Shoulder training in the gym. Shoulder exercises in the gym. Bench press

Some girls refuse to work on the deltoid muscle, believing that this will make their shoulders too wide. But this is not so; you can build up huge shoulders only if you use special hormonal drugs. Performing shoulder exercises for girls in the gym will strengthen the shoulder joints and also make the figure proportional.

Many basic exercises, such as push-ups, pull-ups, etc., already provide a certain load on the shoulder girdle. Therefore, it is enough to perform isolation exercises once a week.

With this load regime it is impossible to pump up the shoulders. And only those who purposefully work to increase muscle mass by lifting heavy weights, use drugs to increase testosterone, or follow a diet with a lot of calories can achieve such a result.

What number of repetitions and approaches

Shoulder exercises performed in the gym for girls who want to lose excess weight should be performed in 2-3 sets of 15 repetitions each. For those who are just starting to exercise, it is enough to do up to 12 repetitions. This will allow you to master the technique.

To begin with, use minimal weight dumbbells. When working with them, you need to strive to increase the number of repetitions each time. Once you reach 15 repetitions, you should use heavier weight dumbbells.

If the main goal of the exercise is to build muscle mass, then the exercises should be performed in 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions each.

Exercise technique

Dumbbell lateral raises on an incline bench

The advantages of this type of exercise can be considered:

  • targeted training of all muscles of the shoulder girdle and chest;
  • the ability to increase muscle mass in the upper chest area;
  • the ability to achieve an expressive neckline and make the breasts visually more voluminous;
  • elimination of chest muscle asymmetry;
  • stretching of the pectoral muscles.

This exercise can be classified as intermediate in difficulty. The technique for doing it is as follows:

  1. Lie on an incline (30-45 degree angle) bench, holding dumbbells with a neutral grip (with your wrists facing each other). Straight arms with dumbbells rise up and bend your elbows slightly. The spine should be slightly bent and the shoulder blades should be brought together. This position is the starting position.
  2. Inhaling, the arms smoothly lower to the sides. It is important to ensure that the elbow joint remains in a flexed position. You need to spread your arms until your palms point toward the ceiling. Having reached the lowest point, you need to linger there for a few seconds, which will further stretch the chest muscles. As you exhale, raise your arms up to the starting point.

In order for the exercise to bring maximum results, it is important to follow certain rules:

  • follow the trajectory of hand movement (along an arc);
  • perform dilutions at a slow pace and reductions at a fast pace;
  • the legs should be well fixed on the floor, and the back should be firmly pressed against the bench;
  • lingering at the top point for a few seconds, you should additionally squeeze the pectoral muscles;
  • after lifting the dumbbells up, there should be a small gap between them;
  • it is necessary to spread the dumbbells as far as stretching allows without pain in the anterior deltoid;
  • you cannot help yourself perform the exercise with your body, only your arms work;
  • if you have any problems with the shoulder joint, you should not use heavy weight;
  • During the exercise, the elbows must be fixed;
  • The angle of the bench should not exceed 45 degrees.

Alternating Dumbbell Raises

Alternating lifting of dumbbells allows you to make the shoulder girdle expressive and attractive.

But for the exercise to bring maximum results, it must be performed according to all the rules:

  1. Hold the dumbbells in your hands using an overhand grip, with your elbows slightly bent.
  2. You need to stand straight, with your legs slightly apart. Your arms should be down and near your hips.
  3. While performing the complex, the abdominal and lower back muscles should be tense.
  4. The head should be directed straight.
  5. After inhaling, the breath is held, and one hand smoothly rises up to eye level. At the highest point, you need to pause until you feel a burning sensation in the muscles being worked.
  6. As you exhale, the hand smoothly lowers down, not reaching 10 cm to the level of the hip. Thus, the muscles being worked on will be under tension all the time.
  7. This exercise is repeated the required number of times for both hands.

This shoulder exercise for girls, performed in the gym, requires that the elbows be slightly bent at all times. It is important that your hands work in the same plane. The body remains motionless.

Chin pull

The chin pull can be done with a narrow or wide grip. The difference between a narrow grip is that in this way the trapezius muscle and biceps are worked out. A wide grip is used to train the deltoids.

You can perform this exercise not only with a barbell, but also with dumbbells. To perform deadlifts with a barbell, the first trial time must be done with an empty bar. If there is no bar lighter than 20 kg in the gym, and for a girl this is a lot, then you can use two dumbbells of 5 kg each.

