The theme of the work is scarlet sails. Analysis of “Scarlet Sails” Green. Work test

Lesson topic: "When do dreams come true?"(lesson-research

based on the work of Alexander Greene “Scarlet Sails”).

Lesson objectives:

Educational – training in working with literary texts; training to work with positive cognitive information;

Educational – instilling faith in one’s strengths, capabilities, faith in goodness, miracles created by the forces of one’s soul; formation of the basis for the perception of universal moral values.

Developmental – development of creative, inventive


A dream is not an escape from reality,

but a means to get closer to her.

Somerset Maugham

During the classes:

1) Prologue

Frontal survey of students

2) Tie

Creating a problem situation based on a problem-search question, the “Associative chain” technique, recording a dream

3) Development of action

  1. organization of work with text
  1. text analysis and forming an opinion about a person’s character (working with the “Assol” and “Grey” folders),

physical minute

  1. observation of the names of the heroes
  1. work on developing imagination.

4) Climax

Artistic reading of the passage "Sleeping Assol"

Watching the video fragment “Grey’s Monologue” and filling out the insert

5) Denouement

  1. identifying the idea of ​​the work,
  2. comparative analysis of the table

6) Epilogue

  1. Teacher's opening speech

You have become acquainted with the wonderful work “Scarlet Sails”, written by Alexander Green. Did you like it?Today we have an unusual lesson. Have you read the book carefully? Let's check.

  1. Crossword

What is an extravaganza?

Extravaganza: 1) (French language - fairy.) A performance with a fantastic plot, colorful costumes and scenery, with extensive use of specific effects;

2) a magical, fabulous spectacle.

What was fabulous about the work? Doesn't this happen in life? Do all dreams come true? Why? Would you like to know? Write down the topic of the lesson: “When do dreams come true?”Do you have a dream? Of course, you want it to come true? Write it down.

The book "Scarlet Sails" is magical; it contains a secret that is still hidden from most readers to this day. What kind of secret are we talking about? Let's build an associative chain associated with the word "secret", based on the text.. (slide 4) (Secret - secret - "Secret" - ship - scarlet sails) What kind of secret is hidden in the scarlet sails. Let's try to find it. We hit the road, following the scarlet sails.

3) Development of action

It is common to think that in adventure literature the main thing is what happened, and not to whom it happened. Characters and all sorts of emotional matters are of no use to her. Action, a rapid flight of intrigue - that's what captivates the reader. Let’s first try to figure it out: in “Scarlet Sails” the main thing is what happened or the characters, emotional experiences. So, what happened in the Scarlet Sails extravaganza? State it in just a few words. (Suggested answer: Assol, who lost her mother in childhood and was not recognized by her peers, believed in the prediction of the fairy tale collector Aigle, and her dream came true, although no one believed in it: a handsome prince, Captain Arthur Gray, sailed for her on a ship with scarlet sails).

But why did happiness come to Assol? By chance or not? In order to answer the question, we will work with the text.

To form an opinion about a person’s character, you need to analyze his actions, his attitude towards people and the world around him. Therefore, in the folders “Assol” and “Gray” the folders are placed: “The World of People and the “World of Things”.

II. Work with text.

Let’s open the “World of People” folder in the “Assol” folder. The folder contains excerpts from the text, divided into chapters.

1 group

Why did the residents of Kaperna avoid Longren?

Why did Assol grow up without friends?

Why did her peers “cross out little Assol once and for all from the sphere of their patronage and influence”?

How do you understand Longren’s words: “Eh, Assol, do they really know how to love?”

In the work, Assol is called differently: Beautiful Unknown, Ship Assol, Living Poem, Wonderful Artistic Canvas, Wet Treasure. Think about who could say that about the girl, and connect the author and the description with arrows. (slide 5)

Exchange your work. Let's check our neighbor's work (we give 1 point for each correct answer)

What was Assol's life like?

How do Assol Khan Menners and the coal miner see it? Why are their opinions so different?

Now let's move on to the "People World" folder in the "Gray" folder.

2nd group

How do you understand the words: “Gray’s father and mother were arrogant slaves of their position, wealth and the laws of that society, in relation to which they could say “we”?

· How did Gray grow up in a huge, gloomy and majestic house?

