Interpretation of the name: Alice. The mysterious name Alice, the meaning of the name for a sweet girl. Character virtues and promising fate of Alice

The first acquaintance with the name Alice occurs in childhood. In the works of famous writers, heroines are remembered for their strong character and interest in their surroundings. What is the character and destiny of the fair sex?

The meaning of the name Alice and the character of a woman

A name filled with energy and action and striving for heights. Girls, girls, women - bright, purposeful, active.

Name for a girl

Girls born are rarely called Alice. The meaning and fate of babies with an interesting name are closely connected. As a child, the baby is obedient and economical. Values ​​order, helping to keep her mother clean. Carefully puts away toys. Sometimes it scatters it itself in order to fold it again.

Parents need to carefully monitor the minx, as she is able to hide in places that she might not even know about.

Babies with the name Alice do not like to stand out, so as not to be in the attention of others. The girl will not recite poems or sing songs for show.

It is impossible to put pressure, suppress or strongly oppress; Alice is capable of resistance even at a young age.

Meaning of the name Alice

The desire to learn new things helps children maintain proper dialogue with parents, peers, educators and teachers. Differs from others in fantasy and daydreaming.

The baby's health is excellent, but it is possible to develop an allergic reaction to a certain number of foods. In appearance, the girl is very similar to her father.

Girl character

Character traits that appear in Alice:

  • persistent in action;
  • accuracy;
  • pedantry;
  • principled in life;
  • stubborn;
  • demand justice.

Excessive daydreaming and romanticism leads to rash, effective actions in life. The real world forces you to come down to earth.

Alice - dreamy

Alice is a good housewife who knows how to manage the family budget. He selects things for the house with taste, there is a sense of proportion. A sharp mind, quick wit, and sociability allow Alice to be the life of the party in any team.

The girl is attracted to everything unusual and mysterious. Prefers to attend concerts, theaters and other entertainment and development events.

Alice, an open-hearted person. He keeps all his experiences within himself, not allowing his emotions to come out. Problems that arise are resolved independently.

To be friends with Alice, you should not doubt her honesty - this will lead to a serious quarrel and long-term grievances. He is demanding of the people around him and himself, so he devotes most of his time to self-development. He achieves his goal by any means.

The name Alice sounds very soft and gentle. Hearing this name, you involuntarily remember the cunning and resourceful Fox Alice from the book about the adventures of Pinocchio. A girl with this name is indeed very cunning and inventive.

This name has several meanings. This is both the “noble class”, translated from ancient German and English, and “truth”, translated from ancient Greek.

Origin of the name Alice:

The name Alice is found in several languages ​​at once, so it is impossible to accurately determine its origin. According to one version, this name came from the ancient Germanic language, and is derived from the name Adelaide, meaning “noble class”. According to another version, it is believed that the Hebrew word Elisha was transformed into Alice, meaning “God is salvation,” or, given the Greek roots, “truth.” According to the third version, the name came from the English language and means, in translation, “noble origin”, “noble”.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Alice:

Alice is growing up as a very dreamy girl, a dreamer. She listens and watches fairy tales and cartoons with bated breath, imagining herself as their main character. Being immersed in her dreams and fantasies, she is inattentive and may completely “fall out” of the real world. At school he often receives criticism because he is constantly distracted, does not complete homework, or does it thoughtlessly, without due diligence. In response to comments, he usually tries to justify himself, writing on the fly. Cunning and resourcefulness are inherent in her from birth.

He does housework, like any other, reluctantly and, often, carelessly. Before starting it, he spends a long time thinking about how best to do it and how wonderful everything will turn out. As a result, having lost most of the time on his dreams, he does everything “crumpled”, “in a hurry.” But there are other cases when Alice’s daydreaming did not let her down, but helped her to make a successful career. After all, Alisa’s dreams mainly come down to the desire to be the best. As a result, she can invent a way that will help her succeed in her career.

Alice's boss is very stern and serious - she is ambitious and principled, and besides, she knows what she wants. But she will never deceive management or put hard pressure on employees in order to quickly climb the career ladder.

He is always the leader in any creative endeavor, be it a children's game, a school amateur competition or a public assignment at work. She loves to communicate, she always has a lot of friends and acquaintances. But Alice can only be completely sincere with those with whom she has been friends for many years, perhaps since childhood. This girl has a lot of wit, “she won’t put her words in her pocket” - this is exactly about Alice.

Lost in dreams of a prince groom, Alice may never get married, or, having become disillusioned with her fantasies, she may, already in adulthood, agree to a marriage proposal. She is not a good housewife, but she is a wonderful mother who will play with her children with great pleasure, thereby returning to her beloved world of illusions.

The name became popular in the USSR after the release of the film “Guest from the Future.” During this time period, most newborn girls received this name. Nowadays, it has greatly lost its former popularity.

Any name certainly gives rise to associations. When you hear the name Alice, what comes to mind?

Prim England with unchanging traditions, and suddenly there is a curious and brave little girl Alice, rushing to plunge headlong into the secrets of Wonderland. Self-confident and smart, and at the same time, such a calculating Fox Alice from the fairy tale about Pinocchio. Cosmic, fantastic, distant - and so close and alive Alice from the film Guest from the Future. The contradictions of the name Alice encourage writers and directors to give it to their most striking and beloved characters. What are the contradictions? Let's figure it out.

Origin and meaning

Nobility. It is this root that hides the name Alice. Initially, in the ancient Germanic language this name sounded like Adalheid (Adelaide). Translation: adal (noble, noble) and heid (type, genus, image). In France, this name sounded like Adelais, and then Aalis. In England they remade it in their own way, and it turned out Elis (Alice). And for us - accordingly, Alice. Translated from Latin “alis” means "wings". Everything points to elevation in the interpretation of this beautiful name.

