Modern literary process for youth. Cyril and Methodius readings “Reading youth - the future of Russia” Problems of adolescents in modern Russian literature and in life. Cyril and Methodius readings “Reading youth - the future of Russia”

The problem of youth in modern literature

The poison of the criminal world is incredibly terrible. Poisoning with this poison is the corruption of everything human in a person. Everyone who comes into contact with this world breathes this foul breath.

Varlam Shalamov.

We know what it means to be decent in the army. Many guys broke down morally after service, especially the intelligent ones.

From a letter to a newspaper.

“I’m sixteen, I embrace the world lovingly...” wrote the young Volgograd poet, who tragically died at the age of 18. I, too, will soon be 18. Sometimes I feel the immensity of vitality, causeless cheerfulness and love for the whole world. Why worry when everything is going well in life? Why is it that sometimes a cruel melancholy overwhelms me, nothing makes me happy, life seems meaningless? I noticed that most often this happens when, in reality or in art, I encounter phenomena of injustice, cruelty, and inhumanity that are new to me.

How do most of my peers spend their time? They drive motorcycles until they are stupefied, preventing residents from resting, wandering around the streets, looking for a place to drink, or having fun with fights and outrages at discos. It’s interesting that many of my comrades don’t even think about helping their parents. Sometimes I don’t even have anything to talk about with those with whom I belong to the same generation. But what amazes me most is the cruelty of boys and girls. To everyone: To parents who are not pitied at all; to teachers who are driven to illness; to the weak, who can be bullied endlessly; to animals.

I have thought a lot about where cruelty comes from and why it so often triumphs. Of course, there are many reasons: the wars and revolution of this century, Stalin’s camps, through which almost half the country passed through, widespread drunkenness and fatherlessness, even the fact that the school gives C grades for nothing, allowing you to do nothing. And in recent years, when facts of abuse by the authorities became clear, many of us completely lost faith.

But in this essay I would like to talk about two phenomena and times in our society that give rise to cruelty. A lot of people go through the colony, and almost all through the army. There are two works of modern literature about the zone and the army.

Leonid Gabyshev's novel "Odlyan, or the Air of Freedom" is a story about a teenager, later a young man, Kolya, nicknamed first Flounder, then Eye, later Cunning Eye. In short, this is a story about a world dominated by complete humiliation and violence. “It became unbearable for the eye. The vice squeezed the hand so much that it bent in half: the little finger touched the index finger. It seemed that the hand would break, but the flexible bones held out.

Eye, come on, smile. And know: I will slowly squeeze until the bones crack or until you confess.

Okay, Eye, that's enough for now. In the evening we will go with you to the firehouse. I’ll put your hand, your right hand, into the firebox and we’ll wait until you confess.”

The worst thing is that, at the request of the zone manager (in this case Kamani), Kolya himself puts his hand in a vice or exposes his head to a blow. Otherwise it will be even worse. You read the novel and understand: a person ends up in a colony, and society stops protecting him. The camp authorities pretend not to notice anything. No, worse, he deliberately uses some of the prisoners (the so-called horns and thieves), who are given benefits and concessions, so that they keep everyone else in order." And the convicts in charge know how to restore order... There are many scenes confirming what has been said in the novel "Here's one. Kolya's first days in the zone. The major, nicknamed Ryabchik, checks his duty. He asks the guy:

Have you registered?

Kolya was silent. The guys smiled.

“We did it, Comrade Major,” answered the gypsy.

Did you get the pins?

“I got it,” Kolya answered now.

What nickname did you give?

“Flounder,” answered Misha.

What the major smiled at with the prisoners, registration and kirkkas, was a brutal beating and humiliation, but the people assigned to monitor the correction of prisoners take this for granted.

A significant part of the novel consists of similar episodes. Well, perhaps, thanks to the writer, not only the Cunning Eye, but also the reader understands what freedom is.

Sergei Kaledin's story "Stroibat" shows several days in the life of military builders who perform the "honorable duty of Soviet citizens." This is a prefabricated part, a kind of dump, where the “filth” from many construction battalions was collected. Therefore, the morals here are not so different from the zone, and the interests are the same. “In short, we were going to hell, but ended up in heaven. Here is the gate, and on the right, two hundred meters away, is a store. And in the store there is Moldovan powder, seventeen degrees, two twenty liters. Since ten in the morning. Raspberry!”

The law is here: the powerful are always to blame for the powerless! The strong are grandfathers, the weak are salabons. It would seem that the difference is small: he came to the service a year earlier. But it's like skin color or language. Grandfathers may not work, get drunk, or bully first-year children. They must endure everything. Moreover, being separate bosses, the grandfathers give orders like slave owners. “At first, Zhenka decided to give Egorka and Maksimka to Kostya, but then he changed his mind - these two are just plowmen for him. Egorka, in addition to his main work, takes care of Zhenka and Misha Popov: make the bed, bring rations from the dining room, do small laundry, and Maksimka - Kolya, Edik and Stary." The elders also quickly put things in order here: “Zhenka treated Yegorka right away, he barely struggled. A couple of times he bled him lightly, and for some reason the Chuchmeks are afraid of their own blood. And... I tinkered with Maksimka a little longer...”

The story more than once describes how soldiers drink or inject drugs. The central scene is a grandiose fight between companies. After all the terrible bullying, the characterization of Kostya Karamychev is perceived. For the last eight months he had worked as a loader at a bakery and stole what he could. He “didn’t dry out” from drunkenness. When, “completely out of luck,” he was caught, company commander Doschinin “offered Kostya a choice: either he starts a case, or Kostya urgently cleans... all four detachment toilets.” He chose the latter, taking, of course, young assistants. During demobilization, this commander gave Kostya the following characterization: “During his service... private Karamychev K.M. proved himself to be an proactive warrior who fulfilled all statutory requirements... morally stable... The characterization was given for presentation to Moscow University ". Well, the intellectual is ready. Lawlessness, as the prisoners say. Now they are preparing military reform. I'm afraid, however, that my peers will not have time to use it. Perhaps soon I too will have to go to serve. Do you really have to live with guys who have no human feelings for two years? No, I'm not afraid of physical deprivation. As the saying goes: “I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening.”

Both works have been read. They are not very artistic, there are errors against the style and laws of literature. But there are no errors in them against the truth. You trust the writers. And you also believe that if we really want to, there will be less cruelty.

