Theater of fashion "nuance". Stages of development of creative sketches for the collection of clothing models "flight of the ball" in the theater of fashion "Vasilisa" Theater of fashion Vasilisa on Sparrow Hills

Children's exemplary group "Fashion Theater "Nuance" exists on the basis of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 2" of the city of Ivanteevka and is its hallmark.

The Nuance Fashion Theater has existed at the school for 6 years, but during this time this team has proven itself very well on the city, regional and international stages, being the winner and prize-winner of competitions and festivals at various levels.

Today the Fashion Theater "Nuance" is the leaders of the team:

- Svetlana Olegovna Ospischeva- artist-fashion designer of the team, teacher of additional education of the highest qualification category,

- Marina Nikolaevna Konstantinova- master of costumes, teacher of additional education of the highest qualification category,

- Yulia Andreevna Antonova- choreographer, director, teacher of additional education of the highest qualification category, finalist of the city competition "I give my heart to children."

And, of course, bright talented team of models, who can not only move beautifully on the podium, but also show his creative abilities with the help of an original collection of clothes, music, acting talent and, as a result, create a colorful, memorable show.

For the first time the team announced itself in 2005 in the secondary school No. 2 of the city of Ivanteevka. Since that time, children have become regular participants in all events that were held in the school and the city.

Now the team has about 40 people aged 7 to 18 years. Pupils of the theater of fashion, under the strict guidance of teachers, are actively working on the creation of each collection. The guys themselves think over the idea, the plot, collect material, develop sketches for the collection, work on the plastic solution of this or that image. Also, under the guidance of a costume master, costumes and accessories are created.

The parents of pupils also take an active part in the work of the team - a parent committee has been created, which assists in organizing and conducting trips, the rest of the parents assist in the creation of each collection.

The Fashion Theater is constantly in creative search, replenishing its repertoire "baggage". Today the team can boast 14 collections:

- "Zaikin's apartment";

- "Thorns and roses";

- "Academy of Sciences or Salafan Chic";

- "Cell bees or Zhu-Zhu BOOM";

- "Orange party";

- "Rock lesson";

- "Nyurochka-bread rolls";

"Hello, Sweetie!";

- "Disney never dreamed of";

- "A la Perchitto";

- "Grandma-Ladushki"

- "My Malevich";

- "Journey to the Star Trek"

- "Birch Tale".

And 3 collections are under development.

The team is the winner, prize-winner of festivals and competitions of the city, regional, interregional and all-Russian levels:

Winners of the city festival "Childhood Holiday"

Diploma winners of the regional competition of fashion theaters "Podium-2008" and "Podium-2009", "Podium-2011" within the framework of the regional festival "Young Talents of Muscovy"

Winners of the regional competition of fashion theaters "Podium-2010", "Podium-2013" "Podium-2014" within the framework of the regional festival "Young talents of Muscovy"

Diploma winners of the X and XI Moscow City Festival “Beauty. Fashion. Music"

Winners of the VIII and IX interregional festival of children's and youth creativity "On the glades of Santa Claus" city of Veliky Ustyug (2009, 2011)

Diploma winners of the I degree of the VIII, X and XII International Children's Festival of Arts "Kinotavrik"

Diploma winners of the I degree of the international festival of children's and youth creativity "Kremlin stars"

Diploma winners of the II degree of the V international festival-competition "Talisman of good luck".

Laureates of the I degree of the Russian Festival of Arts. P.I. Tchaikovsky "Zarni Pilem" city of Izhevsk (2011)

Laureates of the 1st degree of the International Competition-Festival of Children's and Youth Creativity "Sea Breeze" (2011 and 2012)

Winners of the II International Festival of Fashion Theaters "On the Glades of Santa Claus" city of Veliky Ustyug (2014)

Also 5 pupils of the team have personal diplomas of winners of regional and international competitions beauty and talent, 2 of which were awarded the nominal prize of the Governor of the Moscow Region.

The work experience of the team is presented at city, zonal, regional, All-Russian, and international seminars and conferences. Among them: the city scientific and industrial complex "Pedagogical innovations" (2011), the regional scientific and industrial complex "The role of additional education in the integral development of the student" (2008), the First Regional Pedagogical Assembly (2008), the regional seminar for heads of fashion theaters "Sketching a costume. Collection from A to Z ”(2010), Forum of Young Teachers of the Moscow Region (2011), X International Fair of Social and Pedagogical Innovations (2012).

For a high artistic level and performing skills, a great contribution to the cultural activities of the city of Ivanteevka and the Moscow region, the Nuance Fashion Theater was awarded the title of Children's Exemplary Group in December 2011.

The main principles of the work of the team are modernity, the search for new forms, but the most important thing is the education in children of artistic and

aesthetic taste, diligence, development of their creative abilities, so that each of them proudly said: “I” am a person!”

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Acting as an important component in the system of continuous variable education, institutions of additional education at the present stage of development of society objectively play the role of one of the public institutions that can involve adolescents in a variety of creative activities that can satisfy and develop their abilities, help in further professional self-determination.

We are depriving children of a future if we continue to teach today the way we taught it yesterday.

