Compatibility by planets in the horoscope. Synastry - compatibility of partners by date of birth in different aspects of life

Partners are attracted to each other and want intimacy. If they receive it, then this is accompanied by significant satisfaction, since both partners “speak the same language” and understand well what each other needs. Their passions may coincide at the most necessary moments.

Seal of happiness for a man

A woman makes a man happier. This can be expressed in completely different ways, but one thing is clear - a man enjoys the company of this woman, since at the right moment she can cheer him up, give advice, and even (not uncommonly) please him with some kind of gift. She is ready to support his endeavors in many ways. This is very good aspect.

Non-conflict union

With this combination, the man and woman do not oppose each other. They are tactful where necessary, and their actions are also quite coordinated and do not affect the interests of their partner. Even if a clash occurs (which is rare), then in almost any case they can sooner or later find a compromise.

A man and a woman go well together in appearance. Their gender roles fit well together, resulting in the “flourishing” of the woman and the “masculinity of the man.” This can be expressed, for example, in the same taste in clothes, in the same lifestyle, in the same facial features or compatible build. This aspect is very good for theater actors or dance partners - they can be similar in appearance and in their “habits”.

Psychological Understanding

Examples of intimate compatibility horoscope:

intimate satisfaction

Partners are attracted to each other and want intimacy. If they receive it, then this is accompanied by significant satisfaction, since both partners “speak the same language” and understand well what each other needs. Their passions may coincide at the most necessary moments.

Intimate dissatisfaction

Partners are attracted to each other, and there may even be a connection, but it cannot become strong after a while. It will be difficult for them to get satisfaction from each other, since in the compatibility horoscope there are no common points of contact, as if they “speak” different languages.

Excellent intimate compatibility!

A man and a woman can truly enjoy each other, being on the same wavelength of sensations and pleasant impressions. This is exactly the compatibility horoscope that gives the best picture- partners “charge” each other with positivity, which greatly strengthens their union.

No intimate crossings

IN in this case This is more of a negative situation than a positive one. Partners need a certain core of the relationship, attraction, satisfaction with each other, which will keep them together and not allow them to look at other, more interesting candidates. It's quite difficult to get it here. Especially in the long term.

Examples of the level of happiness in the compatibility horoscope:

Seal of happiness

A woman makes a man happier. This can be expressed in completely different ways, but one thing is clear - a man enjoys the company of this woman, since at the right moment she can cheer him up, give advice, and even (not uncommonly) please him with some kind of gift. She is ready to support his endeavors in many ways. This is a very good aspect in the compatibility horoscope.

Seal of happiness

A man makes a woman happier. He treats her more favorably than women with whom he does not have this aspect. This can be expressed in completely different ways, but the essence is the same - he is generous to her, ready to support and please her in every possible way. He is ready to answer her “Yes” more often to her various endeavors, requests and even whims. This is a very good aspect in the compatibility horoscope.

Mutual seal of happiness!

This is a unique case - both partners make each other happier. Couples with this combination are very happy due to the fact that the partners mutually support each other and treat each other with respect. warmth. With this combination and in the absence of other negative aspects in love horoscope they can survive almost any adversity that in ordinary couples creates a difficult mood and disunity.

Examples of the level of unhappiness in the compatibility horoscope:

A sign of misfortune for a man

A woman suppresses a man. This is a very negative aspect in the compatibility horoscope, which overshadows the effect of other harmonious aspects. In this case, the woman treats the man very strictly, dryly and perhaps even cruelly. In her presence, he clearly feels this on himself: an outflow of strength, a drop in mood and motivation. Married couples with such aspects in the horoscope, compatibility is rarely formed, but if it is formed (for example, forced circumstances), then the man then suffers from the woman’s attacks, unless he is accustomed to matriarchy from childhood or loves the woman so much. A woman should pacify her demands on a man and try to treat him more gently and kindly.

A sign of misfortune for a woman

A man suppresses a woman. This is a very negative aspect in the compatibility horoscope, which overshadows the effect of other harmonious aspects. In this case, the man treats the woman very strictly, dryly and perhaps even cruelly. In his presence, she clearly feels this on herself: an outflow of strength, a drop in mood and motivation. Married couples with such aspects are rarely formed, but if they are formed, the woman then suffers from the sometimes unreasonable harsh attitude of the man. This is fraught with depression on her part. A woman should not take a man’s harshness to heart and try to maintain good location spirit.
(please check the accuracy of the entered time of birth of both partners - this aspect may disappear if the correct time of birth is entered)

Mutual seal of misfortune!

