Steve Jobs - Founder of Apple - Think differently, think differently. Jobs Steve - Encyclopedia of the Hayazg Foundation

Very often, people who are actively searching for their calling in life are inspired by the success stories of the richest and most famous inhabitants of our planet. And while some are impressed by the amazing destinies of legendary actors and singers, others are delighted by the managerial talents and mental abilities of extraordinary businessmen.

Of course, the most striking example is Steven Paul Jobs, since he, being a simple guy from an ordinary family, managed to become an influential and successful leader of the world's largest corporation.

Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco. Fate presented him with many trials, the first of which was the abandonment of his natural parents, who were young and not ready to raise a small child. Fortunately, the wonderful family of Clara and Paul Jobs, who later became a real family for the businessman, took him from the orphanage.

Stephen was such a bully that he was even expelled from school several times. But despite this, he had good abilities, which were impossible not to notice. Thanks to this, the administration of the educational institution allowed him to skip the 5th grade of primary school and go straight to secondary school.

Jobs often helped his father fix cars, was interested in engineering, and attended an amateur radio club. This indicates that he had a craving for various techniques from early childhood. As a child, Jobs met his future partner, friend and equally talented developer, Stephen Wozniak.

First inventions

Jobs always had a passion for invention in his soul. Together with Wozniak, they developed and created a unique device, with the help of which it became possible to make phone calls around the world absolutely free. The young guys did not stop there and decided to sell their “blue boxes”, unfortunately, without thinking about the legal consequences of such experiments.

By the way, sales were going well, with Wozniak and Jobs earning more than $100 on each device.


After graduating from school, Jobs entered a good paid college, but after studying there for only one semester, he decided that he had chosen the wrong path for himself and dropped out of the students. For more than a year, he wandered around the hostels, slept wherever he could and ate in local churches, and then decided to return to his native California.

Thanks to his old friend, Steve got a job at the successful video game company Atari. For Jobs, this was a good opportunity to earn money for such a coveted pilgrimage trip to India. Having accomplished his dream, he realized that it did not bring him the enlightenment he expected, and returned to his previous job. He successfully developed popular video games, for which he received good fees.

Apple Company

Initially, the office of the world's most famous corporation, Apple, was located in the garage of Jobs' parents' house. Here, together with Wozniak, they created their first personal home computer. Soon they had wholesale orders for such advanced equipment. The partners had to take out loans to purchase the necessary parts, but they still made a profit.

Within a few years, thanks to the desire to earn money and the desire to improve their computer, they developed the world's first device with color graphics support. Jobs and Wozniak quickly found investors for their project, expanded the company's staff and launched large-scale production of new equipment. It was a real success, because all copies were sold out in a short time, and the profit of the developers at that moment already amounted to more than $200 million.

After some time, Steve became interested in a new project called Macintosh. He dreamed of creating a device that would combine all the components of a desktop computer (system unit, monitor, keyboard). An interesting fact is that the software for this project was developed by Microsoft employees. Later, Apple successfully presented the iBook, a portable computer. This was another breakthrough for the Jobs Corporation.

In addition to computer technology, Steve was involved in the development of music gadgets - the iPod. At that time, it was the most stylish, popular and convenient music player based on Apple software - iTunes.

The next stage of development of the corporation was the creation of the iconic mobile phone – iPhone. To develop it, Apple employees combined all their achievements in recent years and released a fashionable gadget on their own software - Mac OS.

This was followed by presentations of improved computers and tablet PCs - iPads, which are still very popular. All Apple products are distinguished by their original, stylish design and carefully thought-out interface.

Jobs also successfully produced popular cartoons at the Pixar animation studio, and then became a shareholder of the Walt Disney company. His total wealth is more than $7 billion, of which only $2 billion is Apple stock.

Unfortunately, Steve Jobs passed away in October 2011. Cancer beat him. But the story of a man who created his own success will live forever.

Video is a documentary about Steve Jobs. A man who changed the world!

What interesting facts do you know about such a successful, outstanding person as Steve Jobs? Share interesting information in the comments to this article.

Good luck and see you in the next article.

I don't trust a computer I can't lift.

The creator of the iPhone, Steven Paul Jobs, better known as Steven Paul Jobs, Steve Jobs, is one of the founders of Apple, Next, Pixar corporations and a key figure in the global computer industry, a man who largely determined the course of its development.

The future billionaire was born on February 24, 1955 in the town of Mountain View, California (ironically, this area would later become the heart of Silicon Valley). Steve's biological parents Abdulfattah John Jandali (a Syrian emigrant) and Joan Carol Schible (an American graduate student) gave their illegitimate child for adoption to Paul and Clara Jobs (née Hakobyan). The main condition for adoption was that Steve receive a higher education.