Describe Gray's actions in Chapter 3?

Select key phrases that tell how Gray’s life developed from 15 to 20 years old.

Let's compare: what are the similarities and differences between the destinies of Assol and Gray. We listen to the children's answers. They can be very different. We accept all answers. Draw the children's attention to the fact that although the children grew up in families of different social status, both in the Assol family and in

The Gray family's parents treated their children with great love and respect. What fate was destined for Gray? Most likely, he would have continued his father’s work, increased his family’s wealth, etc. Assol was destined for a sad future: poverty, loneliness and no hopes.

Do you think the environment of our heroes could influence their characters? If Assol

Every day she suffers humiliation from her peers, experiences loneliness, could all this ruin her character, making her withdrawn, intimidated, embittered? And Gray? Living in abundance, without experiencing obstacles in his behavior, he could show such negative traits as disrespect and arrogance towards ordinary people?

A person is characterized not only by his attitude towards people, but also by his attitude towards objects. Let's work with the "World of Things" folder. Let’s open the “World of Things” folder in the “Assol” folder.

3 group

* How does Assol speak, deprived of the opportunity to communicate with her peers and with surrounding objects?

* How does this characterize her?

* How do you understand the words: “I looked through the eyes of a child”?

Now let’s work with the “World of Things” folder in the “Gray” folder

4th group.

*Tell me how Arthur Gray is characterized by his action when he ruined an expensive painting by covering the nails on the bloody hands of Jesus Christ with blue paint?

*Why didn’t the father punish his son?

*What impression did the picture in the library of a ship make on Gray? How does this characterize the hero?

Conclusion: as we see, Assol and Gray had enormous power of imagination. Pictures were born in their minds depicting a world of strong, brave and kind people; a world full of bright

events. Why exactly these pictures?


Dramatization of the passage

III. Observation of the names of the heroes.

Often writers, in order to better convey the idea of ​​the work to the reader, encrypt the names of the characters. Let's try to figure out whether there is a secret in the names of the heroes of the Scarlet Sails extravaganza?

The teacher reads an excerpt from the text:

What's your name, baby?

“Assol,” said the girl, hiding the toy given by Egl in the basket.

“Okay,” the old man continued his incomprehensible speech, without taking his eyes off, in the depths of which a smile of a friendly disposition gleamed. - Actually, I didn’t need to ask your name. It’s good that it’s so strange, so monotonous, musical, like the whistle of an arrow or the noise of a sea shell: what would I do if you were called one of those euphonious, but unbearably familiar names that are alien to the Beautiful Unknown?

Alexander Green explains to the reader what the name Assol – the Beautiful Unknown – is consonant with..

And Arthur Gray? Did the author give him such a name by chance? The author calls the heroine only by name. And the hero? At the beginning of the story, having mentioned the hero - Arthur, the author seems to forget about him. And then he calls the hero by his last name - Gray. We cannot know exactly the author’s thoughts, but can only guess what idea the author wanted to convey

to the reader. Let's try to understand the etymology of the word


The first thing students remember is that the word “gray” in English means “gray.”

They express interesting thoughts about why the author gave a brave, strong hero who knows how to do noble deeds a name with the root “gray”. They talk about what

Gray and Assol were destined for a life of gray everyday life, but with their faith in miracles, their desire to make the world bright and kind, they were able to change the destined for them.


IV. Work on developing imagination.

Do you think imagination is given to a person from birth or can it be developed?

Let's try to move forward along the path of developing our imagination.

We live not only in the world of people, but also in the world of objects. I think that objects, observing people, also form a characteristic about them. They just can’t express it. And we will try. To do this, you need to enter one or another image of the object.


(using the technique of developing critical thinking): present the subject’s reasoning about the hero. Played in a lottery. The tickets say:


“Coal Miner’s Basket”, “Plants”, “Toy Yacht with Scarlet Sails”.


“Painting of a ship”, “Painting of Jesus Christ crucified”, “Ship “Secret”.

4) Climax

Listen to an excerpt that describes the sleeping Assol through the eyes of Gray.

Complete the tasks according to the options:

1c (Tick the words that describe the state of nature. What artistic technique does the author use?)