Municipal educational institution

“Secondary school named after. A.N. Arapova"

Scientific and practical conference “Verkh-Neivin Readings – 2015”

Project work
“Youth and literature: yesterday and today”


11th grade students


Bril Galina Alekseevna,

teacher of Russian language and literature,

Verkh-Neivinsky urban district



Introduction p. 3

Content part p. 5

    With. 5

    Research on the reading interest of high school students p.7

    Study of the reading interest of student parents

11th grade p.8

    Conducting individual projects “The role of books in life”

modern young man" and presentation of design

works for classmates p.8

Conclusion p. 10



In a dynamically developing Russian society, with the advent of a fairly developed communication system, the Internet, and the media, the role of books in the cultural life of young people is losing significance. A significant part of the leisure time of young people is filled with electronic media - television, video, the Internet, games, through which today the inner world of a young person, his artistic preferences, value orientations, and cultural attitudes are formed.

The modern generation reads little. Teenagers and young people are influenced by television and the Internet; they have neither the time nor the desire to read fiction. But it is literature that has a huge educational influence on the soul of the younger generation, as well as on their speech.

Enough research has already been conducted to answer the question of why young people stopped reading books, what became the source of their social and cultural education, and so on. Therefore, we are interested in studying the specific literary preferences of young people, that is, the answer to the question “If young people read, then what?”, especially since 11th grade graduates will have to take the Unified State Exam in the Russian language and write a final essay on literature, where it is necessary to demonstrate the ability build a reasoned written statement based on read literary texts.

Purpose of the study - attracting the younger generation to read fiction.


1) study the reading range of 11th grade students and their parents and identify the literary preferences of young people of different generations;

2) find out the role of literature in the formation of a person’s moral qualities;

3) present presentations of books on moral and ethical issues.

Intended Product : presentation of project work of 11th grade students on works of fiction based on essay-reasoning on problems of moral and ethical orientation.

Object of study - about11th grade students of MAOU "Secondary School named after. A.N. Arapova."

Subject of study – level of students’ reading activity.

During the work, the following research methods were used:

Analysis and synthesis of information on the topic;

Analysis of works of fiction;

Questioning, interviewing;

Processing the results of the project.

Practical significance: the materials of this project will help you realize that active and productive reading of fiction is an important part of the life of a civilized person,forming his moral and moral qualities,developing imaginative thinking and creative capabilities in any field of activity. Also, the materials of this project can be used in preparation for an essay-argument on a literary work, in the work of a school library.

Project progress:

    Conducting a survey among 11th grade students and processing its data;

    conducting an interview with parents of 11th grade students and processing its data;

3) conducting individual projects “The role of books in the life of a modern young man”: working with literary sources (works of art), the Internet, writing essays, collecting and processing information, presenting project work to classmates;

4) registration of the results of the class project;

5) presentation of the results of the class project at the Verkh-Neivin Readings conference.

Academic subject : literature

Age of participants : 16-18 years

Duration : one month

Content part

    Analysis and synthesis of information on the topic

The modern period of development of society is characterized by the strong influence of computer technology on it. We live in an era of rapid development of the media, young people actively use the computer and the World Wide Web.

The information system is of great importance inXXIcentury for the younger generation. The general level of awareness is increasing, and therefore new opportunities are emerging. New forms of communication possible on the Internet are increasingly being adopted by young people. The computer is becoming a significant factor in the life of the younger generation. It shapes his worldview. The emerging “computer man” simulates a game situation over and over again, easily destroys and recreates the virtual world, and at the same time begins to transfer its principles to reality. A student who wants to learn something new about a subject will read and watch useful video materials. This is a positive feature of the Internet - obtaining information in an accessible form. The second plus is that the Internet is a source of limitless communication with a limitless circle of people with similar interests.

However, in recent years, the new generation has stopped reading fiction. “Can a computer replace a book?”, “Can a work of fiction provide answers to the questions that concern modern youth?”, “Can the hero of a book become a role model?” - such questions concern both schoolchildren themselves and society as a whole.

It is no coincidence that in 2006, the national Program for the development and support of a reading culture was adopted as the main document of state policy in this area until 2020. The program states that the current situation is characterized as a systemic crisis of reading culture. The country has reached a reading crisis. Today in Russian society one of the main tasks is to attract the younger generation to reading. The purpose of developing the National Program is to increase the intellectual potential of the nation. Russia needs to preserve culture, all the literary and artistic wealth accumulated over centuries.

Modern children are not even interested in the works of the school curriculum. It is easier for a modern young person to use Internet sources than to turn to the book itself. This is due to technological progress and easy accessibility of information. The student does not want to waste time reading, because there is a computer at hand that will find the necessary information in a minute. Thus, the teenager deprives himself of not only pleasant leisure time with a book, but also the development of non-standard thinking.

If you imagine the modern world without books and literature, you paint very bleak pictures. One of them presented in his work “451 0 Fahrenheit" Ray Bradbury. In his utopian world of the future there are no social problems, because all of them were solved by destroying books, because literature makes you think, which means analyze, understand, and draw conclusions.

The most important purpose of the book is to preserve the knowledge accumulated over centuries and pass it on to future generations. Thanks to this, the rapid progress of mankind in recent centuries in the field of science has become possible. Most scientific discoveries are made on the basis of previously accumulated and systematized information, the results of experiments from all over the world. The knowledge we gain from books allows us to move forward without wasting time discovering what someone else already knows. We owe it to the book that today we can enjoy the masterpieces of classical literature.

Communication with a book helps a person develop and improve. Indeed, in order to understand the meaning that the author seeks to convey to the reader, one must read thoughtfully, carefully, use one’s own experience, and be able to analyze information. If the reader succeeds, then a whole world of interesting events, deep emotional experiences, and intellectual discoveries opens up before him.

At all times, the book was treated as a shrine. Once upon a time, even before the invention of printing technology, books were copied by hand, and their covers were decorated with gilding and precious stones. The Bible is rightfully considered a book of books - an ancient and eternal treasury of human wisdom for all occasions, which has come down to us through the difficult history of two millennia. The principles of life outlined in it are still relevant today.

The book, written many centuries ago, helps us understand the worldview and thinking of our distant ancestors, thereby revealing the secrets of human essence. Thanks to books, we can trace the evolution of a person’s worldview, social structure, and ethical standards. Books store the entire known history of our existence on Earth.

    Study of reading interest of high school students

Using the brainstorming technique, wequestions for the survey were compiled11th grade students“Study of the reading interest of high school students of the MAOU “Secondary School named after. A.N. Arapova"(Annex 1).During the work, 9 11th grade students were interviewed.

