Create visual bookmarks. How to install Yandex visual bookmarks in the Firefox browser. How to delete or restore visual bookmarks in Yandex

We welcome you all to our website again. Today we're going back to the browser Google Chrome and see how to set visual bookmarks. What are visual bookmarks? These are special extensions for various browsers that allow the user to go to the most frequently visited sites in one click. They can be used as an addition to the regular bookmarks bar in the browser window. If you don't know how to add a website link to your bookmarks bar, go back.

By default, Google Chrome comes with visual bookmarks from frequently visited sites.

Everything seems to be fine. But... As you visit other sites, some bookmarks may be replaced automatically with new ones that you are in Lately visited often. And you wouldn’t want to lose site links that are useful to you. And the number of 8 pieces is not always sufficient to ensure that all sites are always at hand. To increase the number of visual bookmarks and make them easier to manage, we will install the extension Visual bookmarks Yandex for Google Chrome from the Google online store.

To do this, go to the main menu of the browser, select “Additional tools”, then “Extensions”

A list of all installed extensions will open in front of us.

We go down to the very bottom and click “More extensions”.

We get to the Chrome online store. In the search field, enter our query “Visual bookmarks” and press Enter. In the search results, select the Extensions section and select the extension we need by clicking on the Install button.

Before the extension is installed, we will be asked to confirm the installation. We give our consent. After a few seconds, the extension will install successfully. To view, open a new tab.

Visual bookmark settings

In the middle there are buttons for quick access to closed bookmarks, viewing downloaded files, bookmarks and History.

Let's first set up our visual bookmarks. To do this, in the lower right part of the screen, click on the “Settings” button.

The first setting is the Number of bookmarks. Here you can specify the required number of bookmarks. The maximum number is 25.

Background. Thanks to this setting, you can set the background either from the provided images, or upload your own by clicking “Upload”. The selected picture is displayed with a tick.

Other options. By clicking on this button, you will have access to additional settings.

Here you can configure the type of bookmarks. The default is “Logos and Headings”. In this case, the site logo and its title will be displayed on the tab. You can also select “Logos and screenshots” and “Site screenshots”.

How to add a visual bookmark?

Now let's move on to managing bookmarks. Let's start with adding. In order to add a bookmark to an interesting site, you need to click on the “Add Bookmark” button. But at the same time you must have free space for it. If you don’t have one, then increase the number of displayed bookmarks in the settings, or delete the existing one. How? You will learn about this below. If there is no free cell, the “Add bookmark” button will be inactive.

So we add new bookmark. Click on the desired button.

A panel opens immediately below for adding the address of a new bookmark

We see where our added bookmark will go (the area is marked in white). You can add either by entering the site address yourself, or by using the Popular and Recently Visited lists. To add from the list, you just need to click once on the desired tab.

We want to add a bookmark to the weather forecast viewing site. Enter the address in the field. To specify or change your site description, click “Edit Description”. Enter your description in the second field that opens and press Enter.

Bookmark management

Bookmarks can be managed: moved to another location, edited, deleted.

Let's let's move our created bookmark in first place. To do this, click on it with the mouse and, without releasing the left button, drag it to the first place. Release the left mouse button.

That's it, now our bookmark is in first place. Similarly, you can customize the display order of your bookmarks.

You can perform certain actions on each bookmark. Let's look at them. To do this, move the mouse cursor over the bookmark to display additional small buttons.

Lock. It happens like closed lock(as in our example) and an open lock. A closed lock indicates that this tab is secured in this position. This means that even if you for a long time If you don’t use this bookmark, it will still remain in its place. It won't be replaced by other bookmarks that you use frequently.

An open lock means the opposite. Your bookmark is Unpinned and can be replaced by other bookmarks. To select a mode, you just need to click on the lock.

Gear. With its help you can edit bookmark, set a different address and description. The process is similar to adding a bookmark.

In order to delete visual bookmark click on the cross and confirm your actions.

