Sports nutrition for post-workout recovery. Pharmacological recovery agents. Sports nutrition and vitamins for muscle recovery

Pharmacological means of restoration

Various medicinal substances have been used by medicine for many centuries for the treatment and rehabilitation of humans. In recent years, some low-toxic biologically active drugs have been purposefully used in sports practice to accelerate recovery, actively replenish spent plastic and energy resources, and selectively control the most important functional systems of the body during heavy physical exertion. The use of low-toxic pharmacological reducing agents is also justified in the process of physical preparation for professional activities and recreational physical culture.

  • Vitamin preparations

2. Decamevit. Strengthens the protective functions of the body, accelerates the course of recovery processes, and prevents the aging process of the body. Dosage: 1 tablet 2 times a day for 2-3 weeks.
3. Undevit. Used for recovery after heavy physical exertion. Dosage: for speed-strength work, 2 tablets x 2 times a day for 10 days, then 1 tablet x 2 times a day for the next 20 days; when working for endurance - 2 tablets x 2 times a day for 15-20 days.
4. Glutamevit. Accelerates recovery processes during periods of heavy loads, increases physical performance in mid-mountain and hot climates. Dosage: 1 tablet x 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.
5. Tetravit. Accelerates recovery after heavy loads, used during training in hot climates. Dosage: 1 tablet x 2-3 times a day.

  • Plastic action preparations
Plastic action preparations accelerate protein synthesis and restore cellular structures, improve the course of biochemical processes. To solve these problems, sports medicine uses potassium orotate, riboxin, inosine, carnitine, as well as various nutritional supplements enriched with proteins. Drugs in this group are important for preventing physical overstrain and maintaining high performance during periods of increased stress.

1. Potassium orotate - has an antidystrophic effect, is prescribed for prophylactic purposes to prevent myocardial overstrain, heart rhythm disturbances, for the prevention and treatment of liver pain syndrome, for diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Promotes muscle growth. Recommended dosage: 0.5 g 2-3 times a day. With prolonged use, allergic reactions may occur.
2. Riboxin - is directly involved in glucose metabolism, activates pyruvic acid enzymes and ensures the normal respiration process. Enhances the effects of potassium orotate, especially during endurance training. Indicated for acute and chronic myocardial overstrain, for the prevention of heart rhythm disturbances and liver pain syndrome. Recommended dose: 1 tablet 4-6 times a day, course - 10-15 days.
3. Cocarboxylase is a coenzyme of vitamin B. It takes part in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, normalizes heart rate, and reduces acidosis. It is used after heavy physical exertion in case of myocardial overstrain and coronary circulatory failure. Recommended dosage: intramuscularly or subcutaneously 0.05-0.1 g once a day, course - 15-30 days. Usually used in combination with other reducing agents.
4. Cobamamide is a natural coenzyme form of vitamin B. Activates metabolic and enzymatic reactions, the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates and lipids, the absorption and synthesis of proteins, and other life support processes of the body. Recommended dosage: 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. Usually taken together with carnitine.
5. Carnitine is a natural water-soluble amino acid, widely present in all tissues, but especially in skeletal muscles and myocardium. Anabolic non-hormonal agent. Participates in biochemical reactions that ensure the onset of muscle activity, and in the metabolic support of this activity. Accelerates the metabolism of fatty acids in case of myocardial damage. It is used for intense and prolonged physical activity in sports and professional activities. Recommended dosage: 1-2 teaspoons 2-3 times a day.
6. Lipocerebrin is a preparation from the brain tissue of cattle containing phospholipids. It is used in sports practice during periods of intense training and competition, during fatigue and overtraining, loss of strength, hypotension and anemia. Recommended dosage: 1 tablet of 0.15 g 3 times a day, course - 10-15 days.
7. Cerebro Lecithin - lecithin obtained from bovine brain tissue. Used for heavy physical exertion, exhaustion of the nervous system, and general loss of strength. Recommended dosage: 3-6 tablets of 0.05 g each for 10-15 days.
8. Food supplement "Tonus" is a concentrated biologically active product based on pollen collected by bees. Rich in easily digestible proteins, fats, mineral salts, as well as vitamins, enzymes and hormones necessary for the human body. "Tone" helps normalize metabolism, increase efficiency, enhance the body's protective functions, and counteract aging. The most effective use of this drug is in early spring and late autumn (when the seasons change).

  • Energy drugs
Energy-acting drugs accelerate the replenishment of expended resources, activate the activity of enzyme systems and increase the body's resistance to hypoxia. Drugs in this group also include their mixtures.

1. Asparkam, Panangin - contain potassium and magnesium salts. Eliminate the imbalance of potassium and magnesium ions, reduce myocardial excitability and have an antiarrhythmic effect. They are used during heavy physical exertion to prevent myocardial overstrain, during training in hot climates, and also during weight loss. Recommended dosage: 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, course - 10-15 days.
2. Calcium glycerophosphate, calcium gluconate - the use of these drugs is associated with the important role played by calcium in the vital processes of the body. Calcium ions influence metabolism and are necessary to ensure the transmission of nerve impulses, contraction of skeletal muscles and myocardium, and for the normal functioning of other organs and systems. A lack of ionized calcium in the blood plasma leads to tetany. These drugs are used during heavy physical exertion to prevent muscle injuries and speed up recovery, as well as in cases of fatigue and exhaustion of the nervous system. Recommended dosage: 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day before meals.
3. Glutamic acid- amino acid. Stimulates oxidative processes in brain cells, increases the body's resistance to hypoxia, improves heart function, and accelerates recovery under heavy physical and mental stress. Recommended dosage: 1 tablet 2-3 times a day after meals, course - 10-15 days.
4. Methionine is an amino acid. Regulates liver function, accelerates recovery processes during heavy physical exertion. Recommended dosage: 0.5 g 3 times a day an hour before meals, course 10-30 days, but after a 10-day intake it is recommended to take a break for 10 days.

