Spices for the best absorption of milk in the body. Milk with spices. Secrets of Ayurveda Is it possible to put milk next to seasonings?

Milk combined with spices. When and with what?

Milk with spices is an ideal combination for those who care not only about the physical body, but also the subtle one. It is best consumed with spices. Now I'll tell you why.
Milk is a “dark drink”, so it is best to drink it either before sunrise or after 6 pm. Since solar energy is strong during the day, milk is not digested and completely absorbed by our body, but turns into toxins.

By consuming milk with spices, we enhance the vital processes of our body.
For insomnia, it is recommended to drink milk with cloves and allspice to relax the psyche and have a restful sleep. Cloves are a very powerful antiseptic; it is good to take it when it is damp or cold outside.
If you are depressed, then add cardamom and fennel.
We treat colds, boost immunity, and speed up the digestion of milk with turmeric. Turmeric embodies feminine divine energy, has a wonderful effect on the subtle body, cleanses the skin and blood, cures diseases, relieves inflammation of the joints, restores liver function, strengthens bones and does many other things useful for our body. You can use any of the doshas.

Saffron- the king of all spices, added to milk early in the morning to invigorate, saffron also helps to absorb milk even for those who do not tolerate it well. With the help of saffron, you can improve your complexion, smooth your skin, cleanse and strengthen the body, remove bile and strengthen memory, and also prolong youth. Often they can be offered on the market under the guise of saffron. It is worth knowing that saffron has a reddish color and looks like stamens.

Cinnamon It is also better to add it in the morning, it warms the body and has a stimulating effect. It is better to buy whole cinnamon (sticks), because it is very often counterfeited. Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, gall bladder. Suitable for all doshas.

Ginger cleanses the body of toxins, strengthens the immune system.

Fennel good for digestion and strengthens. Useful for absolutely everyone. relieves inflammation, relieves pain, disinfects, has diuretic, antioxidant effects, is useful for flatulence, improves complexion.

Nutmeg strengthens memory, overcomes headaches and insomnia. Treats benign tumors, sexual disorders. Stimulates and tones, so do not take it at night.

Bring the milk to a boil, stirring constantly so that the bottom does not burn. When boiling, turn it off so that it does not spill. After this, add spices to taste, sugar, mix vigorously so that the milk mixes with air and becomes light. We drink it hot.

Honey It should not be added to hot milk as it produces mucus in the body. Honey retains its healing properties only at temperatures not exceeding 40 degrees.

And finally, useful advice on how to enrich milk and water with oxygen. To do this, you need to pour them from one container to another several times.

According to Vedic knowledge, The most beneficial food on earth is cow's milk. It does not contain even a shadow of sin. Why? Because milk is meant for life. Milk carries the energy of a cow's love.

The cow is the only good animal on earth; there are no other good animals on earth.

It was predicted in the Vedas that people, having ceased to understand what the “subtle body” is, will reject dairy products and milk as healthy food and will begin to consider it junk food, and dissertations will be written on this topic. This is what is happening now. Many people are now absolutely convinced that milk is harmful to health. In fact, you should know that our scientists have not even really studied this. Why? Because cow's milk is not recommended at all and has never been recommended to be taken during the day. According to Ayurveda, this is a product that is associated with the activity of the Moon. It is digested under the influence of the power of the Moon. Therefore, milk is consumed after sunset or after the sun has passed [zenith] - this is six o'clock in the evening. From six o'clock in the evening until six o'clock in the morning you can drink milk.

Explanation for non-milk lovers: Firstly, it has a different taste with spices. Secondly, it is very important to accustom yourself to beneficial dairy products - add a spoonful of milk, cream or sour cream to all possible dishes.

Cow's milk enhances both the subtle power of the mind and the subtle power of the mind. And no other product on earth has such a strong effect on the mind as cow's milk. Therefore, according to Vedic knowledge, all people who want to have a strong mind should drink a small amount (half a glass or a glass) of hot cow's milk at night, better with spices and sweetened.

Cow's milk protects against the influence of spirits on the mind and provides protection. Cow's milk is the only product that enhances the energy of love, purifies the mind, strengthens it, increases strength in it and therefore, according to Ayurveda, cow's milk cures all diseases.

How to consume cow's milk:


From 18.00 to 6.00 solar time for our area. You and I were counting the time

By the way, milk for dinner is a great option! It is filling enough to reduce our hunger.

How many?

There is no universal recommendation for the amount of cow's milk consumed at night. You need to try and observe yourself: if in the morning there is a feeling of mucus in your mouth, it means you drank too much milk for you. If your sleep is restless, full of fantastic energetic dreams, then you need to drink a little more milk. I drink about 2/3 cup :).


Torsunov says that any milk is suitable, best of all homemade country milk, then store-bought unreconstituted and then reconstituted and powdered milk. Goodness is preserved in any type of milk, but the better the quality of the milk itself, the more energy it contains. Attention! Read the milk label! In Kyiv stores there is a 50:50 ratio of reconstituted milk to pasteurized milk, preference is always for unreconstituted milk!