Boris Khigir: Character of the name

A well-known professor of psychology says that indeed, by nature, Alice is usually a sophisticated woman, with excellent taste, loves everything beautiful. Beautiful things and beautiful people. Therefore he is often mistaken in choosing a man, choosing someone who makes a strong external impression. Also, when choosing a life partner, Alice pays attention to the man’s status and his ability to provide her with a comfortable life. She loves comfort even more than beauty. With all these criteria for selecting a husband, Alice often makes mistakes, and the man’s character is usually complex. But this is how these women are made - they steadfastly endure all the challenges of fate, never complain. They do not put on a pose and try to create comfort and tranquility in their family. Usually, this tactic is successful. Alice very bright, she is an individual – graceful and unique.

She usually has high self-esteem and, although she is usually not a clear leader in a team, she knows how to lead other people. Calmly and consistently achieves his goals.

Name day

Named Alice in there is no Orthodox calendar. Babies are usually baptized under the name Alexandra. It is interesting that Alexandra Fedorovna Romanova, the wife of Nicholas II, received the name Alice at birth, in honor of her mother, Princess Alice of England, daughter of the British Queen Victoria.

Letter analysis

If we take the name Alice apart letter by letter and analyze their meaning, we get, first of all, creative, constructive beginning in Alice's character, and at the same time - the desire for a spiritual and physical comfortable state. These qualities are defined by the double letter “A”. Labor is a physical need for such people; they are very proactive. The “core” of the name is the letter “I”. This speaks of the subtle spirituality of the owner of the name Alice, love of art, sensitivity, and sophistication. At the same time, Alice not devoid of common sense and authority in relations with people. She is not an obvious leader, but a person who strives to find out, organize and bring everything into sequence.

Child Alice

Alice as a child flexible and serious girl. Outwardly, she often looks like her father. Its practicality is touching because it is more often characteristic of adults than children. Little Alice loves to put things in order, she is clean and thrifty. She looks very quiet, she is incredibly inquisitive. With age, this quality determines Alice's high intelligence and her will to achieve. In her close circle, Alice shows artistry and imagination.


Alice usually has from birth good health, a lot of energy. At the same time, you need to spend it wisely. Little Alice needs to be taught a healthy lifestyle, routine and proper nutrition from childhood. Moreover, this is facilitated by the child’s character.

Name color

Color of the name Alice - lilac. This means secrecy, distrust, patience. People whose names correspond to this color are introverts, speak little and endure any shocks in life. Life's difficulties do not force them to be tougher. For those who need help, they will always help and show their participation. This color is conducive to depression. But even here the Alices don’t care – they are born fighters.

Name by season of birth

Alices born in winter

There are contradictions in the nature of the “winter” Alice. This “explosive” women, straightforward, principled. They themselves suffer from their categoricalness, because it both attracts and repels men.

"Autumn" Alice softer, their life credo: “Help everyone.” The doors of such Alice's house are always open for guests, she responsive, kind to everyone. He prefers to remain in the shadows, demanding nothing for his generosity.

Born in summer

Alice, born in spring, often: at work and in her personal life, she does not know how to defend her position, she is flexible and accommodating. Other people often take advantage of this - and as a result, it is very difficult for Alice to build a career and a happy family life.

The most favorable month In order to name a girl Alice, it’s summer. Most likely, summer Alice will be happy. She usually pulls out that same ticket, and her luck helps her cope with all problems. She is always aware of the most interesting events, and is successful everywhere.

The beautiful name Alice has several interpretations. According to one of them, it has French roots and comes from the ancient name Alis - a short version of Adelais, the meaning of which is translated as “noble family”, “noble class”. Its origin is also associated with the Latin word “alis”, which means “wings”. And finally, some historians believe that when translated from Old German it takes on the meaning “baby.” The name is popular among young parents in Russia.

Alice is a responsible, honest and straightforward woman who will not offend the weak, and can also stand up for herself. She is fair and sincere, which is why she is surrounded by open and responsive people, for whom the word “mutual help” is not an empty phrase. In people she values ​​such qualities as loyalty and reliability. However, do not underestimate the fact that character is largely influenced by the time of year in which Alice's birthday falls.

Characteristics of the name Alice

Corresponding zodiac sign: Scorpio ♏.

Patron planet: Uranus ♅.

Dominant element of Feng Shui: Metal 金.

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Tourmaline, Carnelian, Crystal.

Talisman-color: Orange, Violet, Electric.

Tree talisman: Beech 🍁.

Plant talisman: Alpine rose.

Animal mascot: Electric eel, Electric stingray.

The most successful day: Monday ☽.

Happy time of year: Autumn 🍂.

Character traits: Sensitivity, Imagination, Truthfulness, Ambition, Nobility, Passion.

Spring Alice flexible and accommodating. She cannot be called a principled person (on the contrary, she does not know how to defend her position, which is why she often suffers, since she lives “someone else’s” life, and not her own). Spring Alice's indecisiveness prevents her from building a brilliant career, as well as creating a friendly family in which peace and quiet reign.

Summer Alice– a real lucky person, because it is luck that helps her cope with various troubles and problems without any problems. Moreover, she takes an active part in all the actions that take place around her. Her sincerity, gentleness, sociability and cheerful disposition contribute to the fact that the life of summer Alice is filled with positive moments and bright colors.

Autumn Alice smart, attractive, selfless, generous and reliable. She does not seek to be the center of attention; she is unfamiliar with the feeling of envy. All her actions are dictated by the desire to help people, while she does not demand anything in return. Autumn Alice's house is always open to loved ones, because this woman considers responsiveness and kindness to be the basis of any relationship.

