The theme of love in the story The Garnet Bracelet is brief. “Garnet Bracelet”: the theme of love in Kuprin’s work. Essay on the work "Garnet Bracelet": the theme of love. Org moment. Reporting the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson

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    A.I. Kuprin has one cherished theme. He touches her chastely, reverently and nervously. Otherwise, you can’t touch her. This is the theme of love. Sometimes it seems that everything has been said about love in world literature. What can you tell about love after Shakespeare's...

    Probably, everyone who read this story by A.I. Kuprin did not remain indifferent and, of course, will say that this book is about love. Great love. Tragic love. "Love as strong as death." But you can read about love with passion, speak with respect,...

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Lesson type: lesson on learning new material.

Type of lesson: lesson-conversation.

Purpose of the lesson: during the analysis of the work, identify the features of the image of love A.I. Kuprin in the story “Garnet Bracelet”.

Lesson objectives:

1) understand what meaning A.I. attaches to love. Kuprin in the story “Garnet Bracelet”;
2) develop the ability to analyze a work, develop logical thinking;
3) cultivate the correct attitude towards the feelings of another person, emotional sensitivity and attention.

Lesson equipment: text, portrait of the writer, recording of a sonata by L. Beethoven, computer.

Methods: partial search, problem-based, research.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment. Report the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson.

Today we will try to understand how the heroes of the story understand love. What is love, according to Kuprin?

2. Explanation of new material.

Teacher's words:

The theme of love worried many writers and poets. Everyone interprets it differently. There is not a single person who would not try to understand this feeling, give it an assessment, and this assessment would be the true meaning. Attempts to describe this feeling do not lead to one opinion. It's different for everyone.

Kuprin wrote his story “The Garnet Bracelet” in 1910; the main theme of this story is love. The work is based on a real fact - the love story of a modest official for the mother of the writer L. Lyubimov.

Excerpt from the memoirs of L. Lyubimov:

“In the period between her first and second marriages, my mother began to receive letters, the author of which, without identifying himself and emphasizing that the difference in social status did not allow him to count on reciprocity, expressed his love for her. These letters were preserved in my family for a long time, and I read them in my youth. An anonymous lover, as it later turned out - Zhelty (in Zheltkov's story), wrote that he worked at the telegraph office, in one letter he said that, under the guise of a floor polisher, he entered my mother's apartment and described the situation. The tone of the messages was grumpy. He was either angry with my mother or thanking her, although she did not react in any way to his explanations...

At first, these letters amused everyone, but then my mother stopped even reading them, and only my grandmother laughed for a long time, opening the next message from the loving telegraph operator.

And then came the denouement: an anonymous correspondent sent my mother a garnet bracelet. My uncle and father, who was then my mother’s fiancé, went to Zheltkov. But Zhelty, like Zheltkov, lived on the sixth floor. He huddled in a squalid attic. He was caught composing another message. The father is more silent while explaining. He told me that he felt some kind of secret in Yellow, a flame of genuine selfless passion. My uncle got excited and was needlessly harsh. Yellow accepted the bracelet and gloomily promised not to write to my mother again. That was the end of it. In any case, nothing is known about his further fate.”


Conversation. Work with text.

The love story of Vera and her husband

  • What is the relationship between the main character and her husband?

“Princess Vera, whose former passionate love for her husband had long since turned into a feeling of lasting, faithful, true friendship, tried with all her might to help the prince.”

  • How does the season relate to Vera's family life?

“ the beginning of September the weather suddenly changed sharply and completely unexpectedly. Quiet, cloudless days immediately arrived, so clear, sunny and warm, which were not there even in July. On the dried, compressed fields, on their prickly yellow stubble, an autumn cobweb glistened with a mica sheen. The calmed trees silently and obediently dropped their yellow leaves.”

  • Vera's attitude towards her marriage?

“Take Vasya and me for example. Can we call our marriage unhappy?”

Anna's love story

“She was married to a very rich and very stupid man who did absolutely nothing, but was registered with some charitable institution and had the rank of chamber cadet. She couldn’t stand her husband, but she gave birth to two children from him - a boy and a girl; she decided not to have any more children and did not have any more.”

“She willingly indulged in the most risky flirting in all the capitals and at all the resorts of Europe, but she never cheated on her husband, whom, however, she contemptuously ridiculed both to his face and behind his back.”

  • What do the sisters have in common? Compare their attitudes towards marriage and family responsibilities.
  • Why do they love different elements?