Well, I guess we'll end here. We hope that you found the article useful and interesting. See you soon.

Of those who managed to escape from themselves, most were caught by orderlies.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Mamchich

The issue of comfort in using an Internet browser is very important for almost any user. Especially if a person has no experience working on a computer, visual bookmarks will help him quickly navigate the Mozilla interface and find the necessary information or site. Simply put, such bookmarks are a tool for quick access to your favorite sites.

When using any visual bookmarks, you are guaranteed to speed up the process of working with the Internet browser. Everything you need will be before your eyes, right after launching your favorite Mozilla. But we will focus on Yandex bookmarks, since they are the most practical and easy to use.

Installing visual bookmarks in Mozilla Firefox from Yandex

When installing bookmarks for Mozilla, be attentive to the description of the add-on. Pay attention to the developer and make sure he is verified to avoid conflict situations between the browser and your computer. Download this add-on only if the developer is Yandex or Mozilla.

Let's set visual bookmarks using Mozilla add-ons Firefox.

Download Yandex visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox

    1. To download the add-on, follow the link above and click the button "Add to Firefox" at the bottom of the blue block.

    1. Mozilla does everything for the maximum security of its users, so it always asks if you are sure to install this or that add-on. IN in this case we need to press a button "Install", starting the long-awaited installation.

    1. When the installation is complete, a message will appear. Click "OK", smoothly moving on to the bookmark settings for you.

Setting up visual bookmarks

Once the installation of the add-on is complete, in a new open tab we will be greeted by a new window with the ability to configure tables that contain links to sites. The user can enter any site into this window so that it is always quickly accessible.

In order to create a new bookmark and open visual bookmarks from Yandex, just click on «+» in the tab bar.

Changing the background of visual bookmarks

    1. When opening tabs, you can change the background to the one you like without going into the settings on the start window. To do this, just click on the selected picture and select the item "Ready" to the right of the proposed background options.
    1. If you want to set your own background, click the button at the bottom right "Settings", opening additional background image settings.

  1. In the window that opens, click on the item "Upload your background" and select your own image as the background image on the bookmarks page.

How to add a new site to your bookmarks bar

    1. To add a new site to the bookmarks bar, just click the button "Add bookmark".

    1. In the window that opens, enter the URL of the site that we want to add to the quick access panel.

  1. After adding a site, it will appear at the end of the panel of web pages with quick access to them. Now you can access it at any time by simply opening your visual bookmarks and clicking on the icon of the added site.

Editing existing bookmarks

To edit the visual bookmarks of sites located on the page, you need to hover over any of the existing tiles and select the appropriate option.

    1. By pressing the small lock, we secure the bookmark in place. This means that even if new bookmarks appear, the pinned one will still remain in its place.

    1. Clicking on the gear opens a window with full editing of the existing bookmark. It is proposed to edit the site link and its description after clicking the button "Edit Description".

    1. To delete a site page from the Yandex visual bookmarks bar,
      you need to click on the cross...

  1. Confirm your action by pressing the button "Yes".

Small information block

When you open visual bookmarks, a small block appears at the top with information that is important for most active people:

  • Current weather conditions;
  • Current exchange rates in the country.

By clicking on one of the options, you can find out more detailed information. This block can be deleted by clicking on the cross to the right of the information block and hovering over it with the mouse as a tab for settings.

Regulating the number of bookmarks

    1. Click "Settings" on the start window.

  1. At the very top we adjust the parameter "Quantity" to the value we need. The more bookmarks there are, the smaller their size on the panel.

Additional parameters for Yandex bookmarks

In addition to the main ones, there are additional parameters, also located in the window called up by clicking on "Settings" on the main panel. These parameters will allow you to free the panel from unnecessary information and make using the visual panel even more convenient, at your discretion.

In order to ensure that in case of failure operating system or if necessary, reinstall the Internet browser without setting up tabs again, there is a function to save them. The main thing is, do not forget to regularly fix the changed tabs using the button "Save to file".

