Comparative characteristics of the Kirsanov brothers. Cheat sheet: Comparative characteristics of Nikolai Petrovich and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. Estate of A. S. Odintsova

When I.S. Turgenev wrote the work “Fathers and Sons”, he said that he was embarrassed by the following fact: “In not a single work of our literature did I even encounter a hint of what I saw everywhere.” The merit of the writer is that he was the first in Russia to raise this topic in literature and for the first time tried to create the image of a “new man”, a representative of the commoners.

According to Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, aristocrats are the driving force of social development. Their ideal is a constitutional monarchy, and the path to the ideal is liberal reforms, openness, and progress. Pavel Petrovich considers nihilists to be powerless “cynics”, impudents,” he thinks that they do not respect the people and traditions, but he consoles himself with the fact that there are few of them. He is touched by the patriarchal nature of the Russian people, not understanding them in essence. Considering himself a liberal, he However, when talking to a man, he sniffs English tobacco. This is a very important trait that characterizes him as a person.

Nikolai Petrovich was a very cowardly person, for which he received the nickname coward in childhood. The difference in the views of the main characters lies in their biography. Pavel Petrovich is the son of a general, a brilliant officer who wasted all his spiritual strength in pursuit of the woman he loved. When she died, he left the world, left his career and settled with his brother to live out his life. He is trying to make changes to his estate and economy, considers himself a liberal only because serfs on their estate are not beaten with a whip, but he is not unable to understand the requirements of the new era, the views of the younger generation are deeply alien to him.

Pavel Petrovich treats his brother, Fenechka, very nobly; he is very honest, constant in love, and understands art. Nikolai Petrovich, his brother, is a very sensitive person, he is friendly, kind-hearted, fond of music, but his life is monotonous and boring.

The collision of the “present century” with the past century” was depicted in his wonderful comedy “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboedov, this theme is revealed in all its poignancy in Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm”, we find echoes of it in Pushkin and many other Russian classics. As people looking to the future, writers tend to side with the new generation.

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How to compare and see the present century and the past century. A. Griboyedov On a bright sunny day on the twentieth of May, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, a carriage pulled up to an inn on the highway, from which two young men got out. As we learn later, this is Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov and his friend Arkady Kirsanov.

The novel reveals the cruel and complex process of breaking old, established social relations. This process appears in the novel as a destructive force that changes the usual flow of life. Turgenev constructs the novel in such a way that Bazarov, the nihilist, and Pavel Kirsanov are in the spotlight all the time.

For Turgenev, as well as for Gogol, detail in his works is very important. One such detail is the story about the life of Princess R. The seemingly meaningless story of Princess R. and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov turned out to be a very important element in the work “Fathers and Sons,” and in the life of the author himself.

The ability to sensitively guess the problems and contradictions that have arisen in Russian society is an important distinguishing feature of Turgenev the writer. The novel “Fathers and Sons” recreates the era preceding the abolition of serfdom - the action begins on May 20, 1859. In the context of a social crisis, disputes between different generations about

In order to understand the conflict of the novel in its entirety, one must understand all the shades of disagreement. Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. Who is. Bazarov is asked. The Kirsanovs hear the answer. Arcadia Nihilist.

Speaking about the concept and purpose of your future work. Turgenev admitted. I was embarrassed by the following fact: in not a single work of our literature did I find even a hint of what I saw everywhere.

Composition is one of the most important means of revealing the main idea of ​​a work. I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” is built on the combination of a sequential narrative and the biography of the main characters. If there were no story of Princess R., then there would be no parallelism in the fate of the two main characters: Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich.

At the center of Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons,” written on the eve of the reform of 1861, is the problem of the relationship between generations. It is considered both from the point of view of the socio-historical conflict between generations of “fathers”-liberals and “children”-nihilists, and the eternal conflict between fathers and children within the family.

Text Text Graphics Pavel Petrovich and Princess R. – love-obsession. Arkady and Katya - earthly love. Nikolai Petrovich and Fenechka - love-family (naturalness and simplicity). Graphics

The interpretation of both the main characters of the novel and the plan of Turgenev himself varies. That is why one should be critical of these arguments, and in particular, of Pisarev’s interpretation.

The disputes between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich represent the social side of the conflict in Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons.” Here, not just different views of representatives of two generations collide, but also two fundamentally different political points of view. Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich find themselves on opposite sides of the barricades in accordance with all parameters.

