Talisman in the form of a dragon for a rich new life. Historical types of stratification

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"New Poor Russians"
Poverty in Russia has changed its face

A new social group has appeared in Russia - the new poor Russians. These are actively working people who, nevertheless, cannot provide for themselves. This conclusion was reached by the participants of the round table held on Friday in the Federation Council. According to experts, even the “poverty threshold” set by the government at 2,137 rubles is actually the threshold of poverty. Therefore, contrary to official statistics in Russia, 30% of the population is poor and 35% are poor, that is, “two thirds of the population of Russia live either in poverty or on the brink of it.”

“These are not poor people - these are poor people!”
On Friday, the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy tried to calculate how many poor people there are in Russia. Official statistics on this issue are based on the government-established minimum living wage of 2,137 rubles. According to Goskomstat, today 23.3% of Russians live below the poverty line. Independent studies show more depressing results. According to a survey by the Public Opinion Foundation, 27% of Russians earn less than 1 thousand rubles per month per person, and 38% earn from 1 to 2 thousand. That is, 65% of the population is below the poverty line.

Senators and experts do not agree, however, either with the size of the living wage itself, or with who should be considered poor in Russia.

“2137 rubles is an unacceptably low level! - said deputy chairman of the committee Igor Kamenskoy. “People whose incomes exceed the subsistence level, for example, one and a half times, should be considered poor, since they are able to satisfy only the most basic needs.” David Shavishvili, director of the Institute of Social Policy at the Academy of Labor and Social Relations, was more categorical: “We usually call people poor who have incomes below the subsistence level. By all Western definitions, these are not poor - these are poor people! And the poor are those whose incomes exceed the subsistence level twice."

According to experts, 35% of the Russian population can safely be classified as poor, and 30% as poor. But 5% goes to the rich and super-rich.

Moreover, “the face of poverty is changing”: if traditionally the poor in Russia were the disabled, pensioners, large and single-parent families, now a special class has emerged - the new poor. “These are people who are actively working and yet cannot provide for themselves,” said Rimma Kalinichenko, program coordinator at the International Labor Organization (ILO) in Moscow.

“What to distribute?”
“We have set a deadline for overcoming poverty - 3-5 years. But is it possible to overcome poverty at all? - asked the deputy chairman of the committee Andrei Shmelev. - There is an opinion that the state should fight poverty with the help of the distribution function. But the question is, what to distribute?”

Here opinions are divided. David Shavishvili advised to pay attention to the oligarchs: “Half of the oligarchs’ income came from underpaid salaries.” In his opinion, it is possible to end “preferential conditions for employers” and overcome mass poverty of the population by establishing a basic salary standard of 8,500 rubles.

Representatives of the ILO also complained. “It’s difficult for us to fight poverty, because when we go to Geneva and ask for help, they tell us: “You will decide: either your country is a member of the G8 or poor,” said Rimma Kalinichenko. However, sometimes international organizations become generous with the new poor Russians. “We recently launched one of the programs in the Northwestern District,” Kalinichenko boasted.

There was laughter in the hall: “Of course, St. Petersburg is our poorest region!” “I specifically went to Geneva to ask for help in the Far North! This is where real poverty is! But the ILO did nothing! She helps St. Petersburg,” Mikhail Nikolaev, who represents Yakutia in the Federation Council, quipped.

"We need to find a survival formula for the people"
Lyudmila Rzhanitsyna, a professor at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, put an end to the dispute: “We must show the will: stop the reduction of the unified social tax, bring the minimum wage to the subsistence level. Eliminate the income tax on the minimum wage! You talk about poverty and you yourself cut off 13% from these 600 rubles!” The senators became embarrassed and turned away.

Rzhanitsyna continued: “Do you know that our child benefit is 70 rubles?! What can you buy with them?

However, the government is well aware of the meagerness of the benefits. “You can’t live on 70 rubles, but even if we double the benefits, what is 140 rubles? They won't give anything. And for the budget, such an increase will cost an additional 22 billion rubles,” Deputy Prime Minister Galina Karelova told the GAZETTE. Therefore, she believes, “we need to find a survival formula for people that would allow them not to rely only on benefits.”

The “survival formula” that the senators came up with is unlikely to satisfy the government: increase the minimum wage to the subsistence level, which will require not 22 billion rubles from the budget, but a couple of trillions.

