Statuses about tenderness. Quotes about tenderness Quotes about tenderness and love

Expressed tenderness is a rest for the gift of speech.
Yulia Leontyeva

And I will look into your eyes, I will see light, love and tenderness, I will say with all my heart and lovingly: “Beloved, I Love you!”

Tenderness is a better proof of love than the most passionate vows.

We are filled with tenderness for those to whom we do good, and passionately hate those to whom we have done many harm.
Jean La Bruyère

TENDERNESS is the rustle of the heart.

Only those who look at you with tenderness have beautiful eyes.

Anyone who has not heard the breathing of a sleeping girl does not know what tenderness is...

You stand so close, you hug me as if you have the right to it... I like it...

you are waiting for love and tenderness, but what does that have to do with me?

You are more than love: You are life, you are passion, you are tenderness, You are a breath of air, You are inevitability... ... and childhood dreams - all YOU!!!

The fog of tenderness enveloped the mountains of melancholy.

"Sometimes you want to be closer than just 'next to'..."

In pity there is always an admixture of love or tenderness, and in gloating there is always an admixture of hatred and anger.
D. Hume

Love is a disease of tenderness.

Growing tenderness wandered into the mansions of eroticism. She stayed there. Yulia Leontyeva

First love, then marriage: first flame, then smoke. Nicola Chamfort

Your piercing tenderness, your destructive passion, as if death were inevitable, have power over me...

I want tenderness, flowers, chocolate and sex, cheesy, but honest.

Strong coffee, your favorite music in your headphones, joy and tenderness in your soul... just like before. . . HAPPY!

... Giving without words - all the tenderness in the lines...

And the ice figures are crushed from tenderness...

Vomit with your tenderness. choke on your stupidity. drown in your pathos.

Tenderness is when you open up in a dream, and your loved one covers and hugs you over and over again, hugging you close to warm you...

Tired of lies, falsehood, unnecessary actions, anger, aggression... my heart wants warmth, tenderness... without betrayal...

Sometimes we wait for intense passions, as in a love story, and sometimes one kiss is enough to feel all the tenderness and even passion...

Tenderness. They are always ashamed of it. They hide it deep in the side pocket and take it out only in the evenings alone...

Don't be afraid of the cold winter Don't be afraid of blind fire In the bustle of passing days Let my tenderness protect you...

You are my happiness, you are my sun, you are the knock-knock that beats in my heart! You are my tenderness, my reward, and without you I don’t need anything..!

Look into your eyes with tenderness! And suddenly touch cheek to cheek. How it hurts sometimes, What are you afraid to say about your feelings...

Our time craves tenderness and love. Under feigned cynicism, it hides a longing for real feelings.

You know, I’m more corrupt than any whores out there. You can buy me for affection, tenderness, kindness, love. And they are only for money.

I bathed in the rain of phrases about love and kisses... I still want to drown in a sea of ​​tenderness and choke in an ocean of passion.)

Grace itself, tenderness itself, gives rise to pure emotions in us.

Tenderness is the pink sky at sunrise. A man is the Sun, and a woman is everything else.

For your tenderness I will give all my feelings.

The tenderness will make the perineum quiver.

I get lost when you suddenly become gentle.

The worst thing is when you sit next to the person you love, talk to him, look into his eyes, but you understand that you cannot kiss him, hug him, take him tenderly by the hand, and even if you kiss him,

It takes time to get used to the tenderness of such a scale...

Love... how much tenderness and pain there is in this word.

In a fit of tenderness, even betrayal can be forgiven.

Your tenderness captivated me from the first minutes, enveloped me forever...

-And there’s no way without him?!- Without his tenderness there is no need... Aphorisms about the tenderness of love, quotes, phrases about tenderness

Learn loyalty from swans!
Love like these birds love!
After all, if you take the universe with nothing...
Love like this cannot be compared.

They are not people, but what to become,
What tenderness and devotion to each other.
Their feeling is impossible to convey,
It is like a true miracle!

