Technologies and technical devices of the Stone Age. The concept of science and technology: a range of theoretical problems. Materials for making tools

A good selection in the video, but it’s impossible to say that civilization, as the author says, was united just because the same technologies were used all over the world. Nowadays, the same technologies are used everywhere, but our civilization is not united - there is confrontation and, in general, we are still very far from unity. In addition, if the ancient civilization discussed in the video were truly united, then it would exist to this day, but we don’t see this, which means something destroyed it, due to its disunity.
As for the “technologies” themselves, there is a mention in the Koran of the Samud people, who carved their homes in the rocks - “Remember how He made you successors of the Adites and settled you on the land, on the plains of which you erect palaces, and in the mountains you carve dwellings...” (7 al-Araf (Fences), 74), “They carved safe dwellings in the mountains” (15 al-Hijr, 82), “And will you skillfully (or proudly) carve dwellings in the mountains?” (26 al-Shuara (Poets), 149), “With the Thamudians who cut the rocks in the ravine?” (89 al-Fajr (Dawn), 9) “Will you really be left safe among what is here: among gardens and springs, among crops and palm trees with tender fruits, and you will skillfully (or proudly) carve out dwellings in the mountains? » (26 al-Shuara (Poets), 146-149), but for a long time the Samudians lived in prosperity and prosperity until they began to forget God, who had sent them all this grace. The people of the tribe began to carve idols out of rocks and deify them. In addition, they fell into the sin of pride: they became an arrogant and arrogant people, where the rich oppressed the poor: they did not recognize their right to use pastures for livestock and water. The Samudians knew about the terrible fate that befell the Ad tribe (whose culture they became heirs), but blinded by pagan delusions, they believed that the reason for his death from the hurricane was insufficiently strong dwellings (which became the possible reason not for the construction of buildings from stone, but for their carving in the rocks). - and God punished the proud people.
“And to the Samudis - Salih, their brother, (We sent), and he said: “O my people! Worship God! Besides Him, you have no other god. A clear testimony has come to you from your Master: This is the she-camel of God, which will be a sign to you of Him. Let her graze on the Lord's land without harming her, so as not to incur severe punishment on yourself. You will remember, he made you the successor of the people of Hell and placed you on earth, where you build palaces and castles for yourself in the valleys and carve out houses for yourself from the rocks. So remember (all) the good deeds of God and do not walk on the earth, wreaking havoc on it (and thereby bringing disaster into His order)” (Sura “Barriers”: 73-74).

Science is a sphere of human activity aimed at developing and theoretically systematizing objective knowledge about reality. The basis of this activity is the collection of facts, their constant updating and systematization, critical analysis, on this basis, synthesis of new knowledge or generalizations that not only describe observed natural or social phenomena, but also allow us to build cause-and-effect relationships and, as a result, make predictions . Those theories and hypotheses that are confirmed by facts or experiments are formulated in the form of laws of nature or society.

Technology is older than science, it arose in primitive society, as primitive man mastered the technical world, he made instruments, equipment, units (onions appeared in the Mesolithic, automatic traps for animals appeared, snares for catching birds), technical devices older than homosapiens - a stick -a dripper, a spear, a stone hammer were in the arsenal of the Neanderthal

Primeval world

Paleolithic 2.5 million years ago - 10,000 years ago

Mesolithic 10,000 years ago - 7,000 years ago

Neolithic 7000 years ago - 2500 years ago

The ancient world around 4-3 thousand BC - 476 AD

Technology is a way of owning (processing) something (from ancient Greek - skill, craft)

Technology is a set of material means that allows one to master any reality: physical, social, military...

