Feng Shui talismans: attract luck, money, love and health. Feng Shui talismans Feng Shui souvenirs meaning

Chinese philosophy is inextricably linked with the teachings of Feng Shui. If you want your life to become harmonious and balanced, turn to the basics of teaching. You can create or buy traditional talismans, these are powerful items that can change and improve your life. Use them correctly, observing the moon phases and numbers.

You have a chance to change all areas of your life: love, finances, career, find peace in your home, health and longevity. Starting to change your life, you reconfigure energy channels as nature requires. This life will become more enjoyable - try it.

There are dozens of interesting talismans for all occasions, and their meaning and symbols will be revealed to those who truly thirst for knowledge. The most famous Feng Shui talismans reveal their secrets. As the Chinese sage says:

“Unless you climb a high mountain, you will not know the height of the sky. Without looking into a deep gorge in the mountains, you will not know the thickness of the earth. Without hearing the behests of your ancestors, you will not recognize the greatness of learning.”

Energy zones of your home

In terms of energy, any room is divided into several zones. By following them, you can build energy flows so that you have good luck in everything. Many companies design their offices this way.

Energy zones

Try it too:


Career and business. In the North of your apartment or house there is a place where it is best to set up a study. Here your thoughts will always be sound, your ideas will be accurate, and your work will be fruitful.


Family, family values, peace in the family. There should be a place where the family can gather. The simplest thing is to put a large sofa and a table. Drink tea, talk, watch TV all together.


Children and luck. These symbols are inextricably linked. It is on the North side that you need to place the children's room.


Happiness in the family, health. Here you are advised to post your joint photographs, diplomas and certificates, and achievements.

There are also additional directions for a deeper understanding of Feng Shui, but the main four will be most useful to you.

Elemental elements for energy zones

When making or purchasing amulets for each area in the house, be sure to check the materials chart. Each energy value corresponds to a material and color. It is best to use them as is, rather than mixing them. Every energy has its own color.

  • North Color: Blue. Element: Water
  • South Color: Red. Element: Fire
  • West Color: Yellow. Element: Metal.
  • East Color: Green. Element: Wood.

Be sure to follow these rules for arranging elements in your home.

Harmony can be achieved quickly - by rearranging furniture, adding elements, installing amulets for the home, you create a favorable climate for all family members.

Talismans for love

The most famous love amulets in the Feng Shui tradition are still valid today:

Talismans for your home will help you not only attract love into your life, but also speed up marriage and normalize relationships that might have cooled down.

Amulets for calling money

Amulets of the Feng Shui culture, which help to tune in to the energy of wealth, are also common:

These symbols can be placed at home in the wealth zone, but you can take miniature copies with you and put them in your wallet. Very soon you will feel the influence of these symbols on your life. Try it - your financial well-being depends on you. Try redirecting the energy, it can solve many problems. Another good home aquarium mascot with 9 goldfish. There should be exactly nine of them - keep an eye on it. The number and symbol bring you wealth.

Magic items for health

It is very important here that they are all white. In Feng Shui culture, white is associated with physical and mental health. Symbols:

You must have them at home - very powerful energy accompanies the items on the list. Your family will feel the difference. If children in the house are often sick, it is necessary to set a rule for the space - this will help literally right away.

Feng Shui for career

Feng Shui will be a great start for your career. For a long time you can’t move up the career ladder, you lose the desire to work, you can’t find an interesting job? It's all about shifting the program. Try using these talismans at home, at work, or carry some of them with you.

There are a huge variety of hieroglyphic symbols for a career: Business, Work, Success, Prosperity, Promotion, Earnings. We can draw them on a piece of thick paper and carry them with us. This method is very simple - take blue ink or natural paint, draw a symbol starting from top to bottom.

Amulets - feng shui tattoos

You want to carry beautiful symbols with you directly on your skin, especially if their meaning is pleasant to you. But you shouldn’t get carried away with tattoos, because you don’t always know the full and exact meaning of a particular hieroglyph. There may be two of them, or maybe ten.

