This is how earthly glory passes in Latin. Translation and explanation of the Latin expression Sic transit gloria mundi. See what "Sic transit gloria mundi" is in other dictionaries

Automatic Pattern Recognition System Log, Site-122, Observations of Events and Object Appearances by SCP-1322

date and time: 08.24.2016 05:33:06.00803244Z
Serial number: Incident 50738C
An object: 2300 (±150) bullet-shaped metal objects with an average mass of 575 grams (±100 grams) over 3.6 seconds; the speed of the objects ranged from 80 to 110 meters per second.

date and time: 08.24.2016 05:33:09.20982120Z
Serial number: Incident 50738D
Event: At least 70% of the objects from Incident 50738C are detonated and a gas cloud appears. According to automated analysis, there was an 88.4% probability that the objects from Incident 50738C were miniature liquefied gas containers. Robots have been sent to collect gas samples.

date and time: 08.24.2016 05:33:10.18232811Z
Serial number: Incident 50738F
An object: 850 (±70) metal objects; the speed of the objects ranged from 10 to 18 meters per second.


Vijay Patel looked out the window of Location 9 and restlessly drummed his fingers on the glass. He took a sip of water from a plastic bottle. The water smelled slightly like urine. The filters of the recycling system have probably exhausted their service life a long time ago.

Computer? - he muttered.

Yes, Dr. Patel? - the system responded after a few seconds. The system software was designed to perform computing tasks on a large network of interconnected computers. In the limited local network conditions of Location 9, the system was much slower.

Generate a report on all Foundation employees currently alive.

A few seconds of awkward silence.

Wait a minute,” the computer chirped. Patel began to wait and took another sip of toilet water. He looked around, looking to see if there was another bottle of alcohol in the cramped room. There was no drinking. During his last binge he must have finished off all the whiskey he had. The silence dragged on. At times there was white noise coming from the speakers, as if a microphone was being turned on somewhere, but no one was speaking. Eventually the computer responded.

You are the senior-ranking Foundation employee at this station. You are the only Foundation employee at this station. No other Foundation complex is currently responding to calls.

And the last time Patel asked this question, and the time before, and the two times before that, the answer was identical. It had been at least two weeks since... since he last spoke to a living person.

Generate... generate a report on... a report on the condition of all living people.

Wait, take-to-cure-to-cable-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e,-in an inhuman voice, the computer herself herself. Patel put his hands on the wall, pushed off and mindlessly slid to the other wall of the room. He experimentally found out that with low gravity on the moon it is easier to glide rather than walk. He forgot about the law of conservation of momentum and pulled his wrist when he tried to stop.

Fuck you... - Patel grinned sarcastically and wondered if the computer would take this word as a guide to action.

The estimated number of people is five. Not counting you, Dr. Patel, there are four crew members aboard the International Space Station.

And again no changes. And there is no connection with the ISS, even if you wanted to talk to them. After the incident, the station flew off in a more or less straight line, and was now plowing through space somewhere on the other side of the moon.

Has the analysis of the latest incident at Site-122 been completed?

Yes, Dr. Patel. Would you like to hear the report immediately?

Um, come on.

Analysis indicates a 72% likelihood that the objects appearing during Incident 50738F were the tuning forks that produced the sound of SCP-1012 in the containment chamber.

Silence reigned again. Patel exhaled. Hartl kept his word. They found a way to win the war and achieved their goal.

Computer, estimate the duration, um, estimate the expiration date of the respiratory gas reserves, taking into account the current reserves and the best maintenance option.

He had to wait about an hour for an answer. Twenty-two days, give or take a little. It could have been more than two times less, but Garcia had already arranged for himself to be euthanized with the help of all the painkiller pills that humanity has ever known. Perhaps it was worth opening the airlock, letting out the air and not prolonging the wait.

Patel looked out the window again, at the empty space where the Earth and everything that was dear to him should have been. The sun was setting below the horizon. It was completely different from the sunsets in my native land - no multicolored pink, red, orange and purple shades spreading across the blue sky, no gradually fading sunset. Here, when the edge of the Sun went behind the rise of the crater, the black and white striped pattern of lunar dust was highlighted against a dark background, and a moment later everything was shrouded in blackness.

And time passed without breaking the silence.

