The wedding is all good and the competitions have already begun. Wedding competitions at the table. From the meeting of the newlyweds to the feast

Choosing a wedding program can sometimes drag on for a long time, but besides this, lovers have a lot of problems. Therefore, the best option is to choose a ready-made wedding script without involving a toastmaster, entrusting the organization of competitions and entertainment programs to witnesses or one of the guests. Future newlyweds will have time for themselves, which will be very useful, because they will get all the attention at the wedding. Today we offer you a scenario for a wedding evening without a toastmaster for a small company.

Carrying out a wedding without a toastmaster

A well-planned home wedding can be no worse than a restaurant wedding with the services of a host. Holding a wedding without a toastmaster in a small circle can be very fun and now you will see it! We describe a funny version of the small wedding scenario below.

From the meeting of the newlyweds to the feast

Guests gather early to greet the newlyweds. The path they have to go through can be covered with a carpet if desired. The meeting begins with a tasting of loaf - a long-standing tradition. Parents greet the newlyweds with bread and salt and invite their children to try a piece, dipping it in salt. At the end of the journey, they will have to drink a cup together, thereby symbolically entering a new life, saying goodbye to their bachelorhood. A cup of wine is given to newlyweds. First the groom drinks, then the bride, but not completely as a sign of respect for her husband. After this, the cup is returned to the groom, who drinks the glass to the bottom. The empty bowl breaks and the young people step on the fragments. Thus, they say goodbye to their old life.

What kind of barricade is this?
This is gearly, but not easy:
Step inbefore- family life,
And back- single.
Do you have a ticket?, Friends,
To the house
with the name "withfamily»?

The newlyweds show a document confirming their status - a marriage certificate.

Let me announce briefly - the document is in order!

Come in, hurry up
The wedding banquet is calling!
We invite you to a feast,
For festive hospitality.

Guests are invited to the banquet table. The witnesses continue:

Positionyes,respectede guests, convenient, because the wedding iscelebrationlong!Take a closer look athave fun with your neighbor, with whom you cantalk, Yesyou are takinga prettier neighbor, behind whomwant tocourte. Men - for a snackpointcloser, and women - toalcohol. Todayeveryone's responsibilities- pour,beforepour, neighborsneverdo not deprive andOsebedo not forget. And nowopen the champagne!

The first toast for the young from the witnesses sounds:

We ask everyone to raise their glasses,
So that
honorthe beginning of the wedding,
Happylife for two!
So thatthis day is likebrightholiday,
Poured injoy to your home
And your life
inthe century will be decorated
joyand love!
so thatlove at dawn
Didn't go out
lafor many years,
So that barelyat the weddingwas"bitterly",
And in
your life - never!

The feast begins. In order for the wedding celebration not to end with banal gatherings at the table, witnesses or other guests need to prepare banquet entertainment. The wedding scenario for the toastmaster is often oversaturated with toasts and congratulations. We focus on fun. These could be games and fun for a wedding at home, which can be done without the participation of a toastmaster. The portal offers you several interesting options. While the guests are eating, the witnesses can read out the comic rules of the wedding:

  1. Boredom is not allowed, jokes are allowed.
  2. You can't be sad, it's advisable to dance and sing.
  3. Look at other people's husbands and wives, but don't forget about your own.
  4. It is forbidden to swear
    Fight, argue under the table.
    If you've already had too much,
    So, go to bed and run.
  5. Not Creechat, don't swear,
    Don't climb
    cokiss everyone
    Neverdon't get angry
    souls have fun.
  6. If someone suddenly made a mistake -
    Behindtook the sadness with me,
    Hand over quicklyin the refrigerator,
    For the cutlets to the cook.
  7. If before leaving
    On myself
    not yoursthings
    PRavYes, Thisno problem.
    We're seriouswe prohibit
    Yougo home then
    next to youwill
    Someone else's husband or wife!

