Theater of classical ballet N. Kasatkina and V. Vasilyov. Ballet Theater of Classical Choreography Ballet of Classical Choreography under the direction of E Melikov

In 2000 he graduated from the Academy of Russian Ballet. A. Ya. Vaganova, majoring in ballet dancer.

From 2000 to 2006 he worked at the Ballet Theater under the direction of B. Ya. Eifman. Performed leading roles in the ballets: “Tchaikovsky” (Tchaikovsky, Tchaikovsky’s Double), “Russian Hamlet” (Paul the First), “Red Giselle” (Chekist), “Molière and Don Juan” (Molière), etc.

Since 2006 he has been working as a video designer and VJ with St. Petersburg musical teams: Ole Lukoye, RAGGAPOP Genossenschaft, ELECTRO DUB COMPANY.

In 2007 he entered the St. Petersburg State University of Cinema and Television, majoring in Director of television programs.

Since 2010 he has been working at the Sasha Kukin Dance Theater.

Participates in the Dance projects “Seasons” (choreographer Vera Arbuzova), “Vegetables and Fruits” (choreographers Artem Ignatiev, Anastasia Kadruleva).

In 2015 he worked with choreographer Vladimir Varnava as a dancer in the play “Passenger” (FRiNGE FESTIVAL RECKLINGHAUSEN). Participates in various television projects, competitions, and entertainment performances. She dances in the dance and puppet show “Swan Lake” (directed by Tatyana Weinstein).

In 2016 he entered the Individual Directing Workshop of B. Yu. Yukhananov (MIR-5)

Teaching experience

2013 — teaches at the TSEKH dance school and as part of the “Dancing” project on TNT. Prepares ballet dancers for international competitions as a choreographer and teacher.

2017 — teaches modern dance and stage movement at the Moscow Art Theater School and the Individual Directing Workshop of B. Yukhonanov.

2018 - teacher of modern dance at RATI GITIS.


2015 — makes productions for “Choreodrome” at the Moscow Ballet Theater, “Night of Dance” in Moscow (Meyerhold Center), “Night of Dance” in St. Petersburg (Skorokhod Venue).

2016 — choreographs performances for the All-Russian competition of ballet dancers and choreographers “Arabesque”, for the International ballet competition in Varna.

2016 — staging the number “Paradise” for the Context festival by Diana Vishneva.

2016 — Works as an assistant choreographer in the play “Psychosis” (director A. Zeldovich, Stanislavsky Electrotheater). Creates modern dance performances. Participates in the workshop of young choreographers “Dance-platform” (Ekaterinburg State Opera and Ballet Theater).

2016 — works as a choreographer and teacher in the “Dancing” project on TNT.

2017 — choreographer in the play “Andromache” (director L. Fayzulina, Stanislavsky Electrotheater).

2017 — assistant choreographer in the opera “Octavia” (director B. Yukhananov Stanislavsky Electrotheater).

2017 — choreographer of the play “Measure of Fear” (Ballet Moscow).

2017 — choreographer in the play “Andersen. In search of a fairy tale" (director S. Chernikova, Vs. Meyerhold Center).

2017 — choreographer and performer in the project “9 languages ​​of modern dance” (CONTEXT Diana Vishneva & ARZAMAS).

2017 — production of the one-act ballet “Memoriae”

2018 — production of the dance performance “Apples&Pies. NOSTALGIA" for the dance troupe of the Voronezh Chamber Theater.

2018 — production of the miniature “AHEYM” for the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater.

2018 — production of the play “DQ Universe. Producing endorphins" (OPEN LOOK XX).

2018 — choreographer of the television project “Bolshoi Ballet” (CULTURE).

2018 — participates in the production of the plays “Orpheus” and “Prometheus”, as a choreographer and dancer, together with the Trickster Theater for the London Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of V. Yurovsky.

2018 - choreographer of Evgeni Plushenko's ice show "Swan Lake".

2019 — staging the dance performance “Bolero” for the College of Musical and Theater Arts. G.P. Vishnevskaya.

