Body drying for girls. What, why and why? What does body drying mean? What is drying and how to do it?

Those who intend to train seriously and strive to transform their figure need to know what body drying is. Sooner or later, many athletes come across this term; there are many myths, fears and prejudices associated with it, but the point is that a competent and thorough approach to the process allows you to achieve impressive results.

Body drying is a set of measures whose goal is to reduce the percentage of fatty tissue in the body, burn subcutaneous fat and maximize muscle definition. This term was coined by professional athletes, but the technique is used by a huge number of amateurs and those who are just starting their journey into the world of fitness.

Body drying: for whom?

Drying as a way to improve body contours is suitable for everyone who wants not just to lose weight, but to lose fat mass. The main principles of the method - giving up carbohydrates and increasing physical activity - always work to reduce fat cells while maximizing the preservation of muscle fibers. Thus, drying is not suitable for those who just want to lose weight. This method is used by athletes with sufficient muscle mass to draw relief and achieve a harmonious figure.

While conventional diets destroy muscles, significantly slow down metabolism and make the silhouette far from ideal, nutrition while cutting is the path to a sculpted, toned and athletic body.

Features of drying for professionals and amateurs

Drying for amateur athletes differs significantly from the similar process for professional athletes during preparation for competitions. The first is enough to reduce the intake of carbohydrates into the body, wisely create a diet with an emphasis on protein foods and increase the amount, duration and intensity of cardio training.

Bodybuilders almost completely eliminate carbohydrates, carefully monitor their diet and diet, take sports medications and special nutritional supplements, and train a lot. Drying athletes is not only about getting rid of fatty tissue, but also about maximizing the removal of water from the body. To achieve this goal, athletes eliminate salt, which promotes fluid retention in tissues. At the last stage of preparation for competitions, athletes limit themselves even in water, because maximum lean muscle mass is important to them.

How to exercise while cutting

Physical activity during cutting should include not only a sufficient amount of cardio, but also well-designed strength training for relief. Their basic principles are:

  • Energy consumption. Multi-joint exercises, also known as basic exercises, are considered the most energy-consuming. They are difficult to perform and simultaneously involve several muscle groups, due to which they consume a large amount of energy, accelerating the burning of subcutaneous fat.
  • Multiple repetitions. During the drying period, the specifics of strength training changes. An athlete should not strive to build muscle mass, but should think about how to make his muscles more prominent. To do this, the athlete reduces the working weights and increases the number of repetitions. This technique is called pumping. Thanks to it, not only more energy is consumed, but also the blood supply to tissues improves, which is advisable for obtaining high-quality relief.
  • Reducing duration. Training during drying should be done as quickly as possible. The speed of performing exercises, reducing rest between sets, and using different techniques to help make your workout more effective and shorter are important.

How to eat while drying

The human body with a normal diet receives energy from carbohydrates. If it comes in more quantity than necessary, its excess is stored as adipose tissue. Nutrition when drying the body involves limiting or even completely eliminating carbohydrates from the diet. This forces the body to break down fat and “extract” energy from it. Principles of nutrition during drying:

  • Protein is the basis of the diet. Chicken breast, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, mushrooms are the main products. The amount of protein should be 1.5 - 2 grams per 1 kg of weight.
  • Distribution of proteins and carbohydrates throughout the day. Only professional athletes completely give up carbohydrates, and then not immediately, but in the last period of preparation for competitions. Complex carbohydrates in the form of cereals and vegetables should be present in sufficient quantities in morning meals and partly in lunch. The diet in the second half of the day is based exclusively on proteins.
  • Fractional meals. Effective fat burning is possible with a sufficiently high metabolic rate. Eating small meals frequently speeds it up as much as possible. 5-6 meals a day significantly increase an athlete's chances of success.
  • Adequate water intake. Water is necessary to remove decay products and toxins from the body, which are formed in large quantities during the drying process. To prevent water from accumulating in tissues, it is important to minimize salt intake.
  • Complete exclusion of “gastronomic garbage”. Gastronomic waste is food industry products that do not provide any benefit to the body. All kinds of sauces, chips, crackers, industrial sweets, fast food and sweet soda should be completely excluded from consumption.

