Trader Dmitry Cheremushkin: success story. Trader Dmitry Cheremushkin. Online trading training - the best books and courses on trading DC Trading Project: training in current trading strategies

Dmitry Cheryomushkin

The Trader's Path: How to become a millionaire by trading the financial markets

Project Manager A. Efimov

Corrector I. Astapkina

Computer layout A. Abramov

© Cheremushkin Dmitry, 2015


All rights reserved. The work is intended exclusively for private use. No part of the electronic copy of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for public or collective use without the written permission of the copyright owner. For violation of copyright, the law provides for payment of compensation to the copyright holder in the amount of up to 5 million rubles (Article 49 of the Code of Administrative Offenses), as well as criminal liability in the form of imprisonment for up to 6 years (Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Dedicated to my mother, who always believed in me and helped me become who I am today

Instead of an introduction

Every person has the opportunity to change their life beyond recognition. Stock trading is a great way to do this. I chose the path of a trader. And he leads me from one goal to another, helps me turn dreams into reality. But don’t rush to flatter yourself. Trading is hard work that requires time, money, persistence and faith.

The book you are holding in your hands is my attempt to change the balance of financial victories and defeats in favor of private traders. According to various experts, about 97% of exchange players ultimately lose money in the market. Sometimes they lack the patience and endurance to become successful, but most often the path in the world of trading ends due to the lack of basic knowledge in the field of stock trading.

I have been teaching traders for more than seven years. During this time, more than a thousand people have passed through me, and I can definitely name the reasons why this or that trader works out in the red. This book was written precisely to help you avoid most mistakes and achieve success with minimal losses. I tried to make the presentation easy and simple, so that even a beginner could understand the fundamental rules by which professional trading in financial markets is built.

At one time I dreamed of such a book, but successful traders do not strive to share their experience with others. Often books are written by failed traders. And as a result, their trading advice is just as bad. As for me, my career has had both ups and downs, each of which has enriched me with valuable experience. And today I make money on financial markets! I earn good and stable money. I think I have the right to give advice.

In this book, I will tell you how to make trading a job that your friends and acquaintances will dream about. I have already walked this path, and now I am ready to show it to you.

Frustrated expectations

Why do you need an exchange

Let's ask ourselves: why do people come to financial markets? Most novice traders believe that this is the easiest way to achieve material wealth. You don’t need to come up with new marketing tricks to attract customers, negotiate with counterparties, keep accounting records, control your employees - nothing that an ordinary entrepreneur has to worry about. At first glance, the life of a trader is like a fairy tale: you can press one key on your computer to buy some assets cheaper, and after some time you sell them at a higher price, earning tens, hundreds, and even millions of dollars! At the same time, you are not tied to a specific place. Today you trade from Moscow, and tomorrow from Paris. Tired of big cities? And now you are somewhere on the paradise islands conducting multi-million dollar transactions using a brand new ultra-thin MacBook. Not life, but a fairy tale! And what’s most surprising is that for some very rare market participants, this is reality. I have a good friend who lives exactly as I just described. Often when I call him to arrange lunch in one of the cozy Moscow cafes, it turns out that he is now with his family in Singapore or crossing the American continent from east to west. In general, he lives where he wants and makes financial transactions when he finds time for it. However, I personally know few people who live such a life - you can count them on the fingers of one hand.

We often hear names like George Soros and Warren Buffett. They made fabulous fortunes in the financial markets. For example, in 1992, George Soros made several billion dollars by shorting the British pound. This financial transaction went down in history, but there were other large, albeit less public transactions. Most of George Soros's transactions were speculative in nature, which cannot be said about one of the greatest investors of our time - Warren Buffett. At one time I studied his biography. 800 pages of fine print chronicling his journey into the world of investing. What surprised me most was that he still doesn’t use a computer. He doesn't need access to the World Wide Web to view financial statements. The famous investor analyzes it on paper and makes his own calculations using a calculator and a regular ballpoint pen.