Both partners suppress each other. This is the most negative celestial combination that can be encountered in life. Couples with this aspect live in discord. Living in harmony and a healthy state of mind is very difficult. Usually such couples are formed due to forced circumstances.
(please check the accuracy of the entered time of birth of both partners - this aspect may disappear from the compatibility horoscope if the correct time of birth is indicated)

Examples of the level of conflict in the compatibility horoscope:

Non-conflict union

With this combination, the man and woman do not oppose each other. They are tactful where necessary, and their actions are also quite coordinated and do not affect the interests of their partner. Even if a clash occurs (which is rare), then in almost any case they can sooner or later find a compromise.

Conflict alliance

With this combination, a man and a woman oppose themselves to each other. There come times when they are tactless where necessary. It happens that a conflict arises out of nowhere: they become aggressive, stubborn or principled, believing that they are right, while refusing to apologize or take the blame. Failure to agree often leads to disunity, distance, and often the breakdown of relationships. If there are 3 such aspects in the compatibility horoscope, then good intimate compatibility is necessary, so that there is “something to forgive for”, so that there is affection.

Examples of external compatibility in a horoscope:

"External" compatibility (nice addition)

A man and a woman go well together in appearance. Their gender roles fit well together, resulting in the “flourishing” of the woman and the “masculinity of the man.” This can be expressed, for example, in the same taste in clothes, in the same lifestyle, in the same facial features or compatible build. This aspect in the compatibility horoscope is very good for theater actors or dance partners - they can be similar in appearance and in their “habits”.

Minor "external" incompatibility

A man and a woman may not be exactly alike. This can be expressed, for example, in differences in tastes in clothing, in in different ways life, in different facial features or different builds. In itself, this aspect in the compatibility horoscope does not cause any trouble.

Examples of psychological compatibility in a horoscope:

Psychological Understanding

A man and a woman understand each other well psychologically. With such aspects it is quite easy for them to communicate, share impressions and experiences. Perhaps a general sense of humor. The ability to understand your partner’s mood and adapt to the wave. Or sympathy for inner world partner.

A little psychological misunderstanding

In this case, difficulties may arise in understanding one partner by the other. There are situations when it is difficult to convey your mood or experience so that your partner gets into it or at least understands what we are talking about.

At birth, each person develops an individual cosmogram. This is a map of heaven at the exact moment when the newborn took its first breath. This map seems to imprint into a person the energy of the signs and planets located in the vastness of the universe at that time. Each person has their own cosmogram, personal and special. Synastry (compatibility) helps determine the most suitable partner.

What is synastry?

Synastry is a complex analysis, a whole art. An astrologer comparing the horoscopes of two completely different people, evaluates the potential of their interaction and compatibility. This often concerns emotional relationships, but the study of synastry plays a big role in business (interaction between partners) and in the relationship between parents and children. For example, if a businessman hired a knowledgeable professional, but he and he are tuned to a different mental frequency, things will not go well. There will be constant nagging, reproaches, and irritation. This is where synastry (compatibility) will help: it will allow you to draw objective conclusions, figure out what is not working out in the relationship, and whether it is worth continuing cooperation at all. Of course, sexual and emotional compatibility plays a significant role, but it is much more important to see whether people match each other spiritually.

Synastry. Methods

There are two groups of synastry methods. The first includes those where compatibility by date of birth and synastry of derivatives (progression cards) are studied. In this case, the card of one partner is taken and combined with the data of the other, then the synastry that is formed between these cards is analyzed. The second method creates a kind of integral map - an indicator of the arithmetic mean. This method examines in great detail all aspects of synastry, analyzes and draws certain conclusions about relationships. The aspects that form the partner planets play a big role. Marriage aspects make it possible to analyze the synastry of the conjunction of the Moon in one with the Sun in the other partner. Next in importance are the personal planets - from Mercury to Pluto.

The Moon aspects are important; they indicate the possibility of long-term cohabitation, when subconscious reactions are important. Business relationship analyzes another synastry - compatibility according to the Sun. Sexual, sensual components characterize aspects to Mars and Venus. Intellectual analyzes the synastry to Mercury and Jupiter. Saturn can tell you when a partner is ready to agree with certain arguments. It may seem that people born at the same time can be perfect for each other. But often, if they have the same luminaries, similar problems may arise. For analysis (synastry compatibility), a competent astrologer can draw up a grid. The planets of one partner are painted vertically, and the planets of the other partner horizontally. The intersections of the column and row will help determine the synastry connection.