Use of sports supplements

You can achieve impressive results without taking additional special supplements, but sports nutrition during cutting can support the athlete’s body and make his efforts more effective.

  • Sports vitamins. Mandatory for use, since the athlete’s nutrition during the drying period is not balanced.
  • BCAAs. Branched chain amino acids are an essential anti-catabolic supplement that will help protect muscles from breakdown.
  • Protein shakes. Despite the fact that the diet is already based on protein foods, a protein shake will never be superfluous. Firstly, it can replace one of the meals if it is not possible to eat a full meal, and secondly, it is an ideal permitted treat.
  • Fat burners are drugs that increase body temperature and pulse, accelerating metabolism to the maximum. They provide an influx of energy and increase endurance during training, but they should be used with caution as the load on the heart increases.

Contraindications for drying

Drying is a set of measures that is indicated only for physically healthy people. Any disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system, diseases of the kidneys, heart and blood vessels are a serious obstacle to drying. It is strictly forbidden for expectant or nursing mothers to dry themselves.

It is important to realize that drying is a serious test not only for the body, but also for the psyche. Even balanced and calm people experience difficulties, break down and suffer from mood swings. Considering that the duration of drying the body is from 4 weeks, the athlete must understand how difficult this period will be for him and his environment.

Lyubov Ivanova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Drying the body is a process in which a person gets rid of subcutaneous fat. With the help of drying, the athlete makes the muscles more prominent. Since not everyone can go to the gym, I will tell you how body drying is done for girls and men at home.

The term “body drying” is widely used by people involved in bodybuilding. Due to the rapid development of the fitness industry, this word began to be used to describe any weight loss, although this is not entirely correct. When cutting, the weight loss effect is achieved due to the loss of adipose tissue, not muscle mass.

During the drying process, the main emphasis is usually on preserving muscles. To achieve impressive results, you need to continue training and pay special attention to nutrition.

People who do not play sports and want to quickly lose weight through drying should understand that the resulting figure will be far from ideal. The disappeared subcutaneous fat will reveal muscles that are far from perfect and cannot boast of relief.

Body drying for men

The procedure for drying the body at home is a set of simple measures aimed at eliminating subcutaneous fat without compromising the gained muscle mass.

I note that you should dry outside the gym only under the guidance of a knowledgeable trainer and after working to increase body weight.

Why is there a need to dry the body? While building muscle mass, guys do not pay attention to nutrition and consume almost everything. They often include sports supplements in their diet that accelerate muscle growth.

Naturally, along with muscle growth, fat appears on the body. To make a man's figure look flawless, it is necessary to get rid of fat and emphasize muscle definition. This is exactly the effect achieved by drying the body.

The process of drying the body is based on a complete change in nutrition. Fats and carbohydrates are excluded from the diet, the main emphasis is on protein foods. Such a diet without proper training and experience is a dangerous undertaking. You can dry your body only if there are no medical contraindications. It is not recommended for organ diseases.

In addition to a protein diet, a strict daily regimen and regular exercise must be observed, taking into account age and body type. Below I will discuss in detail the nutritional features and training program.

Training program for men

It is much more convenient to train in the gym, since the necessary sports equipment is available there. At home, you should have a training program and sports equipment at hand.

  • When working out at home, you will have to increase the duration of your workouts and reduce the working weight. Aerobic exercise is considered ideal. Such exercises quickly burn fat, and a protein diet preserves muscle volume.
  • You can effectively exercise at home with dumbbells, a barbell and a jump rope. A bicycle or roller skates will provide excellent results. If you don’t have such sports equipment in your arsenal, a yard horizontal bar and parallel bars will come to the rescue. The main thing is that during the training the load is distributed evenly. In this case, you need to pump up all the muscles.
  • Through regular home workouts you will gain experience. As a result, while examining your figure, you will be able to identify muscle groups that are poorly trained and adjust your training program to eliminate this deficiency. Even if you study at home, use a program developed by a professional taking into account your individual data.
  • Sports preparations for drying the body. When a person trains at home, we are not talking about sports nutrition. You can limit yourself to a vitamin-mineral complex that will help fill the deficiency of nutrients.
  • I do not recommend using professional fat burning supplements on your own. It is better if a professional trainer helps in this matter.
  • The duration of home drying for the first time is five weeks. Professional athletes carry out drying for three months, however, they are guided by a special program developed taking into account the characteristics of the body.