  • Adaptogen group
Adaptogens are substances that have a general tonic effect on the body and increase its resistance during heavy physical exertion, under hypoxic conditions, and during sudden bioclimatic changes. This group of pharmacological reducing agents includes preparations based on ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Leuzea, Aralia, Chinese lemongrass, deer antlers, mumiyo and some others. These drugs should not be taken if there is increased nervous excitability, insomnia, high blood pressure, cardiac problems, or during the hot season. Periodic change of adaptogens is necessary to prevent addiction to them. In folk medicine, it is recommended to take adaptogens in the morning, and at night - sedatives of plant origin (valerian, motherwort, oregano, mint, etc.).

1. Ginseng - preparations based on it have a tonic effect on the body, stimulate metabolism, prevent the development of fatigue, exhaustion and general weakness, and increase performance. Available in the form of tincture, powder, capsules and tablets. Ginseng tincture is used 15-25 drops 3 times a day in a small amount of dissolved baking soda, the course is 10-15 days.
2.Eleutherococcus extract - used for the same indications as ginseng. At the same time, Eleutherococcus has a stronger antitoxic and radioprotective, antihypoxic and antistress effect. In sports medicine it is used as a tonic and restorative agent during heavy physical exertion and fatigue. Recommended dosage: 2-5 ml 30 minutes before meals in the morning for 2-3 weeks.
3. Schisandra chinensis- taken in the form of tincture, powder, tablets, decoction of dried fruits, or add dry fruits or fresh juice to tea. Schisandra is a kind of biostimulant, toning the central nervous system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and increases resistance to hypoxia. Used to activate metabolism, accelerate recovery of the body during heavy physical exertion, to increase performance, in case of fatigue and overtraining. Contraindicated in case of nervous overexcitation, insomnia, hypertension. Recommended dosage: 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day for 2-4 weeks.
4.Aralia Manchurian. Based on their action, preparations from this plant belong to the ginseng group. Used as a tonic to increase physical and mental performance during recovery periods after training, as well as to prevent fatigue and asthenic conditions. Available in the form of tincture of Aralia roots, as well as Saparal tablets. The tincture is taken 30-40 drops 2 times a day in the morning for 2-3 weeks; Saparal tablets are taken after meals, 0.05 g 2 times a day in the first half for 2-3 weeks.
5. Golden root (radiola rosea). The drug from this plant is available in the form of an alcohol extract. Optimizes recovery processes in the central nervous system, improves vision and hearing, increases the body's adaptive capabilities to extreme factors, and increases performance. Recommended dosage: 10-40 drops of extract in the first half of the day, gradually increasing the dose. Course - 1-2 months.
6. The temptation is high. A tincture made from the roots and rhizomes of this plant has low toxicity and is inferior in psychoenergetic effect to ginseng and other drugs of this group. It is recommended for the occurrence of so-called peripheral forms of muscle fatigue, asthenia, and in states of physical detraining during periods of heavy loads. Dosage: 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day before meals.
7. Maral root (Leuzea sofloroides). Available in the form of an alcohol extract. Used as a stimulant that increases performance during physical and mental fatigue. Recommended dosage: 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day.
8.Sterculia platanofolia. An alcohol tincture from the leaves of the plant is used. It does not contain potent substances, therefore it has the “mildest” psychostimulating effect compared to other ginseng drugs. Taken when a state of lethargy, fatigue, headaches, bad mood, asthenia, general weakness, decreased muscle tone and after infectious diseases occur. Recommended dosage: 10-40 drops 2-3 times a day for 3-4 weeks. It is not recommended to take the drug for a longer period of time or at night.
9. Pantocrine - a preparation made from deer antlers. Available in the form of an alcohol extract, in tablets and in ampoules for injection. It has a tonic effect in cases of fatigue, the occurrence of asthenic and neurasthenic conditions, myocardial overstrain, and hypotension. Used during increased physical activity to prevent adverse disorders in the body and speed up recovery. Recommended dosage: 25-40 drops or 1-2 tablets 30 minutes before meals, 2 times a day for 2-3 weeks.
10.Wellness cocktail. This is an original health-improving nutritional cocktail with complex effects, consisting of extracts of natural plant biostimulants, adaptogens and milk components. Developed by specialists in aviation, space and marine medicine. It has no analogues in the world. It is produced in the form of a powder, packaged in special packaging, allowing it to be stored for a long time under normal conditions. The use of this environmentally friendly drug helps to normalize metabolism, increase immunity and the body's resistance to various diseases, relieve fatigue and stress, and increase vitality. It reduces the risk of myocardial infarction and the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis, reduces allergenicity of the body and the consequences of radiation exposure. For people with physical labor, this cocktail increases the body’s resistance to intense stress, the speed of motor reaction and improves overall performance. The health-improving effect of the cocktail is observed after a course of taking it for 15 days and lasts up to 1.5-2.0 months after the end of the intake. Preparation procedure: add 25 g of dry powder to 100 ml of water, mix and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Can be consumed as a cocktail or ice cream.

  • Ointments, gels, sports creams and rubs

    In the complex of means for restoring physical performance, various medicinal ointments and gels are widely used, as well as sports creams for massage and rubbing. They help improve muscle blood and lymph circulation, relax skeletal muscles and increase their elasticity, restore normal metabolism in them, remove metabolic products accumulated in muscles and relieve pain in joints, muscles and ligaments. Muscle and joint pain and swelling that sometimes occur after physical activity are the result of microtrauma to blood vessels, muscle fibers, and sprains of tendons and ligaments.

    The therapeutic and restorative effect of ointments, gels and creams is determined by the properties of the components included in their composition. Some ointments cause hyperemia (warming) of tissues, others, on the contrary, cool muscles and ligaments or relieve swelling and inflammation. The use of these funds is aimed at local anesthesia, reduction of swelling and inflammatory processes, resorption of hematomas, restoration of impaired blood flow and physical performance in general. For acute injuries (at least in the first two days), warming ointments and compresses should not be used. In these cases, agents that have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects are indicated. Usually, for fresh injuries, gels are used (Troxevasin, Venoruton, etc.), which, without heating the tissue, are well absorbed and cool the application site. Some ointments and creams are used as compresses on painful areas. However, you need to know that each person can react differently to different ointments. For some people, the drugs used have a pronounced therapeutic effect, for others - a less pronounced one, and in some people they can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, in all cases of using ointments, gels and creams, be sure to consult your doctor and carefully read the attached instructions for use! In the practice of physical training and sports, the following domestic and foreign drugs are most often used.