John Dewey

The integration of basic and additional education, the use of innovative educational technologies, the involvement of qualified teachers, the further improvement of the material and technical base of educational institutions of various types create effective conditions for organizing the educational process at a qualitatively new level, in which the comprehensive development of the personality and creativity of students occupy a leading position .

Obviously, a variety of organizational forms, modern pedagogical technologies, educational programs and their didactic and methodological support are not always the only condition for high quality education. The social and cultural environment that surrounds them in the educational space of educational institutions has a significant impact on schoolchildren, being an important factor in their creative self-development and personal growth in the system of additional education.

In this article, we will focus on the problem of realizing the needs of schoolchildren in creativity, in professional self-determination in Theater of Fashion "Vasilisa" Center for Art Education GBPOU "Vorobyovy Gory" Moscow, the quintessence of which is the participation of children in the final city conference of design and research work in the field of fashion and design.

Modern technologies are changing our world, affecting not only people's lives, but also our understanding of fashion. Whether we like it or not, we all revolve around it. Free and open in their search, teenagers involved in this fascinating process are actively looking for means for self-expression and self-realization. The socio-cultural environment of the fashion theater studio provides the younger generation with a lot of opportunities for developing the creative abilities of the individual and aesthetic feelings in the emotional knowledge of the world, oneself.

The main goal of educational programs at the Vasilisa Fashion Theater of the Vorobyovy Gory Art Education Center is to teach children and adolescents the skills of art education, to introduce them to the world of clothing culture through the creation and staging of theatrical performances of collections of clothing models that contribute to the harmonious development of the personality of a teenager and his further social adaptation in society. The learning process is closely intertwined with the history of national culture, the revival of the artistic traditions of the Russian people, various types of arts and crafts, which, of course, contribute to the formation of an in-depth interest in culture and art in children, creates real opportunities for self-knowledge, self-determination, self-realization and personal growth of students .

Fashion gives students the opportunity to express their personality, belonging to a social group, cultural level in clothes. A unique, individual result is obtained by mixing styles, images, cultures, which are passed through the personal filter of students and turn into real works of art.

Design in the modern world plays a special role. All art education, creative ideas in art, industry, transport and other areas of life are saturated with design ideas. That is why in the Vasilisa Fashion Theater, when implementing educational programs, these two main lines: fashion and design are closely intertwined and are the first step in the formation of an educational space.

An important event in the work of the Vasilisa Fashion Theater for ten years now has been the organization, holding and participation of students of different age groups in the final city conference of design and research work in the field of fashion and design. Each member of the creative team at the conference has its own front of work: someone presents and publicly defends their design work, and someone takes only the first steps into the world of fashion, demonstrating their work at the booth.

City conferences in the field of fashion and design, held within the framework of the Development of Giftedness Program, we consider as a creative forum, the exchange of achievements of young talents, aimed at the realization of personal creative achievements of everyone.

The number of conference participants is growing every year. It is attended by students of institutions of additional and vocational education in Moscow and the Moscow region. Within the framework of the conference, the All-Russian seminar of the heads of fashion theaters of Russia, held by the Association of Children's Creative Associations "Golden Needle", was held. Over the years, fashion theater groups from Ivanovo, Kursk, and cities near Moscow took part in the conference.

On the opening day of the city conference, a special program is prepared, which begins with a presentation highlighting a brief history of research in the world of fashion, and continues with an overview of the achievements of the conferences of past years. Traditionally, the final conference with a fashion show is opened by young participants studying at the studio for the first year. In the Small Hall of Sparrow Hills, they demonstrate stylish handmade accessories (scarves, brooches, bags, etc.).

Let's trace the trajectory of personal growth of the pupils of the Vasilisa Fashion Theater, in which today students from 9 to 18 years old study in different age groups. All the necessary conditions have been created here for building student-centered learning aimed at providing an individual trajectory of creative development for each child. Thanks to the inclusion of schoolchildren in socially productive activities using project-research, information and communication, gaming educational technologies, girls can maximize their creative abilities by choosing one or another type of artistic activity, based on personal interests and inclinations.

So, during the school year, in the classroom in the studio, girls of primary school age of the additional general developmental program "The ABC of Fashion" (teacher Lobaneva Daria Sergeevna), learning the basics of mastery, develop their artistic taste, play fashion, get acquainted with various styles of clothing, learn correctly choose your wardrobe. And most importantly, they try to bring something unusual, fashionable, modern into their everyday look. When working with this age group, the main attention is paid to the formation of ideas about the most harmonious things and the subject environment in the fashion space, the development of aesthetic perception and the assessment of artistic taste in the design of clothing and interior. It is the interest in fashion, the secret of the appearance and creation of various fashionable things, stylish accessories and clothing details for themselves, their mothers, grandmothers and fathers, for their favorite toy that helps young pupils to get involved in project activities without even knowing it.