Aspects of compatibility in synastry

Powerful interactions are connections between fictitious points and planetary conjunctions in synastry. Strong feelings similarities, recognitions depend on the interaction of the planets involved. Opposition represents polarity and the power of mutual attraction of opposites. It can reveal not only a sense of complementarity with each other, but also reveal insecurity and competition. It happens that a “swing” or “ping-pong” tendency appears, when on one side the partner manifests the energy of his planet, and on the other he equalizes it. There may be an effect of opposition, resistance and even obstruction. Trines and textiles are fluid aspects and help to more easily blend the two energies of points or planets. With them, mutual understanding and warm interaction often arise. These aspects, unlike connection, do not necessarily cause attraction, but they are very good for relationships. If synastry (compatibility) has aspects such as trines, then this indicates that the energies are perfectly combined; sextiles indicate the interaction of energies. If quadratures are observed in synastry, this indicates the presence of energies that need to be worked on. Growth-oriented people consider these aspects and think through next steps.

Ascendant in synastry

Each person has his own “body ego”, which is expressed through individual mannerisms. Body language is the ascendant. It also indicates how we cope with everyday problems, determines our behavioral reactions and the ability to start new projects. Naturally, when the synastry indicates that the ascendant of one in the cosmogram is aspected by the planet of another, the reaction becomes very clearly visible. Often there is simply an attraction of the physical body, but the entire “bodily ego” reacts, and this is manifested not only in manners, but even in the gait and clothing of the ascendant.

Goddess of love Venus

Many people know what role it plays in mythology. In astrology, it provides valuable information about how the ascendant manifests itself in matters of the heart. Venus is the ruler of not only romantic love, but in general it indicates our choice of pleasures in general. Many have experienced the fact that they are drawn to those people whom they do not understand spiritually. Why does a person fall in love? Sometimes it can be easily explained, and sometimes the attraction is simply irrational. How does compatibility happen in love? Synastry can answer this question. Venus rules attraction. Of course, other factors are involved, but this planet is the bearer of romance, pleasure and union. In synastry it is one of the most important. And if we consider aspects in strong, long-standing marriages, then they will definitely have the presence of Venus. In the cosmogram of any person, having found Venus, you can decipher how he relates to love and manifests himself in relationships. By comparing the cosmograms of two people, differences and similarities can be determined. Synastry will show whether the luminaries of the aspects of one partner form common fictitious points with the other.

Venus in synastry

Aspects Sun - Venus. Such aspects are beneficial for any relationship. Harmony is created, there are common interests. A Sun person always becomes more beautiful and loving in the presence of a Venus person. The Venus person finds the Sun person intriguing and charming. This combination is characterized by satisfaction with each other.

Aspects Moon - Venus. Such aspects smooth out some difficulties in relationships. Although they are not immune to ups and downs and various disagreements. In the first place here, perhaps, is friendship, not sexuality. These people always feel the need to see each other, to be in the same company, to show care and tenderness as a couple. The integrity of a relationship can be undermined by keeping problems quiet.

Aspects Mercury - Venus. Partners often have common interests. Relationships are full of all sorts of conversations. If such aspects as quincunx, square, or opposition are present, then some misunderstandings often disrupt the relationship. Sometimes partners talk too much to each other, even waiting their turn to speak quickly.

Aspects Venus - Venus. Trine, sextile, conjunction indicate compatibility of relationships. Lightness and comfort are created in the union of partners. The expression of affection and love is quite different for everyone, but together they give harmony. Quincunx stimulates attractiveness. Square and opposition indicate attraction, although it can sometimes be frustrating.

Aspects Mars - Venus. Classic aspects for many relationships. But they can often cause anxiety. If you are considering compatibility by date of birth, synastry indicates any aspects between these planets, know that both romantic attraction and sexuality will be present. But if it goes beyond control, then synastry can become a destructive force.