    1. Apizartron - an ointment containing bee venom. Has an anti-inflammatory and mild warming effect. Indicated for bruises, muscle inflammation (myositis), radiculitis, neuralgia. The ointment is applied to the damaged area of ​​the body and rubbed in with massage.
    2. Virapip - an ointment containing bee venom. It is used in the same cases as Apizartron.
    3. Viprosal - an ointment containing viper poison. Used for bruises, myositis, arthritis, radiculitis. It is applied to the painful area and rubbed in with massage.
    4. Vipratox - an ointment containing snake venom. It is used in the same cases as Viprosal.
    5. Sanitas balm is a fat-based ointment that contains methyl salicylate, which has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as essential oils, turpentine, and camphor. Used for myositis, neuralgia, radiculitis. The ointment is applied to the painful area and rubbed in with a light massage.
    6. Tiger ointment - it contains various essential oils and aromatic substances based on fat and paraffin. It is used in the same cases as Sanitas balm.
    7. Gymnastogal is an ointment of complex composition. It has analgesic, warming and anti-inflammatory effects. It is used for bruises, sprains of tendons and ligaments, myositis, radiculitis, etc. Apply 1-2 g of ointment to the painful area and rub in with massage.
    8. Heparin ointment - has a resolving, anti-edematous effect, has an anti-inflammatory and vasodilating effect. It is used for inflammatory processes, bruises, and for resorption of hematomas. Ointment (3-5 cm) is applied to the damaged area and carefully rubbed in or a bandage is applied.
    9. Heparoid - heparin-based ointment. It is used in the same cases as heparin ointment.
    10. Gevkamen - an ointment consisting of menthol, camphor, essential oils, as well as paraffin and petroleum jelly. Used for rubbing as a distraction and pain reliever for neuralgia, muscle pain, etc.
    11. Efkamon - an ointment that has an analgesic and warming effect. Used for myositis, bruises, etc. Apply 1-3 cm of ointment to the painful area and rub in with massage.
    12. Nicoflex - sports cream. Has a slight warming effect. It is used for bruises, muscle pain, muscle strain, muscle spasms and cramps. Apply 1-3 cm of cream to the painful area and rub in with massage.
    13. Richtofit-sport - herbal sports cream. It has an anti-inflammatory and absorbable effect, promotes healing after minor injuries and inflammations of the skin. It is used for bruises, sprains, myositis, muscle pain, spasms and muscle cramps. The cream is applied to the painful area and rubbed in with massage.
    14. Finalgon is an ointment that causes strong heating. It is used for sprains of muscles, tendons and ligaments, myositis, radiculitis, etc. Apply 0.5-1.0 cm of ointment to the painful area and gently rub in with a plastic applicator. The ointment should not come into contact with mucous membranes or abrasions.
    15. Venoruton - a gel containing active plant components. It has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, slightly cools the application site, and relieves muscle tension. When using this product, do not use thermal procedures and warming agents at the same time. The gel is applied to the painful area of ​​the body several times a day.
    16. Troxevasin is a gel that has the same effect as Venoruton.
    17. Turpentine ointment - used as a distraction and anti-inflammatory agent. It has a local irritant, analgesic and antiseptic effect. Used to speed up muscle recovery after heavy physical exertion.
    18. Menovazin - a rub consisting of menthol, novocaine, anesthesin and ethyl alcohol. Has an analgesic and cooling effect. Used for neuralgia, myalgia, joint pain. Painful areas of the skin are rubbed with the drug 2-3 times a day. It is not recommended to use for a long time.
    19. Preparations based on capsicum tincture - camphocin, capsitrin, pepper-camphor and compound pepper liniments. They have an irritating and distracting effect, causing local hyperemia. Used for rubbing painful areas with neuralgia, myositis, radiculitis, lumbago, bruises and to speed up recovery.

    All of the listed drugs have nothing to do with doping - stimulating the body to extreme mobilization during physical activity and artificially increasing performance, which results in its depletion and possible death. When using pharmacological restoratives of physical performance, it is always necessary to remember that their effect on the human body is purely individual. Therefore, any drug can be used only for its intended purpose, under the supervision of a doctor and with a certain amount of caution!

  • Application restorative compresses

    Quite often, pain in joints, muscles and ligaments arising from heavy physical exertion can be relieved with compresses. These compresses are very simple and effective and are usually applied to the arms and legs. You just need to always remember two rules:

    1. Before using compresses, be sure to consult your doctor.
    2. Do not use compresses in the first two days after receiving obvious injuries and for acute pain in muscles, joints and ligaments.
    3. Such restorative and therapeutic compresses should be applied according to the following standard scheme.

    1. Prepare a gauze pad (a clean bandage folded several times) so that it covers the entire painful area of ​​the body.
    2. Wet this cloth as directed.
    3. Apply ointment to the painful area and a moistened napkin on top.
    4. Cover the top of the napkin with compress paper (but in no case with plastic film) and a layer of cotton wool.
    5. Secure the compress with a bandage (it is advisable to use a regular wide bandage, not an elastic one) so that the compress is well fixed, but the bandage does not cause swelling or “pulsation” in the vessels. After heavy physical exertion and the appearance of local pain syndromes, compresses are very convenient to use at night, especially after water and thermal procedures. If necessary, bandages with compresses can be left on for a longer period.

    Compress recipes:

    1. Compress with Vaseline oil. Used for pain in joints, ligaments and muscles after heavy physical exertion. Lightly moisten a napkin with Vaseline oil and squeeze firmly. Then apply to the painful area and secure with a bandage.
    2. Semi-alcohol compress with vaseline oil. Used for pain in joints, ligaments and muscles after heavy loads. Lubricate the painful area with Vaseline oil. Moisten a napkin with water, squeeze it out, and spray it with alcohol on top. You can simply moisten it with vodka and squeeze it out. Apply to the painful area along with a bandage.
    3. Compress with Viprosal and medical bile. It is used for pain in joints, ligaments and muscles that occurs after heavy physical exertion. Apply 2-3 cm of Viprosal ointment to the painful area and rub in. Moisten a napkin with bile and squeeze it out, apply it to the compress area and secure it with a bandage. The compress can be left in place for 24 hours. Sometimes bile, having soaked the bandage, can stain the bed linen if you apply a compress at night. Don't worry - these stains can be washed off easily.
    4. Alcohol compress with Vishnevsky ointment. This is one of the most effective compresses used by athletes when experiencing pain in joints, ligaments and muscles, to relieve swelling and resolve bruises. Very often used for pain in the ankle joints and Achilles tendons. Apply a 1-2 mm layer of ointment to the painful area. Moisten a napkin with alcohol or vodka, wring it out and apply a bandage. The compress can be left in place for up to 2 days.
    5. Compress with Vishnevsky ointment and lead lotion. Apply the same as the previous compress. Effective for relieving pain in the ankle joints and Achilles tendons. The compress is applied in the same way as the previous one, only the napkin must be moistened with lead lotion.