In the second year of study, the most successful present their first design work dedicated to “fashion additions” to clothing at the city final conference. Let's list some of the names and themes of the design work of the young participants of the conference in recent years: Anna Lobaneva (10 years old) - "Decorative design of clothes from chintz fabrics in the history of fashion and in modern clothes"; Molokanova Masha (11 years old) - “Can I dress in origami?”; Kovaleva Daria (11 years old) - "Denim fireworks"; Khmelshchikova Svetlana, Leonova Milana (11 years old) - “Neck accessories in the history of fashion and in modern clothes. The bow tie". Two years later, Leonova Milana presented a new interesting project “The use of non-traditional materials (silicone sealant) when creating a collection of clothing models “Snow Africa”. Young designers and researchers Kokorina Mlada (10 years old) and Pronina Polina (11 years old) presented the work “Volumetric modeling of headwear (on the example of the LES-ART collection). The project itself and the collection received positive feedback from the jury at competitions of different levels.

As part of the conference, the first autumn review of the works of students of the additional general developmental program "Drawing Fashion" is always held, at which girls of middle school age present sketch mini-projects of author's collections, taking the first steps towards understanding how professional fashion designers and clothing designers work. Students of senior school age present creative sketchbooks, which contain all the stages of development of collective and author's collections. The developments of the last year are interesting - Fedosova Anna (15 years old) - “The creative atmosphere of the Talashkino estate is the source of the creation of the collection of clothing models “Divo-divine”; Kuranova Olesya (16 years old) - "The process of creating a collection of children's clothing" Imaginary Friends "".

Collections of older students are usually driven by issues that concern teenagers personally or socially, the solution of which inevitably finds its way into the art of costume, fashion and design. This applies to the topics of selected design and research works, which are aimed at socially significant and practical results, so the developed collections are, as a rule, productive and interesting to others.

For example, Anna Chanova (16 years old) announced the theme of her project work “Linen palette (based on the A-lyon-A collection)” (teacher Natalia Voropaeva) after a collective trip of students from the studio to Plyos to the Russian flax exhibition-fair and festival fashion designers and designers "Plyos on the Volga. Linen Palette. As a result of her work, she analyzed the ornament-amulet on the architraves of houses in Plyos, which formed the basis of constructive and decorative solutions for the A-lyon-A collection, which she successfully defended at the final conference in 2013, becoming its laureate. Mikhelashvili Natalie (15 years old) decided on the topic of her project work “Decorative design of fabrics. Russian printed heel” (teacher Natalya Voropaeva) after visiting the exhibition, which presented various fabrics and demonstrated how to design them. She independently conducted an analysis of the decorative design of fabrics in Rus' from the 15th century to our time, which formed the basis of constructive and decorative solutions for the author's clothing models using Russian heeling. Natalie successfully defended her project in 2014, becoming the winner of the city conference.

I would like to note other equally interesting works of students, carried out under the guidance of teachers Voropaeva N.V. and Tolstikova A.V.: Figurovskaya Daria (13 years old) - “The use of paper in design and modern fashion”; Zaitseva Victoria (17 years old) - "Design of a scarf with the help of modern computer technologies"; Kulkova Maria (14 years old), Sachkova Alexandra (14 years old) - "The historical impact of adult fashion on children's clothing and the influence of children's clothing on adult fashion"; Karpukhina Svetlana (15 years old) and Sheremet Natalia (14 years old) - "The influence of fashion of the 20th century on the first decade of the 21st century, and the forecast of fashion development for the next 10 years."

Year after year, rising to a higher level of learning and mastery, setting the vector of an individual educational trajectory for their development and personal growth, pupils of the older age group, together with the leading teachers of the Vasilisa Fashion Theater, pay great attention in their work to the formation of an appropriate level of competence in design and development. research activities.

The main emphasis in the work at this stage is given to the choice of the topic of design and research activities of each student in the theater of fashion, which should take into account their personal preferences related to future professional self-determination in the art of costume, fashion and design. That is why the most preferred forms of organization of design and research work of students during this period are individual work. One of the most successful students of the theater of fashion Eva Adamyan (16 years old) has been working hard for two years on the development of a line of designer t-shirts, creating their original design (the project "Creating an author's line of t-shirts"). A group "VKontakte" was created, whose members have the opportunity to get acquainted with the novelties of her work and purchase products with the logo "EvaAdamian.FashionStore". This year, Eva entered the Institute of Fashion and Design Instituto Marangoni (Milan, Italy). Perhaps we will soon find out a new name in the fashion world.

In the older age group, girls independently plan their actions. Collecting material for research, they visit libraries, museums, fashion shows, clothing production, participate in thematic excursions, trips, festivals, communicate with designers, work with information sources of various types, including Internet resources and television. Based on the search, they clarify the topic of the study, put forward a working hypothesis, conduct an analysis, generalization, based on modern educational technologies, personal experience, form a portfolio of their achievements and embody their ideas in the material, sewing a collection of clothing models on the chosen topic.

The result of this multifaceted work is evaluated by the jury members of the city conference - high-level specialists, fashion designers, designers, fashion analysts, representatives of the pedagogical community, parents, friends.