The choice of specific exercises for drying the body is huge. A professional trainer will help you choose the optimal complex for home training. The consultation will not cost too much, but the money spent is more than compensated by the results obtained.

Video example of drying 8 kg of fat in 8 days!

Diet and menu for men

Now we will talk about the peculiarities of nutrition during drying.

The breakdown of subcutaneous fat deposits is a complex and energy-consuming process. When there is a sugar deficiency, the body uses muscle glycogen, and only then subcutaneous fats. How should you eat so that your diet provides such an effect?

During drying, eat foods low in carbohydrates. The list includes meat broths, mineral water, boiled seafood, boiled eggs, dairy products, fish and white meat, cucumbers, cabbage, radishes, green peppers, herbs and zucchini.

Prohibited foods include bread, sweets, pastries, salt and starchy vegetables. I present a generalized version of the male diet during drying, breaking it down by week.

  1. First week . The daily intake of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight should not exceed 2 grams. Number of meals per day – 6. Include egg whites, low-fat cottage cheese, brown rice, cheese, boiled chicken breast, unsweetened fruits, vegetables and vegetable oils in the diet.
  2. Second week . From the second week, the diet becomes stricter, and the norm of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight is reduced to 1 gram. During the first half of the day you can eat porridge. Eat no more than 120 grams of food at a time.
  3. Third week . Reduce carbohydrates (per kilogram of body weight) to 0.5 grams per day. The frequency of meals does not change, and remove fruits and cheese from the diet.
  4. Fourth week . A single serving of porridge should not exceed 6 spoons, and the list of prohibited foods includes carrots and radishes. If weakness, drowsiness and dry mouth appear, retreat from the diet, as these are signs of blood oxidation. Carbohydrates will help eliminate discomfort.
  5. Fifth week . After a month, reduce the daily carbohydrate intake to 50 grams per day. Eliminate all cereals from your diet. You are allowed to eat salads, fresh vegetables and herbs. Lack of plant fiber can lead to ketone poisoning.
  6. Sixth week . The diet becomes extremely poor, and the menu is very limited. Exclude dairy products from the diet, as they contain sugar, which is prohibited at this stage of drying.
  7. Seventh week . From this moment, you can begin a gradual exit from the diet, and increase the amount of carbohydrates to 0.5 grams per kilogram of body weight. Add fresh vegetables and seafood to your diet.
  8. Eighth week . Gradually introduce carbohydrates into the diet, enriching the menu with cereals, fruits, dairy products and vegetables. Move in the opposite direction.

Drying the body for girls at home

Many girls have heard about drying the body at home, however, not everyone understands what this weight loss technique represents.

Drying the body comes down to quickly and effectively burning fat mass. This method of losing weight is preferred by professional bodybuilders when preparing for competitions.

According to professionals, you should not get carried away with this technique, since drying muscles with a sharp loss of fat deposits is a lot of stress for an unprepared female body, which often leads to undesirable consequences.

Drying the body is the final stage of a special diet, the results of which must be supported by intensive training, an adjusted daily routine and proper nutrition.

Training program for girls

For each girl, the training program for drying the body is individual. The recommendations are general in nature.

Strength training should involve all muscle groups. If you don’t do this, the body will consider muscle mass as an “unnecessary load” and destroy it.

  • Experts advise combining training with aerobics. Aerobic training complements strength training. However, you should not overdo it. Aerobics burns fat, but during drying the body experiences a deficiency of nutrients, so the process of burning muscle mass can begin.
  • There is no universal set of exercises. Only a professional trainer can choose the ideal option. When drying the body is performed at home, it is necessary to regularly monitor changes in the body. If even a slight distortion appears, the program must be corrected immediately.
  • Include a couple of sets of ten repetitions on a jump rope in your home workout.
  • Running in the park is a great addition to your main workout. Run for 30 minutes. Running will pump up your legs and eliminate fat.
  • Alternatives to running are walking, swimming, team sports: football, basketball, volleyball.
  • According to generally accepted opinion, a person burns much more energy in the morning than in the afternoon or evening.