Technology appeared in primitive society 50-40 thousand years ago (the first truly scientific operations and discoveries of the 16-17th century (the great revolutionary revolution that gave birth to science, scientists Leonardo da Vinci, Francis Beccan, Kepler, Copernicus, De Cartes, Newton), 600- 500 l back). The ancient world and the Middle Ages are the era of pre-scientific knowledge

  1. Technologies and technical devices of the Stone Age

The main type of tools in this period were stone hand axes, or strikers, and smaller tools made from stone fragments. Chops and points had a universal purpose, being both tools and weapons. To make them, Paleolithic man used flint, and where it was not available, quartzite, petrified wood, siliceous tuff, porphyry, basalt, obsidian and other rocks. Chelles tools were made using upholstery technology. A natural piece of stone was given the desired shape by applying successive blows with another stone (a chipper). The axes were large, massive (10-20 cm long) almond-shaped, oval or spear-shaped tools with a sharp working end and a heel on the upper, wide end, which served to support the palm during work. Along with axes, flakes were used - shapeless fragments of stone, the edges of which were turned into cutting tools by trimming. Primitive tools made of wood (clubs, stakes), bones and shells were also used. The tools became more and more differentiated. The scraper, processed only along one edge, was intended for cutting up animal carcasses and scraping out skins. Pointed points, which were used as tips for spears and darts, were processed on both sides. Archaeologists suggest that it was during this period that composite tools began to appear. Some tools were specifically used for making other tools - stone, wood, bone, horn. It was bone and horn that primitive man used for production purposes (retouchers, points, anvils) and for the manufacture of small “pointed tools.”

For crossing water streams and swimming along rivers and lakes over short distances, trunks of fallen trees, logs, and bundles of brushwood or reeds could be used.

In the early Paleolithic they maintained “natural” fire; later they learned to produce it themselves

Mesolithic technology is characterized by further development, rapid and widespread distribution of composite stone tools. The cutting part of these tools are knife-like plates, which almost completely replace other stone products. These plates were products of regular shape, from 2-3 mm to 1.5 cm wide, with very smooth and sharp edges. Such edges were obtained by chopping off plates from pencil-shaped cores. The knife-like plates obtained in this way were then inserted into a bone or wooden frame, glued with asphalt from natural deposits and used as knives and incisors.

At this time boomerangs appeared. They were sickle-shaped wooden sticks with an average length of 75 cm, and sometimes up to 2 m. The material used to make boomerangs belonged to heavy types of wood (acacia, etc.). Working on the boomerang was a responsible undertaking. It was necessary to determine by eye all the proportions of this projectile, give the desired curvature and cross-section, sharpen the ends, calculate the weight and dimensions. Moreover, all these conditions had to be fulfilled using stone tools. The required bend of the boomerang was achieved by soaking it in water and drying it in a certain position in hot sand or ash. The boomerang was used as a throwing instrument, the flight range of which reached 100 m. Hunting with the help of boomerangs was carried out by the peoples of the Arctic, America, Australia, they were discovered during excavations of Stone Age sites and in our Urals. However, the most important technical achievement of the Mesolithic era was the bow and arrow. As already noted, the bow and arrow were invented in the Magdalenian era

Along with hunting, fishing is intensively developing. Fishing gear is being improved. This is evidenced by the widespread use of harpoons, hooks, and large sinkers. However, the most effective way was to catch fish using a net, which appeared during this period. The nets were woven from threads made from the bark of fibrous plants.

Microlithic tools were used to cultivate crops: bone reaping sickles with stone inserts. Bone hoees were used. Stone basalt mortars, pestles and grain grinders were made to crush grain.

Tribes of primitive people usually settled near large rivers, lakes, along water channels and along the shores of the seas, without penetrating into the continent. People continued to use caves and rock overhangs as dwellings. However, the caves already bear traces of the improvement of this natural habitat. Mesolithic man began to change the shape of the cave, create walls and partitions inside them, and build additional stone extensions (Palestine, North Africa). Almost no long-term artificial dwellings were built. Mostly huts, huts, and bivouac tents were built from stakes and branches. These light frame dwellings were often oval in shape, 3.5 m long, 2 m wide, with a slightly recessed floor. The construction of lightweight temporary buildings is explained, firstly, by the general warming in post-glacial times and therefore the lack of need for well-insulated dwellings and, secondly, by the high mobility of hunters and gatherers of this period. At the end of the Mesolithic, along with various wooden, bone and leather utensils, ceramic products appeared - rough pots, bowls, lamps, etc. d. People began to use sleds, sleds, skis as vehicles, and boats were widely used. All of them were made of wood.