You lived like lightning, which once flashed and died out. And lightning strikes the sky. And the sky is eternal. And this is my consolation.
(Chingiz Aitmatov. White Steamship)

For a reflection of the world to exist, the world must have a form. In order for there to be a reflection of a person and his deeds, an unusual person is needed, because only then will his deeds remain in the memory of peoples.
In the human chronology of past events, which are mistakenly called history, there is a unique paradox: during periods of deliverance from the influence of the official Church of the Church, there is no departure from Christianity. Moreover, on the contrary, an increasingly strong interest in Christianity was shown, the attitude towards it became more personal, deeper, based on logic and one’s own experiences. As soon as a person begins to think about the teachings of Jesus, carrying out his own initiatives and independently learning the simple words of Holy Scripture, without looking back at the dogmas of the Church, when he begins to speak about the Savior in a language that he understands, the need arises for his own awareness of those ancient events. Surprisingly, Christ, from a deified statue, begins to turn into a completely accessible person, to whom everything earthly is not alien, into a scientist and natural scientist, into a philosopher and even a military leader, of course bearing the main essence as a Teacher. Science and culture begin to develop, human thought itself dares to explore the secret, and finds many answers in Christianity itself. If you remove church dogmas and canons, lower the symbol of death, the crucifix, from the pedestal, then the natural and natural greatness of the son of man arises, who needs nothing: neither the gilded columns of churches, nor their rich decorations, nor the well-fed and glorifying clergy, nothing of what is in The Church offers a wide range of products. There is a realization that the temple is around us and we ourselves create it with our own deeds. After all, everything that happens to us is the work of ourselves. Of course, many will talk about evil fate, destiny, just bad luck, they will trust fortune telling on Tarot cards and astrology, but common sense tells us that all this was inspired to us by those who wanted our ignorance - the category of “cunning and fast, now ministers.” But the universe lives by different laws. No matter how you remake it, no matter how you educate people in the matrix consciousness, reality always defeats fantasy and the truth comes out.
Sic transit gloria mundi (from Latin;-; “So worldly glory passes”) - an expression that is a minor alteration of the text from the book of the German mystic philosopher Thomas a à Kempis (XV century) “On the Imitation of Christ” (I, 3, 6 ): “Oh, how quickly worldly glory passes away” (Latin: O quam cito transit gloria mundi). These words are heard as an exclamation during the inauguration ceremony of the new pope, in front of whom a piece of cloth is burned three times - as a sign that everything earthly, including the power and glory he receives, is illusory, changeable and perishable. As the papists themselves claim, the words are very ancient and have been used in ironicization almost since the time of the Apostle Peter. However, a careful study of the literature of the Middle Ages indicates that they belong to this time.
In general, the history of this expression and the book in which it first appeared is not as clear-cut as it is portrayed today in the Vatican. For example, the authorship of Thomas a à Kempis is disputed by the French, attributing the book to another French author, and the Italians have their own views.
And the author himself prefers to remain anonymous:

“Do not be tempted by the name of the one who wrote, whether it has great or small fame among writers: let the love of pure truth alone attract you to reading. Don’t ask who said it, listen to what is said.”
(Book 1, Chapter V). "Imitations of Christ"