Comparative characteristics of sisters

The eldest, Vera, took after her mother, a beautiful Englishwoman, with her tall, flexible figure, gentle but cold and proud face, beautiful, although rather large hands and that charming sloping shoulders that can be seen in ancient miniatures.

She was half a head shorter than her sister, somewhat broad in the shoulders, lively and frivolous, a mocker. Her face was of a strongly Mongolian type with quite noticeable cheekbones, with narrow eyes, which she also squinted due to myopia, with an arrogant expression in her small, sensual mouth, especially in her full lower lip slightly protruded forward - this face, however, captivated some then an elusive and incomprehensible charm, which consisted, perhaps, in a smile, perhaps in the deep femininity of all features, perhaps in a piquant, provocatively flirtatious facial expression. Her graceful ugliness excited and attracted the attention of men

Vera was strictly simple, cold with everyone and a little patronizingly kind, independent and royally calm.

Anna was all about cheerful carelessness and sweet, sometimes strange contradictions.

I love the forest. Do you remember the forest in Yegorovskoye?.. Can it ever get boring? Pines!.. And what mosses!.. And fly agarics! Exactly made of red satin and embroidered with white beads. The silence is so... cool.

My God, how good it is here! How good! - Anna said, walking with quick and small steps next to her sister along the path. – If possible, let’s sit for a while on a bench over the cliff. I haven't seen the sea for so long. And what a wonderful air: you breathe - and your heart is happy.

Love stories told by the prince.

  • How does the prince feel about love? (tells love stories with a laugh)
  • Why does the prince have such an attitude towards love?

“He had an extraordinary and very peculiar ability to tell... he talked about the failed marriage of Nikolai Nikolaevich to a rich and beautiful lady. He forced the serious, always somewhat prim Nikolai to run down the street at night in his stockings, with his shoes under his arm.”

“Having attacked the thread of marriage stories, Prince Vasily did not spare Gustav Ivanovich Friesse, Anna’s husband, saying that the next day after the wedding he came to demand, with the help of the police, the eviction of the newlywed from her parents’ house.”

“After the story of the Lima maiden, a new story followed: “Princess Vera and the telegraph operator in love.”

“Finally he dies, but before his death he bequeaths to give Vera two telegraph buttons and a bottle of perfume - filled with his tears.”...

The love story of General Anosov

  • Why does the general talk with such warmth about his meeting with the Bulgarian woman?

“And in the middle of the conversation, our eyes met, a spark ran between us, like an electric one, and I felt that I fell in love right away - fiery and irrevocable.”

“...I hugged her, pressed her to my heart and kissed her several times.”

“From then on, every time the moon appeared in the sky with the stars, I hurried to my beloved and for a while forgot all the worries of the day with her. When our journey from those places followed, we swore an oath of eternal mutual love to each other and said goodbye forever.”

  • Attitude to the family life of General Anosov.

“And now, three months later, the holy treasure walks around in a shabby hood, shoes on his bare feet, thin, unkempt hair, in curlers, dogs with orderlies like a cook, breaks down with young officers, lisps, squeals, rolls his eyes. For some reason she calls her husband Jacques in public. You know, like that on the nose, with a stretch, languidly: “J-a-a-ak.” Reel, actress, slob, greedy. And the eyes are always deceitful and deceitful.”

A story about the love of a warrant officer for the wife of a regimental commander

  • Why does the general call this love stupidity?

“It’s a terrible thing when a fresh and pure boy puts his first love at the feet of an old, experienced and power-hungry lecher. If he jumped out unharmed now, still consider him dead in the future. This is a stamp for life.”

“And a man disappeared... in the most vile way... He became a beggar... he froze somewhere on a pier in St. Petersburg”

The second story about the love of General Anosov

  • Why does the general call this case pathetic?

“And the other case was completely pathetic. And the woman was the same as the first, only young and beautiful. She behaved very, very badly. It was easy for us to look at these domestic novels, but even we were offended. And the husband - nothing. He knew everything, saw everything and was silent.”

  • Does the general believe in a woman's love?

“I am sure that almost every woman is capable of the highest heroism in love. Understand, she kisses, hugs, gives herself away - and she is already a mother. For her, if she loves, love contains the whole meaning of life - the whole universe!

  • What motivates men to get married and women to get married?

“Let's take a woman. It’s a shame to stay with girls, especially when your friends have already gotten married. It's hard to be the odd one out in the family. The desire to be a housewife, the head of the house, a lady, independent... In addition, the need, the direct physical need of motherhood, and to start building your own nest.”