Well, isn't it a miracle? because it's always just the two of us,
Wing to wing in beautiful plumage
They glide across a clear pond.
Divine! Stop a moment!

What about devotion? After all, if fatal
The hour will come - one will die,
Then the other one won’t live either,
He too will leave this world.

This is how they float through life, on water,
Two gentle, devoted creations!
Learn loyalty from swans!
Cherish the wonderful moments of life!

Take one glass of love, 2 glasses of devotion, 3 glasses of forgiveness, 4 quarts of faith and one barrel of laughter. Take love with devotion and mix them with faith; whisk them with tenderness, kindness and understanding. Add friendship and hope. Sprinkle generously with laughter and bake it all with joy. Wrap it all up in a hug and serve generous portions every day.

Don't leave mothers alone.
They grow old from loneliness.
Among worries, love and books
Don't forget to be kind to them.
To them, your tenderness means the whole world.
They value every little bit of you.
Try to imagine for a moment
You are in your youth your own old age.
When there are no letters from children, no meetings.
And your closest friend is the TV.
To take care of my mother in this life, -
Do we really need requests or visas?
There are no borders or seas between you.
All you have to do is get on a tram or train.
Don't leave mothers behind
Take them with you into the future.

Someday you will understand that there are people who never betray, but to do this you will have to go through a lot of betrayals.
Someday you will understand that external shine is nothing compared to inner beauty. Because everything outside is before the first rain. What's inside always burns. Even if it has faded to barely visible embers. But, just put your lips together and blow gently - the fire will gradually flare up and warm you.
Someday you will understand that many formulas and aphorisms that you have picked up in the world around you are empty, albeit beautiful, sets of words - nothing more. Only those truths that you yourself have reached are important.
Someday you will understand that kindness, tenderness, affection and care are a manifestation of inner strength, not weakness.

The issue includes quotes and phrases about tenderness:
  • I don't know how to live without tenderness...
  • Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness... Victor Marie Hugo
  • The tenderness in you is like that fucking cactus. D. Fowles.
  • Tenderness is a better proof of love than the most passionate vows. M. Dietrich.
  • Sensuality and feeling, lust and tenderness are not only enemies, but also friends. O. Huxley.
  • Tenderness. They are always ashamed of it, they hide it deep in a side pocket and take it out only in the evenings alone to see how worn it out during the day. M. Evdokimov.
  • He who can be gentle has great inner strength. L. Fabian.
  • Tenderness in rigid expressions is annoying. A. Maurois.
  • A man's help should be necessary, and a woman's help should be gentle. Georgy Alexandrov
  • One syllable of tenderness - and the world fell into place again. D. Boyne.
  • Tenderness is the most meek, timid, divine face of love... N. Teffi.
  • Tenderness is the power of love, but tenderness is not coddling. V. Borisov.
  • It takes not only fearlessness to face your feelings, but also... submissive tenderness. M. Ray.
  • With a bright future, interesting transformations are constantly happening. The farthest is dazzlingly snow-white, and the closer the future is to the present, the grayer and more inconspicuous it becomes. Yuri Tatarkin
  • There is no better gift to be found than our sincere tenderness. Georgy Alexandrov
  • Women are mistaken when they dream of the tenderness of rude men. Georgy Alexandrov
  • You need to be able to become rougher while maintaining your tenderness. E. Che Guevara.
  • He touched your computer so gently, as if he was touching you. Ya. Vishnevsky.
  • Letters and gifts and glossy pictures expressing affection are important. But it’s even more important to listen to each other face to face; this is a great and rare art. T. Jansson.
  • He who sees only shortcomings without seeing their causes sees only half; if he sees their reasons, then his anger can sometimes turn into the most tender compassion. I. Gerber
  • He realized that not only his mind, but also his entire flesh: his hands and nerves and some strange tenderness that was not characteristic of him - everything was waiting for her. M. Remarque.
  • Our feminine dignity is devotion; if a woman has to take control, she must act softly and tenderly. Maria Theresa
  • There is something in the world that one must always strive for and that is sometimes given into one’s hands, and this something is human tenderness. A. Camus.
  • What people call tenderness, I call separation anxiety. F. Begbeder.
  • There is no tenderness without nonsense. S. Laclau.
  • Tenderness between people is a manifestation of humanity...
  • Big dogs, like big men, hide their inescapable tenderness behind the arrogance of condescension until their last breath. Especially in the presence of strangers. T. Solomatina.
  • Tenderness and kindness will save the whole world!
  • Girls are most attached to men who know how to listen, show tenderness and make them laugh...
  • There are three who excel in acts of love: the harpist skillfully plays the harp, the violinist masterfully wields the bow, and the husband tenderly caresses the bust of his wife. Konstantin Madei
  • Expressed tenderness is a rest for the gift of speech. Yu. Leontieva.