After congratulations from the guests or several wedding toasts according to the scenario of a wedding without a toastmaster, witnesses can read out the code of the newly-made family:

The husband must appreciate his wifeb,
Not to the left
Without tact
difficultmake do,
good laugh don't be angry.
After allnot in court, not a prosecutor,
On the charges
Don't be otherwise
after alla shame
And that's alleats a family dispute.
wife alwayson high
I must fulfill my duty as a woman
And husbandcaressfilledAndt.
Ambition, hints andatpreki
Any marriage
decreasingthere are deadlines.
Don't humiliate, don't
call me namesspouse,
and often it will betight.
Don't show superiority

But youyou don't expect any resemblance to a peacock.
Kohlpatience is running out
should be in use.
Don't make decisions
instead of a husband,
onlytogether, not for each other.
Ordersfor soldiersVat war,
Don't give it away
teamsyou're in the family.

If you prefer precise timing, pay attention to the European wedding script.

Competitions and comic challenges for weddings at home

It's time to dance a little. And to prevent the wedding from turning into a disco, the wedding scenario without a toastmaster has several active competitions in stock. A wave of fun is guaranteed! offers fun challenges for guests and newlyweds.

Stocking facial expressions

  • Participants: couples.
  • Props: stockings.

Women must put nylon stockings over men's faces while listening to slow music. Then, playing with the rhythm, slowly remove them. Men should act out the music with their facial expressions. Whoever turns out to be the funniest wins.

Money striptease

  • Participants: witnesses.
  • Props: money.

The witness hides money on his clothes in different places. The witness dances a seductive dance around the witness while looking for money. The found banknotes are given to the newlyweds.

Do not be angry

  • Participants: bride and groom.

The groom pretends to be angry with the bride. With her words or touches, she should make him smile. Tickling cannot be used. Guests comment on what is happening, which makes this competition even funnier.

Accordion toast

  • Participants: guests.
  • Props: sheet of paper and pen.

Guests are given the task of coming up with one line of congratulations for the newlyweds and writing it down on paper. Each participant writes a toast and folds the sheet, passes it to the next one. At the end, the general congratulations are read out as one poem.

As the old proverb says, “a wedding dinner is boring if there is no fun at the table.” Not a single celebration dedicated to the birth of a new family is complete without games and competitions. After the ceremonial registration, guests and hosts of the holiday gather in the banquet hall, where refreshments await them.

It is impossible to devote most of your time to devouring delicious dishes, because those invited to the wedding have gathered here to truly celebrate this event with joy. Fun and interesting wedding competitions, thought up in advance, will help to cheer up those present.

At every wedding, guests are invited to take part in a variety of games and competitions, chosen from:

  • in accordance with the theme of the wedding;
  • considering the age of the majority of those invited;
  • paying attention to both adults and children.

Having a snack after a walk, guests show a desire to have fun and are happy to take part in the entertainment, which includes not only dancing, but also interesting games. Many of them have been well known for a long time and enjoy deserved popularity. However, new modern competitions are increasingly attracting the attention of young people.

They require several couples, musical accompaniment, and certain props.

Auction competition

The first could be an auction competition. Its essence lies in the fact that guests are offered to buy missing cutlery and become owners of small souvenirs.

If this competition is held at the final part of the festive evening, then things belonging to the newlyweds can be put up for auction: the bride’s bracelet or garter, the groom’s boutonniere, but most often pieces of the wedding cake are auctioned off. The process can be led by a presenter chosen from among the guests or a toastmaster.

A starting price is set for each lot. Participants, remaining in their places at the wedding table (all except the host, the groom and the bride), receive plates with numbers and the right to name their own price for each lot.

After the host announces the original price of the item, one of the guests at the wedding loudly names their price, trying to buy the offered item.

After it has grown as much as possible, the auction organizer counts to three and, declaring the item sold, transfers it to the new owner. The money from the sale remains with the young people, replenishing the family budget.

What can serve as a lot? Any toy or trinket:

  1. Automobile model.
  2. Pocket or desktop calculator.
  3. Case for phone.
  4. A bottle of soap bubbles, presented as the fulfillment of the most unfulfilled desires.

Under the guidance of the toastmaster, guests, armed with signs, choose the lot they like best. You can intrigue the participants of the competition without showing them, but only by naming the objects.

After the purchase, the toastmaster, with a solemn air, presents the acquired “valuables” to the new owners to the loud applause of those present.

Guess the melody

One of the most beloved musical competitions, in which both young and older guests, and children present at the banquet, strive to take part - guess the melody.

Those who want to play are divided into two teams and asked to take turns naming a piece of music whose first notes will be heard.

One of the members of each team is given the floor to answer. The presenter gives one attempt each, and the one who doesn’t guess correctly leaves the team.