Winter Alice is a temperamental, impulsive and extremely emotional nature with an unbridled temper. Her willfulness, categoricalness and love of freedom both attract and repel at the same time (this is especially true for men who are afraid of the straightforward Alice, who lives by her own rules). Among the positive qualities of winter Alice, I would like to note kindness, openness, fairness and generosity.

Character of the name Alice

The meaning of the name Alice reveals a very charming, lively girl, adored by everyone and similar to her dad. Her character does not change with age - she still remains everyone's favorite (however, these traits are usually characteristic of those born in spring or summer). A girl with this name “lights up” very quickly, but at the same time she never rushes into the “pool headlong”, and despite her natural kindness, she knows how to say a decisive and firm “no”.

The secret of the name Alice lies in the psychological lightness, resilience of its owner, insane sexuality and amorousness, but also in the ability to betray. She is extremely reasonable, pragmatic and thrifty, very fastidious and clean. She has a bright, unique individuality, natural grace and, in fact, is an esthete who loves everything beautiful. Self-esteem is inherent in a woman from childhood, but she never infringes on the dignity of other people. Its main drawback is laziness.

Positive traits of the name Alice: Since childhood, Alice has been distinguished by her mobility and optimism, which accompany her until her old age. She is kind and sympathetic, always ready to provide support; Her increased sensitivity makes her quite touchy, but the grievances do not linger and quickly pass. A girl named Alisa is very sociable and has a good sense of humor.

Negative traits of the name Alice: Negative character traits of this woman include her daydreaming. Like the heroine of Lewis Carroll's famous fairy tale, she loves to be mentally transported to another reality. In her early years, a girl lives with dreams, which she makes no effort to realize. Alice does not have enough persistence to make her plans come true. The owner of the name can remain in the illusory world of her fantasies throughout her life.

Interests and hobbies

Alice adores beauty and worships it, so all her hobbies are related to everything that is “beautiful.” A girl, for example, may collect exquisite dishes or figurines, or enjoy shopping or horse riding. But whatever she chooses, it should be beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. Alice loves visiting exhibitions, theaters and concerts. She cannot imagine life without a good book and communication with friends. But her main hobby is traveling.

Profession and business

Ambitious, responsible and executive Alice is no stranger to career aspirations, and, carried away by work, she can completely forget about arranging her personal life. She chooses her profession for a long time and carefully, taking into account such criteria as career growth and the opportunity to demonstrate her leadership qualities. Alice is a diligent performer, and “simple” specialties suit her best. The owner of this name can make a good doctor, architect, design engineer, philologist, journalist. If she has a creative streak, she is capable of becoming a good artist.

If we talk about Alice the boss, she is stern, serious and principled, but she prefers to have a constructive dialogue with her subordinates rather than put pressure on their weaknesses. Alice can succeed in business because she has entrepreneurial acumen, pragmatism and prudence. In addition, she knows how to quickly and correctly assess the situation and make the only right decision.

Mentality and health

By character type, the owner of the name Alice is sanguine. The girl is capable of completing even the most hopeless business, but only on condition that she receives some benefit from it. Purposefulness and self-confidence help her cope with the most difficult tasks. Alice is a loyal friend who will never betray, and among her friends there are both men and women. But friends should be more supportive of Alice’s contradictory character, her emotionality and temperament, because any criticism deeply hurts this receptive and sensitive girl. The owner of this name also brings a lot of trouble with her love of freedom, which interferes with building a stable and harmonious personal life. And if we add Alice’s masculine character to all of the above, it becomes clear why it is sometimes difficult to find a common language with this woman.

Alice has had good health since childhood, so she often devotes little time to maintaining it. But in vain, because lack of sleep, poor nutrition and non-compliance with the regime can, over time, negatively affect Alice’s general condition. The girl does not spare herself at all, which can ultimately lead to a nervous breakdown, anorexia, insomnia and other similar phenomena. She should pay special attention to the autonomic nervous system and genitals.

Love and sex

Alice is an amorous person. She loves male attention and gladly responds to the advances of the opposite sex with flirting and coquetry. Charming Alice has no shortage of fans who shower her with compliments and try to please her in everything. But only a strong and reliable man with a difficult character, with whom life will be full of passions and emotions, can captivate this woman. It should be noted that romantic relationships occupy one of the most important places in the life of the dreamy Alice, who dreams of that pure and eternal love about which legends are made.

Alice is a temperamental and passionate person who plunges into the world of voluptuousness and pleasure with pleasure. The girl loves long, sophisticated sex. He especially values ​​in a partner not only his intelligence and his life experience, but also his sexual capabilities, although he often gives preference to simply handsome men. If she is not brought to the point of excitement, then intimate intimacy turns into a boring and unpleasant duty for her, and she calmly breaks off a relationship that does not bring her pleasure, trying to maintain friendly relations. In bed, such a woman is a pronounced leader, unable to contain her passion for independence and freedom.

Family and marriage

Alice is in no hurry to get married, and it’s all because of her independence, which is extremely difficult for this woman to part with. In addition, passionate novels that end in nothing but disappointment discourage her from getting married for a long time. It is also important that next to her Alice sees not an earthly man with his shortcomings, but a real knight “without fear or reproach,” who is very, very difficult to find. As a result, Alice gets married quite late. Either character or fate forces Alice to choose a difficult man as her husband. It is interesting that the owner of this name does not seek material gain when choosing a spouse; on the contrary, she is ready to share with him all the hardships of life, but only on the condition that he always lends her his strong and reliable shoulder and loves her passionately. Alice considers trust and honesty to be the basis of married life, but she will never be able to forgive betrayal by a loved one.