In general, visual bookmarks from Yandex are a good product for those who like simplicity. Using a browser with quick access to your favorite sites makes working on the computer more enjoyable and much more convenient.

Google Chrome is without a doubt the favorite Internet browser of many users. Convenient interface with a minimum number of buttons, the ability to set the start page and many other settings. However, in this browser, unlike Yandex and Opera, there is no such built-in tool as visual bookmarks.

What are they, what are they for, and how to configure them in Chrome. We will talk about all this today.

Visual bookmarks allow the user to quickly access their favorite sites. They open in a separate browser page, which shows miniatures of selected sites and their names.

In Google Chrome, when you open a new tab, under the search bar there are 8 tiles into which frequently used sites are added. If you are not satisfied with this option, and you want to customize this panel yourself, then using the Chrome store, you can install a suitable add-on.

How to install an extension for visual bookmarks in Google Chrome

You can download the add-on for them either on the add-on developer’s website, or install it from the Chrome online store. We will consider the second option.

Open the browser and click on the button in the form of three horizontal lines in the upper right corner. From the drop-down list, select “Additional tools”, then click on “Extensions”.

Here you will see a list of all those installed in the browser on this moment. Scroll down and click More Extensions.

The Chrome Web Store will open. Type “visual bookmarks” into the search bar, press “Enter” and select the “Extensions” category from the results.

From the list provided, select the add-on that suits you and click on it. As an example, let's install Yandex visual bookmarks for Google Chrome. Check out more detailed information about it and click on the “Install” button.

Confirm the installation by clicking on the appropriate button.

After it is successfully installed in the browser, an icon of the installed extension will appear to the right of the address bar.

In the same way, you can install any other add-on for visual bookmarks in the Google Chrome browser.

Visual bookmarks Yandex

If you want to use similar ones in Chrome from Yandex, you need to install the appropriate extension in your browser. We discussed in detail how to do this in the paragraph above.

After installing them, open a new tab in Chrome. Here you will see the Yandex search bar, and below it, the panel we need.

At the bottom there are additional buttons, using which you can open a window with downloads, view bookmarks or history. You can also add a new bookmark or go to settings.

If you want to add the desired site to this panel, click on the “Add bookmark” button.

To customize which tiles are displayed, click Settings. Here you can increase the number of tiles on the panel and change the background. To see more settings, click More Options.

The presented thumbnails can be swapped by dragging them with the mouse. By hovering the cursor over any of them, additional buttons will appear. Using them, you can pin the miniature to the panel, go to settings (if you need to change the address or description) or delete it.

Atavi is another popular add-on for visual bookmarks in the Google Chrome browser. To install Atavi, follow all the steps described in the first paragraph.

In the Chrome Web Store, find “Atavi – bookmark manager” in the list and click the “Install” button opposite.

Confirm installation.

To open the Atavi panel, click on the extension icon located to the right of the search bar. By clicking on the “Make start” button, the bookmarks panel will appear immediately when you start the browser. If you want, in Chrome settings, make sure that when you open a new tab, this panel is also shown.

You can add a new site here by clicking on the plus sign in the upper right corner or on the empty miniature with a plus sign.

After that, enter the address and name of the site, select a group for it and click “Add”.

All are shown below existing groups. Using them, you can divide bookmarks according to a specific topic. By clicking on the gear icon, you can create new group or edit an existing one.

Visual bookmarks can be installed in all of today's most popular browsers. This is a very useful and necessary addition for the browser. They are saved in case the operating system is reinstalled, and they can be synchronized between browsers. All this makes bookmarks convenient and practical for those who like to travel on the Internet.