At this moment, the pupils of the Vasilisa Fashion Theater act not only as designers and designers of clothing collections, authors of costume sketches, fashion models demonstrating their art on the catwalk, but also as researchers, sociologists and art historians, psychologists and historians, economists and cultural scientists. They manage to place creativity in the art of costume in a broad research context: in some projects, the emphasis is on the history of fashion, the study of which is impossible without studying the history of society and its culture. For example, Karpukhina Svetlana (16 years old), the project topic: “Parallels of fashion: a comparative analysis of the work of Nadezhda Lamanova and Paul Poiret” (teacher Tolstikova Anna Vadimovna) became the Laureate of the city conference of design and research works in the field of fashion and design in 2013 and represented this project at the International Exhibition Wetenschaps Exposiences in Belgium. In other competitive works, the emphasis is on conducting interesting research related to the study of modern fashion trends, the etymology of the origin of concepts from the field of fashion, and conducting a survey among peers. An example is the design work of Shamokhina Polina (15 years old) “Grangola. New Time”, dedicated to the study of the influence of historical costume on modern fashion and the prospect of using historical trends in the future. When preparing design and research work, the Fashion Theater actively cooperates with the Center for Technical Education. So, last year, the joint work “Using 3D technologies in costume design” was completed by Veronika Kharlamova (15 years old) (head Natalia Voropaeva) and Vyacheslav Rusakov (14 years old) (ZD Modeling Group Head Andrey Lychkov). Unusual and modern project work "Using the method of plastic design when designing a collection of accessories" (Bulavkina Olesya, 15 years old), was created on the basis of the study and analysis of the work of students of the Department of Costume Design (International Academy of Business and Management).

Over the entire existence of the Vasilisa Fashion Theater, more than 30 collections of costumes with a variety of themes have been created, extensive experience has been gained in the participation of young pupils in competitions, festivals, holidays, concert programs, in international exhibitions and fairs, performances on various podiums.

Joint fruitful work on the educational project helps all participants in the educational process to build a conflict-free pedagogy, experiencing the inspiration and joy of creativity each time with the children, and develop reliable guidelines for the students in the world around them. It is no coincidence that most of the studio's graduates connect their professional careers with the fashion industry, they go to study at higher art educational institutions, at specialized technological colleges.

In conclusion, we note that the participation of the pupils of the Vasilisa Fashion Theater in city conferences of design and research work in the field of fashion and design, we consider as a real opportunity for them to move up the stairs of mastery and personal growth, which provides a unique opportunity for every teenager: firstly, immerse yourself in the socio-cultural environment of fashion designers, fashion analysts, leading specialists of art and higher pedagogical educational institutions, teachers of specialized teams, technology teachers; secondly, to reveal your creative potential, expand your knowledge in the art of costume, fashion and design, implement original ideas, learn how to present personal achievements, and develop communication skills. The success of the studio team is obvious, but we are not resting on our laurels and express confidence that the work on new projects will continue to give our children the joy of creativity and celebration.


  1. Voropaeva N.V., Chernetsova N.L. Inclusion of younger teenagers in the design-educational environment of the studio “Fashion Theater “Vasilisa” of the Central Choir of Moscow City Children's House of Children (U)T. Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation “Education. Technology. Service”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, April 16-19, 2013, Part 1, p. 135-141.
  2. Chernetsova N.L., Voropaeva N.V. Implementation of the technology of design and research activities in the studio "Fashion Theater" Vasilisa "of the Center for Artistic Creativity of the Moscow State Children's House of Children (Yu)T. Technological and economic education: Achievements, innovations, prospects: Interuniversity collection of articles of the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference Tula, February 12-15, 2013 / Ed. ed. A.A. Potapov. - Tula, 2013., p. 347-35

The article was awarded a Diploma - 1st place in the All-Russian distance competition for teachers and directors of children's theaters of fashion "Pedagogical Triumph" in the nomination "Pedagogical project" held by the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University

Voropaeva Natalya Vasilievna,
additional education teacher,
State budget professional
Moscow educational institution
"Sparrow Hills"
Chernetsova Natalya Leontievna,
Lecturer at the department "Technology
and vocational education,
federal state
budget educational institution
higher professional education
Moscow Pedagogical
State University

The competition was held from 5 to 7 April 2018 at the Izmailovo Concert Hall. It was organized by the Association of Children's Creative Associations "Golden Needle". The partner of the competition was the Moscow Fashion House "Slava Zaitsev", whose head Vyacheslav Zaitsev, laureate of the State Prize of Russia, corresponding member of the Academy of Arts, professor, headed the jury.

This year 54 teams from Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan took part in the competition. The opening of the competition was very bright and touching. 80 girls in white dresses congratulated V.M. Zaitsev on his 80th birthday.

The Vasilisa Fashion Theater took an active part in all competitive nominations, except for the “Playing Fashion” nomination. In the nomination "Behind the Magic Door of Creativity" the works of the teacher of the Art Education Center Natalya Nikolaevna Muranova were also presented.

The jury awarded the Vasilisa Fashion Theater a victory in the rating competition of creative teams of the Golden Needle Association. The team of teachers and pupils of the Art Education Center was awarded a diploma "The best children's theater of fashion in Russia-2017". The head of the team Voropaeva Natalya Vasilievna was awarded Iploma "The Best Teacher of Russia - 2017 According to the Golden Needle Association.