“But the man has other motives. Firstly, fatigue from a single life, from disorder in rooms, from tavern dinners, from dirt, cigarette butts, torn and scattered linen, from debts, from unceremonious comrades, and so on and so forth. Secondly, you feel that living as a family is more profitable, healthier and more economical. Thirdly, you think: when the kids come, I’ll die, but a part of me will still remain in the world... something like the illusion of immortality. Fourthly, the temptation of innocence, as in my case.”

“Where is the love? Is love unselfish, selfless, not waiting for reward? The one about whom it is said “strong as death”? You see, the kind of love for which to accomplish any feat, to give one’s life, to suffer torment is not work at all, but pure joy.”

  • What should true love be like?

“Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world! No life conveniences, calculations or compromises should concern her.”

Zheltkova's love for Princess Vera

  • When Vera thought about Zheltkov’s love (after the general’s words)

“Maybe he’s just an abnormal fellow, a maniac, but who knows? “Maybe your path in life, Verochka, has been crossed by exactly the kind of love that women dream about and that men are no longer capable of.”

  • Why does Zheltkov commit suicide?

“I know that I can never stop loving her... Tell me, prince... suppose that this is unpleasant for you... tell me, what would you do to end this feeling? Send me to another city, as Nikolai Nikolaevich said? All the same, I will love Vera Nikolaevna there just as much as I do here. Put me in jail? But even there I will find a way to let her know about my existence. There is only one thing left - death... You want me to accept it in any form.”

  • How does Zheltkov feel about his love?

“Think about what I should have done? Run away to another city? All the same, the heart was always near you, at your feet, every moment of the day was filled with you, thoughts about you, dreams about you... sweet delirium. I am very ashamed and mentally blush for my stupid bracelet - well, what? - error".

“I am eternally grateful to you just for the fact that you exist. I checked myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love with which God wanted to reward me for something. From the depths of my soul, I thank you for being my only joy in life, my only consolation, my only thought.”

“God grant you happiness, and may nothing temporary or everyday disturb your beautiful soul. I kiss your hands.”

  • Why does Zheltkov ask Vera to listen to a Beethoven sonata?

“...I know that you are very musical, I saw you most often at Beethoven quartets...”

  • What is the significance of the bracelet given to Vera for Zheltkov?

“I would never allow myself to present you with something that I personally chose: for this I have neither the right, nor subtle taste and - I admit - no money. However, I believe that in the whole world there is no treasure worthy of decorating You.

But this bracelet belonged to my great-grandmother, and the last one, in time, was worn by my late mother. In the middle, between the large stones, you will see one green one. This is a very rare variety of pomegranate - green pomegranate. According to an ancient legend that has been preserved in our family, it has the ability to impart the gift of foresight to women who wear it and drives away heavy thoughts from them, while it protects men from violent death.”

  • Why does Vera cry while listening to the sonata?

“She recognized from the first chords this exceptional work, the only one in depth. And her soul seemed to split into two. She simultaneously thought that a great love passed by her, which is repeated only once in a thousand years. She remembered the words of General Anosov and asked herself: why did this man force her to listen to this particular Beethoven work, and even against her wishes? And words formed in her mind. In her thoughts they so coincided with the music that it was as if they were verses that ended with the words: “Hallowed be Thy name.”

4. Reading an excerpt accompanied by a recording of a Beethoven sonata.


Final words from the teacher.

Conclude what love is like in Kuprin’s understanding.

Tragic, unique, given once every thousand years.

Alexander Kuprin, the author of the story “The Garnet Bracelet,” is considered a recognized master of love prose. “Love is unselfish, selfless, not waiting for reward, the one about which it is said “strong as death.” Love, for which to accomplish any feat, to give one’s life, to suffer torment is not work at all, but one joy,” - this is the kind of love that touched an ordinary official of the middle level, Zheltkov.

He fell in love with Vera once and for all. And not ordinary love, but the kind that happens once in a lifetime, divine. Vera does not attach importance to the feelings of her admirer and lives life to the fullest. She marries a quiet, calm, good man from all sides, Prince Shein. And her quiet, calm life begins, not overshadowed by anything, neither sadness nor joy.

A special role is assigned to Vera’s uncle, General Anosov. Kuprin puts into his mouth the words that are the theme of the story: “...maybe your path in life, Verochka, was crossed by exactly the kind of love that women dream about and that men are no longer capable of.” Thus, Kuprin in his story wants to show the story of love, albeit unrequited, but nevertheless, this unrequitedness did not become less strong and did not turn into hatred. According to General Anosov, every person dreams of such love, but not everyone receives it. But Vera, in her family life, does not have such love. There is another thing - respect, mutual, for each other. Kuprin in his story sought to show readers that such sublime love is already a thing of the past; there are only a few people left, such as the telegraph operator Zheltkov, who are capable of it. But many, the author emphasizes, are not at all able to understand the deep meaning of love.