Alice cannot be called an ideal housewife, but she is far from a slob: for example, her house is clean, warm and cozy, but she absolutely does not like household chores, so she does housework with reluctance. Alice loves and appreciates her husband, so if her other half experiences mutual feelings, then their family will definitely be happy. Children are a completely different story in Alice’s life, because she loves them more than anything in the world. She devotes a lot of time and mental energy to playing with children and their comprehensive development. However, you should not test the patience of this woman, who can be strict and even categorical, both with children and with her husband. But thanks to her kindness and resourcefulness, all conflict situations are resolved quickly. In addition, long, strong and stable family relationships are very important for Alice. The representative named Alisa is very hospitable and knows how to welcome guests so that they are as satisfied as possible. She tries to gather a relaxed company of people at home, preferably those who will be useful to both her and her husband.

Horoscope named after Alice

Alice-Aries ♈– hard work, determination and discipline help Alice-Aries achieve her goal. In addition, she knows how to properly “present” herself in society, which helps her make the right acquaintances. Despite her sociability, Alice-Aries prefers to keep the people around her at a certain distance, so she has very few friends. The man of this woman must have patience in order to achieve the trust and love of Alice, who will test her chosen one for a long time before entrusting her heart to him.

Alice-Taurus ♉– for Alice-Taurus there are no authorities, she never listens to other people’s opinions, therefore she makes many mistakes in her life that could have been avoided. This woman admits her mistakes extremely rarely, and even then with great difficulty. It is not surprising that Alice-Taurus experiences problems both professionally and in her personal life. Only a tough man who can subjugate Alice-Taurus to his will can get along with her.

Alice-Gemini ♊– at first glance, Alice-Gemini gives the impression of a cheerful, open and satisfied girl with life. However, the first impression is deceptive: in fact, this is a serious, reasonable and introspective woman who is afraid of being disappointed, and therefore is afraid to trust anyone. Alice-Gemini's man must be sensitive, kind and understanding, then she will give him real warmth and endless affection.

Alice-Cancer ♋ is a soft, sensitive and vulnerable person who is easy to offend. Alice-Cancer is insecure; she is not able to stand up for herself or defend her point of view. This woman tries to appear strong and independent, which she does well, but sooner or later Alice-Cancer gets tired of playing the role and withdraws into herself. The match for such a person can only be a confident man who can protect Alice from all worries and troubles.

Alice-Leo ♌– an ambitious and ambitious girl. Alice-Leo is an excellent organizer and leader, who is obeyed by her subordinates and respected by her superiors. Her straightforwardness, rigidity and some rudeness repel others, so Alice-Leo should be more delicate and tactful with others. Alice will connect her life only with a reliable and powerful man who will take upon himself the solution to her problems.

Alice-Virgo ♍- This is a comprehensively developed personality who is smart, erudite, but at the same time lonely. Alice-Virgo prefers to spend time alone, while she tries to avoid noisy companies. She is well versed in music, literature and painting, so she is never bored. She has few friends, but they are all loyal and reliable. She needs a soft and sensitive romantic man who can surround Alice-Virgo with love and care.

Alice-Libra ♎ is an intelligent, tactful and delicate woman who tries to avoid conflicts. She treats everyone in a friendly and polite manner, even if she doesn’t like the person. This behavior helps Alice-Libra feel comfortable in any company. The main priority for her is family, which she builds responsibly, choosing a wealthy and authoritarian man to whom she is ready to obey unquestioningly.

Alice-Scorpio ♏– this calm and balanced woman suffers from loneliness, because she has practically no real friends to whom she could pour out her soul. And all for the reason that Alice-Scorpio is used to solving all problems on her own. She does not know how to trust people, which is why she really suffers, because she needs ordinary friendly communication. She will be able to connect her destiny only with the person who can win her complete trust.

Alice-Sagittarius ♐– sociable, cheerful, open, cheerful and energetic, Alice-Sagittarius makes friends and admirers without any problems, however, all her relationships (both friendly and personal) are of a rather superficial nature, since Alice herself is poorly versed in people. The personal life of Alice-Sagittarius resembles a kaleidoscope of passions and emotions, while it lacks such components as stability and constancy.

Alice-Capricorn ♑ is a woman with an active life position, she is in a hurry to live, so she takes on several things at the same time, which ultimately leads to the fact that Alice-Capricorn often does not complete a single task. She loves her work, so she devotes almost all her time to it. Alice's chosen one must share her passion for her work, but at the same time, he must teach his beloved to rest.

Alice-Aquarius ♒- This is a peace-loving, kind and sympathetic nature that does not tolerate quarrels, scandals and conflicts. Alice-Aquarius loves noisy companies and cheerful friendly gatherings, but loneliness disgusts her. Men are attracted by the ease of communication and carefree nature of this woman, for whom it is extremely important that her partner shares all her hobbies and leads an active lifestyle. In addition, Alice-Aquarius should not limit her freedom, otherwise she will decide to break off the relationship.

Alice-Pisces ♓– Alice-Pisces can be called a dreamer and visionary, who lives in her own illusory world, divorced from everyday realities. She constantly makes plans that are difficult to implement, and Alice-Pisces understands this very well, therefore she needs a down-to-earth, practical and even calculating friend who will bring her beloved down to earth.

Compatibility of the name Alice with male names

Alisa and Dmitry– the owners of these names will have a happy family life, since both think in the same way and adhere to the same moral and ethical principles. The union of Alice and Dmitry is also strengthened by common hobbies, including visiting theaters and traveling.

Alice and Alexander– the couple of Alice and Alexander are slowly but surely moving towards their common goals, which strengthens their union. For both, the material well-being of the family is important, to achieve which they make a lot of effort. In this family, everything is built on mutual understanding and love.