The team that remains in the majority and, accordingly, names the most melodies wins.

With signs He, She

This is a competition for newlyweds. Its essence is that the bride is given a sign that says HE, and the groom receives a sign that says SHE. The presenter reads the questions, the answer to which will be a raised sign:

  1. Who gets up earlier?
  2. Who loves chocolate?
  3. Who doesn't eat without mayonnaise?
  4. Who was the first to confess their love?
  5. Who does the dishes better?
  6. Who cleans the apartment?
  7. Who stays in the bath the longest?
  8. Who snores louder?
  9. Who sits at the computer longer?
  10. Whose scrambled eggs burn more often?
  11. Who has a hundred dresses?
  12. Who doesn't like to shave?

You can ask about anything, but it is better not to ask vulgar questions. This will only spoil the mood and disrupt the created holiday atmosphere.

The winner receives a certificate of the most attentive and caring spouse.

With clothespins

The clothespin competition is one of the most fun. It appeals to both young and old. Many of those invited will agree to take part in it.

The hero is blindfolded and a lot of clothespins are attached to his clothes, trying to do it very carefully. The participant should not understand where exactly the clothespins are located.

At the signal from the toastmaster or presenter, he tries to remove all the clothespins as quickly as possible to the music. No more than 3 minutes are given to complete the task, and as a result, someone is completely freed and receives a prize, and someone, having failed to cope with the task and part with clothespins, will have to complete the bride’s task.

You can complicate the conditions of the competition by inviting the participant to remove clothespins, accompanied by a count in verse.

Competitions for couples

The greatest variety distinguishes competitions for couples. The newlyweds, witnesses, and couples of guests invited to the wedding take part in them.

Such competitions can be:

  • dancing;
  • song;
  • gaming.

Most often, one of the participants, or two at once, is blindfolded and asked to complete the task, providing each other with support. Without a blindfold, couples are offered to eat the candy by biting it in half. The difficulty is that you can only take the caramel with your teeth, then you need to unwrap it and bite it. All actions are performed together.

Basically, during competitions for couples, participants will expect funny jokes, kisses, and hugs.

Thus, the “kiss” competition requires knowledge of your partner. The guy is blindfolded, forced to turn around his axis several times, and when he stops, he will have to kiss several girls.

The hero guesses the kiss of his beloved, and if he guesses right, they are generally recognized as an ideal couple. In another competition for couples, participants face each other and start singing different songs at the same time.

They try to sing louder than their opponent, without losing the rhythm or losing the melody. No less exciting competition is the mummy. For his behavior, you will need to invite 2-3 couples and take several rolls of toilet paper.

The first player tries to make a mummy very quickly, but quite efficiently.

This means that his partner should be completely wrapped in toilet paper in the shortest possible time. The winner is the pair in which the mummy is made faster and there are no gaps left between the strips of paper.

A fun and exciting competition in which several couples participate. They will have to be smart, and the game is that one of the participants tells a joke about adultery, pronouncing one phrase or several words at a time.

One of the players holds a bunch of balloons in his hand. The partner reworks the text so that the story remains funny, but its topic has changed dramatically. After the retelling, the joke will be about loyalty and devotion. Any humorous stories are allowed, but vulgarity is unacceptable!

The competition is held between pairs. Having told a successful joke, a representative of each of them punctures a balloon. The one who has the fewest whole balls left wins.

With stocking

The stocking competition will bring a lot of fun to all participants. The role of the performer turns out to be a girl, since it is impossible to put a stocking on her head without damaging her makeup. Men who agreed to participate in the competition must be prepared to have a nylon stocking placed on their heads.

Girls, having extensive experience in handling this item of clothing, will do their job quickly, but according to the terms of the competition, they need to remove the stocking very slowly. You should pull the toe of the product, and guests will watch how the faces of the men change.

For more fun, men are invited to read poetry, sing a song or tell a funny story at this time. If only men take part in the competition, then this game is an excellent school of communication and an opportunity to gain skills in handling such a detail of a woman’s wardrobe as nylon stockings.

True, the process of putting it on is much slower, making guests laugh heartily.

Game “What, Where, When”

The most interesting game can also become a fun competition at a wedding. Famous players answer difficult and sometimes unexpected questions, and the competition participants have to prove how well they know each other.

