Super motivation for those who have given up: participants in the “Weighted and Happy People” project before and after. The Weighted People project changed the lives of the participants after its completion. What happened to the winners Weighted People

Mitya, let's start from the very beginning. Tell us how you got involved in the project?

- It happened completely unexpectedly. I accidentally came across information about the casting on the Internet and decided, I wasn’t there, I’ll try! I really wanted to change my life, to lose the excess weight that I had gained after a serious spinal injury. As it turned out later, at the time of submitting the application, the casting had long ended, but despite this, I was invited to Moscow, I passed the selection and became a participant in the “Weighted People” show.

By what parameters, besides being overweight, were future “Weighted People” selected?

There were a lot of criteria, oh During the selection, they paid special attention to health; they were interested in whether the applicants had a sports background, because the participants were expected to undergo difficult physical activity during the project. By almost all indicators, my health was normal, the only thing was that I had a problem with my ankle due to my heavy weight, but I was “repaired” during the project. Another advantage was that in my youth I practiced judo. In addition to these parameters, I think certain character qualities were also important, for example, sociability, as well as the ability to behave in front of a camera, in public. Many of the participants had this experience. Someone acted on television, another worked as a presenter at corporate events, I am a former KVN member.

At first, how difficult was it to get into the groove of the project?

Before the injury, I led an active lifestyle and never weighed more than one hundred kilograms, so it was not difficult for me to get involved in working on myself. I'm a fairly resilient person. During the project, in addition to morning exercises, gym classes, and individual evening training, I often played sports at night: I worked out or played tennis with one of the participants.

— On television broadcasts of the show, the emphasis is on training, while the diet of the participants remains behind the scenes. Tell us how the food for the project was built?

— In fact, great attention was paid to proper nutrition; nutritionist Yulia Bastrygina worked closely with us. It was she who compiled the menu, adjusted it depending on physical activity, and talked about healthy food. We always had calorie tables at hand. When the project chef had a day off, according to the tables and menus, we independently prepared dishes for five meals. At the beginning of the project, we consumed about 1200 kilocalories every day. Despite the fact that after a couple of weeks the norm was reduced to 500-800 calories, this was quite enough - we never left hungry.

How did you prepare for the control weigh-in?

— Before the control weigh-in at the end of each week, we had a last chance training, where we tried to give our best. Basically, here we received cardio exercise, which effectively melts fat. On the eve of the weigh-in, a visit to the sauna became a mandatory item in our schedule to get rid of excess fluid in the body. Before going to bed and at night, we tried not to drink water. In the morning we go to weigh-in, everyone’s tongue sticks to the roof of their mouth, but we endure (smiles), because we had to show a good result on the scales.

— The project trainers also worked on the participant’s results. On the show you had the opportunity to work under the leadership of Irina Turchinskaya and in the team of Denis Semenikhin. Which coach did you feel more comfortable working with?

— I am the kind of person that I feel comfortable with almost everyone (smiles). Each of our trainers is a great professional. I was very lucky: I had the opportunity to study under the guidance of both masters. Each coach helped me a lot, despite their different approaches to training. Irina and I worked out more in the gym, on exercise machines or with dumbbells. Denis often organized outdoor training, we pulled tires, moved carts with tires, and worked with sledgehammers. Getting used to the new coach and other loads was not easy at first, but soon everything went like clockwork.

— In recent weeks, team wrestling has been replaced by individual competition. Personally, was it easier for you to work in a team or for your own results?

Dividing into teams or working for yourself - this was not important for me. Physically and psychologically, I didn’t feel any difference. After the rules changed, we also all lived under one roof, cooked together, and communicated. It’s been a tough time during the voting. When you see that it is vital for all participants to be on a project under the supervision of experienced trainers and doctors, when you understand that the fate of another person depends on you, it is incredibly difficult to make a choice. Every time it was really hard for me to write the name of one of the participants.

In recent weeks, you also had to leave the project. Wasn't it a shame to leave one step away from the final?

Of course, it was a shame to leave the show, but these are the rules of the project. Getting into the top five is already an achievement, especially since at that time I showed the best result among the “Weighted People”: I lost almost 54 kilograms from my initial weight of 219. In other countries where a similar show was held, participants with greater weight, like mine , left the project much earlier. Only in Sweden was there a precedent when a heavyweight hero stepped beyond the equator.

After the project, did you continue to lose weight?

Yes, after the finale of the show I managed to lose another 21 kilograms. Now my weight is at 138. I am gradually striving for my ideal figure - 97 kilograms. I kept this weight for quite a long time, from my student days, and felt very comfortable in it. Before winter I plan to lose weight to 120, next year, if possible, I will reach the cherished 97. If my weight is a little more, I will not be upset, the main thing is that I can now move normally and lead an active lifestyle.