  • How much vitamin C can you take per day?
    • Vitamin preparations
    Among pharmacological means of restoring performance during increased physical activity, vitamins occupy a special place. Their loss during work or chronic lack of food lead not only to decreased performance, but also to various painful conditions. To meet the body's needs for vitamins, in addition to vegetables and fruits, they additionally take ready-made multivitamin preparations.

    1. Aerovit. Increases physical performance, accelerates the body's recovery after heavy physical exertion. Dosage: 1 tablet 1 time per day for 3-4 weeks.
    6. Vitamin B (calcium pangamate) - increases the body’s resistance to hypoxia, increases the synthesis of glycogen in the muscles, liver and myocardium, and creatine phosphate in the muscles and myocardium. It is used to speed up recovery during periods of heavy physical exertion, in cases of myocardial overstrain, pain in the liver, and during periods of heavy stress in the middle mountains.
    7. Vitamin E (tocopherol - acetate) - has an antihypoxic effect, regulates oxidative processes and promotes the accumulation of AGP in muscles, increases physical performance during anaerobic work and in mid-altitude conditions. It is used for heavy physical activity of an anaerobic and speed-strength nature, when working in mid-mountain areas.
    8. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - deficiency of this vitamin manifests itself in increased fatigue and a decrease in the body's resistance to colds. Long-term deficiency of ascorbic acid leads to scurvy. Deficiency usually occurs in late winter and early spring. Vitamin C is an effective stimulator of oxidative processes, increases endurance, accelerates the recovery of physical performance. Included in all multivitamin complexes, nutritional mixtures for use during training and endurance competitions, in the mountains to speed up recovery.

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    Thank you!
    2 capsules of Aevit, vitamin C (dose 500 mg) and zinc) Aevit and C twice a day helped me a lot...
    I was constantly tired and lethargic, I had no strength...
    I also took B vitamins)

  • please tell me, I’m interested in “Energetic drugs”, what if all of the above are taken at the same time or you can build some kind of sequence, I just read about each drug and each is important, in short, I get tired after training, and then I have to go to work where I’m also physically tired, what do you recommend? I can describe my situation more specifically.
  • please tell me, I’m interested in “Energetic drugs”, what if all of the above are taken at the same time or you can build some kind of sequence, I just read about each drug and each is important, in short, I get tired after training, and then I have to go to work where I’m also physically tired, what do you recommend? I can describe my situation more specifically.

    Click to expand...

    Be more specific! maybe you just don’t get enough sleep on top of that and the nutrition itself isn’t very good, otherwise
    B vitamins, for example Neurovitan works best
    Gingo biloba extract, 3 capsules per day, they are usually 40 mg

    Vitrum Energy: vitamins + minerals and ginseng extract, so drink them only in the morning

  • Do you have this job every day?
    Maybe it makes sense to move training days to days off from work?
  • Properly selected sports nutrition for recovery after training will speed up anabolic processes in the body and prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue. Everyone needs good recovery, regardless of their goals, because your well-being and the effectiveness of your training program depend on it. But the recovery stage is especially important for those who want to quickly and efficiently build muscle mass. Muscles grow not during training, but during rest! That’s why in bodybuilding so much attention is paid to the athlete’s regimen, his nutrition, sleep and the use of special recovery supplements.

    The mechanism and rules for restoring the body after training.

    A good workout + good rest + good nutrition - this is the formula for your inevitable progress. The energy of our body is the constant breakdown and restoration of the energy molecule ATP. The longer and more intensely you train, the faster you deplete your ATP stores, and the more time and nutrients it takes to recover.

    Recovery occurs in several stages:

    • Fast recovery. It begins immediately after the training ends. The body restores normal heart rate, blood pressure and normalizes the release of hormones.
    • As soon as the body has returned to its usual state, a period of slow recovery begins. The slow recovery lasts for a day or two. During this period, water balance returns to normal and amino acid synthesis occurs.
    • Supercompensation and deferred exposure. This period occurs immediately after slow recovery and lasts about a week. If you did everything right in terms of nutrition and training, then supercompensation sets in and your body fully receives the benefits of the training, which means your muscles increase in volume and you become stronger. If something went wrong, you chose the wrong program or your body did not have enough energy and special nutrients, then delayed recovery occurs, that is, the body returns to its previous level without any progress.

    To avoid overtraining, be sure to follow a number of rules:

    • Always take the necessary break between workouts. Depending on genetic predisposition, intensity of training and dietary habits, complete restoration of ATP requires at least one day, maximum four days.
    • Make sure that your workouts do not last more than 1 hour. After this period, cortisol levels increase and ATP depletion occurs, which makes further training pointless.
    • Strictly observe the sleep and wakefulness regime. For good recovery, an athlete needs at least 8 hours of sleep.
    • Monitor the amount of calories you consume and the balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in your diet.
    • Use special supplements that help restore muscles and energy balance.