When people start looking for information about these two prominent personalities on the Internet, they are faced with a huge stream of advertising that promises easy and quick money by trading currency pairs or stocks. And so, tempted by one of the offers, a person opens his first brokerage account and makes his first transactions on the market. Online trading truly makes stock trading accessible to everyone. But who are these “everyone”?

I have extensive experience in training traders. Over the past years, I have clearly defined my clients. As a rule, these are men over 30. All of them can be divided into two categories. The first is people who already earn good money. These are either businessmen or senior managers. They have enough money to deny themselves almost nothing. They drive expensive cars and fly to warm countries three or four times a year. Their children study in the best schools and universities. Why do they need trading? Usually these people come to the market because they are terribly tired of their usual work. Yes, dear reader, not everything is measured by money. Sometimes a person wants variety, more emotions, excitement, a sense of life! And stock trading provides all this. Sometimes, however, you can meet those who want to diversify their sources of income. It’s a good idea, but you just need to understand from the very beginning what exactly the alternative income should bring: investing or trading. Can you afford to monitor quotes 8–10 hours a day? If yes, then you are welcome to become traders. Otherwise, only the path of an investor opens before you. Of course, you can try long-term trading, making transactions once a week or a month, but according to my observations, if a person does not strive to become a professional, then he has nothing to catch on the stock exchange. As in any business, amateurs are quickly washed out of the market. Only those who really invest time and money in trading are able to make money from it.

But I did not describe the second category of my students. These are people with modest incomes, which are brought to them by boring and time-consuming work. By the age of 35, they had achieved a low-level position. Further growth seems unlikely. Youth is in the past, dullness and despondency lie ahead. Some people come to terms with the fact that they will have to live this kind of life for the rest of their lives, while others begin to struggle. He wants to live a completely different life, full of colors and happiness! And the only way is to make a quantum leap! Someone opens a business, and someone goes into the world of trading.

If you consider yourself to be in this category of people, then you should not make the following mistakes.

The first mistake. Never quit your job until you have a stable income. Try to combine work and trading in financial markets. This is what I did at one time when I got a job at a brokerage company. I killed two birds with one stone - I had a permanent salary, which allowed me to pay the bills and not be in need. At the same time, I could safely trade and improve in the financial markets, because my job was precisely to monitor these markets.

Error two. Don't lose more than 10% of your monthly income on the market. I knew a trader who consistently lost more than 50% of his income from his main activity in the market. He took the remaining amount home to his wife and children. Since he earned little, the family could barely make ends meet. Remember: until there are stable positive results, you cannot bring a lot of money to the market. I started trading with $100 at the beginning of my career. And my main mistake was that I took $10 from my parents and lost half! Then I went back to the $100 deposit and turned it into $500,000 in two years!

Surely every novice trader would like to know more about their experienced colleagues, namely, what they have achieved and what they are doing right now. Of course, you can leaf through Wikipedia by studying the biography of trading titans such as George Soros. However, this is more of a legend than a clear example.

Therefore, it makes sense to move away from Western idols and still concentrate on domestic successful traders. Actually, this is the famous trader and video blogger Dmitry Cheremushkin. The investor himself claims that every speculator must have three important qualities: self-discipline, intelligence, and hunger to achieve the goal.

How Dmitry Cheryomushkin’s career began

In 2007, Dmitry, as a 5th year student at the Peoples' Friendship University, seriously wanted to achieve financial independence. The talented young man considered the stock market as his main field of activity. Of course, Dmitry did not yet have any trading experience as such, but he was overwhelmed with a thirst to quickly master basic skills and become a professional.

As a result, D. Cheryomushkin sent more than fifty resumes to brokerage houses, but, unfortunately, did not receive a single response. Nevertheless, luck smiled on Dmitry in the person of meeting Evgeny Dankevich, manager of the Otkritie financial corporation. In fact, that’s how the interview was scheduled.