For home drying to be highly effective, support your workouts with proper nutrition.

Training program video

Diet and menu for girls

It's time to talk about nutrition when drying a woman's body. The diet and menu during this period includes protein-rich foods that help increase muscle mass.

  1. Include chicken breast, lean fish, eggs, milk and cottage cheese in your diet. Cook the chicken without skin and boil the eggs.
  2. During drying, exclude smoked foods, fatty and fried foods, canned food and pickles.
  3. When drying the body, it is better to steam or boil food. You should focus on fiber-rich greens and vegetables.
  4. The number of meals is at least eight, every two hours.
  5. Create a calorie chart.
  6. Give up sweets. Exclude cookies, sweets, flour products, baked goods and spices from your diet. You can replace it with a moderate amount of fruit.
  7. Drink up to three liters of liquid per day. Avoid coffee as it removes water from the body. Instead, I advise you to drink green tea.

During the diet, it is not prohibited to arrange fasting days. Once a week you can eat anything in moderation. This will provide psychological relief and allow you to maintain your routine. Girls with enviable willpower do without it and achieve impressive results.

The subtleties of fat burning and dieting for girls are discussed in the video

Let's divide body drying for girls into 3 stages. If you follow the instructions, everything will definitely work out, and the body’s reaction to changes will be less pronounced.

  • At the initial stage, include carbohydrate-rich foods, vegetables and boiled foods in your diet. After a few days, begin a smooth transition to protein. Eat in small portions.
  • After 15 days, you can treat yourself to a small amount of sweets, which will normalize blood sugar. Eat carbohydrates in the first half of the day, proteins in the second. It should be cooked with olive or linseed oil.
  • The third stage of drying the body is the toughest. Reduce protein consumption to 5% of body weight, and the daily carbohydrate intake to 80 grams. Supplement your diet with physical activity. Stretch your shoulders, work your arms, train your legs and pay attention to the development of other muscle groups.

The duration of these stages does not exceed three months. During this period you can easily lose up to 7 kilograms.

Before starting the process, you should contact a professional trainer and nutritionist to draw up a training plan and work out a diet taking into account the characteristics of the body.

In conclusion, I will add that a person who strictly follows these recommendations will lose fat tissue quite quickly. But an intensive rate of weight loss is unacceptable, so weight loss must be controlled. A girl’s body should lose no more than 200 grams of weight per day. At a higher speed, you can drive the body into a state of severe stress, as a result of which it will begin to store fat.

The human body necessarily contains adipose tissue. For a woman, the minimum figure is 12% of body weight. With an athletic build, the share of fat accounts for up to 10%.

Every girl dreams of having a beautiful body. That is why many of them devote time to training in the gym, wanting to build muscle mass. Drying the body is the next stage after pumping, at which it is possible to get rid of the subcutaneous fat accumulated along with muscle mass. For girls, this means a strict diet and exercise according to a training program specially designed based on their individual characteristics.

Why does drying mean so much for girls and how to do it correctly? Read below about our traditional approach to the question asked.

Body drying is a professional term that athletes are used to using before preparing for competitions. A strict low-carbohydrate diet, aerobic exercise, cardio training and sports nutrition allow them to achieve serious results. The essence of the diet comes down to receiving fewer calories than they will be consumed. In addition, we are talking about reducing carbohydrates and introducing protein into the diet to maintain muscles while drying the body in girls.

How do professional athletes dry?

Drying as a method of getting rid of fat is popular not only among girls who are used to watching their figure. Drying the body is a must for professional girls involved in bodybuilding and regularly participating in competitions.

At first glance, a diet that does not seem to be anything complicated actually requires certain skills and, of course, patience. Drying means quickly losing subcutaneous fat, while maintaining muscle and fluid in the body. Female athletes understand this, so they carefully plan the menu, focusing on protein foods, selecting suitable fat burners and vitamin complexes.