A comprehensive analysis of the questionnaires showed that

Only 56% of eleventh-graders surveyed like to read;

Among the preferred literary genres, respondents prefer science fiction, fantasy - 56%, romance novel - 11%, classical literature - 11%, read only compulsory works of literature according to the school curriculum - 22%;

Classmates note the reasons why young peopledon't read books, these are:

    Prolonged stay on the Internet, social networks;

    watching TV series and films is more interesting than reading books;

    an active lifestyle (sports, volunteerism, etc.) takes a lot of time, there is not enough time for reading;


    lack of understanding of the importance of reading fiction.

    Reading develops your horizons and increases your intellectual abilities, makes you think and analyze;


    Time flies quickly with a book;

    the inner world is enriched, reading evokes positive emotions;

Respondents suggest the following as activities to encourage schoolchildren to read:

    holding literary evenings (living rooms);

    instilling a love of reading from early childhood in the family

Thus, based on the results of the survey, it was found that 11th gradersThey devote insufficient time to reading fiction, giving preference to those works that are currently being studied as part of the school curriculum. The most preferred genre is science fiction and fantasy; only a few of the respondents choose serious literature.

    Research on the reading interest of parents of 11th grade students

To find out the literary preferences of parents (during their schooling),“Research on the reading interest of parents of 11th grade students of MAOU “Secondary School named after. A.N. Arapova" (Appendix 3). Thirteen parents were interviewed.

During interviews with parents, the following was revealed:(Appendix 4):

Preferred literary genres of fiction: works about nature, historical novel, military novel, classic works of Russian writers, fantasy;

To attract schoolchildren to reading, the following measures are proposed: limit access to the Internet, hold joint events to discuss books read in the family, recitation, literary evenings.

Thus, it was found that parents (high school students aged 70-90XXcenturies) read actively, their literary preferences were varied and individual.

    Conducting individual projects “The role of books in the life of a young person” and presenting project work to classmates

Fiction plays a significant role in the formation of the moral qualities of an individual.Vladimir Vysotsky has wonderful poems:... If you cut a path with your father's sword,You've wrapped salty tears around your mustache,If in a hot battle you experienced what it costs,This means you read the right books as a child...

How accurately and emotionally the great bard defined the role of books in the formation of young people!

During the elective course in literature, each student worked on an individual project on the topic proposed by the teacher: “The role of books in the life of a modern young man”: working with literary sources (works of fiction), the Internet, collecting and processing information. Project works were presented to classmates (Appendix 4).


In the modern world, unfortunately, many teenagers gradually forget about books, because they are convinced that they can easily be replaced by television and the Internet.

It is difficult for any educated and cultured person to imagine the world around us without a book.It is on the pages of the book that you can find answers to many questions that constantly concern a person. It is on the pages of books that various ways to solve life's problems are provided; there is a lot of practical advice and recommendations. How to experience true love and friendship, how to choose the right path, where and how to find the meaning of life? Howunderstand yourself and those around you?These and many other questions can be answered on the pages of books.

Are you in doubt? Does this seem impossible to you? This means that you really are not a fan of reading, but it would be worth giving it a try. Take time and pick up an entertaining book. You won't regret your time for a minute!

List of information resources

    Bradbury R. 451 o Fahrenheit: M., publishing house "Eksmo", 2007

    Bulgakov M. Master and Margarita: M., AST, 2002

    Lermontov M. Hero of our time: M., "Eksmo", 2006

    National program for the support and development of reading in the Russian Federation, 2006

    Sapkovsky A. Witcher: M., AST, 1986

    Tolstoy L. War and Peace: M., AST, 2009

    Hemingway E. The Old Man and the Sea:M., , 2010

    Sholokhov M. The Fate of a Man: M.: DOSAAF, 1976

Annex 1

Questions for the survey “Research on the reading interest of high school students of MAOU “Secondary School named after. A.N. Arapova"

Dear classmates!

Survey Questions

    What genres of literature do you prefer to read?

    What books of this genre are you interested in?

    Why don't young people read books?

    What activities are needed to encourage reading?

Appendix 2

« Summary results of the analysis of the survey “Research of the reading interest of high school students of the MAOU “Secondary School named after. A.N. Arapova."

Diagram 1

Diagram 2

Question 2: What literary genres do you like?

Question 3: What books of this genre are you interested in?





A. Sapkowski “The Witcher”,

Br. Strugatsky "Roadside Picnic"

D. Glukhovsky “Metro 2033”,

R. Bradbury "451 O Fahrenheit" and others.

classic literature

I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov”,

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”,

M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”

M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" and others.

Question 4: Why don't young people read books?

    prolonged use of the Internet, social networks;

    watching TV series and movies is more interesting than reading books

    active lifestyle (sports activities, volunteerism, etc.), lack of time for reading;


    misunderstanding of why you need to read books.

    horizons expand, intelligence, memory, thinking develop;

    reading develops your horizons and increases your intellectual abilities, makes you think and analyze;

    uhit’s interesting, you can learn a lot of new things;

    every cultured person should know classical literature;

    Time flies quickly with a book;

    the inner world is enriched and evokes positive emotions;

    Fiction improves writing, correct speech;

    poetry develops eloquence;

    literature shows life's mistakes using the example of literary heroes.

Question 6: Activities to encourage reading

    Literary evenings (lounges)

    Instill a love of reading in the family from early childhood

Appendix 3

Interview Questions “Research on the reading interest of parents of 11th grade students of MAOU “Secondary School named after. A.N. Arapova."

Dear parents!

As part of the literature project “Youth and Literature”, we are offering you questions, the answers to which will be useful in the further writing of your work.

Interview Questions

    Your years of schooling?

    What genres of literature did you like to read during your school years?

    What work of art from the school curriculum do you remember and why?

Appendix 4

Diagram 1

Diagram 2

Question 3

The following literary genres of artistic works were preferred:

Question 4

What work of art from the school curriculum do you remember and why?

“The touching love story of the heroes will not leave anyone indifferent. I myself experienced a similar situation in my life.”

“The adventures of an officer of the Russian General Staff, who became a professional intelligence officer and a witness to the political and diplomatic intrigues that led to the First World War, were interesting.For the main character, honor, duty and service to the Fatherland are above all.”

“A novel about the events of the peasant uprising led by Stepan Razin. Fascinating reading."