The Vasilisa Fashion Theater team also received a challenge prize named after Galina Petrovna Chubarova “For devotion to the traditions of the Association of Children's Creative Associations “Golden Needle” of the International Union of Children's Public Associations “Union of Pioneer Organizations - Federation of Children's Organizations (SPO-FDO)”.

We congratulate the team of the Vasilisa Fashion Theater on excellent results! Your long-term, painstaking, everyday work has received a well-deserved appreciation. We are proud of your success! Keep it up!

Our reference

The National Competition for Children's Fashion Theaters and Costume Studios is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Committee for Public Relations of the City of Moscow, and the National Academy of the Fashion Industry. The competition is aimed at identifying and supporting gifted children and talented youth with artistic abilities in the field of costume design.

Competition objectives:

Education in children and youth of interest in the study of the richest Russian culture and history, the development of cognitive activity;

Creation of conditions for creative communication, exchange of experience and ideas between authors and creative teams;

Demonstration of the level of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, the ability to think creatively, as well as the ability to translate their own ideas into practical solutions in the field of artistic costume design;

Association "Golden Needle" unites creative teams from 55 regions of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, 11,000 young craftsmen of school age. Secondary schools and gymnasiums, institutions of additional education and rural houses of culture, children's boarding schools and municipal clubs at the place of residence are platforms for creative teams of the Golden Needle Association. The Association during the year holds rating competitions in different regions of Russia.

The troupe of the Vasilisa Fashion Theater is a member of the highest league of the association and has been taking an active part in all the events of the Golden Needle for over 20 years.

The patchwork festival was held in ancient Suzdal from August 9 to 16, 2018 and brought together thousands of craftsmen from all over Russia and foreign countries. 34 collections presented by groups from the cities of Russia and Belarus participated in the competition of children's theaters of fashion. Young designers demonstrated in the interiors of the Suzdal Kremlin the ability not only to sew costumes, but also to be real models on the catwalk.

The jury highly appreciated the work of the pupils of the Vasilisa Fashion Theater for the design solution for the costumes of the Seventh Heaven. The head of the theater Natalya Voropaeva, choreographer Anastasia Alexandrovna Anferova, teachers Daria Sergeevna Lobaneva and Lyudmila Vyacheslavovna Anulova led the students to the victory.

The details of the competition were reported to us by N.V. Voropaev.

According to Natalia Vasilievna, event tourism is becoming relevant in our time. Trips are timed to coincide with certain events. For several years now, such an interesting event has been the festival of patchwork "Soul of Russia", held with the support of the Ministry of Culture, the administration of the Vladimir region and the administration of the city of Suzdal.

“The whole city is participating in this great celebration - exhibitions, meetings, master classes are held everywhere. People who are passionate about patchwork come to the festival from different countries: Canada, Belarus, France, Korea, USA, Georgia, Mexico, Estonia, Japan. Russia is represented by different regions from north to south and from west to east. There are many competitive events in the festival program, in which people of different ages can participate. Patchwork panel (patchwork field) and rag dolls competition, patchwork quilts and bags competition, mini-quilt competition, pillow girlfriend competition, children's quilting competition, fashion competitions for adults and children,” adds N .AT. Voropaev.

The competition of children's fashion theaters was held within the framework of the festival for the second time. Pupils of the Vasilisa Fashion Theater came to Suzdal with their parents and friends. They demonstrated the new collection "Seventh Heaven", made from traditional fabrics with a cube heel.

“The seventh heaven is where white clouds turn into magical patterns and spill blue over the surface of the fabric,” says the head of the Vasilisa Fashion Theater.

Outside of the competition program, all participants of the festival were able to get acquainted with the sights of Suzdal, which is preparing for the celebration of the millennium of its founding in 2014, ride along the Kamenka River, visit numerous exhibitions, and participate in master classes.

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1 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW STATE BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION MOSCOW CITY PALACE OF CHILDREN'S ( YOUTH ) CREATIVITY Voropaeva N.V., Tolstikova A.V. Stages of development of creative sketches for the collection of clothing models "FLIGHT OF THE BALL" in the theater of fashion "Vasilisa", Moscow 2013

2 Voropaeva N.V., Tolstikova A.V. Development of creative sketches for the collection of clothing models from linen fabrics "FLIGHT OF THE BALL" in the Vasilisa Fashion Theater. Methodical manual for teachers of additional education M.: MGDD (Yu) T, p., ill. The methodical manual is addressed to teachers of additional education of artistic orientation. It defines the process of developing sketches for the "Flight of the Ball" collection, which participated in the national competition of fashion theaters "Sports Extravaganza". Project leader: M.S. Aleshina, Head of the Center for Art Education, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation. CHO Methodist: L.V. Obrovets. Scientific editor: L.V. Kuznetsova, candidate of pedagogical sciences. Technical editor: N.N. Sergeeva, methodologist of the center of art education. MGDD(Yu)T, 2013 Art Education Center,