In such a situation, the only consolation can be the psychological resilience of our people. According to VTsIOM-A polls, 80% of Russians stubbornly consider themselves to be in the middle class, although most of them are below the “threshold of poverty.”

The New Rich have true FREEDOM!

New Rich. Old Rich. Who are they?

Work with pleasure! Have free time! Travel all year round! To be rich! Isn't this what most people in the world dream about? :)

As usual! :) Most people just dream. And only a FEW DO everything to make their dreams come true.

But NOT everyone who becomes rich gains true freedom! These include the Old Rich.

Old Rich.

The Old Rich measure their wealth only by the amount of money they own. Whoever has more millions is richer.

The Old Rich devote 24/7 to their business. Some even live at work in the literal sense of the word. They specially create a mini-apartment inside an office building so that they can always be close to their brainchild.

The Old Rich are tied to a specific place. They cannot be absent from the workplace for a long time. They cannot travel long distances for long periods of time. And if they return from business trips, they are faced with a rush of problems that have accumulated during their absence.

The Old Rich base their business entirely on their personality. And all processes within the company directly depend on the actions of the owner himself.

In the end, it would seem that there is money. And perhaps even IN EXCESS! But there is NO TIME to spend them! The Old Rich are bound hand and foot by TIME and MOBILITY. The Old Rich don't know what FREEDOM is!

New Rich.

But the New Rich have the opportunity to make any of their dreams COMPLETELY come true!

The New Rich work with pleasure! If, of course, it can be called work. :) For them, work is their FAVORITE activity.

The New Rich have FREE TIME! The New Rich are constantly coming up with every possible way to reduce their working hours to just a few hours a week. And what is more surprising, the New Rich know HOW to make the day “rubbery”. Ordinary people are knocking for 24 hours. And the New Rich have as many hours as they want! :) The whole secret is that the New Rich skillfully use the opportunities of outsourcing.

Want to know WHAT is outsourcing? HOW to use it? And HOW to explain all this clearly to your children? So click on the button “I want to be aware of all events!” in a special form on the right! And then you will definitely NOT miss anything!

The New Rich have MOBILITY. They can manage their affairs from anywhere in the world. They are not tied to a specific place. The New Rich were given this opportunity by mobile communications and the Internet.

The New Rich call KNOWLEDGE “the new money.” Because they easily extract any amount of money from their own heads. That is why the New Rich consider investing a large amount of money in their heads one of their main investments!

If you ask the New Rich: “I have $10,000. Where should I invest them? Most likely they will answer you: “IN YOUR HEAD! Invest in your education! And then, if used correctly, it will bring you millions of dollars in profit.”

The New Rich LIVE and ENJOY their lives. Because they have FREEDOM! And it is achieved with the help of three main elements: KNOWLEDGE, TIME, MOBILITY. We have already discussed each of them above.

Project "The New Rich Since Childhood" It was created precisely in order to give your RICH child the most important, most valuable element. This is KNOWLEDGE!

Don't miss this great opportunity! Put this knowledge into practice! And then your child will definitely grow up to be the New Rich! ;)

New Rich on the radio.

New Rich Artem Melnik will tell you who the New Rich are and how they live.

Artem, as usual, THANK YOU for the USEFUL and PRACTICAL knowledge! ;)

Read more! And don't forget to APPLY! ;)


To the entry "New Rich. Old Rich. Who are they?" 5 comments left.

    Thank you, Rimma for the project! Super! Especially the fact that it is for children, my children watched cartoons about income, goals (especially my little son was crazy about the mumps, and my 11-year-old daughter decided to print out and use a lot for herself). Thank you for the opportunity to raise our children financially literate now. Indeed, in order to become rich and successful, it is important to be such a person - to do, to act - and then to have, to have fame, and income, and all the ensuing benefits... I wish you and your project further prosperity! We are with you.

    • Rose! Thank you for your comment!))
      I really love words of gratitude. They inspire action. I am especially pleased that my materials turned out to be useful for your children.
      Glad to see you in our ranks! Study, apply, get results! Then share with us. ;)
      Wishes for success, as always, are mutual!
      P.S. Rose! Join our VKONTAKTE group http://vk.com/newrichkids and receive even more materials for raising successful children.