Tell us in more detail, what place does physical activity occupy in your life now?

I really miss physical activity, so I try to take advantage of every opportunity. If I’m on a minibus, I get off after a couple of stops and walk to the place I need. I also completely abandoned the elevator. Despite the fact that I live on the third floor, several times a day I go up to the tenth floor and go back down. Unfortunately, my schedule does not include gym classes - time does not allow, there is a lot of work. I have my own business - a yarn store. But early in the morning I still take long walks over rough terrain, I try to walk at least five kilometers. Not far from the house, in a forest belt, I make a stop, there I have a small improvised sports ground, where I even have a tire, like Denis Semenikhin, although there is no sledgehammer - they’ll knock it off (smiles). Whenever possible, I conduct classes at home: I deadlift a 16-kilogram weight, doing several approaches in the morning and evening. On weekends I try to go out of town: a week ago my wife and I were in the forest, we probably covered 15 kilometers.

How has your diet changed?

My family and I try to follow the basics of healthy eating. Thanks to this, my wife lost 10 kilograms, my son - eight. We cook meat dishes and fish in the oven or steamed; we have almost completely abandoned sunflower oil. If previously a bottle of oil would last for a week, now it can last two months and still be half full. I haven’t eaten lard or bought mayonnaise or sugar for over a year now. The last time chocolate was on our table was on New Year's Day, and then I only ate one piece of candy. Now my family’s diet consists of exclusively healthy food: oatmeal three times a week in the morning, lots of fruits and vegetables, we especially love zucchini: we bake them in slices and add them to various dishes. By the way, after a culinary competition on a project where I prepared a soufflé of zucchini with turkey, I received a flood of messages on social networks asking me to send the recipe for the dish (smiles).

Do you keep in touch with the participants after the project?

We continue to communicate with many of the participants; even after the project we managed to maintain warm, friendly relations.

What mark did the “Weighted People” project leave on your life?

— Thanks to the project, I got a lot of impressions, it felt like I was in another world. I met wonderful people: the participants, the film crew, doctors and trainers. I saw television from the inside, now I can imagine how the filming process goes, how difficult and at the same time interesting it is. Finally, thanks to the project, I can afford what I had only dreamed of before: I move freely, visit a water park, go to the forest. Now hundreds of people come to my personal page on social networks, write wishes, ask for an autograph, they began to recognize me on the streets. But I’m an ordinary person who just really really wanted to change my life. Anyone can be in my place, the main thing is a great desire and faith in yourself!

Three and a half months ago, one of the brightest participants in the show, Elena Sadikova, could not dress herself, her own daughters called her grandmother, and the eldest, Alina, completely believed that she did not have a mother and she did not want to be like this woman. The reason for this was excess weight - at the age of 37 the scales showed 180 kg. Now Lena is admired by her loved ones, and fans are attacking social networks with words of support - the woman, who has lost 74 kg, returned to her native Vyksa after the “Weighted People” project.

Trying to lose weight lasted a week

In her youth, the girl’s weight did not cause concern; rather, on the contrary, Lena grew up so thin that on the first of September she was carried on the shoulder of a high school student, like the smallest first-grader. At the age of 17, the girl got married and after a while a daughter, Alina, and then Karina were born.

For a loving family, Elena was ready for anything - every day she invented culinary delights to surprise the household. Along with new dishes, extra pounds came into the girl’s life - every year Lena gained 5-10 kg.

I could easily cook food for 50 people - this is not a problem for me,” Elena says confidently. So the woman gained weight to 130 kg.

Being a lifestyle activist, 33-year-old Elena did not lose heart, but cherished the hope of losing weight in order to take part in the annual “Bride” show in Vyksa.

I tried to lose weight every year, but it only lasted for a week. And I decided, I weigh 130, which means 130. I’ll still participate,” Elena recalls.

Relaxed with Malakhov in Thailand

For the competition, Elena sewed a beautiful white dress and prepared a poem of her own composition, in which she confessed her love to her husband from the stage. The participant’s performance went off with a bang and the next day many residents of Vyksa already knew Elena.

The spirit of competition encouraged the woman to apply for the next project “Vacation with Malakhov”. In the questionnaire it was necessary to tell why she should go to Phuket with Andrei Malakhov.

Every year I draw up a wish card and I wrote in the application for participation that my wishes written on this card always come true. And one of the wishes - to go on a trip with Malakhov, the presenter himself can do, thereby proving that the card works, - Elena laughs.