Working with bookmarks can significantly save time when moving from one page to another. If you like a site, you bookmark it. Then you can come back after some time. Gradually, a lot of such bookmarks accumulate, and it is difficult to remember what site you saved a month ago. Bookmark bars do not help the situation much, as they take up space in the browser. Visual bookmarks, unlike text ones, are more informative - these are small snapshots of sites. They can be sorted and placed into groups by topic. The very first browser that started using bookmarks was Opera. They were called Speed ​​Dial. Users liked them so much that they began to be implemented in other browsers. To bring up the bookmarks bar in Google Chrom and Opera, simply click on the “+” sign at the end of the tab bar and the Quick Bar will appear. You don't have to install add-ons or make settings. Bookmarks can be deleted, moved, added. IN latest versions Many users of the favorite Google Chrom browser began to “remember” the sites they visited. This is not always convenient and not everyone likes it. Therefore, it is better to install the Speed ​​Dial add-on to manage bookmarks. To do this, type in the address bar, enter the name of the add-on “Speed ​​Dial” in the search bar, press “Enter”. Then select it in the list that opens, click the blue “Install (Free)” button. Confirm the action – “Add”. Once the installation is complete, click the add new tab button after the most recent one. A window will open with twelve blank bookmarks. Select the first one, enter the address of the desired site and its name, save the result. So edit the required number of visual bookmarks. In the Speed ​​Dial 2 version, you can add a site logo to the bookmark, selecting it from the standard ones, or specifying your own. A beautiful logo can be found. Unlike Google Chrom and Opera, Firefox does not yet have built-in visual bookmarks. Therefore, you need to install the add-on. The most neutral option is also Speed ​​Dial. Download the add-on from The page will load, on which click “+ Add to Firefox”. The add-on is small in size and will install quickly. Confirm the installation by clicking the "Download Now" button. Restart Firefox. In the initial setup window, check the boxes where necessary. Edit empty bookmarks as described for Google Chrome. In addition to bookmarks from Yandex, you can create convenient visual bookmarks using the Motix service. The service has many advantages: an unlimited number of bookmarks, they can be opened on any computer, just type in the address bar, enter your login and password. Bookmarks are sorted by the user into categories to restore complete order on the computer.

After Yandex developed its own search engine he updated most of the services. The so-called improvement also affected the Mazil search engine, which many users did not like very much.

That is why the question of returning to old version saved resources in Firefox.

Restoring visual bookmarks

Before starting the procedure, you need to remove the new addition. To do this, open the Firefox menu and click on the “Add-ons” column, then activate the Extensions item.

First of all, you need to download the file with the previous version and drag it into the open browser window. After completing these manipulations, the browser will open the installation window, where you will need to click on the Run Now button.

After the restart is complete, you need to go to the search engine menu and select the Add-ons column. In this column you should find the Extensions item and go to the Manage add-ons tab. To prevent visual bookmarks from disappearing next to the item of the same name, you must select the More details link.

After this, you need to disable the program update by checking the box next to Disabled. This will prevent the extension from changing automatically.

If previously saved data was lost, then it is worth trying to restore it from a backup copy. To do this, in the search engine settings, you need to select the Import and backup item and look at the possible recovery options.

Features of work

If you managed to return the old visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox, then you need to further consolidate the positive result. To do this, after disconnecting automatic update you should do the following:

The newly opened search engine will immediately return the home page in the old form of saved resources for Mazilla.

When answering the question of how to return to its previous appearance, one cannot fail to mention that links from Yandex can also be optimized at your discretion.

In a special window you can set the update frequency, the number of links, or set a new background image. The missing interface becomes fully accessible to the user. Recovery also involves additional activation of the necessary parameters. The user can, for example, display a panel of sites or change their number in the browser window.

To add new resources, select an empty window and left-click. Then find in the displayed area one of those sites that have recently been closed or enter the address of another.

If necessary, the windows can be moved. The following operations with resources are available to the user:

  • Editing.
  • Update.
  • Delete.

Restoring the old look of saved sites in Firefox is quite simple. To do this, you just need to select the previous modification of the panel from Yandex, install it and configure it according to your preferences.

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