3 Children's theaters of fashion made themselves known by demonstrating professional collections with a high level of craftsmanship. The performances of young fashion designers carry a positive creative charge, fascinate with novelty of ideas, captivate and captivate with unpredictability. Fashion Theater is a complex educational complex that allows students to go through a difficult path of knowledge in the field of fashion and clothing design during the period of study. How a teacher is prepared to work in the theater of fashion - his knowledge and creative approach to business, the ability to set children up for successful work, creating a creative atmosphere in a team, an individual approach to students, a positive attitude and his own example - depends on the course of the entire educational process, high results of the creative activity of the team and each child. When starting to design a creative collection, it is necessary to think over not only its main idea, but also develop a concept for the consistent promotion of this idea to the final viewing. The main thing is the search for a principle that will unite all efforts into a single palette. Any clothing should be beautiful in shape and of high quality in execution. An important link in the interrelated approaches to the development and tailoring of garments is the design methodology and manufacturing technology of garments. And then, the development of design techniques, technical modeling and technological processing of garments. There is a unified approach to the development of creative sketches of collections in the theater of fashion. Let us dwell in more detail on the development of sketches for the "Flight of the Ball" collection for participation in the national competition of fashion theaters "Sports Extravaganza". STAGES OF DEVELOPING CREATIVE SKETCHES Stage 1. Theme, associations, basic concepts: "Sports extravaganza" Definition of concepts: "Sport" - (English sport, short for the original disport "game", "entertainment") organized according to certain rules in comparison of their physical and intellectual abilities, as well as preparation for this activity and interpersonal relationships that arise in its process. Usually, sport is a specific kind of physical or intellectual activity performed for the purpose of competition, as well as improving health, obtaining moral and material satisfaction, striving for excellence and fame, and improving skills. "Feerie" - (French féerie, from fée fairy, sorceress) - a theatrical, circus or variety performance with a fantastic, fairy-tale plot, bright, colorful costumes and scenery, using stage effects. In literature, the use of magical elements to reveal the fullness of the plot, the main idea of ​​the text. 3

4 Stage 2. Comparative analysis of sports collections created in the theater of fashion in 1998 and 2008 "ABC of daring" and "Mosprozodmodcolor tricksport forward!" Stage 3. Development of "associative series" The following associative series were developed for our topic: Sports - game - sports activities - Olympiad Russian sports - sports football, hockey, volleyball, gymnastics, skiing, tennis - European Football Championship - ball Sportswear jeans sneakers T-shirts are comfortable, knitted - fashionable. In sportswear, you can just walk, go hiking, go on an excursion sports for all time sports festival extravaganza. Stage 4. Selection of illustrative material It is necessary to collect illustrative material of the most interesting specific objects and forms, the names of which sounded in the "associative series". And in general, everything that is interesting in the sports theme. Sportswear Sports equipment 4

5 Marking the fields and lines on the balls Stage 5. Making sketches for each illustrative fragment The completed developments must be correctly arranged on an A4 paper sheet. It is better to complete the task with a pencil or gel pen. You can use the colors of existing fabrics. five

6 Stage 6. Compilation of an abstract collage of fashion magazine clippings on a given topic. An abstract collage of clippings from fashion magazines on a given topic contributes to the development of imaginative thinking of students. 6

7 Stage 7. Search for silhouette forms. On long strips of paper (A4 format divided in half lengthwise) with black paint, make a number of different silhouettes corresponding to the general nature of the associative series. We have chosen the shape of the balls. The shape of the silhouettes should be close to these objects. Silhouettes can be of the most improbable form, the main thing is that the proportions correspond to the proportions of the human figure. The main module in our collection is a ball (circle). After a general review and discussion, one or two of the most interesting silhouettes are selected for further work. Stage 8. Replication of the contours of the selected silhouette. On sheets of thick paper (A4), students perform enlarged contours of the selected silhouette in five or six copies, observing the proposed proportions. 7

8 Stage 9. Color solution of silhouettes The most interesting and difficult part of the task is the color solution of the silhouette. It is here that the ability of students to fantasize is manifested. It is advisable to use fabric colors. Other silhouette colors are also possible. Their combination and location is chosen by the students themselves. As a result, different in color, but united by a common silhouette, still abstract, models of the future collection appear. Students can work not only with paints, but also with colored pencils, felt-tip pens, use colored paper, etc. 8

9 Divide an A4 sheet into 5-6 narrow strips (according to the number of models in the collection). On each strip, it is necessary to apply a pattern of fabrics, choosing color combinations, thereby inventing a preliminary color arrangement of fabrics in the models of the collection. It is desirable to harmoniously select colors on each stripe and create unity. Stage 10. Collages At the same time, collages of costume silhouettes are made from the proposed fabrics of the collection or from paper according to the color of the fabrics. In the process of this work, one can find interesting color finds, as well as new constructive solutions for costumes. nine

10 As a result, we see on paper the embodiment of the original ideas. All the accumulated material leads students to create a completely new collection of their own (model). Stage 11. Implementation of technical drawings of the collection. The technical drawings of the collection are usually done in pencil based on the colored silhouettes previously developed. It is necessary to focus the attention of students not on drawing "fashions", but on finding new ones, 10