And if you combine them, you get a very complex, possibly contradictory, saying. Consultation with a tattoo artist does not give the desired results. He can only offer you pictures and ideas. The best thing is, if you have firmly decided to make an amulet directly on the skin, go deeper into Feng Shui, talk with practicing masters, preferably Chinese.

They will help you choose the combination you need, which will always be with you and complement your energy plan. Such tattoos are not forbidden, but, on the contrary, in their correct meaning they can be very useful. Such a talisman cannot be removed or lost - it is always with you. The main thing here is to intelligently approach the choice of symbols, to find out their exact historical and esoteric meaning. The best places to get such tattoos are:

  • Right wrist.
  • The point is right between the shoulder blades.
  • Ankle.
  • Palm.
  • Neck on the left side.

The traditions of Feng Shui teachings provide many opportunities for those who truly seek knowledge. Indeed, from the simplest knowledge about energy, the connection between man and nature, many useful conclusions can be drawn.

It is known that physicists conducted many experiments studying magnetic and biofields.

The theory of arranging objects, materials, and colors according to Feng Shui has found many scientific confirmations. Yes, in such an environment at home you live better, you have a sober outlook, the opportunity to find love, open yourself to new interesting work. Using symbols and talismans, you create not a magical world around you, but a very comfortable living environment. Take advantage of the advice of practitioners, plunge into the world of ancient Chinese traditions, and find an amazing new hobby for yourself.

In the teaching that came from China, Feng Shui, everything matters: talismans, their location in the right place, proper use, the material from which they are made. Without taking into account all these points, a very powerful symbol will become just a trinket and will not bring happiness. Feng Shui symbols are necessary in order to correct an imbalance in one of the sectors and correct any imbalances in the energy of the house. We have collected for you the most basic principles of dividing the space of the house into sectors and activating energy with talismans, so that the family and the people living in it find peace and well-being, and negative energy goes away.

According to the teaching, everything that happens to a person is divided into nine aspects. Feng Shui placed them in the Ba Gua grid. This is an octagon, which is divided into nine sectors. Each of them corresponds to a certain area of ​​human life. Based on this scheme, it is necessary to equip the house so that the rooms are located in the sector that is responsible for the accumulation of the necessary energy. Accordingly, talismans and symbols responsible for wealth should be located precisely in the wealth sector. This is how they are activated. To begin, correlate the ba-gua diagram with the plan. For this you will need:

  • compass with division into eight directions;
  • round protractor;
  • apartment plan (you can use one already drawn, or you can create it yourself);
  • ruler;
  • pencils: plain, green, red, yellow, gray, dark blue;
  • ba-gua stencil.

Then we start measuring:

  1. Stand with your back to the front door, take a compass and study its readings, marking it on the house plan.
  2. Place the protractor on the stencil, aligning 0 with the north point, mark the 8 cardinal directions.
  3. Place a dot on the stencil to mark the entrance.
  4. Place the stencil on the house plan.
  5. Determine the center of the plan. Do not pay attention to protruding parts not exceeding 50%.
  6. Transfer the cardinal directions onto the plan, dividing into sectors.
  7. Make color notes.

Materials also carry a semantic load, are considered symbols and are placed in the desired sector. Their color and texture can strengthen or weaken the energy, depending on how organically they fit into the combination of elements.

  • wood – plants, wooden furniture, paper, green color, landscapes. Symbol of growth, fruiting, versatility;
  • fire – candles, lamps, triangle, red, image of the sun. Symbol of sincerity and honesty;
  • soil – brick, terracotta, stone, yellow, brown, orange colors. Means wisdom, intuition, sincerity;
  • metal - rounded shapes, domes, metal objects, dishes, white, gray, silver colors, coins, watches. Symbol of brilliant ideas, justice;
  • water – rivers, lakes, wave patterns, aquariums, water landscapes. Symbol of sympathy and support.

Considering the above, you can begin to manage energy in order to attract happiness into your home.

Talismans by sector in the house

Now let's distribute the rooms in the house in accordance with the ba-gua, and after that the talismans.