The next day, the woman goes to apply for a foreign passport and after a while, Elena turns out to be one of the 10 lucky people whom Malakhov chose for his vacation.

In 2014, Elena Sadikova took part in the “Vacation with Malakhov” project. Participants spent two weeks with the TV presenter in Thailand Photo: Social network

We lived in a luxurious hotel for two weeks, went on two or three excursions every day, and sailed on a yacht. It was a fairy tale.

After the holiday, the participants became so friendly with each other that they continue to communicate to this day - every year their families meet in Abkhazia.

Almost died in childbirth

When Elena's husband wanted a third child, the woman refused. Allegedly, “and so you live in Raspberry - a wife, two daughters.” Elena was pushed to take a risky step by her husband's diabetes - after the doctors' diagnosis, the man completely wilted. And the devoted wife decided to give birth to a third child at all costs.

The pregnancy was difficult. Elena gained up to 155 kg and experienced strong pressure surges.

One day I felt so bad that I was taken to intensive care. The pressure jumped 220 to 180 and they decided to have a caesarean section.

Elena managed to give birth to a healthy daughter, but for the next nine months the woman hardly walked - the stitch did not heal.

There was no trace left of Elena's activity. The mother of many children had difficulty moving around the house, and getting to the bus stop became a real journey.

My husband invited me to go for walks all the time. And I was very lazy. I found excuses that I needed to cook food or iron clothes.

Before going to bed, Elena saw clear images of tomorrow's freshly prepared dishes. The stomach growled especially satisfactorily for salads with a lot of mayonnaise and side dishes fried in oil.

“My daughter called me a sack of potatoes”

When the mother of many children could no longer dress herself, her daughters sounded the alarm. Alina renamed her mother in the phone book as “1000 kg” and stopped obeying. And Karina cried every now and then because she was afraid of losing her mother.

I asked my mother to lose weight in a good way. She didn't listen. “I believe that I lost my mother a long time ago and I don’t want to be like her,” Alina said terrible words.

The eldest daughter Alina despised her mother for being overweight Photo: Social network

When Alina called me a sack of potatoes, something turned over in me. I felt so upset that I couldn’t sleep,” says Elena.

On the same sleepless night, at three o’clock in the morning the woman filled out a questionnaire for the “Weighted People” project. The questionnaire consisted of 26 questions of the type “what will this give you?” “Who do you want to lose weight for?”

“We don’t need happy and fat people”

Soon Elena is preparing for an interview on Skype, which she successfully passes and goes on the next tour to Moscow.

When I entered the room where the casting took place, I saw a bunch of people and cameras there - photographers, editors, psychologists. They asked a lot and personal questions. Psychologists hit the patient, to the point, and brought out emotions. They said that “we don’t need happy and fat people,” - this is how I remember one of the days of Elena’s casting.

The most recent and difficult test was to successfully pass the medical examination. Those who could withstand strict nutrition and physical activity were selected for the project. A film crew came to the selected applicants' homes and filmed a short video.

It was trash. They filmed absolutely everything - how I rattle dishes in the kitchen, how my daughter snaps at me, how hard it is to get out of bed, how my daughter helps me put on my pants. Thank God that everything wasn’t broadcast,” Elena sighs with relief.

Elena heard the cherished phrase after five months of casting. Then the family did not take the participation of the mother and wife seriously; they believed that they would return home in two weeks. But Lena herself decided to prove the opposite and compete for a place in the final.

“My body went crazy without food”

The woman realized that she was in deep trouble while filming at Sochi airport:

We had to go up and down the stairs many times. We filmed for 10 hours. For me it was a feat.

And the hardest part has not yet begun. When the participants were put on a strict diet, Elena’s body began to rebel.

We ate very little. The body didn’t have enough, it went crazy. The portions seemed tiny. I would have lost my mind a long time ago if there had been anything other than water in the refrigerator where we lived. It was the only thing we had access to around the clock.

Elena told Komsomolskaya Pravda that “brownies” were assigned to the participants, who accompanied them on the street and indoors. All those losing weight had their passports and phones taken away, and access to the street was restricted. Harmful familiar foods were replaced with vegetables and side dishes were removed.

For breakfast they served almond flour casserole with berry syrup. Sugar was replaced with stevia. And salt was consumed with a reduced sodium content. Fruits and cereals were completely excluded from the diet. All dishes were prepared without oil, baked or steamed.

Participants were fed broccoli, squid, shrimp salads, and soups that contained green beans instead of potatoes. Coffee was replaced with chicory, and participants often had to eat flaxseed porridge, which was healthy but unloved by many during the project.