Both amateur and professional female athletes should dry for no more than 5 weeks, gradually reducing the amount of carbohydrates in the diet in the first weeks and also gradually returning them back at the end of drying. In men, this process can be delayed for 2-3 months, given the greater accumulation of fat and increased muscle mass.

How to dry at home and what you need to know?

For many girls, professional drying with training in the gym and control over the process by an experienced trainer is a luxury. That is why we will consider the option of drying the body for girls at home.

Firstly, if you decide that you already need drying, then you must be strict with yourself, not giving in to slack even in the most difficult periods. Throughout the 5 weeks you will need to follow a diet, plan a menu, and count calories.

As a basis, you can take a regular protein diet with an emphasis on protein-rich foods:

  • seafood;
  • cottage cheese;
  • chicken fillet;
  • eggs;
  • veal

It is these products that will help protect pumped up muscles and achieve the desired body contour. To create a balanced menu, you will need to additionally add vegetable fats in moderate quantities (olive or flaxseed oil), vitamins and minerals (proven pharmaceutical preparations are suitable) to your diet.

Secondly, an important point is control over the consumed foods high in carbohydrates. Remember that carbohydrate-free foods should be eaten in the first half of the day, while meals based on protein products are best eaten after lunch, when the metabolism is not so active. At home, drying is convenient primarily because you can adhere to the desired regimen, namely, eat every 3 hours as prescribed, avoiding long breaks between meals.

You need to start your day drying at home with a good breakfast, for example, based on whole grain porridge, toast, fresh vegetables or boiled meat. It is also recommended to eat something light before bed to avoid going to bed on an empty stomach. A glass of low-fat kefir or grapefruit will do just fine.

Low-carbohydrate diet and cutting fasting

Girls can dry themselves using not only the protein diet described above, but also by adhering to a strict no-carbohydrate diet or intermittent fasting. Before drying the body, girls will need to be examined by a doctor.

Intermittent fasting, if done correctly, is an excellent option to get rid of toxins and dry out the body at the same time. To get results, you will only need to eat twice a day for hours so that in total the body rests from meals for 16 hours. That is, you will need to eat at approximately 2 pm and 8 pm, provided that you wake up at 8 am.

Accordingly, waking up at 10 am, you can eat for the first time at 4 pm and at 10 pm before bed. As for foods, it is permissible to eat everything from the diet for a protein diet, as well as foods containing slow carbohydrates.

Another option for a body-drying diet for girls is a low-carbohydrate diet. Many are sure that it will not be easy to withstand it, but the result will be worth it, no doubt. While on a diet, you will have to deny yourself your favorite treats, including sweets and desserts.

In addition, such drying implies a complete exclusion from the diet of fast food and foods with fast carbohydrates. While drying your body on a diet, you will need to eat some types of vegetables and fruits, legumes, whole grain cereals, low-fat fermented milk products and boiled meat, low-fat fish.

During a carbohydrate-free diet, girls will need to consume no more than 3 g of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight per day, and then gradually reduce this number to 1 g per kilogram of weight. Starting from weeks 4 and 5, the amount of carbohydrates will gradually need to be returned to normal. Below are several menu options for drying while following a low-carbohydrate diet.

Option one.

Breakfast: Oatmeal with raisins, banana and ginger green tea.
Lunch: creamed mushroom soup, boiled chicken fillet, cabbage and pepper salad.
Dinner: Low-fat cottage cheese with nuts, protein shake.

Option two.

Breakfast: steamed egg white omelette, fresh grapefruit, whole grain toast.
Lunch: hake fillet with low-fat cheese, baked in the oven, stewed vegetables, tea.
Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese pancakes, a glass of low-fat kefir.

Don't forget about small snacks between main meals. This could be fresh vegetables or fruits, as well as toast or low-fat dairy products, nuts and seeds in moderation.

The answer to the question - why do I need body drying? Most people over thirty years of age will find it very easy to answer. You just need to look at your beach photos from seven to ten years ago to understand what metamorphoses have occurred to your body during this period. There is nothing to be done about this, and this is a worldwide trend in developed countries: with our emphasis on artificially processed “supermarket foods”, body fat levels are inevitably rising.