Sector of wisdom and knowledge

Located in the northeast of the apartment. Set up your work area here. The owner of a private house can make an office or library here. In an ordinary small apartment, place a work table in this sector. By doing this you will contribute to the learning process and improve the mental activity of all family members.

Books will help with activation, especially if they are related to your type of activity. and students - textbooks, for working people - dictionaries, tutorials, regulations. Objects that are associated with science would be appropriate in this place: a map, a globe, a microscope.

Be sure to increase the lighting. Images of animals and symbols of wisdom are used as talismans: owls, snakes. Better made of crystal or clay. Landscapes depicting earth, stones, and sand are suitable as paintings.


Northern sector. The previous sector was suitable for students and intellectual workers, but this one will be more needed by businessmen. Accordingly, move your office here for promotion. Install office equipment here: printer, computer. You can do without this, and simply activate the energy of your career with the proper arrangement of elements and talismans.

First of all, increase the lighting. The career is activated by water, so place any water element here. This could be a home waterfall or fountain. It is best to place an aquarium - the most powerful Chinese talisman. Both fish and turtles can live there. It creates lighting, has a large mass of water, goldfish will attract wealth, and it is useful to place chests with gold at the bottom, which will additionally attract wealth.

There is no possibility to place large elements - a painting with a water landscape will suffice. The sector's mascot is a turtle. This is one of the favorite symbols in China. It can be live in an aquarium or in the form of a figurine.

The turtle symbolizes the path forward, hard work that will be paid, so its place is in the work area. Using the symbol as a symbol will solve problems and increase income.

Travel, connections and assistants

Awakening the sector helps to attract mentors into your life when you cannot solve the problem on your own. Another purpose of it is to influence travel. If you can’t go on vacation for a long time, work on arranging your apartment according to Feng Shui. Direction - northwest.

As in other cases, increase the lighting. It is best to place figurines of deities to attract mentors and assistants. For example, Ganesha. A photograph of your teacher or mentor, who has already helped once, would also be suitable.

To help with travel, hang up photos of the countries you dream of going to. Vehicles are suitable as a talisman: figures of trains, motorcycles, cars and the like.

Children's sector

Its location is west. Another meaning is creativity. The meaning is ambiguous, so activation should take place in different ways:

  1. They will help you get pregnant by strengthening the health of future parents.
  2. It will help you overcome your creative crisis.
  3. Netsuke will help protect children; it is better to take 7 pieces. This is both energy protection and strengthening children's health.
  4. Use drawings and crafts to organize your children's space. The material is metal, so place bells, vases, and wind chimes here.
  5. If there are problems in relationships with children, then arrange the talismans of the child’s zodiac sign.

Although the sector is called children's, it helps the whole family, and in a sense, creates it.

Love sector

Also a multi-valued sector. Located in the southwest. Activation of the zone will help you find love if you don’t already have a chosen one and strengthen relationships in an already created family that is going through a crisis.

This is the location of the bed. To enhance the energy of love, place paired objects here: ducks, butterflies, doves. The presence of two candles is required: red and white (masculine and feminine). Decorate your walls with photos of you and your loved one together, where you are happy and in love. Single people can place pictures of happy couples on the walls, this will attract love.

This is the best place to store erotic paraphernalia, hearts, and soft toys.

Under no circumstances use cutting objects, thorny plants, or muzhegon. These things will only bring discord to the family due to the concentration of negative energy, and happiness will disappear from life.

Territory of recognition and glory

Its location is south. Activation will be required for people striving for fame and a high position in society, who lack luck. Awards, diplomas, and medals are stored in this area. It is best to highlight the regalia. It would be ideal if there was a fireplace here. Talisman - figurines of birds, horses, stones.

Financial sector

It is located in the southeast. To attract wealth, you must place any symbols of money, items made of precious stones and metals here. Any water will be appropriate: an aquarium, a fountain. The symbol of success according to Feng Shui is red fish. If it is not possible to place them in an aquarium, then place a figurine of such a fish or a picture with its image. The money tree is also placed in this zone.