While still in school, Steve Jobs became interested in electronics, and when he met his namesake Steve Wozniak, he first thought about a business related to computer technology. The partners' first project was BlueBox, a device that allowed long-distance calls for free and was sold for $150 apiece. Wozniak was involved in the development and assembly of the device, and thirteen-year-old Jobs was selling illegal goods. This distribution of roles will continue in the future, only their future business will now be completely legal.

In 1972, after graduating from high school, Steve Jobs entered Reed College (Portland, Oregon), but quickly lost interest in studying. After the first semester, he was expelled of his own free will, but remained living in friends’ rooms for about another year and a half, sleeping on the floor, living on money from returned Coca-Cola bottles, and once a week coming to the local for free lunches. Hare Krishna temple. Then he took a calligraphy course, which subsequently gave him the idea to equip the Mac OS system with scalable fonts.

Steve then got a job at Atari. There, Jobs develops computer games. Four years later, Wozniak creates his first computer, and Jobs, while continuing to work at Atari, organizes its sales.


And from the creative tandem of friends, the Apple company grew (Jobs suggested the name “Apple” due to the fact that in this case the company’s phone number appeared in the telephone directory right before “Atari”). The founding date of Apple is considered to be April 1, 1976 (April Fool's Day), and the first office-workshop was the garage of Jobs' parents. Apple was officially registered in early 1977.

And the second most of the developments was Stephen Wozniak, while Jobs acted as a marketer. It is believed that it was Jobs who convinced Wozniak to refine the microcomputer circuit he had invented, and thereby gave impetus to the creation of a new personal computer market.

The debut model of the computer was called Apple I. During the year, the partners sold 200 of these machines (the price of each was 666 dollars 66 cents). A decent amount for beginners, but nothing compared to the Apple II, which came out in 1977.

The success of the Apple I and especially the Apple II computers, coupled with the advent of investors, made the company the undisputed leader in the computer market until the early eighties, and the two Steves became millionaires. It is noteworthy that the software for Apple computers was developed by the then young company Microsoft, created six months later than Apple. In the future, fate will bring Jobs and him together more than once.


The milestone event was the conclusion of a contract between Apple and Xerox. Revolutionary developments, which Xerox could not find a worthy use for for a long time, later became part of the Macintosh project (a line of personal computers designed, developed, manufactured and sold by Apple Inc). In fact, the modern personal computer interface with its windows and virtual buttons owes much to this contract.

It's safe to say that the Macintosh is the first personal computer in the modern sense (the first Mac was released on January 24, 1984). Previously, the control of the machine was carried out using intricate commands typed by “initiates” on the keyboard. Now the mouse becomes the main working tool.

The success of the Macintosh was simply stunning. At that time, there was no competitor in the world even closely comparable in terms of sales volume and technological potential. Shortly after the release of the Macintosh, the company ceased development and production of the Apple II family, which had previously been the company's main source of income.

Jobs' departure

Despite significant successes, in the early 80s. Steve Jobs is gradually beginning to lose his position in Apple, which by that time had grown into a huge corporation. His authoritarian management style leads first to disagreements and then to open conflict with the board of directors. At age 30 (1985), the Apple founder was simply fired.

Having lost power in the company and his job, Jobs did not lose heart and immediately set about new projects. First, he founded the company NeXT, which specialized in the production of complex computers for higher education and business structures. This market was too narrow, so no significant sales could be achieved.

A much more successful undertaking was the graphics studio The Graphics Group (later renamed Pixar), purchased from Lucasfilm for almost half the price ($5 million) of its estimated value (George Lucas was getting divorced and needed money). Under Jobs' leadership, several super-grossing animated films were released. The most famous: “Monsters, Inc.” and the famous “Toy Story.”

In 2006, Pixar was sold to Walt Disney for $7.5 billion, with Jobs owning a 7% stake in Walt Disney. By comparison, Disney's heir apparent inherited only 1%.

Return to Apple

In 1997, Steve Jobs returns to Apple. First as an interim director, and since 2000 as a full-fledged manager. Several unprofitable areas were closed and work on the new iMac computer was successfully completed, after which the company's business rapidly took off.

Later, a lot of developments will be presented that will become trendsetters in the technology market. This includes the iPhone mobile phone, the iPod player, and the iPad tablet computer, which went on sale in 2010. All this will make Apple the third largest company in the world by capitalization (it will even surpass Microsoft).


In October 2003, an abdominal scan revealed that Steve Jobs had pancreatic cancer. In general, this diagnosis is fatal, but the head of Apple turned out to have a very rare form of the disease that can be cured with surgery. At first, Jobs refused it because, due to his personal convictions, he did not recognize interventions in the human body. For 9 months, Steve Jobs hoped to recover on his own, and all this time no one from Apple management informed investors about his fatal illness. Then Steve decided to trust the doctors and notified the public about his illness. On July 31, 2004, Stanford Medical Center performed a successful operation.

