Crassula meaning in nature and human life. How to care for the money tree (crassula) at home. Proper care of the money tree

The money tree is a plant native to Madagascar, Africa. It is believed to bring financial stability to the owner. The main feature of the tree is the ability to accumulate water in the leaf blades and store it for a long period of drought.

The Crassula flower or money tree is grown at home, but due to unsuitable conditions, deviations in development are possible: lack of flowering, rotting of the roots and death of the plant.

Description and botanical affiliation of the culture

Belongs to the Tolstyankov group more than 300 varieties plants similar in appearance and cultivation. There are giant species up to 4 meters in height, others do not grow more than a few centimeters. Some grow for many years, others are annuals, the life cycle of which ends immediately after flowering and seed formation.

Crassula means “thick” in Latin. The plant got its name from the fleshy leaves in which it stores water. The leaves are covered with a waxy coating that protects the crop from sunlight and pests. The trunk is most often woody, new shoots, green, also become woody over time and the tree becomes stronger.

During the growth process, Crassula releases substances useful to humans - phytoncides, which disinfect the air in the room. It has been noticed that in a room where Crassula arborescens is located, people get sick less often and recover faster.

For medicinal purposes, the plant is grown to rub joints for arthritis and rinse the mouth for sore throat. The juice cures herpetic rashes and relieves itching after insect bites.

Carefully! All parts of the fat plant contain a strong poison - arsenic, so taking it orally is strictly prohibited.

Crassula in the culture of the East

The money tree is used to normalize Qi energy - to develop the wealth sector. In the house, such a place is the southeast side. You need to put a tree there, placing a red napkin or tablecloth under the pot.

There should be no old cheap things in the monetary energy sector - they interfere with the circulation of flows. The sector must be well illuminated, especially since Crassula loves light - not direct rays, but very bright lighting, which it needs for the formation of chlorophyll and shoot growth.

It will help to activate the water sector. It would be good if it was a mini fountain or an aquarium. Their moisture will help the tree avoid increased dryness.

It is believed that the tree is able to eliminate negative energy, since its leaves are oval or round in shape.

Varieties of money tree

In nature and in apartment conditions, you can find several varieties of Crassula. They differ in the color and shape of the leaves. There are species that can reproduce in an aquarium. Others are ground cover or creeping species. The most common variety is Crassula ovata, which means oval or ovoid.

Crassula arborescens

Leaves are dark green and with good care can grow up to 10 cm in length and 7 in width. The trunk is woody, accumulates moisture well and retains it inside. The weak point of the plant is the heavy aerial part and small root, which is why it sometimes turns over. When caring for a money tree at home, you have to put up supports.


Differs from other species in paired opposite leaves. Can grow indoors up to 60 cm.

Varieties Hobbit and Gollum

They differ in the shape of the leaves: in gollum they are rolled into a tube.


A very light-loving plant. Drops red-edged foliage if plant is placed in shade.


The leaves are green with white veins and red edges.

Crassula moss

A short-growing species that grows at most up to 23 cm. The leaves are located close to the stem.


Pointed leaves, reminiscent of the previous variety, but much larger.

point money tree

Low grade, growing up to 20 cm. The leaves form cilia along the edges and are dotted on top.

Columnar perforated Crassula

The color of the leaves is light green, almost gray, shaped like a diamond. Located opposite to each other.


The shape of the leaves is similar to the previous variety, but they form hairs, and under the influence of sunlight, the edge of the leaf changes color.


A tall plant with blue-tinged leaves close to the stem. They are round at the base and end with a point. Shoots can grow in an apartment up to 60 cm.

Conditions for growth and reproduction in an apartment

Before you start a money tree, you should find out what conditions it prefers and how to care for it at home. The type of soil, length of daylight and frequency of watering are taken into account - these are the basic requirements. In winter, air humidity should be maintained so that the plant does not shed its leaves and expose the trunk.


Lighting should be full, but diffused. On the northern windowsill, the Crassula will stretch out and will not have a decorative appearance. The south-eastern or western window sill is the best place in the apartment for crop growth. In summer, the plant is usually shaded so that direct sunlight does not cause burns on the leaves.


Watering is calculated in such a way that the soil is always moist, but there is no stagnation of water, as this can lead to rotting of the root system. To allow air to circulate in the soil, the pot is placed in a tray filled with gravel.

The water entering there does not come into contact with the roots, but gradually evaporates. In winter, do not water the soil under the crassula, or do it once a month if there are heating radiators nearby. Crassula does not absorb liquid, so water is needed only as a means of preserving the roots.

The soil

The composition of the soil is similar to the soil for cactus species, but it contains more sand for looseness. You can make a soil mixture for a money tree according to the following recipe:

  • 2 parts high peat;
  • 3 – washed and calcined sand;
  • leaf substrate – 2.

At the bottom there must be a drainage layer of pieces of brick or stones.

Air humidity and temperature

The money tree feels best in the summer, when the temperature rises in a room without air conditioning. up to 25 - 30 degrees. Accustomed to a dry, hot climate, Crassula begins to actively develop shoots and grow leaves.

In summer, the plant is taken outside, but placed under the shade of trees so as not to burn the leaves. Watering is the same as in an apartment, but it is recommended to mulch the soil under the money tree.

In winter, a cool room with a temperature not lower than 9 degrees, for example, a glazed balcony. If there is no such place, it is enough to move the pot away from heating appliances.

Methods for propagating Crassula

Many people are interested in how to plant a money tree so that it takes root. There are two options:

  • buy seeds and grow them at home, accustoming them to certain conditions;
  • cut off the cutting and root.

The first method does not always end successfully - the seeds germinate poorly, and not all sprout. Even fewer fatworts grow to adulthood, when they could theoretically bloom.


Cuttings are a method of propagation by a separate branch cut from an adult healthy plant. Before planting a money tree shoot in the ground, the cutting is placed in water with activated carbon and a growth stimulant to form roots, then placed in a pot with soil.

A leaf cut from a branch can also take root. It's being buried by 1 cm into the soil and cover the container with film to control humidity.


Care for sprouts obtained from seeds is more thorough. To germinate the seeds, fill the container with cactus soil and scatter it on the surface. The container is covered with film or glass, creating greenhouse conditions. In 2 weeks the seeds germinate and are periodically opened to let in fresh air. When a pair of leaves are formed, they are transplanted into pots and continue caring for the fat plant.

Transplantation: step by step process

The pot for the money tree is chosen to be wider than deep. This is due to the characteristics of the root system: it is superficial and branched, which is why the money tree is used for arranging bonsai.

Due to superficial immersion in the ground, the money tree often falls out of its place. Young growing specimens are replanted annually. Old – once every 3 – 5 years (depending on the variety and growth rate).

How to transplant a money tree into another pot in late March:

  • Prepare the soil for backfilling and place drainage in the new pot.
  • Remove the plant from the old pot. Inspect the roots. Cut off rotten and dried ones.
  • Sprinkle the cuts with crushed coal or treat with a fungicide. Leave in the air to dry, then you can transplant into a new container.

If the roots are healthy and intact, the plant along with the old soil is transferred to a new pot and covered with soil. After this you need to water the soil. Replanting is a test for the money tree's root system, so for 2 week it is shaded from the light so that it adapts.

Reasons why the money tree does not bloom

Many indoor plant lovers who have a Crassula plant do not know whether the money tree is blooming. If so, how does it bloom, how to make the plant form buds.

Theoretically, the money tree blooms after three years of age. In order for it to form buds, it is necessary to constantly monitor the growing conditions. The flowers of the money tree look like white stars and spread a sweetish aroma. The process lasts 2 – 2.5 months.

To prevent the plant from wasting energy on producing seeds, the fading buds are cut off. If several representatives of this species, Crassula mix, grow in a house, then they bloom simultaneously, with flowers of different shapes and sizes.

Why is there no flowering in an adult Crassula:

  • insufficient watering, therefore, poor absorption of nutrients;
  • lack of light, poor chlorophyll formation;
  • the plant has not been replanted for a long time, low humus content in the soil;
  • lack of fresh air;
  • drafts;
  • lack of fertilizing.