Mirrors and glass products enhance the energy. To activate energy, make the lighting more intense. In addition to wealth, proper arrangement of the south-east of the apartment also brings good luck.

The most common talismans of the east

For each zone, we described talismans designed to attract the energy corresponding to the zone. Now we will describe in more detail popular talismans.

Three-toed toad

This talisman can be found not only in souvenir shops in China. The image is spread almost all over the world. She very quickly attracts good luck and happiness. Here are some rules of use:

  1. If a toad holds a coin in his mouth, then this will work for enrichment.
  2. It is worth looking at whether the money is taken out or not. Give preference.
  3. Be sure to activate it. To do this, keep it in water and do not wipe it off. Periodically go over it with a wet cloth.
  4. Also for activation it is placed on the bottom of the aquarium.

Also known as Crassula. Not to be confused with Zamioculcas, the dollar tree. These talismans attract profits. Remember some rules:

  1. The plant should be free of dust and dirt.
  2. Choose only a bright place.
  3. Spray periodically.
  4. Bury Chinese coins in the ground.
  5. Do not keep limp, dry, stunted flowers.
  6. Buy the flower yourself, do not accept it as a gift, otherwise it will not work.
  7. Use with a source of water.
  8. Don't put it in the bedroom.
  9. The fat woman really doesn’t like being in the vicinity of cacti in terms of energy.

Some plants do not grow, so it is possible to replace a living flower with a picture of it or an artificial tree made from stones, coins, banknotes. If the tree is placed not in the zone of wealth, but in the zone of fame, then this will help in moving up the career ladder.


Protect family and home. There are only three of them and they must be used together, since each symbolizes its own quality:

  1. Fu-hsing brings prosperity and well-being. He is the central figure. You can recognize the old man by his coins.
  2. Lu-sin cares about procreation. You will recognize him immediately by the baby in your arms.
  3. Shu-shin gives health. The old man is depicted with a staff, deer or peaches.


This talisman protects the home, bestows wisdom and helps to gain financial well-being. When using a talisman, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Use the figurine as well as the painting.
  2. Place above the main entrance on New Year's Day.
  3. In normal times, place the tiger in the wealth sector.
  4. This symbol is not recommended for those born in the year of the pig, rabbit, or rooster.
  5. If you are afraid of tiger energy, then use a figurine of a sleeping tiger cub.
  6. The figurine of a white tiger has very powerful energy.
  7. Used in conjunction with the dragon, which is located above. This is used to control energy.

– the symbol is very warlike, so caution is needed in use.

Having considered the topic of Feng Shui talismans and their meaning, you will understand what symbols to acquire to attract the necessary energies. A symbol is an object that carries energy that is important to you.

There are 2 types of talismans in Feng Shui:

  • traditional (bells, figurines, images);
  • elemental talismans (symbols personifying one of the 5 elements).

It’s easy to overdo it with symbols - place several figures in each sector, and you will feel the energy confusion. Start with one small but extremely important one and move on.

Energy saturation with symbols is justified only in the living room - a room for everyone and performs several functions. The use of strictly Chinese (oriental symbols) is optional. When the interior is in English style, Chinese hotei and three-toed toads will look ridiculous. Look for analogues or adapt the design of individual zones.

A foreign culture does not always resonate well with an individual's experience. The symbol must be important specifically to you.

Do you want success in your career? Hang a landscape painting in the northern part of the living room. If it inspires you, the effect will be stronger than a whole bag of Chinese coins. Do you dream of fixing your marriage? Then decorate the table in the northwestern part of the room with a beautiful table with fresh flowers. Just don't forget to change them on time.

Chinese symbols, if you decide to use them, are placed in strict accordance with the activation zone.

The meaning of feng shui mascot figures

For convenience, alphabetical order.

Orange – abundance, happiness, focus on a successful marriage. These citrus fruits are associated with gold and optimism. Use if you need to achieve prosperity.