“The novel describes the fate of the English physicist Griffin, who invented a machine that makes a person invisible.Probably almost everyone has thought or dreamed about becoming invisible. The author in his novel showed that being invisible is not so simple, and that this seemingly funny property can lead to tragic consequences.”

“Wonderful book. You can find answers to many questions. We admired Natasha Rostova, the nobility of Andrei Bolkonsky, and the humanity of Pierre Bezukhov.”

Question 5

What advice would you give to today's schoolchildren to encourage them to read?

Restrict Internet access,

Conduct joint events to discuss books read in the family, recitation, literary evenings.

Appendix 5

Individual projects “The role of books in the life of a young man”

Adyev Eduard

The main problems that concern modern young people are the problem of choosing a life path and loneliness. In my opinion, the works are relevant for young peopleXXIcenturies: “Dubrovsky”, “Eugene Onegin” by A.S. Pushkin; “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboyedov; “Hero of Our Time” by M.Yu. Lermontov; “The Old Man and the Sea” by E. Hemingway; “All Quiet on the Western Front” by E. Remarque.

The ideal for me and my contemporaries would be the main character of E. Hemingway’s story “The Old Man and the Sea.”This book is not only about the old Cuban fisherman Santiago, whom the writer simply calls an old man, and not even about the old man’s fight with a big fish, which he eventually defeated, but was unable to save. This is a book about “a man who does not give up,” about his persistent pursuit of a goal, about the interconnection of everything in the world, about the triumph of life.

The main character, old man Santiago, for the modern generation can become an example of inflexible strength of character, because the fisherman went to sea for 84 days and did not catch anything, but he did not despair and went to sea on the 85th day to catch perhaps the most important fish In my life. When the fish bit, the hero was afraid to miss it and therefore fished for three days. And finally, having caught it, he tries with his last strength to protect it from the sharks, but he fails: only the skeleton remains of the fish.

Old man Santiago is an experienced fisherman who works all his life, struggling with hardships and dangers. His whole life is connected with the sea. The sea feeds the fishermen. But it doesn’t want to give anything away voluntarily. People are in an eternal struggle with the elements, it was this struggle that made Santiago a strong and strong-willed person. Only to such people does nature cede part of its wealth if a person learns to understand the language of nature, to feel its deep and complex life.

The story “The Old Man and the Sea” not only evokes pride in a man who cannot be defeated. It makes you think about the principles of its existence, about its attitude towards life and nature.

How I would like to learn from the hero of Hemingway’s story to maintain agreement with myself in any situation and endless faith in victory!

Loginov Ivan

Modern young people are concerned with questions: how to become happy? How to remain sincere in our World? What is duty and devotion? What interests me most is how to become happy?

For young peopleXXIcentury, the epic novel by L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” is relevant, in which, using the example of the destinies of A. Bolkonsky and P. Bezukhov, the author shows how love,relationship with Natasha Rostova makes these characters happy.

My ideal would be Andrei Bolkonsky, the hero of Leo Tolstoy’s epic novel. I am close in spirit to his way of looking at the world. To see in people and things the most important thing that is necessary for an objective description of an object or a person. This character also attracts me because he is a patriot, take for example the situation from the first volume of this wonderful novel, when the defeated General Mack returned to headquarters. Andrei was very angry because he understood that the enemy was already close, but could not do anything about it.

Loginov Ivan

Sometimes we sit idle,

Trying to mentally understand

What does our body want?

And how to relieve the sadness in your soul.

And then I see the one who can

Without saying a word, hug.

And in difficult times she will help,

And it's easy for her to understand you.

You think I'm talking about women

Started his conversation again?

Well, I'll disappoint you.

Today we won’t talk about them

The conversation is one that hits the soul.

I meant our book.

But ours, in the sense, is about people,

And not about all kinds of animals,

They run and climb walls,

They yell and talk a lot

Yes, so I don’t understand at all,

What were we talking about at the beginning?

When the conversation turns

In a stream of mutual insults,

And the difference in social opinions.

Sorry, I got distracted.

What did I tell you about?

Oh yes,

About how a book can become

An advisor and even a friend...

Or a girlfriend. It's not the same for everybody.

There's a lot to learn in it

It's not hard at all if you want

There is a lot in this world you understand.

Those who will help you with this

Who are the novels written about?

Be it Onegin or Stolz,

Oblomov or the same Lensky,

That he was in love like a child.

Or let's say your hero-

This is some Ashik,

That everyone called it Kerib.

Il Danko with a dear heart.

Or the one whose name is famous,

But say it out loud

Not everyone can among us.

After all, he is dangerous:


The late Berlioz,

I dared to argue with him,

About whether there is a God in the World,

Unfortunately, he completely forgot

That we are just God's children.

It's not for us to compete with this evil one,

But moderately attractive,

And also seductive

A little curious

And passionately intoxicating

In relation to others,

But still infinitely evil,

With him, the Devil of the night.

Here you go…

I got distracted again...

Looks like it's time to call it a day,

Otherwise, even in three days

You can't get to the end of the poem.

I'll finish briefly:

I want,

So that people don't waste time,

Developed your carefree mind,

And they didn’t forget about me.

Kitaev Ivan

Literature about the war is the people's memory of the terrible and tragic years. Books about the war remind us of the high cost of victory and in what difficult conditions at the front the character of people was tested and strengthened.

M. Sholokhov's story “The Fate of Man” occupies a special place in Russian literature of the twentieth century. The fate of Andrei Sokolov reflected the fate of those who bore on their shoulders all the hardships of the war, experienced incredible suffering and preserved the humanity within them.The trials did not break Sokolov. The optimism of the hero of the story leaves a deep imprint on the reader’s soul for life and serves as a moral example. The feat of man is shown by the writer in conditions of fascist captivity, behind the barbed wire of a concentration camp. In these inhuman conditions, the courage of the Russian man is revealed, which surprised even the fascists. The hero cannot defeat his enemies physically, but defeats them morally, fortitude and perseverance.

The main character traits of Andrei Sokolov are revealed in his actions. His character reflected the best features of a person - not ostentatious, but deep patriotism, humanism, unyielding will to achieve his goal, love of freedom.Sholokhov portrays Sokolov as a noble and humane man. Sokolov’s humanity was also evident in the adoption of the orphan Vanyusha.He gives all the warmth of his soul to the child, from whom the war also took everything. Without hesitation, he calls himself Vanyushka’s father, who returned from the front.

The fate of Andrei Sokolov reflected not only the terrible evil of war, but also faith in the goodness that exists in man, hope for a better future. The hero of Sholokhov’s story is certainly an example to follow for a modern young man.

