thing about growing kupena is that this plant requires virtually no care. Flowers need to be watered only in dry times; in other periods, rainwater and groundwater will suffice. After watering, to avoid crust formation, the plant bushes are mulched. Flower growers advise avoiding loosening, because the rhizomes of the kupena are fragile and are not located too deep, so they can be damaged. The weeds survive only the first two years, then the kupena grows so that the weeds have no chance of survival. For the winter, the kupena does not need to be covered or dug up - it overwinters well in the open ground, and in the spring it will bloom with renewed vigor.

Fertilizer and feeding

If you planted the kupena in fertile soil, then for good development it is enough to apply fertilizer once a year. For this purpose, organic matter (manure or compost) and some mineral fertilizers are added to the soil in the spring. This will be enough for the development and flowering of the kupena.

Plant propagation

The simplest and most effective way to propagate kupena is division.

The flower can be planted in open ground at any time of the year, but it is best to do this in late summer or early autumn. The planting site must be cleared of weeds and dug to a depth of 25-20 cm. The root of the kupena is geniculate and very fragile, so dividing it is very easy. The cuttings with a bud or stem are planted in the soil to a depth of 8-9 cm. They are placed horizontally.

The first couple of years, the growth of the flower will occur slowly, until the root finally takes root, then the kupena will begin to grow intensively. It is recommended to divide the kupena once every 3–4 years, planting the divisions in the same place, otherwise the kupena may crush its neighbors in the garden.

Diseases and pests

Kupena, planting and caring for which does not bring any trouble, is equally pleasing with the almost complete absence of diseases. This flower is also avoided by pests; only sometimes in dry times or in the second half of summer you can find slugs and some caterpillars on its leaves. But this problem is easily solved with the help of Intavir or any other analogues.

Kupena: combination with other plants

Kupena perfectly coexists with other plants that prefer shade and partial shade. She is friends with various types of ferns, hellebores, dicentra.

Advice. If you do not keep the kupena under control by dividing the rhizome every few years, over time it can grow too actively and will oppress and even crowd out its neighbors in the flower garden.

Purchased in landscape design

The perennial dense ornamental thickets that the kupena forms make it a welcome guest in any garden or flower garden. It will perfectly hide empty, unsightly areas of the garden, making them a secluded, cozy corner. It is also good to buy in the shade of trees, which is why it is often used for landscaping the trunks of garden trees. In a rocky garden or rock garden, a squat kupena will come in very handy. Multi-colored kupena is often used as a vertical accent among low-growing plants (for example, daisies or pansies, asters).

In landscape design, kupena differs from many flowers in that even after it fades, its gracefully curved leaves support the composition in a new color.

Kupena will serve as an excellent background for irises and daylilies, and in plantings with tulips it will hide the withering of spring bulbs.

Many gardeners advise planting kupena along a hedge of shrubs. As the bushes mature, their lower stems become bare and lose their attractiveness. Tall shoots of kupena will perfectly hide this drawback, growing well in the shade of bushes.

Kupena, in addition to all its beauty, also has a lot of useful properties. A decoction of kupena is widely used in the treatment of gastritis and pneumonia, as well as a hemostatic agent. As an external remedy, kupena is often used for bruises, bruises and rheumatic pain. However, remember that you cannot use kupena for medicinal purposes without a doctor’s recommendation. Improper use can lead to poisoning or burns, because kupena is a poisonous plant.

Advice. If there are children on your site, then it is better to plant the kupena in an area where access for children is minimal. Because the poisonous berries of the kupena look very attractive.

If you want to diversify your landscape, but you don’t have time to care for capricious plants, then this purchase is just what you need. Whatever variety of these flowers you choose, it will fit harmoniously into any flower garden. In addition, propagation of kupena will not cause any trouble. And thanks to the amazing ability of kupena to combine with many plants in the garden, you will always have an excellent background for photos. It all depends only on your imagination, inspiration and desire to make yours unique and inimitable.

Properties of the purchased item: video

Kupena multiflora: photo

- a perennial that thrives in the shade, which means it can be a good addition to a dense garden. Garden lily of the valley (the second name for kupena) is ideal for creating a design in a natural environment, especially considering the plant’s ability to grow quickly.