To correct the situation, it is necessary to analyze all the conditions that lead to the setting of buds and create them in a money tree.

The money tree is familiar to every amateur gardener. The scientific name of the plant is Crassula or Crassula. Flower growers love this perennial for its unusual appearance and unpretentious character. There are many different signs associated with it, one of which is the plant’s ability to attract wealth into the house. The shape of the leaves of the crassula resemble coins of different sizes, and the adult perennial looks like a tree, hence the popular name - “money tree”.

Crassula (Crássula) means “fat” in Latin. The representative of the flora belongs to the genus, family Crassulaceae. Crassula comes from South Africa and is native to the Southern Hemisphere.

The money tree was brought to Europe in 1687. The plant spread with incredible speed throughout all countries. The succulent easily adapted to indoor growing conditions and was loved for its beautiful crown and easy care.

In nature, the height of the perennial varies depending on the species: from a few centimeters to four meters. The root system of the perennial consists of a central short root, from which many lateral roots extend, located close to the soil surface. Young shoots branch off from the erect, lignified trunk, forming a tree-like crown. The color of the trunk is brownish-brown, the color of young branches is green.

The fleshy leaves are colored rich green and are usually located opposite. Their shape is ovoid, oval or round. The surface is smooth, the edge of the sheet is solid. Thick, bright foliage “speaks” of favorable external conditions and good care of exotic plants.

Crassula growing indoors blooms extremely rarely. Typically blooms in spring at maturity (8-10 years) under ideal growing conditions.

Crassula flowers are small, collected in umbrella inflorescences. Their color is usually white, sometimes with a pinkish tint. Flowers are formed at the end of the shoot or in the axil of the leaf. Flowering lasts for about three months. The flowering tree exudes a sweet aroma. To prevent Crassula from wasting energy on seed ripening, faded inflorescences are usually cut off.

Signs and superstitions

The money tree has a number of other popular names: the tree of friendship, the tree of luck, the tree of life. The plant is grown to attract money, choosing the most honorable and bright place in the room. It is advisable to plant a flower and grow it yourself from a cutting, rather than purchasing a ready-made one.

Folk omens say: to attract money to the house, you need to bury three coins under the roots of the fat plant. And in order for financial well-being to be stable, hang banknotes on the branches, which must be periodically replaced with new ones, while the old ones must be spent.

In addition to signs associated with money, it is believed that perennials improve the vital aura of a home, attracting positive energy. In addition, it has healing properties and purifies the air in the room. The leaves of the succulent secrete phytoncides that have protective antiviral and antibacterial properties.

An exceptionally healthy tree can possess such positive qualities. If the fat plant sheds its leaves, then this symbolizes monetary losses and financial difficulties. To avoid this, you need to properly care for the tree.

Types and varieties

The species diversity of Crassula is great - more than 300 species. Some varieties are cultivated only in greenhouses, while others are grown exclusively indoors.

In home floriculture, fat plants are divided into 3 groups:

  • tree-like;
  • spicate or columnar;
  • creeping or ground cover.

Each group is rich in its varietal diversity.

Tree Crassula

The most commonly grown species by gardeners. Miniature trees with a beautiful curly crown on a thick stem are a decoration for any interior.

Let's look at the most common varieties.

Oval or Ovata

A shade-tolerant, not very capricious variety of Crassula to care for. The height of an adult tree varies from 50 to 100 cm. Many branches extend from the woody stem. The color of the stem changes over time from green to brown.

Evergreen leaves have a characteristic gloss, some have a reddish border along the edge. The ellipsoidal leaves are attached directly to the stem; they retain a lot of moisture.

The succulent blooms in winter with small white star-shaped flowers, which are collected in umbrella inflorescences. People affectionately call the perennial “coin tree”, “krasulya”, “bear’s ear”.

Purslane (Portulacea)

Characterized by rapid growth, can reach a height of 2 meters with a thickness oftrunk thickness is 30 cm. Many aerial roots form on the trunk and branches.

The fleshy leaves are bright green in color and resemble an ellipse. It hardly blooms in the room. Small white-pink flowers bloom in paniculate inflorescences.

Silver (Argentea)

Resembles the oval Crassula. The difference is in the color of the leaves, which have a silvery tint.

The elongated leaves, abundantly covering the shoots, fall off very rarely.

A compact, slow-growing species of Crassula. The dark green background of the leaves along the edges is decorated with a reddish edging. The oblong leaves are small in size: they reach 1.5 cm in length and 1 cm in width. The plant looks original in mini-gardens.

The subshrub in nature reaches a height of 60 cm, indoors - a maximum of 30 cm. On the large green leaf plates, white dots are visible along the edges, hence the name.

The leaves are wide at the base and pointed towards the apex. Old foliage falls off, exposing the shoots. The plant blooms profusely in winter with white fragrant flowers.

Ovata cv/ Hummels Sunset

It has a characteristic yellow-red leaf color. When there is insufficient lighting, the foliage changes color, becoming green.

Adult The tree reaches a height of about 1.5 meters. The size of the oblong leaves is 5x7 cm. They are bluish-gray above, reddish below. The leaves are juicy, fleshy, with a glossy sheen. It blooms very rarely in indoor conditions.

Spike-shaped (columnar) Crassula

They got their name for their original picturesque appearance. Their straight trunk has practically no branches. The leaf plates are located on the trunk in pairs, grow together, covering the entire stem, as if they were strung on it.

Popular varieties

The maximum height of the fat plant is 20 cm. The stem with leaves reaches 3 cm in diameter. Diamond-shaped leaf plates cover the stem in pairs.

Their color is light green, the edge of the leaf is red. In winter, white inflorescences bloom at the top of the stem. Can be grown as an ampelous plant.

A low-growing species of spike-shaped crassula with thin, highly branched stems. The leaves are medium-sized, smooth, round in shape, about 5 cm long, and colored bluish-green. The edge of the leaf blade is pubescent. As it grows, the fat plant forms a dense cushion.

The flowers open at the tops of the stems and are white-pink in color.

Montrose (Lycopodioides monstrosa)

The stems of the plant grow asymmetrically, and the Crassula looks like a cactus.The stems are covered with triangular scaled leaves of yellow-green color. The thickness of the stem with leaves is only 0.5 cm.


The height of Crassula does not exceed 10 cm. The leaves are thick, tetrahedral, completely hiding the trunk. Silvery blotches are visible on the green-gray leaves.

Creeping (ground cover) Crassula

They are characterized by rapid growth, filling all the free space allocated for them.

Popular varieties


A bizarre shrub, the height of which does not exceed 25 cm, similar to a moss or coral. Fleshy shoots creep. They are completely covered with many thin pointed leaves, which, like scales, tightly cling to the stem. If the flower is constantly in bright light, then the green color of the leaves acquires a reddish tint. In the garden it can be planted as a lawn or a beautiful background for other plants.

Dotted (Picturata)

Ampelous Crassula with highly branching shoots. The leaves are 1.5 cm long, 0.8 cm wide, and have a green tint. Red dots appear on the green surface of the leaf. The edge of the leaf is covered with thin cilia.

Round/Rosette (Orbicularis/Rosularis)

A herbaceous perennial with leaf blades collected in rosettes, it quickly covers the entire free surface. Fleshy leaves of light green color grow up to 2.5 cm in length, they become pointed towards the top.

Offspring (Sarmentosa)

A highly branching Crassula variety with unusual serrated leaves.

The leaf color combines two green shades and may vary depending on the lighting. The meter-long stems spread across the soil and take root easily. The leaves are large – 3.5 cm.

How to care

The rules for caring for a fat woman are simple. With minimal care you can grow a beautiful tree with a lush crown.

Soil selection

The money tree needs soil that is not so much nutritious as it is loose, so that it allows moisture and air to pass through well. You can use a ready-made substrate for succulents, or you can prepare it yourself by mixing 1 part each of leaf and turf soil. Add humus, coarse river sand and fine gravel in the same ratio.

