Top best strategies about the Middle Ages. Strategies about the Middle Ages

The medieval era is a difficult and controversial time in the minds of the current generation. For some, it is dirty and disgusting, full of dark superstitions and prejudices, cruelty, injustice and oppression. And for others it is a glorious time, covered in the romance of knightly adventures and exploits.

Can they computer games give a definitive answer, what was the era of the Middle Ages like? Absolutely not. But they can amuse us greatly, giving us the opportunity, albeit a very conditional one, to get away from the routine of gray everyday life and get a taste of the mysterious past with its noble knights, powerful kings, greedy merchants, beautiful ladies, endless battles and uprisings, strict religious dogmatism and other unusual exciting things.

10.Age of Chivalry

Age of Chivalry is a multiplayer modification for Half-Life 2 developed and published by amateur studio Team Chivalry back in 2007, but has not lost its relevance in our time.

Although visually Age of Chivalry is inferior modern games about the Middle Ages, this does not at all interfere with immersion in the local amazing world medieval battles and castle sieges. Players will experience a first-person view and three different playstyle classes of warriors: knight, archer and scout, each of which has a wide selection of weapons available. The combat system of Age of Chivalry is distinguished by its hardcore and realism, however, it is worth taking into account the considerable age of the engine. In addition to sieges and group battles, you can also take part in story-based battles that imitate those from real medieval history.

Finally, an undeniable advantage Age of Chivalry, compared to most medieval games, is that you can download and play it completely free! True, to do this, you must have any game with the Source engine on your Steam account: Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source, and so on.

9. Wars and Warriors: Joan of Arc

The next project in our list of the best games about the Middle Ages on PC is even more significant in age, because it came out on PC back in 2004. Despite this, fans of realistic historical games Wars and Warriors: Joan of Arc will certainly enjoy its well-developed and authentic setting, as well as the plot, which is based on the famous “Hundred Years' War,” which unfolded in the 14th-15th centuries between the French and the British.

In terms of gameplay, Wars and Warriors: Joan of Arc is a simple third-person action game dedicated to battles with swords and other types of cutting/piercing weapons, the main character which is the greatest warrior and national heroine of France, Joan of Arc. All story missions (only a single scenario is available in Wars and Warriors) are as close as possible to the real events of the Hundred Years War, and in addition to Zhanna, players will be able to see many others historical figures that time. There was also a place in the game for typical RPG elements: the heroine gradually gains experience and grows in level, upgrades her parameters, can use inventory, change weapons and equipment.

Also in Wars and Warriors: Joan of Arc there is a very unusual element of real-time strategy, which sets a significant share of the game's atmosphere: along with Joan, other commanders along with their squads participate in battles, and some of the military leaders can be taken under your direct control. Together with epic battle music and characteristic medieval scenery, such mass character greatly influences immersion in the gameplay and evokes a natural feeling of participation in one of the greatest wars Middle Ages.

8. The Black Death

The Black Death is a multiplayer survival game set in the Middle Ages, which can hardly be called the best in its chosen category, but despite this, it definitely stands out for the originality of its concept.

The fact is that The Black Death takes place during a plague epidemic that wiped out almost half the population medieval Europe and nicknamed for this “Black Death”. It is this gloomy feature, skillfully conveyed by the developers from Syrin Studios and Small Impact Games in the style and atmosphere of the game, that makes The Black Death so interesting.

Otherwise, The Black Death is a completely standard multiplayer open-world survival game, the essence of the gameplay of which is exploration of the environment, construction, mining and crafting, as well as battles (or other methods of interaction, for example, exchange or cooperation) with other unfortunate inhabitants of Europe of the dark times. But since the game is in the early access stage, there are obvious flaws in many mechanics and ideas, which should definitely be taken into account by everyone who wants to plunge into the world of The Black Death.

7. The Cursed Crusade

6. For Honor

A widely known multiplayer game on PC, offering a sort of medieval crossover that allows warriors from completely different civilizations to come together in battle and historical eras: Vikings, knights and samurai.

Moreover, each faction has its own plot-based story (in addition to multiplayer modes, For Honor also has a pretty good training campaign with a script that reveals the characteristics of all three sides) and unique classes. The hero of each class has a unique appearance and game tactics, determined by the character’s weapons and skills.