Most often, such a test is prepared for the parents of the bride and groom. One of the participants is asked to leave the room for a while, and the second is asked several questions:

  1. When did you meet?
  2. Who was the first to know about the upcoming wedding?
  3. Who is the first to give a gift for the next wedding anniversary?
  4. How and where did you meet the matchmakers?
  5. What is your spouse's favorite color?
  6. Favorite dish?
  7. How long did the bride and groom date before they decided to introduce each other to their parents?
  8. Who chose the wedding date?

If the answers or most of them match, the guests have an ideal couple. Newlyweds will be interested to know how attentive their parents are to the events taking place in the lives of the newlyweds.

What you need to prepare for competitions

Every holiday requires careful preparation. This also applies to wedding games and competitions. It is impossible to organize exciting competitions without the appropriate equipment; a mysterious atmosphere cannot be created without the necessary accessories.

You need to prepare everything you need long before the wedding day. This:

  • satin ribbons;
  • spare chairs;
  • nylon stockings of different colors and different densities;
  • toilet paper (several dozen rolls);
  • signs;
  • felt-tip pens for drawing competitions;
  • costumes for changing clothes.

Regardless of which competitions are chosen, it is necessary to organize them in accordance with the style of the wedding. For example, bride kidnapping may resemble bride kidnapping in the east or the Caucasus. Another tradition is the theft of the newlywed's shoe. In this case, you need a sign by which the alarm will be announced and witnesses will begin the search.

You should think about the fact that to play one active game you will need a set of accessories and a set of equipment.

Dress-up competitions are held in the presence of a wide variety of male and female wardrobe items. Is there a fun game coming up involving a large number of couples or all the guests? This means you need to stock up on balloons, oranges, apples, and raw eggs. Of course, you will need napkins to wipe your hands after hand painting or your face after trying to eat an apple floating in a bowl of water.

A very fun wedding competition:

It is necessary to prepare in advance everything necessary for competitions, under the terms of which the participants’ hands will be tied. Soft towels or ribbons will come in handy.

Regardless of which competitions are chosen to entertain guests at the wedding, it is worth thinking through the scenario in advance and determining the order of the games. If guests are going to recite poems, you need to make sure you have an additional microphone. For active mass outdoor gamesprepare a level area. What else do you need to think about in advance? It all depends on the wedding theme and the features of the competitions chosen for the entertainment program.

Funny and interesting wedding competitions are the main component of a bright and memorable wedding, because the general mood in the hall determines the atmosphere in which your holiday will take place. The site for newlyweds recommends stocking up on a dozen original and creative games that will not allow guests to get bored in the midst of the holiday. Be sure to coordinate all cool wedding competitions with the host so that they suit your taste and are not offensive or obscene.

Funny contests for newlyweds

The bride and groom have enough excitement at a wedding, so the task of the toastmaster is to cheer up and cheer up the newlyweds so that not a trace remains of their worries. Very funny competitions that will amuse the newlyweds and guests of the holiday will help with this:

Kiss my hand

  • Participants: bride and groom
  • Props: eye scarf

One of the popular comic competitions that are held for weddings is a challenge for the bride, where she needs to guess her lover by kiss. The bride is blindfolded and told that several male guests from the audience will take turns kissing her hand, and she needs to guess who her groom was. The catch of the competition is that the bride’s hand is constantly kissed by her groom, masquerading as other men. Will the beautiful bride guess that during the competition she was kissed exclusively by her lover? You can repeat such competitions on your wedding anniversary in the company of friends to check how well the spouses managed to get to know each other.


  • Participants: bride and groom
  • Props: projector or posters with images of gifts

If you like funny wedding games and competitions, try playing Gifts. The bride and groom take turns sitting on a chair facing the guests. Behind them, the toastmaster sets up a projector or shows posters with images of the most unusual gifts, for example, “a black eye,” “a fly swatter,” or “a matchbox.” Gifts are visible only to guests, and the newlyweds must answer tricky questions from the host, for example, “Would you like to receive this wonderful gift?”, “Who would you be happy to give such a gift?”, “Do any of the guests already have Is there such a gift? You are guaranteed laughter in the hall during such a game!

Wedding games: funny competitions for witnesses

Funny wedding competitions will help warm up not only the newlyweds, but also the witnesses, who have to resolve many issues during the holiday and whose energy gradually fades away in the evening. The witnesses have already held bride ransom competitions, and now it is their turn to actively participate in wedding games.