2c (Tick the words that convey the state of Arthur Gray)

(The teacher reads an excerpt to the music of C. Saint-Saens “The Swan”)

The author emphasizes that the girl was noticed not only with her eyes, but also in other ways. How did Gray see her and why was he able to see her like that? From the very morning, Arthur's soul was in anxiety and languor, which the captain himself could not explain. Therefore, it is not surprising that, when he saw a sleeping girl on a cliff among dew-sprinkled grasses and flowers, he was struck by her inexplicable pure beauty. He saw her not with his eyes, but with his heart. He, like Egle in his time, felt something special, unusual in her.

Watching a video clip from the feature film “Scarlet Sails” (director A. Ptushko, Mosfilm studio, 1961).

Gray's monologue, text in front of each student, fill out the table (use the “insert” technique)

5) Denouement

What happened to Gray and Assol is not so important as the fact that the residents of Kaperna, rude people who do not know how to love, were able to become convinced of the power of goodness, to believe in a miracle. Since then, scarlet sails have been a symbol of fulfilled hopes.

What needs to be done to make your wish come true? (to wish, to believe, to act)

6) Epilogue

Dreams - this is the most valuable thing a person has, they light a fire in his soul. Dreams make a person perform miracles. Other people simply say, "It's impossible." But I'm telling you, if it's yours dream , and you are ready to go to her, then nothing is impossible for you. If what you mean dreaming , is not yet in nature, which means it will be created for you. Whatever you can imagine, you can achieve. remember, that Dreams Come True !


  1. Essay on the topic: “Why did the heroes’ dreams come true?”
  2. Answer to the question: “How do you understand the words of Somerset Maugham?”
  3. Mini-essay on the topic: “When do dreams come true?”
  4. Page 27, paragraph 5 (in writing)


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6th grade student

Memetova Zibide

reading leader

Chernysheva E. N.

Once I watched the film “Scarlet Sails”, which made a strong impression on me

A.S. Green. When you read the story “Scarlet Sails” you are left with a bright and joyful feeling in your soul. The feeling of something bright, magical, beautiful approaching. Sometimes it seems that the bright, fabulous, beautiful, lofty can be unrealistic. But this work teaches you to do miracles with your own hands. Convinces that dreams come true, and it depends on ourselves. A.S. Green created his heroes, Assol and Gray, with strong and independent characters, cheerful and brave. Assol lost her mother early, and her father began making toys for a living. Surrounded by toys and a kind and loving father, Assol's character was formed. And in life she encountered gossip and evil, which did not frighten her, but helped her become strong. Assol believed in a beautiful fairy tale about scarlet sails, so she tried to preserve a sense of beauty in her heart. Assol was very lucky that Gray found her. He, a dreamer by nature, understood her and her impossible dream. Gray created a miracle with his own hands.

I really liked the story “Scarlet Sails” for its optimism, faith in a dream. It inspires hope that there are people in the world who are able to hear and understand each other. Assol, who was accustomed to ridicule, escaped from the philistine world and became happy. The heroes proved that any dream can come true if you really, really believe in it, don’t betray it, don’t doubt it. After all, good deeds make us happy. And maybe some of us, after reading this work, will also become better, higher and purer in soul!

“Scarlet Sails” by A. Green should be read by those who are true to their dreams and by those who believe that dreams do not come true and that dreaming is useless. The work captivates with its unusual images and magical plot. They study it in the 6th grade, but many readers return to it as adults to once again find themselves in the world of kindness and fairy tales. We offer an analysis of the work that will help during preparation for the lesson. The analysis presents the most important points of the literary analysis according to the plan.

Brief Analysis

Year of writing - 1916 - 1920.

History of creation- The idea for the work appeared in 1916. While walking along the streets of St. Petersburg, A. Green noticed a toy ship with white sails in the window of one of the stores. Thus, images of the future work began to be created in his imagination. The writer completed work on it in 1920, and published it as a separate book in 1923.

Subject- Several main themes can be identified in the work - a dream come true; the fate of people “not like everyone else”; choice of life path.

Composition- Formally, the work consists of seven chapters, each of which tells about an important event. Plot elements are arranged in the correct sequence. Non-story elements - landscapes, portraits - play an important role.

Genre- The story is an extravaganza.

Direction- Neo-romanticism, symbolism.