Now many people ask Elena for her diet, hoping to repeat the woman’s success. But the show’s nutritionist Yulia Bastrigina does not recommend repeating such meals for a long time:

The participants were provided with such meals as part of the show. In an extremely short period of time, people had to show tremendous results. For a person in other conditions, such a diet is contraindicated.

“I was afraid that they would send me home for crying”

Elena considers her “red team” and coach Natalya Lugovskikh to be the main achievement of the project.

Elena Sadikova considers getting into the “red” team to be her main achievement Photo: Social network

Natasha made us do cardio every morning. Before breakfast we walked and ran along the street for 40 minutes. I always found myself behind everyone and crying. It was very difficult. But I was afraid to show tears, lest they send me home.

All colleagues on Elena’s team had previously come into contact with sports in one way or another. Some were wrestlers, some were swimmers. There was no sports at all in the life of a mother with many children.

The weigh-in at the end of each week was also a test. According to the script, the participants must weigh themselves in short tops, which made Elena very upset:

I pulled my pants up higher to hide my belly, but they told me to get out. I became hysterical and started crying. I say, it’s ugly and unaesthetic - my stomach looks like it’s been run over by a tractor. But the organizers don’t care - get out and that’s it.

Closer to the finale, Elena was given a video from Malakhov, where the TV presenter supported his old friend and asked her not to give up.

“They called me a fatal woman”

At the final, Elena Sadikova made a splash. Neither the husband, nor the children, nor the participants themselves recognized the former obese woman in the thinner beauty. If at the beginning of the project Lena was dubbed Choli's mother, now her nicknames have become Carmen and Rokovukha.

My husband was delighted, and my daughter decided to follow my example. I wasn't upset that I didn't win. “I want everyone to see that I have turned from a nag into a different person,” says Elena.

If previously Elena Sadikova was called Choli’s mother on the project, now the nickname “Rokovukha” has been attached. Photo: Social network

After the project, the sport was not abandoned - the ex-participant of the show immediately signed up for a local gym.

Fans do not give Elena a pass on social networks; for many, the woman has become a motivator - the questions “how did you achieve such a result?”, “Can you share useful recipes?” is under each photo of a former participant. True, because of such popularity, Elena does not have enough time.

I wanted to thank everyone who wrote to me after the final. Therefore, I slept very little for two days - I answered messages and calls. There were a lot of them, I was even scared, but now I see sincere interest and want to write my story on Instagram.

The red team turned out to be so friendly that the participants communicate even after the project.

Many will come to visit me in Vyksa this summer, even our coach Natasha Lugovskikh. And I plan to start a trip to the dolmens in a month and do yoga there,” Elena shared her plans.

Finalist of the show “Weighted People” Vesta Romanova found her prince, having lost 50 kilograms in four months

Just a year ago, St. Petersburg resident Vesta weighed 130 kg. The boots she liked wouldn’t fasten on her, and the stiletto heels broke under her weight. When the girl couldn’t reach her shoes to tie the laces, she realized that it was time to change something in her life. Or better yet, life itself.

Loved in the body, fell out of love because of the bodies

Now Vesta, who took third place in the STS channel TV show “Weighted People,” has more than three thousand subscribers. They call her a personal motivator, ask for autographs, and are willing to come from another city to a master class. And once upon a time she herself searched on the Internet for all kinds of diets in order to lose at least a little weight. However, the lost kilograms, as a rule, returned.

“I can’t say that I was very worried about being overweight. Then I had a young man who liked curvy girls, and that suited me,” Vesta admits. - But we parted. It was he who initiated it, and the reason was my excess weight.

Even this did not push the girl to start getting rid of the extra pounds. Everything was decided by chance. One day she simply couldn’t reach her laces. The blood rushed to my head, the world began to spin, my heart began to beat a frantic rhythm.

“I looked at myself in the mirror, and my eyes opened. I realized that I, a fat brute who lies on the couch and constantly eats something, does not spare epithets addressed to myself, the fat West. It was at that moment that a casting announcement for the show caught her eye. The St. Petersburg resident did not know that it had been filmed in America and Ukraine for a long time and was terribly popular. Only one thing was important to her - if she passed the casting, she would be able to lose weight.

The days of training and the transition to proper nutrition began. Participants were first fed, allowing them to eat 2,500 calories per day. However, no sweets, alcohol or mayonnaise. Porridge, vegetables, fruits. There was so much food that people simply could not eat everything. Gradually the calorie content was reduced. After a month, they were allowed to eat 700-600 calories, and by the end of the project - 500. All this was accompanied by cardio and strength training.