Byzov Ivan

Modern young people are concerned about relationships with friends, questions about the future and the problem of finding a place for themselves in society.

Books by modern science fiction authors are relevant for young people, since science fiction in any of its manifestations gives teenagers the opportunity to escape into their fictional world, forgetting about the real one. This raises the problem of young people’s reluctance to perceive reality as it is.

The ideal for me and my contemporaries could be a literary hero from Andrzej Sapkowski’s “The Witcher” series of books. The world of A. Sapkowski is a cruel Middle Ages, where money and magic rule. The main character of the series is Geralt of Rivia, a witcher who hunts monsters that pose a threat to human life. As a child, like other witchers, with the help of mutations, he was given high fighting qualities: great strength, instant reaction. In the character of the hero one can see restraint and self-control in all situations.

Geralt has a difficult character. He is straightforward, rude, harsh, and has a very unique sense of humor. He won’t fawn over anyone, nor will he throw himself at someone’s feet. Reserved and taciturn, like all witchers. Tries to adhere to neutrality and the principle of the lesser evil. No amount of treasure can lure him. Enjoys the attention of women. When he feels that he is being provoked, he first tries to settle everything peacefully. But when he is brought to the boiling point, he cannot restrain himself and grabs his weapon.

What qualities should you adopt from a hero? This is calmness and restraint in any situation, self-esteem, prudence, incorruptibility, and the desire to resolve the conflict peacefully.

Since childhood, we are taught to obey adults and do as they say. When we reach adulthood, we ourselves choose our future path in life. Geralt decides his own destiny and does not obey anyone, and it seems to me that reading the book could contribute to the formation of independence in young people.

Gvozdeva Elizaveta

Modern young people are concerned about many problems: material values, love, family, self-development. However, not everyone sets their priorities correctly. You need to learn a lot, see a lot to do it right.

Roman M.Yu. Lermontov's "Hero of Our Time" will help them with this.Pechorin Grigory Alexandrovich is the main character of the novel. It is he who the author calls “the hero of our time.” The author himself notes the following: “The Hero of Our Time... is exactly a portrait, but not of one person: it is a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development.” This character cannot be called positive or negative. He is rather a typical representative of his time.

Pechorin himself says about himself: “I was ready to love the whole world, but no one understood me: and I learned to hate.” This is the reason for the duality of his soul. Two people live in him at once: one lives by feelings, and the other judges him. This inconsistency does not allow Pechorin to live a full life. With a bitter feeling, he evaluates himself as a “moral cripple” whose better half of his soul has “dried up, evaporated, died.”

In order to better understand Pechorin, Lermontov shows him in different settings, and different conditions, in clashes with different people.Pechorin was an egoist. He couldn't care less about anyone else. Both in friendship and in love. In hunting, war, in the love of the savage Bela, Pechorin longs to find the lost taste for life. Although Pechorin was very passionate about Bela, for him she was just a cure for boredom, which he discarded without hesitation as soon as it stopped working.

In the chapter “Princess Mary” he achieves the love of a young girl, while making Grushnitsky unhappy. Pechorin absolutely does not need this love, he is attracted by the game itself, the adventure itself, the achievement of the goal - so that the soul of the innocent and inexperienced Mary opens up to him. Pechorin wears masks, changing them with ease, without showing his essence to anyone. When Mary falls in love to such an extent that she is ready to connect her life with him, the hero leaves the stage - the goal has been achieved.

Vera is the only woman whom Pechorin loves years later and cannot imagine being left without her. After a long separation from Vera, the hero, as before, heard the trembling of his heart: the sounds of her sweet voice revived the old feeling. Great and pure love lives in her heart. However, despite their mutual feelings, the relationship between these people did not work out.

Lermontov in the preface to the novel called Pechorin sick. He did not mean literal physical weakness, but the soul of the hero. The hero finds no use for his extraordinary abilities; no one needs the strength of his spirit. He doesn’t know what he could do that was actually heroic, valuable, and useful. As a result, his strong, rebellious, restless nature brings people nothing but misfortune.Wherever the hero appears, he brings people only grief: smugglers leave their home, Grushnitsky is killed, Princess Mary is inflicted a deep spiritual wound, Vera does not know happiness, Bela dies, Maxim Maksimych is disappointed in friendship. “My love did not bring happiness to anyone, because I did not sacrifice anything for those I loved...”

Using the example of Pechorin, Lermontov shows us what mistakes the young people of his time made. The author draws attention to the fact that Pechorin himself is to blame for everything.

Now let’s return to our days, to the problems of youth.In the novel, Pechorin seemed to “hold a mirror to his entire generation.” I think it would be nice for us to look in this mirror.If any problems arise, then you need to look for them in yourself. You need to analyze your actions. Why did you do this? For what? This must be done in order to minimize moral lapses in the future. If every person, after reading Lermontov’s novel, identifies for himself those qualities that need to be changed in himself, then our world will become more humane, kinder, more beautiful.

Khasanov Ruslan

For me, a modern personXXIcentury, Ray Bradbury's novel “451” is relevant O ByFahrenheit." The title of the work is the temperature at which the paper burns. The book tells about the burning of books, about a man who acted blasphemously with books, but suffered mental changes and became a book lover. But the main idea of ​​the work is a picture of the degradation of society, condemnation of dissent, lack of moral freedom, the right to one’s opinion. The problems described in the work are still relevant today. Yes, nowadays they don’t burn books. But people forget about them, people go into another world, listening to music on headphones, driving a car and the worst thing - THINKING ABOUT NOTHING. They live without thinking about spirituality, about the world around them, they live one day at a time.

R. Bradbury's heroes are loners, rushing into a hopeless battle, striving not so much to win as to assert their human dignity.The profession of the main character of the novel, Guy Montag, is a fireman, but a fireman armed not with a water cannon, but with a flamethrower with kerosene. It does not extinguish, but rather ignites fires. What is designed to save people, help them, make life happier, suddenly turns against them, begins to put pressure, oppress, threaten, and finally kill. There is nothing human left in a gang of cackling teenagers in cars who, seeing a lone passerby, immediately decide: “We’ll knock him over!” They're having fun. Just as their “teachers” who burned books taught them...“If they give you lined paper, write across it” is the epigraph to the novel. Written across is young Clarissa, who stirred up Montag’s soul, a girl who is interested not in how something is done, but in what and why.He keeps books in his house that he took from the house doomed to be burned. He admits this to his wife and offers to read and discuss them together, but finds no response (his wife is a fan of television series).And when Montag flees the city, he is met by tramps around the fires - intellectuals, writers, teachers. Each of them learned by heart some great creation of the past. They believe that the time will come when all the treasures of human thought will be reborn again, preserved by this living library.