What is also innovative in For Honor is the ART OF BATTLE combat system itself, which at first seems quite difficult to master, for which many players actively scolded (and continue to scold) the game, preferring simpler and more understandable network actions on the theme of the Middle Ages. Let’s face it, the barrier to entry into For Honor is indeed quite high, and in the early stages it will be very difficult for newcomers. But if you still endure and master all the intricacies of the combat system, in the future the game will be able to provide many vivid emotions and impressions from breathtaking battles in various modes.

5. Gloria Victis

4. Kingdom Come: Deliverance

A role-playing project of 2018, until the moment of release, persistently positioned by its creators as “The best game about the Middle Ages on PC among RPGs.” However, after its release it turned out to be more than controversial due to its crudeness, numerous shortcomings and unfulfilled promises.

Fortunately, on this moment, after a significant time after release, the developers managed to bring Kingdom Come: Deliverance into a more or less playable form through numerous patches. Of the clear advantages of this game, it is worth noting good graphics and world design, a solid non-linear plot based on real events (albeit with some free interpretations on the part of the creators) and a classless character development system.

The combat system in Kingdom Come: Deliverance turned out to be hardcore, as promised, but strong doubts arise about its fun and historical accuracy - it all looks too clumsy and ridiculous, and the behavior of opponents sometimes causes unpleasant surprise. In general, the AI ​​of the inhabitants of Kingdom Come is lame on all limbs, plus the impression is aggravated by bugs that have not yet been completely eradicated.

Those who prefer robbery and battles to peaceful work will be impressed by the dynamic combat system here, based on non-targeting and the possibility of 64 people simultaneously participating in the battle - this is the number of players the servers in Life is Feudal: Your Own are designed for. And those who want even more epic battles can try their strength and ability to survive in Life is Feudal: MMO - a more global variation of the game, built on the MMORPG principle.

2. Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

A brutal first-person multiplayer action game designed for team battles in various modes and in various arenas. A good selection of game classes and weapons, character customization options, good level graphics and arena design, and most importantly, a simple and yet fascinating combat system made Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, if not the most popular, then a very popular game among multiplayer medieval action games.

1. Mount & Blade: Warband

A wonderful RPG with a realistic medieval setting, exciting varied gameplay and a powerful atmosphere that no other similar game has yet been able to surpass. And this despite the fact that Mount & Blade: Warband was released in 2010.

In addition to the single-player freeplay mode, Mount & Blade: Warband also has a network mode (or rather, several such modes), allowing dozens of players to meet on the battlefield.

In fact, Mount & Blade: Warband can be called the most ideal medieval simulator at the moment, every element of the gameplay in which is thought out and refined to the smallest detail. Moreover, other games in the Mount & Blade series also deserve attention, because they are essentially variations of one game with some differences in gameplay and setting due to the fact that they are dedicated to different time periods of the Middle Ages. It is also known that Mount & Blade 2 is in development, but even its approximate release date remains unknown at the moment.


After reading this selection, you probably noticed the absence of fantasy games dedicated to the Middle Ages. Yes, we deliberately avoided fantasy games based on this very interesting, but at the same time dark historical period human civilization- for example, the action RPG series The Witcher and Dragon Age, the slasher Castlevania: Lords of Shadow and others. Instead, we decided to focus on projects that cover the era as realistically as possible. Well, we will definitely cover the theme of the fantasy Middle Ages in future articles.

The romance of the Middle Ages leaves few people indifferent. The world is still young, the lands are eager to find a feudal owner, powerful military technologies have yet to be invented... He who has a sword in his hands, and a detachment of loyal knights behind his back, can conquer the whole world! This opportunity is provided by browser-based war strategy games with swords about the Middle Ages. If your destiny is to command, dominate and win, you need to take the path of a ruler!

Without fear and reproach

If you feel that you were born too late and would like to correct this omission, go back to the Middle Ages and start playing war strategy games about knights. Study fortification, purchase weapons and horses, equip troops and do not forget to exploit the peasants. For example, in 1100 AD. Don’t forget to form diplomatic alliances, build a vassalage system, and think very carefully about military tactics.

Go on a campaign to conquer distant lands! Your medieval knights are eager to fight! Just don’t forget to provide them with supplies and weapons, because the enemy is cunning and strong.

If you enjoyed playing the browser-based sword strategy game about knights, now try moving to the East and fighting alongside the crusaders' rivals. Register in the Caliphate!