In December 2008, doctors discovered a hormonal imbalance in Jobs. In the summer of 2009, according to representatives of the Methodist Hospital at the University (Research and Medical Center) of Tennessee, it became known that Steve had undergone a liver transplant. On March 2, 2011, Steve spoke at the presentation of a new tablet - iPad 2.

Promotion methods

To define the charisma of Steve Jobs and its impact on the developers of the original Macintosh project, his colleague at Apple Computer Bud Tribble coined the phrase “Reality Distortion Field” (FIR) in 1981. The term was later used to define the reception of his key performances by reviewers and fans of the company.

According to colleagues, Steve Jobs is able to convince others of anything, using a mixture of charisma, charm, arrogance, perseverance, pathos, and self-confidence. Basically, PIR distorts the audience's sense of proportion and proportionality. Small progress is presented as a breakthrough. Any mistakes are hushed up or presented as insignificant. The difficulties overcome are greatly exaggerated. Certain opinions, ideas and definitions can change radically in the future without any regard to the very fact of such changes. In principle, PIR is nothing more than a mixture of political propaganda and advertising technologies.

For example, one of the most common examples of PIR is claims that consumers are “suffering” from low-quality competitors’ products, or that the company’s products “change people’s lives.” Also, often unsuccessful technical solutions are explained by the fact that the consumer does not need it. The term is often used in a derogatory context to criticize Apple or its supporters. However, many companies today are switching to a similar technique themselves, seeing how far it was able to push Apple economically.

Steve Jobs was born in 1955. It happened on February 24 in the sun-kissed state of California. The biological parents of the future genius were still very young students, for whom the child was so burdensome that they decided to abandon him. As a result, the boy ended up in a family of office workers named Jobs.

Steve grew up immersed in computer technology from an early age. The boy felt at home. A common sight in this developing area were garages filled to the brim with all sorts of appliances. This specific environment determined the fact that Steve Jobs, from a young age, had a genuine interest in progress in general and technological innovations in particular.

Soon the boy had a bosom friend - Steve Wozniak. Even the five-year age difference did not interfere with their communication.


After graduating from school, the young man decided to apply to Reed College (Portland, Oregon). Studying at this educational institution cost a lot of money. However, upon adoption, the Jobs promised the boy's biological parents that he would receive a decent education. Steve only lasted one semester in college. Further study in a prestigious place with major classmates was not at all interesting to the computer genius.

Unexpected development of events

The young man begins to look for himself, his purpose in this world. The story of Steve Jobs is turning in a new direction. He becomes infected with the free ideas of hippies and becomes fascinated by the mystical teachings of the East. At nineteen, Steve goes to distant India in the company of Jobs, hoping to find himself on the other side of the planet.

Return to native shores

In his native California, the young man began working on computer boards. Steve Wozniak helped him with this. My friends really liked the idea of ​​creating a home computer. This was the impetus for the emergence of Apple Computer.

The future legendary company developed in Jobs' garage. It was this unprepossessing room that became the springboard for the development of new motherboards. Ideas for promoting products in nearby specialized stores were also born there. At the same time, Wozniak was thinking about an improved version of the first version of the PC. In 1997, the innovative development created a real sensation. The Apple II computer was a unique gadget that had no equal at that time. This was followed by numerous contracts, mutually beneficial cooperation with different companies and, of course, the development of new computer products.

By the age of twenty-five, Steve Jobs already owned a fortune of two hundred million dollars. It was 1980...

Life's work is under threat

Danger loomed on the horizon already in 1981, when the industrial giant IBM took on the development of the computer market. If Steve Jobs had sat idly by, he would have lost his leadership position in just a few years. Naturally, the young man did not want to lose his business. He accepted the challenge. At that time, the Apple III was already on sale. The company enthusiastically began a new project called Lisa, the idea of ​​which belonged to Jobs. For the first time, instead of the now familiar command line, users were faced with a graphical interface.

Macintosh time

Much to Steve's disappointment, his colleagues removed him from his work on the Lisa project. The reason for this was the raging emotions of the computer genius, because Lisa is not just the name of the project, but the name of the daughter of Jobs’ former lover. In an effort to take revenge on his offenders, he decided to create a simple, inexpensive computer. The Macintosh project debuted in 1984. Unfortunately, a few months after its release, the Macintosh began to rapidly lose ground.

The company's management noted that Jobs' conflicting behavior jeopardizes the entire business. By decision of the board of directors, he was deprived of all leadership functions. Thus, the rebellious qualities of Steve Jobs played a cruel joke on him - he became just a formal co-founder of his brainchild.

New turn

In an effort to find a way to realize his ideas, Steve bought a promising project in the field of computer graphics. This was the beginning of Pixar. However, for the time being, this initiative was forgotten. The reason was NeXT. The author of this idea was, of course, Steve Jobs himself.