Asters – tenderness, romance. A symbol that activates the love sector. You can use both fresh and painted flowers.

Butterflies - attracting love. Use in pairs or multiple pairs.

Bamboo – strength, endurance. Protection from evil spirits. Bamboo conducts favorable energy.

Ox – calm, stability, stability. Suitable for wealth zone. Gives perseverance in achieving goals, ensures stable income.

Two ceramic vases are a single paired symbol. Accumulates wealth and positive energy in the home. Vases should have narrow necks and wide bases. In this form, they bring peace to the family.

The fan is symbolic protection. If the talisman is gilded, it provides high status in its circles.

A waterfall is good luck for the whole family.

Ganesha is support and protection in business and endeavors.

The globe is a favorable symbol for successful studies.

Doves are a symbol for couples to attract romantic relationships.

Mountain – protection and stability, support, support. .

A pot of gold (coins, treasures) is a talisman for attracting abundance.

Pomegranate is a symbol of offspring for family and work. Can be used when opening company branches or for a favorable replenishment of the family.

Dolphins - mutual assistance, support.

Money tree – growing and increasing abundance.

The dragon is a multi-tasking symbol. Protects against failure, poverty, gives a sense of security, provokes positive changes. The symbol is not placed above the head, otherwise the dragon will absorb the owner’s powers. If a dragon has a pearl, then it is a talisman of wisdom and harmony.

Unicorn – generosity, great wisdom. Used when children need help achieving their goals or when opening branches.

The three-legged toad is a personification. They put it only in the living room, and nowhere else. The toad itself should not be looking directly at you, but its position should indicate that it has just jumped into the room.

The pearl is the concentration of knowledge to achieve goals.

The crane is a talisman of longevity. The paired symbol attracts family luck.

The hare is a symbol of long life. Seeing an image with a red hare is a sign of great luck.

Snake – renewal, knowledge.

An umbrella is protection from ill-wishers.

Iris – faith, hope.

The fireplace is a symbol placed in the glory zone. Its regular cleaning and action will maintain your greatness in your circles.

Stones – stability and security. If you manage to find pebbles with stripes, then clean the stones in salted water for a week and fumigate. They will make the house stronger.

Crystal – strengthening of positive energy in the zone of Wisdom. Works when exposed to light.

Leo – valor, energy, protection at the entrance from evil spirits.

Lily – calm, purity, peace.

Horse – perseverance, nobility, endurance. If the horse is pointing upward, then it is a symbol of success. Gold on the back - fame and money.

Bear – protection at the entrance.

Mystical knot - endless luck.

The coin of happiness is a symbol of money, wealth, but not only material things.

Monkey – protection from failures.

Eagle - success. 9 eagles soaring above the sun are a blessing for great goals.

Peacock – luck and nobility. Achieving high positions or recognition.

Sailboat - good luck in business. Place the nose inside the house - bringing treasures home. Gold on the deck will strengthen the talisman.

Peach is a symbol of marriage and long-term relationships.

Crystal pyramid - achievements and career ambitions.

Horseshoe - promotion and career advancement.

Sunflowers are a symbol of health and optimism.

Goldfish in an aquarium are money luck. There should always be an odd number of fish. One is black. The aquarium is placed in the southeast.

Pink quartz hearts - attracting love.

The elephant is a symbol of indestructibility. According to Indian legends, women come to elephants asking the wise animal for success in conception.

Fu dogs are guardians of well-being at the entrance to the house. A common symbol of a dog is protection of family stability.

The tiger is a powerful symbol against evil spirits. Chinese Feng Shui masters do not recommend throwing away such a talisman. If you were born in the year of the wild boar, rooster or rabbit (tiger food), then you cannot keep such a symbol in the house. At one time, the belief about this was so strong that mothers did not want to marry their sons to girls born in the year of the Tiger, since marriage could promise the quick death of their spouse. But Feng Shui does not know a more powerful amulet against evil forces.

– attracting long-awaited marriage and romantic relationships.

Phoenix is ​​an amulet of prosperity.