History of creation

The story of the creation of the story is unusual. A. Green wrote down how her idea came about in the drafts for the novel “Running on the Waves” (1925). Once, during one of his walks around St. Petersburg, the writer stopped at a store window. There he saw a toy boat with white sails. Images and events began to appear in his imagination. The writer thought it would be nice to turn the white sails into scarlet ones. “...Because in scarlet there is a bright glee. Rejoicing means knowing why you rejoice.”

The work lasted for 4 years. However, researchers claim that the year the story was written is 1920. Then the author completed the preliminary work, but still made changes to the work for some time.

In May 1922, the chapter “Gray” was published on the pages of the Evening Telegraph newspaper. “Scarlet Sails” was published as a separate book in 1923.


The analyzed story is an unusual phenomenon for Russian literature of the first half of the twentieth century, because at that time revolutionary themes were actively developing. Themes“Scarlet Sails” is a cherished dream; the fate of people “not like everyone else”; choice of life path.

The work begins with a story about the father of the main character, Longren. The man is disliked in the village because he calmly watched as his fellow villager Menners was carried away into the open sea. It turned out that Menners' greed caused the death of Longren's wife. The widower was forced to raise his daughter himself. The villagers did not remember Longren’s grief, but they pitied Menners.

Longren was hated in the village, and his daughter Assol was also disliked. The girl was considered crazy, so she believed in her fantasies and waited for the prince who would come for her on a ship with scarlet sails. Assol silently endured insults and never responded to them with evil, but the main thing is that she did not give up her dream.

In the following chapters, other heroes appear, among whom Arthur Gray attracts attention. This is a guy from a noble, rich family. He is very purposeful and courageous. He and Assol are brought together by their belief in miracles. Once Gray saw a painting by a marine painter and became eager to become a sailor. Thanks to his perseverance, intelligence and lively soul, the guy became a captain at the age of 20.

His ship drifted to the shores of the village where Assol lived. Gray accidentally noticed the sleeping girl. After asking about her, I learned about her eccentricities. Gray decided to make Assol's dream come true. He ordered scarlet sails for his ship and sailed to the village. The girl’s dream became a reality, and at the same time, the prediction about the extraordinary wine that Gray was supposed to find came true.

The plot centers not only on the images of Gray and Assol, but also on the symbolic image of scarlet sails. Their symbolic meaning is hidden meaning of the story's title. Sails are a symbol of dreams, hope, and the scarlet color in this work is interpreted as joy, jubilation, the victory of good over evil.

The plot helps determine idea. A. Green shows that dreams come true, the main thing is to believe in them.

Main thought: the opinions of others are often wrong, you need to live as your heart tells you. Keeping a bright dream despite the circumstances is what the writer teaches.


In “Scarlet Sails” the analysis should be continued by characterizing the composition. Formally, the work consists of seven chapters, each of which tells about an important event that helps to understand the essence of the main problem. Plot elements are arranged in the correct sequence.

The exposition of the story is an introduction to Assol’s father and the main character herself. The plot is a stranger's prediction about a meeting with a prince. The development of events is a story about Assol's dreams, Gray's story. Climax - Gray listens to stories about the “crazy” Assol. Denouement - Gray takes Assol on his ship. Non-story elements - landscapes, portraits - play an important role.

The peculiarity of the composition is that each chapter of the work is relatively complete, pushing to certain conclusions.

Main characters


The genre of the work is an extravaganza story. The fact that this is a story is evidenced by the following features: several plot lines are revealed, the system of images is quite branched, and the volume is quite large. Signs of an extravaganza: magical events, unusual, somewhat fabulous images, victory of good over evil.

In A. Green's story "Scarlet Sails" there are signs of two directions - neo-romanticism (the main characters feel different from everyone else), symbolism (images-symbols play an important role in realizing the ideological sound). Genre originality, system of images and plot determined the nature of artistic means. Paths help bring the work closer to fairy tales.

Work test

Rating Analysis

Average rating: 4.4. Total ratings received: 1404.

1. author of the title of the poem.
2.history of the creation of the poem
3.topic (about what?)
4. idea, main idea of ​​the poem (what the author wanted to say)
5. artistic images of the poem
6. what artistic means are used to reveal the theme, main thought, or idea of ​​the poem, to draw images (analysis of the used tropes and figures of speech).
7. composition of the poem (analysis of stanzas, rhymes, sizes)
8.image of a lyrical hero.