— When you start losing weight, strength training should be minimal. They are needed for muscle development. The emphasis should be on cardio. It happened that I walked 30 kilometers on the path a day. I did go. If you are overweight, running on the treadmill is suicide. It’s easy to calculate your cardio zone even without a heart rate monitor: if you walk and can breathe, but it’s hard for you to speak, you lose your breath, then you’ve found it, Vesta advises. — And with strength exercises you need to develop the largest muscle groups. Any trainer in any gym will tell you 3-5 such exercises.

According to the girl, many overweight people are simply too lazy to exercise. Or they justify themselves by saying that they don’t have money for a cool fitness club. She is sure: nothing depends on the price. And you can practice both at home and on the street. Jogging, walking, exercises with dumbbells - the main thing is not to lie on the couch, feeling sorry for yourself and eating sad thoughts with cakes.

Lost weight, found a relationship

Those who followed the project watched with interest not only how the show participants parted with extra pounds, but also the love story that unexpectedly unfolded on the screen. How the relationship between Vesta and Peter strengthened. Someone reproached the couple for being pretentious.

“I say this once and absolutely seriously: I don’t know how to play love.” I liked Peter right away. At first we hid this relationship, but then we found out everything anyway. The producers suggested that we introduce this into the project. We agreed,” the girl recalls. “Now I regret that I showed my relationship to the whole country.”

The novel developed rapidly. The young people supported each other in competitions, cheered at the weekly summing up, when the participant who lost the least kilo left the project. Together they reached the final. TV viewers blinked away tears when Peter, shortly before the end of the project, on his birthday, proposed to Vesta. It happened on a Ferris wheel. And then the show ended. Vesta took third place, having lost almost 50 kilograms in four months. She lost weight from 130 to 82 kilos. And then an active discussion began on social networks - the future newlyweds separated. Vesta sparingly confirmed, but did not comment. I made an exception for MK readers in St. Petersburg.”

— We went to different cities. For about a month we actively communicated with Peter, corresponded, called each other, and made wedding plans. And then his attitude changed dramatically. My intuition works well, I realized that he had a girlfriend, but I was waiting for him to say so himself. I was angry. I just couldn’t understand what it was like for that girl to date an almost married man,” admits the finalist of the show. - And then we talked. Well, what can we do... Advice and love for them.

While Peter was building a relationship with his new lover, Vesta was building her life. She found a new job, started updating her wardrobe - of everything on the shelves, only very old jeans fit properly on her thinner body. I wrote out training and nutrition plans for myself.

Fat gone, energy increased

“I used to wake up, drink coffee, smoke a couple of cigarettes, go to work, eat, then eat some more and surf the Internet, come home, have dinner and go to bed. Now I wake up with the thought: “What interesting things can I come up with?” Three times a week I go to a budget gym - in the morning I do strength exercises, in the evening I do cardio. In the summer, I run and ride a bike,” says the girl, who, thanks to her own willpower and desire to lose weight, turned from a fat woman into a slender beauty, about her daily routine. — I often don’t find time to go on social networks to respond to all subscribers, but I always find time to ride a bike or meet with friends. Life became a pleasure. Nowadays many people ask me: “Help me find motivation.” Easily. Fat bastard, look at yourself in the mirror! Is what you see not enough motivation for you? Girls, be more active. When you have not the 9th, but the third breast size and you can sleep on your stomach, it’s a thrill. When you can buy beautiful lingerie, when you wear what you like and not what you fit into, wear high-heeled shoes and they don’t break under you, that’s a thrill. And there is so much energy that there is simply nowhere to put it.

The renewed Vesta simply radiates happiness. And it’s not just about good health and natural charisma. The girl admits: she has found her love.

“I met a young man, and he is wonderful,” Vesta smiles. “But I won’t show my personal life anymore.” He is not a public person. He is active, sporty, and taught me about bicycles. He is my support. He and I are on the same wavelength, and our level of madness is the same.

Now Vesta, together with her lover, is preparing to hold a mass master class, at which the finalist of the show will talk about how to eat and exercise properly. At first they thought of gathering everyone interested in the open air, but when it became clear that more than 300 people wanted to come to the meeting, they realized that they needed to look for a room. And more. Among other things, Vesta will try to convey a very valuable idea - you need to motivate yourself and not wait for someone to do something for you.

“Nowadays people believe that everyone owes them something. I was exactly the same. The state is obliged to do something, in the gym the trainer is obliged to lose weight for you, and the nutritionist, apparently, spoon-feeds you. People ask me on social networks: “How can I lose weight?” Yes, while you are looking for me on the Internet, adding me as a friend and waiting for an answer, not even an hour or two will pass. During this time, you can find “proper nutrition” in a search engine,” Vesta gives advice on where to start losing weight. - Why do 90 percent of people remain fat? Because they are too lazy to start doing something on their own. Find it, read it, try it. Nobody owes you anything. And understand: living in a healthy body, with a normal metabolism and without sausages on your waist is a thrill.