Author: Turgenev I.S. Very interesting in the novel is the love story of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov for Princess R. At first glance, this is an ordinary life story, placed in the novel to satisfy the curiosity of the reader and partly explain the current state of Pavel Petrovich. But if you look a little closer, it becomes clear that this episode is symbolic and therefore significant.

Author: Turgenev I.S. When starting to work on the novel “Fathers and Sons,” I. S. Turgenev set himself the task of showing a turning point in the social development of Russia. He wanted to say goodbye to the old, passing era and meet the new era, still in search and tossing. The novel “Fathers and Sons” is a dispute between two cultures: the old, noble one, and the new, democratic one.

Love in the lives of heroes in the novel "Fathers and Sons" Author: Turgenev I.S. The novel “Fathers and Sons” by I.S. Turgenev was written in 1961. This is a time of conflict between the liberal noble intelligentsia and the nihilistic commoners. The sixty-first year is approaching - the abolition of serfdom, and changes are already felt in the country, passions are running high, everyone is waiting for something to happen.

I.S. Turgenev, as a master of words, possessing high skill in the field of artistic creativity, in the novel “Fathers and Sons” widely uses a variety of artistic techniques.

Psychologism in descriptions of love relationships. Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, love in their destiny. The duel is a turning point in the lives of the heroes. Turgenev's psychologism, manifested in female images.

“Fathers and Sons” by Turgenev is a socio-psychological novel in which the main place is given to social conflicts. The work is built on the opposition of the main character, the commoner Bazarov, and the rest of the characters.

The work of the great Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is a hymn to high, inspired, poetic love. Suffice it to recall the novels “Rudin” (1856), “The Noble Nest” (1859), “On the Eve” (1860), the stories “Asya” (1858), “First Love”.

Author: Turgenev I.S. The work of the great Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is a hymn to high, inspired, poetic love. Suffice it to recall the novels “Rudin”, “The Noble Nest”, “On the Eve”, the stories “Asya”, “First Love” and many other works. Love in the eyes of Turgenev is, first of all, mysterious and rarely lends itself to rational explanation. “There are such moments in life, such feelings...

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Author: Turgenev I.S. Pavel Petrovich lives by feelings - this means that he perceives the world not like Bazarov, but exactly the opposite. Therefore, his “clash” with Bazarov has a very important role in the novel as a whole. A huge role! And we have to find out - which one? It is for this reason, and not why others, that we need a clear and clearly defined image of Pavel Petrovich! In simple words, this means that I set myself the task not to reveal the image, but to find out its meaning.

In order to understand the conflict of the novel in its entirety, one should understand all the shades of disagreement between Evgeniy Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov.

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Pleshcheev, Sergei Ivanovich Sergei Ivanovich Pleshcheev (1752 (1752), Moscow - January 23 (February 4), 1802, Montpellier, France) - writer and translator, vice admiral.

Chapter I. Grand Duke Nikolai Pavlovich § 1. Parents The life of Catherine II was coming to an end when, on July 6, 1796, she was notified of the birth of her third grandson. Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich and Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna had a son, Nikolai. The newborn looked like a little hero: from the first days he surprised those around him with his physical development: “His voice is bass; and he screams amazingly; It’s a yard long, minus two inches, and its hands are a little smaller than mine.

Semyon Andreevich Poroshin (1741(1741)-1769) - Russian writer. Biography Semyon Andreevich was educated in the land gentry cadet corps, where he was left after completing the course. In 1762 he was an aide-de-camp under Peter III and accompanied the emperor's uncle, Prince George, from Konigsberg to Russia.

Speaking about the plan and purpose of his future work, Turgenev admitted: “I was embarrassed by the following fact: in not a single work of our literature did I encounter even a hint of what I saw everywhere.” The merit of the writer is that he was the first in Russia to raise this topic in literature and for the first time tried to create the image of a “new man”, a representative of the commoners.

When I.S. Turgenev wrote the work “Fathers and Sons”, he said that he was embarrassed by the following fact: “In not a single work of our literature did I even encounter a hint of what seemed to me everywhere.” The merit of the writer is that he was the first in Russia to raise this topic in literature and for the first time tried to create the image of a “new man”, a representative of the commoners.

According to Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, aristocrats are the driving force of social development. Their ideal is a constitutional monarchy, and the path to the ideal is liberal reforms, openness, and progress. Pavel Petrovich considers nihilists to be powerless “cynics”, impudents,” he thinks that they do not respect the people and traditions, but he consoles himself with the fact that there are few of them. He is touched by the patriarchal nature of the Russian people, not understanding them in essence. Considering himself a liberal, he However, when talking to a man, he sniffs English tobacco. This is a very important trait that characterizes him as a person.