And Vera herself does not understand that she is destined to be loved. Of course, she is a lady who occupies a certain position in society, a countess. Probably, such love could not have a successful outcome. Kuprin probably himself understands that Vera is not able to connect her life with the “little” man Zheltkov. Although it still leaves her one chance to live the rest of her life in love. Vera missed her chance to be happy.

Idea of ​​the work

The idea of ​​the story “The Garnet Bracelet” is faith in the power of a true, all-consuming feeling, which is not afraid of death itself. When they try to take away the only thing Zheltkov has - his love, when they want to deprive him of the opportunity to see his beloved, then he decides to voluntarily die. Thus, Kuprin is trying to say that life without love is meaningless. This is a feeling that knows no temporary, social or other barriers. No wonder the main name is Vera. Kuprin believes that his readers will wake up and understand that a person is not only rich in material values, but also rich in his inner world and soul. The red thread running through the entire story is Zheltkov’s words “Hallowed be Thy name” - this is the idea of ​​the work. Every woman dreams of hearing such words, but great love is given only by the Lord and not by everyone.

The theme of love in A. I. Kuprin’s story “The Garnet Bracelet”

(“The disease of love is incurable...”)

Love... is stronger than death and the fear of death. Only by her, only by love does life hold and move.

I.S. Turgenev.

Love... A word denoting the most reverent, tender, romantic and inspired feeling inherent in a person. However, people often confuse love with being in love. A real feeling takes possession of a person’s entire being, sets all his forces in motion, inspires the most incredible actions, evokes the best motives, and excites the creative imagination. But love is not always joy, mutual feeling, happiness given to two. It is also disappointment from unrequited love. A person cannot stop loving at will.

Every great artist devoted many pages to this “eternal” topic. A.I. Kuprin did not ignore it either. Throughout his career, the writer showed great interest in everything beautiful, strong, sincere and natural. He considered love to be one of the great joys of life. His stories and stories “Olesya”, “Shulamith”, “Pomegranate Bracelet” tell about ideal love, pure, boundless, beautiful and powerful.

In Russian literature, perhaps, there is no work that has a stronger emotional impact on the reader than “The Garnet Bracelet.” Kuprin touches on the theme of love chastely, reverently and at the same time nervously. Otherwise, you can’t touch her.

Sometimes it seems that everything has been said about love in world literature. Is it possible to talk about love after “Tristan and Isolde”, after the sonnets of Petrarch and “Romeo and Juliet” by Shakespeare, after Pushkin’s poem “For the Shores of the Distant Fatherland”, Lermontov’s “Don’t Laugh at My Prophetic Melancholy”, after Tolstoy’s “Anna Karenina” and Chekhov's "Lady with a Dog"? But love has thousands of aspects, and each of them has its own light, its own joy, its own happiness, its own sadness and pain, and its own fragrance.

The story “The Garnet Bracelet” is one of the saddest works about love. Kuprin admitted that he cried over the manuscript. And if a work makes the author and reader cry, then this speaks of the deep vitality of what the writer created and his great talent. Kuprin has many works about love, about the expectation of love, about its touching outcomes, about its poetry, longing and eternal youth. He always and everywhere blessed love. The theme of the story “The Garnet Bracelet” is love to the point of self-abasement, to the point of self-denial. But the interesting thing is that love strikes the most ordinary person - the office official Zheltkov. Such love, it seems to me, was given to him from above as a reward for a joyless existence. The hero of the story is no longer young, and his love for Princess Vera Sheina gave meaning to his life, filled it with inspiration and joy. This love was meaning and happiness only for Zheltkov. Princess Vera considered him crazy. She did not know his last name and had never seen this man. He only sent her greeting cards and wrote letters signed G.S.Zh.

But one day, on the princess’s name day, Zheltkov decided to be bold: he sent her an antique bracelet with beautiful garnets as a gift. Fearing that her name may be compromised, Vera's brother insists on returning the bracelet to its owner, and her husband and Vera agree.

In a fit of nervous excitement, Zheltkov confesses to Prince Shein his love for his wife. This confession touches to the depths of the soul: “I know that I can never stop loving her. What would you do to end this feeling? Send me to another city? All the same, I will love Vera Nikolaevna there just as much as I do here. Put me in jail? But even there I will find a way to let her know about my existence. There is only one thing left - death...” Over the years, love has become a disease, an incurable disease. She absorbed his entire essence without a trace. Zheltkov lived only by this love. Even if Princess Vera didn’t know him, even if he couldn’t reveal his feelings to her, couldn’t possess her... That’s not the main thing. The main thing is that he loved her with a sublime, platonic, pure love. It was enough for him to just see her sometimes and know that she was doing well.