We are building a grandiose empire

Does the soul require truly grandiose proportions? This means that you need to play browser-based strategies about the Middle Ages, which provide truly large-scale opportunities for building super-empires. Such a game is the multiplayer strategy Empire Online 2, in which you can:

  • Develop resource production;
  • Increase the population (not forgetting to build houses for it, since people don't like being homeless);
  • Study technologies;
  • Build scientific and cultural sites, including Wonders of the World;
  • Improve the army;
  • Conduct diplomatic negotiations;
  • Send out spies;
  • Found colonies;
  • Capture territories.

It's impossible to tear yourself away!

Warriors clad in armor, sieges of fortresses, large-scale battles, sometimes you want not only to see these moments, but also to participate. Compiled especially for knight lovers list of medieval games on PC. The list only takes into account the best games, from arcade to strategy.

Mount & Blade

This game is a role-playing game where you can rise from a simple bandit to the ruler of your own kingdom. The main advantage is the scale of the battles, and the very fact that you yourself can participate in them. In many battles, it is up to you whether you win or not. But don’t forget about politics, if the vassals are not happy, they will go over to your enemy, taking with them all their personal possessions. The game is very interesting, there is no such thing as a plot, because you decide your own destiny.

Medieval 2 Total War

Strategy about medieval times from the Total War game series. You can become the ruler of one of the kingdoms during crusades and the Inquisition. Playing for Ancient Rus' you will have to, firstly, unite all the lands, and then defend against the hordes of Genghis Khan himself. In addition to managing armies, you need to expand cities, establish diplomatic relations with other states, conduct intrigue, etc. Medieval 2 Total War deservedly gets a place in.

Age of Chivalry

Another mod for Half-life, but this time instead of a bulletproof vest and a nail puller you have armor and medieval weapons. You can play both online and with bots. Battles can be different, from battles in the field to siege of fortresses. The main advantage is the first-person view, but the graphics are of course lame.

The First Templar

In this role-playing game you have to search for the Holy Grail. You play as a Templar knight, the action takes place in the 13th century. The First Templar is a good third-person action game. The downside is the weak graphics and poor game mechanics, but there is a co-op mode. For those who love knightly battles, this game is perfect.


Looks old, but really interesting strategy. There will be a small village under your control, which you must build up with walls and gather a decent army to protect from enemies. Don't judge Stronghold by its poor graphics, its main advantage is its game mechanics. In my opinion, Stronghold Crusader was a particularly successful game about the Middle Ages for the computer.

Real Warfare 2: Northern Crusades

The main advantage of this strategy is the scale of the battles. You play as the Teutonic Order, whose task is to bring Catholicism to pagan Prussia. Real Warfare has it all: castle captures, battles, diplomacy, intrigue.

King Arthur II Dead Legions

In addition to knights, this strategy also includes dark forces, which threaten a united England. As always, the Holy Grail is involved in the war between good and evil. In addition to an interesting plot, the game has room for large-scale battles and epic moments.

Game of Thrones a telltale games

The game is based on the famous series “Game of Thrones”. This game is very different from all the others, more like a movie where you need to give certain answers and quickly press buttons in battles. The entire further plot depends on your actions. Despite being different from the rest, Game of Thrones deservedly earns a place in list of medieval games on PC. Be sure to play it, you are welcome unexpected turns events.

Share your favorite games about the Middle Ages in the comments.

It just so happens that strategies about the Middle Ages are the most popular in comparison with games showing later historical periods. It's difficult to say what this is connected with. Perhaps the reason for the popularity of medieval-themed strategies lies simply in the wealth of choice. Let's talk about the most interesting representatives of this genre.


Stronghold is a very popular series of real-time strategy games. At the moment, it has as many as eight parts (Stronhgold, Stronhgold Crusader, Stronhgold Crusader Extreme, Stronhgold 2, Stronhgold Legends, Stronhgold Kingdoms, Stronhgold 3, Stronhgold Crusader 2)
Despite the fact that the first part was released back in 2001, it is still very popular. The events here take place in medieval England. According to the storyline, the player needs to free the captive king and recapture previously lost possessions.