The procedure for performing a chin-up with a barbell is as follows:

  1. The barbell is removed from the rack and brought to the body. In the correct position it will be near the feet. Your arms should be slightly bent at the elbow joint.
  2. The strength of the shoulders lifts the barbell upward. In this case, the elbows are slightly spread to the sides, and the wrists are bent. The palms should be directed towards the body.
  3. This way the bar slides down to chin level along the body.
  4. When performing the exercise, the legs are at shoulder level, the chest is protruded forward, the pelvis is pushed back, and the shoulders are straightened as much as possible. It is important to ensure that the bar is lifted by using the shoulders.
  5. To load the trapezius muscles, after raising the bar, it smoothly lowers down. If you need to work your shoulders, then after raising the bar to the maximum point, you should also pull your elbows up.

The warm-up exercise is performed 15 repetitions. If this weight is not enough, then plates are added to the bar and the chin row continues for another 3 approaches, each with 10 repetitions. Or 3 approaches are performed with an empty bar.

A similar exercise is performed using dumbbells, the grip varies. The best option is a distance between them of 10-15 cm.

Dumbbell flyes from a lying position

Among the advantages of dumbbell flyes while lying on a bench are:

  • the ability to work out almost all muscle groups of the upper body;
  • greater efficiency compared to push-ups;
  • formation of good stretching and posture;
  • simplicity and accessibility of implementation;
  • quickly achieving maximum results.

Step-by-step technique:

  1. First you need to choose the optimal dumbbell weight. Lying on a horizontal bench, take dumbbells with a neutral grip (with your palms facing each other), with your arms slightly bent. The lower back arches slightly and the legs rest on the floor.
  2. Inhaling, the dumbbells are smoothly spread to the sides, describing a semicircle. Having reached chest level, the pectoral muscles are compressed, and the arms return back along the laid path. After this, exhale.
  3. At the highest point, you need to hold for a few seconds, making sure that the dumbbells do not touch each other.

Shoulder exercises in the gym for girls in the form of dumbbell raises while lying on a bench have their own rules of execution:

  • all movements are performed as smoothly as possible without sudden movements, focusing on muscle work;
  • no need to take a long break at the top point;
  • dumbbells should not touch each other;
  • The dumbbells should be raised and lowered to a comfortable position.

Push ups

During push-ups, most of the muscles of the body are involved. This exercise helps to actively burn calories, improves metabolism and increases endurance. You can perform push-ups in several ways: from a wall, a bench or from the floor. Each option has its own implementation features.

Wall push-ups are considered the easiest.

To do this you need:

  1. Stand near the wall at a short distance. Place your hands against the wall so that your palms are at shoulder level.
  2. Bend your elbows as much as possible and try to touch the wall with your forehead.
  3. You need to bend and straighten your elbows as smoothly as possible. In this case, the back and knees should be straight.
  4. To increase the load, you can move further away from the wall.

To begin with, 10 repetitions will be enough. Over time, their number needs to be increased.

To perform an exercise from a bench, you need:

  1. Place your hands on the bench, keeping your legs together. In this case, your hands should be shoulder-width apart.
  2. Similar to the previous option, the arms are bent as much as possible at the elbow joint.

You can start performing this exercise from a high support, gradually reducing its height. If it is still difficult to do push-ups from the floor in the classical way, you can start doing it from your knees.

For this:

  1. Your hands should rest on the floor and your legs should be bent at the knees.
  2. Similar to the previous exercises, the elbows are bent as much as possible.
  3. It is important that your lower back remains level during this time.

For classic push-ups you need:

  1. Place your hands and feet (toes) on the floor at the same time. In this case, the body should be perpendicular to the floor.
  2. Bend your elbows and try to touch your chest to the floor.
  3. Exhaling, slowly return the body to the starting position.

Girls are recommended to perform this shoulder exercise in the gym with a minimum amplitude at an average pace. Gradually the number of executions is increased to increase endurance. It is important to ensure that the body is a straight line.

High traction

The high row is also known as the “chin row.” This exercise maximally loads not only the lateral, but also the posterior and anterior sections. To perform it, you need to stand straight with your elbows slightly bent.

The dumbbells are lifted up using the shoulder muscles so that they reach a line parallel to the floor. It is important to ensure that other muscles are not involved in the work.

Arnie's bench press

Such shoulder exercises for girls, performed in the gym, were developed by the famous actor and athlete Arnold Schwarzenegger. He noticed their effect quite by accident, when during training he accidentally turned his palms at the moment when they were at the lowest point.

At the same time, he noted that the load on the delta was greater than when performing conventional bench presses. This press engages the sides and front of the shoulder more, reducing the load on the back head of the shoulder.

To perform the Arnie press, you need to use a chair with a backrest or a bench.