In total, there are about 50 species of kupena, and different varieties differ not only in the color and shape of the flowers, but also in the size of the bush itself (for example, the giant Chinese kupena grows up to 120 cm in height). Professional and amateur flower growers prefer to grow fragrant, medicinal, whorled, low-growing or broad-leaved flowers.

If you decide to plant the described plant in your garden, then the following information will be especially useful.

Place for planting kupena

Almost any soil composition is suitable for the growth and normal development of the kupene, but it looks best when planted in partial shade or shade. The only requirement for soils is obligatory fertility. In sparse areas, which are also located in the open sun, the garden lily of the valley will not look so impressive, and the lily of the valley grows much worse in such conditions.

When choosing a place for planting, it is worth considering the depth of groundwater, because this plant does not tolerate stagnation of liquid. If you plant a kupena under trees, it will quickly get rid of weeds, since the dense thickets it forms do not give them any chance to live.

Did you know? The English name of the plant is Solomon's Seal, which means "Solomon's Seal" and indicates the healing properties of this plant.

Planting and propagation of kupena

Despite the fact that many experts talk about the possibility of planting kupena in open ground at any time of the year, it is best to do this at the end of summer, after first clearing the selected area of ​​weeds and digging the soil 20-25 cm deep. In addition, you can add a little ash to the soil and apply mineral fertilizer, at the rate of 10-15 g per bush.

A drainage layer is also poured into the finished planting holes (crushed stone and sand are excellent for this role), and then compost is added, which is pre-mixed with the top layer of soil. Further developments depend on the method of breeding kupena you have chosen.

Division of rhizomes

One of the most popular options for vegetative propagation of garden lily of the valley is dividing its rhizome, and the resulting division should not be too small.

The landing process itself goes as follows: part of the rhizome with a stem or bud is buried horizontally into the soil by 8-10 cm, after which the soil above them is compacted and moistened abundantly. In the first two years after such planting, the kupena develops very slowly, and more intensive growth begins only with complete root survival.

If you decide to propagate the kupena by planting part of the rhizome of a donor plant, then the soil in the chosen place should be dug up (30 cm deep), all weeds should be removed and loosened well. It is also useful to add wood ash, organic and mineral fertilizers.

After planting, the young bush must be protected as much as possible from unnecessary attention.

Important! If you do not control the growth and development of the plant by dividing the rhizome every few years, then over time it will grow too actively and begin to oppress or even displace its neighbors.

In addition to vegetative propagation, seed propagation is also often used. However, kupena seeds very rarely set, since pollination of the plant can only occur with the help of long-proboscis bumblebees. An exception is the broad-leaved lily of the valley, which produces new fruits in large quantities almost every year.

In general, seeds quickly lose their viability and require mandatory stratification, but when choosing this method, it is better to plant closer to winter.

Important! A plant grown from seeds begins to bloom only in the 3rd or 5th year after planting.

Since the development of kupena takes place underground for a long time, you will only be able to see the first shoots next year.

In one place the plant can grow up to 15 years.

Simply put, answering the question “How does kupena propagate?”, it is inappropriate to talk about the possibility of a seed version.

Bought in landscape design and combination with other plants

Dense ornamental thickets formed by the activity of the kupena make the plant a desirable guest in any garden or flower garden. A garden lily of the valley will perfectly hide all the empty and unsightly areas of the territory and make such places a real corner of paradise.

Kupena is also good when growing in the shade of trees, which is why it is often used for landscaping the tree trunks of garden trees. However, the plant can also help when organizing a rock garden, becoming an excellent central addition among its low-growing counterparts (for example, daisies, asters or pansies).

Using kupena in landscape design, you definitely can’t go wrong, because even after it fades, the gracefully curved leaves of the plant will support the overall composition in a new color.

“Solomon’s seal” will be an excellent background for daylilies and irises, and in a general planting with tulips it will help to hide the withering of spring bulbs. In addition, the kupena is excellent for proximity to other plants that, like it, prefer partial shade.