Jupiter in synastry

If Jupiter in the cosmogram of one partner forms at least some aspects with the ascendant of the other, then a special relationship may arise. The Jupiter man always gives his partner the benefit of the doubt. He always sees positive energy in the energy of his partner planets, searches and finds the good side. He doesn't get attached to the negative. Jupiter in relationships is characterized by the role of a “father” who sees the positive in his child and strives to develop it. This is not the kind of “fatherhood” when a parent simply turns a blind eye to the bad and idealizes his child. He just always wants to encourage, help and is sincerely happy about his partner’s success. In the connection between Jupiter and Venus, he will constantly encourage her and even forget some of her misdeeds. In such relationships, Venus will always be free to express her romantic desires and preferences. If you are interested in synastry (compatibility), experienced astrologers can help you calculate it. The presence of Jupiter aspects will indicate that the relationship can be very rewarding. Other conflicting aspects may fade into the background. Even if a couple breaks up, she will do it quite amicably, in an amicable way.

Mars - god of war

Mars in astrology is the planet of sexual expression. Aspects of Mars more often indicate animal desires. If Venus rules romantic relationships, then Mars - animal needs for sex, satisfaction of desires. It is important to note that the presence of Mars in the synastry does not indicate that he has a need to stay with his partner forever. If zero compatibility is indicated in the synastry, there will be no relationship at all, and do not expect further connections from such an ascendant. If there are still some love aspects, then strong Mars will manifest itself mainly in the bedroom. The presence of Mars in the synastry does not indicate sexuality as much as aspects of Venus, the relationship will not be as rich and delightful, but basic level they can be considered quite satisfactory.

Aspects of the Sun and Mars more indicate the presence of physical attraction and some kind of action in a relationship. If there are tense moments, then the relationship is filled with conflicts. The Moon - Mars aspects are very sexual, but overly conflicting; there are often domestic quarrels. The Mercury-Mars connection indicates exciting, passionate conversations. At the slightest tension they immediately develop into quarrels. Neptune-Mars aspects are about sexual desire, but when stressed it can be destructive in relationships. The most difficult is Saturn-Mars. If partners cannot constantly work on their relationship, then the frustrations, tensions and obstacles will become simply insurmountable.

Compatibility horoscope - synastry by date of birth

Synastry by date of birth analyzes partners, looking for their compatibility based on planetary aspects. "Sin" is translated as compatibility, "astro" - stars. One drawing combines two astrological charts, and this makes it possible to study the various synastric aspects discussed above. (synastry) with decoding is interpreted by astrologers as the most accurate forecast of relationships between couples. Throughout our lives we come across hundreds, thousands of people, and only a few of them can harmonize with us in spiritual or sexual relationships.

The “Synastry by date of birth” horoscope will help you reveal your partner and find out the hidden traits characteristic of this particular person. It is easy to find out whether partners are connected only by physical attraction, or whether there are other aspects to the relationship. Analysis of the maps will show in which areas cooperation is possible, and in which it is completely unacceptable. Synastry will give you the opportunity to figure out whether you are inclined towards self-deception and delusions in your relationship, and in general, whether marriage with your partner is possible. The more synastric aspects you have, the more promising the development of your relationship. Aspects will tell you which connection is dominant - flirting, love relationship, business partnership or the possibility of marriage.

Sex in synastry

In the synastric chart, considering sexual relations, it is imperative to distinguish three levels: sex (lower), eros (middle), spirituality (highest).

Lower level. Traditionally, sexual compatibility in synastry is considered through aspects such as Venus, Mars. But it is worth noting that the Moon-Pluto pair also plays a big role in this relationship. It is important when the man is Pluto and the woman is the Moon. Pluto is a pronounced aspect of our unconscious subconscious, libido. The moon is an expression of nature, unaccountable feelings.

Average level. Venus and Mars rule here. See synastry: if there are no aspects, then the couple has no ability to earthly love, passions.

Highest level. The Sun is involved here - a man and Neptune - a woman or the Moon - a woman and Neptune - a man. Ideal love, its highest form. Love has no real objects, feelings are transcendental, and Neptune is responsible for this. In this case, the object itself is not as important as the thoughts and attitude of the lover towards it.

02.07.2016 11:20

Many treatises on synastric astrology, dedicated to the compatibility of partners, consider many different factors, all planets, nodes, lots. If you use this entire cumbersome arsenal, it turns out that there cannot be completely harmonious unions. On the other hand, this approach does not make it possible to unambiguously answer such a question, for example: will this marriage end in separation or not? Because you can always find some positive indications along with the negative ones. But life shows that there are happy unions and unhappy couples. So what exactly determines this?

Which planets are the most influential in the fate of the union?