Funny clothespins

  • Participants: witnesses
  • Props: 10 clothespins, blindfold

The funniest competitions are those that require dexterity and ingenuity from participants. Playing with clothespins will surely make all the guests in the room laugh, so feel free to add such funny competitions to the evening program. The essence of the game is that the witness is blindfolded, and the witness, accompanied by cheerful music, hangs 10 clothespins on his clothes, trying to choose the most unexpected places. It is important to be careful so that the witness does not feel where the clothespins are attached. Then the participant needs to find and remove all the clothespins as quickly as possible. The speed can be recorded on a stopwatch. Later, the witness will have to show her dexterity. The fastest participant will receive a set of clothespins as a gift.

Lemon congratulations

  • Participants: witnesses
  • Props: lemon and greeting card

If you want to make your guests laugh until they cry, you can hold a funny competition for witnesses who will be very sour, but have fun. Prepare half a lemon for each participant, cutting it into slices onto plates. The task of the witnesses is to take turns eating their half of the lemon, while reading congratulations to the newlyweds. We read one line and tasted some lemon. After a few shares, the participants will have difficulty continuing to read out their congratulations, and instead of a happy face, the guests will see funny grimaces. The winner will be the one who manages to eat all the lemon slices before finishing his congratulations.

Let's entertain guests: funny games and questions for competitions

Wedding competitions for your favorite guests should not only be funny, but also active, so that not a single participant gets bored. The website about weddings offers you several games that will cheer up your family and friends:

Fashionable image

  • Participants: guests
  • Props: clothes of different sizes

If you want your wedding party games to be fun and creative, try throwing a real fashion show. Prepare suitable props in advance: clothes, accessories and decorations. Divide the guests into 5 pairs, in each of which one will be a model and the other a stylist. Accompanied by cheerful music, couples begin to actively create a fashionable look for a while. As soon as the presenter gives the signal, the competition stops. Now the models must walk along an impromptu “catwalk”. The bride and groom will determine the most creative couple and award the winners with fun prizes.

Tricky question

  • Participants: guests
  • Props: 10 question cards and 10 answer cards

A fun game can be organized right at the table so as not to distract guests from the meal. The presenter prepares cards with questions and answers in advance, with all questions written on leaves of one color, for example, yellow, and the answers on leaves of a different color, for example, pink. Next, the host selects a guest who will read out the questions and a participant who will read out his answer. Funny questions for competitions can be the most unusual: “Do you want to start a fight today?”, “Do you like Bruce Willis’s bald head?”, “Do you sleep cuddling a teddy bear?” The answers should also be unexpected: “Yes, I think about it day and night,” “You figured me out,” “Actually, it was a secret.”

Funny wedding competitions for parents

As a rule, parents at a wedding are very tense and excited, so having fun will be an excellent opportunity for them to relax a little after a difficult, exciting day:

Mom, dad, rock it

  • Participants: moms and dads of young people
  • Props: music

A fun dance competition will greatly amuse the parents of the newlyweds. They need to split into pairs and take turns performing dance routines to the music turned on. Even if the melody is unfamiliar, the couple must improvise so as not to lose.

Dessert for your loved one

  • Participants: moms and dads of young people
  • Props: cakes and yoghurts, spoons

The parents of the newlyweds have lived together for many years and know each other well, but the host may suggest checking whether caring mothers can feed their loved ones blindfolded. For men, it is best to take off your jacket and tie a napkin around your neck. At the same time, moms begin to feed dads yogurt, and then cake with whipped cream. The couple that can eat all the desserts the fastest will win.

Wedding competitions with a funny scenario can be held even without a toastmaster, at home, if you organized a celebration outdoors or in a large country house. Lyrical games are best left for the restaurant, but in the fresh air guests will be happy to have fun and laugh a lot.


    A good wedding host can make even the most ordinary event unforgettable. But if for some reason he was not invited, then you can organize cool wedding competitions for guests at the table without a toastmaster. Usually this role is taken on by one of the active relatives or friends. You just need to evaluate the list of invited people in advance. And come up with a scenario based on the age and composition of the guests.

    Who will conduct competitions and how?