Be that as it may, any person slightly familiar with the works of medieval scholastics and the teachings of Hinduism will instantly identify not only parallels, but also entire passages taken from the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads.
The Upanishads are ancient Indian treatises of a religious and philosophical nature. They are part of the Vedas and belong to the sacred scriptures of Hinduism in the category of shruti. They mainly discuss philosophy, meditation and the nature of God. It is believed that the Upanishads set out the main essence of the Vedas - therefore they are also called “vedanta” (the end, completion of the Vedas), and they are the basis of Vedantic Hinduism. The Upanishads mainly describe the impersonal Brahman (Jesus Christ).
Why did I explain this? Yes, because it would be clear to the reader: what is attributed to Thomas a à Kempis actually has its origins in the Vedas and the Jesuits simply took advantage of the old knowledge of our ancestors. That is why the nameless author writes, that there is no need to be interested in the name of the person who wrote the book, since those who lived at that time understood perfectly well where the texts were taken from. By the way, this is the most respected book in the Jesuit order, attributed to him and considered their official work. However, there is an inconsistency in the story with this literature. In any reference book, you will read that Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit order who lived in 1491-1556, read to her. However, according to the Vatican itself, Thomas wrote the book either in 1417 or 1427. But then they had never heard of any Jesuit order! It will appear only in 1534, and will be approved by the pope in 1540. Almost 100 years after the treatise was supposedly written.
This is a vivid example of how the Jesuits let it slip and gave away the secret of creating this book in their depths, and then, having come up with several authors, they took it to the beginning of the 15th century.
Let's take an interest in the personality of Thomas a à Kempis, who is identified by historians as a canon regular of the medieval Augustinian Catholic order. At the first approach to his image, a strong impression of falsification arises. The thing is that there are different interpretations of the concepts of canon and cleric accepted in the Catholic Church.
Strictly speaking, a canon is an ordinary cleric included in the canon or simply in the lists of the diocese. The difference between them was consolidated by the Council of Basel in 1431-1449, which decided that only a priest with a completed university education and an academic degree could be a canon. However, nothing similar can be said about Thomas - he did not graduate from university. In 1392, Thomas, following his brother John, entered school in Deventer in the Utrecht bishopric. He studied until 1399 and this was the end of his education. He could not have been a canon, since he was born in 1379, entered school at the age of 11, and graduated at 20.
In the early church, in the cities that were the capital of the diocese, 12 priests and 7 deacons were appointed to assist the bishop. They will become canons. When the period of formation of the institution of chapters began in the Catholic Church, this clergy was divided into secular canons (priests serving in the diocese - or ordinary priests) and regular (monks - not members of the chapter) canons. In Russia these are white and black clergy.
Now I will explain what a chapter is. In Catholicism and in some branches of Protestantism, this is a college (council) of clergy at the episcopal see (cathedral chapter) or collegiate church (collegiate chapter). Members of the chapter are called canons. That is, a canon is a person with a university education, an academic degree (master, candidate, doctor) and the academic title of CLERIC (professor, associate professor, academician, corresponding member, adviser, adjunct). Moreover, having, as a rule, clergy.
Today the Catholic Church is trying to blur the difference between an academic degree and an academic title in Medieval clergy and canons. However, few modern people understand the modern gradation of scientific degrees and titles, understanding them as simply learned people.
The reason for the Church's blurring of the difference between degree and title is also very unpleasant for the Church itself. The thing is that in the 17th and 18th centuries, when the Vatican carried out massive falsification of history, an unfortunate mistake was made, which resulted from the same reason of misunderstanding the difference between an academic degree and a title. As a matter of fact, science was still just forming its hierarchy and it was extremely difficult to understand the intricacies of its structure, especially since they tried to keep it within the Church. I myself am a professor and my red robe with a golden hood is nothing more than the heritage of the cassocks of canons and clergy. After all, today universities have adopted the Western system of science, and therefore Western traditions, starting with the Latin “Gaudeamus”.
So what was the mistake of the falsifiers?
The fact is that regular clergy are monastic orders of the Catholic Church, whose members are engaged in pastoral activities, as well as education and works of mercy. Pure theological science! AND THE FIRST ORDER OF REGULAR CLERICS WAS THE THEATINES in 1524.
That is, clergy and canons, as well as the chapter, appeared only in the middle of the 16th century, and Thomas a à Kempis from the 14th-15th centuries simply could not be a regular canon, since such people did not yet exist.
Until the end of the 16th century, about a dozen more orders of regular clergy were formed, the most famous and numerous of which were the Jesuits.
Excuse me, but what then to do with the Council of Basel in 1431-1449, which decided that only a priest with a completed university education and an academic degree could be a canon? There are no canons, but there is a cathedral for them, it doesn’t fit into any gates!