Determines the interaction of people at the level of understanding, at the level of ego-consciousness. It is important what sign the man has and what sign the woman has. That is, for example, the pair Capricorn Woman and Aries Man is not the same as Aries Woman and Capricorn Man, and so on for all other signs.

For clarity, let's draw a table showing which signs get along better/worse with whom.


Good combination

Problematic combination

Aries man

Libra, Leo, Aries

Scorpio, Cancer, Taurus, Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius

Aries woman

Aries, Aquarius

Libra, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius

Taurus man

Capricorn, Pisces, Libra

Cancer, Taurus

Taurus woman

Aquarius, Capricorn, Cancer

Taurus, Gemini, Aries

Gemini man.

Capricorn, Aquarius, Scorpio

Cancer, Taurus, Sagittarius

Gemini woman

Aquarius, Cancer

Scorpio, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aries

Cancer man

Taurus, Cancer, Gemini

Libra, Aries

Cancer woman


Taurus, Gemini, Aries, Sagittarius

Leo man


a lion

Leo woman

Libra, Aries

Leo, Virgo, Aquarius

Virgo man


Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio

Virgo woman

Capricorn, Pisces

Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius, Scorpio

Libra man

a lion

Gemini, Virgo, Aries

Libra woman

Aries, Pisces, Taurus


Scorpio man

Pisces, Sagittarius

Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, Virgo

Scorpio woman

Pisces, Gemini

Aries, Capricorn, Virgo

Sagittarius man

no stable alliances

Gemini, Virgo, Aries, Cancer

Sagittarius woman

Capricorn, Leo, Scorpio

Aquarius, Gemini, Aries

Capricorn man

Taurus, Sagittarius, Virgo, Capricorn

Gemini, Scorpio, Pisces

Capricorn woman

Gemini, Taurus, Capricorn


Aquarius man

Taurus, Gemini, Aries

Sagittarius, Virgo, Aquarius, Leo

Aquarius woman


Virgo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces

Pisces man

Libra, Scorpio, Virgo, Pisces

Aries, Aquarius

Pisces woman

Scorpio, Taurus, Pisces, Virgo

Aries, Capricorn

Summary: the characteristic of compatibility according to the Zodiac Sign is a probabilistic thing; one can talk about the increased problematic or favorable nature of the union, but in this particular case one can never draw an unambiguous conclusion. That is, focusing on the signs of the Zodiac, it is impossible to give a specific answer about the prospects of relationships.


Responsible for the emotional and sensual side of a person’s life, his mental organization. If the Moons of two people are in harmonious aspect with each other (conjunction, sextile, trine), then we can say: they live in perfect harmony. This is a good emotional perception of each other, empathy, good contact at the level of simple bodily and daily needs (dishes, food, drink, ways to achieve emotional and bodily comfort). This is a favorable interaction at the level of the subconscious, inexpressible deep emotional movements.


The planet is the least serious in compatibility astrology; no special problems ever arise, even if the Mercury partners are in a tense (square, opposition) aspect to each other. Mercury is responsible for communication skills, interaction at the level of a specific practical mind, at the level of speech. Of course, if two people have Mercury in a tense aspect, then they can argue, but all this is superficial, all this does not in any way affect their feelings for each other. There is a saying: " dear ones scold - just amuse themselves". This is about Mercury. There are a lot of couples in which the spouses do not talk to each other in any way, except through an argument. And nothing, they live long and even happily. They perceive this normally, they even consider these squabbles to be something like intellectual game, this does not lead to any destructive consequences.


Responsible for the feeling of sympathy between people. This is the level of acceptance: like it - don't like it. As the saying goes: " she's not my type" (or vice versa). If Venus is in a harmonious aspect (conjunction, sextile, trine), then people sympathize with each other. They like each other. But this interaction is devoid of sexual overtones. This is precisely a feeling of sympathy. Very often harmonious Venus meets in friendly relations .


Energy of action. Naturally, it is best if Mars does not damage any planets in the partner’s chart, since in tense aspects Mars is a very aggressive, conflict-ridden planet. If two Mars in the horoscopes of partners are in a tense aspect (conjunction, square, opposition), then this is conflict on the physical level. I'm tempted to give it to him in the ear! Conflict at the level of specific actions and application physical strength in relation to each other. Such partners can throw some object at each other or hit each other. It still depends on how aggressive Mars is in the chart of one and the other partner (good/bad are according to the sign in natal chart, have/do not have harmonious aspects). In the worst case scenario, this can result in very serious injuries.