Over the past 30 years, the percentage of this food in our diet has increased quite significantly. In other words, more junk food gives us more fat. Almost 70% of people in the United States are obese or overweight. And it’s not just middle-aged people anymore. The percentage of young people aged 12 to 17 who are overweight has doubled since 1980.

Why does fat accumulate and is drying the body necessary?

The human body accumulates fat mainly in the subcutaneous area. A minority of fat is stored in the internal cavities of the body (visceral fat), and very little is stored inside the muscles. For the body, fat is not a substance that disfigures the body, but a useful storage of energy, a “reserve for future use.” So that in the case when the substances that provide energy for life suddenly begin to come in very little from food and they become rare in the blood, use fat reserves as a reserve source of energy.

A little boring theory - in order to understand what drying the body means for weight loss and how this process works. Energy reserves are stored in fat cells in the form of triglycerides, and can be released for use using a special enzyme known as hormone sensitive lipase (HSL in English transcription: hormone sensitive lipase).

It helps fatty acids enter the blood, where they bind to protein (albumin) during circulation; provide living energy to the muscles and are “burned” during muscle work. The process of “burning” fat is also known as beta-oxidation.

Not only muscles, but also other organic tissues are capable of breaking down fatty acids through the process of beta oxidation. The result of this reaction is the production of ATP, a ready source of energy for cells. This reaction occurs in mitochondria, and carnitine delivers fatty acids to mitochondria.

The less nutrients the body receives from food, the stronger the fasting becomes, the more fatty acids are broken down and, literally, begin to “flood” the mitochondria (this happens during fasting). In this case, the energy-rich enzymes ketones are produced from fat. Their function is this. Fat cannot be converted into glucose, which the body extracts from carbohydrates. And glucose is very necessary to fuel not only the muscles, but mainly the brain. Ketones become its substitute, “fuel” for muscles and brain.

Now about ATP. It is produced as a result of the breakdown of fat and is necessary for the normal maintenance of metabolic processes in the body. These include breathing, regulating body temperature, digestion, and excretion. We get about 70% of ATP from fats.

Why is it important to get rid of fat and how will drying your body help?

Most people in economically developed countries have elevated levels of body fat. The entire civilized world in recent decades has become much “more well-fed” than before. However, this is not only a cosmetic problem. Excess body fat can negatively affect a variety of aspects of life, including:

  • decreased mobility;
  • problems with emotional health and self-esteem;
  • sluggish circulation, increased risk of cardiovascular disease;
  • increased risk of heart attacks and strokes, cancer manifestations;
  • decreased sexual and reproductive abilities, greater susceptibility to stress.

The fact is that fat cells also act as a kind of “endocrine factories”: they produce hormones that act to further increase the accumulation of fat in the body. The body has no reasonable measures in this regard: it will accumulate fat whenever there is such an opportunity.

The answer to the question of why drying the body for girls is more or less clear: a slender, elastic body is in any case considered and will be considered much more attractive and desirable than one filled with fat. However, reducing the percentage of body fat will also be beneficial for men, not only from an aesthetic, but also from a purely practical point of view.

A significant predominance of muscle over fat in the body is one of the additional means of defeating competitors. Both in sports (with the exception of sumo, of course), and in everyday life. After all, excess fat creates additional resistance that still needs to be overcome. In general, obesity, even mild obesity, certainly makes health, body composition, athletic and other performance worse.

However, getting rid of excess fat is difficult. Even modern high-tech means of combating obesity (bariatric surgery, medications, etc.) have no more than 10% success rate. Diets are often effective. However, 95% of those who were able to successfully lose weight through dieting regain the weight within a year and are again ready to go on repeat diets.

We need a more effective solution. Based on knowledge of how fat loss works and how it can benefit you.

What do you need to know about drying the body and how this process occurs?

Fat cells are in a constant state of fluidity. Fat metabolism is regulated independently, due to nutrients, metabolic and hormonal factors. The net effect of nutrients obtained from food and not used by the body determines the level of circulating fatty acids and the extent of body fat.

