Tatar belyashi with potatoes. Belyashi with meat - a recipe from Tatar chefs. How to cook homemade juicy belyashi in the oven

Today we will talk about how to make belyashi with meat and onions. The recipe is very simple, and the products turn out airy, rosy and incredibly tasty. Initially, they were prepared only by Tatars and were considered a purely national dish. As in all similar recipes, the minced meat for whites was quite fatty, and the dish was very high in calories. However, over time the recipe has changed slightly. Some housewives began to prepare belyashi from a different type of dough, while others experimented with different types of fillings. One way or another, the traditional way of cooking belyashi has been preserved, and they are the favorite dish of most Russian citizens.

What do you need?

First, let's look at the ingredients you will need to make classic products. Take four glasses of peeled and sifted flour, three tablespoons of vegetable oil, a glass of water, a pack of yeast, 500 grams of any minced meat, two onions, spices and herbs. In order to prepare belyashi with meat, the recipe for which we will tell you a little later, you need to decide on the type of minced meat. Since the finished products are already quite high in calories, it is not recommended to use fatty minced meat. The best solution would be beef or pork. It is worth noting that in the traditional recipe, both types of meat are minced through a meat grinder. Thanks to the leanness of the beef and the softness of the pork, the belyashi are tasty and moderately fatty. As for flour, before starting cooking it must be sifted and cleaned. In this way, you not only get rid of possible debris, but also saturate the flour with oxygen, due to which the products will turn out very tasty and fluffy.

Process of creation

We begin to prepare belyashi with meat, the recipe for which we will now tell you. If you follow the traditional version, then you need to cook only from yeast dough. The recipe for its preparation is known to every housewife, so we will not dwell on it. Once the dough is kneaded, let it rise for about half an hour.

At this time, we are preparing the filling for our whites. To do this, add onion minced through a meat grinder to the finished minced meat. Mix everything, salt, pepper and add various spices. Some housewives also add a couple of cloves of garlic and finely chopped herbs. But be careful: carefully read the composition of the seasoning, since some mixtures already contain dried garlic. But it is worth noting that the classic belyashi with meat, the recipe for which we are considering, does not include the addition of garlic and herbs to the filling.


When the filling is ready and the dough has risen, we begin to prepare the products. Roll out the dough into a sausage shape and cut it into circles. These, in turn, are rolled out with the addition of flour into small flat cakes. Place the minced meat and onion filling in the center of each and carefully secure the edges. Place several pieces of belyashi into a hot cauldron with vegetable oil. When the whites have a crust, turn them over and fry until done, about 20-25 minutes.


As you have seen, whites with meat, the recipe for which was described above, are very easy to prepare and turn out incredibly tasty and satisfying.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

It seems to me that there is no man who would refuse to dine on delicious, juicy and rosy whites. Moreover, if the woman she loved prepared them and put all her culinary skills and love into them. Yes, exactly love, because without this feeling it is generally difficult to live, and you absolutely cannot cook.
So, if you don’t have a good recipe for such whites in mind, then I will be happy to tell you mine, tested on my beloved household members. And they are very demanding and spoiled, so I completely trust their tastes.
And in order to fry Tatar belyashi for dinner (recipe with step-by-step photos), we will have to start preparing them from lunch. This process will require us to take time to knead and rise the dough, so, most likely, it will be more convenient to do this dish on a weekend. By the way, you can cook it.

The dough itself for Tatar whites is prepared using the classic sponge method. Then, mixing in the flour, let it grow several times in volume, and then we form the whites.
We prepare minced meat from fresh meat, it is best to take pork and beef in equal proportions, then the minced meat will be juicier and tastier. Of course, add onions and spices.
Fry the whites in a frying pan in a large amount of oil on both sides until golden brown.
The recipe is for 14 pcs.

for test:
- wheat flour - 600-650 g,
- whole milk - 375 ml,
- dry yeast - 10 g,
- granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.,
- butter - 50 g,
- salt - 1 tsp.

For filling:
- minced meat (mixed) - 600 g,
- onion - 1 pc.,
- salt, spices.

How to cook with photos step by step

How to cook Tatar belyashi. First of all, prepare the dough. To do this, add yeast and granulated sugar to warm milk, mix and add a little flour.