And here a saving legend is invented about the Augustinian Order, which existed in such deep times that it’s scary to utter. It's no joke, a Christian order that lived in the 5th century, long before the birth of Christ in the 12th century (read my works about Andronikos Komnenos)! That's when the need arose to move Christmas from the 12th century to the 1st century AD. The Vatican needed the antiquity of its Church, and of course, those who could prove this antiquity were learned canons and clergy. They began to be replicated with amazing speed, often being confused with the Greek and Roman luminaries of science, who also had nothing to do with modern antiquity. All this is the MIDDLE AGES of the 16th-18th centuries.
And when the Jesuits fell into the hands of the Bhagavad Gita and the teachings of the Upanishads, the order realized that they had before them ancient royal Christianity, the faith of the king-khans of Great Tartary, the Mongol Empire of the Slavs, the tribal Christianity retold in the Indian epic, which existed before modern folk apostolic Christianity. I wrote about this in my work “The Indochina Campaign of the Holy Family,” where I explained that what we now see in Tibet, China, and India is the faith that was previously in Rus' before the Battle of Kulikovo and even before the Time of Troubles. This is royal tribal Christianity, now presented as Buddhism and Hinduism, of course adjusted for time and execution. Before us are priestless Old Believers, only of numerous Hindu and Buddhist concords.
The realization that the manuscript, on the basis of which the four books “On the Imitation of Christ” were created, could pose a threat to the entire falsification of Catholicism, led the Jesuits to the idea of ​​​​creating the same book, but in a revised version, like the work and discovery of Western theologians.
Swami Vivekananda, the 19th century Hindu philosopher and founder of the Vedanta Society, drew many parallels between the teachings of the Imitation of Christ and the Bhagavad Gita. Vivekananda translated the treatise in 1899 and wrote a preface to it. He always carried with him copies of On the Imitation of Christ and the Bhagavad Gita. The trouble with this philosopher was that he never understood that he was translating what was stolen from the Hindus and that the primary source was not the book “On the Imitation of Christ,” but the “Bhagavad Gita.”
Religious writer Eknath Eswaran compares the teachings of Thomas a à Kempis with the Upanishads. And again he doesn’t understand that you need to compare the other way around. The Jesuits called the book an imitation of Christ because they understood the Christian origin of the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads. This is just an imitation of these books! And Thomas the imitator is a fictitious person. And the book itself will be written in the 16th century, when the active struggle of the western part of Asia (Europe) against Great Tartary begins, which will be headed by the Vatican, creating the religion of Catholicism for this purpose.
In Russia, they learned about the Bhagavad Gita again in 1788, after it was published for the first time in Russian by N. I. Novikov. It was perceived as some kind of incredible teaching, completely ancient, although today no one can even name the approximate age of its writing. Except for a few scientists and the author of this miniature, who spoke about the Indochine campaign of the holy family and Prince Joseph (Buddha), a direct relative of Christ in the Roman dynasty of rulers of the WHOLE WORLD. From which the Russian tsars of the pre-Romanov period came. Joseph, who became the prototype of Buddha, conveyed the teachings of Christ, since it was the secret of his family, something that was kept and protected in it by generations of the royal family. Therefore, both him and Buddha can be considered another reflection of Christ in the evolutionary development of humanity. And “Bhagavad-gita” should be revered as the ancient, little-changed teaching of Jesus, preserved by a member of the Savior’s family.
"Bhagavad-Gita" is a truly unique phenomenon in world culture. The value of the Gita lies in its exceptional ability to influence the spiritual development of a person, which manifests itself in ethical, social and psychological aspects. By solving the problem “Who am I?” The Gita gives the correct answer to the question “What to do?” and opens up ways to achieve a special internal state in which you can not only comprehend enduring spiritual values, but also put them into practice. The Gita provides a solution to the problems of the meaning of human existence, the collision of personal and universal ideas about morality. The teachings of the Gita touch on a variety of aspects of existence, from the ordinary, everyday, to the metaphysical, spiritual.
Bhagavad Gita, or simply “Gita”, translates as “Song of the Lord” - a monument of ancient Indian religious and philosophical thought in Sanskrit, part of the sixth book of the Mahabharata (Bhishmaparva, chapters 23-40), consists of 18 chapters and 700 verses. As you can see, the “position” of Jesus is openly named - Lord, that is, an angel from the face of dominions, the heavenly angelic hierarchy.
I will now briefly try to explain in familiar language what is written on the jelly itself in the Bhagavad Gita and in the treatise “On the Imitation of Christ” and in general in the books of the Mahabharata and Ramayana.
Let's start with the fact that the famous Aryans, who are described in the books, are none other than the Horde Cossacks, who came to Hindustan in the 14th century and created statehood there. Indian Krishna is Jesus Christ, whose teachings these Horde brought to the Hindustan Peninsula.
The books The Legend of Rama and the Lesser Ramayana tell about this period of colonization. In general, in the Mahabharata there is a lot of evidence about the northern homeland of the Aryan-Cossack-Horde.
Why were these Cossacks so far from home? Everything is simple if you know that the Indian epic describes the Great Battle of Kulikovo in 1380, between the royal tribal Christians (temnik Velyamin Mamaev) and the apostolic folk (Dmitry Donskoy). The Apostles won, and a new dynasty from the younger branch of the old Roman dynasty of Byzantium began to rule in Rus'. And those who supported the ancestral Christians were forced to flee to the east, in search of new lands and subjects. The relatives of Christ, the rulers of the whole World, also left with the remnants of Mamai’s troops. It was they who brought the teachings of Jesus and knowledge to India.