The release of fatty acids and their use for burning is possible with a decrease in insulin levels and an increase in hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline, glucagon and growth hormone. They activate HSL (see at the beginning of the article).

After excessive saturation of the body, a high level of sugar appears and remains in the blood; glucose is converted to fatty acids. Excess amino acids can also be converted into them. If the concentration of sugar (glucose, insulin) in the blood decreases, there is a real opportunity to use fat “from reserves” as an energy source right now. The hormone sensitive lipase comes into play, releasing triglycerides from fat cells.

Why is body drying necessary for women? Lose weight without experiencing a calorie deficit!

Of course, diets are effective if strictly followed. But, unfortunately, in most cases their effect is temporary. And most women who lose weight on a diet after some time return to their previous results, or even gain even more weight. What's the matter?

When we significantly reduce calorie intake, the body does not immediately give up its fat reserves, but tries to preserve them. As insulin levels drop during a diet, the body initially reduces the production of hormones (especially in the first 24 hours of a strict diet or fasting). Metabolism decreases, the body saves energy.

If you diet without exercising, you begin to lose not only fat, but also muscle, as the body begins to extract energy from muscle tissue that is not engaged in work. Therefore, a certain percentage of muscle mass is burned.

Fats are a source of fuel not only during rest. They are designed to restore energy reserves depleted during intense physical exercise. In this regard, it is important not just to follow a diet while leading a sedentary lifestyle. But also combine the diet with regular and fairly intense training.

Although it may seem counterintuitive to some, more information, more diets, more junk food will give us more fat. You should avoid artificially processed “supermarket products” and widely advertised brands, giving preference to natural products. And never forget about regular physical activity!

If you want to maintain low fat levels, or work to reduce body fat, then you need to do this:

  • Active physical exercise at least 5 hours a week.
  • Consume natural, unprocessed foods regularly, being aware of and following physical hunger/fullness cues.
  • Sleep 7-9 hours a day.
  • Do not engage in extreme diets or fasting.
  • Stay in accordance with your usual rhythm of life.
  • Ignore advertised artificially processed foods.

For further thought:

The artificial sweetener aspartame was approved for use in the food industry in 1981. It is a non-nutritive sweetener, and it made sense that it could help control body weight. However, from regular consumption of products with aspartame, the level of fat in the body not only does not decrease, but, on the contrary, increases.

Factors that can help reduce body fat include:

  • Eating nuts; green tea; low calorie foods; dietary protein; dietary fiber; fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Refusal of unnatural products, reduction of consumption of refined carbohydrates.
  • Adequate hydration. Simply put, regularly drinking a sufficient amount of water (not juices, soda, tea and coffee).
  • Regular exercise.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Support from society (relatives, friends, colleagues).

If you increase physical activity and properly regulate your diet, then your metabolism will be activated, triggering the mechanism of drying the body and getting rid of fat. It’s not just diet that gets rid of fat deposits. Rather, it is an entire way of life, optimized and streamlined.

Hi all! Nowadays, you can quite often come across the phrases “I’m drying”, “drying my body” - especially during the period of preparation for summer or for the New Year. In addition, now there are a great many projects for losing weight in a month (take, for example, one of the most popular - crazy drying). Yes, sometimes the results are impressive, but have you ever wondered what is behind it? Let's take a closer look at what drying is and what it is used with.

What is body drying

Drying the body is a combination of specifically structured training and nutrition with restrictions (sometimes very strict). The main goal of this process is to reduce the fat layer to a minimum percentage.

It is also worth noting that a small percentage in the body of girls (less than 10-12% - the indicator is individual and can vary), as a rule, negatively affects the health of female representatives, which can lead to menstrual irregularities, cause hair loss, deterioration of the skin and nails.

For men, the percentage of body fat is less affected. The fact is that in women, the maturation of female sex hormones - estrogens - occurs precisely in adipose tissue (with predominant deposition on the hips and abdomen - hence the distribution of fat according to the female type).