The experienced manager quickly recognized the professional core in the twenty-year-old boy, and as a result, included Dmitry in his team as a client consultant. The main function of this position was to explain in detail to clients the immediate prospects for market development.

Of course, the constant analysis of the market environment could not leave a trace in Dmitry’s head, as a result, an insight came, he finally understood exactly how and with what help he could make money on the stock markets. Actually, D. Cheryomushkin plunged headlong into market trading.

At first, things went with varying success, a monthly income of 10 rubles was pennies, but Dmitry constantly progressed and improved his performance. As a result, one fine day an ambitious speculator came to work in a brand new Cadillac. Of course, the immediate boss was not entirely happy with the fact that his subordinate was torn between his main job and a profitable part-time job. Moreover, Dmitry managed to save his job solely thanks to Dankevich’s personal disposition.

Stage of work in the trader training department

The situation changed dramatically at the end of 2010, E. Dankevich took over the post of general director of the Otkritie brokerage firm. Of course, such a responsible position requires a lot; Evgeny simply did not have enough time to put out fires in the client department.

Realizing that this cannot continue, Dmitry makes a strong-willed decision and is transferred to the department for training traders. The Otkritie brokerage house gradually rose to a leading position, and D. Cheryomushkin with the same constancy increased the profitability of his own trading, on average he managed to earn about half a million rubles a month. Naturally, there was no point in staying in the company any longer, so Dmitry went free.

Many traders mistakenly believe that once you develop a profitable trading strategy, you will constantly be at the top of Olympus. In fact, this is absolutely not true, Dmitry understood this very well, so he focused on finding sources of diversification of earned funds. In addition, D. Cheryomushkin outgrew scalping; it was necessary to give preference to more stable trading, so he began trading intraday.

The transition phase turned out to be incredibly protracted; it took Dmitry a little more than six months to develop a new field, and about 600,000 rubles, which were lost. Only after this the trader realized that he was trying to conquer intraday with the psychology of a scalper.

The risk management system is the basis for countering unprofitable transactions

After 9 months of unprofitable work, Dmitry Cheryomushkin decided to change his attitude towards the market, in particular, he took up the development of a risk management system. Things began to gradually go uphill, trading got off the ground. In 2012, Dima and his two friends Nikolai Gorelov and Denis Stukalin rented an office and began working together. But at the same time, ambitious and talented investors dream of more ambitious plans.

Over time, a dealing center was opened; enthusiasts not only provided trading services, but also provided training for novice traders. But this idea did not pay off; providing brokerage services turned out to be an excessively unprofitable undertaking.

Luck always smiles on persistent people, the fate of Dmitry Cheryomushkin is a clear example. Dmitry Belousov, one of the founders of the famous financial company United Traders, offered Dima and his partners cooperation. Three friends taught novice traders, and the company itself was involved in attracting the target audience.

Then D. Belousov proposed a complete merger; of course, this proposal was not acceptable, so D. Cheryomushkin and his comrades decided to refuse this proposal. And then, they again try to create their own company.

What is Xelius Group?

Xelius Group is moving to a new office, the dealing room is opening again, but for 40 people. The founders of the company are systematically developing several extremely relevant areas with the dealership: dealing, development of tools for algorithmic trading, propriety training, training in the basics of asset management.

The company's greatest income comes from trust management of the capital of corporate clients. Of course, in such a case, the personal attitude of clients towards company representatives, in particular trust, comes to the fore. In order to start cooperating with Xelius Group, you should entrust at least 1 million rubles to management, but in general, the company cooperates with more influential clients.

Domestic and foreign investors tend to trust Xelius Group, since de jure the company is located abroad. Consequently, if controversial situations arise, the final decision will be made by the London Court.

Trust asset management is based on the principle of strict diversification; client investments are used in trading various instruments: futures, stocks, options, bonds and CME. In addition, not only investors, but also traders can cooperate with the company; Xelius Group provides training and then provides funds for trading.

