The table of degrees in Excel is ready. Three ways to put a degree in Excel

Excel is a powerful spreadsheet processor designed to solve specific problems. With its help, you can display data in the form of a table, make calculations based on your goals and objectives, and present the results in the form of diagrams. WITH using Excel You just need to do things like:

  1. Mathematical calculations (addition, subtraction, root of a number, squaring, cube and other powers in Excel).
  2. Statistical work.
  3. Analysis of total values.
  4. Solving financial problems.

Used in various educational institutions, this editor is also used by employees of almost all industries, managers, and analysts. This is due to its versatility and ease of use. IN in this case let's turn to detailed consideration formulas for raising a number to a power, which is necessary to solve problems in almost any field.

Video on calculating degrees in Excel

Definition of concept, mathematical syntax, calculation using formula

By raising a number A to the power n we mean that A will be multiplied by itself n times. A is called the base, n is the exponent and represents how many times the base must be multiplied by itself. In this case, n indicates to what power the base should be raised. So, instead of the product of two identical factors 7*7, they write 7^2 and say “2 squared, 2 squared.” To avoid unnecessary actions, you should note:

  1. If n=1, then the number A to the power of n will be equal to A.
  2. Any number with exponent 0 is equal to 1.
  3. 0 in any natural degree equals 0.
  4. 1 to any power is equal to 1.

In worksheet cells, we can enter not only values ​​that are used to solve problems using the data contained in other cells. Using formulas in Excel you can calculate as simple arithmetic examples, as well as complex calculations and, of course, logical checks. In a spreadsheet processor, to raise a number to a power, you can use the “^” operator or a specially developed POWER formula. These calculations are used, for example, when it is necessary to determine a value that is too large or too small.

When a character or number is entered into a cell, Excel interprets this information as a value. That is, the data is displayed as it was entered, and transformations can be made for it if formatting is used. However, if the "=" character is entered first, Excel will recognize that a calculation will be performed (a formula will be applied). It is important to write the formula correctly:

  1. , which should contain the result.
  2. Click "=".
  3. Next, select the formula we need from the list.
  4. In parentheses we write the base and degree through the sign “;”.

The cell should contain the following: POWER(5;2), so the number 5 will be squared. Or, for example, “=4^2”, which means 4 squared. To work with numeric values, the cells must be set to the “numeric” format. You can select it in the Format Cell dialog box.

Using the Function Wizard

If you remember the syntax required function, then you can enter it in the selected cell, first starting with the equal sign. In the case where the number of arguments, the order and rules for writing them cause difficulties, it is advisable to use the one that exists in Excel. This will allow you to enter the function name and its arguments correctly. The procedure is given below:

  1. To do this, place the text cursor in the cell in which the final value will be located (this can be done by double-clicking the mouse).
  2. Select “Insert”, “Function” (or simultaneously press Ctrl+F2).
  3. On the “Functions” tab, in the categories we find “Mathematical”, then in the scrolling list we highlight POWER.
  4. "Further".
  5. In the designated fields we enter the base and degree, for example, we need to square 7, which means the base is 7, the degree is 2.
  6. "OK."

​The resulting result is recorded in the cell.

When working with mathematical expressions From time to time there is a need to raise a number to some power. Conventionally, this can be done in two ways: directly write the number already raised to a power, or put the power sign next to it. In most text editors this is made as easy as shelling pears, but in the Excel spreadsheet processor this seemingly simple action can cause some difficulties for the user. The article will tell you how to enter a degree in Excel using the methods described above.

Method 1: construction via symbol

There are many more ways to raise a number to a power in Excel than simply setting the corresponding sign. Let's start with, perhaps, the simplest method, which involves using the special character “^”. The syntax of the original formula is as follows:

where, n is the number that needs to be raised to a power; y is the power to which the number must be raised.

As you can see, the formula is simple, and remembering it won’t be difficult. But in order, so to speak, to consolidate the knowledge, let's look at an example where we need to raise the number 3 to the fourth power.

  1. Select the cell where you want to perform calculations.
  2. Use an equal sign (“=”) to let the program know that the formula fits.
  3. Enter the number to be raised to a power. In this case - 3.
  4. Set the degree symbol to "^". To do this, hold down the Shift key and press the 6 button on the top number row.
  5. Enter the power to which you want to raise the number, that is, 4.
  6. Press Enter.

Immediately after this, the result of this will appear in the cell. mathematical operation. Now you know how to put a degree in Excel so that the number is immediately raised to it.

Method 2: Using a function

To achieve the desired result, you can also resort to the help of a function; by the way, it is called accordingly - DEGREE. The method for setting a degree in Excel using a function is not particularly complicated:

  1. Select the cell in which you want to write the expression.
  2. Click the “Insert Function” button.
  3. In the "Function Wizard" window that appears, find the line "DEGREE" in the list, select it and click OK.
  4. A new window will appear in front of you with two input fields. In the first you need to enter the number that you are going to raise to a power, and in the second the power itself. By the way, instead of a number, you can specify a cell with a numeric expression, then it will be raised to a power.
  5. Click OK.