By the way, there are very rarely cases when Mars of one partner did not damage at least some planets in the chart of the other partner. But some damage can be ignored, while others can be very dangerous. If one person's Mars afflicts another person's Mars, Jupiter, Saturn or Pluto, then this is a serious problem. Also very seriously, when Mars damages a partner’s Moon, one (whose Moon) may literally cry from the other (whose Mars). Mars offends the Moon to the point of tears, screaming and hysterics to the point of sobbing. The remaining damage from Mars can be ignored. For example, one person’s Mars damages another’s Sun, no big deal. You can live with this.


Another conflicting planet. In synastric astrology, Jupiter works as a conflict planet. The intense interaction of two Jupiters (square, opposition) means conflict, but, unlike Mars, it manifests itself differently. Disturbance. An outburst of indignation when one is outraged by the behavior of another. The partner may slam the door and leave the house. He gets indignant and leaves (and Mars gets indignant and punches him in the eye).

Harmonious aspects of Jupiter to the partner’s Sun or Moon give very good compatibility. This is the aspect of happiness. The Sun or Moon feels happy under the influence of Jupiter. In astrology, this aspect has a special name - “The Seal of Happiness”. Especially if this situation is mutual - for example, Jupiter of one partner makes a trine to the Sun of the other partner, and Jupiter of the second partner makes a sextile to the Moon of the first partner.

When the situation is one-sided, then one person may give a feeling of happiness to the other, but he himself may not be very happy in such a partnership.

In this case, what does Jupiter give to one person’s Moon or Sun to the partner? Joy, optimism, healing influence.

So, looking at a person’s Jupiter, we look at its aspects to the partner’s conflicting planets - to the partner’s Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. If there is no damage, then everything will be fine.


Also a very important planet for synastric astrology. Saturnian conflict is, of course, different from Mars and Jupiter. If Saturn is damaged by the partner’s conflicting planets, then this manifests itself as a wall of alienation and silence; the person does not talk to his partner, and may not talk for a long time, several months, thereby punishing the partner for a long time and cruelly for some “offences.”

The aspects of Saturn to the partner’s Sun and Moon are also very important. It is very important that Saturn does not damage the Sun or Moon of the partner, otherwise we have a situation opposite to the harmonious aspects of Jupiter. Saturn in conjunction, square or opposition to the Sun or Moon of a partner is the so-called “Seal of Misfortune”.

What does this mean? Saturn suppresses the individuality (Sun) or psyche (Moon) of another person, humiliates and gets on the nerves. The victim (the one whose Moon or Sun) feels as if he has been driven over like a roller - a very unpleasant pressure that cannot be gotten rid of. Moreover, the one with Saturn may be completely a good man, a smart guy, a fun guy with a bunch of friends, but this is exactly how he acts on this particular partner. The partner (whose Sun or Moon) seems to be under pressure; this is a purely individual reaction. This situation is perceived especially dramatically when the suppressed person (whose Sun or Moon) is the same age or even older than the person who has Saturn. And then the suppressed person cannot come to terms with the “domination” of the other, and, moreover, this domination actually does not exist.


Paradoxically (which, however, is in the style of Uranus), but this planet does not play a significant role in synastric astrology. It can introduce elements of surprise and eccentricity. Relationships can be very original and with their own twist.

Uranus, as the planet of divorce, works in the natal chart, but at the level of interaction of two cosmograms, no significant influences were found.


Neptune can give charm and disappointment, misconceptions about the object of love. a feeling of fabulousness of what is happening, a state of painful dependence on a loved one - “love like a dream.” But, to A it turned out there were no noticeable influences from the point of view of conflict or compatibility of partners, this planet does not provide.


It has great importance in synastric astrology as a conflict planet. If Pluto damages the partner’s conflicting planets (conjunction, square, opposition), then serious conflict situations. Pluto's conflict manifests itself as intransigence, the art of manipulation and control. No step back! Victory or death! Not an inch native land! Until the last drop of blood! Pluto does not concede an iota, fights until victory (or until death), the last point in the conflict must be behind him, the last word- him, by all means. And this is understandable, because Pluto is responsible for a person’s global self-affirmation in life. Pluto strives to conquer other people, but not two or three, but a crowd, a nation, or all of humanity at once.

References: S. Shestopalov

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