In relationships between people, tenderness and lies are worth thousands of truths.

"Graham Green"

Tenderness is a better proof of love than the most passionate vows.

"M. Dietrich"

If spouses have loved each other for many years, then love inevitably turns into a sweet habit and ardent passion is replaced by tender friendship.

"Jean Jacques Rousseau"

Tenderness is the most meek, timid, divine face of love.

Tenderness is something that is so difficult to explain in words, but so easy to feel with your heart.

And although there was not a drop of love in any of his words, his gestures, facial expressions and eyes betrayed strong feelings and deep tenderness towards her.

"Valeria Sidelnikova"

Women are most attached to men who know how to listen, show tenderness and make them laugh.

"Janusz Leon Wisniewski"

It is better to be gentle quietly than to pronounce passionate vows loudly.

Tenderness is a medicine to which no one will ever be allergic.

Tenderness is almost like imperceptibility, a little, with force, but without pushing or rudeness.

Pity is a bitter-sweet mixture of love and tenderness, and gloating is a salty-bitter mixture of hatred and anger.

Loyalty is in the nature of women. She is supposed to love one and only one, blindly, tenderly and forever.

"Anne Bronte"

He who can be gentle has great inner strength. Tenderness is the power of love.

The self-humiliation of the strong causes tenderness, the self-exaltation of the weak causes disgust.

"Elena Ermolova"

Real tenderness cannot be confused with anything, and it is quiet.

"Anna Akhmatova"

Often a tender thought is conveyed without words. Language sometimes brings us bitter disappointment.

A man torments with rudeness, a woman with tenderness.

"Arkady Davidovich"

The nourishing environment in which the hearts of spouses open is tenderness, condescension, warmth, gentleness, love.

"Artemy Vladimirovich Vladimirov"

All the tenderness that was unclaimed in childhood later tries to be instilled in love.

Sometimes age or appearance is not important, hair color is all nonsense! After all, tenderness is not measured by height, And kindness is not measured in centimeters.

Male tenderness is like a puppy - to pounce and lick, and female tenderness is like a kitten - to purr and fall asleep under your hand.

A loving person hugs not only with his hands, but with his gaze and even his voice. This tenderness cannot be confused with ordinary politeness.

"Angelina Feniksovna"

Tenderness is a pleasantly diluted passion.

You need to be able to become rougher while maintaining your tenderness.

Love is a whole country in which wisdom, passion, tenderness, trust, mutual understanding, happiness, beauty and patience live.

The most tender thing I always want to snuggle up to is the unshaven cheek of my beloved man.

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You appeared nearby suddenly, but now I feel how you breathe, how gentle you are... This causes wings to grow behind your back...

Tenderness is the lightness of magic, the whispering of stars with dreams and the wind carrying on the clouds into a delightful world of illusions and mysteries...

When you kiss with your eyes closed, tenderness dances a waltz with love on your eyelids...

Best status:
We are gentle with those we are kind to, but we hate those we offend.

Tenderness is the lightness of dreams, stars falling on the clouds in the glass world of mirages and secrets...