Now you know the second way to put a degree in Excel, but what if you don’t need to raise a number, but simply indicate its degree in text format? In this case, go to the third method.

Method 3: Writing the degree in a table cell

If you want to indicate the power of a number directly in a cell, then you must use a superscript. In fact, performing such a recording is not extremely difficult, it’s just that the algorithm for doing this is not entirely clear to the average user, because before the recording itself, some more preparation will need to be done. But first things first. Let's look at everything with an example so that it is immediately clear how it works. We will analyze the same case when we need to raise the number 3 to the fourth power.

  1. Select the cell in which you want to make an entry.
  2. Change its format to text. To do this, being on the main tab, on the toolbar, click on the drop-down list located in the “Number” group. In the list that appears, select “Text”.
  3. Now everything is ready for the entry in the cell to be displayed correctly. So, enter the number 34 into it. Why this one? Yes, because 4 is a power of the number 3, which we will now modify.
  4. Select the number 4 itself in the cell.
  5. Press the hot keys Ctrl+1 on your keyboard.
  6. The Format Cells window appears. In it, you need to check the box next to the “Superscript” item in the “Modification” area.
  7. Click OK.

Immediately after this, the expression will be written as you need. As you can see, recording the correct format is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.


Now you know three ways to work with a degree in Excel program. Two of them involve direct raising to a given power, which is very convenient for calculations. However, if you need to write the number directly with the degree in text format, then use the third method, which is quite simple to perform.

Raising a number to a power is a standard mathematical operation. It is used in various calculations, both for educational purposes and in practice. Excel has built-in counting tools given value. Let's see how to use them in different cases.

In Excel, there are several ways to raise a number to a power at the same time. This can be done using a standard symbol, function, or by using some not quite ordinary options for action.

Method 1: construction using a symbol

The most popular and known method raising a number to a power in Excel is using a standard symbol «^» for these purposes. The formula template for construction looks like this:

In this formula x is the number being built, n– degree of erection.

If the construction is integral part more complex calculation, then the procedure is carried out according to the general laws of mathematics. That is, for example, in the example 5+4^3 Excel immediately performs the exponentiation of the number 4, and then the addition.

Moreover, using the operator «^» You can construct not only ordinary numbers, but also data contained in a certain range of the sheet.

Let's raise the contents of cell A2 to the sixth power.

As you can see, all values ​​of the required interval were raised to the specified power.

This method is as simple and convenient as possible, and that is why it is so popular among users. It is used in the vast majority of calculations.

Method 2: Using a function

Excel also has a special function for performing this calculation. That's what it's called - DEGREE. Its syntax looks like this:


Let's consider its application using a specific example.

Following this, the result of calculating this function is output to the place that was allocated in the first step of the described actions.

In addition, the arguments window can be called up by going to the tab "Formulas". On the ribbon, click the button "Mathematical" located in the toolbox "Function Library". In the list of available elements that opens, you need to select "DEGREE". After this, the arguments window for this function will open.

Users who have some experience may not call Function Wizard, but simply enter the formula into the cell after the sign «=» , according to its syntax.

This method is more complex than the previous one. Its use can be justified if the calculation needs to be performed within the boundaries of a composite function consisting of several operators.

Method 3: exponentiation via the root

Of course, this method is not entirely ordinary, but you can also resort to it if you need to raise a number to the power of 0.5. Let's look at this case using a specific example.

We need to raise 9 to the power of 0.5 or in other words - ½.

But, of course, this method of calculation is used quite rarely, using more well-known and intuitive calculation options.

Method 4: writing a number with a degree in a cell

This method does not require construction calculations. It is applicable only when you just need to write a number with a degree in a cell.

Attention! Even though the cell will visually display a number exponent, Excel treats it as plain text and not a numeric expression. Therefore, this option cannot be used for calculations. For these purposes, the standard notation for the degree in this program is used - «^» .

As you can see, in Excel there are several ways to raise a number to a power. In order to choose a specific option, first of all, you need to decide what you need the expression for. If you need to perform construction to write an expression in a formula or simply to calculate a value, then it is most convenient to write through the symbol «^» . In some cases, you can use the function DEGREE. If you need to raise a number to the power of 0.5, then it is possible to use the function ROOT. If the user wants to visually display a power expression without computational actions, then formatting will come to the rescue.

The Microsoft Excel spreadsheet processor allows you to perform a variety of operations with data. But, if simple operations, such as addition, do not cause difficulties for users. Then, with more complex ones, for example, with exponentiation, there are problems.