Nikolai Petrovich was a very cowardly person, for which he received the nickname coward in childhood. The difference in the views of the main characters lies in their biography. Pavel Petrovich is the son of a general, a brilliant officer who wasted all his spiritual strength in pursuit of the woman he loved. When she died, he left the world, left his career and settled with his brother to live out his life. He is trying to make changes to his estate and economy, considers himself a liberal only because serfs on their estate are not beaten with a whip, but he is not unable to understand the requirements of the new era, the views of the younger generation are deeply alien to him.

Pavel Petrovich treats his brother, Fenechka, very nobly; he is very honest, constant in love, and understands art. Nikolai Petrovich, his brother, is a very sensitive person, he is friendly, kind-hearted, fond of music, but his life is monotonous and boring.

The collision of the “present century” with the past century” was depicted in his wonderful comedy “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboedov, this theme is revealed in all its poignancy in Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm”, we find echoes of it in Pushkin and many other Russian classics. As people looking to the future, writers tend to side with the new generation.

The Kirsanov brothers represent the generation of “fathers” in Turgenev’s novel. In their person, the author created images of two representatives of the ruling class in order to show the characteristics inherent in it.

The brothers are similar in some ways. Both are middle aged - one is 45, the other is 44 years old. Both are smart and kind people.

Nikolai Petrovich, who previously served as a civil official in the Ministry of Appanages, had a nondescript appearance and did not pay much attention to clothing. He was a widower and had an adult son, Arkady. Nikolai Petrovich is a rural resident in his manners, preferring to stay on his estate. He is a good farmer who devotes a lot of time to improving his estate.

However, Pavel Petrovich is a retired guards officer, he was handsome and dressed with grace. He was a confirmed bachelor with the manners of a man of the world, who lived a stormy life. He is not involved in practical activities, preferring to live on income from estates.

These differences show the two main ways of life of the nobles of that time, each of them determines the behavior towards the radical nihilist Bazarov, who seeks to destroy their world.

Nikolai Petrovich, as a result of a calm and measured life, does not have a strong character; those around him consider him cowardly. When confronted with Bazarov, he is prone to compromises and concessions. Even his own son, under the ideological influence of a nihilist, tries to teach him. The love of dreams helps him escape into his illusory world and put off unpleasant decisions. Such opponents, encountered by the bazaars on the way, strengthened their belief that the old world was fragile and could be easily destroyed with little effort.

However, Pavel Petrovich is a military man, therefore he is more harsh, proud and inclined to fight with enemies rather than seek agreement with them. Even though in the novel the clash occurs in an intelligent form, through theoretical disputes at the table, it is clear that the retired guardsman is ready to defend his interests. He does not look for who is right, but attacks Bazarov himself.

However, Pavel Petrovich, unlike his brother, is practical and not prone to romance. These traits allow him to immediately sense the danger posed by the new ideology of denial that has spread among young people.

The two types of Russian nobility shown by Turgenev are not just lifestyles determined by external reasons. This is the personification of an active and passive attitude to life, the predominance of one of which destroyed old Russia.

Option 2

The Kirsanovs are one of the central characters in the famous work of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. In this discussion we will compare two brothers and try to identify their similarities and differences.

Pavel Petrovich is the eldest brother in the family. He is approximately forty-five years old. Nikolai Petrovich is a year younger - he turned forty-four.

The eldest is a very handsome man. He looks great for his age - there is not a trace of wrinkles on his face. The face of this man, although touched by the yellowness of old age, was unusually pure. His brother had thin gray hair, small eyes, and also walked with a slight limp.

The older brother dresses smartly, while the younger brother wears modest clothes, such as a dusty coat.

The eldest of the brothers used to serve, now he is a retired officer. His brother used to work as an official.

The eldest is a confirmed bachelor who, in his old age, regrets the unmarried fate that befell him. Nikolai Petrovich was once married, but his wife died, leaving him with a son, whom the character is raising alone.

In his youth, Pavel Petrovich moved in the highest circles of St. Petersburg, and his brother lived almost his entire life in the village, in the wilderness.

Both brothers are quite smart men. In addition to an extraordinary mind, they have a kind heart.

Pavel Petrovich's friends considered him a brave man. The brother was not only not seen in brave deeds, but on the contrary, he was known as a coward.