    Thank you Rimma for this post! Artem is a clear example of the “New Rich” - a successful, young, positive, developing, free and open person who, not in words but in deeds, shows many people how he lives - with a new lifestyle!
    Good luck everyone!

The “new rich” have concentrated the largest fortune in their hands. There are 267 million NWB families in the world, and by 2020 their number will reach 403 million. Since 2010, this class has accumulated wealth faster than the super-rich and the middle class. This trend will continue for at least the next decade.

There are 1.32 million new wealthy families in Russia, and in six years their number will exceed 2.4 million. The volume of financial assets of the “new rich” Russians in 2014 amounted to about $267 billion, and by 2020 the figure will grow to 503 billion. Developing countries lag behind developed countries in terms of the number of NWB, but by 2020 everything will be different (see diagram 5). Many mature economies are already facing slowdowns, while developing countries, despite some challenges, continue to grow. Accordingly, the population of the latter is getting richer much faster.

In terms of aggregate welfare, mature economies will retain leadership in the forecast period. However, China will take first place in the country ranking. By 2020, the ratio of the fortunes of the “new rich” in the Middle Kingdom and the United States will be 2 to 1. The Chinese will have assets in the amount of $53 trillion, while the Americans will accumulate $27 trillion.

India will be the first in terms of growth among developing countries and in the Asia-Pacific region. The total assets of the local “new rich” will increase 10 times by 2020 and reach $880 billion. The conditions for this are very favorable: economic reforms, infrastructure modernization, a stable political outlook and positive investor sentiment.

In terms of average annual growth rates of wealth for “new rich” families in 2014–2020, Latin America will lead with 11.1%. Next with 10.1% is the Asia-Pacific region. Russia and Central and Eastern European countries will take third place with 9%.

Humble and hardworking

The New Rich are self-made. “The vast majority of them - nine out of ten - created their wealth in the last 10 years, only 3% attribute it to receiving some kind of inheritance,” says Erica Klein, EIU US editorial director.

They themselves are modest and do not consider themselves rich. This label, according to many of them, can be applied to those who have investment assets of $2 million or more.

NWB achieve their goals through hard work, so they place great importance on education and knowledge. These are doctors, lawyers, accountants, investment consultants and top company managers. They are well versed in modern technologies, use digital banking and most of all value convenience and the ability to save their time.

As global citizens, the “new rich” are not limited to just a few countries. More than half of them go abroad for business purposes more than three times a year; a third send their children to study abroad; a quarter hold bank accounts in more than two countries.
They know firsthand about philanthropy: 97% of NWBs regularly donate a certain percentage of their income.

Moral and independent

The “new rich” are confident and independent investors. The vast majority (84%) manage their investment portfolios personally, although a good half still seek professional support on specific technical and tax issues.

Focused on sustainable growth of prosperity, they are far from conservatives. Most often, NWBs choose domestic market shares, mutual or pooled investment funds, and in rare cases, sovereign bonds.
They invest in projects that truly excite them and see them as an opportunity to secure the future of their loved ones. They do not enter into transactions with their conscience: the factor of moral considerations influences the investment decisions of 95% of NWB.

The appetite for growth is driving them to consider exotic investment destinations. In the near future, the “new rich” plan to invest in countries such as Andorra, Bhutan, Ecuador, Ghana, Greenland, Iceland and Malawi. In the meantime, their portfolio is distributed mainly between stable regions with the most favorable economic prospects: the USA, Great Britain, India, Australia and Singapore.

Investing passion is not alien to 82% of NWB. At the same time, a third of the “new rich” consider this category of investments as a way to leave “non-monetary wealth” to their heirs.

They consider economic and political instability to be the greatest threat to the growth of personal well-being. And the “new rich” react to any market turns earlier and more sharply than others.

I recently read somewhere that forums as a means of communication between like-minded people have already become obsolete... People prefer to communicate and make friends on social networks.

On the other hand, this is an innovation that appeared not so long ago, so few people understand the ethics of communication, and therefore do not observe it. And few people think that “they don’t interfere with someone else’s monastery with their own rules.”

Those. any page or profile on social media. networks - the same apartment/house, a sacred place where the spirit and atmosphere created by the owner hovers...