So, back to the topic. For example, you set out to remove excess fat - reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat - and you just stumbled upon “drying the body.” Great! - you probably thought, I’ll limit myself to exercise for a month or two, I’ll do it and I’ll certainly see the cubes I want. But don’t rush to the store for breast meat, cucumbers and lettuce. Let's figure it out.

Drying is for professionals

First of all, drying the body is necessary for athletes who compete in the bodybuilding federation (directly bodybuilders, men's physicists and fitness bikinis). Different athletes practice different variations of cutting (gradual reduction of carbohydrates, protein-carbohydrate alternation, keto diet and others).

Cutting for performing athletes is aimed at achieving a minimum percentage of fat along with the greatest preservation of muscles. In other words, the desired result is a sculpted body, which athletes then demonstrate in competitions.

How does the diet during the drying period differ among performing athletes? Firstly, this is a reduction in carbohydrates (how smooth it depends on who is preparing the athlete for competition). As a rule, a week before the start, carbohydrates are reduced to minimum values ​​(and sometimes completely eliminated) - glycogen reserves in the body are depleted (during this period the muscles may look “flat”)

Then, a couple of days before going on stage (again, it all depends on the specific coach and athlete), carbohydrate loading is applied (mainly complex carbohydrates - buckwheat, rice, bread are added to the diet). Some are “loaded” with sweets, and they use Snickers, cakes, cookies and much more. As a result, glycogen reserves are replenished, and the muscles “swell”, since glycogen is primarily used by muscle tissue.

In addition to reducing carbohydrates in the diet, the amount consumed is increased - sometimes up to 4-5 grams per kg of the athlete’s weight. Fat, as a rule, remains either the usual amount or is slightly reduced due to a decrease in the total calorie content of the diet.

Limiting carbohydrate intake often leads to nervousness, irritability, forgetfulness, fatigue, and sleep problems in athletes.

Why drying can be dangerous

Now I think you will agree with me that drying the body is quite harmful for those who work out in the gym for themselves, unprofessionally. As for the sensational online projects that promise to turn you into a bodybuilder with steel abs in a month (crazy drying, Prodrying and others), you shouldn’t be tempted by super results in two pictures. As an example, a friend of mine participated in a similar project - yes, she. But along with this, she acquired an eating disorder, health problems, and subsequently gained even more weight from this bullying. In a word, she exhausted her body and depleted her resources.

Think again - if you don't plan on conquering the bodybuilding scene, do you need to cut? No? Then what to do? Read on.

What you need to do to safely lose extra pounds

To reduce body fat, you need the following:

1. Calorie deficit. We take the Mifflin-San Jeor formula, calculate our calorie intake taking into account physical activity (to do this, the resulting basal metabolic rate must be multiplied by the CFA coefficient of physical activity, for physical activity 3 times a week it is 1.375). From the resulting value we subtract 250-300 calories, this will be enough for healthy weight loss.

For a woman: BOO = 9.99 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) - 4.92 * age - 161
For a man: BOO = 9.99 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) - 4.92 * age + 5

Physical activity coefficients (K):
Minimum load (sedentary work) - K=1.2
Some daily activity and light exercise 1-3 times a week - K=1.375
Training 4-5 times a week (or moderate work) - K= 1.4625
Intense training 4-5 times a week - K=1.550
Daily training - K=1.6375
Daily intense training or training 2 times a day - K=1.725
Heavy physical work or intense training 2 times a day - K=1.9

2. Rule No. 2 - spend more energy than you consume. Move! Walk more, get off 1-2 stops earlier (unless of course you are in a hurry). Combine business with pleasure - grab a glass of delicious coffee, put on headphones with your loved one and go straight for a walk along the streets of your city or to the park. Sounds tempting, doesn't it?

3. Add cardio to 1-2 (ellipse, running, jump rope - whatever your heart desires). Start gradually - from 10-15 minutes (increasing the time by 5-10 minutes each time), leading up to 40-60 minutes. You can also resort to (for example, alternating running for 10 minutes and walking for 2-3 minutes at a calm pace)

4. Remember that everything should be fun. After all, only then will the body begin to respond to changes in its vital activity and give back what it needs!

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