    Sports nutrition for recovery: types and timing of intake

    • Protein. Protein will repair your muscles damaged during training, providing them with the “building blocks” for recovery and growth. But this does not mean that it should be taken only after a workout, as paradoxical as it may sound, but the release processes must be started even before the start of the workout by drinking a portion of a protein shake. Then the muscle tissue will be less susceptible to catabolic processes. Time of administration: Fast whey protein should be drunk before training and immediately after training (no more than 40 minutes after the end of training). It will provide you with building material and launch restoration processes into a rapid recovery phase. A complex multi-component protein, as well as a protein with an average absorption rate, must be taken several hours after training. Take casein protein at night (so that your muscles receive a constant supply of amino acids during sleep).
    • Gainer. A gainer is a combination of proteins and carbohydrates in different proportions. It gives the body energy and due to this, a positive energy balance (calorie surplus) and rapid restoration of ATP are easily achieved. Time of use: there are no strict rules for taking gainer, it all depends on your initial data and goals. With the help of a gainer, you can easily close the carbohydrate window immediately after a workout and replenish energy before the workout. The gainer also serves as an excellent meal replacement (for example, a snack or second breakfast) when it is necessary to create a calorie surplus.
    • BCAAs. Leucine, valine and isoleucine (BCAAs) are branched chain amino acids that make up 35% of all our muscle fibers. Their consumption in a purified, almost instantly digestible form is extremely important for the full recovery and subsequent synthesis of muscle tissue. Time of administration: before training, during training and after training. Such a gradual intake of BCAA amino acids into the body will prevent muscle destruction during the load phase, and provide building materials for the synthesis of new muscle fibers in the fast and slow recovery phase.
    • Creatine. Athletes typically use creatine to increase endurance and improve strength, but creatine also serves as an excellent post-workout recovery aid. The fact is that after high-intensity training, your muscles are exhausted, and creatine, together with carbohydrates and proteins (gainer + protein), will give them the necessary energy for growth. Time of administration: Take creatine after training along with a portion of fast carbohydrates in the amount of 3-5 g.
    • Glutamine. Glutamine is a unique amino acid with many beneficial properties. But the main quality due to which glutamine has gained wide popularity is its ability to maintain and enhance immunity. With glutamine, your muscles will recover better and pain will decrease. In the long term, glutamine will help avoid overtraining and reduce the incidence of viral diseases (flu, acute respiratory viral infections, etc.). When to take: Take one to two servings of glutamine (serving size listed on package) throughout the day. You can take it alone or mixed with a gainer or protein shake.
    • Vitamins and minerals. In order for the body not only to return to its original state after exercise, but also for qualitative changes to occur in the direction of strength and endurance, it is necessary to have not only macroelements, but also microelements. An athlete loses many minerals through sweat during training, and increased metabolism requires large dosages of almost all vitamins. To ensure quality recovery, take vitamin-mineral complexes for athletes and isotonic drinks that contain salts. When to take: Follow the instructions on the package of your vitamin and mineral supplement. Isotonic drinks should be drunk during and after training.

    Depending on your needs, characteristics and training program, you can also use complex amino acids and special supplements to restore joints and ligaments. Remember that proper recovery is no less important than the training itself, and if you neglect the rules, you risk wasting time. Sports nutrition manufacturers have created recovery products that accelerate progress and keep your body healthy.

    As soon as you leave the gym, the body switches to recovery and muscle growth mode. Optimize these processes to prepare for your next workout!

    Many bodybuilders pay close attention to every aspect of training - from choosing the best exercises to specialized training protocols and the smallest details in the process - and then consider it done as soon as they step into the gym. But to get results—or more accurately, to optimize them—you need to treat your post-workout protocol with the same attention as your workouts themselves, otherwise you won't reach your full potential.

    “In my opinion, this is the most underrated aspect of the entire mass-building cycle,” says Mike Kundla, competing in the Men’s Physicist category. - Your body needs adequate rest and recovery. He needs to repair muscle fibers damaged during training, replenish muscle glycogen stores, and allow the central nervous system to recover.”

    Fitness trainer Brandon Strong says that's not the only reason to optimize recovery. “You want to go into your next workout 100 percent ready, and recovery plays a very important role in preparation,” he says.

    We decided to draw on the knowledge of two successful athletes and asked them to share their post-training protocols to determine which recovery strategy was most effective. What steps help them train at their best every day?

    1. Start with stretching and cooling down after your workout.

    The path to optimizing recovery begins before you even leave the gym. First stop after the main workout: static stretching and cool down.

    If you don't work on your flexibility, your muscles will shorten and lose their elasticity over time. Static stretching increases the range of motion in your joints, which is critical to minimizing the risk of injury.

    To pave the fastest path to recovery, Strong stretches for at least 10 minutes after each workout and uses a Pilates cylinder on leg days. “I also devote 15-20 minutes to cold water treatments after an intense leg workout; I've noticed that it helps me reduce muscle inflammation,” says Strong.

    Kundla doesn't like the cold, although he does ice his knees for an hour after practice to relieve pain from old football injuries. His recovery protocol varies depending on the specifics of the workout. Some days he has purely strength training: he works with heavy weights and combines them into supersets, such as variations and. Other days are auxiliary: the athlete does, for example, and, and at the same time cardio and exercises for general physical training.

    “Strength days require more intense recovery, which takes longer,” says Kundla. “I do a lot of stretching using three pieces of exercise equipment that every athlete should include in their recovery arsenal: kettlebells, a lacrosse ball (or tennis ball) and a Pilates cylinder.”

    On accessory training days, Kundla does more classic-style static stretches. “Also these days I do 100 jumps on two legs, 100 alternating legs, and another 50 jumps on one leg,” he says. “This strengthens the muscles and ligaments of the foot and ankle, which helps reduce the risk of injury.”

    Mike Kundla's Post-Workout Protocol for Strength Days

    • 10-15 - camel to remove stiffness in the back and shoulders.
    • , muscles of the back of the thigh and back on a Pilates cylinder; Alternatively, you can use a barbell for your legs.
    • Working the trigger zones of the shoulder, pelvis and calves with a lacrosse ball: 30 seconds of pressure in 2-3 sets for each zone.
    • 10-15 with your own weight (for each leg).
    • 20 circular movements with your arms in each direction.
    • 3-5 minutes cool down on an exercise bike.

    2. Water isn't just for hydration

    Water plays an important role in recovery, and both athletes emphasize the importance of water. Not only should you drink water to maintain adequate hydration—which is critical for achieving peak physical performance—but you should also use water for active recovery.

    “I train in the pool once a week for active recovery. I either swim or run in shallow water, combining it with pelvic and leg exercises, says Strong. - The resistance of the water helps relax stiff muscles, which is especially effective after a hard leg workout. At the same time, cold water helps normalize body temperature after exercise.”