The novel "Fahrenheit 451" is a manifestation of the author's optimism, his belief in the ultimate triumph of reason, in the fact that all book creations created by man will be passed on - from generation to generation, and so on endlessly.

Rasputina Maria

In my opinion, the problems that concern the modern generation are as follows: problems of mercy, good and evil, responsibility, compassion. M.A. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” will help young peopleXXIcentury to think about these problems and find ways to solve them.

What is good and what is evil? How to fight evil? How to take the path of goodness and not stray from it? - M.A. Bulgakov poses these questions in his novel “The Master and Margarita”. The author describes the events of the 20sXXcenturies and biblical times.

In distant Yershalaim, in the palace of the procurator of Judea Pontius Pilate, Yeshua is accused of inciting the destruction of the Yershalaim temple. Pontius Pilate lives by his own laws: he knows that the world is divided into those who rule and those who obey them. And suddenly a person appears who thinks differently: “...the temple of the old faith will collapse and a new temple of truth will be created.” This man is not afraid to object to the procurator and does it so simply that Pontius Pilate is confused for some time. The procurator is immediately convinced of Yeshua’s innocence. But, despite this, he shows cowardice: out of fear of denunciation, fear of ruining his own career, Pilate goes against his convictions, the voice of humanity and conscience. Yeshua is executed. Pontius Pilate is haunted by nightmares, and his power turns out to be imaginary. He is a coward, a faithful servant of Caesar. The procurator's conscience torments him, and he will never have peace.

Enmity, distrust of dissident people, envy reign in the world where Yeshua lives, and in the world that surrounds the Master. Woland exposes all these vices. This is an artistically reimagined image of Satan. The goal of Satan and his assistants, who appeared in Moscow, is to expose the essence of negative phenomena in human society and expose them to public display. Woland's tricks in Variety and his other tricks once again show the reader the depravity of human nature. Woland accurately defines “who is who”: Styopa Likhodeev, a famous person in the cultural world of Moscow, is a slacker, a libertine and a drunkard; Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy - bribe-taker; Fokin, bartender at Variety, is a thief; Baron Meigel, who works in one of the offices, is an informer, and the poet A. Ryukhin, “carefully masquerading as a proletarian,” is an inveterate hypocrite.

Bulgakov’s problem of good and evil is the problem of people’s choice of the principle of life, and the purpose of the evil that Woland and his retinue carry in the novel is to reward everyone in accordance with this choice. Through the fate of Margarita, he presents to us the path of goodness to self-discovery through the purity of the heart with a huge, sincere love burning in it, in which lies its strength. The writer's Margarita is an ideal.

The master is also a bearer of good, because he was above the prejudices of society and lived guided by his soul. Therefore, the author gives him the peace that the hero dreamed of. On earth, the Master still has a student and an immortal romance, destined to continue the struggle between good and evil.

The time interval of two millennia only emphasizes that the problems of good and evil are eternal and enduring. They are relevant for people of any era.

Research project "Problems of youth in modern literature (based on the work of Zoe Sugg "Girl Online")"

In the adult world, it is generally accepted that childhood should be happy. However, in life we ​​have to observe episodes that are very far from well-being and happiness. I seriously thought about the problem of my peers when I read Zoe Sugg’s work “Girl Online”. Of course, in modern society this topic regarding the problems of adolescents is not new. But now it seems especially relevant to me. It is raised on television, on the radio, and in newspaper publications. The interest of writers in the “teenage” topic is due, first of all, to the opening opportunity to explore the initial, complex and dramatic process of the formation of a person, his worldview, and the ethical foundations of personality. The image of a teenager in literature is shown in dynamics: the moral and ethical content and the way of characterizing the hero change.
An object- Zoe Sugg's youth novel "Girl Online"
Item- problems of the heroes of Zoe Sugg’s work “Girl Online” and teenagers of our school.
Hypothesis: If we look at Zoe Sugg’s novel “Girl Online,” we can identify a range of youth problems and prove that they correspond to the modern psychological and pedagogical concept of “teenager.”
The purpose of this work: identify the range of problems of adolescents reflected in modern literature (using the example of Zoe Sugg’s work “Girl Online”) and in life.
-study theoretical material about the characteristics of adolescence;
- consider how the image of a teenager is portrayed in modern literature;
- read and analyze Zoe Sugg’s work “Girl Online”;
-study the characters of the heroes of the story, the motives of their actions;
- identify difficult situations in the world of the characters in the novel and the reasons for their occurrence;
- conduct a survey to identify the range of problems of adolescents;
-analyze questionnaires of students in grades 7-9;
-summarize the problems in the lives of teenagers and draw conclusions.
The work represents an experience of independent research. Research methodology:
- studying theoretical material,
- analysis of Zoe Sugg’s work “Girl Online”
- survey of students;
- analysis of the results obtained;
- drawing up diagrams,
- speaking to students.
The structure of the work is: introduction, 2 chapters, conclusion, list of references, appendix.