It is necessary to add a good layer of drainage (expanded clay, brick chips, pebbles) to the bottom of the planting container to prevent rotting of the roots. To prevent fungal infections, place activated charcoal or charcoal (several pieces) into the drainage.

Location and lighting

Perennials require good lighting for active healthy growth. A spacious window sill on any side except the north is what your pet needs. In order for the crown of the Crassula to form evenly, the pot sometimes needs to be turned towards the light source. If all the windows in the apartment face north, you need to organize additional lighting using fluorescent lamps.

In summer, the perennial can be taken out into the fresh air. The place should be lit and windless. Such conditions are favorable for the growth of the fat plant and its flowering.

Temperature, humidity, watering

In nature, the southern representative of the flora accumulates a lot of moisture in the leaves. The indoor plant does not need frequent watering, otherwise the root system of the Crassula will rot, the Crassula will lose its decorative effect, and may even die. Drainage holes in the pot are required so that excess moisture seeps into the pan.

In the summer, it is enough to water the plant once every 2 weeks with settled water at room temperature. Young bushes are watered weekly in hot weather. The soil substrate must dry to a depth of at least 2 cm. An adult succulent can do without watering for a whole month, so it will wait for you to return from rest without losing a single leaf.

In autumn, watering is reduced to once a month, in winter to a minimum, the main thing is to prevent the soil from completely drying out. The leaves will remind you of the need to water: they will become soft.

In summer, the plant feels comfortable at room temperature +20…+27 degrees. If possible, you can move it to the garden, loggia or veranda. Minor temperature changes are not scary for the flower.

There is no need to create special humidity in the room. It is enough to periodically ventilate the room where the fat woman is located. In rooms with high humidity, watering is kept to a minimum.

There is no need to spray the perennial, as this procedure can lead to rotting of the leaves.

But wiping the leaves with a damp sponge or dust cloth is necessary so that they are saturated with oxygen.

Fertilizers and fertilizers

The money tree should be fed only during the period of active growth: late May - mid-August. At equal intervals, apply 3 fertilizers with fertilizer for succulents in liquid form. Fertilizer is applied after watering. Crassula transplanted into new soil does not need to be fed.


Young fat plants should be replanted every year, adults - every three years. This procedure is carried out at the beginning of April or at the end of September.

The flower is carefully removed from the container. When inspecting the root system, rotten roots are removed and the cut areas are sprinkled with charcoal. When the wounds dry out, the perennial is planted in a new container. If the roots are healthy, it is better to save the earth ball. Using the transfer method, it is transferred to another pot, where the drainage is covered with a thin layer of new soil. The roots are covered with the substrate, leaving no voids. The soil is compacted and watered. The root collar is left on the surface.

Pots for planting must be stable so that an adult plant does not fall on its side under the weight of the branches. You can put a stone on the bottom for stability.


The crown of the money tree forms itself. Once the plant has grown to the size you want, it no longer needs to be transplanted into another larger container. In the old container, you only need to change the top soil layer every year.

You can give the tree a bonsai shape. This will take more than one year. You have to wait until the trunk reaches a certain thickness, then cut it off completely. You need to be patient and wait for young shoots to grow from the trunk. This way, the desired crown of the tree is formed in several stages.

Winter care

In winter, Crassula needs rest. The flower must be moved to a room where the air temperature does not exceed +15...+16 degrees. Eliminate fertilizing and reduce watering to once a month.

In a too warm room, the fat plant can change its decorative appearance by shedding its foliage.

Reproduction methods

Crassula is propagated in two ways - cuttings and seeds.


An accidentally broken or fallen twig is already planting material, which just needs to be placed in a nutrient substrate.

Planting stages:

  • cut the stalk with a knife;
  • sprinkle the cut with charcoal (you can crush activated charcoal) to avoid infection;
  • air dry the wound;
  • plant the cutting in moist soil, deepening it by 5 cm. When the leaf is rooted, it is immersed 1 cm in the substrate. Peat-sand mixture can be used as planting soil.

The best time to root a seedling is spring (March-April). The room temperature should not be lower than +18 degrees.

Cuttings root quickly. As soon as the seedling grows and reaches a height of 10 cm, it can be transplanted into a separate small flower container. From this moment on, they begin to care for the fat plant like an adult flower.

Gardeners often root cuttings in water. It is advisable to add an activated carbon tablet to the water to prevent root rot. To speed up the appearance of roots, drop a solution of Kornevin or Zircon into the water. When strong roots are formed, the cuttings are planted in a pot in a permanent place.


Flower growers do not often use this method, but it is still worth trying to grow your own specimen of Crassula. It is better to sow seeds in February.

The cultivation sequence is as follows:

  • pour wet soil to the bottom of the container;
  • sow seeds;
  • cover the container with a lid;
  • periodically ventilate and moisten the soil with a spray bottle;
  • The first shoots will begin to hatch in about two to three weeks. After they appear en masse, the container must be placed in a well-lit place and additional lighting must be provided, otherwise the sprouts will become very elongated;
  • Open the lid slightly for a while, then remove it completely.

After the sprouts have become stronger and started to grow, they are planted in small pots. In the first year of cultivation, winter rest is not necessary for young pets so that they actively grow and gain strength.

Possible problems

Leaves in summer fall off from lack of moisture or from watering with cold water.

Black spots have appeared on the leaf blades - the Crassula has been in direct sunlight for a long time and has received sunburn.

The plant has stopped growing and needs replanting or feeding.

The trunk of the money tree has darkened - this is due to excessive watering. Stop watering for three weeks until the soil substrate dries out.

The leaves have become soft, lost their elasticity and shine - due to insufficient watering or lack of nutrients in the soil. Water with warm water and feed.

The leaves wither and turn yellow when the substrate is wet - the pot does not match the size of the plant (too large), the soil is incorrectly selected or due to excess moisture. All these reasons can lead to rotting of the roots.

The flower is stretched out and falls to one side - due to lack of lighting.

Diseases and pests

The exotic Crassula has good immunity, so it rarely gets sick. If this happens, it is solely due to improper indoor maintenance.

Excessive soil and air moisture can cause fungal diseases. Signs of the disease are as follows: brown spots on the leaves, rotting of the leaf blades. If the disease is not treated, it will lead to complete loss of foliage. The affected tree must be immediately treated with a fungicide that must contain copper. Reduce the frequency of watering, remove from areas with high humidity.

Insect pests rarely visit the fat plant, since the leaves of the flower are poisonous to them: they contain arsenic. Only on a weakened flower located in a room with very dry air can a spider mite weave a web. You can remove traces of the pest’s activity using a cotton pad soaked in alcohol.

Even a novice in floriculture can grow crassula. If you follow simple care rules, the money tree will become a decoration for your indoor interior. The plant has healing qualities: it releases biologically active substances that are beneficial to health and have a bactericidal effect. The flower protects the house from negative energy. This talisman of financial well-being will delight all household members with its decorative effect for more than one generation.

Not many people know the houseplant called Crassula, but everyone probably knows what the Money Tree or Crassula looks like. And although its historical homeland is Africa, this flower takes pride of place in the homes of many gardeners. So, this is the same plant, loved by everyone for the unusual beauty of its crown, unpretentious character and its ability to cleanse a room of negative energy and attract wealth and prosperity into the house. In this article you will find useful tips on caring for the Money Tree (Crassula) at home, including during flowering or the dormant period.

It is widely believed that the money tree contributes to the financial well-being of the owner.

Let us add that only a healthy and well-groomed Money Tree has this property. There is a belief that a diseased plant has exactly the opposite effect on its owner. He may experience failure in financial matters and loss of money. To prevent this from happening to you, try to ensure that the Fat woman living in your apartment is always well-groomed, beautiful and healthy.

However, even with good care, the Money Tree will begin to wither and may even die if it is in a negative atmosphere of scandals between family members for a long time, if its owner or mistress is constantly under stress or seriously ill. Remember this and, if you want a Crassula to live in your home for many years, try to avoid conflict situations and do not get sick.