Leave the mixture for half an hour to activate the yeast. By the way, if you don’t have fresh yeast, you can replace it with dry yeast (in 10 g bags).
Now add the melted butter and the rest of the flour into the dough. Knead and set the dough to rise. When it doubles in size, we will make whites.

In the meantime, let's prepare the filling. To do this, grind the minced meat in a meat grinder along with the onion. Add spices and salt.

The dough should be well prepared by this time.

Pinch off a circle from the finished dough, the size of a small tangerine. Roll it out into a flat cake and put minced meat in the middle.

We pinch the dough so that there is a small hole in the center.

Press down the belashes a little and let them rise for about 10 minutes.

Pour oil into a heated frying pan, heat it well and fry the belyashi first with the side with the hole.

And then - the opposite way until they become ruddy.

So we fry all the belyashi, changing the sunflower oil in the frying pan several times.

Tatar belyashi should be served still warm.

Bon appetit!
Also prepare

Belyash is a dish of Tatar cuisine, which has become very popular in our area due to the fact that we all liked the meat pies fried in oil. Many people associate belyashi with street cuisine, with stalls selling hot pies, pasties and belyashi. A kind of lunch on the go. But street whites are also a big surprise, what they are made of, whether the products have expired, or whether the dough has been left behind. There are no guarantees. What should you do if you really want to eat belyashi with meat, but don’t take any risks? It’s simple, you just need to learn some very tasty homemade recipes and prepare belyashi yourself.

In fact, real Tatar belyash is a large pie that is baked, not fried. And what we are used to eating is closer to pies called peremyachi. But we have been so accustomed to calling them whites for so long and so strongly that it will most likely not be possible to change the habit. I don’t think that the whites will suffer from this, they will still remain just as tasty.

Belyashi with meat can hardly be called a dietary dish, since it is essentially fried in a frying pan in a large amount of vegetable oil. Almost deep fried. Therefore, before you cook them, be mentally prepared that the pleasure of whites will cost you many, many calories eaten.

If this doesn’t bother you too much, but you want delicious belyashi as before, let’s figure out how to prepare delicious homemade belyashi with meat, and what you will need for this.

There are several recipes that are slightly different from each other. It's all about how the dough is kneaded and how the belyashi themselves are prepared.

First, let's look at how to cook belyashi using yeast dough.

Belyashi with meat on yeast dough, cooking in a frying pan - detailed step-by-step recipe with photos

The most common recipe for making homemade whites with meat is on yeast dough, followed by frying them in boiling oil in a frying pan. Such white meat with meat turns out fluffy, rosy and juicy inside. Most of us love just such whites. Cooking them is not that difficult, but it will take some time. It's all about the dough, which needs to be kneaded correctly and allowed to rise.

The filling for belyashi can be made from almost any meat, even from a mixture, for example, pork and beef. A one to one proportion is fine. But you can make belyashi with meat from just pork or beef, if that’s what you prefer. The main secret is to make the meat filling juicy; for this, a large amount of onion is used, and water or broth is added to the minced meat.

But let's talk about everything in order to learn how to make delicious homemade belyashi with meat.

We will need:

  • flour - 800-900 grams (no more than 1 kg),
  • pressed yeast (not dry) - 15 grams,
  • water - 1 glass (250 ml),
  • milk - 1 glass,
  • salt - 1 teaspoon,
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • egg - 1 piece,
  • vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons,
  • minced meat - 1 kg,
  • onions - 3 pcs.,
  • fresh cilantro (optional) - 50 grams,
  • Ground black pepper and salt - to taste.


1. The first thing we start doing when preparing any baked goods is, of course, the dough. Since our dough for white meat with meat is yeast, we first prepare the dough.

Dough is prepared from yeast with the addition of a small amount of ingredients that will enable the fermentation process. First we need warm water and sugar.

Break the yeast into pieces in a bowl or ladle, then add a tablespoon of sugar and half the water, about 100 ml. Stir the yeast in the water until the sugar and the yeast dissolve. This is called "dissolving" the yeast.

2. Now add 2-3 tablespoons of flour there and stir thoroughly until all the lumps dissolve. It should look like a liquid dough. After this, cover the dough with a lid or cover the bowl with cling film. Leave for 15-20 minutes so that the dough ferments and begins to rise into a fluffy foamy mass.

3. When the dough comes up, it will increase in volume by one and a half times. After this, you can open it and pour it into a bowl or pan, in which we will further knead the dough.