Scientists call the most ancient people pre-historical, cave people, and the time in which they lived is called the Stone Age. A lot has been written about the ability to process stone in prehistoric times; everyone knows everything about stone tools, stone arrowheads and spears - you take a stone for a couple of hours of hard work and a primitive tool is ready! Where did the primitive people of the Stone Age live? Of course in caves! The next technological structure is the Bronze Age, i.e. a man crawled out of the cave and immediately made bronze, made himself an ax - a chisel from bronze and made the ancient megalithic buildings of Egypt, India, erected ancient masterpieces of architecture of Greece and Rome. It was hard to part with the familiar stone, so, purely out of habit, I took rock masses and cut them, made my usual caves, and from the scraps I made temples of Jupiter, all sorts of Parthenons. Everything is logical - a smooth transition from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age, from caves to temples. Man became accustomed to stone and made temples in Baalbek, Syria, India, and America. This is the logic of modern historiography.
And this is roughly how the ancient Egyptians cut down obelisks, stone by stone. They harnessed the donkey and transported it all over the world.


I would like to begin the smooth transition from the cave to antiquity with the Aswan quarry. because there is everything we need, all traces of the use of tools by ancient man.


In the first picture, a person imitates the way that ancient people cut down obelisks - they simply took another stone and pounded for a long time.....



On the processed wall and surfaces of the obelisk, very characteristic stripes of the stone are visible, scientists explain these stripes by the fact that the stone is so convenient, the hand habitually takes exactly such a strip in width... well, God bless them, the scientists.
The stripes, these stripes seemed very familiar to me, I have seen them many times when I was looking at various ancient quarries.
This is China, very ancient, prehistoric caves of Longyu. Notice the same stripes.



This is Crimea, Inkerman quarries



This is India. Elora.


This is Crimea, Inkerman.... I just want to put either Buddha or some other god into this drink...



This is Egypt, Aswan.


For too “alternative” historians who blame such mountain cuts on modernity or recent history, I’ll say right away - no. I have a photo of the late 19th century and Inkerman and Egypt where these traces already exist.



Thus, it is not for nothing that the people of the Stone Age were called so, they loved to tinker with stones, especially when it turns out so easily - they took a cobblestone in their calloused hand and went to cut the mountains... And now it’s still worth looking into the caves.

These are the catacombs of Odessa. As they write in official sources, not fully explored, from 2000 to 5000 kilometers long! I didn’t describe myself, this is not a typo - they write about five thousand kilometers in total length, but they have not been fully explored!



A very interesting photograph - a stone track stretches along the floor of this corridor, just like on the surface in Malta, Turkey, Chutuf - Kale, wherever there are quarries, there are these tracks.


In Figure 17, the “stripes” on the wall are clearly visible. There are catacombs almost everywhere, at least Odessa is not alone, the quarries of Kerch and Feodosia are widely known; stones were allegedly transported from the Inkerman quarries to ROME!!! Back in ancient times! Although in ROME itself there are catacombs and they are about the same. But let's think about the figure of 2000 km! For every meter of length there are two cubic meters of rock - a total of at least four thousand cubic kilometers of rock in Odessa alone! And where did all this go? In my opinion, now the whole of Odessa is unlikely to accommodate such a volume with all its houses! And also Kerch, and there the catacombs are longer, they say...well, only if all the stone went to antiquity and Egypt, well, they carried it on papyrus boats....
Let's take a closer look at the "strips", closer to what is there, what interesting things were made from, we have already seen in Egypt, there they specially poured stones nearby for tourists - if you want, take it and cut Aswan granite.