Alisa and Sergey– in this harmonious union, the partners trust each other one hundred percent, there is no place for betrayal, lies and betrayal in their relationship. It is not surprising that the tandem of Alice and Sergei is successful and durable, especially if the fire of love is maintained between them.

Alisa and Andrey– these two focus exclusively on each other, so often their love and family life is characterized by a departure into another reality, full of dreams. Returning to everyday routine life can destroy their idyll. Andrey may not feel very comfortable next to a girl like Alisa, because he will have to prove every day that he is the man in the family.

Alisa and Alexey– in this union two independent people with different temperaments come together, which makes their relationship bright and emotional, but at the same time not very stable. But this does not prevent Alice and Alexei from living happily for many years.

Alisa and Ivan– there is no crazy passion in the relationship between Alice and Ivan, and they don’t need it, since they prefer to build their relationship on trust, respect and sincere friendship. This format of relationship, which seems strange to many, stands the test of time and circumstances very well.

Alisa and Maxim– vulnerable Alice finds a reliable defender in the strong Maxim. Alice herself is ready to give her lover warmth, affection, love, and care. Their relationship is stable, harmonious and filled with the energy of love.

Alisa and Vladimir– generous and attentive Vladimir is ready to lay the whole world at the feet of his chosen one, which flatters the narcissistic Alice. In return, she gives her man ease of communication and a certain degree of freedom, which is extremely necessary for the independent Vladimir.

Alisa and Denis– this couple, harmonious in all respects, has every chance of a long, and, most importantly, happy family life without quarrels and conflicts. Both Alice and Denis do not like loud showdowns, and therefore try to solve all problems in a timely manner and exclusively peacefully.

Alice and Pavel– love rarely arises between them at first or even third sight, which does not upset them in any way. Alice and Pavel slowly build their relationship, carefully looking at each other. They consider stability and solidity to be the foundation of a happy family life.

Alisa and Artem– for Alisa and Artem it is very important not to lose their independence, while both are not ready to part with their freedom. But this does not prevent the creation of a fairly strong family in which the partners know how to trust each other.

Alice and Anton– love is the guideline that they follow day after day, overcoming difficulties together. Alice and Anton can be called true altruists, because they are absolutely selflessly ready to help others, and material well-being for them is not the most important thing in life.

Alisa and Mikhail– a couple in love—Romantic meetings, jealousy, stormy showdowns, and no less temperamental reconciliations await Alice and Mikhail. Such a riot of colors only strengthens the union of these independent and freedom-loving people, whose relationships are full of disagreements.

Alisa and Nikolay– the relationship between Alice and Nikolai is developing very rapidly, and all for the simple reason that love often arises between them at first sight. But the freedom-loving Alice eventually becomes bored with the practical and calm Nikolai, for whom family is the basis of life.

Alisa and Igor– these two understand each other perfectly, they have common goals and hobbies. In addition, it is important for Alisa and Igor to bring novelty into life and constantly develop, which undoubtedly brings them closer and makes their union not only strong, but also interesting.

Alisa and Ilya– in the unusual tandem of Alisa and Ilya there is no place for calm and stability, because both have an explosive temperament. At the same time, Ilya is thorough and serious, while Alisa does not like restrictions. Their union can be quite successful if a woman learns to respect her man’s opinion.

Alisa and Vladislav– the union of Alice and Vladislav at first glance may seem unsteady, but this is far from the case, since this couple has understanding, trust, and excellent sexual compatibility. Both partners respect each other's independence, so they do not limit freedom.

Alisa and Vyacheslav– this couple can be called not only lovers, but also partners (even like-minded people), who look in the same direction, live by the same ideas and interests. The union of Alice and Vyacheslav is strong, durable and prosperous.

Alisa and Vitaly- this union has practically no prospects, since the unpredictable and independent Alice does not share the views on life of the conservative Vitaly, who is not used to obeying the whims of his woman. As a result, constant quarrels will lead to the breakdown of the relationship.

Alisa and Oleg– the development of the relationship between Alice and Oleg largely depends on how strong their feelings will be, because these two have opposite characters, which can significantly complicate the process of their rapprochement.

Alisa and Yuri- this unlikely love union is rarely long and fruitful, and all for the reason that no one in it wants to take into account the desires of the other, and it is extremely difficult for Alisa and Yuri to part with freedom. This union will fall apart as soon as one of the partners becomes bored.

Alisa and Nikita– the owners of these names can be good lovers, attentive spouses and successful business partners, and all thanks to the fact that they think alike and understand each other without further ado. The union of Alice and Nikita is prosperous and successful.

Alice and Victor– sensuality is one of the most important components of this union, in which partners have many points of contact, which has a positive effect on their family life. The latter’s reluctance to put up with his beloved’s love of freedom can bring disharmony into the union of Alice and Victor.

Alisa and Vadim– this tandem can be called reasonable without a twinge of conscience, since it is created with a certain calculation. So, both Alisa and Vadim strive for a stable and calm family life without scandals. In their marriage there is both peace and unity of souls.

Alice and Anatoly– Anatoly’s practicality and Alice’s eccentricity interfere with the building of this union, which can be interesting and promising if both learn to put up with each other’s shortcomings. In general, the union of these two people is not long-term.

The most famous Alice in the world is, perhaps, the girl from the works of Lewis Carroll. She is inquisitive, sincere and fair. Many real-life bearers of this name also have these character traits. Like the heroine of a fairy tale, they are ready to go down various “rabbit holes” for adventure and defend justice, denouncing all sorts of “Red Queens” for cruelty and self-will.

Origin of the name Alice (Alicia)

In ancient Germanic, the word Alice meant “generous,” “of noble class.” According to some versions, in the old days it was a shortened form, which is translated as “noble.”

Some researchers claim that the word is of Hebrew origin and comes from the name Elisha, which means “God saves.” Ancient Greek writings also mentioned women called Alices. The word is translated from Greek as “truth.”