4. Add the second half of the water, milk and an egg lightly beaten with a fork to the dough (so that the yolk and white are mixed). Add a teaspoon of salt there and mix everything well with a tablespoon or spatula.

5. Next you need to gradually add flour. Literally 150-200 gr. at a time and between each addition, mix the resulting dough until the dry flour in the dough disappears from view. This way everything will mix better with the flour.

It is advisable to sift the flour in advance using a special sieve or do it directly into the bowl of dough. I usually take a special mug-sieve for flour for this and immediately sift it into the dough piece. The flour is saturated with oxygen and thanks to this the dough will be very fluffy, and the whites with meat will eventually come out truly airy.

6. The most difficult thing is to guess how much flour you will need for the dough in advance. The fact is that flour varies in quality and moisture content. Even air humidity can affect the amount of flour. Therefore, add flour in parts and continue stirring. The maximum amount is 1 kg; you definitely shouldn’t put more than that. But until we get closer to this line, we continue to interfere.

At some point it will become impossible to stir with a spoon due to the thickness of the dough, then put it aside and continue with your hand. Unfortunately, the dough will stick to your fingers, but this cannot be avoided.

If you have a special combine for kneading dough or a bread machine, then it will be easier for you, since you can entrust them with difficult work. But I trust my hands more because I can feel the dough, how thick and soft it is and whether there is enough flour. With experience, this feeling is deposited very deeply in the memory and even the amount of ingredients will not need to be measured, this happens with many housewives. We know the dough by touch.

7. Stop kneading when it becomes thick enough to begin to stick to the walls and hands and all the flour from the day of the bowl is mixed in. After this, add 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil directly to the dough. It must be thoroughly mixed so that it is completely dissolved in the dough. This may take about five minutes, but this will make the dough plastic and homogeneous. The dough should mold well and be slightly softer than plasticine.

After this, cover the bowl with a lid or cling film and leave it to rise. The dough should increase in size. Don't put it in a cold place, it's better to leave it at room temperature or a little warmer. Leave it to rise for one and a half to two hours.

8. When the dough is properly prepared, white meat with meat turns out very tasty. After all, the dough is one of its main components.

The risen dough should approximately double in size. This means good yeast was used and the kneading was done correctly.

9. Remove the dough from the bowl and knead it with your hands on a table or a special silicone mat. To prevent it from sticking to the table and hands, use vegetable oil and lubricate the surface and hands. Do not use flour as this may change the consistency of the dough.

Knead the dough well to squeeze out all the air bubbles. When it deflates to its original size and becomes smoother and more pliable, return it to the bowl, cover and let rise one more time. This step can only be skipped if you are already in a hurry, for example, before guests arrive. But if you have time, then let the dough rise a second time, this will make it tastier and fluffier.

While the dough is rising a second time, you can prepare the filling.

10. For the filling, use ready-made minced meat or roll it yourself. Once is enough. Peel the onion and also grind through a meat grinder so that the pieces turn out to be very small. A blender is also suitable for this; you can grind it in it. If you add cilantro, chop it very finely with a knife. You will need a heaped teaspoon of salt, and half a teaspoon of pepper if you don’t like it spicy.

11. Mix meat with onions and spices in a separate bowl until smooth. In order for the belyashi with meat inside to turn out juicy, you need to make sure that the filling is not dry. When you stir the minced meat, make sure that it is very soft and does not crumble into meat grains. The minced meat should be much softer than for regular cutlets. For the correct consistency, you can dilute it a little with drinking water or meat broth, if you have it. Here you will also have to look and feel the consistency; you may need 2-3 tablespoons of water, or maybe a little more. The main thing is to thoroughly stir the water into the filling so that it is completely absorbed into the minced meat and does not sit at the bottom of the bowl.

12. When the dough has risen for the second time, you can start making belyashi with meat. To do this, grease your hands and the surface of the table (mat or baking paper) with vegetable oil, lay out the dough and begin to divide it into balls no larger than your palm. Make balls of the same size by eye or divide the dough into halves. That is, cut the whole piece in half, then cut each half in half, then cut each quarter in half, until you reach the desired size of the pieces. I got 12 balls.

13. Prepare a place where you will put the finished molded whites with meat. This could be a baking sheet, a sheet of baking paper, or a large dish. The whites should not touch so that they do not stick together.