    3. Break your post-workout “nutrition” into two doses

    Both athletes use a two-step post-workout nutrition approach that consists of covering immediate needs and post-workout nutrition. This approach not only speeds up recovery, but also begins preparation for tomorrow's training.

    Before leaving the gym, Kundla takes care of hydrating the body by adding 1.5 scoops to a shaker of water. “It gives me a great combination of and which helps speed up recovery.” After an hour, he prepares 1.5 cups of egg whites with 30-60 grams of young broccoli or green vegetables, or takes about 40 grams, which contains no more than 5 grams of fat. “If I need to run errands, I stir one and a half scoops of 100% Combat Isolate MusclePharm into water.”

    Strong's post-workout fueling starts with MusclePharm products, which he takes right away: Amino 1, which adds 5 grams of glutamine to aid recovery, and a Combat Crunch Bar, which provides 20 grams of protein and 25 grams of carbohydrates. An hour after training, Strong prefers food rich in nutrients: his favorite dish is a delicious burrito salad loaded to the top with protein.

    When 24 hours in a day are no longer enough, many people begin to sacrifice sleep. But from the point of view of muscle recovery, we must do exactly the opposite; Its special role in the secretion of hormones and the overall replenishment of the body's strength makes sleep one of the most important aspects of recovery. Both athletes say that getting real sleep is always difficult.

    Everyone has developed a specific evening ritual for themselves. Kundla begins by soothing sore muscles. “I often use evening myofascial release by applying ice or warm compresses to specific areas that are painful or inflamed. In addition, after 6 pm I reduce my fluid intake so as not to wake up again at night.”

    Strong is an avid fan of a relaxing cup of hot tea before bed. He also takes from MusclePharm, which contains , magnesium and , to support natural levels and improve sleep quality.

    According to Strong, meditation is another effective way to relax after a stressful day, and he devotes 10-15 minutes to it every day. “I started meditating in college to help me cope with stress, and I found that calming my mind and focusing on the goals I still had to achieve helped me a lot.”

    5. Continue to fuel up in the morning.

    Most guys think the recovery mission is complete when they go to bed, but Kundla says proper post-workout nutrition continues right up until you pick up the dumbbells again. This period of time includes further fueling your body with the right foods and nutritional supplements. Immediately after waking up, Kundla has breakfast and takes. “It has an excellent balance of vitamins, minerals and natural substances, as well as probiotics for the immune system and a complex for the heart and blood vessels.”

    Then he goes into the hall. But before she tackles any serious weights, Kundla begins a pre-workout warm-up and performs a series of flexibility exercises that are similar to the post-workout exercises, but in a different order. "You should spend time stretching and flexibility both before and after your workout," he says. - This is useful both for the training itself and for post-training recovery. Stretching helps prevent injury and improves the quality of your workouts.”

    Mike Kundla's Flexibility Pre-Workout Program

    • 3-5 minutes of warm-up on an exercise bike.
    • 10-15 walking lunges with your own weight (each leg).
    • 10 stretches in the cat-camel position.
    • 20 deep with its own weight.
    • Stretching the quadriceps and back on the Pilates cylinder; As an alternative for your legs, you can use a barbell.
    • Stretching and kneading calves with a barbell.
    • 20 circular movements of the arms (in each direction).
    • with a 13 kg kettlebell.

    Strong believes in continuing his recovery the next day, so he starts his morning with a glass of water. "There's a saying that water makes you stronger," he says, meaning that even minimal dehydration can dramatically impair physical performance. After breakfast, Strong uses another pre-workout tool, MusclePharm, a pre-workout energy drink and psychostimulant. “It gives me energy and helps push the pace of my workout,” he says. “I stir 1 scoop into water and drink the drink either while stretching before a workout or during a warm-up run.”

    He also takes BCAAs before training - about two scoops - to fuel his muscles and greatly facilitate recovery by providing the body with substances that are depleted during intense training.

    Many beginners often forget about the important role of nutrition in the life of a bodybuilder. Of course, everyone has heard about proper and balanced diets, but few people stick to them for more than one week. But in vain! In bodybuilding, training plays far from the main role and is significantly inferior to nutrition. Remember that the rate of increase in muscle volume and their strength capabilities directly depends on nutrition.

    Importance of Nutrition

    1. Energy is needed to provide it.
    2. Building material is needed for muscles to grow in volume.
    3. Finally, the main truth is this: progressive muscle growth = excess kcal (ie energy).

    What should you eat after a workout? Obviously, the more massive our body is (in terms of muscles), the more energy is needed to maintain its shape and build new muscles. A completely logical conclusion follows from this: we must consume more food per day than is necessary to maintain its normal functioning.

    During active muscle gain, you should definitely consume more food (of course, the CORRECT food), even if this “gifts” you with an additional amount of subcutaneous fat. However, along with fat, you will gain enough muscle mass to “dry out” beautifully in the future.

    Proportions of nutrients in food

    The proportions of nutrients (aka proteins, fats and carbohydrates) are always very important when creating a nutrition plan. So, to properly prepare your diet, follow these proportions:

    • Proteins 25-30%.
    • Carbohydrates 50-60%.
    • Fats 10-15%.

    If you eat this way, you will not only gain muscle, but your health will also improve significantly, which is, of course, a huge benefit of a balanced diet. Below we will talk about what proper nutrition should be like after a workout. Please note that this meal is one of the most important of the day. Why? Read on.

    General rules

    What should you eat after a workout? There are several important aspects that we will talk about now.

    1. In the first half hour after physical activity, you need a large amount of energy, which can be obtained from fast carbohydrates (fruits, sweets) and fast proteins (a whey protein shake is ideal). It is during this period of time that the protein-carbohydrate “window” opens, when nutrients are absorbed very quickly.
    2. A full meal with complex carbohydrates should be after 30-60 minutes, when your body “recovers” from the high load and the required amount of blood returns to the stomach, which constantly feeds your muscles during training.

    In the evening, you need to reduce your carbohydrate intake to a minimum, focusing on long-lasting proteins (dairy products or casein shakes) that will nourish your body for a long time. Of course, don't forget to drink water regularly.