Adolescent in psychology and literature.
Features of adolescence
Who can be considered a teenager and what is the significance of this period in the development of personality? The works of many researchers in the fields of psychology, philosophy and sociology are devoted to this issue.
Humanity has not always had the concept of “teenager” in its vocabulary. As F. Aries notes, in pre-industrial Europe they did not distinguish between childhood and adolescence, and the very concept of “adolescence” arose only in the 19th century. Art. was the first to propose considering this period as a transition from childhood to adulthood. Hall.
When considering the image of a teenager from the point of view of his psychological characteristics, it should be noted that in science there is no precise definition of the age boundaries of adolescence. Medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal, sociological literature defines different boundaries of adolescence: 10-14 years, 14-18 years, 12-20 years, etc. In this study, we rely on the opinion of supporters of the social approach (Averin, Dolto) when determining the boundaries of adolescence, i.e. We consider the main criterion to be social influence on personal development. According to T.M. Prostakova, “personal development in its content is determined by what society expects from a person, what values ​​and ideals it offers him, what tasks it sets for him at different age stages.”
The study of adolescence is a very complex, long and multifaceted process that has not been completed to this day. It is no coincidence that this age is called “transitional” from childhood to maturity, but the path to maturity for a teenager is just beginning; it is rich in many dramatic experiences, difficulties and crises. At this time, stable forms of behavior, character traits and methods of emotional response take shape, which in the future largely determine the life of an adult, his physical and psychological health, social and personal maturity. Adolescence (adolescence) is a time of achievements, rapid growth of knowledge and skills, the formation of morality and the discovery of the “I,” and the formation of social attitudes.
A feature of adolescence is the task of moral maturation, i.e., determining one’s own attitude towards oneself and the world, forming a worldview and moral values, norms and personal meanings.
It is known that the moral, intellectual, aesthetic development of children and adolescents is directly related to the spiritual food they receive. As a rule, teenagers, in search of the correct answer to moral questions, turn to sources such as scientific and popular literature, fiction, works of art, print, and television.
Our immediate future, our tomorrow's society, depends on how today's teenagers solve their problems and what values ​​they choose for themselves. And we need to seriously think about this problem. But what about teenagers and adults, when the frantic pace of life and the struggle for existence leave no time even to think about themselves.
Adolescence is characterized by imitation of models. As noted by modern psychotherapist A.A. Shchegolev, a teenager with his characteristic maximalism, tries not only to copy, but also in many ways to surpass his idol. It is important that such a role model be a worthy, aesthetically elevated and morally stable example. Such an example, in our opinion, can be the artistic image of literature.

1.2 The image of a teenage hero in modern literature
One of the main aesthetic functions of literature is the formation of a fully developed personality. A child’s entry into the book universe occurs primarily with the help of literature specially created for children.
Along with changing life, the image of a literary hero also changes, which is especially evident in works of teenage literature. The process of a teenager entering adulthood is becoming more complicated due to changes in socio-economic and socio-cultural conditions.
Modern teenage prose, worthily continuing the traditions of the classics, reflects the realities of modern life and serves as its illustration; In addition, it creates a feeling of a living image of teenagers.
Today, modern teenage prose is undergoing some stagnation. As Sergei Kolosov notes, at present, despite the fact that the book industry is experiencing a rapid rise (book shelves are literally choking with all kinds of books: from frivolous detective “reading” in cheap bindings to weighty tomes, sometimes costing several thousand rubles), literature about teenagers is in serious decline. "The most important series of books may not be visible - about modern 13-16 year old teenagers. Our Russian ones."
But not everything is as bad as it seems. Currently, there are several interesting writers working who have paid and are paying considerable attention to the teenage theme in their work. These are such authors as L. Matveeva, T. Kryukova, G. Gorlienko, O. Dzyuba, E. Lipatova, T. Mikheeva, V. Zheleznikov, E. Murashova.
Genre originality is not rich, these are: a fantastic story (works by T. Kryukova), a story of a socio-psychological nature (works by E. Murashova, V. Zheleznikov) and romance novels (works by G. Gordienko, T. Mikheeva, L. Matveeva, E. Lipatova ).
As a rule, the heroes of modern teenage prose are ordinary, at first glance unremarkable girls and boys. Teenage heroes strive to gain social independence in the absence of such an opportunity. However, the situations they find themselves in help them gain self-confidence and realize their own importance.

Last name, first name, patronymic (in full) Smirnova Irina Yurievna

Name of place of work/study MBOU "Novoportovsk boarding school named after L.V. Laptsui"

Name of municipality Name of settlement village of New Port

Today, in the age of computers, super-smart gadgets, robots, nanotechnology, one of the main problems is the problem of spiritual, moral, aesthetic and patriotic education of youth.

Our society aims young people at success, self-sufficiency, and the ability to earn money. These are the requirements of a market economy. The media promote the norms of modern life, instilling in young people that such vices as pride, anger, gluttony, envy, despondency, love of money, fornication are not sins at all. As a result, in the process of personality formation, we get a consumer person who is absolutely indifferent to other people’s pain, other people’s problems, a person who has suddenly forgotten that no amount of wealth can replace honesty, kindness, and decency. A modern young man, mentally developed and possessing certain scientific knowledge, finds himself at the lowest level spiritually and emotionally.

The main goal of the school library is to form a thinking and feeling, loving and active person, ready for creativity in any area of ​​life. The moral education of the younger generation is the primary task of society, since morality is the highest measure of humanity. The school and the library should join forces in the formation of moral values.

As a librarian, I am interested in how emotionally young readers perceive a literary text, how deeply they understand it, and whether they empathize with literary characters. The ability of a reader, and especially a young reader, to experience joy, anger, and sadness is important in a person’s spiritual life. Emotional imagination allows the reader to understand the world of feelings of literary characters, live their lives with them, imagine himself as any character from a book, break away from reality and experience incredible adventures. Hence the conclusion - reading develops imagination. “The reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. A person who never reads experiences only one” (D. Martin).

Our library often hosts loud readings with stops to answer questions that arise during the reading of a work of art, to discuss the actions of literary heroes. And even those guys who don’t like to read become interested in the fate of the characters in the book, with a thirst to know what will happen next, how the plot will end.

Of particular interest are books that tell about the destinies of teenagers like our dear readers (Zheleznyakov V.K. “Scarecrow”, Kaverin V. “Two Captains”), books about the Great Patriotic War (Kuznetsov A. “Babi Yar ”, Kassil L. “Street of the Youngest Son”, Baklanov G. “Forever Nineteen”, Cherkashin G. “Doll”, etc.) about friendship and love (Shcherbakova G. “You never dreamed of”, Grossman D. “With whom I wish I could run”, Dina Sabitova “Three Your Names”, Sharon Draper “Hello, Let’s Talk”), historical stories.

To attract students to read spiritual and moral literature, book and illustrative exhibitions are held dedicated to the life of Sergius of Radonezh, Alexander Nevsky, and the great enlighteners Cyril and Methodius. On the days of the Orthodox book, the library hosts review conversations, round tables, loud readings of evangelical themes by Russian writers I. S. Shmelev (“Summer of the Lord”, “Pilgrim”), L. Andreev (“Hostinets”), A. P. Chekhov ( “On Passion Street”), N. S. Leskova (“Figure”), L. N. Tolstoy (“Candle”), F. M. Dostoevsky (“The Boy at Christ’s Christmas Tree”),

Our library, just like any other, has a collection of Orthodox literature, which is used in exhibition work when it comes to the ethnocultural traditions of the Russian people. And, as you know, the culture of the Russian people is inextricably linked with Orthodoxy. Well-known and celebrated Orthodox holidays: Day of Naum the Grammar on December 14, January 25 - St. Tatiana's Day, celebrated as Students' Day, May 24 - Day of Remembrance of Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, also known as the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. There are always a number of events held at school for these holidays. These are exhibitions of fiction and Orthodox literature, review conversations, loud readings, quizzes, flash mobs, etc.