A special robot directly monitors the success of traders; the company uses an advanced profit protection system. Only successful traders who showed their best performance during training receive money management; unfortunately, there are only a few of them.

A rigorous and productive training system is the key to the success of Xelius Group

Studying at Xelius Group is a serious challenge, but if you can persevere, then you can achieve significant results. Initially, the client pays for training, which costs 50,000 rubles per month. This amount includes a personal mentor, he is constantly in the room and monitors the work of the newcomer. In addition, the speculator adheres to special reporting and a market entry system.

Approximate duration of training is 1-2 months. Of course, a beginner has certain tasks that he must achieve. On average, a trader should achieve a profit of 350,000 in six months. Only 5% of the entire public can be trained. The rest are ready to pay exorbitant amounts of money, but at the same time continue to lose investments and make routine mistakes.

Dmitry Cheryomushkin and his partners do not plan to stop there; on the contrary, they have already begun developing an improved system for training traders. In addition, Xelius Group is ready for new achievements in the field of trust management.

We present trading training courses from one of the most successful traders in Russia, Dmitry Cheremushkin. Dmitry is the winner of the prestigious competitions “Battle of Traders” and “Best Private Investor with a yield of more than 1200%”.

Cheryomushkin has been investing since 2006. But he became widely known thanks to professional online trading training, which he began to practice because he felt the talents of a coach.

You can find a lot of positive reviews about his teaching on the Internet, primarily from his students, many of whom, thanks to his trading courses, became very rich people.

Many well-known media outlets, such as NTV, RBC, Forbes, provided information about Dmitry Cheryomushkin’s success as a trader and his effective training in trading.

In his trading courses, Dmitry shares the secrets of professional trading, which are not particularly advertised by professionals, as well as his own effective methods. This is why many of his students give his teaching the best reviews.

Official website of trader Dmitry Cheremushkin. Blog of Dmitry Cheryomushkin. The best books on trading for the current week on the site liters .

A stock trader and founder of one of the leading trading companies in Russia, Xelius Grour Inc., as well as a popular coach teaching trading, Dmitry Cheremushkin once graduated from the Peoples' Friendship University. When Dmitry was in his fifth year of study, he firmly decided to achieve financial independence by engaging in professional trading. It was this topic that was devoted to his thesis, which was called “Creation and management of a Hedge Fund in Russia.”

After receiving higher education, Dmitry Cheremushkin began working as a client consultant in one of the brokerage houses, which greatly contributed to his professional growth as a trader.

The key to Dmitry Cheryomushkin’s success in teaching trading is the rigorous and productive training system he created, which includes the interaction of the entire team of students.

Therefore, we recommend online trading training courses from Dmitry Cheryomushkin if you want to become a real professional trader and earn huge money on the stock markets of Russia and the USA, based on clearly thought-out actions that provide a 100% guarantee of remaining in big advantages over the long haul.


Weekly webinar by Dmitry Cheryomushkin “Scalping for a million”

Scalping is the fastest way to make money

Trading webinars are held every Wednesday

From this webinar you will learn how Dmitry Cheryomushkin earned his initial capital using scalping, making seven million out of 30 thousand rubles in two years! Come to the webinar and get information on what you need to do to become such a successful trader.

A series of free video courses by Dmitry Cheryomushkin

1). Free course “Quik terminal. Setting up from scratch to the first transaction" .

2). Mini course “How to choose the right broker” .

3). Mini course “How to set up the Metatrader 5 terminal?” .

4). Mini course “How to trade a trend correctly?” .

Other free lessons and trading courses from Dmitry Cheryomushkin

Sign up for a free webinar, as well as free lessons on day trading.

Free video lessons about robotic trading on stock exchanges. How to put trading on autopilot yourself.

Video course.

Mini course.

Webinar. How to make money with your hard work and knowledge by trading online.