Beneficial features

Everyone knows that the Money Tree has positive energy. In addition, it also has healing qualities and is a filter plant. Its leaves release phytoncides into the air, which have pronounced antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties, thereby disinfecting the air in the room.

Crassula leaves contain arsenic; eating them is strictly prohibited.

But externally, Money Tree sap is used to treat many diseases:

  • For sore throat and gum inflammation - in the form of rinses. To rinse, take juice from several leaves and dilute it 5 times with warm water. Rinse your mouth and throat with this solution up to 5 times a day.
  • For insect bites, herpes, abscesses, bruises, cuts - in the form of lotions. For lotions, take a few leaves and crush them into a paste in a mortar. Apply a sterile bandage soaked in this paste to the sore spot. If necessary, you can make a bandage and keep it on the wound for up to 4 hours. Particularly effective for muscle sprains and bruises. Herpes is treated with Crassula juice - every 30 minutes. lubricate your lips with it.
  • For joint diseases, arthritis, arthrosis - in the form of rubbing the juice of the plant before bed.
  • For calluses – peel the film from the leaf and attach it to the callus with a band-aid overnight.

We remind you that you can only use Money Tree juice externally. The lack of regular flowering in an indoor flower makes it practically hypoallergenic. Very rarely, allergies may appear in the form of redness, itching, tearing or rash. In this case, this medicine should be abandoned. Pregnant women, children and nursing mothers should not take risks.

Caring for the Money Tree at home

Read our article to choose a flower to your liking. Here we will tell you about how to care for Crassula so that it pleases you for many years.

Location and lighting

Intense lighting is the key to the active growth, health and beauty of your pet. The place for the pot must be chosen on a spacious windowsill facing south, southeast or southwest directions or close to them. Almost all types of tree-like Crassula, namely Crassula, respond well to sunlight. The color of their leaves directly depends on the intensity of lighting.

Only in varieties with purely green leaf color from the midday sun can the surface of the leaves become dark brown, and its edges acquire a reddish edging. To prevent this from happening, shade such a flower from direct sunlight in the middle of the day with a curtain or blinds. Other types of Money Tree are not afraid of direct sunlight.

With a lack of lighting, variegated and flowering varieties may lose the bright color of their leaves and not bloom. To ensure uniform formation of the flower crown, it is necessary to periodically turn it to the light source in different directions. In the summer, it is advisable to take all Crassulas out into the open air. Choose a place that is well lit but protected from the wind - there they will grow well, and some will bloom.

If your apartment has only north-facing windows, you cannot do without the help of a phytolamp or a fluorescent lamp. Without them, in a short time the plant will lose its decorative effect - the shoots will begin to stretch towards the light, the leaves will thin out, fade and fall off.

Content temperature

The money tree feels good at normal room temperature within 22 - 28 degrees. In summer, it can be taken out to the balcony, veranda, or garden. If you don’t have this opportunity, move the pot from the windowsill to the floor - it’s a little cooler there. Changing the temperature during the day only benefits the flower.

How to care for the Money Tree during dormancy

In winter, Crassula prefers to rest. From the end of November to February, it needs to be provided with a lower temperature: 14 - 16 degrees. Remove the pot away from heating appliances, place it near the balcony door, ventilate the room more often (not forgetting that drafts can destroy the plant). Water once a month, do not feed. If you have a heated loggia, Crassula can winter on it at a temperature of 8 - 10 degrees. At high temperatures during winter dormancy, the plant may lose its leaves and lose its decorative appearance. Experts say that Crassula can withstand temperatures dropping to 0 degrees. But we do not advise you to do this. But try to provide three months of cool conditions.

We remind you that the plant does not tolerate drafts.


It is important to know how to water a money tree at home. Crassula reacts strongly to the presence of excess moisture in the soil. We can say that the flower needs little moisture. Never overwater succulents. Their root system is prone to rotting, the leaves will immediately begin to fall, and the lush crown will turn into a bald stem. Therefore, before you start watering, make sure that the pot has drainage holes. If there are no holes in the bottom of your pot, you will have to make them - drill them with a drill or burn them with a hot awl. Now you can water.

In summer, the Money Tree is watered generously once every 2 to 3 weeks. Young specimens are watered more often, especially in hot weather, every week. During this time, the substrate should dry out at least 2 - 3 cm deep into the pot.

If you have an adult plant, you can easily go on vacation without worrying about watering it. The thick, succulent leaves of the Money Tree retain moisture, and the plant can wait a month for your arrival without losing a single leaf.

In the fall, water Crassula every 3 to 4 weeks. Remember that the top layer of the substrate dries out very quickly, especially on a sunny windowsill through glass, but this is a deceptive point. Check a little deeper - most likely the soil around the roots is still damp. Make the next watering when the substrate dries 4 cm deep into the pot.

If the soil does not dry out for a long time between waterings, it means that it was chosen incorrectly or the pot is too large and the problem lies there. Excess moisture after watering must be drained from the pan.

In winter, if the Crassula is in a cool room on vacation (from November to February), watering is reduced to a minimum. Just make sure that the soil in the pot does not dry out completely. The leaves serve as a signal for watering - they become soft.

Water for irrigation should be used, settled, filtered or boiled, at room temperature or a couple of degrees higher.


Indoor humidity does not play a big role in the life of the Money Tree. This plant is a succulent. Its stems and leaves accumulate moisture and consume it during unfavorable dry periods, for example during the heating season. Provided the room is regularly ventilated, it feels great in a city apartment. If for some reason the Crassula finds itself in a humid microclimate, then watering is reduced to a minimum. And this flower does not need spraying, because this can lead to a deterioration in the appearance of the leaves and even to their rotting.

At the same time, to maintain the cleanliness and elasticity of the leaves, they should be wiped with a damp sponge or cloth. Clean leaves are better saturated with oxygen. As long as the dimensions of the flower allow, you can periodically wash the leaves with a warm shower in the bathroom. Just make sure that water does not get on the substrate; it is better to cover the pot with film.

The soil

What kind of soil is needed for a Money Tree? The soil should not be so much nutritious as it should be loose, moist and breathable. A special soil for succulent plants, which can be purchased at flower shops, is suitable. It is also possible to cook it yourself. To do this, mix 1 part of leaf soil, 3 parts of turf soil, 1 part of humus, 1 part of coarse river sand, 1 part of fine gravel or agroperlite. You can add a little ash. Feng Shui lovers can put two or three coins of different denominations to attract wealth. Add pieces of charcoal or activated carbon to the bottom of the pot along with the drainage to prevent fungal infections.


The root system of the flower is fibrous, rather weak, and superficial. Therefore, the pot for the Money Tree must be selected according to the width of the roots. In addition, it should be shallow and heavy, preferably clay, so that the growing tree does not topple it. In such a pot, the roots will develop well, delivering moisture and nutrients to the stems and leaves.

Young, fast-growing Crassulas will need to change the pot after a year - to a more spacious pot. Adult specimens require transplantation less often - once every 2-3 years. In adulthood, the Money Tree has a lush crown and a tall, strong trunk. The risk of the pot tipping over increases. During the next plant transplant, we recommend installing a support in the pot and tying the flower to it.

Pay special attention to the drainage layer. Crassula is a very sensitive plant to excess moisture, so a good drainage layer in the pot is essential. Any non-rotting material can be used as drainage - expanded clay, stone, pebbles, cork. Before use, disinfect them.

Top dressing

The money tree needs feeding only during the active growth of stems and leaves - from late spring to mid-August. Three baits are enough during this time. Preference should be given to fertilizers for cacti or succulents. To avoid damage to the root system, fertilizing should be applied in liquid form some time after the main watering.

If the flower was transplanted into a new substrate in the spring, you should not feed it this season. In winter, the plant is also not fed.


The best time to transplant Crassulas is considered to be autumn or the end of March - April. Young trees are replanted annually, adults - after two to three years.