These include various types of ferns, dicentra and frost plants. By the way, these plants are often chosen as neighbors for the bath.

Kupena looks good when cut, which is why it is often used to create bouquets or entire flower arrangements.

Did you know? All parts of the garden lily of the valley are very poisonous, although many animals eat them with pleasure. The most dangerous parts are the rhizome and fruit.

Many gardeners recommend planting garden lily of the valley along a hedge formed by perennial or annual bushes. The fact is that when the bushes mature, their lower stems begin to become bare and lose their former attractiveness. Tall shoots of garden lily of the valley perfectly hide this drawback, simply growing in the shade of bushes.

Caring for the purchased one during the growing process

Having planted a kupena on a summer cottage or in a garden, you must provide it with good care in the open ground. This concept means timely watering and mulching of the soil, high-quality weed control, as well as regular feeding of plants.

Watering and mulching the soil

The selection of watering regime largely depends on what type of garden lily of the valley you are growing. For example, multicolored kupena should be watered regularly, but in moderate doses, constantly maintaining soil moisture, but without flooding the plant itself.

At the same time, broadleaf, medicinal and pink kupena do not need frequent watering and tolerate long-term drought well. Therefore, these types of kupena need to be watered only when there has been no rainfall in a particular region for a long time and the soil is very dry.

Important! If there is an excess amount of moisture in the soil, the kupena is often attacked by snails, slugs, mold and various fungal diseases.

Usually, after watering the plants, gardeners loosen the soil, but in the case of kupena this option is unacceptable, since there is always a possibility of damage to the fragile rhizome, which is very close to the surface. That's why, loosening is replaced by mulching.

Weed control

However, to prevent the seedlings from dying at the initial stages of their development, carefully inspect the site of future planting and carefully collect all the weeds. Washing its rhizomes, which is done before directly placing the plant in the ground, will also help protect the plant.

Plant nutrition

As we have already mentioned, kupena is quite unpretentious to the composition of the soil and can grow on depleted soils, but if you want to get a beautiful and vibrant plant, then you should plant it in soil rich in humus. When planted in fertile soil (including fertilized soil when planting the plant), lilies of the valley do not need to be fed for several years.

Otherwise, when you have got a very meager territory, for the rapid growth of kupena you will have to purchase complex and mineral fertilizers, which are applied to the soil twice a season: the first time in early spring, and the second time during the flowering period. In addition, even on soil rich in vitamins, the plant feels better if once a year, in the spring, it is additionally fed with organic fertilizers: manure or compost.

Resistance to pests and diseases

Perhaps, kupena is almost the only plant that is highly resistant to natural pests and diseases.

Garden lily of the valley rarely suffers from such misfortunes, but in dry weather it can still be attacked by snails, slugs, and in some cases sawfly caterpillars, which can completely destroy the leaves of the plant in a matter of minutes.

That is why it is so important not to miss the moment of the appearance of insects in order to begin the correct fight against them.

Wintering bought

Successful cultivation of kupena requires the fulfillment of one more requirement, which is important when preparing for the winter season. The ground part of the garden lily of the valley simply dies with the onset of cold weather, and the rhizome calmly waits out the frosts in the ground.

However, this feature is only relevant in temperate climates, so nothing else is required from you. However, if the cultivation of kupena occurs in areas with severe frosts, then the plant should be provided with additional shelter. It can be made using sawdust, peat or spruce branches.

In a word, growing garden lily of the valley will bring the desired result only if all recommendations regarding planting and caring for the plant are strictly followed.

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The article is devoted to the multifloral lily of the valley (the second name is garden lily of the valley): planting and caring for the plant in the open ground of a personal plot.

Kupena is a multi-colored plant of the Asparagus family, which has medicinal and decorative properties.

Science knows 50 plant species, 3 of which are suitable for growing in the garden.


A characteristic feature of the plant is a crocheted stem with drooping white bell-shaped flowers. The leaves are smooth, oval-shaped with pointed ends. The gnarled stem of the plant reaches 60 cm in height.

The fruits of the kupena are round, blue-black in color, very poisonous to humans - they cause severe vomiting. Due to its poisonous properties, the plant is popularly nicknamed “wolf berry.”