The Apple Empire is Reborn

By 1998, Jobs's first creation was suffocating in a sea of ​​competitors. Steve's return to the company allowed Apple to begin to restore its position in the computer market. For this, the genius of his craft needed only six months.

iPod enters the arena

Apple experienced great success after the appearance of the MP3 music player. Its release was timed to coincide with the year 2001. Users were simply crazy about the attractive, streamlined design, the thoughtful interface, fast synchronization with the iTunes application and the unique circular joystick.

Revolutionary step: the merger of Disney and Pixar

It is noteworthy that the iPod had a significant impact not only on the world of music, but also on the development of Pixar. By 2003, she already had several super-popular animated hits in her baggage - “Finding Nemo,” “Toy Story” (two parts) and “Monsters, Inc.” All of them were carried out in collaboration with Disney. In October 2005, the process of merging the two giants began. Cooperation brought them incredible income.

And again Apple

2006 was a very important year for the company. Sales were growing. It seemed that things couldn't get any better. However, the debut of iPone in 2007 cannot be compared with any previous event in the entire period of the company's existence. Steve Jobs' new creation was not just a bestseller, it represented a fundamental innovation in the world of communications. The iPhone conquered the mobile gadget market once and for all, leaving all Apple's competitors behind in one fell swoop. The sensational novelty was followed by a contract with AT&T for the provision of subscriber services.

The iPhone triumphantly entered the history of technological development of mankind. This gadget is equipped with the functions of a player, computer and mobile phone. Jobs' unique project is the first converged mobile product in the world.

The aforementioned 2007 became a landmark year for the company for another reason: according to Steve’s instructions, Apple was renamed Apple Inc. This meant the demise of the local computer company and the formation of a new IT giant.

Sunset star named Steve Jobs

Young programmers knew the quotes by heart (the phrase “Think different” alone became millions), sales of products brought excellent income - it seemed that nothing could disrupt Jobs’ plans... The news of his serious illness amazed everyone. A malignant tumor in the pancreas was discovered back in 2003. Then it could still be removed without any special consequences, but Steve decided to seek healing in spiritual practices. He completely abandoned traditional medicine, went on a strict diet and constantly meditated. A year later, Jobs admitted that all these attempts to overcome the disease were futile. He underwent surgery to remove the tumor, but the moment was irretrievably lost. In 2007, only the lazy did not discuss the fact that Steve was slowly dying. The deterioration of the condition was eloquently confirmed by the significant weight loss discussed in many media.

In 2009, Jobs was forced to take leave to go back to the operating table. This time he needed a liver transplant.

In 2010, it seemed that Steve was able to fight the disease. He presented another super development - a tablet on the iOS platform, and in March 2011 - iPadII. However, the computer genius was rapidly losing his strength: he appeared less and less at corporate events. Steve resigned in August of that year. He recommended Tim Cook to take his place.

On October 5th, Steve Jobs died. This is an irreparable loss for the entire world community.

Executive Director and co-founder of Apple Computer, Inc., former executive director and board member of the animation studio Pixar.


Steve Jobs is a legendary figure in global business. The man, thanks to whose perseverance the world learned what real personal computers are for the common user. In addition to computers, Jobs created the industry of computer animated cartoons, gave the world the legendary iPod, and finally, under his leadership, Apple introduced the iPhone communicator, which is changing the foundations of the mobile industry before our eyes. Our story today is about him. About his journey, about how this extraordinary personality was able to achieve truly phenomenal heights in business, despite all the blows of fate, which more than once forced Jobs to get up from his knees.

Birth of a rebel

Steven Paul Jobs was born on February 24, 1954 in San Francisco, California. Steve's parents, American Joan Carol Schible and Syrian Abdulfattah John Jandali abandoned the child a week after his birth. The baby was adopted by a couple from the town of Mountain View, located in Santa Clara County, California. The adoptive parents of the future founder of Apple, Paul and Clara Jobs, gave the child his first and last name.
One of the main conditions of this adoption was that the adoptive parents had to ensure that Steve received a higher education. (although neither Paul nor Clara had it, it should be noted that Steve himself ultimately did not graduate from college)

Steve was expelled from school after third grade. The transfer to another school became a significant moment in Jobs’ life, thanks to a wonderful teacher who found an approach to him. As a result, he pulled himself together and began to study! The approach, of course, was simple: for each completed task, Steve received money from the teacher. Not much, but quite enough for a fourth grade student. Overall, Jobs' success was great enough that he even skipped fifth grade and went straight to high school.

Jobs graduated from high school in Cupertino in 1972 and tried to get a higher education at Portland College, Oregon. However, Jobs was expelled after the first semester. In 1974, Jobs returned to Cupertino, where he showed increased interest in computer technology and new developments. He became an active member of the local computer club Homebrew Computer, at one of whose meetings he subsequently became friends with his future Apple partner.