The order of execution is as follows:

  1. Sitting on a bench, you need to bend your arms at the elbow and turn them to the floor. You need to hold the dumbbells towards your face at neck level. The shoulders are pressed tightly to the body.
  2. While inhaling, the dumbbell is lifted, and as it approaches the level of the chin, the wrists turn in the opposite direction from the face. At the top point you need to make a short delay, after which the arms slowly lower down and the wrists turn in the opposite direction. Thus, at the lowest point, they will again look at the face.

It is important that the chin is parallel to the floor while doing this press and that the head does not drop.

Seated dumbbell press

The benefits of the seated dumbbell press are:

  • the possibility of increasing the volume of deltas;
  • achieving greater results in comparison with other bench press techniques;
  • strengthening the shoulder bones;
  • dumbbell control;
  • the ability to perform exercises with greater amplitude;
  • improving balance;
  • eliminating imbalances in shoulder development.

The technique for performing the exercise is as follows:

  1. Sitting on a bench, you need to pick up dumbbells and place them on your hips. Then they are raised to shoulder level on both sides. The wrist should be rotated so that the palm faces forward. Your feet should rest securely on the floor.
  2. As you exhale, the dumbbells rise up. After pausing at the highest point, the arms are slowly lowered.

When performing such a press, you need to adhere to some recommendations from experts:

  • on the bench you need to sit as deeply as possible, pressing your back well against the bench;
  • legs need to be spread in opposite directions;
  • dumbbells should be slightly in front of your shoulders;
  • Do not touch dumbbells to each other;
  • act with maximum amplitude;
  • do not lift dumbbells using inertia.

Bench press

This exercise is dangerous, so when performing it, you must strictly adhere to the rules:

Barbell chest press

The exercise helps to load the small muscles and deltas.

It is performed as follows:

  1. You need to stand straight, with your legs not spread wide.
  2. Then you should bend forward, take the barbell lying in front of you and, without bending your lower back, rise up, placing the barbell on your chest.
  3. With a sharp movement, the bar rises up and smoothly falls back to the chest.

While performing the bench press, you need to monitor the condition of your back. She should not bend in the lower back.

Shoulder exercises for girls - training options

Girls do not necessarily have to devote their entire workout to deltoids.

Strength exercises in the gym to develop shoulders should be alternated with the development of other muscle groups. The image shows one of the full body workout options for girls

It is better to combine any exercises for this muscle group with working out other parts of the body. Fitness trainers offer these training options.

Workout 1: Shoulders and Arms

The following complex is suitable for working out the arms and shoulder girdle:

  • Raising arms with dumbbells to the sides, while sitting on a bench.
  • Pull to the chin.
  • Raising arms with dumbbells while lying down.
  • Alternating dumbbell lifts.
  • Arnie's bench press.

Workout 2: Legs and Buttocks

The following exercises will help you work your lower body:

  • Squats with a barbell.
  • Lunges with dumbbells.
  • Taking the straight leg back.
  • Gluteal bridge.
  • Deadlift.

All exercises are performed in 3 sets, 15 repetitions each.

Workout 3: Chest and Back

The following complex is suitable for the back and chest:

  • Pull-ups on the bar.
  • Dumbbell bench press in a lying position.
  • Reverse butterfly.
  • Dumbbell raises at a 45 degree angle.
  • Plaque pull to the chin.

All exercises are performed in 3 sets, 15 repetitions each.

How to reduce muscle size by exercising

Fitness trainers are confident that a properly selected set of exercises will help get rid of large muscles and reduce their volume.

To do this you need:

  1. Build your workout in such a way that the exercises performed are aimed at reducing fatty tissue in the body. Aerobic exercise is ideal for this.
  2. It is important not to stop strength training. But there shouldn't be a lot of it. Eg:
  • to reduce arm volume, it is enough to perform seated dumbbell presses and rows to the chin for 3 sets of 15 repetitions;
  • You can reduce the volume of your hips by doing lunges with a barbell - 3 sets of 15 repetitions;
  • for the lower leg – jumping rope – 3 sets of 200 repetitions each.

By combining shoulder exercises for girls who train in the gym, you can achieve good results, making the body as proportional as possible. Any workout should always begin with a warm-up. This will not only protect yourself from injury, but also increase the effectiveness of the exercises. At the end of the session, you need to stretch the worked muscle groups.

Video on the topic: shoulder exercises in the gym for girls

Top 5 best exercises for shoulders in the gym:

Shoulder exercises for girls. Exercises in the gym:

Building broad, muscular shoulders is every man’s dream. After all, sculpted and voluminous hands emphasize masculinity and strength like nothing else. There are many sets of shoulder training - all muscles at the same time or each separately. In this article you will learn how to properly pump up your shoulders in the gym.