By the way, Vesta did not stop at the achievements of the project. Now she weighs 74 kilograms and feels great. Only photos remind us of the 56 kilos of fat that I carried on myself for many years. But they are also an incentive to live actively. Vesta does not intend to turn from a princess back into a frog.

Tips from Vesta

For those who want to lose weight or just eat healthy:

Give up sugar and sweets. At all.

It is better to eat rye, bran and whole grain bread. And dried in the oven. It loses unnecessary moisture. 25-30 grams per day is enough.

Vegetables, fruits, celery, lettuce are your friends.

Soups can be prepared with a second broth or without meat broth at all.

You can and should eat any meat, but little by little - 100 grams per day. Once every two weeks you can treat yourself to red fish. If funds allow, more often.

Use unrefined oil - it is healthier. Or better yet, olive oil. A liter of oil, despite the fact that it takes a teaspoon for frying, is enough for six months. If you are cooking for one person, screw on the spray and simply spray the pan.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner are the main meals, with snacks between them. The time interval between meals is 2.5-3 hours. If breakfast and lunch are heavy, then the snack should be light - nuts, vegetables, fruits.

Add “pleasures” to your diet. For example, a couple of oatmeal cookies once a week. But then spend an hour more training. The main thing is that you don’t have to strictly limit yourself.

Use websites that help you calculate how many calories, carbohydrates, fats and proteins you need to eat per day, and plan your diet for three days in advance. This will help you not to break down. (Vesta herself uses the website for this, which calculates this data and helps find suitable recipes.)


Petr Vasiliev became the winner of the “Weighted People” show on the STS TV channel.

3 heroes reached the final - Pyotr Vasiliev from the Kaliningrad region, Vesta Romanova from St. Petersburg and Maxim Nekrylov from Nizhny Novgorod.
According to the results of the final weigh-in, the winner of the show and the owner of a cash prize in the amount of 2,500,000 rubles was Peter Vasiliev.

In total, the young man lost 57.9 kg or 37.35%.

A whole year has already passed since the end of filming of the reality show. Peter turned out to be worthy of the title of winner - after the project he did not return to his old habits, and training and healthy eating became part of his new life. In addition, with another participant in the show, Maxim Nekrylov, they organized the group “I can do anything.”

Petr Vasiliev spoke about his life after the project, popularity and plans for the future in an interview with the STS TV channel. Anyone could ask their question to Peter inofficial group of the reality show “Weighted People”.

— Petya, did the project push you to do something else in life, did it give you more confidence?

- In fact, I didn’t even expect that so many new interests would appear. Of course, before participating in the show, I understood: if I manage to lose weight, my horizons will expand. But I didn’t realize how enormously things would change! I have already participated in CrossFit competitions several times. At home in Kaliningrad, out of fifteen participants, he showed the eighth result. And I don’t want to stop there. My plans are to graduate from a specialized institution, where I can get a medical education in order to become a coach.

— Are there any difficulties in communicating with people now?

- No difficulties. First of all, there is nothing wrong with people recognizing me. Secondly, this is not pointing a finger: “Look how fat and ugly a person is walking.” And, on the contrary: “Look how much he has achieved and how great he looks.” I am pleased to become an example for others. For example, one mother wrote that she could not force her son to walk outside and work out with the guys on the playground. After the program was shown, she could not bring the child home! Now the boy has an active, mobile life.

When I have time, I always answer. Everyone who is for a healthy lifestyle is on the same wavelength with me, these are my like-minded people. I didn't realize before how important it is to share information with people. I would like to hold a meeting in Kaliningrad to communicate live.

— Would you like to meet again with the participants of the show “Weighted People”?

“I have a huge number of emotions associated with them, which are divided into positive and negative. We overcame difficulties together, and, of course, I am in favor of seeing each other.

— Do you maintain a relationship with someone after the project?

— I communicate with a good half of the participants on social networks and by phone. We constantly keep in touch with Maxim and Vesta. We are united by common interests - various sports projects. I communicate with Mitya Kudryavtsev, sometimes online with Anya Grivkova, Vlad and others.

- Do you have a dream?

— Maxim and I created the group “I can do anything.” I would like this movement to grow into an annual sports festival where everyone could take part. Including people with disabilities. We want to show that any person, to the best of his physical abilities, can develop and become better.

— What did you do in your free time on the project?

— We were completely limited: we didn’t even have a TV. And, frankly, I belong to the small category of participants who could not afford a vacation. Those who allowed themselves to do this did not reach the end. During the entire project, there were several walks around the territory of the house, which, by the way, has a large area. And yet it was a movement.