The Traders Club of Dmitry Cheryomushkin is the largest online trading training club in Russia, bringing together private traders under its roof. Members of the Traders Club have free access to a huge number of educational video materials on trading.

Dmitry Cheryomushkin’s book on trading and investment “The Trader’s Way”

This book on teaching trading can be purchased in paper version or downloaded its electronic version to your computer. It is also possible to purchase a paper version of the book “The Trader’s Way” with the autograph of Dmitry Cheremushkin.

Paid video trading training courses from Dmitry Cheremushkin

Best-selling video course “Secret scalping strategies. Scalping per million"

The most effective scalping course in Russia

Scalping is the fastest way to make a fortune

Since this trading course is expensive, Dmitry Cheryomushkin gives his potential students the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the beginning of the course for free so that you can evaluate how effective this course is.

The video course “Scalping for a Million” will teach you how to earn from 250,000 thousand rubles per month, because in it Dmitry Cheremushkin reveals the secret strategies of professionals. You will also learn how to be sure to avoid mistakes so that you don’t lose money at the very beginning of your journey. Unfortunately, these mistakes are made by the overwhelming number of novice traders who decide to save money on professional trading training.

Other trading courses by Dmitry Cheremushkin

Basic course . A complete course on the stock market and futures market. “Internet trading from A to Z” will also teach you how to competently analyze the markets. Lots of practice.

Basic course for beginners. Complete step-by-step instructions for competent work on the Russian derivatives market.

A practical crash course in stock trading.

Video course. Find out about the most modern trading systems that will work for you around the clock.

Online course.

A Crash Course on Bonds. How bonds produce money for you.

Day trading course. This course included ten years of trading practice.

Video course. How to profitably invest in companies around the world and live solely on investment income.

Course by Maxim Pistoletov. One of the best courses on the Forex market.

Well . During the course you will learn the basics of investing.

Practical express course.

Crash course for beginner traders

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Is Dmitry Cheryomushkin a divorce? Feedback and training results from this trader at DC Trading!

Before I met Dmitry Cheryomushkin, I was a consistently losing trader and was at a loss every day. There were rare days when I was happy with my profits. Before training, I lost more than 450 thousand rubles. I understood that if this continued, I would lose another couple of hundred thousand and leave the market. Accidentally . From the very first minutes it was clear to me that I was truly working with a specialist!

Result: within 3 months of training, I smoothly withdrew my deposit from a tailspin, and 2 months after training, I earned my first 100 thousand rubles! Now, 7 months after training, I earn an average of 280 thousand per month! Thank you very much to Dmitry for your knowledge!

Maxim left a review

Is there any benefit to learning from Dmitry Cheryomushkin? Feedback from a student who started earning more than a million a month!

When I came , I had one problem - my income from trading reached the ceiling of 500 thousand rubles per month, and for more than a year I could not break through it. The task was not easy - to squeeze 2-3 times more out of a working system. The first thing Dmitry did was to lay out my entire system inside and out and take it apart piece by piece. It turned out that I myself did not fully know my strategy. Dima discovered several bottlenecks: the first is that, on average, in the range from 14-00 to 16-00, most of my trades were in the red. And secondly, there were inaccuracies in my system, and this led to unnecessary entries, which most often led to losses. The third point is that we increased the volume of contracts, as it became clear where I was losing. Already in the second month of training, my income went over 1 million rubles! Now, 4 months after training, I reached an average income of 1.2-1.6 million rubles per month!
a review was left by a student of Dmitry Cheryomushkin,
Photo and name are hidden at the request of the reviewer

Review of trader Dmitry Cheremushkin on the forum:

Many thanks to Dmitry for . I also gained a lot of information for myself , I really liked the book. I also studied all of Dmitry Cheremushkin’s videos on YouTube “talks about trading”, I am going to purchase his training courses and a trading robot. I believe that in Russia Dmitry Cheryomushkin is a real pioneer in the field of trading algorithmization! I continue to study his sites, materials, and have already opened an account with the Otkritie database to install a trading robot. Thank you very much again!
review left by Daniil

Should I buy or not buy the video course “Scalping for a Million” by Dmitry Cheremushkin? Review of the video course on scalping!