How much spice should I add?

Watch Torsunov's video :). We determine it by smell so that the smell is uniform from the entire set of spices that we use.

How to cook?

Pour milk into a ladle/turk and bring the milk to a boil. Add spices, a little sugar and stir vigorously. Drink with joy :).

I read somewhere in other sources that spices in the form of grains, whole, can be thrown into milk that has not yet boiled. Add ground spices after boiling.

What spices to use for what:

Cinnamon, saffron - they give us energy

- for insomnia: cloves and allspice

- from depression: cardamom and fennel

Just recently I told you about the Ayurvedic approach to milk, if anyone missed it, be sure to read the article ““. It has been said that properly prepared milk with certain spices added to it can cure a variety of diseases. So today, as I promised, I will tell you about how to prepare milk with spices according to Ayurveda, and I will also teach you how to select spices to treat a specific ailment. So, today we are talking about milk and spices...

It turns out that Ayurveda has long had clear recommendations on how to properly prepare, consume and combine milk and spices. I adhere to these recommendations and below I will describe the recipe for making milk with spices.

Milk and spices - recipe:

1. I try to buy milk from trusted people, where I know for sure that this is milk from a cow, and not diluted from dry powder. Take the amount of milk you need, pour it into a saucepan and heat until almost boiling, but do not boil!

2. Then let it cool a little so that the milk is just hot, but not scalding, and we begin to “conjure” it;

3. First, I sweeten the milk a little with honey, literally 1-2 teaspoons per glass of milk. Don't be afraid to add honey to hot milk. There is an opinion that honey, when exposed to temperatures above 40 degrees, turns into poison. Previously, I also held this opinion, but as a result of a detailed analysis (the results of which will appear on our blog very soon), I came to the conclusion that honey is not afraid of high temperatures and certainly does not form toxic compounds!

Learning to choose the right spices:

4. After honey, it’s the turn of spices, and here I’ll make a small digression and tell you which spices Ayurveda recommends in which cases:

Cinnamon and saffron - the combination of these spices gives milk a slight tonic effect. You can drink milk with such spices early in the morning to boost your energy and improve your mood! :) In addition, saffron has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Cloves and allspice are the best natural sleep aids. Drink milk with these spices shortly before going to bed and you will forget about problems falling asleep or sleep disturbances.

Cardamom and fennel - the combination of these two spices and milk will help you get rid of any depression, relieve fatigue and increase brain performance.

Turmeric, nutmeg and ginger - if you add these spices to milk, it will be the best help for your immunity. All these spices have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and warming effects.

Nutmeg gives milk a special benefit - it relieves headaches, tones and improves memory.

By the way, I have been looking for a long time for a decent supplier of spices with a good price-quality combination and finally found it! Now I buy excellent quality spices at very affordable prices in the Spicerack.ru store. Try it and you won't regret it!

Friends, knowing how to combine milk and spices correctly is not an easy task. But those who master this art will be able to cope with any life situation, be it a serious illness or the usual seasonal blues...

5. I most often prepare milk with spices for colds, so my favorite spices in milk are turmeric and dry ginger. I also add just a little cinnamon, just because I really like the smell of it!

The medicinal drink is effective only when used correctly. The cocktail should not be taken cold, otherwise it will form mucus. When mixed with other products, it is poorly absorbed and does not bring benefits. Following Ayurvedic laws, natural or pasteurized milk is drunk a couple of hours after eating, warm, along with spices. It reveals their taste and aromas, enhances the healing effect. Recipes for milk with cardamom will help you verify this.

Benefits of milk with cardamom

In cooking, it is not for nothing that the seasoning is called royal. Green three-chamber boxes contain aromatic grains with a spicy smell that stimulate digestion and metabolic processes. In addition, they strengthen the heart, immunity, and prevent the formation of mucus.

  • milk with cardamom will relieve a sore throat;
  • will save you from the blues and chronic fatigue;
  • will relieve nervous tension.

The cocktail will relieve menstrual pain and help men with erectile dysfunction. and what its features can be learned from the previous article on our resource.

Milk with cardamom before bed

To prepare the drink according to the classic recipe, take 200 ml of the drink, 5 spice grains, honey.

  1. The seeds are wiped, placed in liquid and the container is placed on the fire.
  2. After bubbles appear, turn off the stove and keep it covered for 15 minutes. Add half a spoon of honey to the cocktail and drink warm before going to bed. The remaining seeds are removed, chewed thoroughly and swallowed.

Almond milk

Fans of bright flavors will love the option with combined spices. To correctly compose a composition for a cocktail, you need to know the options for seasoning combinations. For 2 cups, take a coffee spoon of cinnamon powder or half a fragrant stick, 3 spice seeds, honey to taste.

To impart a rich aroma, the grains are processed with a pestle, thrown into milk, the drink is kept on the fire until it boils, cinnamon is poured in and mixed thoroughly. The spice adds sweetness, so it is better to do without the sweet filler. The ingredients complement and harmonize each other's taste well.