The best option is to carry out a comprehensive training consisting of basic elements aimed at simultaneously working out all bundles of the deltoid muscle (anterior, middle and posterior). It is necessary to work on a targeted section of the shoulder only if it does not have enough load, and its development has slowed down significantly compared to the rest of the deltas.

It is better to work out in the gym, but, subject to safety precautions, you can also train at home - you just need to purchase dumbbells and a barbell to pump up all the deltoids.

It is equally important to learn how to choose the right weight of equipment. Focus on this: you can lift dumbbells or a barbell eight times without effort, but by the twelfth repetition you already feel tired. If you take a projectile that is too heavy, the risk of injury will increase, and the effectiveness of your training will decrease significantly. If you want to get the relief of your dreams, it is better to take even lighter equipment - you will need to do about fifteen lifts of the projectile without rest.

Beginners should focus on the correct technique, then on the number of sets, and only lastly should you increase the weight of the weights, when you can already cope with the rest of the load with a bang.

Training for mass and width

With increased muscle mass gain, you need to take relatively heavy equipment and reduce the number of repetitions (within reason, of course). After the warm-up, you need to start training with the base - barbell and dumbbell bench presses. The next stage will be to work on each beam of deltas. This will be discussed in detail in the following sections.

You can pump up your deltoids in width only through regular training - at least twice a week. You need to increase the complexity of the exercises gradually, first adding more complex elements, and only when the new exercises are brought to automaticity, you can move on to equipment of greater mass.

As you complete the elements in one workout, it is necessary to gradually reduce the weight of the equipment so as not to cause shock to the body. So, when performing the last approaches with a barbell, you should reduce the number of plates by a total of five kilograms.


Below are the main exercises that will bring the greatest effect when training for muscle mass.

Approximate program for weight and width:

    Dumbbell press in a sitting position, arms above your head - 4 sets, each approach needs to increase the number of repetitions by two - 4, 6, 8 and 10 times.

    Barbell rows to the chin – 3 sets of 8, 9 and 10 times.

    Dumbbell lateral raises – 4 sets of 12, 14 and 16 repetitions.

    Dumbbell lateral raises - 3 sets of 10, 12 and 14 repetitions.

    Lifting the barbell overhead - 3 sets: 6, 8, 10 lifts.

Basic exercises will be described in the following sections.

Terrain training

As with most relief exercises, you need to do it with light weights - a lot and at a fast pace. Such loads not only pump up muscles, but also burn fat at the same time, which allows you to more clearly “draw” each muscle. However, when training for deltoids, there are nuances: you need to perform several supersets with a large mass so that each muscle bundle is worked out. Otherwise, no amount of drying can help - the shoulders will simply resemble a solid round ball, unnaturally attached to the bones.

It is necessary to alternate long-term loads with light weights and short periods of weight lifting so that a “cut” is observed - the separation of each muscle from the total mass as a result of pumping all sections of the delta.


Relief training includes a variety of exercises.

Here are just the main ones:

    Arnold Seated Press – 4 sets of 10 reps.

    Dumbbell lateral raises – 3 sets of 20 reps.

    Bent-over dumbbell raises – 3 sets of 20 reps.

    Lifting the barbell to the chin - 3 sets of 10 times.

    Exercise on a special “butterfly” simulator for the rear delts – 3 sets of 15 times.

    Raising arms to the sides with an expander – 3 sets of 15-18 times.

The butterfly exercise machine is a rather rare piece of equipment, so it is not available in all gyms. If it is absent, you can perform additional sets of lifting the barbell to the chin.

Training for quick results

Every beginner is interested in the question of how long it takes to pump up your shoulders. It will take at least three months. Fast pumping involves simultaneous load on all three deltas, so the workout contains relatively few elements. In this case, you can quickly get your shoulders into shape, but you should not expect the appearance of an impressive relief or large mass.

Program for quick results

Most often, the express pumping scheme includes basic simple exercises that do not require a certain level of skill to perform.

This program includes:

    Exercise on the “butterfly” simulator – 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

    Dumbbell overhead press – 3 sets of 12 reps.

    Standing dumbbell lateral raises – 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

The technique for performing these exercises will be described in detail in the sections devoted to pumping each section of the deltoid muscle.

How to pump up deltoids

A set of exercises for the front deltoids

The front delts are indirectly involved when performing exercises on the chest muscles, so they are developed better than the rest of the shoulder. This must be taken into account when planning classes: the break between training for the front deltoids and chest should be at least two days.