To be honest, I thought for a very long time whether to buy or not, but my drain trading clearly showed that it would only get worse. After studying the course, I expected that I would start trading at least to zero, but no! Already in the first month I made 27,000 rubles! This is just cool, because for the first time in 8 months of trading I closed in profit! Thank you very much to Dmitry for what you do for traders!
Andrey left a review

Review of the course "Futures from A to Z":

As a newbie I really liked it . Everything is clear, clear, without water. I especially liked the sections that talked about civil defense and the trading terminal. Dmitry explained in great detail and clearly how to properly configure the terminal so that it is convenient and understandable. But I want to say that the course does not teach trading, it is an introductory course for beginners. That is, he tells the basics! But still, for myself personally, I would recommend purchasing this course!
Petr left a review

What does the book “The Trader’s Way” by Dmitry Cheremushkin teach? Reader review!

Negative review of Dmitry Cheryomushkin’s book on the forum:

I don’t even know what to say about Cheryomushkin’s book... It’s not even a book, but rather a brochure. I don’t understand why write such books, and even if you don’t understand the topic. Anyone with hands to hold a pencil and who knows the letters of the alphabet could write it. So I’m thinking, maybe I should write a similar book!?...

In general, I would characterize what I read as trash. I really feel sorry for the wasted time I spent reading. I even think that all other materials of this Cheryomushkina - divorce the same, and do not contain anything worthwhile.

negative review left by user "tayers"

Answer from another forum user:

Well, try to write your own book, you’re unlikely to succeed, it’s not as easy as it seems at first glance! I don’t know, I read the book “The Trader’s Way” from cover to cover and my impressions are very positive. Dmitry briefly talks about the essence of trading, the mistakes that beginners make when trading (including me), the basics of developing a trading system, and its further algorithmization. So for beginners - this is the best! 138 pages of text are read in one day. And experienced traders can also glean some useful information for themselves! I advise !

a review of the book by Dmitry Cheryomushkin was left by the user "Agronom2008"

Xelius Group scam? Review of Xelius Group!

I didn’t come to the stock market right away; first I tried my hand at Forex, then it seemed to me like an alternative source of income. But I began to notice that immediately after opening an order the price was moving in my direction, and this alerted me. I started asking my acquaintances and friends, and found out the Forex scheme, that first they let you make money, and then they ruin you to zero. That's why I decided to switch to the real stock market, studied various information on the Internet, and by chance . I arrived at Cheryomushkin’s Xelius Group office, where they gave me comprehensive information on the learning process, they said that, of course, it would be difficult, but with effort I would definitely achieve results. To achieve my goal, nothing could stop me, and I began to learn intraday trading. I learned a lot during the training and understood what was required of me to be in the black. So far, of course, I am not always able to stick to a trading strategy and cope with emotions, think about the psychology of trading, but still the number of profitable trades for me has increased significantly.

video review left by Dmitry

A student of Dmitry Cheryomushkin told the truth about the video course “Trading from A to Z” in his review!

I want to tell you about the results of the study . Before studying it, I had doubts about understanding the exchange; I didn’t understand what and how it worked, and I was confused about the terms. But after the course everything became clearer. The lessons are aimed specifically at beginners, everything is presented in detail, it is very convenient to watch the course, especially during school hours. First, Dmitry will explain to you what an exchange is, how buying and selling occurs, who a broker is, what initial account is needed, etc., and then he will explain other terms. I consolidated the knowledge gained from the course by working on the terminal, especially since the course explained in detail how to set it up. Thanks to Dmitry for the course, it really helped me understand everything!

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