Pavel is a practical person. He doesn't like to dream and you can't call him a romantic either. His brother, Nikolai Petrovich, on the contrary, is a great dreamer and romantic, and, moreover, absolutely impractical, which is why he is sometimes deceived.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is a very proud man. Many acquaintances and friends quite rightly and not unreasonably considered him a real proud man. Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov in this matter is the complete opposite of his older brother - he is not only not a proud person, but also a self-critical person.

Pavel Petrovich is a very cold and reserved person, while his younger brother is a soft and affectionate man. He himself says about himself that he is a soft and weak person.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, although he spent his entire life as an unmarried man, was once passionately in love with a princess, however, this love could not be called happy. Nikolai Petrovich was very happy with his beloved. They lived well and quietly, loved each other with a calm love.

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Comparative characteristics of Nikolai Petrovich and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov

When I.S. Turgenev wrote the work “Fathers and Sons”, he said that he was embarrassed by the following fact: “In not a single work of our literature did I even encounter a hint of what I saw everywhere.” The merit of the writer is that he was the first in Russia to raise this topic in literature and for the first time tried to create the image of a “new man”, a representative of the commoners.

According to Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, aristocrats are the driving force of social development. Their ideal is a constitutional monarchy, and the path to the ideal is liberal reforms, openness, and progress. Pavel Petrovich considers nihilists to be powerless “cynics”, impudents,” he thinks that they do not respect the people and traditions, but he consoles himself with the fact that there are few of them. He is touched by the patriarchal nature of the Russian people, not understanding them in essence. Considering himself a liberal, he However, when talking to a man, he sniffs English tobacco. This is a very important trait that characterizes him as a person.

Nikolai Petrovich was a very cowardly person, for which he received the nickname coward in childhood. The difference in the views of the main characters lies in their biography. Pavel Petrovich is the son of a general, a brilliant officer who wasted all his spiritual strength in pursuit of the woman he loved. When she died, he left the world, left his career and settled with his brother to live out his life. He is trying to make changes to his estate and economy, considers himself a liberal only because serfs on their estate are not beaten with a whip, but he is not unable to understand the requirements of the new era, the views of the younger generation are deeply alien to him.

Pavel Petrovich treats his brother, Fenechka, very nobly; he is very honest, constant in love, and understands art. Nikolai Petrovich, his brother, is a very sensitive person, he is friendly, kind-hearted, fond of music, but his life is monotonous and boring.

The collision of the “present century” with the past century” was depicted in his wonderful comedy “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboedov, this theme is revealed in all its poignancy in Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm”, we find echoes of it in Pushkin and many other Russian classics. As people looking to the future, writers tend to side with the new generation.

Comparative characteristics of Nikolai Petrovich and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov

When I.S. Turgenev wrote the work “Fathers and Sons”, he said that he was embarrassed by the following fact: “In not a single work of our literature did I even encounter a hint of what I saw everywhere.” The merit of the writer is that he was the first in Russia to raise this topic in literature and for the first time tried to create the image of a “new man”, a representative of the commoners.

According to Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, aristocrats are the driving force of social development. Their ideal is a constitutional monarchy, and the path to the ideal is liberal reforms, openness, and progress. Pavel Petrovich considers nihilists to be powerless “cynics”, impudents,” he thinks that they do not respect the people and traditions, but he consoles himself with the fact that there are few of them. He is touched by the patriarchal nature of the Russian people, not understanding them in essence. Considering himself a liberal, he However, when talking to a man, he sniffs English tobacco. This is a very important trait that characterizes him as a person.

Nikolai Petrovich was a very cowardly person, for which he received the nickname coward in childhood. The difference in the views of the main characters lies in their biography. Pavel Petrovich is the son of a general, a brilliant officer who wasted all his spiritual strength in pursuit of the woman he loved. When she died, he left the world, left his career and settled with his brother to live out his life. He is trying to make changes to his estate and economy, considers himself a liberal only because serfs on their estate are not beaten with a whip, but he is not unable to understand the requirements of the new era, the views of the younger generation are deeply alien to him.

Pavel Petrovich treats his brother, Fenechka, very nobly; he is very honest, constant in love, and understands art. Nikolai Petrovich, his brother, is a very sensitive person, he is friendly, kind-hearted, fond of music, but his life is monotonous and boring.

The collision of the “present century” with the past century” was depicted in his wonderful comedy “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboedov, this theme is revealed in all its poignancy in Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm”, we find echoes of it in Pushkin and many other Russian classics. As people looking to the future, writers tend to side with the new generation.

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