    Fun wedding competitions and games can be held both in the banquet hall and at home. The beauty of such entertainment is that it does not require much space and allows those guests who do not like active entertainment to participate in it. When organizing a wedding without a toastmaster, you usually pay attention to the following points:

    • Entrust the management of the wedding it's possible for a person, okay someone who knows the newlyweds and their immediate circle of friends and family. It is not necessary for one of the witnesses to become the presenter. His participation may be required during competitions and games.
    • A DJ is selected to help the presenter or the one who will be responsible for the musical part of the wedding reception.
    • The holiday scenario is thought out in advance. It determines the meeting place for the newlyweds, congratulations from all guests, refreshments at the festive table, as well as games and competitions, both active and table-based.
    • Don't ignore the fun you can have while sitting at your desk. They will give a break to the most active dancers, and will be an opportunity for lovers of intellectual and cool competitions to excel.

    Requirements for competitions and games

    It is customary to fill the pauses between dancing, toasting and devouring delicacies from the wedding table with various competitions, games, and amusements. Some of them are spent at the table, when the guests, having drunk and eaten, are ready for fun.

    When preparing various entertaining moments that will be held at the table, you need to adhere to the following important rules:

    • Choose games that don't require a lot of props. Guests will have nowhere to place it, and, in addition, some will continue to drink and snack.
    • Do not forget that the main characters at the wedding are the newlyweds themselves, Therefore, games and fun competitions are selected with a wedding theme in mind.
    • Competitions and games should not be too long. In this matter, adhere to the proverb: brevity is the sister of talent. A drawn-out and boring game will dilute the good presentation of the wedding and disappoint the guests.
    • Don't play too many games at once. It is necessary to constantly dilute them with dancing, active fun and continuation of the wedding banquet. As soon as you notice that the guests have drunk, are full and are now starting to get bored, urgently offer a funny competition or a funny game.
    • Don't bother your guests who do not want to participate in games. At any event there will definitely be people who prefer to watch rather than participate in the fun action.
    • Hold more intellectual competitions in the first half of the wedding, because after a lot of toasting, some guests will find it difficult to participate in certain entertainments. It is better to leave funny and active games, as well as dancing, for the second half.

    When holding a wedding without a toastmaster, observe the reaction of the newlyweds and guests, and if there is no interest, cut down the boring game you don’t like. And remember that a wedding is a non-children’s holiday; after one or two games, give the newlyweds and guests the opportunity to dance, chat, and relax.

    Games for guests and newlyweds

    Not all wedding guests want and can frolic happily to the music. Some guests, especially older ones, prefer quieter entertainment. Various are invented for them singing competitions and games, while participating in which you can remain in your place at the table.

    The best toast

    After fiery dances, guests are not averse to sitting down at the table and raising a glass to the health of the newlyweds. And so that the wedding does not turn into a boring consumption of strong drinks, our active organizer should hold a cool competition for the best toast.

    Such entertainment will not only please the young people and guests, but will also reveal the most articulate of them, on whom in subsequent games you can rely in case of a hitch.

    To make the game more difficult cards are selected with written words on the topic of family life: love, fidelity, baby, potty, rattle and others. During the next toast, the presenter should suddenly show several cards, and the speaker will be obliged beautifully inserted into your congratulatory speech the indicated words. You can find original congratulations from parents

    Love story

    The presenter invites everyone to create silent film about a young couple. A text is written in advance about the acquaintance of the bride and groom, their meetings, dates, interests, the proposal made and the wedding. The text should consist of simple phrases that could be easily show action while sitting on a chair. The presenter reads the sentences one by one, and the guests, in order, depict the voiced plot.

    The main thing is that in a game without a toastmaster it is called lots of funny actions which guests will have to imitate.

    The text might be something like this: “Our Olga was sitting at the window and looking out onto the street. And at that time Oleg was driving down the street on a white... no, not a horse, but a Mercedes. Olga immediately fell in love with him. And Oleg, struck by the girl’s beauty, immediately proposed to her. And how could she not, because she knew how to knit, weave, cook, weave, wind, swear, oh, no, our Olga did not know how to swear. How could one not fall in love with Oleg: he is handsome, smart, tall, and also did bodybuilding, dug a garden and played the harmonica.”