The player can choose different modes. The economic mode is suitable for those who like to create and develop without going to war. For hotheads thirsting for blood and battle, there is a siege or defense mode. Everything here is extremely simple: you either capture your opponent’s territory, or try to protect your possessions from enemy attacks. The third option is story line. IN in this case the player will have to deal with both the economy and wars.
When defending, you can build thick walls in combination with high towers, on which archers or catapults can be located. The walls themselves can be surrounded by palisades or ditches with water and even tar, which can be set on fire during defense.
In the event of an attack on the castle, you can try to break through the main gate, or try to shoot the castle walls with catapults and send your troops into the resulting gap. You can act in more sophisticated ways and try to undermine your opponent’s economy before the siege.

Stronghold 3

The third part of the popular series was published in 2011. The concept of the game has not changed in comparison with the first and second parts, but a number of significant differences have appeared. For example, there is a change of day and night. Moreover, this gives the game not only beauty, but also adds zest to the gameplay, for example, at night you can make sudden raids on the enemy, because at night it is quite difficult to monitor the movements of small units.

In addition to the change of time, there was also a change in weather conditions, so that compared to its predecessors, Stronghold 3 has become much more diverse. The differences affected not only the weather and time of day, but also the construction of buildings. For example, if you start constructing a building too far from the castle, the construction process will be delayed and you will have to wait quite a long time. The closer the building is to the center, the faster it will be built and will bring more profit.

Settlers: Heritage of Kings

The Settlers series of games is very popular and has a dozen parts. Heritage of kings is the fifth in the series, released in 2005. In fact, any version of Settlers is primarily an economic strategy.
Of course, there is no escape from battles, but first of all, the player will develop his state, and this is a very rich field of activity.

We will have to develop infrastructure, extract resources, food, take care of citizens, in general there will be a lot of things to do. Settlers is perfect for those who like to thoughtfully and slowly develop and expand their possessions.

Settlers: Rise of an Empire

Settlers: Rise of an Empire also features the popular economic strategy series. Just like in the fifth part, the player will have to equip and develop his settlement in every possible way. It is necessary to build various buildings and structures, take care of transport connections between them, connecting everything with a network of roads, of course, you will have to extract resources and provide the population with food.

Also, do not forget about defense and allocate funds for fortress walls. Moreover, if the people are protected and well-fed, this does not mean that they will love and respect you. In addition to food, people have many other needs that must not be forgotten, otherwise this is fraught with strikes and population decline.

Siege Online

Siege Online gives the player the opportunity to immerse himself in the Middle Ages, where exciting adventures, castle sieges, bloody battles both with computer opponents and with real people. The name seems to hint that the basis of the gameplay is castle siege.

The battles are essentially a duel between the owners of the castles. The one who destroys the enemy's castle first will win. It is necessary to distribute your troops correctly, since the number of warriors you have is limited. Someone must go on the attack, someone must sit on the defensive. In general, everything will depend on how correct you have chosen the strategy and how skillfully you will manage different types of units, each of which has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Age of Empires 3

Age of Empires 3 is a classic real-time strategy (RTS). The control panel in this game is somewhat reminiscent of Warcraft 3. The basis of any strategy is the collection of resources. You will need to get food, gold and wood in order to rebuild and develop your settlement in every possible way. Moreover, as you develop, you will move into new eras of development and gain access to new types of buildings and weapons.

The player is invited to become the leader of one of European countries that existed from the 11th to the 15th centuries. You will develop your country, establish diplomatic relations, enter into trade unions and alliances, declare wars and fight the opposition. Moreover, it is diplomatic methods of solving problems and conflicts that are more effective and priority than conventional war. Crusader Kings will definitely appeal to people who like to make the most prudent decisions thoughtfully and slowly.

Kings Crusade. Lion Heart

Kings Crusade will give you the opportunity to surpass the success of King Richard, who was nicknamed the Lionheart. You will be able to capture Jerusalem with your own hands, and then all the Holy Lands. Kings Crusade is a real-time strategy game that includes some elements role playing games. Your hero will wander around the world map, engaging in a lot of battles.

There are several campaigns to choose from. For example, in the campaign for the Crusaders, your task is to conquer the entire Middle East. In another company, you will act on the side of Sultan Saladin and try to regain the previously lost Holy Lands.

East India Company

East India Company - invites you to become the head of one of the parties fighting for influence in the Indian Ocean. Moreover, colonies in Africa and Asia are at stake. As the head of state, the player will have to be directly involved in the decision global problems, such as: development of science, construction, building a strong political and economic system, diplomacy, creating powerful economic unions, trade routes and so on.