On the hard Aswan granite there are pinpoint notches, on the softer rock there are features and cuts, supposedly from a chisel and a cobblestone...


Finding such traces in modern mining is not a problem, these are stripes, this is how they are made today!





It would seem that everything is clear, they brought in the mining equipment and worked, so what if archaeologists don’t find it - they hid it somewhere or took it to other planets, making new ancient Romes.
But all my early assumptions are broken by one Aswan obelisk, it actually breaks all assumptions about the development of technology and brings to mind the idea of ​​“alien helpers”, well, they had nothing more to do than cut down the obelisks! I wish I could take all the historians and bring them to Aswan and not say a word about history until they explain how it was done!!!




This cheerful tourist is having fun until he is shoved into a narrow passage between the wall and the obelisk with a stone...
Moreover, modern equipment will not fit into such a narrow space, not even the saws and plasma cutters of the builders of the Aswan Dam of the 20th century (there is such a version).

Well, even if you take and consider for fun a version of a chisel, albeit not bronze, even with a diamond tip.....



Now, if you put aside the fact that this is granite, it looks like they took a shovel and dug it out in wet sand... I called this tool a “magic shovel”, if you, my readers, have versions, then I will be glad to listen.. ..

Modern schoolchildren, once inside the walls of a historical museum, usually laugh as they go through the exhibition where Stone Age tools are displayed. They seem so primitive and simple that they do not even deserve special attention from visitors to the exhibition. However, in fact, these Stone Age humans are clear evidence of how he evolved from apes to Homo sapiens. It is extremely interesting to trace this process, but historians and archaeologists can only direct the minds of the curious in the right direction. Indeed, at the moment, almost everything that they know about the Stone Age is based on the study of these very simple tools. But the development of primitive people was actively influenced by society, religious ideas and climate. Unfortunately, archaeologists of past centuries did not take these factors into account at all when characterizing this or that period of the Stone Age. Scientists began to carefully study the tools of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic much later. And they were literally delighted with how skillfully primitive people handled stone, sticks and bone - the most accessible and widespread materials at that time. Today we will tell you about the main tools of the Stone Age and their purpose. We will also try to recreate the production technology of some items. And we will definitely provide photos with the names of Stone Age tools, which are most often found in historical museums of our country.

Brief characteristics of the Stone Age

At the moment, scientists believe that the Stone Age can be safely attributed to the most important cultural and historical layer, which is still quite poorly studied. Some experts argue that this period does not have clear time boundaries, because official science established them based on the study of finds made in Europe. But she did not take into account that many peoples of Africa were in the Stone Age until their acquaintance with more developed cultures. It is known that some tribes still process animal skins and carcasses with objects made of stone. Therefore, talk about the fact that the tools of the Stone Age people are the distant past of mankind is premature.

Based on official data, we can say that the Stone Age began approximately three million years ago from the moment when the first hominid living in Africa thought of using stone for its own purposes.

When studying Stone Age tools, archaeologists often cannot determine their purpose. This can be done by observing tribes that have a similar level of development to primitive people. Thanks to this, many objects become more understandable, as well as the technology of their manufacture.

Historians have divided the Stone Age into several fairly large time periods: Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic. In each, the tools gradually improved and became more and more skillful. At the same time, their purpose also changed over time. It is noteworthy that archaeologists distinguish Stone Age tools by the place where they were found. In the northern regions, people needed certain items, and in the southern latitudes - completely different ones. Therefore, to create a complete picture, scientists need both types of findings. Only from the totality of all the tools found can one get the most accurate idea of ​​the life of primitive people in ancient times.

Materials for making tools

Naturally, in the Stone Age the main material for the manufacture of certain objects was stone. Of its varieties, primitive people mainly chose flint and limestone shale. They made excellent cutting tools and weapons for hunting.