So how do you replant a Money Tree? If the time has come, remove the flower from the old pot. Inspect its root system. Cut off broken, rotten or too long roots with a sterile instrument. Sprinkle the cut areas with crushed activated carbon. Leave the tree in the air for several hours - let the wounds dry out and heal. Only then start planting in a new pot.

If you do not find any visible damage to the root system, do not disturb the earthen ball, but simply transfer the plant along with the soil into a new pot, which already has a drainage layer and some fresh substrate. Fill all the roots with fresh soil so that there are no voids left in the pot. Do not bury the root collar. Lightly compact the substrate and water.

When buying a plant in a store, do not rush to immediately transplant it into a new pot when you arrive home. Let him live with you for a couple of weeks in a shipping container, in a warm, well-lit place. Let him adapt to new conditions. At this time, eliminate any negative impact on the tree, surround it with attention and love. Remember that it is very important for a young Money Tree to feel the positive energy of the room. Only after this can the transplantation begin.

If there is a need to replant an adult large plant that has a thick trunk and a heavy crown, prepare for it a wider ceramic pot, at the bottom of which place two or three stones to make the pot heavier, make it more stable and prevent the flower from falling. Use the transplant to install a support in the pot and tie the stem to it. After replanting, while the root system is fixed in the new pot, cover the trunk of the tree on top of the substrate with large stones to prevent the Crassula from falling on its side. Place the flower in partial shade for a week and do not disturb it, let the roots become fixed in the substrate. Then the stones need to be removed.

How to form the crown of Crassula

If the flower has already reached the size you need and you do not want the Money Tree to continue growing, stop replanting it in a larger pot. Just change the top layer of substrate in the old pot every year.

The crown of the Crassula itself forms in the form of a tree. But you need to know how to prune a Money Tree at home, because some side branches will grow so large that they will break under their own weight. The end result will be a tree of a completely unsightly shape. If you start pruning a young plant in a timely manner, you can form a neat and beautiful mini-tree of its original appearance.

Start forming a Money Tree in infancy, when the stem and shoots are gray-green in color, and cuts do not leave marks on them. When pruning an adult tree, stumps remain in the pinched areas, which spoil the decorative appearance of the flower.

The essence of crown formation comes down to first removing the lateral shoots until the tree grows to the desired height: the bare stem should be about 15 cm, and the entire plant 25 - 30 cm in height. Now you need to pinch off or cut off the crown with the two upper leaves. After some time, four leaves will appear in their place. Continue doing so. As your tree grows, pinch out the top bud of the shoot in the places where you want new shoots.

Try to have no more than four pairs of leaves on each branch of the Money Tree. If you missed the moment and 6–7 pairs of leaves have formed on the branch, pruning above the growth point of the fourth pair of leaves will help. Sprinkle the cut with crushed charcoal or cinnamon powder. To avoid branches bending to one side, turn the flower to the light with different sides more often.

The money tree belongs to the tree form of Crassula, grows in the form of a tree and gradually sheds its leaves at the bottom of the woody trunk.

This is what your tree should look like: the stem is thick, gray-green. Over time, it becomes lignified from below. On top it is decorated with a neat crown of thick leaves of dark green or silver color, with a glossy surface, with a reddish edging or spots of the same tone. The height of the flower can be whatever you want - from 50 cm to one and a half meters.

The Money Tree can also be given the appearance of a bonsai. This will take some time, perhaps more than one year. First, you should grow a strong tree whose trunk reaches the thickness you need. Then you will cut it off radically and wait patiently for new branches to grow. You will cut off almost all the leaves of these branches - leaving only those at the very ends. So, gradually, you will form the desired crown of your pet, and the Money Tree will be the main decoration of your interior.


Crassula (Money tree) rarely blooms at home and only in adulthood (about 10 years). Crassula, with a high degree of probability, can only be encouraged to bloom by ideal maintenance conditions: intense lighting all year round, a long cold winter and regular replanting of the plant into new soil. If a miracle happens, then in the spring you will be able to see the Money Tree bloom. Flowering will continue for two to three months.

This is how the money tree blooms

Numerous flowers, collected in loose inflorescences in the form of umbrellas, will appear at the ends of young mature shoots (therefore, pinching and pruning in order to form a crown should be done in early spring, so that after pruning these shoots appear, so that they grow over the summer and ripen until autumn , when the laying of flower buds begins for flowering next year). The Money Tree's flowers are very small, star-shaped, white with a pinkish or greenish tint.

The flowering tree will emit a strong sweet aroma throughout the flowering period. Faded inflorescences should be removed so that the plant does not waste energy on producing and growing seeds. Try to properly care for your beautiful Crassula, and we hope that it will delight you with beautiful blooms.

Money Tree Reproduction

Propagation by cuttings and leaves

Crassula is most often propagated using cuttings. Even an accidentally broken twig can be suitable for you as planting material. We recommend that if propagation is necessary, do not break the branches, but carefully cut the stem or leaf cuttings with a clean knife. Powder the cut area with crushed activated carbon to prevent infection. Give the wound time to air dry. Crassula has poisonous leaves, so place the cutting in a place where animals and children cannot reach it.

Then, place the cutting for rooting in a slightly damp substrate to a depth of 5 cm. If you are rooting a leaf, the depth of its immersion in the substrate should be 1 cm. It is better to carry out this operation in the spring, in March - April. It would be good if you set up a mini greenhouse for the seedlings. Use a mixture of peat and sand as a substrate. The greenhouse needs to be ventilated and the soil moistened with a fine spray bottle if necessary. Maintain the rooting temperature within 18 – 22 degrees. Usually, rooting of cuttings occurs quickly and without problems. How to plant a Money Tree shoot? As soon as you see that your young tree has begun to grow and develop and has reached 10 cm, transplant it into a pot of suitable size, place it in a well-lit place in partial shade and care for it as you would an adult plant.

Very often, cuttings are rooted in a glass of warm, settled water. To prevent the stem from rotting, add an activated carbon tablet to the water. And to make roots appear faster, a solution of a root formation stimulator, for example Kornevin or Zircon, is dripped in there. After stable roots appear, the cutting can be transplanted into its own pot.

Propagation using seeds

Another way to propagate the Money Tree is through seeds. This method is less common and less effective. If you decide to get your copy of Crassula this way, we will help you. Prepare a substrate for succulens, a container, and seeds. Place a layer of moist soil at the bottom of the container, place the Crasula seeds on it, and cover the lid. If necessary, ventilate and moisten the substrate using a fine spray bottle with warm water. The best time to sow seeds is February. In two weeks, wait for the first shoots to appear. After sprouts appear en masse, move the greenhouse to a bright, warm place and provide additional lighting so that they do not stretch out. Start opening the lid of the container, first for a while, and then remove it completely. As soon as the sprouts become stronger, they can be transplanted into separate small pots. In the first year, the plant is not given a period of rest - let it grow and gain strength.


Crassula rarely gets sick. She has a pretty strong immune system. However, if you seriously neglect the rules of keeping her indoors, she will get sick. Let's consider some such cases.

  • If brown spots appear on the leaves of the plant, or if the leaves begin to rot, these are signs of a fungal disease. The reason is excessive humidity of the air and substrate. For the same reason, the Money Tree may experience leaf fall and become bald in a short time. Treat the affected plant with a fungicide containing copper. Adjust the frequency of watering and the quality of water used.

  • Why do the Money Tree leaves fall? Sudden shedding of leaves in the summer indicates that you are not watering the plant enough or are watering it with too cold water. If Crassula sheds its leaves every two to three years for no apparent reason, this is the norm.