Choose the correct answer, it may not be the only one: 1. The theme of the work is a) the main idea b) the main subject


c) the specific situation described

2.The problematic of the work is

a) the range of issues raised in the work

b) the main theme of the work

3. The idea of ​​the work is

b) moral “lesson” of the work

c) the main general idea of ​​the work

4. Can different problems be raised in one work of art:

c) it is impossible to answer unambiguously

5. The protagonist of a work of art is

a) in a way

b) character

c) a lyrical hero

6.The character of the work can be

a) only a person

b) only an animate object

c) any object or phenomenon

7.The character system includes

a) heroes and their prototypes

b) main, secondary and episodic characters

b) yes, principled

c) yes, but insignificant

9. The lyrical hero is

a) the poet himself

b) the character of the poem

c) the image of a person whose feelings, moods, experiences the author seeks to express

10. The means of creating the character of a literary hero can be

a) artistic detail

b) the hero’s speech

c) the actions of the hero

11. Portrait details are a variety

a) details of appearance

b) landscape details

c) clothing parts

12. Psychological details reflect

a) the inner world of a person

b) behavioral features

c) its origin

13. “Horn glasses, long nose. White striped trousers. Long, skinny” - what portrait is this?

a) portrait description

b) portrait-comparison

c) portrait impression

14. “No trees, no bushes, nothing, except a gray sea of ​​mosses, where only occasionally gray boulders, gray lakes and gray streams could be seen” - what kind of landscape is this?

a) landscape-description

b) landscape-comparison

c) landscape-impression

I option 1. Art by its nature: a) rational; b) emotionally; c) combines

itself both rational and emotional principles.

2. The character of a work of art is called:

a) way;

b) character;

3. The theme of the work is:

a) main idea;

b) object of reflection;

c) the specific situation described.

4. The idea of ​​the work is:

b) the moral “lesson” of the work;

c) the main general idea of ​​the work.

5. Can one topic cover different problems?

c) the question cannot be answered unambiguously.

6. Composition is:

a) sequence of events and actions;

b) the movement of the work from beginning to end;

c) the sequence of parts and elements of the work.

a) biography;

b) autobiography;

a) mezzanine;

b) picture;

c) remark.

9. To which literary character do the words belong: “To execute like this, to execute like this, to have mercy like this - this is my custom.”?

a) Mishka Kopylev, “The Return of Kopylev”, L. Leonov

b) Pugachev, “The Captain’s Daughter”, A.S. Pushkin

c) Ammos Fedorovich, “The Inspector General”, N.V. Gogol

10. Which heroine wore a white scarf with a pink belt, white kid gloves and white satin shoes at the ball?

a) Anna Andreevna

b) Asya Gagina

c) Varenka B.

11. Which hero sat with his son at the microscope for hours, studying microbes?

a) Andrey Erin

b) Peter Grinev

c) Mishka Kopylev

12. Where is N.N. Did you meet the Gagins?

a) In England

b) In Germany

c) In Russia

13. What poem are the lines taken from and who is their author?

In the state of daisies, at the edge,

Where the stream, panting, sings,

I would lie all night until the morning.

Throwing your face back into the sky.

a) S. Yesenin “Beloved Land”

c) M. Lermontov “Caucasus”

14. What poem are the lines taken from and who is their author?

I am happy with you, mountain gorges,

Five years have flown by: I still miss you.

There I saw a pair of divine eyes;

And my heart babbles, remembering that look...

a) N. Rubtsov “During a thunderstorm”

b) N. Zabolotsky “I was brought up by harsh nature”

c) M. Lermontov “Caucasus”

15. What was M. Gorky’s last name?

a) Peshkov

c) Gorky

16. The narration in “The Captain’s Daughter” is told from the perspective of:

b) narrator;

c) Peter Grinev.

17. Epigraph to the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Mtsyri" is taken from:

a) epics;

b) the Bible;

c) ancient Russian chronicles.

18. To which literary movement can the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri"?

a) sentimentalism;

b) realism;

c) romanticism.

19. What artistic device is used as the basis for the composition of the story “After the Ball”?

a) antithesis;

b) retrospective;

c) the sequence of events described.