In this material we will talk about how to raise to a power in Excel. The article will be relevant for all versions of the Excel spreadsheet, including Excel 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

The easiest way to raise a number or cell to a power in Excel is to use the “^” symbol, which is located on the 6 key on the keyboard and is entered using the Shift-6 key combination in the English keyboard layout.

In order to use this method of exponentiation, simply place the cursor in the cell you need and enter the formula “=B2^B4”. Where B2 is the address of the cell with the number you want to raise to a power, and B4 is the address of the cell with the power.

After entering the formula, press the Enter key and in the table cell you selected you will receive the result of exponentiation.

This technique works not only with cell addresses, but also with ordinary numbers. Enter “=10^2” into any cell of the Excel table

Also, within the formula, you can simultaneously use both cell addresses and ordinary numbers.

Exponentiation using the formula

In addition, Excel has a formula “POWER”, with which you can raise the contents of a cell or just a number to a power. To use this formula, place the cursor where the result of exponentiation should be and enter the formula “=POWER(B2,B4)”. In this formula, B2 is the address of the cell whose value needs to be raised to a power, and B4 is the address of the cell containing the power. Please note that the formula begins with an “=” sign and does not contain spaces, and a comma is used to separate cell addresses.

If necessary, both cell addresses and ordinary numbers can be used in the “DEGREE” formula.

Writing numbers to powers

If you just need to write a number with a degree, then this can also be done in Excel. To do this, you first need to change the format of the cell containing the number with the degree to text. Therefore, right-click on the desired cell and select “Format Cells”.

In the window that opens, select the “Text” cell format and close the window with the “Ok” button.

After that, enter into the same cell the number and the power to which you want to raise this number. Next, select the power of the number and right-click on the highlighted one. In the context menu that appears, select “Format Cells” again.

After this, a window with font settings will appear in front of you. Here you need to check the “Superscript” function and close the window with the “Ok” button.

As a result, you should get a number with a degree, as in the screenshot below.

To hide the green mark next to the number, you need to open the warning and select the “Ignore this error” option.

Often users need to raise a number to a power. How to do this correctly using Excel?

In this article we will try to understand popular user questions and provide instructions on how to properly use the system. MS Office Excel allows you to perform a range of mathematical functions: from the simplest to the most complex. It's universal software designed for all occasions.

How to raise to a power in Excel?

Before searching for the required function, pay attention to the mathematical laws:

  1. The number "1" to any degree will remain "1".
  2. The number “0” will remain “0” to any degree.
  3. Any number raised to the zero power equals one.
  4. Any value of "A" to the power of "1" will equal "A".

Examples in Excel:

Option #1. We use the symbol "^"

The standard and simplest option is to use the “^” icon, which is obtained by pressing Shift+6 with an English keyboard layout.


  1. In order for a number to be raised to the power we need, you need to put an “=” sign in the cell before indicating the number you want to raise.
  2. The degree is indicated after the “^” sign.

We raised 8 to the “square” (i.e. to the second power) and received the result of the calculation in cell “A2”.

Option #2. Using the function

IN Microsoft Office Excel has a handy POWER function that you can activate to perform simple and complex mathematical calculations.

The function looks like this:



  1. The numbers for this formula are indicated without spaces or other characters.
  2. The first digit is the “number” value. This is the base (i.e. the number we are building). Microsoft Office Excel allows you to enter any real number.
  3. The second digit is the “degree” value. This is the indicator to which we raise the first digit.
  4. The values ​​of both parameters can be less than zero (i.e. with a “-” sign).

Exponentiation formula in Excel

Examples of using the DEGREE() function.

Using the Function Wizard:

If you consider extra clicks a dubious pleasure, we offer another simple option.

Entering a function manually:

The sequence of actions is simple, and the user gets the result quite quickly. Arguments can contain cell references instead of numbers.

Root to Power in Excel

To extract the root using Microsoft Excel formulas, we will use a slightly different, but very in a convenient way calling functions:

ATTENTION! If we need to find out the root of a power in Excel, then we do not use the =ROOT() function. Let's remember the theory from mathematics:

"Root n th power of number A called number b, n the th degree of which is equal to A", that is:
n √a = b; bn = a.

"And the root n-th degree from among A will be equal to raising to the power of the same number A by 1/ n", that is:
n √a = a 1/n .

From this it follows to calculate mathematical formula root in n-th degree for example:

5 √32 = 2

In Excel you should write it using the following formula: =32^(1/5), that is: =a^(1/n)- where a is a number; n-degree:

Or through this function: =DEGREE(32,1/5)

You can specify cell references instead of numbers in formula and function arguments.

How to write a number to a power in Excel?

Often it is important for you that the number in the degree is displayed correctly when printed and looks beautiful in the table. How to write a number to a power in Excel? Here you need to use the “Format Cells” tab. In our example, we wrote the number “3” in cell “A1”, which needs to be represented to the -2 power.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

Using Excel's capabilities is simple and convenient. With them you save time on doing mathematical calculations and searching for the necessary formulas.

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