Now we begin to sculpt the whites. Knead the dough ball with your fingers to form a flat cake. Not too thin, but try to keep the middle thick. This way we will balance the thickness of the dough in the place where we will pinch it to glue it with the opposite side.

Place a heaping tablespoon of filling in the middle of the flatbread.

14. Now you need to gather the edges of the dough together and make a bag out of it. Squeeze them with your fingers so that the dough sticks together and there are no holes left, and the future white dough becomes round. Then flatten the finished belyash to a flatter state.

When frying, the whites puff up again and therefore, when raw, they should be flatter than the expected finished result. Place the molded belyashi on a baking sheet or sheet until they are fried.

15. In a deep frying pan, heat the oil to a boil and reduce the heat to less than medium so that the whites do not burn on the outside and are baked on the inside. Place the whites two or three into the oil (depending on the diameter of the frying pan and the size of the whites) and fry them on each side until they are well browned.

Fry them equally on both sides. You can break the first belyash and check whether the filling inside is ready; if everything works out, then the frying temperature is normal. If the meat is damp, then reduce the heat and fry the belyashi a little longer.

Place the finished belyashi on a large platter or plate lined with paper towels or napkins so that excess oil can drain and be absorbed into them. Belyashi with meat is already quite a fatty dish, why add frying oil to it?

Ready-made belyashi is an excellent hot dish and can replace an entire lunch or dinner. Set the table and eat while they are still warm. Bon appetit!

Belyashi with kefir - a recipe for making quick belyashi with meat using kefir dough instead of yeast

Yeast dough is very tasty and the whites with meat made from it are simply wonderful, but its biggest challenge is the cooking time, considering how long it needs to be kneaded, wait for it to rise twice, and before that prepare the dough. You don’t always have the whole day to cook belyashi in a frying pan. In such moments, a quick recipe is suitable - belyashi with kefir. Kefir will serve as the substance that will make the white dough dough airy and fluffy. Instead of fermenting yeast in a warm environment, we will have kefir fermenting.

Watch this video for a very tasty homemade recipe for making whites with kefir. You won’t believe how quickly belyashi and meat are prepared with this dough, but they taste just as good and are fried in the same way in a frying pan.

Prepare belyashi with meat for your family and for the arrival of guests. Share your successes. Love to cook deliciously and eat deliciously, because you and I have all the opportunities for this!

If you decide to pamper your household with something tasty, satisfying, but quick to prepare, then we advise you to turn your attention to the recipe for Tatar-style wak-belyash in the oven. Surely, for those who have vacationed somewhere on the coast of Crimea, it will not be news what these aromatic and surprisingly tasty little pies are. If you are not familiar yet, then let us tell you.

Tatar wak-belyash (recipes with photos will be presented below) is an unusually juicy and aromatic pie. They are prepared using a simple kefir dough in a matter of minutes. The filling is most often minced meat (beef or lamb) with onions or potatoes. The highlight of the dish is the broth, which is served directly with the pies or added inside during cooking. In Bashkir and Tatar cuisine, vak-belyash is often served as an independent dish (first or second), and not just a snack for tea.

Vak belyash: Tatar recipe with kefir

To begin with, prepare fresh, but very tender and airy dough. For preparation you will need the following products:

  • 120 grams of butter. If you don’t have one on hand, you can take high-quality margarine.
  • Three or four glasses of flour.
  • Two chicken eggs (preferably homemade, with bright yellow yolks).
  • One glass (250-300 ml) of kefir.
  • Salt and a pinch of soda.

Preparing the dough

To begin, select a convenient deep container from the cupboard and pour flour into it. Remember that before sending it to the bottom of the dish, it is better if it flies through the holes in the sieve. Sifted flour can make even yeast-free dough airy and tender in consistency, and the pies will fit much better.

Now grate the butter (or margarine) on a fine grater. To make the process easier and faster, just put it in the freezer for half an hour. Next we use our own hands. Rub the flour and butter between your palms. You should end up with crumbly crumbs.

Add eggs to the mixture and pour a glass of kefir. Mix everything thoroughly using a whisk. At the final stage, add salt and a pinch of soda. How do you know when the dough is ready? Experienced housewives say that the dough should resemble dumplings. Dense, elastic, but only in consistency it should be five times more tender and softer. Let the dough rest, wrapped in a plastic bag or cling film.