  • If the leaves of the flower are covered with black spots, pay attention to the location of the pot. Perhaps it is standing in the sun and the plant has received sunburn. Move it to another place or shade it. If the Crassula spent the rest period in a dark place, then in the spring it must be accustomed to sunlight again, gradually.
  • If the Money Tree begins to dry out and wither, this is a sign of suffocation. The plant is hot. Take it out into the fresh air or ventilate the room, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, and spray the surrounding air with cool water.
  • Why doesn't the money tree grow? It may need to be transplanted into a larger pot. Maybe you haven't fed the plant for a long time. Perhaps insect pests have infested the roots, or the roots have simply rotted from frequent and abundant watering. Either way, replant the Money Tree in a new pot and new substrate. If you find pests, pre-treat the roots with some insecticide: actara, fitoverm, actellik. If there are no living roots, the plant cannot be saved. Try rooting its shoots or leaves.
  • If brown spots form on the leaves, these are most likely dry, healed wounds from insect pests. Cosmetic defect, but nothing dangerous.
  • Excess moisture may cause the plant trunk to darken. Stop watering for a while. After a couple of weeks, the substrate and the roots in it will dry out well, and the Crassula can recover. If the flower still disappears, take it out of the pot and inspect the roots. If they are all black and soft, the flower cannot be saved. Cut off the top and try to root it. If only part of the roots is affected, remove them and all rotten parts of the plant. Treat with fungicide or crushed coal. Plant in a new container with new substrate. And watch the watering schedule.
  • The roots may partially die off if there is no watering for a long time during the hot season (for example, the owners were on vacation). When watering is resumed, the plant will almost certainly grow new roots, if root rot has not occurred.
  • If the leaves of the Money Tree become soft and lose turgor, then this looks like insufficient watering or lack of nutrients in the soil. Rather, water the plant with warm, settled water. After watering, if necessary, fertilize with fertilizer for cacti or succulents.
  • If you water regularly, the substrate is constantly wet, and the leaves wither and turn yellow, then the problem is in the root system of the flower. Most likely, the roots have begun to rot. This can happen for several reasons:
  1. excess moisture in the soil;
  2. incorrectly selected substrate;
  3. watering with cold tap water;
  4. too big pot.
  • If the Flower begins to stretch out or fall over on one side, it means that it does not have enough lighting. It is urgent to take action, otherwise over time the stem of the plant will bend, and it may break and die.
  • If the Crassula trunk begins to thin and the lower leaves fall off, check the temperature conditions of the flower, the presence of drafts and the frequency of watering. In addition, fresh air in the room is extremely important for the plant - do not forget to ventilate regularly. In the warm season, take the plant outdoors. And never water the plant with cold tap water.

If you notice in time that Crassula is not healthy, try to cure it. Remove the flower from the pot. Free the roots from the substrate. If necessary, rinse them under water. Inspect the roots. Cut off rotten areas with a clean tool. Treat the wounds with crushed activated carbon or cinnamon powder. If the damage is severe, treat with a suitable fungicide. Keep the treated plant in the air for some time - let the wounds heal. Then plant the flower in a new pot suitable for the size of the root system in new soil for succulents. Adjust the frequency of watering. Use only settled or boiled water. We hope that you will be able to save your Money Tree.


In any case, the appearance of insects is a very alarming signal. They multiply quickly, form huge colonies, and suck juices from leaves and stems. We recommend using special preparations - insecticides, such as Aktara, Actellik, Fitoverm and others, of which there are a huge variety in special stores. Read the recommendations for using each drug. Perhaps one time will not be enough to get rid of all individuals, their larvae and eggs.


In this article we told you how to grow a Money Tree beautiful and healthy. If you master the simple rules of caring for the Crassula - you will water it on time, feed it, bathe it, do its hair (trimming), change its outfits (pots) and take it out into nature, the flower will give you all its best decorative and healing qualities, become a healer and decoration of your home, a talisman of its well-being and financial condition for many years. In some families, Money Trees bring joy to more than one generation of household members.

Crassula or Crassula is a succulent plant from the Crassula family. Its homeland is South Africa. In nature, Crassula is found in Madagascar, Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. The name “money tree” came into use in China back in the 200s BC. There is a sign that the plant attracts finances to the house.

The money tree is very popular for indoor growing. It has an attractive appearance and requires very little attention. With good care, the plant will decorate the interior of your home for many years.

Description and types of plants

The Tolstyankov family has more than 300 species. The plants are represented mainly by succulents, the height of which can vary from 3 cm to 50 m. All of them have thick succulent leaves, which are placed crosswise on the shoots.

The shape of Crassula's leaves can be varied:

  • cylindrical,
  • oval,
  • diamond-shaped
  • lanceolate.

Several types of Crassula are very popular for growing at home.

Oval (silver)

This species can be found on window sills most often. It has oval, petiolate leaves of dark green color. The tree can reach a height of 1 m. During flowering, small pink or white flowers appear. The species is unpretentious in care.


A plant that can grow up to 1.5 m. Leaves up to 8 cm long are gray.


Bush-like appearance with lanceolate narrow leaves with pointed tips. The surface of the leaves is green with a silvery coating, the underside is reddish. The inflorescences are red-carmine.

Moss-like (mucous)

A plant with thin, fleshy and pointed leaves. Along their edges are rows of small leaves. This species is often grown as a ground cover crop or planted in pots with other plants.


A creeping species, the thin stems of which can grow up to 50 m in length. The leaves are thin, fleshy with a reddish coating. They have a red border. The leaves grow together at the base.


Subshrub species with thin stems. They bend and creep along the ground. Thanks to the many aerial roots it grows quickly.

Home care

The money tree is one of the most undemanding ornamental plants. Even inexperienced gardeners can care for it.

Location and lighting

Almost all types of Crassula love good lighting. It is recommended to place the flowerpot on wide window sills facing south-east, south-west or next to them. The color of its leaves depends on how intense the light falls on the plant. If the leaves are solid green, then with too much sun they can turn brown. To avoid this, it is worth shading the plant from the midday sun with a curtain. Direct sunlight will not harm variegated species.

In order for the crown of the money tree to develop evenly, from time to time the flowerpot needs to be turned to the sun in different directions. In summer, the culture can be taken out into the fresh air. The main thing is that she has enough light and no drafts.

Important! If the windows in the room face only north, then the Crassula will need additional lighting with a fluorescent lamp. If this is not done, then over time the stems will stretch and the leaves will begin to fall off.

Choosing a flowerpot

Despite the impressive size of Crassula, its root system is superficial and rather weak. A wide pot, but shallow, will do. It is better to give preference to a heavy clay container so that the tree does not topple it. It should not be too spacious, otherwise the Crassula will stretch out and grow unevenly.


To plant a plant, you can buy a ready-made substrate for cacti and succulents. You can cook it yourself. It should be loose and nutritious.

Optimal soil composition:

  • leaf soil (3);
  • turf (1);
  • sand (1).

To slightly neutralize the acidity, add a little wood ash or clay to the composition. The money tree does not like acidic soil.

Planting and transplanting

The money tree does not need frequent transplants. It doesn't like them very much. Young trees can be replanted once a year if they become cramped in the pot. For adult plants, 1 transplant every 3-4 years is enough. The procedure is best carried out at the end of March - in April.

Transplant algorithm:

  • Remove the Crassula from the old pot. Carefully examine the roots.
  • Trim damaged areas with a sharp, disinfected instrument. Sprinkle the cut areas with ash.
  • Leave the tree for a while to dry.
  • Using the transfer method, place the plant in a new pot, in which you first place a layer of drainage and some fresh soil.
  • Fill the voids with soil and compact it slightly. Do not bury the root collar.

Immediately after purchasing a money tree, you should not rush to replant it. You need to give the plant time to adapt to home conditions for several weeks.

Visual step-by-step video - instructions for transplanting a Money Tree:

Content temperature

In the spring-summer period, it is recommended to keep the fat plant at a temperature of +20-25 degrees. In summer you are allowed to take it outside. In winter, it is advisable to lower the temperature to +15 degrees or lower. The plant can overwinter in a warm room. But in such cases, its leaves may fall off. The flowerpot should be kept away from heating sources.

Air humidity

Air humidity does not play a big role in the development of the money tree. This is a succulent that is able to accumulate moisture in its parts. And when it lacks moisture, it uses up its internal reserves. The plant does not need spraying. This procedure negatively affects its appearance. All you need to do is periodically ventilate the room and wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust. Clean leaves provide better oxygen saturation. If Crassula has to be in a humid microclimate, it should simply reduce the amount of watering.