One day, Steve Jobs decided to assemble his electronic frequency counter, but during assembly he realized that he was missing a number of parts. Without thinking twice, Steve called the co-founder of Hewlett-Packard and told him about his problems. Jobs got the parts he needed. Moreover, in the summer he was invited to work for a couple of months at HP. Steve worked with undisguised enthusiasm and all the time tried to prove to his bosses that technology was everything to him. At one of these moments, Steve talked about his love for electronics and asked a project manager named Chris (who directly supervised Jobs) what he loved most in the world. Chris was short: “Fuck.” Soon Jobs' life began to take on new colors. However, it should be noted that before Steve became a millionaire, he wasn’t very good with women. He didn’t know at all what to talk to them about, considering all conversations with women empty.

Soon after his first sexual experience, Jobs became addicted to recreational drugs such as marijuana and LSD. (It’s interesting that even now, having abandoned this addiction, Steve does not at all regret that he used LSD. Moreover, he considers it one of the most significant events in his life, which turned his worldview upside down.)

When Steve Jobs was 16 years old, he and Woz met a then-famous hacker named Captain Crunch. He told them how, using special sounds made by a whistle from a set of Captain Crunch cereals, they could fool the switching device and make calls around the world for free. Soon Wozniak made the first device, called the “Blue Box,” which allowed ordinary people to imitate the sounds of Crunch’s whistle and make free calls around the world. Jobs started selling the product. The blue boxes sold for $150 each and were very popular among students. Interestingly, the cost of such a device was then $40. However, it was not possible to achieve much success. First, problems with the police, and then with some hooligan who even threatened Jobs with a gun, brought the “blue box business” to naught.

After his first unsuccessful experience in entrepreneurship, Steve Jobs retreated into his personal life. At that time, he met his first true love, who was a girl named Chris-Ann. Steve spent a lot of time with her. Including one of the most famous moments in his life, when he took LSD with her in a wheat field. Jobs claims that this moment was very important in his life and helped to “expand” his consciousness. Later, Chris-Ann will give birth to a child from Steve, whom he will not recognize for a long time, and will not even pay child support, although he will be a millionaire at that time. All this will be confirmation of his rather great emotional experiences at that time. But that will come later, but for now Steve decides to go to Reed College.

Reed College is one of the most expensive liberal arts colleges on the West Coast, but that is where Steve went, despite the lack of money. (his parents did find funds for his studies) True, young Jobs studied there for only about six months. However, even after this, he was present at the college, lived in the dormitory (sometimes he occupied the rooms of students who, for a number of reasons, were currently absent from the college, and sometimes slept on the floor in the rooms of friends). Steve actively attended various courses at Reed, including taking a course on calligraphy (this would later affect the personal computer industry, they would have really beautiful fonts)

In 1974, Steve Jobs took a job at Atari. It was there that Jobs managed to persuade management to pay for his trip to India. Jobs was already very interested in Eastern philosophy at that time, and therefore really wanted to see the guru. Atari paid for Jobs' trip, although he also had to visit Germany, where his tasks included resolving production problems. He did it.

Jobs went to India not alone, but with his friend Dan Kottke. Dan Kottke was a pretty good pianist at that time, but that didn't mean he had the money to travel to India. However, Steve Jobs promised to pay all of Kottke’s expenses. Fortunately, this did not have to be done, since the latter’s parents, having learned that he was going to India, paid for a round-trip ticket and also gave him money for expenses in a foreign country.

Only after arriving in India, Steve exchanged all his belongings for the shabby clothes of a beggar. His goal was to make pilgrimages throughout India, hoping for the help of ordinary strangers. During the trip itself, Dan and Steve almost died several times due to the harsh climate of India. Communication with the guru did not bring Jobs enlightenment. However, the trip to India left an indelible mark on Jobs' soul. He saw real poverty, completely different from the one that hippies in Silicon Valley adhered to. (“pictorial”)

Returning back to Silicon Valley, Jobs continued working at Atari. Soon he was entrusted with the development of the game BreakOut (Atari at that time was making not only a game, but a full-fledged slot machine, and all the work fell on Jobs’ shoulders.). For this job, Steve was supposed to use no more than 50 parts. This was the main condition. Of course, Jobs himself would never have been able to put together BreakOut. However, he brought Wozniak on board, and everything was ready within 48 hours. Jobs' job was to run for cola and sweets. For this work, young Jobs received 1000 dollars, but he told Wozniak that he was paid 600. As a result, in the pocket of Woz, who did all the work, there were 300 dollars, and in Jobs’s pocket 700. Later, Woz learns about this act of Jobs from third parties faces, and according to eyewitnesses, tears will even appear in his eyes.

