The daughter of the singer from the voice died tragically. The one-year-old daughter of the singer from “The Voice” died tragically. A court in Spain has banned a meeting of the Catalan parliament planning to declare independence.

IN currently Representatives of services and traffic police crews are working at the scene of the tragedy; this section of the Caucasus FAD is difficult. An 11-year-old child and two other adult participants in the accident were brought to the clinic.

Mazda has come up with a hidden rear wing

Published - October 05, 2017
It is assumed that such a spoiler will appear on the new rotary sports car, which will be shown at the Tokyo Motor Show. Judging by the description of the device, its main task is to reduce the coefficient of turbulence in the rear of the car.

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Published - October 05, 2017
As a result, three people died, the Moscow Agency reports. “At 16:50, at 7 km of the A107 road, the Nissan crashed into a MAZ truck.” As the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow Region said, as a result of the accident, three people who were traveling in a foreign car were killed.

A British company will build a plant in the Pskov region

Published - October 05, 2017
Over the course of four years, starting in 2018, the construction of the pharmaceutical plant will be financed in the amount of 2.7 billion rubles. . As part of the 2nd phase, the investor will build a building for the production of pharmaceutical substances in 209-2020.

Car thieves from the Donetsk region were detained in Zaporozhye

Published - October 05, 2017
During the initial search operations on the Zaporozhye-Dnepr highway, patrol officers stopped a Volkswagen car. They were focused on searching for cars own composition departments and police stations and patrol police squads.

Published - October 05, 2017
At the same time, the Pension Fund warned that during recalculation the pension could either increase or decrease. The classes were held in the form of a live conference, exciting and interesting.

A court in Spain has banned a meeting of the Catalan parliament planning to declare independence.

Published - October 05, 2017
The party believes that the Catalans did not follow the court decision that the referendum was illegal and thereby violated the Constitution. On the day of the referendum, the police blocked polling stations and removed ballots and ballot boxes.

A children's media studio will open in Zaryadye Park

Published - October 05, 2017
The schedule can be viewed on the official website of Zaryadye Park, reports the online publication The mayor's office emphasized that the media studio is opening as part of the Glavkino educational project.

UBS Group CEO Axel Weber joins Bitcoin critics

Published - October 05, 2017
UBS Group AG Chairman and former President of the German Bundesbank Axel Weber criticized Bitcoin, saying it does not fulfill some of the important functions of a currency.

Published - October 05, 2017
The condition of the law enforcement officer is assessed as satisfactory; 4 people were eventually taken to a medical facility. According to preliminary information, the attacker was holding a flag of the Islamic State (IS, banned in the Russian Federation) in the car.

The accident happened when American Voice contestant Paul Black, 49, was walking with his children - a one-year-old daughter and a very tiny son - in a park in South Wales. The heavy, large SUV flew off the handbrake, hit the wall, which collapsed directly on the man and the children, and continued moving. Black had his son in his arms at that moment.


Fortunately, the boy remained unharmed, but his older sister Perla died. The police are now conducting an investigation, and it is quite possible that a criminal case will be brought against the owner of the car, whose name is Andrew Williams, who parked the car near the house after shopping, reports the Daily Mail.

After the death of the heiress, Paul asked the judge not to let his 37-year-old wife Gemma learn the details of this terrible tragedy. Interestingly, the court went along with him.

"I saw everything down to the smallest detail. But I want to protect my wife from this. I can't tell her how it all happened, so she still doesn't know the details. No parent should have to watch their little baby die." – said the grief-stricken Black.

Let us note that the news of the grief that happened in the family of Paul Black caused a strong reaction among his many fans around the world. Fans circulated photographs of baby Perla on the Internet and signed the frames with words of condolences and wishes to rest in peace. At the same time, they noted that the girl was miraculously beautiful, a real angel with beautiful eyes.

Fans also expressed support for the grief-stricken parents and tried to ease their pain. They reminded them that Paul and Gemma should toughen up for their son.