And then THEY appear... and begin to walk in dirty shoes on the freshly washed floors of the home. Either they post advertising links, then they add incomprehensible content to groups... and you get a whole heap of letters with notifications about various crap.

Laws of Money

What you need to do to move to a higher income level

What is the relationship between your worth and money?

→ How to activate your cash flow

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For me personally, Facebook is not a tool for communication, but a means by which I share what is close to me or interesting to me.

A week ago I was added to a group with the loud name “Secrets of the New Rich”. I had not heard of such a cross-section of the population, I was not familiar with their secrets, so I decided not to leave the group, but to observe the development of events.

Having received a dozen links to all sorts of means of earning money in the form of MLM and info-business fly-by-night stories, recordings of speeches by apparently the new rich, as well as good morning wishes, I asked a question that was reasonable in my opinion, and I quote:

Or maybe a frivolous question... who is being added to this group: who has already BECOME the new rich or the one who is striving for this? Both of them, for example, have little to do with me. And to many people I know here too. What is the point of this group?

And I received a response from one of the group members:

Lady Alla: As I see, few people supported this statement, therefore, not so many of your friends are disgusted with counting money. And if you are so disgusted with being a wealthy person, then there is NO PROBLEM, you can leave... It is impossible to give by force - you can only take away by force, and no one is going to take anything away, but also to push it in by force!

I will not comment on my attitude towards those who, instead of answering a direct question, quickly get personal and think out what they themselves are missing.


Let’s take them as a starting point to consider how limiting beliefs work and at what stage the substitution of concepts occurs.

1. Who hates counting money?

To those who consider money “dirty”, “unworthy”, “unspiritual”.

A fairly common trend among those who follow the spiritual path of development. Ascension, raising vibrations, expanding consciousness, in their opinion, is incompatible with material values.

But a master is one who has found the balance of the material and spiritual.

It is noteworthy that America, the ancestor of the entire New Age movement, experienced a crisis of spirituality 10 years ago.

From their own experience, through trial and error, they came to the conclusion that it is impossible to be a spiritual person and treat the world of matter, including money, without respect.

What can a person give who has reached a certain level of spiritual development, but is at the same time a beggar, constantly struggling to survive?

Will he be able to fulfill his destiny: to be a leader of a new era, to lead by example, if he himself is faced with the urgent question of how to pay the rent or how to feed himself and his children?

Who needs such an example? And who would want to follow such a person?

Are you interested in listening to the ravings of a person ranting about the New Earth, the 5th dimension, abundance and prosperity, if he himself has NOTHING except fantasies?!

Another illusion that many fall into looks like this: I serve the planet/humanity, I work on her/his healing, I am a conductor of high frequencies and vibrations.

Oops! We live on a completely material object, a planet called Earth, which is in the density of the THIRD dimension, the most physical of all.

Which you share and which you receive because of the divine work you do.

And in order to conduct higher frequencies, a person must be firmly ANCHORED in physical reality. In other words, it must be connected with the world of matter.

How can he do this if he floats high in the clouds and has long lost his connection with the three-dimensional Earth.

What is the way out?

Learn to appreciate not only spiritual values, but also material ones. Loving unconditionally is not only a spiritual principle, but also an integral attribute of the third dimension, i.e. MONEY.

2. Be wealthy

Let's look at this point.

What do you mean by “being wealthy”? Have a fortune? And what should be the size of this fortune so that you can confidently call yourself a wealthy person?

Personally, for me, a wealthy person is someone who has more than what is necessary to meet their basic needs.

If you need, for example, $1000 to live comfortably, and you have more every month, then you are already a wealthy person. Because you can afford something beautiful, travel, vacations in overseas countries, etc.

But for some, basic needs include $10,000, and then earning $8 thousand (quite a considerable amount, you must agree) he will feel unhappy, constantly living in survival mode.

So any numbers are relative.

And the last nuance for today: money cannot be the goal in life. Especially in the coming 2012.

This is where . If you want to help yourself, your loved ones, want to help many awakening people, it will be easier for you to do this if you are not limited by money.

Just imagine how many more opportunities open up for you if you can freely invest the money at your disposal... in trips, seminars, websites, centers... in anything.

What would you do, what would you do, if you had all the means necessary to do it?

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