Filling ingredients

As a rule, in the Tatar-style wak-belyash, prepared in the oven, they put meat chopped with a knife or cut into cubes. No minced meat finely twisted through a meat grinder. As for the choice of meat, here, as they say, it’s a personal matter. Some people like fattier pork or dry chicken, while others, due to conviction or simply culinary preferences, eat only lamb and beef.

  • Whatever type of meat you choose, you will need exactly half a kilogram of it.
  • Onions - 4-5 pieces.
  • Large potatoes - 3-4 pieces.
  • Ground pepper.
  • Salt.
  • Spices and herbs (optional).

Preparing the filling

So, let's cut the meat. Try to keep the cubes small (this will cook faster). Potatoes are cut in approximately the same way. No meat grinder or grater! We cut the onion randomly - half rings, cubes, slices, pieces. Vak-belyash (a Tatar recipe for the oven or some other one is used - it doesn’t matter), like other similar meat baked goods, cannot be spoiled with onions. All that remains is to salt the filling and add ground black or red pepper. You can also add some fresh parsley or any dried herbs.


  • 200 ml water.
  • 60-70 g butter.
  • A pinch of salt.

The broth is ready in a matter of minutes, so you can do it once the pies are in the oven. Pour water into the pan and wait for it to boil. If you have ready-made chicken broth or beef broth on hand, it is better to use it. As soon as the water begins to boil, add butter and salt. Turn off the heat and stir until the oil completely dissolves. The broth is ready.


So, the dough is ready, the filling is ready too, it’s time to start forming the pie under the unusual name “wak-belyash”. The Tatar recipe implies that from the prepared amount of dough you will get quite a few small half-open pies. But if you take the Bashkir belyash, it will more closely resemble one large massive one with meat. Which option to choose is up to you.

Today we will use a Tatar recipe for preparing a dish like vak-belyash - in the oven, with broth. To do this, we form a sausage from the prepared dough, then cut it into pieces and form a small round cake from each of them. Place a couple of tablespoons of filling in the center of each flatbread.

How is vac-white formed? The edges of the dough must be carefully lifted and pulled towards the center of the cake. Each tuck is made before reaching the central part. Here we must leave a small window in order to subsequently pour the prepared creamy broth into it.

It is recommended to cover the bottom of the baking sheet with baking paper, parchment or foil. Place the prepared pies and brush each one with egg yolk. Now you can put the vac-whites in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Oven temperature - 180-190 degrees. After the designated time has passed, remove the pies. Pour one teaspoon of broth into each window and send it back to the oven for another 35-40 minutes.

Some families practice a slightly different recipe - real Tatar vak-belyash is cooked continuously for 45-50 minutes. And the broth is served on the table in separate containers for each guest. He decides at his own discretion how much broth to pour into his belyash and whether to add it at all.

Filling options

In conclusion, I would like to note that vak-belyash (recipe in Tatar style, in the oven, or whatever you choose, it doesn’t matter) is a dish that allows for varied, even unusual and daring experiments with filling. Instead of meat and potatoes, housewives often use cabbage or mushrooms, rice, dried fruits or vegetables, herbs, a variety of cheeses, chicken or quail eggs in combination with a meat component. The only thing that the fillings listed above have in common: vegetables, meat and even herbs must be cut into fairly large cubes, and when serving or during cooking, broth with butter must be used.

Tatar cuisine is famous for its baked goods, and belyashi occupy an important place in it.

Delicious, aromatic, juicy Tatar belyashi will not leave anyone indifferent.

They are cooked in the oven or fried in oil.

But regardless of the cooking method, these baked goods always turn out incredibly tasty.

Tatar belyashi - basic principles of preparation

The dough for Tatar whites is prepared using water or kefir. To make the baked goods fluffy, the dough is kneaded with yeast or soda. In addition, for the dough you will need butter, flour and eggs. The water is heated, yeast and sugar are added. Stir until the ingredients are completely dissolved. Dry ingredients are mixed and, gradually added to the liquid, knead the dough.

As a rule, lamb or beef is used for the filling. The meat is washed and cleaned of all excess. Then it is cut into pieces and twisted in a meat grinder. Chopped onions and spices are added to it. Salt and mix well. For some recipes, the meat is cut into very small pieces. In addition to onions, chopped potatoes are added to the filling.

Divide the dough into pieces and leave it to rise again. Then, using the palm of your hand, knead the dough into a flat cake, put the filling in the middle and connect the dough to the middle, leaving the top open.