2019 — stages the ballets “AHEYM” and “ANIMA” for the Voronezh Opera and Ballet Theater.

2019 — production of the dance performance “SUPERminimal” for the Theater-Studio of Modern Choreography, Moscow.

2019 — participates as a choreographer and dancer in the Gala performance “Theatrical Tales of Ilze Liepa”.

2019 — as an independent choreographer he produced the play “IshTab”.

2019 — choreographer-director in the play “GRIFON” together with the TRIXTER theater and the “My History” foundation (Sevastopol, Khersones).

2019 — production of the two-act ballet “Cinderella” for the Moscow State Ballet theater

RAMT hosts traditional Summer ballet seasons. Before August 29 on the stage Russian Academic Youth Theater(RAMT) you can see all the classics of Russian ballet performed by the best ballet companies in Moscow and invited ballet dancers from Europe.

RAMT is one of the best theater venues in Moscow. Lush classic interiors and location on the country's main theater square make visiting the theater a real treat.

In the 2017 Summer Ballet Seasons you can see the most famous and popular masterpieces of Russian and world choreography. Among them are three ballets by P.I. Tchaikovsky - “Swan Lake”, “Sleeping Beauty” and “The Nutcracker”, as well as “Giselle” by A. Adam, “Don Quixote” by L. Minkus, “Romeo and Juliet” and “Cinderella” by S. Prokofiev. The organizers of the ballet seasons this year invited European ballet dancers to the project. Soloists of the Paris Grand Opera will take part on stage at RAMT. The leading dancer of the Parisian Opera, Jérémie Lou Coeur, and his partner Roxanne Stoyanov will perform the main roles in the ballet Romeo and Juliet, Antoine Kirchev will perform as Mercutio. And also, viewers will be able to see Italians. August 2 The ballet troupe Compagnia Nazionale (Italy) under the direction of Luigi Martellentta will show a modern interpretation of the world-famous ballet “Swan Lake”. August 3rd spectators will be treated to a neoclassical production accompanied by a mix of Argentine tango, Italian serenades and Spanish bolero - “From tango to bolero”.

The headliner of the 2017 Summer Ballet Seasons was undoubtedly the Moscow Theater of Classical Choreography La Classique. Young artists of the troupe, under the direction of the famous theater artist Elik Melikov, will perform a breathtakingly beautiful ballet. Separately, it must be said that all the costumes and scenery for the theater’s performances were made with exquisite taste by the artist Elik Melikov in a single copy and are in themselves a work of art.

The theater constantly tours and popularizes Russian classical ballet outside the country. The theater's route passes through the most famous theater venues in Italy, Great Britain, Germany, France, Australia, and New Zealand, where the theater's performances are invariably sold out. As part of the Summer Ballet Seasons, audiences have a unique chance to see the best performances of the La Classique theater on the stage of RAMT.

“Swan Lake”, the most famous ballet by composer Tchaikovsky and choreographer Petipa, in the most classic performance by La Classique, is beautiful and mysterious.

After the performance you can meet real white swans on Theater Square. This is what ballerinas look like in everyday life.

Ladies and gentlemen in beautiful dresses and real hunting dogs on stage, this is the beginning of the mystical performance of Giselle performed by the Theater of Classical Choreography. And before the start of the performance, the dogs must be introduced to the stage. They also have ballet rehearsals.

The most colorful and fabulous ballet in the theater's repertoire is "Sleeping Beauty". The choreography of Vasily Vainonen, created in 1934, is considered a classic version, and it is this that is involved in this performance. You should definitely go to the performance with children, who will undoubtedly be happy to watch a beautiful fairy tale about the love and fidelity of young hearts and the struggle of a beautiful fairy with an evil sorcerer.