11 unusual, most interesting lines, the location of parts, the texture of the fabric, the model being developed. Preliminary sketches must be considered and discussed at the "artistic council" of the group in terms of originality and novelty of the artistic solution. This time, the students performed technical drawings using various forms of sports equipment (weight, barbell, handball and soccer balls, racket), as well as the word "Sport". eleven

12 Then, the most liked technical drawings are made in color, drawing the main construction lines on the silhouette. Step 12. Making a final sketch. After the discussion, a final sketch is made, on which the details, lines and texture of the material are carefully drawn. Creating a texture on paper can be done with a brush, pen, pencil, felt-tip pen, using various techniques for working with paints, making applique from colored paper and pieces of fabric. The combination of various sketching techniques allows a versatile revealing of the author's intention already at the initial stage of creativity. 12

13 Of course, it happens that the collections presented at the show do not coincide with the original idea of ​​the authors. This depends on many reasons: the inaccuracy of the completed design, the discrepancy between the location of the shaped and structural lines on the sketch and the resulting model, or maybe just a change in design. Therefore, in the future, the leader and students are required to strictly observe the above factors, for a more accurate implementation of the author's idea proposed in the developed sketches.

14 5 6 Draft design is ready, you can start sewing the collection 14

15 Conclusion. We examined in detail the stages of developing creative sketches for the sports collection of clothing models "Flight of the Ball" for participation in the national competition of fashion theaters "Sports extravaganza". Such a step-by-step process of developing and creating creative sketches of collection models allows students to get to know the profession of a fashion designer better, to feel involved in an interesting creative process, the result of which can only be seen at the final show of the collection on the stage (podium). All the theoretical material collected during the development of this collection was presented in the form of a design and research work "INFLUENCE OF SHAPEING ELEMENTS OF SPORTS EQUIPMENT (BALL) ON THE CREATION OF A SPORTS CLOTHING MODEL COLLECTION" at a city conference in the field of costume art. By the same principle, the theater of fashion is developing creative sketches and other collections. The team of the Vasilisa Fashion Theater with the Ball Flight collection participated in various competitions and shows: March 2011 Diploma of the Winner in the Sketch Project nomination at the Sports Extravaganza National Fashion Theater Competition. February 2012 Diploma of the laureate for the presented collection at the city competition of fashion theaters "Fashion peaks" of the festival "Young talents of Muscovy" in the nomination "GTO" and Diploma of the laureate "For the best conceptual embodiment of the collection". October place and Diploma of the Laureate of the city conference of design research in the field of costume art. 15

MOSCOW OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN IN TECHNOLOGY 2016 2017 FULL-TIME STAGE 10 11 grades Creative work Preliminary design

Appendix 13 October 06, 2015 1773 REGULATIONS on holding the city festival-competition of fashion theaters "Fashion peaks" within the framework of the city competition program "New peaks" 1. Dates and place

Approved by: Director 147 Liu (OrDOKOGO0d "Ch ^ I V.M. 201-GgY y1 *? & Agreed: Deputy Director for WRM Makhanko N A 20 U r. Considered: At the meeting of the m / o technology Minutes 1 of "2014\ Circle program


REQUIREMENTS for persons recognized as citizens of the Russian Federation and who are citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing on the day of admission to the Russian Federation of the Republic of Crimea on the territory

IMAGE-ASSOCIATIVE METHOD FOR TRANSFORMING AN IDEA INTO A MATERIAL IMAGE Lesnikova T. Yu., Tarasova T.V., Kovaleva I.I., Smirnova O.A. FSBEI HPE "South-Russian State University of Economics and Service"

Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education "Center for additional education of children named after. V. Voloshina "Introduction of secondary school students to the Russian folk

Explanatory note The entrance test is a creative competition aimed at determining the level of preparedness of the applicant for the development of the educational program in the direction

"APPROVED" Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus 2014 "APPROVED" Rector of EE "VGTU" V.S.


"APPROVE" Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus R.S. Sidorenko (signature) 2017 PROGRAM of the entrance test (creativity) for applicants in 2017 to the educational institution "Vitebsk

The position of the open city Children's Fashion Festival dedicated to the year of the family. 1. General Regulations These Regulations determine the status, organization and holding of the open city Festival

THE PROGRAM of the entrance test (creativity) for applicants in 2019 to the EE "Vitebsk State Technological University" for the specialty 1-19 01 01 "Design", in the directions: 1-19 01 01-02

AGREED Head of the Department of Culture and National Policy of the Kemerovo Region L.T. Sauerwein 2012 APPROVED Director of the Kemerovo Regional Center for Folk Art and Leisure N.V. Orlova

"APPROVE" Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus R.S. Sidorenko (signature) 2018 PROGRAM of the entrance test (creativity) for applicants in 2018 to the educational institution "Vitebsk

REGULATIONS on the XII republican competition of young fashion designers and clothing designers "Fashion Debut 2018" Organizers of the competition: Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Adygea, Maikop State Humanitarian and Technical


Explanatory note Additional general education program additional general developmental program of artistic direction "Artistic Creativity in Design" is based on the principles