Quiet tenderness is better than loud vows.

It is better to be gentle quietly than to pronounce passionate vows loudly.

Male tenderness is like a puppy - to pounce and lick, and female tenderness is like a kitten - to purr and fall asleep under your hand.

Pity is a bitter-sweet mixture of love and tenderness, and gloating is a salty-bitter mixture of hatred and anger.

Tenderness and touch - What was that? Misunderstanding?

Usually this passion (voluptuousness) is denoted by the word Love, meaning by it an indefinite attraction of one sex to another, as natural as hunger.

Don't walk behind me - I may not lead you. Don't go ahead of me - I may not follow you. Walk next to me and we will be together

A woman sometimes cheats not because there is a lot of bad in her, but because a lot of good in her is wasted.

Our rocky hearts are bound by love because you are as impregnable as a stone, and I am more patient than him.

Your tenderness captivated me from the first minutes, enveloped me forever...

Love should be measured not as young people measure it, that is, by the strength of passion, but by its fidelity and strength.

Tenderness strengthens after swearing...

No one can ever love a completely unknown thing.

You need to be able to become rougher while maintaining your tenderness

The past generation believed in love, but no one saw it, the current generation knows what love is, but does not believe in it.

Irony rules the world, love protects the world, and if not for them, then evil would have long ago become good...

He who has loved once will not love again.

Appreciate the one who values ​​you, do not chase the one who is happy without you.

How brave and self-confident becomes one who gains the conviction that he is loved.

The amount of tenderness produced and consumed daily is limited

Love for one's neighbor is limited by how much each person loves himself.

Scale on the heart...

Love deeply and passionately. It may hurt you, but this is the only way to live life fully...

The amount of tenderness produced and consumed daily is limited

True tenderness cannot be confused with anything...

Friendship is love without wings.

A woman rarely forgives jealousy and never forgives its absence...

Tenderness is so divinely light, It is the rustling of dreams and the stars of the valleys, It is the wind that sweeps clouds, Into the fragile world of illusions and mysteries...

The fog of tenderness enveloped the mountains of melancholy.

When a person falls in love, he begins by deceiving himself, and ends by deceiving others.

I would even quit smoking so that my right hand would be free for yours...

Tenderness is not words, it is breathing in the same rhythm...

Real tenderness cannot be confused with anything, and it is quiet, but you always know exactly about its presence..

Love is a game. Whoever said “I love you” first lost...

Heartbroken, but working. Paradox?

No amount of pretense will help to hide love for a long time when it is there, or to pretend it when it is not there.

The amount of tenderness emitted and absorbed every day has a limit.

It is difficult to love those whom we do not respect at all, but it is even more difficult to love those whom we respect more than ourselves.

Love behaves like rain - it will always come when you don’t expect it...

A strong person and loves accordingly.

True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but few have seen it.

Tears? No, it's rain. Hurt? No, everything is okay. Together? Alas, we are apart. Dreams? I don't understand them. Memory? You can't erase it. Heart? If it's broken, you can't fix it. Thoughts? They are all with you. Feelings? You can't change them...

If you love me, then I will move mountains! if you don’t love, then the neck...

I want to be the reason for your happiness!

“Equality is the strongest foundation of love.”

TENDERNESS is the rustle of the heart.

– I closed the door to my heart and wrote – NO ENTRANCE. But love came and said simply: “I can’t read”...

I got used to you. all over you. slowly. deep. sincerely. into your smell. into your skin. I am a part of you. it's forever. forever. whether you want it or not.

Love your neighbor at any distance, and it will begin to shrink

Love is not invited to a cup of coffee. She comes herself, but there’s no time for coffee there.

“He who has never sought friendship or love is a thousand times poorer than he who has lost both.”

In pity there is always an admixture of love or tenderness, and in gloating there is always an admixture of hatred and anger.

Anyone who has not heard the breathing of a sleeping girl does not know what tenderness is...