Participant of the children's "Voice" Yaroslav Degtyarev became a star in the blink of an eye television project. The young artist’s performance with the song “Cuckoo” was included in the top 10 most popular videos among Russian-speaking audience YouTube. StarHit contacted the talented girl and her mother to find out how she was doing.

As it turned out, Yaroslava is still recovering from terrible accident which happened two years ago. Then the baby almost died. The child continues to visit doctors. Yaroslava's mother Olesya sincerely hopes that this intervention of medical specialists was the last.

“Yasya is recovering, she needs to take care of her head. The doctors installed a plate, resolved the issue with the non-healing suture after the accident, we are under observation, the issues of eliminating all the consequences, including external ones, have not yet been resolved. The last operation took place in the summer, just before Yasin’s birthday. Unfortunately, we met him in the hospital...Yasya is in an optimistic mood! Of course, he hopes to never go to the hospital again!.. Now we are seeing a doctor and recovering,” Olesya Degtyareva told StarHit.

The young star’s mother also talked about how their family’s life was changed by participation in the TV show “The Voice.” Children”, in which the girl managed to reach the very final. “I see how much more joyful and happy Yaroslava has become from all the events that are happening, and this is the most important thing for me! To put it mildly, we were not ready for popularity; we did not even expect that everything would turn out exactly this way. At that time (during the filming of the program - Approx.) I didn’t think about reverse side publicity - you are always in sight, at first it was an overcoming for me,” Olesya shared.

Yaroslava herself admits that she was not worried while participating in the project. The girl received many vivid emotions, and she especially remembered the duet with Nargiz in another Channel One program called “Best of All.” Yaroslava began to be recognized everywhere, began to be invited to filming, and the artist also gained her first fans. According to the young star, she continues to support a good relationship with her mentor, who, by the way, is one of her favorite performers, along with Polina Gagarina, Alla Pugacheva, Grigory Leps and Sia.

“We are friends with Dima Bilan, he is very kind and cheerful! He invites you to concerts, invited you to the premiere of the cartoon,” Yaroslava told StarHit.

In her free time, Yaroslava, in addition to reading her favorite books, enjoys making videos and thinks about developing own channel on YouTube. So far, there are mainly her performances there, but Yaroslava believes that everything is ahead. As soon as the young performer has more free time, she will begin filming her videos. She also admitted that she simply loves to sing. “It’s always interesting, like a holiday! And it’s a lot of fun when, for example, you go to performances with friends,” comments the aspiring artist.

Yaroslav's other hobbies include dancing and drawing. The girl also admitted that she is very much looking forward to meeting the horse that was given to her in March last year.

A few months ago, Paul Black lost his daughter Pearl. 49 year old participant television show“The Voice” and his child were returning from the park, and they were suddenly hit by an unsuccessfully parked Range Rover, in which there was no driver. The vehicle rolled out around the bend. According to media reports, the car's hand brake failed, so it started moving. The SUV hit the artist and his heiress.

After the accident, Paul and Pearl were rushed to hospital with serious injuries. The girl died in the hospital. Eyewitnesses to the incident reported that Paul tried to save his daughter, but he failed.

After a while, the singer quit musical career and opened a tattoo parlor. “Friends helped me refurbish the salon. And I laughed a little, but I knew that I was going to go down with a crash,” Black shared, noting that he didn’t think about the future and even wanted to take his own life.

According to the tabloids, the artist still cannot forgive himself for the death of his daughter.

“I killed my daughter and if it weren’t for my son, I would have committed suicide. I feel guilty every day for forgetting her for a second,” Paul admitted.

The singer's family never recovered from the tragedy. Paul admitted that he misses his daughter more and more every day. Black lives for little son Asa.

Let us remind you that Paul Black appeared on the British Voice in 2014. The participant reminded many viewers of singer Tom Jones. The artist has her own tribute group dedicated to Elvis Presley.

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