Tatar belyashi are fried in oil or baked in the oven.

Recipe 1. Real Tatar belyashi



120 ml kefir.

flour - two glasses;

five potato tubers;

minced meat - half a kilogram;

ground black pepper;

70 g butter;

onion – 140 g.

Cooking method

1. Lightly beat the egg with a whisk or fork. Combine kefir with egg and mix well. Add flour little by little, knead the dough and divide it into pieces the size of a chicken egg.

2. Peel the vegetables. Grind them into small pieces. Combine the minced meat with chopped vegetables, add salt, add spices to your taste and pepper. Mix everything thoroughly.

3. Roll out the dough pieces into a thin circle. Lay out the filling and place a piece of butter on top. Gather the edges of the dough so that you get a kind of bag with a hole at the top.

4. Cover a baking sheet with parchment and place the whites on it. Brush the pieces with beaten egg and place the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 200 C. Bake the whites for forty minutes. Every 20 minutes, pour two tablespoons of broth or boiled water into the hole.

Recipe 2. Tatar belyash


300 g beef;


five potatoes;

650 g flour;


4 ml vinegar;

black pepper;

5 g baking soda;

50 ml kefir;

margarine – 60 g.

Cooking method

1. Cut the beef into cubes, add water and boil.

2. Peel and wash the potatoes. Chop it into small cubes. Grind the peeled onion in a blender.

3. Pour kefir into a suitable cup, add soda, quenched with vinegar, salt and a lightly beaten egg. Whisk everything and add softened margarine. Mix everything with a spoon, add flour little by little and knead into a not too stiff dough. Roll it into a ball, cover and leave it alone for ten minutes.

4. Roll out the dough into a circle three centimeters thick. Place a layer of dough into a baking dish. Leave a little dough on the “lid”.

5. Mix potatoes, onions and meat, adding salt and pepper. Place all the filling on the dough and smooth it out. Fold the edges of the dough towards the center. Make a “lid” from the remaining dough and cover the middle with it. Seal the edges tightly.

6. Place the belyash in the oven for 20 minutes. Then cover with a sheet of foil or parchment and bake for another forty minutes. The temperature in the oven should be 200 C. Take out the finished belyash, remove the “lid” and place pieces of butter on the filling.

Recipe 3. Tatar belyashi “Peremyachi”



450 g flour;

400 ml milk;

5 g sugar;

a packet of dry yeast;

40 ml vegetable oil;


600 g minced meat;

two ice cubes;

two onions;

ground black pepper.

Cooking method

1. Add sugar to warm milk and dissolve yeast in it. Leave the mixture for ten minutes until it starts to foam. Sift the flour into a bowl and mix in the salt. Pour the yeast mixture into the flour and knead the dough, then pour in the vegetable oil and knead well again. The dough should be slightly viscous. Keep it warm for two hours. During this time, knead the dough a couple of times.

2. Grind the meat in a meat grinder along with the onion. Add ice cubes to the minced meat, pepper and add salt. When the ice grows, knead the minced meat thoroughly.

3. Oil your hands and table surface. Divide the dough into small pieces and place them on a greased table. Leave the dough for about five minutes. Then turn over and use your fingers to flatten each piece into a round shape.

4. Place the filling on each tortilla and seal the edges of the dough, gathering them towards the center. Flatten slightly with your palm and leave to proof.

5. In a frying pan with high sides, bring the vegetable oil to a boil and fry the whites in it on both sides until golden brown, reducing the heat.

Recipe 4. Vegetarian Tatar belyashi


50 g butter;

fresh herbs;

25 ml vegetable oil;

two glasses of kefir;

four potatoes;

three glasses of flour;

half tsp Salt.

Cooking method

1. In a deep bowl, mix kefir with melted butter. Add vegetable oil to this mixture and mix. Add flour and knead the dough. Roll the dough into a ball and dust it with flour.

2. Peel the potatoes, wash them and chop them into pieces. Rinse the bunch of greens, lightly dry and finely chop. Add the greens to the potatoes, season everything with spices and mix.

3. From small pieces of dough we form flat cakes as for pies. Place the filling in the middle and seal the edges of the flatbread in the middle.

4. Place the belyashi on a baking sheet, having previously greased it with oil. Place in the oven for half an hour. Bake at 180 C.