If the money tree grows at a moderate room temperature, it is enough to water it once a week. If the room is hot - 2 times a week. You need to navigate by the state of the earthen coma. It should not dry out too much, but it should not be too wet either. In winter, the number of waterings is reduced to an average of 2 times a month.

Feeding and fertilizers

The tree needs to be fed only during the growing season - from May to the end of August. For the entire season, 3 feedings are enough. You can apply complex fertilizers for cacti and succulents. Liquid fertilizers are preferable; apply them after watering so as not to burn the roots. In winter, the plant is not fertilized.

Pruning and crown formation

When the tree has grown to the desired size, you can stop its growth. To do this, you do not need to transplant it into a larger pot, but only change the top layer of soil. To give the plant a decorative appearance, the formation of a crown is required. Overgrown side shoots need to be trimmed. They can break off due to their weight.

To get a neat, small tree, pruning should begin at a young age, when the stems are still soft. In adult specimens, the pinching areas do not look decorative. Only after reaching the required height of the tree can you pinch its top with 2 top leaves. Before this, only trim the side shoots. As Crassula grows in places where you want to get new shoots, pinch the top bud. Each branch must contain at least 4 pairs of leaves. If desired, you can form a bonsai.

Flowering period

Flowering of the money tree is a rare occurrence. The crop blooms, as a rule, already in adulthood and only under ideal conditions. Flowering begins in spring and can last 2-3 months. The flowers of the plant are small, with a pinkish or greenish tint, collected in loose umbrella inflorescences located at the ends of the shoots. They give off an intense, sweet aroma. It is better to remove faded inflorescences so that the money tree does not waste its energy on forming seeds.

Reproduction methods

There are several ways to propagate a money tree.

Cuttings and leaves

Cuttings are used most often. The best time for the procedure is March, April. Cut the stem or leaf with a clean knife, but do not break it off. Sprinkle the cut area with ash. Leave in the fresh air to dry the cut. Place the cuttings to root in a damp mixture of peat and sand, deepening it by 5 cm.

The sheet is immersed 1 cm into the substrate. Cover the top with film. Remove it from time to time to ventilate and moisten the soil. Root cuttings at a temperature of +18..22 degrees. After the roots appear, transplant the plant into a pot with suitable soil.


This method is rarely used due to its labor intensity and low efficiency. Prepare a container for sowing, a mixture of leaf soil (1) and sand (0.5). Place the seeds on the substrate. Cover the top with film. Ventilate and spray the crops daily.

Sprouts will appear in 1-2 weeks. Move the container to a well-lit place. Gradually remove the cover, accustoming the plant to natural aeration. After several pairs of true leaves appear, plant the seedlings in separate pots. Replant as it grows. In the first year of life, plants are not allowed a period of rest, giving them the opportunity to gain strength.

Features of seasonal care

The money tree has periods of active growth and dormancy. During the growing season, the plant requires warmth, periodic feeding, and good lighting. From November, it is recommended to move the culture to a cooler room and remove it from heating appliances. You can place the succulent near the balcony door and ventilate the room more often. If you have a heated loggia, you can put Crassula there. Reduce watering to 1-2 times a month. Stop feeding completely. The plant should remain in such conditions until spring.

Care errors and their elimination

Common problems when growing Money Trees and methods for eliminating them:




Falling leaves

Moisture deficiency, watering with cold water

Use water at room temperature for irrigation, allow the soil to dry out between waterings.

Black spots on leaves


Shade the plant during the peak of the active sun

Drying and wilting of the plant

The air is too hot

Ventilate the room more often, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth

Lack of growth

Cramped pot, insufficient feeding

Feed during the growing season with fertilizers for succulents, transplant into a larger container

Diseases and pests

The money tree gets sick infrequently due to its stable immunity. But if the rules of agricultural technology are violated, problems may arise. If there is excess watering, the plant may develop root rot. If you suspect it, it is recommended to remove the crassula from the pot and free it from the soil. Cut off the rotten areas with a clean knife. Treat the sections with activated carbon or cinnamon. Treat the plant with a fungicide and replant it in fresh soil. To prevent the disease, you need to regulate watering and use only warm, settled water.

Pests rarely attack the money tree due to the presence of poisonous arsenic in its leaves. But if the plant is weakened due to improper care, spider mites, scale insects, and mealybugs may appear on it. If the damage is minor, you can treat the leaves with a solution of laundry soap or wipe with a cloth moistened with alcohol.

  • Fufanon;
  • Aktellik and others.

Money tree in the house: signs and useful properties

According to Feng Shui, this plant is a symbol of wealth and financial well-being. That is why it can often be found on windowsills. In addition, the money tree can purify the air and improve its microflora, which has a positive effect on health. It produces fungicides that have antiviral, fungicidal, and antibacterial effects.

But such properties are inherent only to a healthy tree. Sick plants have the opposite effect. Their owners can expect financial losses and failures. Family members begin to quarrel regularly, experience stress, and get sick. Therefore, you need to care for the money tree so that it is always healthy.

The money tree is one of the most popular indoor crops. Such popularity is associated not only with its unpretentiousness, but also with the belief that it brings good luck in finance. If you follow simple rules for caring for crassula, it will give its owners not only its decorative value, but also its healing qualities, and will become a talisman of well-being for many years.

Do you want to know more about the features of growing a Money Tree at home? Watch the video below:

There is a belief that the money tree attracts money to the house and if the owner of the house has this flower and grows well, it means there is prosperity in the house. The scientific name of this flower is Crassula or Crassula. Caring for the plant is not difficult, the main thing is to follow some recommendations for caring for it.

The money tree can become the main part of the interior. It can also help in creating decorative alpine slides and beautiful design of artificial reservoirs.

Description and types of money tree

The plant was named Crassula for its thick, fleshy leaves, which are capable of accumulating and retaining moisture in their leaf blades during the rainy season. Depending on the type of Crassula, it has leaves of different shapes:

  • round;
  • heart;
  • oval;
  • elongated, twig-like.

The size of the leaves varies from 0.5 cm to 7 cm. The color of the leaf blades is from light green to dark green, sometimes the leaves, when exposed to sunlight, acquire a red border. The arrangement of leaves on the trunk is opposite each other, and two pairs on one trunk form a cross of leaves.

Flowering at home rarely occurs, since this plant requires certain conditions. The flower originates from southern Africa, but recently it has spread throughout the world thanks to flower centers. Because the demand for them continues unabated.

Types of Crassula

This genus has quite a lot of species, more than 350, but no one knows the exact number yet. Among them there are succulents and herbaceous species, and there are even species that live under water. And they are all divided according to their structure into three groups:

  1. tree-like;
  2. columnar;
  3. creeping.

But not all species are grown at home. The money tree is a tree-like species of Crassula. Because with its trunk and leaves it resembles a miniature tree. The light, woody trunk is covered with green leaves, the underside of which acquires a reddish tint in summer. Almost every housewife in the CIS has this common type.

How to care for a money tree

Caring for this plant is not difficult even for a novice flower lover. But in order for a flower to grow compactly and resemble a small tree, you still need to keep an eye on it, know what soil to plant it in and its other preferences.


Watering should be moderate at any time of the year. Since leaf plates tend to accumulate moisture, and therefore an excess of it can lead to rotting of the plant. Therefore, it is better to underfill than to overfill. There must be drainage at the bottom of the pot so that excess moisture does not accumulate at the bottom of the pot. Otherwise, root rot disease may appear.

You can actually adjust watering by observing the condition of the leaves. If they become light and pale and slightly wither, then the flower is receiving too much moisture. In this case, watering is stopped until the soil is almost completely dry, and then watering is reduced. In summer, one watering every ten days is sufficient.

Watering the money tree should only be done with settled warm water, so as not to cause the leaves to fall off.


Since the plant comes from a hot country in Africa, it will have nothing against an excellent sunny place on the windowsill. Therefore, the southern windowsill is an excellent habitat for this plant all year round, except for the summer months. But, oddly enough, in the summer it will require some shading there and it can be placed deeper into the room or even moved to another window sill. The flower will also grow well on an unglazed balcony, but not on the south side.