    The good old game has not lost its popularity over the years. The host goes around the guests with a box where he collects One item from each invitee. This could be a handkerchief, a comb, a hairpin, that is, everything that is available at hand. Then he offers it to someone take out one forfeit at a time, and he himself voices a fun task that the owner of the forfeit must complete. The tasks can be very diverse, and the more unusual they are, the more fun the game is.

    Examples of tasks:

    • What words should a husband say to his wife when he comes home at 2 am? after a fun meeting with friends?
    • Give the newlyweds five wishes, starting with the words “May you have many...”.
    • Give a compliment and a kiss neighbor/neighbor on the left or right. (After which you can announce: now, as an honest person, you are obliged to get married!)

    Say a wish

    All guests must take turns say a wish to the young couple. It may also be short. Anyone who thinks for a long time is eliminated from a cool competition. The winner is the participant who is the last to say nice words to the bride and groom. And the most eloquent guest is awarded a prize - an invitation to the golden wedding of a young couple.

    Funny hearts

    A game for a wedding without a toastmaster is suitable if guests are sitting at long tables. Prepared for each table two pairs of cardboard hearts: red and blue. At the command of the host, guests begin to pass hearts from hand to hand. After sudden stop of music guests holding a red heart should kiss, and those who have blue should shake hands.

    You need to pass hearts to each other quickly, holding them with both hands. And cheerful music will help and set the rhythm.

    Let's remember the proverb

    The presenter announces that the time has come to join folk wisdom and remember proverbs about family, husband, wife. Famous phrases are offered to guests. The presenter reads the beginning of the proverb, and those invited must complete it.

    Husband and wife - one (Satan).

    The whole family is in a heap, there is no threat (cloud).

    For the family and porridge (thicker, sweeter).

    To take a good wife without grief (not to know).

    A husband without a wife is like a goose (without water).

    Don’t put off work and marriage (for old age).

    There are many similar proverbs on various websites today. Making a list of proverbs, a specific young couple is taken into account.

    But if you lose faith in love, the world will lose its beauty. Songs will lose their charm, flowers will lose their fragrance, life will lose their joy. If you have experienced love, then you know that this is the only true happiness. The most beautiful songs are those that your beloved sings in your presence; the most fragrant flowers are those that he presents; and the only praise worth hearing is praise from him. Simply put, life only gains color when it is touched by the gentle fingers of Love.
    Raja Alsani

    Wedding competitions

    A wedding is an unforgettable celebration, exciting and important for the newlyweds, attended by family, colleagues and friends. One of the main parts of a wedding event is interesting competitions, funny games and funny wedding riddles, thanks to which everyone can have fun. Entertainment for guests should be interesting, active and, if possible, funny. That's why cool competitions for weddings will be the highlight of this celebration, which is difficult to imagine without fun competitions and funny games.

    Do you prefer to start your wedding with a splash of fun? We offer you funny competitions for your wedding that will charge your guests with a good mood and fun, and will also be original and easy to perform.

    Newlyweds competition or kiss your hand

    The bride goes to the center of the hall, the host blindfolds her. The point is that she must identify her beloved, but not by touch, but by kiss. She stands, waits, sees nothing, the singular groom comes out and comes up and kisses her hand several times, but tries to do it in different ways. After this, the participant is asked to guess what kind of score her chosen one was.

    This wedding competition is very interesting for the guests as they will have fun with any answer she gives.

    How to prank the young

    For this prank, the host asks the newlyweds to approach a free wall, turn to face it and rest their hands on it at waist level. The essence of the competition is that when the answer to the question is “yes,” each of the newlyweds takes a “step” up with one hand. The presenter or toastmaster should prepare questions that will require only “yes” answers, for example, the question could be the following - will you live in peace and harmony? And when the spouses are already standing on tiptoe, they are presented with the last question: are you happy today? Trying to give a positive answer, the young people, with all their strength, reach up with their hands.
    Do you want to answer "yes"? – the toastmaster is surprised.
    Yes! – the spouses exclaim.
    Then why are you climbing the wall? “Then the newlyweds realize that they have been played and join in the general fun.

    Competition - nimble nose

    The matchbox lid is placed on the player's nose as tightly as possible. The essence of the wedding competition is to remove the lid without hands, only with facial movements.

    These attempts will look funny in the wedding video you watch on wedding anniversaries.