In a later period, people began to actively use basalt. It was used for tools intended for household needs. However, this happened already when people became interested in agriculture and cattle breeding.

At the same time, primitive man mastered the production of tools from bone, the horns of animals he killed, and wood. In various life situations they turned out to be very useful and successfully replaced the stone.

If we focus on the sequence of appearance of Stone Age tools, we can conclude that the first and main material of ancient people was stone. It was he who turned out to be the most durable and was of great value in the eyes of primitive man.

The appearance of the first tools

The first tools of the Stone Age, the sequence of which is so important for the world scientific community, were the result of accumulated knowledge and experience. This process lasted for centuries, because it was quite difficult for primitive man of the Early Paleolithic era to understand that objects collected by chance could be useful to him.

Historians believe that hominids, through the process of evolution, were able to understand the vast possibilities of stones and sticks, found by chance, to protect themselves and their communities. This made it easier to drive away wild animals and get roots. Therefore, primitive people began to pick up stones and throw them away after use.

However, after some time they realized that it was not so easy to find the desired object in nature. Sometimes it was necessary to go around fairly large areas in order to find a convenient stone suitable for collecting in one’s hands. Such items began to be stored, and gradually the collection was replenished with convenient bones and branched sticks of the required length. All of them became peculiar prerequisites for the first tools of labor of the ancient Stone Age.

Stone Age tools: the sequence of their appearance

Among some groups of scientists, it is common to divide labor tools into the historical eras to which they belong. However, it is possible to imagine the sequence of the emergence of labor tools in a different way. Stone Age people gradually evolved, so historians gave them different names. Over many millennia, they went from Australopithecus to Cro-Magnon man. Naturally, the tools of labor also changed during these periods. If you carefully trace the development of the human individual, then in parallel you can understand how much the tools of labor have improved. Therefore, further we will talk about objects made by hand during the Paleolithic period:

  • Australopithecus;
  • Pithecanthropus;
  • Neanderthals;
  • Cro-Magnons.

If you still want to know what tools were used in the Stone Age, then the following sections of the article will reveal this secret for you.

Invention of tools

The appearance of the first objects designed to make life easier for primitive people dates back to the time of Australopithecus. These are considered the most ancient ancestors of modern humans. It was they who learned to collect the necessary stones and sticks, and then decided to try with their own hands to give the desired shape to the found object.

Australopithecus was primarily a gatherer. They constantly searched the forests for edible roots and picked berries, and therefore were often attacked by wild animals. Stones found at random, as it turned out, helped people do their usual activities more productively and even allowed them to protect themselves from animals. Therefore, ancient man attempted to transform an unsuitable stone into something useful with a few blows. After a series of titanic efforts, the first tool of labor was born - a chopper.

This item was an oblong stone. On one side it was thickened to fit more comfortably in the hand, and the other was sharpened by the ancient man by striking with another stone. It is worth noting that creating the handaxe was a very labor-intensive process. The stones were quite difficult to process, and the movements of the australopithecus were not very accurate. Scientists believe that to create one handaxe it took at least a hundred blows, and the weight of the tool often reached fifty kilograms.

With the help of a chopper it was much easier to dig up roots from under the ground and even kill wild animals with it. We can say that it was with the invention of the first tool that a new milestone began in the development of humanity as a species.

Despite the fact that the ax was the most popular tool, australopithecus learned to create scrapers and points. However, the scope of their application was the same - gathering.

Tools of Pithecanthropus

This species already belongs to the upright species and can claim to be called a human. The labor tools of Stone Age people of this period are, unfortunately, few in number. Finds dating back to the era of Pithecanthropus are very valuable for science, because each item found carries extensive information about a little-studied historical time interval.