Planned results As a result of the implementation of this program, students should know: the basics of fashion theory; highlights of the history of costume development; basic concepts and terms used in artistic


2014 Education: Omsk State Institute of Service (graduated in 2000) Qualification: design engineer Specialty: designing of garments Education: GOU SPO Belovsky Pedagogical

Materials for the tasks of the final full-time stage of the Siberian Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren "Architectural and design creativity" in the subjects: drawing, painting, composition, design Grade 10 Subject

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University"


1. Explanatory note The purpose of the program is to prepare children for school, the development of preschool children by means of fine arts, namely: - The development of logical thinking, a sense of color, shape

EXPLANATORY NOTE Creative competition for applicants LGAKI them. M. Matusovsky in the direction of preparation 54.03.03 "The Art of Costume and Textile" under the bachelor's programs takes place in three sessions and

1 Explanatory note Modeling clothes, being one of the types of arts and crafts, more than others is associated with a person, even inseparable from him. The program explores the history and

Annotation to the program of the creative association “Cutting and sewing. Theater of fashion. The Zabava fashion theater program involves a comprehensive study of sewing skills and types of arts and crafts,

Explanatory note The additional general educational general developmental program "Designing and sewing toys" has an artistic orientation. This program presents manufacturing technology

Materials of the tasks of the final full-time stage of the Siberian Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren "Architectural and design creativity" in the subjects: drawing, painting, composition, design Grade 11 Subject

Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren "Highest standard" 2015-2016 academic year

Artistic Orientation Value of weeks. and year. load Age of students Year of study Intermediate certification Curriculum of the Municipal State Institution of Additional Education "Center

6. Kuryanova T.S. Cultural heritage: semantic field and practice / T.S. Kuryanova // Bulletin of the Tomsk State University. Cultural studies and art history. Tomsk, 2011. 2. 7. Rybak K.E. Principles

Approved by the order of the Department of Education of the Administration of Volgograd dated 2015. Regulations of the III city festival of children's fashion "Russia - centuries-old, Russia - multinational". 1. General provision

Criteria for evaluating the activities of students in the classroom in the so. "Watercolor" 1 year of study. The ability to name and distinguish between the main genres of fine art, to distinguish. Know the laws of composition, the role of rhythm

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Department of Education of the Vologda Oblast BEI SPO VO "Cherepovets Technological College" PROFESSIONAL MODULE PM. 01 Modeling garments

Name of the program Implementation period Children's age Annotation of the program Work according to the program "Art Studio for preschoolers "Multi-colored mosaic" "Ceramics for preschoolers "TerraKot" "Ceramics for schoolchildren


APPROVED Chairman of the Admissions Committee of OGBPOU SmolAPO "May 27, 2015. The procedure for conducting entrance examinations in the specialty 29.02.04 Design, modeling and technology of garments

8. FUND OF EVALUATION TOOLS FOR INTERIM CERTIFICATION OF STUDENTS ON THE DISCIPLINE (MODULE). General information General information 1. Department of Arts, service and tourism 2. Direction of training 54.03.01

Department of Education of the City of Moscow Moscow City Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity Schedule of the main events of the XII Festival of Children's and Youth Creativity "Young Talents of Muscovy"

Annex 37 to the main general educational program of the educational program of basic general education MBOU secondary school 13 The work program of the extracurricular activity course "The Theater of Fashion" (spiritual and moral direction

Development of creative activity of preschool children. An innovative direction of educational activity of MDOU kindergarten 5 is to support the individual in the development of the child's abilities, the creation

Explanatory note Additional general educational general developmental "Program of the sewing workshop" (hereinafter referred to as the program) is an integral part of the comprehensive additional general educational general developmental

Criteria for evaluating the activities of students in the classroom in the so. "The World of Beauty" 1 year of study The ability to name and distinguish types of folk arts and crafts (Khokhloma, Gzhel, Zhostovo, Gorodets, Permogorskaya

ACCEPTED: at the pedagogical council Minutes 1 of September 01, 015 APPROVED: acting. head of MDOU 9 A.V. Klimkin Order 1/o dated September 01, 015 WORK PROGRAM for optional classes on implementation

EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program is based on the additional general education program "Application", designed for school-age children, approved by the director. program designed for

Explanatory note to the program "GRAPHICS" (grades 1-4). The age of children is 9-13 years old. Implementation period 1 year. The program "Graphics" is divided into two stages - teaching children of primary school age (from 1 to

Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education "Center for the Development of Creativity for Children and Youth of the Kirovsky District" "APPROACHES TO DEVELOPING A COLLECTIVE PORTFOLIO FOR CREATIVE

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school 11 of the city district of Togliatti Abstract of the lesson on technology Theme "Modeling an apron" Guryanikhina Tatyana Fedorovna,

DRAFT REGULATIONS on holding the Arts Forum of pupils of governor's educational institutions, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Kemerovo region "My Kuzbass, you are the best on earth." 1. General Provisions

Evaluation of the work Essay in sketch Choice Expressiveness of the composition Graphics Layout of the sheet Total MATERIALS OF TASKS OF THE SELECTING STAGE V.E. Tatlin by composition


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