Tenderness is the pink sky at sunrise. Man is the Sun, and woman is everything else

You may hate me for who I am, but not because I told you the truth.

Growing tenderness wandered into the mansions of eroticism. She stayed there.

Do you know what Tenderness is? Tenderness is when I, without noticing it, put your hair behind your ear..

Tenderness is almost like imperceptibility, a little, with force, but without pushing or rudeness.

Love is a disease of tenderness.

Mom, don’t trample on my tenderness with the boots of your cynicism!

... there is no escape from it, from the tenderness that fills the chest and throat, protruding through the skin, tormenting the hands with the desire to touch and stroke.

The headphones don't get tangled to annoy you. It's just that the right earbud loves the left one. They hug.

It is difficult to keep your husband under your thumb if you wear slippers all the time.

We are filled with tenderness for those to whom we do good, and passionately hate those to whom we have done many harm.

True love is not the kind that can withstand long years of separation, but the kind that can withstand long years of intimacy.

When love walks through the door, the brain jumps out the window.

When he leaves, I sit like a fool and smell my hair, which smells of his perfume...

Expressed tenderness is a rest for the gift of speech.

For your tenderness I will give all my feelings.

There could be a declaration of love dedicated to you here... but I'm too lazy to write...

And he...he is something special. Another. He has something that no other guy has. It's like there's some kind of zest to it. Specially for me…

Someday you will ask: “What is more important to me - life or you?” I will answer: “Life.” You will leave! And you will never know that you were my life!

Life sometimes puts a ban on our most cherished joys, on our most tender feelings, but we cannot dream that they would be allowed.

Girls are most attached to men who know how to listen, show tenderness and make them laugh...

Love is a serious disease: it puts two people to bed at once.

Loving a neighbor is something different from loving a neighbor.

If you want to approach a person from behind and hug him for a long, long time, then you can safely live with him. Tenderness is the most important thing in love.

If I were offered eternity without you, I would choose a moment, but with you.

Hearts in the same rhythm... Dreams on the same course... I miss you in my dreams!!!

We are never so defenseless as when we love and never so hopelessly unhappy as when we lose the object of our love or his love.

Tenderness is a better proof of love than the most passionate vows.

Only those who look at you with tenderness have beautiful eyes.

Nothing interferes with romance more than a woman's sense of humor and a man's lack of it.

People are gentle because they love

Don't put a full stop where your heart puts a comma...

Tears are words that the heart cannot say...

Expressed tenderness is a rest for the gift of speech.

I believe that everything will work out for you and me so that we will turn out to be.

Tell me, do you have any tenderness today? - Yes, with the addition of the warmest words.

You need to cry when the rain is crying... Then it will be unclear which of you is shedding tears...

Our tenderness disappeared under tons of whoredom.

Tenderness is the power of love, but tenderness is not coddling.

When you love, you discover such wealth in yourself, so much tenderness, affection, you can’t even believe that you know how to love like that.

He who can be gentle has great inner strength.

When you are sometimes bored, And grief disturbs you, Remember that there is a heart in the world that loves you!

Love is a beautiful flower, but it takes courage to go and pick it from the brink.

The amount of tenderness produced and consumed daily is limited

Woven with salt... tender.

there is no escaping it, from the tenderness filling the chest and throat, protruding through the skin, tormenting the hands with the desire to touch and stroke.

Some people have something to remember, while others have only what they want to forget.

The kingdom of a woman is the kingdom of tenderness, subtlety and tolerance.

Tenderness is when everything is in moderation, without excesses: sound is quiet, colors are soft, touches are light and affectionate, emotions are calm, sweetness is not cloying.

The tenderness will make the perineum quiver.

Tenderness fell into my quiet world... And carried away like a hurricane

Real tenderness cannot be confused with anything, and it is quiet.

People are gentle because they love

Love endures for a long time, is merciful, love does not envy, love is not arrogant, is not proud, does not act outrageously, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil...

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