    Carbohydrate loading

    Many “jocks” use huge doses of carbohydrates after training, citing the fact that this significantly accelerates the deposition of glycogen in the muscles. What is glycogen? In simple terms, this is a “canned” carbohydrate that is wasted in the gym. Is this the right way to eat after strength training? From a scientific point of view, everything should work, but in practice everything is not always smooth. It was experimentally found that consuming carbohydrates immediately after performing heavy physical activity in the gym increases the effectiveness of increasing glycogen by 16% better than plain water. Paradox, isn't it? At first glance, this may seem like a good result. However, please note that the comparison is with ordinary water, which does not contain any nutrients. So it goes. At the same time, it was proven that glycogen accumulates in our muscles cumulatively, that is, throughout the whole day. We can come to the following conclusion: nutrition for post-workout recovery does not have to contain a large amount of carbohydrates, because it is better to consume them gradually throughout the day. This conclusion is indirectly confirmed by experiments on insulin sensitivity. Scientists have long known the fact that any training increases sensitivity to insulin, which is the transport hormone of our body that carries nutrients throughout our body.

    First meal

    We already wrote above that it is advisable to consume protein-carbohydrate mixtures after training during the “protein-carbohydrate” window. Some bodybuilders do not pay much attention to the rapid consumption of food after training. That is, they come home 30-40 minutes after exercise and eat solid food consisting of complex carbohydrates and animal proteins. Some will say that this is stupid, but many athletes have confirmed the effectiveness of such a meal. What should dinner be like? Here, every person should “listen” to his body, choosing between 2 options:

    1. Drink sports nutrition after training, which is the most popular way.
    2. Do not rush to eat food, and only after 40-60 minutes after training switch to solid food.

    Both options work, but ultimately the choice is yours.

    Second meal

    If the first meal was a protein-carbohydrate mixture, then after 1.5-2 hours you need to eat a hearty meal. If you eat solid food first, a sports shake may be your best choice. By the way, there is interesting information about the latter. Thus, ubiquitous scientists have found that liquid protein is the best option for the second meal. What should your post-workout nutrition be like in your second meal? The situation here is the same as in the previous case: listen to your body when choosing between two options.

    Eating before bed

    Everything here is quite simple, but eating properly before bed is a very important component of your daily diet. During our 6-10 hours of sleep, a very large amount of nutrients is wasted, which is a very big disadvantage for anabolism in our muscles. What needs to be done to prevent catabolism as much as possible? There are two recommendations on this issue.

    1. We take a loading dose of slow protein before bed (this can be casein protein or regular low-fat cottage cheese). It will nourish our muscles all this time, providing the desired effect.
    2. We break our sleep. This means you have to wake up in the middle of the night to grab a snack. This food could be cottage cheese or a protein shake (casein, of course).

    This is what post-workout nutrition should be like. Bodybuilding takes a lot of energy, and therefore the training itself destroys, rather than increases, muscle volume. Only food produces the same results that make eating at night extremely important for an athlete of any level.

    Eating in the morning

    Perhaps breakfast is of paramount importance for your body. Why? At night we don’t eat for quite a long time (yes, before going to bed or during sleep you can eat a little food, but the gap between this meal and breakfast can be quite a large amount of time when compared with fractional food consumption throughout the day). Complex carbohydrates are ideal for breakfast, as they will “give” you a considerable boost of energy for the next couple of hours.

    Well, we figured out what proper nutrition should be like after a workout. Now let's move on to more subtle issues, dividing the principles of nutrition into “drying” and “mass”. Go!

    Food for "mass"

    Many beginners believe that when they are “mass” they can eat anything and everything just to gain weight. And here comes the hard truth: when gaining muscle mass, you need to eat right, just like when you are cutting, which we will talk about later. However, there are several nuances that we will present below.

    1. As we mentioned above, in order to increase body weight, a positive caloric balance must be created in the body. Only then will you “grow”. In the first hour or two after active training, you need to eat a lot of carbohydrates in order to replenish lost calories.
    2. After physical activity, you need to “load” 25% of the daily carbohydrate intake into the body. The most preferred products are rice, buckwheat and oatmeal, pasta, and potatoes. This is exactly what post-workout nutrition should be like. Gaining weight is a rather long and painstaking process. By the way, if you are trying to increase muscle volume, then your daily diet should contain the following number of kcal: your weight (in kg) x 30.
    3. If you have an evening workout, then be careful with carbohydrates, especially if you are an endomorph. Of course, the load should be, but not too large (for ectomophres and mesomophres it remains unchanged; for endomorphs it is reduced to 15-20% of the daily norm).

    Nutrition during drying

    Real hell for every bodybuilder is a low-carb diet, when all sweets, fatty foods, various snacks and other foods that complicate the mechanism of burning subcutaneous fat are removed from the diet. Of course, every athlete will sooner or later want to try this type of diet. What should you eat after a workout to lose weight? To make your dream come true, you need to follow these rules:

    This is exactly what post-workout nutrition should be like for weight loss. If you are not experiencing any financial difficulties, then you can buy various fat-burning products (L-carnitine, cortisol blockers, green coffee, etc.).

    Post-workout nutrition for girls

    Most often, girls make the only serious mistake: they don’t eat at all. Of course, they can be understood, because many come to the gym just to lose weight, and now what, should they gain back the lost calories? Dear girls, you can and even need to eat after physical activity. Of course, you need to know what and how much. The scheme is similar for men - for those who want a beautiful, sculpted body with an aesthetically pleasing appearance of muscles, you need to eat more protein (meat, dairy and seafood, eggs). You can drink a protein shake.

    Remember we already talked about the protein-carbohydrate “window” above? So, girls, after training, you can even treat yourself to dark or milk chocolate in reasonable measures. Believe me, nothing will happen to you and you won’t end up with a layer of fat. As with men, a full meal after training should be 30-60 minutes later, when the blood has returned to the stomach. Of course, girls should have smaller portions so as not to create an extra burden on the stomach. This is what post-workout nutrition should be like for girls.

    Sports nutrition

    70% of fans have only heard about protein. However, there is a huge variety of sports nutrition that will help you recover after heavy physical activity. We will not talk about anabolic steroids here, because this is a completely different topic. Sports nutrition for post-workout recovery:

    • Protein.
    • Gainer.
    • Amino acids (BCAA, glutamine, arginine).
    • Creatine.
    • Vitamin and mineral complexes.