Zheltkov wrote his last words of love for the one who had been the meaning of his life for many years in his suicide letter. It is impossible to read this letter without heavy emotional excitement, in which the refrain sounds hysterically and amazingly: “Hallowed be thy name!” What gives the story special power is that love appears in it as an unexpected gift of fate, poeticized and illuminating life. Lyubov Zheltkova is like a ray of light among everyday life, among sober reality and established life. There is no cure for such love, it is incurable. Only death can serve as deliverance. This love is confined to one person and carries destructive power. “It so happened that I am not interested in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concerns about the future happiness of people,” Zheltkov writes in a letter, “for me, all life lies in you.” This feeling crowds out all other thoughts from the hero’s consciousness.

The autumn landscape, the silent sea, empty dachas, and the grassy smell of the last flowers add special strength and bitterness to the story.

Love, according to Kuprin, is passion, it is a strong and real feeling that elevates a person, awakening the best qualities of his soul; it is truthfulness and honesty in relationships. The writer put his thoughts about love into the mouth of General Anosov: “Love should be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world. No life conveniences, calculations or compromises should concern her.”

It seems to me that today it is almost impossible to find such love. Lyubov Zheltkova - romantic worship of a woman, knightly service to her. Princess Vera realized that true love, which is given to a person only once in a lifetime and which every woman dreams of, passed her by.

The theme of love in Kuprin's story 8220 Garnet bracelet 8221

In the works of A. Kuprin we encounter selfless love that does not require reward. The writer believes that love is not a moment, but an all-consuming feeling that can consume life.

In “Garnet Bracelet” we encounter Zheltkov’s true love. He is happy because he loves. It doesn’t matter to him that Vera Nikolaevna doesn’t need him. As I. Bunin said: “All love is great happiness, even if it is not shared.” Zheltkov simply loved, without demanding anything in return. His whole life was about Vera Shein; he enjoyed every thing she had: a forgotten handkerchief, an art exhibition program that she once held in her hand. His only hope was letters, with the help of them he communicated with his beloved. He wanted only one thing, for her gentle hands to touch a piece of his soul - a sheet of paper. As a sign of his fiery love, Zheltkov gave the most expensive thing - a garnet bracelet.

The hero is by no means pathetic, and the depth of his feelings, the ability to sacrifice himself deserves not only sympathy, but also admiration. Zheltkov rises above the entire society of the Sheins, where true love would never arise. They can only laugh at the poor hero, drawing caricatures, reading his letters. Even in a conversation with Vasily Shein and Mirza - Bulat - Tuganovsky, he finds himself in a moral gain. Vasily Lvovich recognizes his feeling and understands his suffering. He is not arrogant when communicating with the hero, unlike Nikolai Nikolaevich. He carefully examines Zheltkov, carefully places a red case with a bracelet on the table - he behaves like a true nobleman.

The mention of the power of Mirza - Bulat - Tuganovsky causes a fit of laughter in Zheltkov, he does not understand how the authorities can forbid him to love?!!

The hero’s feeling embodies the entire idea of ​​true love expressed by General Anosov: “Love for which to accomplish any feat, to give one’s life, to go to torment is not work at all, but one joy.” This truth, spoken by a “remnant of antiquity,” tells us that only exceptional people like our hero can possess the gift of such love, “strong as death.”

Anosov turned out to be a wise teacher; he helped Vera Nikolaevna understand the depth of Zheltkov’s feelings. “At six o’clock the postman came,” Vera recognized the gentle handwriting of Pe Pe Zhe. This was his last letter. It was imbued through and through with the holiness of feeling; there was no bitterness of farewell in it. Zheltkov wishes his beloved happiness with another, “and let nothing worldly disturb your soul,” he probably also attributed himself to something everyday in her life. I can’t help but remember Pushkin’s words: “I don’t want to sadden you with anything.”

No wonder Vera Nikolaevna, looking at the dead Zheltkov, compares him with great people. Just like them, the hero had a dream, a strong will, just like them he could love. Vera Shein realized what kind of love she had lost, and, listening to a Beethoven sonata, she realized that Zheltkov was forgiving her. “Hallowed be thy name” is repeated five times in her mind, like the five components of a garnet bracelet...

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