— At the beginning of the project, didn’t you have a desire to give up everything and not change?

“The first two weeks were the most difficult for me. But I was always guided by the thought: if I give up now, it means that fate has made a mistake on my behalf. Several thousand came to the casting, and only eighteen lucky ones were given a chance. I couldn't afford to feel sorry for myself because it might never happen again. And I understood that I had to go through this path from beginning to end.

— What is the most valuable advice you received from the coaches on the project?

— Everything that Denis and Ira said were mega professional recommendations. But most of all I remember this: if you want to feel sorry for yourself during training, then this is a signal - you need to double the load.

- How much do you weigh now?

- 104 kilograms. Everyone knows that muscle weighs much more than fat. (At the finals Peter weighed 97.1 kg - approx. ed.) These are completely different criteria - now I evaluate myself not by weight, but by appearance, endurance, amount of muscle mass, by the time it takes to do a training complex. I feel great now!

— How did you deal with the problem of sagging skin?

— When you lose weight extremely, it is immediately visible, especially in the areas of the abdomen and arms. I encountered this problem only after the project. Returning home, I went for treatments where I received wraps and massages. Afterwards I reinforced the effect in the gym.

— Do you have overweight friends to whom you showed by your example that anything is possible and motivated them to go in for sports?

— During the time that I have been away from the project, several people from my circle have achieved good results. The minimum effect is 12 kg, and the maximum is 20. For example, one of my friends lost weight from 86 to 68 kg. Everything happened evenly: proper nutrition, sports three times a week, a swimming pool, plus my recommendations. I'm not an expert, but I can advise something. It all depends on the desire! For example, Olesya Smirnova did not stay on the project for long, but we see that after that she achieved her goal. And this is a completely different Olesya.

- How do you eat now?

“I was afraid that when I returned, it would be difficult to resist sweets.” But I soon realized that there was no attachment. To avoid fat deposits, I completely eliminated sweets, preservatives and foods with chemical additives. I try to follow all the advice I received on the project. My morning starts with a hearty breakfast: porridge or yeast-free bread, oven-baked chicken, or sandwiches or a light salad. Everything we ate on the show, just in different proportions. I eat about 1800-2200 calories per day: I eat small portions four to five times a day.

— Advice for those losing weight from Peter: how to deal with temptations during feasts, holidays, and corporate events?

- It's a matter of choice. If you want to be beautiful and slim, you must understand: if you have a predisposition to be overweight, you need to limit yourself. Nobody says you can’t eat anything. You can choose what suits you best: light salads or low-fat foods.

— If you were on the other side of the screen, who would you root for?

“I thought about it and analyzed it many times, because I know all the participants well, I know who they really are. Most likely, for those with whom I reached the final: for Mitya, Maxim, Vesta, Vlad, Anya and Oksana.

— What was the most valuable lesson you learned on the project?

“They took me away for 120 days, thereby, as if they crossed out my entire biography and completely rebooted my brain. I returned as a completely different person, as if I had been born again.

The main thing I would like to convey to people is that you need to move as much and spend as much energy and calories as you consume. Before the project, I did not have such an understanding. Now I know why weight is gained, why people feel sorry for themselves, why they don’t realize that they have gained 20-30 kg. And the most important thing is that they not only explained to us how this happened, but also helped us fix the problem.

— Have your relationships with family, friends and colleagues changed after the project?

— Relatives also remained close people. But their attitude towards food has changed: I no longer see fried potatoes, sausages, or sausages on the table. Now everything is baked in the oven. A very significant moment: when my mother visited me for the first time, she weighed 115 kg, but in the finals it was already 103. After I returned home, her weight dropped to 90 kg.

My friend and I have more common interests. He is an athlete, he works out, and now I do crossfit. And now we constantly exchange experiences.

— What advice can you give to the participants of the second season of the “Weighted People” project?

“I want them to understand that this is a one-way street.” It doesn't matter who wins. If you have taken this path, you need to go through it. The person who reaches the end will change his life. After which many things will become available: you can safely buy clothes in stores, drive a car. There will be a huge amount of entertainment in life, and thousands of pleasures will become possible.

How are your relationships with the opposite sex now?

—During the project, I had a warm relationship with Vesta. Many believe that everything was for the sake of ratings. In fact, when a man and woman are in a confined space, this can happen. After Weighted People ended, we decided to remain friends. Now we have common interests related to sports. And soon after returning home, I met a beautiful girl. I didn’t even think that everything would turn out so wonderfully. Now we live together, and we have joint plans for life. I understand that I don’t need anyone except her.