The teenage period, according to many teachers and parents, is difficult and critical. A good book can help a teenager understand the system of moral values ​​and ideals, organize his behavior and activities, teach self-control and responsibility for the results of his actions. There are many modern authors, both Russian and foreign, writing for teenagers.

Here are some of them: Eduard Verkin “Cloud Regiment”; Olga Gromova “Sugar Baby”; Vladislav Krapivin “On the Night of the Big Tide”; Tamara Kryukova “The Witch”; Mark Levy "Shadow Thief"; Boris Almazov “Look - I’m growing”; Nikolai and Svetlana Ponomarev “Are you afraid of the dark?” and “Photos on the ruins”; Mikhail Samarsky “Rainbow for a Friend”, Evgeny Yelchin “Stalin’s Nose”; Boris Balter's story "Goodbye, boys!" These are books by modern authors about humanity, moral problems, understanding the meaning of life, the experiences of heroes, their struggle for justice and honesty, their nobility, readiness to help their friends and their selflessness.

A children's book should give children hope that everything can be okay, that there are good choices. The book helps to understand where there is goodness, mercy, compassion, what repentance is and what pride, idleness, anger, envy, and pride are. Finding and recommending a good book to a teenager is the task of a librarian and literature teacher. Reading parents can also become reading leaders for teenagers, because they can introduce them to reading by personal example.

Over the past two or three years, there has been an increased demand for classical literature that is not part of the school curriculum. This is Dostoevsky F.M. "The Brothers Karamazov"; Tolstoy L.N., “Anna Karenina”, “Resurrection”; Fadeev “Young Guard”, Shmelev “Summer of the Lord”.

And, of course, the works of Pushkin A.S., Lermontov M.Yu., Gogol N.V., Tolstoy L.N., Dostoevsky F.M., Chekhov A.P., Sholokhov M. - allow the young reader not not only to recognize the past, but also to experience together with the heroes of their books, to form views, feelings, character, awaken a love for beauty, and cultivate readiness to fight for the triumph of goodness and truth.

Modern teenagers prefer to watch a film based on literary works rather than read the work itself, since a lot of time is spent on reading. But those who read the book did not regret the time spent. Here's what guys who read books about the war say:

“Any book about war teaches us to value life, to protect what is most precious, to believe, to hope. We learn about such qualities as kindness, self-sacrifice, and the ability to be friends. Every self-respecting person is obliged to read at least one book about the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945!”

The guys believe that reading books about war is necessary for every person in order to know the history of their country, to know at what price the world in which we all live was paid, in order to remember the heroes of the war and their exploits.

Reading books about war teaches you to be humane even in the most difficult and terrible situations, teaches you to stick to your principles to the end, teaches you to love, believe, hope, teaches people to unite for one great goal - Victory.

Nowadays, it is necessary to read books about the war, especially about the Great Patriotic War, in order to cultivate the spirit of patriotism, pride in one’s country, and most importantly, so that the current generation does not forget thanks to whom it lives on this earth under a peaceful sky. This is not necessarily fiction, but also documentary, reading which allows you to develop your own point of view on current events.

Young people who read and know the traditions, history and culture of their country have high potential for the future of Russia.

Remember, young citizen,

Book - growth vitamin!

The great Russian writer A. M. Gorky wrote: “I owe everything good in life to books.”

Today, more than ever, it is important to introduce children and adolescents to the world of spiritual values ​​of history and culture. Russian classical literature, aimed at harmony and the search for the meaning of life, at resolving eternal questions, makes it possible to use the richest material for the formation of personal culture. For example, the books “Alive” by B. Mozhaev, “Business as Usual” by V. Belov, “Farewell to Matera” by V. Rasputin help to understand in a new way the essence of human relationships and actions. They affirm the ideals of reason, beauty, harmony, and talk about man’s responsibility for every step he takes on earth.

Modern youth need to read, and read the best of the classics, in order to understand themselves, who you are, what you want to achieve. Moral problems of the individual can be traced in the works of such writers as Chingiz Aitmatov, B. Vasiliev, V. Astafiev, V. Rasputin, Yu. Bondarev and many others.

But the most important thing the book gives is wise advice.

A teenager, observing the thoughts, feelings, experiences and actions of literary characters, learns not to make their mistakes in his life, tries to follow the example only of positive heroes.

Books teach the younger generation to think, imagine, experience and empathize. Sometimes they just help them have a good time, and sometimes they become irreplaceable friends and advisers. Books teach you how to act correctly in a given situation; they seem to ask their readers to be better and help them navigate life.

Books about outstanding people both in our country and in other countries of the world play an important role in the development of a teenager’s personality. The history of mankind over the millennia of its existence has accumulated a lot of life experience, and it would be nice to study this experience for our children. The series of books “The Lives of Remarkable People” will reveal the details of the biographies of outstanding personalities.

Reading books about outstanding people helps readers walk the paths of life with dignity, form their character, and achieve their goals. These books are an excellent motivator for those who have encountered obstacles on the way to their dreams. Books cultivate a person’s moral qualities, teach them to think and reason, and help develop their inner world.

  • The book teaches you to think.
  • The book teaches you to speak.
  • The book teaches you to understand people.

I consider Vladimir Vysotsky’s poems “The Ballad of Struggle” to be the best poems dedicated to children’s and teenage reading. Brief summary of the ballad in a poem by V. V. Radin:

Books teach children

To all the wisdom of life -

How to be a Human

And be needed by the Fatherland,

And how truth differs from lies

Everyone must be different.

How to fight the enemy

And how to defeat evil.

I would like to end my thoughts with the words of A. M. Gorky: “Love a book, it will make your life easier, it will amicably help you sort out the colorful and stormy confusion of thoughts, feelings, and events. It will teach you to respect people and yourself, it inspires your mind and heart with a feeling of love for the world, for people.”


  1. Spiritual and moral education of children and adolescents in a modern library environment / author. comp. E. M. Zueva. - M.: Russian School Library Association, 2008. - 336 p.
  2. Kagan M. S. Philosophical theory of value. - St. Petersburg, 1997.
  3. Komensky Ya. A. On the skillful use of books - the primary tool for the development of natural talents / School Library - 2000. - No. 5 - p.58-62
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