The field of Kuru (a sandpiper bird in India) is the Kulikovo field, and Arjuna (ar - arias, juna - father) is Dmitry Donskoy, while Duryojana (jana - mother) is Khan Mamai or the son of the mother, mama's boy. “Duryo” most likely translates as the Russian fool: the eldest son is a first-timer, the second son is a second-rater, the third son is a third-rater, and the fourth is a friend or fool. The smallest and mother's favorite. Obviously Mamai is the youngest offspring of the Romans.
The plot of the Indian epic is the tragic struggle of two related royal dynasties of the Pandavas and Kauravas, telling about the events of the 14th century in Rus'. In light of this, it would be interesting to decipher the names of these dynasties, then a lot would fall into place with the legend of Rurik. What I see so far is that the Pandavas are Bears (panda bear), and the Kauravas are perhaps Falcons-Ruriks, although the Sivka Burka prophetic KAURKA also just begs to be spoken. In any case, this is some kind of bird, since only birds are prophetic. For example, the symbol of Byzantium was the Phoenix bird. And in Rus' Gamayun is a bird. True, a horse can still be prophetic. And the prototype of Christ is precisely Komnin (komn or komon, in Old Slavonic there is a horse) - that is, Konev (?). One of the symbols of Christ was the unicorn - a winged horse with a horn on its forehead.
I wrote a little about ornithology in the coats of arms of our ancestors, I see that we need to return to this topic closely. To discover the true names of those who fought on the Kulikovo Field means to find out which branch of the royal Roman dynasty went to Rus' in the 12th century. And what branch-dynasty then overthrew them in 1380 on the Kulikovo Field. Here it either smells of the papal fire, or of the respect of descendants for the one who reveals this. I will also try to compete for posthumous fame. In the meantime, I’ll take note of what was said.
In the legend about the battle on the Kuru field, facts that preceded it are also given. So the attack on the sleeping people in the Indian epic is the attack of the Horde on the Novgorodians on the Pianaya River in 1377, three years before the Kulikovo Field - the first war for religious beliefs in history.
In the Indian epic there are also large cannons invented by Sergius of Radonezh, firing on the Kuru field using gunpowder invented by him. They are described as war chariots that breathe fire. The Battle of Kulikovo on the Kuru field was a battle for the adoption of Christianity as the official state religion on the territory of the entire vast “Mongolian” empire of the Slavs, who then conquered the entire known world and Byzantium.
What else can you read about in the Indian epic? Almost the entire Bible: the flood and voyage of the patriarch Noah-Manu, across the ocean in the 15th century, the biblical exodus of Moses, also from the 15th century, described in the book “Massacre with Maces” and “The Great Exodus”.
An attentive reader will definitely find there a plot of how Moses brought water out of a rock. Another well-known story about the attack of snakes was reflected on the pages of the Mahabharata, when Moses saved the people by making his snake from copper. Here you can see the biblical story of Esther from the 16th century. Her name here is Susanna.
Evangelical subjects are also clearly visible: the virgin birth of the Indian god Yudhishthira (the distorted name of Jesus Christ), the machinations of King Herod against Christ and the flight of the family to Egypt, and then the return of Yudhishthira to Jerusalem, his scourging, the Hindu procession to Golgotha, prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, ascension to heaven and even the identification of the Hindu as the Savior.
On the pages of the Indian epic one can clearly see the descent of Christ into hell, the lotus or lily, as a sign of Mary the Mother of God, the Russian judgment about the right and left sides... There is generally a continuous Russian history, gentlemen, and anyone who wants can be convinced of this, if at least once read this epic, which appeared in India in the 14th-15th centuries.
I would like to speak about Veles’s book. Today it is almost the main book of neo-pagans. I have said many times that paganism in the modern sense has never existed in the world, and what is passed off as it today is royal clan and royal family Christianity. All these Svarogs, Veles, Peruns are simply the names of the holy Christian saints of early royal Christianity. After the victory of Apostolic Christianity, it had its own saints, and the old ones were forgotten and remained in the legends of the Forest Slavs. You may ask why they bowed to idols? But the development of crafts and art did not allow doing otherwise. It is then that temples and wonderful creations of masters will appear, and first a pillar and a temple dedicated to one of the early Christian saints. Times before the 9th century AD can be considered a tribal system, when people did not yet know how to build large structures from stone. The chronology of humanity does not even go back 10,000 years. Look at any calendar from the creation of the world. It is then that the clergy and canons will begin to lie to the best of their ability, misinterpreting even Hollywood.
You ask me, were there civilizations before us? I don’t know, I work with documents and have never seen anything like this in more than 30 years of studying various materials. I won’t lie, I was also interested in the photos of giant people, which I submitted for analysis to the Institute of Forensic Science. I gave there photos of UFOs and other secret secrets. It's all photoshop. I can definitely show you the place and time of making all sorts of sensations - the 19th century, the Vatican. The reason for this is also clear: let people be interested in all mysticism and miracles, without touching on the secrets of the Church, sewn with white thread. Why white? So, after all, the falsification was carried out by people who were often not ready to define phenomena that a modern fifth-grader understands. So they wrote what they could write and what their imagination allowed. Today you know what a space rocket looks like. Could a 14th century Indian have imagined it otherwise than as a hot air balloon flying through the sky with a basket for people? And then it was a phenomenon that affected the psyche.