— Did life become easier after the project?

“This is a completely new life, a different awareness and understanding of it. Such a thrill! Previously, everything was a burden: bad mood, poor physical condition, constant depression. Now I enjoy everything, and for this I am grateful to the creators of the show “Weighted People” and those people who worked with me.

Yulia Kovalchuk about Peter's victory on the project "Weighted People":

“I think that many TV viewers, coaches and everyone involved in this project understood that in the end the main battle was fought between Peter and Maxim. Just as much as they were rivals, they helped each other in the fight. Until the last moment of the weigh-in, no one, including me, knew that Petya would win. I understood that the result could differ by a few hundredths of a gram, so I, just like the participants, stood on stage with bated breath and waited to see who the winner would be. And the fact that Petya became him is fair and deserved. I saw perfectly well how he broke himself, gave all his strength to the “Weighted People” project and his victory. I don’t know what was primary in his urges - the desire to win, lose weight or earn money, but, in any case, he did it with dignity!

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Everyone who wants to take part in a TV show has one goal - to win. Participants decide for themselves what this means for them: find love, receive a cash prize, change themselves for the better, or become famous. A striking example is the stories of those who won the shows “Weighted People” and “Boys”: they did not stop and as a result received even more than they expected, already outside the walls of the projects.

website I remembered the participants of the most interesting shows and found out how their lives turned out after the project.

“Weighted People” / Season 1 / Petr Vasiliev

Peter came to the program weighing 155 kg and, having lost 57.9 kg, walked away as a winner with a prize of 2.5 million rubles. Now Peter weighs 125 kg and does CrossFit at the amateur level. He recently took part in the show on Channel One “Russian Ninja”, but did not make it through the qualifying round. IN instagram Peter commented on his current weight: “I’ve been overfed, now I’m trying to get back into normal shape.”

“Weighted People” / Season 2 / Timur Bikbulatov

Timur Bikbulatov won the 2nd season of the show. He completed his participation in the project with a weight of 94 kg ( having lost weight in the end by 53.7 kg, which was 36.2% of the initial weight), then in a few months he lost weight to 80 kg, but Timur was not very comfortable with this weight, so he returned to normal at 87 kg. Timur took up coaching. IN Instagram account he shares the results of his students, and also motivates all those who want to lose weight.

“Boys” / Season 1 / Yulia Kovaleva

Julia became the winner of the 1st season of the show. She was awarded a gold brooch “Lady School” and a cash prize of 500 thousand rubles. At the moment, the girl writes a blog “about transformation and finding oneself”, in which You can read interesting and motivating posts. At the same time, he takes part in the filming of various projects of the Friday TV channel. Julia removes her tattoos and remains as feminine as the project made her.

“Minute of Glory” / Season 1 / Maxim Tokaev

“People’s Artist” / Season 1 / Alexey Goman

After winning the “People’s Artist” show, Alexey also took part in the “Dancing with the Stars” show, where he took 3rd place. In 2010, he was awarded the orders “Young Talent of Russia - Charoite Star” and “Service to Art”, 1st degree (Golden Star). After 8 years of marriage, Alexey married his colleague, Maria Zaitseva, and in 2012 the couple had a daughter, Alexandrina. In 2013, the couple separated, but Alexey continues to support Maria in her career and does not stop communicating with her daughter. He, as always, cannot imagine his life without writing songs and filming videos. Instagram is full of cool “sketches”: listen, it's a hit!

“Bachelor” / Season 1 / Evgeniy Levchenko

Before the start of the project, Evgeniy was paired with Victoria Koblenko. They say that he wanted to propose to the girl, but she chose to go to Hollywood. The long-distance relationship did not suit the football player, and he went on the show to look for the only one who could give him family happiness. In “The Bachelor” he chose Olesya Ermakova, but life in different countries and constant flights did not last long - only 9 months. Evgeniy resumed his relationship with Victoria. In October 2015, he released a biographical book "LEV" in Dutch. And in August 2016, the couple had their first child, who was named Kiy. Today Evgeniy, Victoria and their son live in Amsterdam.

“The Bachelor” / Season 2 / Maxim Chernyavsky

In the finale of the project, Maxim Chernyavsky chose Maria Drigola, but their union ended almost immediately: the girl was unable to move in with her chosen one for personal reasons. And 3 years ago, Anastasia Reshetova, Timati’s ex-girlfriend, introduced Maxim to Daria Sidorova. Not long ago, Daria gave birth to Maxim’s daughter, but the couple never entered into a legal marriage. He also has a daughter from a previous marriage with Anna Sedokova.

“MasterChef” / Season 1 / Rafael Kazumyan

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