20. What type of composition is the story “After the Ball”?

a) a story within a story;

b) first-person narration;

21. Vasily Terkin:

a) historical figure;

b) fairy-tale hero;

c) a collective image.

22. Which type of comic genre is mainly used in the comedy “The Inspector General”?

b) sarcasm;

I understood one simple truth. She is in
to make miracles with your own hands.
A. Green

“Not only children, but also adults need a fairy tale,” said Konstantin Paustovsky. This is precisely the tale that A. Green composed, a seeker of the miraculous, delirious of the sea and sails, a man about whom legends arose from his first steps in literature. He wrote an extravaganza-fairy tale about how happiness is the work of a person’s own hands, that it is useless to wait for a dream - it must be boldly met halfway.

Scarlet Sails first appears before us as a specific object - a toy made for sale by Longren, the father of the main character Assol. The famous collector of folk legends Egle, seeing an amazing toy in the hands of a girl - a sailboat with scarlet sails, told her an amazing thing: “You will be big, Assol. One morning, in the distant sea, a scarlet sail will sparkle under the sun. The shining bulk of the scarlet sails of the white ship will move, cutting through the waves, straight towards you... The handsome prince will put you in a boat, bring you to the ship, and you will leave forever to a brilliant country where the sun rises and where the stars will descend from the sky to congratulate you on your birthday. arrival."

The storyteller planted the seed of a dream of a miracle in the soul of young Assol. In the midst of colorless everyday life, she was supported by faith in a miracle, and her miracle came true. But Assol, with her dream of a prince and scarlet sails, lives surrounded by evil people - the inhabitants of Kaperna, absolutely insensitive to beauty. The inhabitants of Kaperna did not tell tales, did not sing songs, they thought only about everyday affairs. Assol also thinks about her daily bread, but her dream lifts her above everyday life. Green's characters are different from those around them. Residents of Kaperna live down to earth. And those who wanted to live differently sometimes could not withstand the pressure of the environment and broke down: thus, a good coal miner became a drunkard, who, thanks to Assol, was able to see the delicate paintings on the rods of an old coal basket. In the world of injustice in which Greene's heroes live, goodness is as unusual as scarlet sails.

The main conflict in “Scarlet Sails” is the conflict between Assol’s dreams and reality, between sublime nature and real life. The image of a sail has been used many times in Literature. The sail seems to be calling to unknown distances, where a wonderful future and happiness await the hero. But the sails are usually made of rough gray canvas, but here they are scarlet and silk. Such sails can be sewn, but in life such wastefulness is not often encountered. This is a miracle, but a man-made one. Scarlet sails are a symbol of a dream come true, the inevitable triumph of the forces of good over the forces of evil. Mentally turning to his daughter, Longren thinks: “In the future you will have to see a lot of not scarlet, but dirty and predatory sails; from a distance - smart and white, close up - torn and arrogant.”

The scarlet color takes on a special meaning in the work. Red is the color of life. For A. Green's heroes, the scarlet color has a symbolic meaning: it speaks of the fact that it is possible to achieve the impossible, to turn a fairy tale into reality. Scarlet sails are the work of man himself. Captain Gray will say wonderful words: “I understood one simple truth. It’s about doing so-called miracles with your own hands.” Scarlet Sails is a fairy tale that has come true, a miracle so simply made by a person for another person. Gray found his happiness when he gave Assol her childhood dream. Material from the site

The ending of the story sounds like a hymn to a dream, like a triumph of the spiritual principle in man. Greene argues that a person's path must be sanctified by a great cherished goal. She will give him perseverance and nobility in the fight against the adversities of life. The fabulous scarlet sails lead the reader to the conclusion that man’s high calling is “to do so-called miracles with his own hands.”

Many generations of readers read this wonderful fairy tale with enthusiasm. And every time Green convinces us that a person cannot live without a high dream, that every heart has its own scarlet sails. They approach the shore that awaits them, and every moment many hopes, big and small, are fulfilled.

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On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • romantic fairy tale
  • scarlet sails maral story
  • quotes from the story scarlet sails
  • essay on scarlet sails on the topic dreams come true
  • environment in childhood, warming up in the story “Scarlet Sails”Green
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