Once again I am glad to welcome all blog visitors! Not everyone believes in the benefits of milk, but if you trust centuries-old Ayurveda, then know that this ancient medicine never doubted its benefits. On the contrary, Ayurveda popularly substantiates the reasons for the usefulness of milk, but there are so many of them that they deserve a separate article. And today I will touch on a narrower, but no less significant topic of how milk with spices can help your health.

Why add spices?

It always takes a significant amount of time to digest milk. To help him with this, specially selected spices are ideal. At the same time, milk is a powerful catalyst, and therefore greatly enhances the beneficial effects of spices and herbs. It turns out that milk and spices complement each other.

Real cow's milk is stored for a maximum of two days and then sours, so in production to increase its shelf life it is subjected to various operations that kill not only all bacteria, but also most of the beneficial substances. Moreover, it is produced under conditions of mechanized, painful milking of cows, which means it is definitely devoid of the guna of goodness.

Since not everyone has the opportunity to buy fresh village milk, it is useful to add spices to it to at least slightly improve the quality of store-bought milk. Milk affects everyone differently depending on their dosha, health status, mindset and diet.

For example, doshas: Vatas absorb milk best and can drink it even without spices; Pittas absorb it a little longer, so it is better for them to add mild, non-hot spices; Since milk carries the element of Earth and Water, Kapha may experience excess mucus from it, so she always needs to add suitable spices to the milk.

It has been noticed that people who eat meat do not crave milk. By switching to vegetarianism, your natural love for it will gradually return. And spices will help in this matter, giving milk an absolutely amazing aroma and making it even more pleasant to taste. How to cook the real thing with milk, read on the blog

How to prepare and drink this drink?

Below I will describe the stages of boiling milk with the addition of spices:

  1. Place the milk over medium heat and remove just before it boils. This way you will keep its sattvic energy and protein unchanged. Repeat the maneuver 4 times, thereby imparting Fire energy to the milk.
  2. Add the spices, mix thoroughly and let them react for a few minutes. This is necessary for the spices to reveal and enhance their properties, as well as impart them to the milk.
  3. Pour the drink from one glass to another 7 times in a row so that it is saturated with the elements of Air and becomes lighter in impact.
  4. Slowly drink the healing “potion” while it is hot or at least warm. Cold food will take much longer to digest, but we don’t want the formation of toxins, do we?

This is how masala tea is prepared in India

Especially suitable spices

In fact, any spice or herb can be added to milk if your health or soul requires it. In Ayurveda, milk is recognized as anupana - a conductor and amplifier of the action of a medicinal substance, that is, if you want to experience the maximum effect of the seasoning, try drinking it with hot milk.

But there is a list of spices that work especially well as a partner for milk. I will briefly talk about their properties.

Turmeric- Queen of Spices. It has a positive effect on the body as a whole. In particular, it cleanses the blood, improves complexion, improves immunity, normalizes sleep and mental state, and many others. in this article on.

in turn, the king of spices, as it has truly magical properties of rejuvenating the body and prolonging life. Calms the nervous system and the mind itself, helping with meditation. Improves complexion and reproductive function in women. Strengthens memory and increases potency. Drinking it with milk early in the morning gives a boost of energy and helps the milk to be absorbed faster.

– an active natural stimulant. Increases immunity, mental activity, appetite and sexual desire. Cleanses from toxins.
Cardamom– a source of antioxidants, which makes it an excellent preventative against many diseases, including cancer. It has a positive effect on the heart both on the physical level as a strengthening agent, and on the subtle level, making a person softer, kinder and more loving.

Nutmeg primarily affects the nervous system. It calms, relaxes, improves sleep. It also improves memory, concentration, and thought processes. Helps digest milk in the small intestine.
Cinnamon has the ability to improve a person's mood. Makes him more optimistic and open to communication. It is also useful for physical health, as it cleanses the blood and removes excess mucus.


To consolidate the knowledge gained, I offer you recipes for the simplest and most effective mixtures for colds:

Milk (1 glass) + ghee (1-2 tsp) + turmeric (0.2-0.5 tsp)
This drink will not only help get rid of cold symptoms, but also generally strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance.

The number of ingredients varies depending on the dosha: Vata ghee needs as much as possible, unlike Pitta and Kapha, and turmeric is equally useful for all doshas, ​​so be guided by your taste impressions, because the more turmeric you put, the more bitterness will appear in drink It also significantly reduces the level of anxiety and relaxes, so it is better to drink it at night for peace of mind and good sleep.

Milk (1 glass) + honey (1-2 tsp) + ginger (0.1-0.3 tsp)
Ginger in this composition acts as a tonic, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory agent. It also significantly activates the body and nervous system, so it is better to drink it in the morning, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep. Honey loses its properties under the influence of temperatures, so it is better to eat it with a spoon rather than stir it in milk.

As you can see, being healthy is not that difficult. It is enough to desire this with all your heart, to know at least the very basics of the Ayurvedic approach to health and actively apply them in your daily life. Share with your friends if you found this article helpful.

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