Performance schedule Ballet Theater of classical choreography. (Art direction - Elik Melikov)

04.08.2017, 05.08.2017, 13.08.2017

06.08.2017, 07.08.2017, 15.08.2017, 16.08.2017

09.08.2017, 10.08.2017, 20.08.2017

05.08.2017, 14.08.2017, 19.08.2017


Tickets can be purchased on the festival website -

On March 10, a major tour of the famous Moscow ballet theater of classical choreography La Classique, already familiar to Australian audiences, began in Australia under the direction of Elik Melikov. This time, you and I have a wonderful opportunity to witness a real ballet celebration. The music itself of the great Tchaikovsky and the amazing choreography of Petipa will help the audience to immerse themselves in this fabulously magical world of Swan Lake. What’s also amazing about La Classique’s production is its unsurpassed costumes and scenery. Read about the history of the theater’s creation and tours around Australia in an interview with Russian Radio Australia with Elik Melikov, the founder and director of the troupe.

Elik, while preparing for the conversation, I found out that you are a certified artist, a member of the International Union of Artists. And you started by participating in the creation of theatrical costumes. If I understand correctly, then you worked at the Bolshoi Theater?

No, not really. I have two degrees. I danced and also graduated from art school. In the late 80s I had the idea to create a cooperative. Then they were just beginning. And so I created a cooperative for the creation of theatrical costumes. There were a lot of fears, it was a difficult time... We made individual costumes, then we started making shoes and decorations. At first there was an order from one theater, then from another, a third... and so it went.

- How did it happen that you came from the workshops to ballet? You were the creator of your own theater.

Our theater is state-owned. It was created (in 1990 Ed.) with the participation of the Union of Theater Workers and its organization was helped by very famous people of this Union, they helped us with their experience and, of course, connections. We gathered artists from the largest theaters in Kyiv, Tbilisi, Odessa, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Perm, Saratov and other Russian cities. At that time it was difficult with finances, and we had to help ourselves with this; the theater workshops cooperative at that time already existed at the theater. The theater team began touring both in Russia and abroad.

-Your theater is the only Moscow theater that deals only with classical ballet.

This is true. Russian classics are close to us. We dance it with pleasure.

Don’t you think that in today’s world of speed, to attract young people, maybe it’s worth turning to modernity?

We have an excellent troupe that can dance modern, but for us classical is closer and more important. Our theater's repertoire includes “Swan Lake”, “The Nutcracker”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Don Quixote”, “Giselle”. I think we will not take on modernity. I would like to mind my own business.

Do you yourself take part in the creation of performances, or do you have to do more administrative work?

As an artist, I sometimes participate in the creation of new sets or costumes... But mostly I have to deal with management, as well as artists and teachers. And the performances are staged by choreographers. We have a lot of guest choreographers. For example, the ballet Don Quixote was staged by a guest choreographer from Belgium.

Your theater tours a lot. You have been to Italy and Great Britain, Poland and Germany, France and New Zealand. And your upcoming tour in Australia is already your fourth.

Yes, our team has traveled to a large number of countries and cities, and we are extremely happy about this. We came to Australia for the first time with the stars of the Bolshoi Theater. And our independent tour in this country will be the third.

- And this time you are bringing Tchaikovsky’s ballet “Swan Lake”, choreographed by Petipa...

Yes, we bring the full ballet. We try not to break away from our roots. The famous Marius Petipa and his assistant Lev Ivanov, together with Tchaikovsky in 1895, gave “Swan Lake” a happy stage life.


In the 2018 season, on the stage of the State Moscow Music Hall there will be performances of the famous ballet in 2 acts, 4 scenes SWAN LAKE, to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky, staged by the Moscow Ballet Theater of Classical Choreography “La Classique”.

According to numerous requests from the audience, “Swan Lake” in the maximum composition (32 swans) accompanied by the symphony orchestra of the “Ballet Theater of Classical Choreography”. Conducted by: Chief Conductor of the Galina Vishnevskaya Center for Opera Singing - Yaroslav Tkalenko (Moscow).

“Swan Lake” is a ballet in two acts (4 scenes) staged by the Moscow Ballet Theater of Classical Choreography “La Classique” under the direction of Elik Melikov.

Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky

Choreography by M. Petipa

The leading parts are performed by:

Prima ballerina of the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theater, best ballerina of 2009, laureate of international competitions Anastasia Chumakova.

Premier, laureate and diploma winner of international competitions, winner of a gold medal at the international competition in Hong Kong 2015 Sergey Kuptsov. And also a laureate of international competitions Alexander Tarasov

The art of the theater artists, organized by Elik Melikov in 1990 under the Union of Theater Workers of the USSR (last year the Theater celebrated its 25th anniversary), is well known to ballet lovers around the world. This is the only Moscow theater that produces classical ballet. The theater troupe constantly tours, because the main goal of the group is to popularize Russian classical ballet outside of Russia.

Ballet dancers of the Theater of Classical Choreography “La Classique” regularly give performances in the city of Kaliningrad with great success. Seven amazing performances have already been shown for the most discerning audience of our city.

A distinctive feature of the La Classique theater is its unsurpassed costumes and scenery, which are made in a single copy; they are completely unique. Elik Melikov is a certified artist, one of the first in the country to found a theater workshop. He created sets, costumes and shoes for the most famous theaters - the Bolshoi, the Moscow Ballet Theater under the direction of Viktor Smirnov-Golovanov, the Royal Danish Ballet, and the Boston Ballet Theater.

In addition to Italy (Rome, Milan, Florence) and Great Britain, the theater's tour route this time will pass through Poland, Germany, France, Australia (Sydney), and New Zealand. The troupe's repertoire includes world classical ballets - primarily the immortal works of Tchaikovsky.

A real celebration of ballet with absolutely live accompaniment, about 100 ballet dancers and musicians will be involved in this unique production.

The event program is subject to change.
If you notice an inaccuracy or error, please notify us by email

“The Nutcracker” is a ballet in two acts staged by the Moscow Ballet Theater of Classical Choreography “La Classique” under the direction of Elik Melikov.

Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky

Choreography by M. Petipa

Edited by V. Kovtun

The art of the theater artists, organized by Elik Melikov in 1990 under the Union of Theater Workers of the USSR (last year the Theater celebrated its 25th anniversary), is well known to ballet lovers around the world. This is the only Moscow theater that produces classical ballet. The theater troupe constantly tours, because the main goal of the group is to popularize Russian classical ballet outside of Russia.

In June 2015, the ballet dancers of the Theater of Classical Choreography “La Classique” toured the city of Kaliningrad for the first time, where they gave four amazing performances for the most demanding audience of our city with great success.

A distinctive feature of the La Classique theater is its unsurpassed costumes and scenery, which are made in a single copy; they are completely unique. Elik Melikov is a certified artist, one of the first in the country to found a theater workshop. He created sets, costumes and shoes for the most famous theaters - the Bolshoi, the Moscow Ballet Theater under the direction of Viktor Smirnov-Golovanov, the Royal Danish Ballet, and the Boston Ballet Theater.

In addition to Italy (Rome, Milan, Florence) and Great Britain, the theater's tour route this time will pass through Poland, Germany, France, Australia (Sydney), and New Zealand. The troupe's repertoire includes world classical ballets - primarily the immortal works of Tchaikovsky.

Residents of Kaliningrad and guests of the city have a wonderful opportunity to see the stunning and unparalleled in their scope brilliant ballets by P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Nutcracker” and “Swan Lake” on the most modern and one of the best stages in Russia “Yantar Hall”, accompanied by Kaliningradsky Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Honored Artist of Russia Arkady Feldman. Conductor of the Moscow Academic Theater of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Yaroslav Tkalenko (Moscow).
A real celebration of ballet with absolutely live accompaniment, more than 100 ballet dancers and musicians will be involved in these unique productions.

Anastasia Chumakova Prima ballerina of the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theater, best ballerina of 2009, laureate of international competitions.
Premier soloist of the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Academic Theater, winner of a gold medal at the international competition in Hong Kong 2015 Sergei Kuptsov.

Detailed information by phone: 300-111

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