    Creative competition - oil painting

    We invite 3-5 guests who are ready to show their talent in art. They are provided with a sheet of paper and markers. Guests must draw pictures on the theme “Newlyweds and family.” Here guests can show all their imagination and give free rein to their ideas. The paintings are then put up for wedding auction one by one, with a minimum mandatory starting price. Bidding is underway and whose painting turns out to be more expensive receives a valuable prize from the young people.

    Competition - Alconauts

    Men are invited to participate in this competition and are given 0.5 liter glass bottles of beer, bottle openers and small glasses. The essence of the competition is to drink a bottle of beer as quickly as possible by pouring it into a glass. Whoever copes faster than others wins.

    Such a cool wedding competition will allow you to relax the guests at the beginning of the wedding banquet, when many of your friends and relatives are still shy and feel awkward.

    Active competition - football

    Two equal teams of 4 people are recruited. Each participant in the competition has a thread tied to their belt, and at the end of this thread there is one apple. An empty matchbox is placed on the floor in front of each participant. The task of the competition participants is to move the boxes towards the opponent's goal; the winner is the one who scores a goal first using his apple without using his hands.

    The jerking movements that the participants will make will make everyone present at the wedding celebration laugh.

    Competition - love kiss

    Two men are invited to participate. After which the toastmaster asks all women to renew their lipstick. The essence of this event is to run around all the female guests in a certain amount of time and collect as many kisses as possible. The results of the competition are determined by counting kiss marks on the cheeks. The winner is the one with the most kisses.

    Short competition for the groom and mother-in-law

    The groom and mother-in-law are blindfolded and separated in different directions. The essence of the competition is that they must find each other by voice, for example, the mother-in-law calls “Zyatek” and hears “Mother-in-law” in response, and eventually meet, and the guests must disturb them by shouting the same thing in their own voices, or imitating them in order to confuse . If during the time allotted for the competition the son-in-law and mother-in-law were unable to find each other, then they will have to dance in order to become closer to each other.

    Such wedding competitions help you relax and move a little after the feast, which is especially important for a wedding without a toastmaster.

    Competition - a piggy bank of wishes

    At the wedding table, guests pass a piggy bank around and say, “I’m friends with the newlyweds, I’ll put it in their piggy bank (for example, the letter L) ...” - after which they name five wishes for this letter. You can't repeat yourself. For example, with the letter L you can wish for Love, Lollipops, Lyalechka, Affection, and so on. With each epithet, a symbolic amount of money is put into the piggy bank (empty piggy banks should not be given as gifts). At the end of the competition, the piggy bank is awarded to the newlyweds.

    Active competition - gladiators

    Ropes containing matchboxes are tied around the men's waists. The length of the thread should allow the box to dangle on the floor. Participants try to press their opponent's box to the floor with their feet. Whoever quickly completes the task enters into confrontation with another opponent.

    You can hold wedding competitions without a toastmaster - more or less active guests are enough. The simplest of them can be carried out by any witness. Therefore, if you are looking for cool and funny wedding competitions without a toastmaster, you can safely add it to the wedding celebration scenario.

    The day of pagan veneration of Karachun (the second name of Chernobog) falls on the day of the winter solstice (celebrated depending on the year from December 19 to 22) - the shortest day of the year and one of the coldest days of winter. It was believed that on this day the formidable Karachun, the deity of death, the underground god who commands frost, and the evil spirit, takes his power. The ancient Slavs believed that he commands winter and frost and shortens the daylight hours. The servants of the formidable Karachun are connecting rod bears in which snowstorms turn, and blizzard wolves. It was believed that, due to the bear's will, the cold winter continues: if the bear turns on the other side in its den, it means that the winter has exactly half the way to go until spring. Hence the saying: “At Solstice, the bear in its den turns from one side to the other.” The people still use the concept of “karachun” in the sense of death. They say, for example: “karachun has come for him”, “wait for karachun”, “ask karachun”, “enough karachun”. On the other hand, the word “punch” can have the following meanings - backing away, crawling, “hunched” - writhed, cramped. Perhaps Karachun was called that precisely because he seemed to force daytime to go in the opposite direction, to back away, to crawl, giving way to the night. Gradually, in the popular consciousness, Karachun became close to Frost, who binds the earth with cold, as if plunging it into a mortal sleep. This is a more harmless image than the stern Karachun. Frost is simply the lord of winter cold.

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