In addition to the economy, it is necessary to strengthen the army and, first of all, the navy. A power that controls important sea trade routes becomes very rich and has a tremendous advantage over its opponents. The player can personally lead naval battles, and he can stand at the head of an individual ship, or control an entire squadron.

Anno 1404

The number in the title, as you probably already guessed, means the year in which the main events in this game will take place. Anno is an economic strategy about the Middle Ages, which is based on urban planning. The combination of excellent graphics and very interesting and thoughtful gameplay is a great incentive to create.

It is the construction and development of the settlement, which at the beginning consists almost of huts, that is the main goal. Your town should grow and become a large and economically powerful state. The game has a huge variety of buildings and structures and a fairly large production chain for which you will need to extract resources. Fans of complex economic strategies should appreciate this project.

Grand Ages: Medieval

Grand Ages: Medieval is an RTS released in 2015. You are invited to become the head of a small settlement in order to eventually turn it into a large and economically developed city. You will explore a vast world, collect resources, make contacts with other nations and conduct diplomatic relations to strengthen and enrich your country.

You can choose one of two modes. The first mode is step-by-step. Here on the global world map you will control your troops, delve into diplomatic relations and spy on your neighbors. The second mode is the battle mode. It turns on after the territory for attack has been chosen and here you will have to take control of the troops. The game also has a storyline that invites you to take part in the battles of those times.

Medieval II: Total War

Medieval II: Total War is a very successful continuation of the first part of the series. It was published in 2006 and tells us about the events of 1080-1530. The battles will take place on the lands of Europe familiar to us from the previous part, North Africa and the Far East, plus the territories of Central America were added.

Europa Universalis 4 is quite difficult to master, as it touches on all the most complex aspects of government. We need to engage in diplomacy, culture, economics, trade development, military affairs, and so on. By becoming the prince of one small province, you will eventually be able to expand your influence throughout the world.


Citadels is an RTS released in 2013. You are transported back to the heyday of Britain. King Arthur fell on the battlefield in battle with the Saxon aggressors. After the death of the king, you have to continue his work.

As for the gameplay, here, as they say, is a classic of the genre. We develop our settlement, extract minerals, as well as food, do research and train troops. Once your base is ready and sufficiently protected, you can turn your attention to enemy territory and try to capture them.


Alliance Warfare

Alliance Warfare gives the player the chance to build his own city or destroy someone else's. You can also join various alliances and participate in epic battles. The economic component forces you to carefully think through all your actions in advance.

At the very beginning, you will see a virtually empty field with a minimum number of buildings. The main task is to rebuild a fairly large and economically developed settlement with its own markets, hospitals, barracks, and so on. For construction, of course, you need resources (wood, iron, stone), which will be mined in mines and sawmills. You can also get resources by simply robbing your neighbors.

Tribal Wars 2

Tribal Wars 2 is an online browser game with a medieval twist. In these turbulent times, you are the owner of the castle. So in the territories adjacent to you, internecine wars are constantly taking place, and you can only dream of peaceful sleep.

The player will have to immerse himself in politics, economics and, of course, military affairs. Battles in Tribal Wars 2 take place in auto mode. The characteristics of your units determine whether you win or lose a battle. Everything is quite simple here: the larger the number of troops, the higher the discipline and the better the equipment, the greater the chances of victory.

Goodgame Empire

Goodgame Empire is an excellent browser strategy that fans of the Middle Ages will definitely enjoy. The player builds his own castle, trades with neighbors, does research and completes various quests.

The player starts with tiny holdings. In order to “grow fat,” expand territories and become richer, it will be necessary, first of all, to provide a resource base. You will mine wood, stone and gold. Once you achieve certain success in economic development, the possibility of cooperation with other players will open. You can enter into large alliances and participate in large-scale conflicts.

Imperia Online 2

Imperia Online 2 is an excellent continuation of the first part. The player will become the ruler of a tiny village, which over time may become big city, or even the state. Develop your economy, increase resource production and of course don’t forget about defense. Without it, you risk being plundered by envious neighbors.

1100AD at first glance is quite complex; there are a lot of different buildings, the functions of which need to be familiarized. Having dealt with the economy, you can try to stick your nose outside the castle and try to enrich yourself through new territories. However, before attacking a neighboring player, you should make sure that he is not a member of a powerful alliance that can not only protect him, but also put you in your place...