In any case, in 1975 the Altair personal computer was introduced. Already at this time, both Steves understood what they wanted to do.

Creation of Apple Computer

At the time of the creation of Apple Computer, Inc. in 1976, Steve Jobs worked for Atari, a computer games company. At Jobs's initiative, Wozniak created the personal computer. The model turned out to be so successful that Jobs and Wozniak decided to begin serial production of computers. The beginning of the collaboration between Jobs and Wozniak is considered to be April 1, 1976 - the official founding date of Apple.

For 10 years, under the leadership of Jobs, Apple managed to maintain a leading position in the computer market. The success of Apple's first computer model, called the Apple I (about 200 of these machines were sold, which is a very good indicator for a start-up company), was consolidated in 1977 with the release of the Apple II, which was considered the most popular personal computer for 5 years.

However, by 1985, amid the release of a number of unsuccessful computer models (the commercial failure of the Apple III), the loss of a significant market share and ongoing conflicts in management, Wozniak left Apple, and some time later Steve Jobs also left the company. Also in 1985, Jobs founded NeXT, a company specializing in hardware and workstations.

A year later, Steve Jobs co-founded the animation studio Pixar. Under Jobs' leadership, Pixar released films such as Toy Story and Monsters, Inc. In 2006, Jobs sold Pixar to the studio for $7.4 million in company stock. Jobs remained on the board of directors of Pixar and at the same time became the largest individual shareholder of Disney, receiving 7 percent of the studio's shares.

Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1996, when the company founded by Jobs decided to acquire NeXT. Jobs joined the company's board of directors and became the interim manager of Apple, which was experiencing a serious crisis at that moment. In 1998, on Jobs' initiative, work on Apple's frankly unsuccessful projects, including the PDA Newton, was suspended.

In 2000, the word interim disappeared from Jobs’ job title, and the Apple founder himself was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the executive director with the most modest salary in the world (according to official documents, Jobs’ salary at that time was $1 per year).

In 2001, Steve Jobs introduced the first iPod. Within a few years, selling iPods became the company's main source of income. Under Jobs' leadership, Apple had significantly strengthened its position in the personal computer market by 2006, helped by the transition of Macintosh machines to high-performance processors made by Intel.

I think we're having fun. I think our customers really like our products. And we always try to make them even better. Steve Jobs

His successes and reputation help define an era and change the world. It changes the understanding of computers, offers us perfect hardware and software that changes us.

This man with boundless energy and charisma is also an expert at throwing dust, exaggeration and attention-grabbing phrases. And even when he tries to talk normally, brilliant expressions pour out of him.

Here is a selection of some of his most interesting sayings that will help you achieve success in life:

1. Steve Jobs says: “Innovation separates the leader from the catcher.”

There are no limits to new ideas. It all depends only on your imagination. The world is constantly changing. It's time to start thinking differently. If you're in a growing industry, think about ways to get more results, nicer clients, and easier customer service. If you are associated with a dying industry, quickly quit and change it before you lose your job. And remember that delay is inappropriate here. Start innovating now!

2. Steve Jobs says: “Be the standard of quality. Some people weren't in an environment where innovation was a major asset."

This is not a fast track to excellence. You should definitely make excellence your priority. Use your talents, capabilities and skills to make your product the best and then you will leapfrog your competitors, add something special, something they don’t have. Live by higher standards, pay attention to details that can improve the situation. Having an advantage is not difficult - just decide right now to propose your innovative idea - in the future you will be amazed at how this merit will help you in life.

3. Steve Jobs says: “There is only one way to do great work - to love it. If you haven't come to this, wait. Don't rush into action. As with everything else, your own heart will help you suggest something interesting.”

Do what you love. Look for activities that give you a sense of meaning, purpose, and satisfaction in life. Having a goal and striving for its implementation brings orderliness to life. This not only improves your situation, but also gives you a boost of vigor and optimism. Are you happy to get out of bed in the morning and look forward to the start of a new work week? If you answered no, then look for a new activity.

4. Steve Jobs says: “You know we eat food that other people grow. We wear clothes that other people have made. We speak languages ​​that were invented by other people. We use mathematics, but other people developed it too... I think we all say this all the time. This is a great opportunity to create something that could be useful to humanity.”

Try to make changes in your world first and maybe you will be able to change the world.

5. Steve Jobs says: “This phrase is from Buddhism: A beginner's opinion. It's great to have a newbie's opinion."

This is the kind of opinion that allows one to see things as they are, which can constantly and in an instant realize the original essence of everything. A beginner's perspective - Zen practice in action. It is an opinion that is innocent of preconception and expected outcome, evaluation and prejudice. Think of the beginner's perspective as that of a small child who views life with curiosity, wonder, and amazement.