    Each of the above types of sports nutrition has its own unique effect: protein and gainer allow you to close the protein-carbohydrate “window”; amino acids nourish muscles and have a powerful anti-catabolic effect; creatine increases muscle strength and endurance; Vitamin and mineral complexes are beneficial for the body as a whole.

    We think that you understand what nutrition should be before and after training. Let's move on to the conclusions.


    Many beginners often do not pay enough attention to nutrition. This is wrong, as high-level athletes will prove to you. You are ready to spend thousands of rubles on sports nutrition and expensive gym memberships, but you do not follow the most important thing - proper and balanced nutrition. In the article, we described in detail what nutrition should be like after a workout, whether you are “mass” or “cut,” a woman or a man, a professional or a beginner. No anabolic steroids will help you in high-quality muscle building if you eat poorly. Remember this, good luck in achieving results!

    Hello, site visitors!

    Experienced athletes know that muscles and their performance increase during rest. To gain muscle mass, I believe recovery should be a priority over building the training process. In this article I want to make my TOP 10 restorers. So let's get down to business.

    10th place Restoration of the nervous system

    In addition to muscle recovery, the athlete also needs to restore his nervous system. Frequent heavy training, be it constant work to failure or lifting extreme weights, puts a lot of stress on our nervous system. Such an overload can lead to general discomfort, headaches, lethargy, drowsiness, irritability, as well as more serious consequences such as a decrease or increase in blood pressure, arrhythmia, an increase in the concentration of lactic acid, and impaired respiratory processes. I think it’s a no-brainer that all this has a negative impact on the athlete’s results.

    I think the best solution to the problem is adequate rest. You shouldn’t push your body to such a critical state. Here it is worth considering the fact that everyone has different body capabilities. Therefore, you need to listen to your condition, and if something is not right, it is better to skip the workout.

    9th place Water procedures

    Water procedures such as contrast showers and ice baths stand out. A contrast shower will harden your body, increase blood flow, which will lead to a faster removal of breakdown products from the muscles. Experts advise taking a contrast shower according to the following scheme: 30 seconds hot water, 30 seconds cold water. Repeat this cycle several times. I think this is one of the most accessible means of recovery. I hope each of you has a shower and hot water at home. An ice bath is definitely a less pleasant method, but this method of muscle recovery after training also exists. A cold bath reduces muscle pain, inflammation and tension (water temperature approximately 12-15° C). In cold water, blood vessels better cleanse the body of “waste” after exercise and healing processes are significantly improved. Some people say that it really works, others call it complete nonsense, but each body reacts differently, so try it and choose what suits you.

    8th place Bath and sauna

    Exposure to high temperatures improves blood supply to the muscles, which allows metabolic end products such as lactic acid to be eliminated more quickly. The result is the cessation of discomfort in the muscles, a feeling of relaxation and rest. If you regularly give your muscles such a workout in the sauna, you can reduce the period of fatigue. According to research, after a steam room, strength measured on a dynamometer and bicycle ergometer increases.

    Bath procedures also have a very beneficial effect on joints, increasing their mobility. The elasticity of connective tissue also increases. The bathhouse is very important in the matter of prevention and rehabilitation after injuries in athletes. Bruises and sprains are best and fastest treated in a steam room.

    7th place Massage

    This is a wonderful universal restorative remedy, one of the best, and quickly restores both muscle tone after training and relieves emotional stress after a nervous and emotionally stressful day at work. Massage is beneficial for both muscles and skin, and the general emotional state. So, tense up your phytony so that it crushes something for you.

    6th place Pressure chamber

    A pressure chamber is, of course, an expensive pleasure, but extremely useful. Due to the increased pressure in the chamber, the body is saturated with oxygen, which in turn leads to accelerated recovery, renewal of red blood cells, renewal of mitochondria in cells, improves endurance, and increases the amount of ATP in the muscles. In short, if there is an opportunity, you need to use it.

    5th place Stretching

    Stretching is extremely beneficial. This is confirmed by many scientific experiments. In addition to the fact that stretching accelerates the removal of waste products from the muscle, it also affects the elasticity of the muscle, which leads to a faster process of hypertrophy due to greater stretching during work. It is recommended to stretch the working muscle group after training it.

    4th place Active recovery

    Active recovery usually means a workout with a duration and a load of 30-50% of the usual - if you work out for an hour, then 20-30 minutes are needed, if you squat with 80 kg, then 25-40 kg are acceptable for such a workout. I think most people are familiar with the concept of “Load Periodization”. Light training allows you to restore and maintain the energy potential of the muscle while muscle cells are being restored. By increasing blood flow, light training on recovery days helps remove accumulated toxins from your muscles more quickly. In addition, using light weights is a good opportunity to work on your technique.

    Another benefit of active recovery is providing muscles with nutrients for growth. Relatively speaking, performing exercises with a large number of repetitions will awaken “hunger” in the muscles, and they will ask the body for additional nutrition.

    So if you have the opportunity to do a light workout or just take a walk on your rest day, don’t waste this opportunity!

    3rd place Pharmacology

    Did you think I'd put it in first place? But no... By pharmacology I will include AAS, growth hormone, peptides, insulin and all kinds of pharmaceutical pharmaceutical support, such as riboxin and potassium orotate. Who else but the guys from Daughter know how artificial hormones affect muscles and their performance. It's no secret that pharmacological drugs work wonders - they speed up metabolism, protein synthesis and much, much more. Proper use of them will allow you to achieve the desired volumes and strength indicators in a much shorter time than without their use. But I only put pharmacology in 3rd place and here’s why...

    2nd place Dream

    Without sleep, nowhere. During sleep, most body systems are restored. It is not for nothing that it is called one of the best medicines for all diseases. Even if you gobble up all the methane on the planet, if you don’t sleep, you won’t grow! It is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours. It will also be great if you take an extra hour's nap during the day. So after reading this article, go to bed.

    1 place Nutrition

    I think it's okay to not get enough sleep. But you can’t undereat! You can sacrifice a couple of hours of sleep due to the increased calorie content. Also, pharmacological drugs simply will not bring you any benefit if you are not eating right, be it gaining muscle mass or losing fat reserves.

    This is where I will end my story. If you have any objections or additions, write in the comments. Anabolism everyone!

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