Looking for good online games? Check out our top.

Anno 1404 is a real-time strategy game. You will be able to create own state, which will exist thanks to maritime trade with neighboring city-states, as well as by capturing new territories. Much attention in the game is paid to the creation of colonies on islands covered with palm trees and full of exotic oriental resources. Please note that rare resources are the main component of this game. As your state grows, citizens with increased needs will begin to settle in it. In order to satisfy these needs, you will have to either look for a suitable island to extract the necessary resource, or use the services of neighbors who have it in abundance.

Assassin's Creed: Revelations (2011)

A game in the heat of adventure and action, which is a continuation of the game of the same name and tells us about the adventures of the main character Ezio Auditore. In this part of the game series, he appears to us as an elderly assassin, who can no longer be surprised by anything, but, nevertheless, he is the best in his business. He is still capable of killing the Pope speaking in St. Peter's Square to a crowd of believers in a way that would look like suicide. We again have to watch the ancient confrontation between the Assassins and the Knights Templar, who are determined to enslave all people on the planet.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (2011)

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is a multi-platform RPG that boasts a huge open world. This series of games has gathered an incredible number of fans around the world. And this is not surprising, because The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is the most successful game in the series, where each player can independently explore the farthest corners of the world of Tamriel and discover something new.

The game takes place 200 years after the events of the previous game in the series. You can feel like one of the Dragonborn - people who are entrusted with the mission of fighting the Dragons, who have gradually begun to return to the world of Skyrim.

Medieval 2: Total War (2007)

Medieval 2: Total War - definitely Best game series of strategies of the same name. You can become the ruler of any of European civilizations. Well-thought-out urban development, which will not let you get bored, will allow you to create from a settlement either a city that brings high income and is oriented towards industry, or a well-fortified fortress.

Dante's Inferno (2010)

In this slasher film we won't be talking about the Dante that flaunts in Devil May Cry, but he in to a greater extent has the right to this name, because in the game in places there are phrases one in one of Divine Comedy Aguilleri.

The gameplay is quite rich. The player will find both medieval parkour and puzzles. To destroy enemies, Dante uses a small arsenal, including a devil's scythe and a crucifix, which here serves as a ranged weapon. A rich set of combos will not let you get bored even with such a meager choice of weapons. There are plenty of options for getting rid of the enemy, but, unfortunately, in battle it will still be more effective to use a couple of proven techniques.

For Honor (2017)

In the team action game from Ubisoft, players will be able to play as one of three heroes, whose abilities are radically different from each other - a fearless Viking, a valiant knight and a samurai. Next, the player is invited to organize battles in a team of four with an army of AI bots, or go through a single player campaign.

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare (2012)

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is a first-person action game set in the fictional country of Agate, which is currently engulfed by civil war. The Agate Knights and the Masons are fighting for control of the country. The game world is quite detailed. Players have to periodically interact with him in various game modes, which include both team battles and battles in the “every man for himself” mode.

Sid Meiers Civilization VI (2016)

This game cannot quite be called “medieval”. This is a turn-based strategy in which you become the ruler of one of the largest civilizations and lead it to world domination through all eras, from antiquity to the information age. During the game you will interact with neighboring civilizations, as well as with small city-states. Both diplomacy and military power will be used. Also, do not forget about the espionage system, with the help of which you can significantly simplify achieving victory over the enemy.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015)

Released in 2015, the third part of the game series about the adventures of the witcher Geralt of Rivia is one of the best open-world role-playing games today. Together with Geralt, you will go in search of the missing witcher's student Cirilla.
During your journey, you will make decisions that significantly affect the plot of the game. You will also have to develop the unique abilities of a witcher, as well as collect artifacts.

Age of Empires 3 (2005)

The game is a real-time strategy game. At the time of its release back in 2005, it made a splash, both in terms of graphics and gameplay. The graphics, of course, are unlikely to surprise at this point, but thanks to the well-developed and balanced gameplay she will not soon be forgotten.

There are only three resources in the game, so economic system quite simple. There is no emphasis on it here. This is just a means to strengthen the base and recruit new soldiers.
Both a single player campaign and multiplayer are available to the player, which supports up to 8 people on one map.

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