6. Steve Jobs says: “We think that we mostly watch TV to rest our brains and we work at the computer when we want to turn on the brain.”

Many scientific studies over the decades have clearly confirmed that television has a detrimental effect on the psyche and morals. And most people who watch TV know that their bad habit is dulling them and killing them a lot of time, but they still continue to spend a huge portion of their time watching the box. Do what makes your brain think, what develops it. Avoid passive pastime.

7. Steve Jobs says: “I'm the only person who knows what it's like to lose a quarter of a billion dollars in a year. It shapes the personality very well.”

Do not conflate the phrases “making mistakes” with “being a mistake.” There is no such thing as a successful person who has never stumbled or made a mistake - there are only successful people who made mistakes, but then changed their lives and their plans based on those same mistakes made earlier (without making them again) . They consider mistakes as lessons from which they gain valuable experience. Avoiding mistakes means doing nothing.

8. Steve Jobs says: “I would trade all my technology for a meeting with Socrates.”

Over the past decade, many books featuring lessons from historical figures have appeared on bookstore shelves around the world. And Socrates, along with Leonardo Da Vinci, Nicolaus Copernicus, Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein, is a source of inspiration for independent thinkers. But Socrates was the first. Cicero said of Socrates that “he brought philosophy down from heaven, giving it to ordinary people.” So, use the principles of Socrates in your own life, work, study and relationships - this will bring more truth, beauty and perfection into your everyday life.

9. Steve Jobs says: “We are here to make a difference in the world. Otherwise why are we here?”

Do you know that you have good things to bring to life? And did you know that those good things were abandoned while you were pouring yourself another cup of coffee and you made the decision to just think about it instead of making it a reality? We are all born with a gift to give life to. This gift, or this thing, is your calling, your goal. And you don't need a decree to achieve this goal. Neither your boss, nor your teacher, nor your parents, no one can decide this for you. Just find that one goal.

10. Steve Jobs says: “Your time is limited, don't waste it living another life. Don't get caught up in a creed that exists on other people's thinking. Don't let the views of others drown out your own inner voice. And it is very important to have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you really want to do. Everything else is secondary.”

Are you tired of living someone else's dream? Undoubtedly, this is your life and you have every right to spend it the way you want without any obstacles or barriers from others. Give yourself the opportunity to develop your creative talents in an atmosphere free from fear and pressure. Live a life that you choose and where you are the master of your own destiny.

Steve Jobs is an American entrepreneur, inventor, and industrial designer who is widely recognized as a pioneer of the information technology era.

Jobs gained the greatest fame as one of the founders of the Apple corporation and the Pixar film studio. Many consider him a true revolutionary in the field of mobile gadgets, as well as a brilliant marketer.

Education and first job

In 1972, Jobs entered Reed College in Portland, but was expelled after six months. This was due to the overly expensive education, which turned out to be unaffordable for his parents.

After leaving Reed College, Steve began to become seriously interested in Eastern spiritual practices. In addition, he refused to eat meat and repeatedly experimented with fasting.

An interesting fact is that Jobs liked to spend his free time with hippies, listening to The Beatles, who were at the peak of their popularity, with them.

In 1975, Jobs set about improving the circuitry for a video game. He had to upgrade the board, minimizing the number of chips located on it.

Atari paid $100 for the removal of each chip. But since Steve had little understanding of electronic circuit design, he was forced to turn to Wozniak.

As a rule, it took more than one month to complete such work, but he convinced his friend to complete the task in 4 days. As a result, after 4 days of intensive work, Wozniak was able to optimize the board for the game.

For such an outstanding result, the company paid Jobs $5,000, but he told his friend that he received only $700, after which he divided this amount in half.

Thus, he had quite a lot of money in his hands, which allowed him to quit his job.

Jobs's career

When Steve Jobs turned 20, he first saw Wozniak’s computer, which he created with his own hands. Then the friends seriously thought about selling such equipment.

However, this required start-up capital. By selling some personal items, they were able to save $1,300.

After that, the guys found a customer willing to buy as many as 50 computers from them. To complete such an order, they had to take out a loan, because they needed to purchase a lot of materials.

After 10 days, the inventors managed to sell some of the computers, which they decided to call “Apple 1”. The price of each of them was $666.

At the same time, IBM began mass production of computers. Then Jobs thought about how to get ahead of his competitor and emerge victorious in this difficult race.

Millionaire at 25

By that time, Wozniak was able to improve his PC, as a result of which Apple 2 was released. This model was faster and had a better design.

As a result, Apple technology began to spread throughout the world, and the number of their computers exceeded 5 million copies. This event became one of the most significant in the biography of Steve Jobs.

At the age of 25, he and his friend Steve Wozniak became millionaires.

The inventors did not stop at the achieved results, but on the contrary continued to modernize their products.

Soon a new PC "Lisa" appeared, which Steve named after his daughter.