People ask me today, how can we explain figurines of astronauts, airplanes and other equipment from ancient centuries? My friends, in my works on time, I have already explained that there is no time, but the past, present and future exist simultaneously. Things can fall from any slice to another, since the reality of the world and its laws operate only in the present and then in a short time of an instant. And what has passed or will yet have nothing to do with what is. The world is changing and the ability to find yourself in the past or future depends on knowing the laws of the moment where you want to go. If a thing falls into similar conditions, then it may well end up in the hands of King Lear, having come to him from today. This is how things end up in ancient burials, unless, of course, they are thrown there on purpose, which is much more common than actual movements. The last exception to the rule, which only confirms the rule itself. If you manage to create the conditions and physics of 1152 or 2500 around you and within yourself, you will find yourself in them, continuing to feel like who you were at the beginning of the experiment.
You may ask me where this data comes from. From the Cathar heritage. I am familiar with their ideas about time, and even their experiment with it. Today I live 43 seconds earlier than most of humanity and I know how to increase this interval. But I also know that there is absolutely no need to do this. But let me remain silent about the reasons, they will seem too incredible to you. And please, do not consider Qatar crazy, everything that I have said is the most ordinary physics, Niels Bohr’s field theory, which the “Jewish genius” Einstein was never able to comprehend. Yes, he could not comprehend anything at all! Complete zero and physical weakness.
What do these 43 seconds give? Anticipating possible errors in research. This is the time my body needs to “come to terms with the thought.” For some it is more, for others it is less. This is the time when the physical processes of the body lag behind its spiritual component. That is, I have brought spirituality forward, as a vanguard, to the approaching events. People come to this shift in different ways, for example, through mastery, work, creativity. That is, when a specialist, having looked at the object, already imagines what can be done with it. Sometimes a shift occurs as a result of stress, negative experience, vivid experiences, or finally love. This is how the gift of foresight or foolishness appears.
It is much worse when spirituality lags behind the body. Here comes the submission to backwardness, isolation, and lack of will. How to achieve this? Yes, it’s easy to break a person in any available way, when his “I” is suppressed and concerned only with the fate of the body. This is how madness arises.
As you can see, I didn’t say anything supernatural; another thing, I didn’t tell you what practices can be used to achieve a shift. Our ancestors knew these practices well, and skillfully used them for good. This knowledge is not very safe, and therefore it is better to comprehend it naturally through the development of spirituality. When you develop it, there will be no need for time shifts, except for the sake of science.
An unkind person is also able to acquire this knowledge, but will use it for his own purposes, which will always end badly for him.
Therefore, reading letters from readers, I can clearly see who I am dealing with, even without seeing the person. Exactly 43 seconds later there will be a hint about the advisability of developing this version and the dead end of this hypothesis. What I mean is that after familiarizing yourself with an object or proposal, you can determine its true value and decide whether it’s worth doing.
So I start working on the topic, asking whether there is falsification in it. And then from one question to another a logical chain is formed, and the reference books themselves open on the desired page.
However, let's return to Welles's book. It most definitely belongs to the Indian epic and tells about the conquest of India by the Aryans in the 14th and 15th centuries. Only this time it is a Russian retelling of the Indian heritage, which itself came out of the Russian heritage. That is why, I warn the reader about the dangers of neo-paganism. Out of curiosity, I have read many of the works of the authors of this plan, and I must note that they all follow the path that humanity has passed. Creating first magic, then magical natural history, then dividing M.E. on religion and science, having created the Church, they again return to magic. I wrote about this in “Common Sense or the Mystery of the Homunculus Flask.”
What I want to say in conclusion. If you look at Krishna, he has all the symbols and events of a suffering god. Krishna=Chris Na (the Zarethian), dying from the arrow of a hunter (the spear of Longinus that killed Christ), numerous images of a Hindu (this is just Jesus) in the form of a fish (Christian symbol), even a prediction that, after 36 years (for Christ 33) he will die a shameful death, all this and much more indicates that in the Indian epic we are dealing with ancient Christianity.
India, China, Tibet, Mongolia, etc. are not ancient states. They were formed by the Horde in the 14th century. Their phenomenon is that, without being ancient countries, they preserved the culture and faith of ancient Rus', the cradle of all humanity, and if we talk about the value of these cultures for Russia, then we need to understand their uniqueness, understand their magnificent narrative language. Along with ancient Islam, which also preserved a retelling of early tribal Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism preserved the truth about our past, which was carefully destroyed in the West, creating legends about the uniqueness of Catholicism. The words “Sic transit gloria mundi” that I found in the Bhagavad Gita belong to Krishna, that is, Christ, and have exactly the same meaning as given to them in the treatise “On the Imitation of Christ”, obviously, they were translated almost literally:
“Oh, how quickly worldly glory passes away.”