Recipe 5. Tatar belyashi with beef and rice


two glasses of flour;

black pepper;

150 ml chicken broth;

100 g butter;

a glass of kefir;


soda on the tip of a knife;

50 g lamb fat;

a pinch of salt;

300 g beef pulp.

Cooking method

1. Sift flour into a cup, add pieces of butter and grind everything into crumbs. Pour in kefir and add salt and baking soda. Mix the dough. We collect it into a ball, cover it with a cup and leave it alone.

2. Rinse the rice under running water and boil, following the recommendations on the package.

3. Wash the beef pulp and remove all excess. Cut the meat as finely as possible. Finely chop the peeled onion. Cut the lamb fat into small pieces. Transfer everything into a deep cup, add chilled rice and mix, adding pepper and salt.

4. Roll out the dough into small flat cakes. Place the filling in the middle and pinch the edges towards the center with an accordion, leaving the middle open. Place the belyashi on a baking sheet and brush with beaten egg.

5. Preheat the oven to 180 C. Bake the whites for forty minutes. After 15 minutes from the start of cooking, we take out the baking sheet, pour the broth into each belyash with a spoon and send it on to bake.

Recipe 6. Tatar wak-belish in the oven



two eggs;

450 g flour;

4 g baking soda;

100 g butter;

kefir - a glass.


200 ml broth or water;

300 g potatoes;


100 g butter;

7 g ground black pepper.

Egg for brushing.

Cooking method

1. Sift two glasses of flour into a deep cup. Place chopped, softened butter in it. Grind the flour and butter into fine crumbs with your hands. Pour in kefir, add baking soda, eggs and salt. Mix everything with a spoon. Sprinkle it with flour and spread the slightly runny dough onto it. Add flour little by little and knead into a soft, dense dough. Place the dough back into the cup, cover and leave to rest for half an hour.

2. Wash the beef, dry it with napkins and cut into small pieces. We peel, wash and chop the potatoes in the same way as meat. Chop the peeled onion as finely as possible. Combine everything in a deep bowl, add half the butter and season with cumin, pepper and salt.

3. Divide the dough into equal, small parts. Roll each one out into a circle, not too thin. Place two spoons of filling in the center. We pinch the edges to the center, leaving the white in the middle open. Place the belyashi on a baking sheet, covering it with parchment. Bake for forty minutes at 190 C. Every ten minutes add broth to the whitewash. A couple of minutes before it’s ready, take out the baking sheet with the whites and brush them with beaten egg. Place a piece of butter into the finished, still hot belyashi.

Recipe 7. Tatar belyashi with sauce


two eggs;

120 ml kefir;

two glasses of flour;

half a kilogram of beef tenderloin;

two onions;

ground black pepper;

Provencal herbs;

70 g butter;

10 ml olive oil;

5 ml apple cider vinegar;

5 g mustard;

clove of garlic;

two pickled cucumbers.

Cooking method

1. Lightly beat the egg, add kefir to it and mix. Add flour and knead elastic, soft dough. Place it on a table sprinkled with flour and divide into small pieces. Roll them into balls.

2. Wash the beef tenderloin and trim off all excess. Finely chop it and place it in a deep cup. Peel the potatoes and cut them into the same pieces as the beef. Add the chopped vegetable to the meat. Salt everything, season with spices and pepper and mix thoroughly.

3. Mash the dough balls into flat cakes and place the meat filling on them. Seal the edges of the dough, bringing them together towards the center to form a pouch.

4. Preheat the oven to 200 C. Cover the deco with parchment and place the whites on it. Beat the egg and brush the whites with it. Bake for forty minutes, adding broth to the belyashi every 15 minutes.

5. Pour boiling water over the tomato and remove the thin skin from it. Finely chop the tomato pulp and place in a frying pan with heated olive oil. Season with salt, pepper and vinegar. Simmer for two minutes and remove from heat. Now add the squeezed garlic, grated pickles and mustard. Mix thoroughly and serve the sauce over the whites.

    To prevent the filling in the belyashi from drying out during baking, pour a little broth into them from time to time.

    If possible, use homemade minced meat for the filling.

    Add chopped garlic and herbs to the filling to make the belyashi fragrant.

    Be sure to sift the flour a couple of times to saturate it with oxygen.

    It is advisable to add only the yolk to the dough, as the white makes the dough tough.

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