Alice translated from ancient German means “noble class”

Name forms

Shortened forms of the name:

  • Fox;
  • Liska;
  • Alka;
  • Ellis.

Diminutive forms:

  • Foxy;
  • Little fox;
  • Alusya;
  • Alechka;
  • Alenka;
  • Alusechka;
  • Alisochka;
  • Alisonka.

Photo gallery: forms of the name Alice

Alice - the full form of the name Alicia - the second version of the full name Alya - a shortened form of the name Alusya - a beautiful and gentle address to Alice Alice (Ellis) - a common form of the name that appeared under the influence of English-speaking culture

Related names:

  • Adelaide;
  • Alevtina.

There is no name Alice in the Orthodox Saints, so girls are often baptized Anastasia or Anna.

Transliteration of the name - Alisa

Table: name in different languages

Middle names that go with this name

The middle names that go best with the name Alice are:

  • Stanislavovna;
  • Alexandrovna;
  • Grigorievna.

To write poems about Alice, you can use such beautiful rhymes: actress, sketch, surprise, caprice.

Nickname options for social networks

To create a personal channel on Youtube or an Instagram account, you can use the following nicknames:

  • Alisia;
  • lisa_alisa;
  • alis;
  • lissska.

Name days and saints Alice

In Orthodox Christianity there are no saints named Alice. There are patroness of girls with this name only in Catholicism:

  • Saint Alice of Schaerbeek;
  • Saint Alice Le Claire;
  • Abbess Alice.

According to legend, Saint Alice patronized the paralyzed and blind people. They say that this girl was born in the city of Schaerbeek in 1225. At the age of seven she found herself in a Cistercian monastery, where she lived until the end of her days. At the age of 20 she fell ill with leprosy. She was not allowed to have contact with other nuns. The terrible illness brought considerable physical torment. After a while she became blind and could not move.

The terrible illness could not break the girl’s strong will and sincere faith; even during her illness she performed many good deeds. She died when she was only 25 years old. In 1905, Alice was canonized.

Saint Alice of Schaerbeek is the Catholic patroness of those with this name

Name days in the Catholic church calendar:

  • January 9;
  • June 15;
  • December 16.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive traits:

  • optimistic outlook on things;
  • activity, mobility;
  • kindness and constant willingness to help;
  • sociability, excellent sense of humor.

Negative qualities:

  • touchiness;
  • lack of persistence.

There are many pieces of music in which the name Alice is mentioned. The group “Secret” sings about her in the song “Alice”, Andrei Derzhavin “Don’t cry, Alice”.

How the name Alice affects the character of a child

As a child, Alice is an easygoing, friendly and obedient girl. She easily meets people and makes friends. But no matter how sweet Alisonka may be, her character already contains dexterity and cunning. Its most important goal is to capture the attention of others.

The lively and cheerful Alice prefers the company of boys; she considers them faithful and honest comrades. This girl is fair, does not tolerate deception, and builds friendships on trusting relationships. The young owner of this name is a devoted friend and will never leave you in trouble.

Perky Alice more often chooses boys as her friends

Alice at school

Alice is an inquisitive girl. She actively participates in the educational process. Such a schoolgirl is diversified and has creative inclinations that can be revealed during the period of self-development. Despite her rather strong character, the bearer of this name strives to create a happy world around herself, full of love, mutual understanding and positive emotions.

During her school years, Alice is an authority figure and sets a good example for her classmates. She responsibly takes on any assignments and never leaves things unfinished. Even if something doesn’t work out, this girl will make every effort to finish what she started.

Alice is an inquisitive and responsible student

Young Alice is very ambitious and has self-esteem. Because of this, a little girl can become a selfish and arrogant girl. Such a schoolgirl is interested in exclusive innovations; outdated study methods often make her sad. She can complete tasks without getting carried away by the process, just to get it done.

The influence of a name on the character and fate of an adult woman

According to B. Higir, in adulthood Alice becomes even more purposeful, achieving her desired goals with her diligence and perseverance. She is always true to her beliefs and principles; it is difficult to convince her of anything. It is not typical for such a woman to work on her mistakes, so you should not expect her to admit guilt.

Alice is practical. She is ambitious, responsible, and will always come to the rescue of those who need her. The owner of this name is not used to squandering money; she carefully thinks through her desired purchases and almost never buys too much.

Adult Alice is purposeful, diligent and principled

P. Rouget notes Alice’s strong character traits, which are more characteristic of men:

  • will;
  • activity;
  • aggressive leadership;
  • unshakable self-confidence.

This kind of girl decides everything herself. However, her stubbornness does not prevent her from establishing strong friendships with both men and women.

Video: the meaning of the name Alice

Talents and hobbies

Alice is prudent and quite educated. She often displays the ability to create something new or an unexpected combination of opposite things. It is extremely important for such women to be more attentive to the little things.

The bearers of this name have well-developed intuition. More than once, Alice’s sixth sense will help her out and help her avoid various failures in life.

Such girls love to attend various performances, concerts, go to exhibitions with pleasure, and read. But most of all they like to travel.

Professions, business and career

Alice is a workaholic. She gives all of herself to her work, immersing herself in her job responsibilities and doing things for the good of the company. Because of this, such a woman pushes her personal life into the background.

The owners of this name take an extremely serious approach to their professional activities. When choosing a place of work, they take into account the possibility of career development and the manifestation of personal initiative.

Alice is often attracted to creative professions:

  • journalism;
  • design activities;
  • teaching;
  • architecture;
  • model business.

Hardworking, responsible and creative Alice can become an excellent journalist

Such a girl is able to accumulate sufficient knowledge to become a scientist and conduct research in an area of ​​interest to her.