They were said by the Byzantine emperor Andronikos Komnenos after he was arrested and betrayed. Something similar can be read in the “Chronicles” of Niketas Choniates, who described the Angel of Isaac Satan, by order of whom the deposed emperor was crucified.
The reader has the right to ask:
- You know a lot, Qatar, you understand a lot. Do you feel happy?
You know, I just recently began to feel immortal and the feeling of this betrays the confidence that despite the diversity of the Universe, the infinity of its secrets, the road to searching for the Great Plan of the Almighty is open to me. Three conditions for this are defined in the concepts of faith, hope, love. With their harmony, sophia or wisdom will come. You can draw wisdom everywhere; the Almighty has poured it out into wide oceans, seas, and rivers of knowledge. Earthly life is too short to understand even a small part of Hagia Sophia of our Heavenly Father. This life is only a prelude to what will unfold further, when, having gone through earthly trials, the angel deceived by Satanail - my soul - will come to the threshold of its Father, having gone through many reincarnations until its complete purification. This life is a big school, a university before entering the grandiose construction site of the universe, where everyone will find a job to their liking, because to be God’s assistant, to work next to dad and to comprehend his skill, the greatest trust on his part. That’s why I think that the most important happiness is not here, despite the fact that you can experience it on Earth, for example, by making a scientific discovery, or by raising your child as a worthy person. I'm not rushing things, let everything take its course, I just want to look a little further, developing these abilities in myself. Perhaps there are people who have lived brighter lives than mine, but I don’t want to change anything in my life that has already happened or what will happen. After all, everything that is not done has been done by me and this is my path to God. This is not the position of a leaf caught in the flow, thank God, I am still a fighter and my brothers-in-arms are witnesses to this. This is the position of an attentive observer who knows the taste of victory and the joy of insight. And thanks to the teachings of Christ, which led me to these thoughts