Fountain - abundance.

Hotei is a popular patron in business. To make your wish come true, stroke your belly 300 times.

Heron - loyalty.

Turtle – long life and endurance.

Meaning of bells

Bells transform subtle energies, purifying them. A prerequisite is hollow tubes, it is in them that the energy is transformed. Without them, bells are just decoration. The best materials are metal (for the east and southeast), bamboo (for the northeast and southwest), porcelain (for the north). Number of tubes – 5.

Bell pendant – 1 bell and 1 thin plate. These are only hung in monasteries; they are not recommended in the home.

The pagoda pendant is a talisman for all residents in the house.

Round pendant – harmony, abundance. Hang in the living room or hallway.

Fish pendant – prosperity, good luck.

Phoenix bell - happiness.

Any moving objects (windmills, flags, clocks) – additional circulation of Qi. Adds mobility and prevents stagnation.

Bamboo flutes – security, professional growth, insight.


Plants as symbols are good because they bring living energy, but they are bad because without care they can harm residents. Just like bells, they make Qi circulate better. Flowering plants also additionally activate the required sector.

Flower pots are placed where you need to disguise a sharp corner or remove negativity from open bookshelves.

Sharp leaves carry Yang (male) energy, round leaves carry Yin (female).

The ideal place for placement is the dining room, living room. Yang energy is not allowed in the bedroom.

It is better to avoid artificial and dry plants. For offices, you can still use artificial ones, but moist care is required, and artificial flowers drain energy.

To always remember about talismans and their meaning, bookmark this article and use it when you make changes to the interior.

In the art of Feng Shui there are a large number of talismans with which you can attract good luck and all the desired benefits. Each symbol in Feng Shui has its own power, so when choosing a talisman for your home, you need to know the meaning of the talisman.

When choosing your mascot, it is important to proceed from your goals. Feng Shui figurines are selected according to what you want to attract into your life. Also, where you store your talisman is important. In Feng Shui, the entire space of the house is divided into zones or sectors, each of which is responsible for a specific area of ​​life. So if you want to attract good luck at work, then the talisman you choose should be in the career sector.

Three-legged toad with a coin

This is a symbol of monetary wealth and wealth. It is recommended to store it in the hallway. It must be positioned so that its muzzle is turned towards the center of the house. It is believed that toads are afraid of heights, so you should not place this talisman on a high cabinet or shelf. The three-legged toad is an excellent talisman for those who want to attract money into the house.

Horse mascot

The horse figure is a talisman of career, fame and popularity. It is important that this figurine is directed upward. It is recommended to store it in the southern part of the house, in the quarry sector. Also, this Feng Shui talisman will help attract positive changes in life and prosperity in everything.


The feng shui meaning of this talisman is strength, energy and success. Phoenix will help you both attract money and make a career. This figurine should be located in the southern part of the house.


In Feng Shui, the elephant is a symbol of good luck. It should not be placed on a window sill - this way it will attract good luck through the window. It is important that the trunk of this talisman is raised up.

Mandarin ducks

In Feng Shui, mandarin ducks are talismans of fidelity and love. This is an excellent family amulet. It is best to place this symbol in the southwest of the bedroom, in the love zone.

Money Tree

This talisman is very popular all over the world. The money tree attracts wealth and stimulates constant income growth. It is a symbol of prosperity and abundance. He should stand in the southeastern sector, in the money zone.

The Dragon

In Feng Shui, the dragon represents wisdom, calm and harmony. If you lack all this in life, then this talisman is for you. In addition, the dragon brings good luck in business. It should be stored in the eastern part of the house.


This talisman attracts good luck in business. He gives special protection to those. Who is engaged in trade. A sailboat attracts money and success at work. It must be stored either near a window or at the front door so that its nose faces the center of the house.


In Feng Shui, the turtle talisman represents health, wisdom and longevity. This symbol protects from all adversity, unpleasant people and cleanses space. It is best to place the turtle in the northern part of the house.