In the team, Alisa is valued as a responsible, reliable, and honest employee. Omissions may occur with superiors, since the bearer of this name does not tend to admit and correct her mistakes; she is sensitive to criticism addressed to her.


Since early childhood, Alice has had good immunity. But insufficient sleep can lead to mental disorders. Bad habits typical of the owner of this name also undermine health:

  • poor nutrition;
  • tendency to stay too long at work;
  • the habit of taking everything upon oneself.

You should also beware of diseases associated with the genital organs.

It is extremely important for Alice to get enough sleep and eat a healthy diet.

Love, sexuality, marriage

Alice is very loving. She is open, charming, men do not miss the opportunity to court her. The owner of this name willingly agrees to romantic dates. She is never without a partner for a long time; such a girl always has many fans who will not let her get bored. But only a man who will have serious intentions, a complex character, and his own beliefs and principles can attract her attention.

Alice is a temperamental and energetic woman, she is able to immerse herself in the world of pleasure and enjoyment, forgetting about everything in the world. Her intimate preferences are multifaceted. The bearer of such a name cannot stand constancy; it is important for her to be saturated with positive emotions, so sometimes difficulties arise with choosing a life partner.

Because of her independence and perseverance, Alice puts off marriage for a long time. Often romantic relationships end in a painful separation, after which the girl does not want to have any connections with men for a long time.

A woman with this name does not look for benefits when choosing a candidate for the role of husband. She is ready to share with him all the joys and sorrows of family life. But only if she feels in a man a reliable support for herself.

It is important for Alice to feel a reliable support in her spouse.

Alice tries to keep the house clean, but she is not considered particularly clean. In her opinion, cleaning should take a minimal amount of time and not interfere with spending time on your favorite activities.

Alice treats her husband with respect and the most sincere feelings. If love and mutual understanding reign in the family, then there will be comfort and prosperity in the house. For the owner of such a name, children are the meaning of life. She treats education with special tenderness and trepidation. He devotes most of his time and energy to games and the development of children.

Table: compatibility with male names

DmitriyWith Dmitry, Alice can create a happy family. Since they have similar characters and moral principles, they easily get along without having any complaints against each other.
AlexanderAlice can become a reliable partner for Alexander. It’s easy for the two of them to achieve common goals. Joint activities will only strengthen their family ties. For everyone in such a couple, the financial situation of the family is important. Together they will overcome all obstacles on the path to success.
SergeyRelationships with Sergei are built on mutual understanding and trust. Both are alien to treason, betrayal and deceit.
AndreyPartners focus on their attitude towards each other. They often immerse themselves in the world of their dreams. Everyday moments and everyday life can destroy their union.
AlexeiA marriage with Alexey can be quite happy and bright. The partners are the absolute opposite of each other. On the one hand, this attracts them, on the other hand, there will be no stable harmony in the relationship.
MaksimIn Maxim, Alice will find reliable support and support. The girl will give him her love and affection, realizing that her beloved really needs her.
DenisThey can have a wonderful family. Denis and Alisa understand each other perfectly and strive to make the life of their loved one better.
AntonWith Anton, Alice can experience a sincere and truly pure feeling of love. They will strive to create family happiness on their own, without letting anyone in on their plans, and gradually overcome all obstacles on the way to their desired goals.
IgorThere is harmony in this couple. They enjoy spending time together and have similar interests. Thanks to this, the continuous development of both occurs; they like to discover new horizons for themselves, not forgetting that they are part of one whole.
VitalySuch an alliance may turn out to be unsuccessful, since Alice’s desire to rule prevails over her feelings, and Vitaly’s pride will never allow him to give in to his wife in anything.
YuriAlice's relationship with Yuri is unlikely to be long-lasting, since none of them wants to give up their positions and compromise.
NikitaWith Nikita, Anastasia’s family life will turn out just fine. They will be wonderful lovers, understanding spouses and professional partners. They have a similar worldview, they always strive for excellence and support each other at the right time.
VictorIn family relationships with Victor, sensitivity and sincerity play an important role. The partners understand each other very well, and therefore an idyll reigns in their family.

The meaning of each letter of the name

Interpretation of the meanings of each of the letters in the name Alice:

A - symbolizes purposeful activity, leadership. A person strives to improve every area of ​​life.

L - developed taste, pronounced creativity. Such people know how to appreciate real beauty.

And - spirituality, grace from nature both in appearance and in the way of thinking. These are healthy skeptics, honest and straightforward.

C - material well-being is perceived as a way to get the most out of life. Sometimes they can be unscrupulous in the means of achieving what they want.

Not only Lewis Carroll wrote about the owner of this name. The Soviet poet Ilya Selvinsky has a whole cycle of poems called “Alice”.

Table: characters that match the name

PlanetSaturnPragmatism, consistency, experience, thoughtfulness.
Zodiac signAquariusSensitive and vulnerable natures who tear their souls away are not for everyone. Betrayal is hard to deal with.
ElementAirSociable, curious, quickly learn new things.
Number8 Purposeful, stubborn. Through their work they will achieve great success, overcoming all obstacles on their life path. They care about the environment, help the poor, believing that kindness works wonders.
ColorOrangeA source of warmth and inspiration. Symbolizes creativity, sincerity and honesty.
Totem animalCarpThe struggle for primacy, perseverance, endurance, the desire for something more, independence, courage, the desire to diversify your life.
TreeElmCourage, loyalty, nobility, sincerity and responsiveness.
PlantCrocusSymbol of eternal youth, faith, rebirth. Endows with generosity and diligence.
StoneTourmalinePromotes creative development, makes a person stronger, and has the ability to absorb the negative energy of its owner.
MetalAluminumA symbol of balance, restraint, practicality. Teaches you to enjoy life and be content with little.