Officer's romance "Cat"

The cat made me cry on the long journey,
The devil prophesied cold, anxiety,
The trench lay empty on the shoulder straps
And fate aims a pistol at your forehead.

Suddenly the blood began to flow like a wounded bird,
A stupefied stream flowed onto my eyebrow,
A warm wave rolled down my cheek,
And the earth drank from living blood.

The cat of happiness purred with boxes,
If you're lucky, even with bins.
Only blood shamelessly drips onto my feet,
The good riddance of the road was visible.

A sharp arrow, the sweet poison of death,
The devils guided the well-trodden path,
They chose me to face a bullet,
How beautiful life is, not the end of the day.

Yellow-eyed cat, black fur coat,
The devil purred for all the devils' amusement.

Angel, where did you fly, where is my guardian?!
Apparently I'm lost in my destiny.

The romance was written at the end of 1986 in Afghanistan.

This is how worldly glory passes(meaning) - nothing is permanent.

Expression - translation into Russian of the Latin expression - Sic transit gloria mundi.

An expression from a phrase from the book of the German mystic philosopher Thomas a à Kempis (XV century) “” (I, 3, 6): “Oh, how quickly worldly glory passes away” (O quam cito transit gloria mundi). These words are heard as an exclamation during the inauguration ceremony of the new pope, in front of whom a piece of cloth is burned three times - as a sign that everything earthly, including the power and glory he receives, is illusory, changeable and perishable.

The expression is also used in English - sic transit gloria mundi (Thus passes the glory of the world). It is listed in the American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer, 1992, which notes that the expression has been used in English since 1600. It is often used in its abbreviated form - sic transit.


(1860 - 1904)

" " (1886): "Walking through the entryway, I looked at the coffin and Milyutikha, who was reading. No matter how hard I strained my eyes, I was unable to recognize Zina, the lively, pretty ingenue of the Lukhachev troupe, in her yellow-swarthy face.

« Sic transit"(note - the beginning of the Latin saying: Sic transit gloria mundi (This is how worldly glory passes)), I thought."

“Night before the trial” (1884): “Finally, I sat in the company of Fedya and Zinochka at the samovar; I had to write a recipe, and I composed it according to all the rules of medical science:

Rp. Sic transit 0.05

Gloria mundi 1.0

Aqua destillatae 0.1

After two hours, take a tablespoon.

Ms. Eatova.

Dr. Zaitsev."

“Zealot” (1883): “Near the angry director lay scraps of paper. These scraps half an hour ago constituted “a few words in defense of the press”... Sic transit gloria mundi!"

(1828 - 1910)

"War and Peace" (1863 - 1869), vol. 2, part 2, ch. 4:

“Then they lit the candles again, said that he needed to see the full light, and again they took off the blindfold and more than ten voices suddenly said: sic transit gloria mundi. (this is how worldly glory passes)"

(XV century) “On the imitation of Christ” (I, 3, 6): “Oh, how quickly worldly glory passes away” (lat. O quam cito transit gloria mundi) . These words are heard as an exclamation during the inauguration ceremony of the new pope, in front of whom a piece of cloth is burned three times - as a sign that everything earthly, including the power and glory he receives, is illusory, changeable and perishable. The expression is used when talking about something lost (beauty, glory, strength, greatness, authority), which has lost its meaning:

1. Has a use that implies:

  • 1). Decline, death, impoverishment of something famous that had glory in the past.
Alexandria is a completely European city. And looking at these monotonous gray houses of dubious architecture..., you involuntarily think with surprise and some bitterness: this is what the city of Alexander the Great has become - a city considered in ancient times the most beautiful in the world... Where is its library, temples, palaces... Sic transit gloria mundi . S. Fonvizin
  • 2). The loss of someone's influence, the fall of someone's fame.
  • 3). Parting with former beauty, strength, sharpness of mind.
It was a pity to see this truly great dog turn into an idiot; while hunting, he would start searching senselessly... then suddenly stop and look at me tensely and blankly - as if asking me what should be done... Sic transit gloria mundi! I. S. Turgenev
  • 4). The collapse of hopes and illusions
- We were kicked out of the tavern today. They found me indecent... Am I really so unable to behave that I cannot be decent for a tavern?... The medallion, having drunk two glasses, said with comic pathos: - Sic transit gloria mundi! D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak

2. - “that’s how it all ended”:

3. is one of the symbolic slogans of the Masonic initiation rite.

Other examples of use in meaning, when talking about something lost (beauty, glory, strength, greatness, authority), which has lost its meaning:

Scraps of paper lay near the angry director. These scraps half an hour ago constituted “a few words in defense of the press”... Sic transit gloria mundi!

Walking through the entryway, I looked at the coffin and Milyutikha, who was reading. No matter how hard I strained my eyes, I was unable to recognize Zina, the lively, pretty ingenu of the Lukhachev troupe, in her yellow-swarthy face. "Sic transit", I thought.

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