In Feng Shui, a fan is a strong talisman against negative energy. Hang it on the wall, and it will cleanse your home of negative energy and create comfort and an atmosphere of goodness.

Dogs fu

The music of wind

This talisman is used to harmonize the atmosphere in the house. Hang wind chimes above the door so that when you enter the room, you can hear a wonderful healing ringing.

All these Feng Shui talismans are designed to maintain peace, prosperity and prosperity in the home. They will help activate positive energy and create a harmonious atmosphere. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

The topic of using Feng Shui teachings in everyday life worries people more and more. But many thoughtlessly buy and place amulets, simply paying tribute to fashion.

But when using Feng Shui talismans and amulets in your life, it is extremely important to know not only their meaning, but the places where they should be placed.

The right place enhances the power of a Feng Shui amulet, and sometimes even modifies the direction of this force.

Elements of Water - location by zones

Water talismans are considered very important in Feng Shui. If a person is interested in success and luck in work, career advancement, then they should be located in the career sectors, that is, in the northern part of the room. To achieve wealth and attract money, according to Feng Shui, it makes sense to place water talismans in the southeastern part of the home. Those who want to live in love and harmony, to be healthy not only themselves, but also to improve it for all family members, need to keep them in the Health and Family sectors, that is, in the eastern zone of the home.

A pond with fish is a guarantee of well-being

– the most powerful talismans for health, career, wealth and family happiness.

As already mentioned, water talismans, used to attract money to the family, are installed in the southeastern zone of the home. The choice of fish for these talismans is also important. The goldfish is the most popular sign of wealth. But other fish of golden or silver colors, as well as bright red ones, are also quite appropriate. An interesting fact is that the number of fish living in the aquarium plays an important role. The ideal amount that enhances talismans is considered to be the one that is equal to the number of Gua belonging to the head earner.

Three-legged toad to improve well-being

You can further activate these talismans to attract money using a figurine of a toad with a coin in its mouth. A figurine of a sunken ship with jewelry, a treasure chest, an ancient castle or a rock with a cave, at the entrance of which one can guess treasures and money, will decorate and increase the power of aquarium talismans. Of course, good care of the inhabitants of the aquarium, constantly clean water, and beautiful plants will help the owners of such mascots.

This may be a “mystical knot”, the meaning of which is to attract a whole cycle of luck. This sign is most often bright red in color, so it is not recommended for use in the quarry area.

But this sign is very appropriate in the sectors of Fame, Wealth and, especially, Love. Indeed, red color stimulates love, passion, and sex most of all.

The second amulet, called “double sign of good luck,” is a pair of hieroglyphs. You can do them yourself and carry them with you all the time: in your wallet or in your inner pocket, on your chest or in your passport.

The teachings of Feng Shui say: for good luck, you can make a double sign with hieroglyphs in other colors, using white, black and blue - they symbolize water. It is also good to use wavy, winding, smooth lines.

“Double Sign” amulets in red are powerful Feng Shui talismans for attracting love.

Mandarin ducks

According to Feng Shui, the meaning of this talisman lies in fidelity and love, marriage and family happiness. After all, these birds choose a mate only once, remaining faithful to each other all their lives. The duck figures must be placed in pairs in the zone of Marriage and Love - in the southwest of the room.

By the way, other attributes symbolizing love and fidelity are also appropriate here: swans, candles, wolves. But it is very important that each attribute-symbol is double, paired. It is recommended to leave wedding rings near these paired talismans overnight. To enhance love, it’s a good idea to include a wedding photo or one that captures the family in the best moments of its existence.

For those who only dream of finding their soulmate, it is also important to add paired amulets to the Love zone in the bedroom. You shouldn’t hang a photograph on the wall where a person who dreams of a family is captured alone.

Video about Feng Shui talismans:

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WHERE DOES PEOPLE'S LOVE FOR SALTY COME FROM? The widespread use of salt has its reasons. Firstly, the more salt you consume, the more you want...
The Ministry of Finance intends to submit a proposal to the government to expand the experiment on taxation of the self-employed to include regions with high...
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