When was Alice born?

Winter Alice is a very energetic, hot-tempered and impressionable person. Has a violent temper. Her stubbornness and loyalty to her moral principles attracts and repels people at the same time. Representatives of the stronger sex can be embarrassed by a girl's harshness and sometimes even rudeness. The positive qualities of Alice, who was born in winter, are kindness, responsiveness, and loyalty.

Spring Alice is good-natured and sociable. She is not at all principled, she does not have firm convictions, and she is easy to win over to her side. It is difficult for such a girl to refuse any request, so she is often used. Shyness and self-doubt prevent her from reaching her potential in her career. In the life of Alice, who was born in the spring, there is also little luck in relationships with the opposite sex. Shyness does not allow her to open up and take the first step.

Summer Alice is lucky in everything, everything turns out so smoothly for her that it simply couldn’t be better. The girl is always positive and leads an active lifestyle. She is very sociable and has many friends. He never gets discouraged and tries to find positive moments even in the most unfortunate situations.

Alice, who was born in the summer, is optimistic, sociable, and leads an active lifestyle.

Autumn Alice is educated, practical, quite charming, generous, you can always rely on her, she will never let you down. Such a woman is alien to the feeling of envy; she does not strive to be the center of everyone's attention. Alice, whose birthday falls in the fall, is ready to help for free and does everything in her power for the benefit of people. She is a hospitable hostess and loves to receive guests. The main qualities are politeness and friendliness.

Name horoscope

Aries. Determination, diligence, perseverance - these qualities help Alice-Aries to overcome all difficulties and achieve her desired goals. Such a girl is open and sociable, she understands people well, so she doesn’t let everyone into her life.

Taurus always acts contrary to the advice of other people. She rarely admits mistakes that could have been avoided, so you shouldn’t expect repentance or even an apology from her.

Gemini is sympathetic and good-natured. She is responsible, punctual, and takes seriously the tasks that are entrusted to her. Such a woman has few close friends because she fears betrayal and disappointment.

Cancer is timid, soft, and impressionable. It is difficult for her to contact people, since many people want to get some benefit from communicating with her. Alice-Cancer is very touchy, sometimes she tries to show her character, trying to defend herself, but to no avail.

Alice-Cancer is timid, soft and touchy

Leo - likes to keep everything clean and in order, leads an active lifestyle. In her professional activities she is an authority figure for her colleagues and is valued by her superiors. He will not miss the opportunity to express his opinion, even if it is unpleasant for others.

Virgo - the skills and talents of such a girl are multifaceted. She is practical, educated, and skillfully uses her knowledge. He does not have a particular love for large companies, preferring to stay away from noisy crowds of people.

Libra is a delicate and polite woman. She will never provoke conflicts and prefers to solve all problems peacefully. Alice-Libra is always positive, friendly and friendly with everyone. She feels comfortable in any group.

Scorpio is an impassive lady. Often feels lonely. Such a girl has very few friends and acquaintances. This is all due to the fact that she has become accustomed to relying only on herself all her life, not trusting anyone with her secrets.

Sagittarius is sociable, friendly and responsive. She easily makes new acquaintances, but many leave an unpleasant mark on her life, since she does not understand people at all.

Alice, who was born under the sign of Sagittarius, is cheerful and sociable

Capricorn - is active and very cheerful. Often starts several things at once, but as a result does not complete any of them. Alice-Capricorn loves her work and devotes most of her time to it.

Aquarius is cheerful, good-natured, and absolutely non-conflicting. Can't stand scandals and scenes of jealousy. Alice-Aquarius cannot be limited in her personal space, otherwise this can lead to an unfavorable outcome, including a break in the relationship.

Pisces is a dreamer. He spends most of his life in his own dream world. Even most of the goals in her life are not entirely realistic, and Alice herself knows this.

Famous women named Alice

Many owners of this name have left their mark on history:

  • Alisa Freindlikh - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of four State Prizes of the Russian Federation;
  • Alicia Alonso - Cuban ballerina and choreographer, creator of the National Ballet of Cuba;
  • Alice Camplin - Australian athlete in moguls and freestyle, the first Australian in the history of the Winter Olympics to win a gold medal;
  • Alice Hoffman - American writer;
  • Alice Eastwood - Canadian-American botanist;
  • Alice Pleasence Liddell is the prototype of the main character in the books “Alice in Wonderland” and “Alice Through the Looking Glass”;
  • Alisa Kolosova - Russian opera singer, mezzo-soprano, soloist of the opera troupe of the Vienna State Opera;
  • Alisa Tolkacheva - mayor of Tula from March 31, 2010 to March 2, 2011, the first female mayor in the history of the city;
  • Alicia Keys is a pianist, poet and composer performing in the styles of rhythm and blues, soul and neo-soul, winner of 14 Grammy awards;
  • Alice Ann Munro is a Canadian short story writer, winner of the Man Booker Prize, three-time winner of the Canadian Governor General's Award for Fiction, and multiple Nobel Prize contender.

Photo gallery: famous Alices

Alisa Freundlich - People's Artist of the USSR Alicia Alonso - icon of Cuban ballet Alice Camplin - Olympic champion from Australia Alice Hoffman - American writer Alice Pleasence Liddell - prototype of Alice from the works of Lewis Carroll Alisa Kolosova - opera diva Alisa Tolkacheva - former mayor of Tula Alicia Keys - famous pianist , winner of 14 Grammy awards, Alice Ann Munro - famous writer

Alice is a sincere, cheerful girl. In her environment there are only those people on whom you can rely. She will never allow herself to be insulted or humiliated, and takes any task entrusted to her seriously. The bearer of such a name is true to her word and does not forgive betrayal.

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