Scientists believe that Pithecanthropus used basically the same tools as Australopithecus, but learned to process them more skillfully. Stone axes were still very common. Flakes were also used. They were made from bone by splitting into several parts, as a result, primitive man received a product with sharp and cutting edges. Some finds allow us to get the idea that Pithecanthropus tried to make tools from wood. People also actively used eoliths. This term was used to describe stones found near bodies of water that had naturally sharp edges.

Neanderthals: new inventions

Stone Age tools (photos with captions in this section), made by Neanderthals, are distinguished by their lightness and new forms. Gradually, people began to choose the most convenient shapes and sizes, which significantly facilitated hard daily work.

Most of the finds from that period were discovered in one of the caves in France, so scientists call all the tools of the Neanderthals Mousterian. This name was given in honor of the cave where large-scale excavations were carried out.

A distinctive feature of these items is their focus on the manufacture of clothing. The Ice Age in which the Neanderthals lived dictated their conditions to them. To survive, they had to learn how to process animal skins and sew various clothes from them. Among the tools of labor appeared piercings, needles and awls. With their help, skins could be joined together with animal tendons. Such instruments were made from bone and most often by splitting the original material into several plates.

In general, scientists divide the finds of that period into three large groups:

  • Rubiltsa;
  • scraper;
  • pointed points.

Rubeltsa resembled the first tools of ancient man, but were much smaller in size. They were quite common and were used in various situations, for example, for striking.

Scrapers were excellent for cutting up the carcasses of killed animals. Neanderthals skillfully separated the skin from the meat, which was then divided into small pieces. Using the same scraper, the skins were further processed; this tool was also suitable for creating various wood products.

Pointed points were often used as weapons. Neanderthals had sharp darts, spears and knives for various purposes. For all this, pointed points were needed.

Age of Cro-Magnons

This type of person is characterized by tall stature, a strong figure and a wide range of skills. The Cro-Magnons successfully put into practice all the inventions of their ancestors and came up with completely new tools.

During this period, stone tools were still extremely common, but gradually people began to appreciate other materials. They learned to make various devices from animal tusks and their horns. The main activities were gathering and hunting. Therefore, all tools contributed to facilitating these types of labor. It is noteworthy that the Cro-Magnons learned to fish, so archaeologists were able to find, in addition to the already known knives, blades, arrowheads and spears, harpoons and fishhooks made from animal tusks and bones.

Interestingly, the Cro-Magnons came up with the idea of ​​making dishes from clay and firing them in fire. It is believed that the end of the Ice Age and the Paleolithic era, which marked the heyday of the Cro-Magnon culture, was marked by significant changes in the life of primitive people.


Scientists date this period from the tenth to the sixth millennium BC. During the Mesolithic, the world's oceans gradually rose, so people had to constantly adapt to unfamiliar conditions. They explored new territories and sources of food. Naturally, all this affected the tools of labor, which became more advanced and convenient.

During the Mesolithic era, archaeologists found microliths everywhere. This term must be understood as small-sized stone tools. They significantly facilitated the work of ancient people and allowed them to create skillful products.

It is believed that it was during this period that people first began to domesticate wild animals. For example, dogs became faithful companions of hunters and guards in large settlements.


This is the final stage of the Stone Age, in which people mastered agriculture, cattle breeding and continued to develop pottery skills. Such a sharp leap in human development noticeably modified stone tools. They acquired a clear focus and began to be manufactured only for a particular industry. For example, stone plows were used to cultivate the land before planting, and the crops were harvested with special harvesting tools with cutting edges. Other tools made it possible to finely chop plants and prepare food from them.

It is noteworthy that during the Neolithic era entire settlements were built from stone. Sometimes houses and all objects inside them were entirely carved from stone. Such villages were very common in the territory of modern Scotland.

In general, by the end of the Paleolithic era, man had successfully mastered the technique of making tools from stone and other materials. This period became a solid foundation for the further development of human civilization. However, to this day, ancient stones keep many secrets that attract modern adventurers from all over the world.

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