With sufficient lighting, the money tree will look compact, the leaves will be located close to each other. And if there is not enough light, the trunk of the tree will stretch and bend.

In order for the trunk of the Crassula to be even, it should not be leveled using various devices. It just needs to be rotated evenly in relation to the sun. In this case, the foliage will grow evenly and the plant will not have distortions.

Soil for Crassula

And here Crassula is not capricious and often grows in any soil. But it is best to provide it with soil that is more suitable for its proper cultivation. For this, ready-made soil for cacti and succulents is suitable, to which a little nutritious soil is added, for example for ficus. The soil ratio for cacti and ficus is 3/1, respectively.


Since the soil in a pot does not have endless nutritional value, some time after transplanting the flower you need to start feeding it. Specialized fertilizers for cacti and succulents, which are sold in flower shops, are perfect for this purpose. The dosage is done as written on the label or in the instructions supplied with the fertilizer.

The flower is fed once or twice a month during strong vegetative growth. You can water it every week with fertilizer for cactus plants, but then you need to water the plant, diluting the fertilizer in water in half the dose.

Watering with fertilizer is carried out on slightly moist soil so as not to burn the root system of the fat plant. In winter, fertilizer is usually not used, but if the leaves have darkened and begun to dry out, then you can fertilize the flower once with half the dose of fertilizer.


The plant, even with significant longevity, does not need pruning. It is carried out in isolated cases when a branch is too out of touch with the overall growth of the vegetative mass of the plant. And if you let it grow alone, protruding too far beyond the crown, then, firstly, it is not beautiful, and secondly, the center of balance of the crown may shift and the flower will lose its balance.

There are also Crassula branches that simply do not want to branch. They grow to a considerable height of up to 20 cm, without giving a single branch. In this case, pinch the two upper internodes. In this case, the leaf plates are not removed from the trunk; over time, they will begin to fall off on their own when the trunk begins to become woody, growing in width.

Also, if the crown does not want to branch much, creating a fluffy crown, then you should pinch the branches, which will cause the appearance of new shoots, which will lead to the formation of a denser crown.

Pinching is carried out either with pruning shears, which is best, since it leaves smoother cut edges, and at the same time they heal quickly. They are also cut with scissors and pinched with nails.


After purchasing a flower in a store or from the market, it is worth replanting it in new soil. Young Crassulas are transplanted annually into new land, and old ones whenever possible. The container is selected close to the root system of the plant. It is advisable to use gravel instead of expanded clay for older money trees. This will create an excellent counterbalance to the growing vegetative mass of the crown, and the flower will be more stable.

Old trees are replanted mainly by transshipment, so as not to damage its root system. To do this, take a container that is only 1 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. Gravel is poured onto the bottom, a flower is placed and new soil is poured around.

If the size of the pot suits you and the condition of the flower does not require replanting, then in the spring you can replace only the top 2 cm of soil.


Crassula propagates quite easily using layering. To do this, cut a cutting no larger than 10 cm and place it in water. After 10 days, it already has a small root system, after which it is planted in the ground. You need to make sure that the young tree’s soil does not dry out, but is slightly moist.

The cutting can not only be rooted in water, but can be immediately stuck into the ground next to the mother bush. When it begins to grow, it is carefully lifted with a tablespoon and, together with a lump of earth, transferred to a separate small glass for seedlings.

It can also be propagated by leaves. To do this, place the leaf on the soil and lightly press it with the end into the ground with which it was attached to the tree trunk. After some time, the leaf acquires its own root system. But this only happens if the leaf was absolutely healthy and did not fall due to wilting.

The money tree does not reproduce by seeds, since flowering, and, consequently, obtaining seeds is a rather rare phenomenon. It is easier to use cuttings. But, if desired, they are sown in a bowl on slightly moist soil and covered with glass to obtain friendly shoots.

Such a small greenhouse requires daily ventilation. It is carried out twice a day in the morning and evening. This is done so as not to get mold instead of small crassula sprouts. The temperature in the room where the seeds are grown must be within 25 degrees Celsius, otherwise the seeds will not hatch. When the sprouts emerge into the light, the glass is removed.

And when the seedlings acquire 4 leaves, they are planted either in one planting box at a distance of 10 cm from each other or in separate 200 grams. cups for their further development.

Air humidity

Air humidity is not particularly important for the Crassula, but the leaf plates need to be washed and it will not refuse a warm shower in the summer. This is all done for hygienic purposes so that the foliage can breathe, saturating the bush with oxygen.

In summer, Crassulas feel great in the fresh air and therefore the best place for summer keeping is an open terrace or simply a place in the garden, but sheltered from the midday heat. Since sometimes the summer temperature in our country goes beyond 40 degrees Celsius and then the Crassula can burn in the sun and lose its leaves.

He likes to be sprayed with a small spray bottle, but this cannot be done in the sun, as the leaf blades will burn and after such a burn they will not recover. Comfortable temperature for living in summer is 25 degrees Celsius.

When the temperature rises above 30 degrees, Crassula stops absorbing water and you need to be careful with watering so as not to destroy the plant. Summer bathing in the shower is also welcome, but the pot must be placed in a bag and tied so that no water gets on the ground. Because an excess of moisture, even in summer, can cause rotting of the root system, and then the death of the entire plant.

How to care for Crassula in winter

The winter temperature for keeping fatworts should ideally be close to 10-15 degrees Celsius. The dryness of winter air in the apartment due to central heating does not pose a threat to life for Crassula. But at the same time, it is worth ventilating the premises and wiping its leaves from dust.

In order for the plant to bloom with small delicate flowers, it needs to be provided with certain care in the winter. To do this, the following rules must be followed:

  1. The flower must be at least seven years old.
  2. The plant should be placed on a windowsill with a southeast orientation.
  3. Avoid sunburn of the leaves.
  4. In winter, the plant must, first of all, be maintained at the correct temperature. That is, the temperature in the room should not exceed 10-15 degrees Celsius. Under this condition, Crassula flower buds will be formed. There is no point in pruning, as the buds are formed at the ends of the branches.

How to make a fat woman breed

Watch the video to find out why the money tree doesn't bloom.

The secret is very simple - when replanting, try not to use large pots and flowerpots, otherwise you won’t see the beautiful, mesmerizing flowering of the money tree for a very long time.

Crassula diseases and infections

Most often, the plant begins to hurt only when the rules for caring for the money tree are not followed. If a plant receives too much sunlight, its leaves will wrinkle.

Falling leaves

Sometimes the money tree experiences unhealthy heavy leaf fall. Causes:

  1. Watering too often.
  2. Cold water used for irrigation.
  3. Lack of moisture.
  4. Overfeeding the plant with various fertilizers.
  1. Adjust the watering mode.
  2. Excess moisture can be removed by carefully removing the flower from the pot and wrapping it in disposable towels, which will absorb excess moisture.
  3. Adjust the feeding regime.

The money tree may be susceptible to root rot disease: the foliage turns black from below. It is necessary to remove the damaged roots, treat the plant and, of course, plant it in fresh soil and a new pot. The pots can be simply processed. If left untreated, the plant may die.

It has also been noted that the fat woman depends on the psychological state of the owner. If a person is sick, then something wrong may happen to the tree.

When purchasing a flower, you should always read the literature on how to care for it in order to achieve good growth. As people say: “Get a money tree, and it will attract monetary well-being to your home.” Whether this is true or not is up to each individual to decide. But this wonderful plant always attracts the admiring glances of people who love flowers.

To have money at home

Where and how to buy Crassula

Like many plants, money trees can be purchased at flower shops. But usually they don't have much choice. Since this particular tree is the most popular plant for a gift, many are looking for an already mature tree. And the Avito website will help us with this, where there is a huge selection of trees of various ages and types from lovers of indoor plants. Some gardeners specifically grow Crassula for sale.

And I found my money tree in the Ikea store, it was love at first sight. It is quite small, costing only 250 rubles.

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