Later, his colleagues Mark Marculla, who invested more than $250,000 in Apple, and Scott Forstall reorganized the company and decided to remove Jobs.


After his dismissal, he began collaborating with Jeff Raskin. Together with him, he wanted to create a portable machine that would be small in size and could fit into a small suitcase. This device was later called the "Macintosh".

It is worth noting that conflicts often arose between Jobs and Raskin, since Jobs was already a very demanding and principled boss.

As a result, Raskin was fired, and later, due to disagreements, John Sculley and Wozniak also quit.


After this, Jobs formed the hardware company NeXT.

In 1986, he became the head of the Pixar animation studio, which produced many popular cartoons.

Soon Apple announced that it would buy NeXT for $427 million. The deal was completed in late 1996, and Jobs was introduced to the Apple team as "adviser to the chairman."

Return to Apple

The company immediately began to feel movement: production was reduced, followed by a series of personnel changes and reshuffles.

It became clear that Jobs would try to regain Apple, although he called himself only a “consultant” and in every possible way denied claims to power, citing his employment at Pixar and the need to devote more time to his family.

At the same time, Jobs quickly managed to bring people loyal to him to key positions in the company and acquired a clear reputation: he became an eminence grise at Apple.

A short time later, he received the position of manager of Apple, joining the board of directors. An interesting fact is that in 2000 Jobs was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the director with the smallest salary - $1 per year.

In 2001, Jobs introduced the world to an MP3 player called the iPod, which gained incredible popularity. The player had unique technical characteristics, excellent design and a large amount of memory.

After this, a series of striking events related to innovative developments occurred in the biography of Steve Jobs.

Apple introduced the Apple TV media player, and soon the iPhone touchscreen phone went on sale. Less than a year later, the company developed the thinnest laptop ever, the MacBook Air.

Jobs' genius

Researchers have always been interested in the question of why Apple products have long held leading positions in the global electronics market, leaving all competitors far behind.

When answering this question, it is impossible not to admit that this was only possible thanks to Steve Jobs.

Jobs attached great importance to the appearance and interface of his devices. Apple products were one of a kind and could not be confused with any other brand.

Steve always thought several steps ahead and tried to anticipate the desires of the consumer. It is worth noting that he often used other people’s developments, which he brought to perfection before implementation.

You can recall one interesting fact from the biography of Steve Jobs, which fully reveals his talent as a marketer. In 2010, they introduced the iPad tablet as a full-fledged alternative to a laptop.

However, the public showed little interest in the gadget. The situation was further complicated by the fact that he actively advertised his netbooks, claiming that the future lay behind them.

This is where Jobs's oratorical talent showed itself. He described the iPad so masterfully that he literally forced people to buy it.

As a result, in just one year, more than 15 million people purchased the tablet, which was almost a record figure in the world.

Personal life

At the age of 17, Steve Jobs met Chris Ann Brennan, who was a hippie. Together they mastered various eastern practices and also hitchhiked.

In 1978, their girl Lisa was born. An interesting fact is that Jobs initially categorically denied his paternity, stating that Chris was not only dating him. As a result of legal proceedings and a genetic test, it turned out that he was the father.

When Lisa grew up, Steve got along quite well with her, and recalled the story of denying his paternity with annoyance:

“I shouldn’t have behaved like that. Then I did not imagine myself as a father and was not ready for it. If I could change everything now, I would, of course, behave better.”

In 1982, Steve began an affair with artist Joan Baez, but their relationship ended after 3 years.

After that, he met Tina Redse, with whom he fell in love at first sight. At that time, she worked as a computer consultant, and most importantly, she was also interested in the hippie subculture.

Feelings arose between them, but things never came to a wedding. When Steve Jobs proposed to her, Tina turned him down and their relationship ended.

In 1989, Jobs met and began dating Lauren Powell, who was a bank employee. A year later they decided to get married. Later they had a boy, Reed (1991), and two girls, Erin (1995) and Eve (1998).

Death of Jobs

In October 2003, Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The doctors unequivocally insisted on urgently operating on him.

However, he refused surgery for 9 months, preferring to use unconventional methods. Subsequently, he very much regretted it.

He gave his last speech on June 6, 2011, and on August 24 he announced his resignation as CEO of Apple.

Fully concentrating on the fight against the terrible disease, he used various treatment methods, but he was never able to defeat the disease.

Some researchers call Jobs "the greatest entrepreneur of our time," and put him on a par with such personalities as Thomas Edison and Henry Ford.

Jobs statue in Graphisoft Park in Budapest

In 2013, the film “Jobs: Empire of Seduction” was shot, based on facts from his biography.

In 2011, Graphisoft unveiled the world's first bronze statue of Steve Jobs in Budapest, hailing him as one of the greatest figures of our time.

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