Kupena is distributed in the Northern Hemisphere, in temperate and subtropical climates.


Kupena multiflorum

  • Kupena multiflorum (Polygonatummultiflorum)- the most famous species of the Kupena genus. The herbaceous plant reaches 60 cm in height, has a smooth stem, oblong leaves on short petioles, and 3-5 white bare flowers. The berries are blue-black, poisonous to humans. Has medicinal properties and is used in folk medicine .
  • Kupena fragrant (Polygonatumodoratum)– a plant with bluish-green leaves and white drooping flowers. Reaches 90 cm in height. The flowering period is the month of May.
  • Kupena sickle-shaped (Polygonatumfalcatum)- stands out from the genus Kupena with pubescent green leaves, flowers with a greenish tint and black berries. Flowering occurs in late spring.


A distinctive feature of the entire Kupena genus is the ability of the plant to grow in the same place for many years, creating a dense grass cover and without requiring weeding.


The plant tolerates frost well without shelter in winter. During particularly dry and hot periods, additional watering is needed.


The watering regime depends on the type of plant. But the general recommendation for the frequency of watering is to do it during dry periods.

Kupena multicolor is watered moderately and regularly, maintaining stable soil moisture. Broadleaf kupena is not watered often - it tolerates drought well.


The only requirement for the soil is fertility. To get a juicy, healthy plant, kupena is planted in soil enriched with humus. Loosening the soil during the growth of the plant is not done so as not to damage the rhizome of the plant. Loosening is replaced by mulching.


Before planting kupena, add ash and (10 g per 1 bush) to the soil.

Fertilizer is applied to the soil only in cases where the plant had to be planted on completely depleted soil. The procedure is performed 2 times per season: at the beginning and at the end of spring. Complex and mineral mixtures are used for fertilizer. Sometimes the plant is additionally fed with manure and compost.

Growing conditions

For planting in open ground, choose a shaded place, and the composition of the soil does not play a special role. In open areas under the scorching sun, the kupena will grow sparingly, but it takes root well under the crowns of trees and shrubs.

The plant is planted in open ground at the end of summer. To do this, the selected area is dug up to a depth of at least 20 cm and weeded from weeds. The soil is fertilized with mineral fertilizers with ash and planting holes are prepared. As drainage, a mixture of crushed stone and sand is poured into the bottom of the holes, filling it with compost.

Reproduction and planting

Vegetative division of rhizomes– the separated part of the rhizome with the stem is deepened into a prepared hole with drainage and compacted with soil. The depth for planting is 8-10 cm. The soil is compacted and thoroughly watered. The growth rate of the seedling is not great due to the poor root survival rate.

Planting part of the rhizome– for this type of propagation, holes are made up to 30 cm deep and organic and mineral fertilizers are added to the soil.

Propagation using seeds– seeds need stratification, otherwise they germinate very poorly. The planted plant blooms only for 3-5 years. This type of reproduction is not effective. Kupena grows in one place for up to 15 years.

Diseases and pests

The plant is resistant to pests and diseases. Snails and sawfly caterpillars appear only during periods of drought.

Use in landscape design

All the decorative value of the kupena lies in the stems and leaves, due to the fact that the flowers do not represent anything remarkable and bloom for no more than a month.

The Variegatum variety is used for decorative purposes. It is cultivated from the Kupena crescent species and is distinguished by leaves with white stripes along the edges. Kupena grows well next to other plants. The “Kupena squat” species is perfect for landscape design - the plants form a dense, uniform carpet up to 90 cm high. But this species does not like the close proximity of other flowers.

Kupena, like most ornamental garden plants, is very poisonous. If there are small children in the house, it may not be worth planting the kupena in the garden.

An unpretentious herbaceous plant, kupena, in addition to its medicinal benefits, also has decorative and aesthetic properties. The temperate climate made the kupena resistant to temperature conditions, diseases and soil conditions. But in order to grow a healthy and succulent plant, follow all the suggested rules for outdoor care.

Watch the following video about the medicinal bath and its properties:

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