Seated overhead press

You can quickly pump up your shoulders in the gym and at home using dumbbell presses. The exercise is performed with dumbbells weighing at least eight kilograms. It can be performed at home or in the gym.

The press must be done step by step:

    Sit on a bench or exercise machine with a backrest. The body should be level, the head should not be tilted forward or thrown back. The dumbbells should be held with a straight grip, elbows bent so that the dumbbells are in line with the ears.

    As you exhale, you need to lift your hands up, pushing out the dumbbells. After a pause of a few seconds, you need to smoothly return down.

It is better to pump up in four approaches of 15-18 times.

Arnold press

Arnold Schwarzenegger's favorite exercise has become a classic for subsequent generations of bodybuilders. It allows you to pump up powerful deltoids.


    Sitting on a bench, the body is straight, pressed against the back of the sports furniture. Feet stand at a distance of twice the width of your hips from each other, dumbbells are at chin level, elbows are bent. The palms “look” at us.

    As you exhale, you should lift the projectiles and halfway through the “path”, turn the sours with your palms away from you. Stay at the top point for 2-3 seconds and return to the starting position.

The more approaches, the better the muscles are pumped up: the ideal option is 4 sets of 15 repetitions.

A set of exercises for the middle deltoids

Bench Press

Building up your shoulders with a barbell is very easy if you follow the correct technique. This exercise is extremely effective, but can lead to injury if you don't hold the barbell. Therefore, it is recommended to perform it with a partner.

The technique is simple and looks like this:

    Sitting on a horizontal surface, your legs can be positioned arbitrarily. The bar should be held with a straight grip behind the neck below the back of the head.

    As you exhale, you need to forcefully push the projectile upward, straightening your elbows. As you exhale, slowly lower the barbell.

Do 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Lifting the barbell to the chin

If we list all the ways to pump up our shoulders, lifting the barbell to the chin is the best. This exercise is considered basic for fully working out the middle deltoids.

You need to follow the steps below:

    Stand up straight, squeezing your shoulder blades together and relaxing your shoulders. The bar should be held with a straight grip on straightened limbs below in front of you.

    As you exhale, lift the barbell, bending your elbows and spreading them to the sides. You need to stay in this position for at least three seconds and smoothly lower the projectile while inhaling.

Do 2-3 sets of 15 lifts.

Standing Dumbbell Lateral Raise

This exercise also effectively pumps the posterior deltoid muscles. Thanks to it, you can make your shoulders broad and massive at the same time.

You can pump up your deltoids with dumbbells this way:

    You need to stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. The body is aligned, arms with dumbbells are lowered down to the sides.

    As you exhale, you should, without sudden movements, lift the projectiles to shoulder level across the sides. Hold with straight arms perpendicular to the floor. As you inhale, lower the dumbbells.

You cannot lift the dumbbell above the level of the collarbones so that the load is not redirected to the pectoralis major muscle and does not leave the shoulder region. Perform a minimum of 2-3 sets of 20 repetitions.

A set of exercises for the rear deltoids

Bent-over lateral raise

This exercise is the best option for targeted pumping of the rear delts. It is not always accessible to beginners, since the load is distributed to the weaker posterior bundles, which are little involved in everyday life and during classic shoulder training complexes.


    Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight. The body is tilted forward at an angle 50-60 ° , legs slightly bent in the knees. Dumbbells should be held with a neutral grip.

    Raise the exercises to shoulder level as you exhale, hold for 2-3 seconds and lower your hands as you inhale.

The minimum you need to do is 3-4 sets of 12-15 times. To increase the load, you can perform this exercise while sitting on a bench. You can also swing dumbbells while bent over.

Reclining on a bench

The load is distributed across all delta bundles, but the rear sections work especially well. This exercise will help you build up massive, round shoulders.

You need to do the following:

    Take a reclining position on a bench, leaning one elbow behind your back. Feet are placed on the floor hip-width apart. Dumbbells must be held with a straight grip.

    As you exhale, you need to raise your straightened arm until it becomes parallel to the floor. The projectile should be at head level. Slowly return to the starting position while inhaling.

The more repetitions, the better. The ideal option is 80 times, divided into several sets.

On the butterfly simulator

This exercise machine is specifically designed to pump up the rear deltas, which are responsible for the width of the shoulders. Also, when performing this complex, the back is well worked out. In this case, you need to visit the gym twice a week.

Stages and technique:

    You need to sit on the machine, having previously installed the upper levers at shoulder width. Hold the handles with a neutral grip. Your arms should be straight at the elbows in front of you and parallel to the floor.

    Lifting the load is carried out while inhaling by spreading the arms; you should move the limbs back as far as possible. At the extreme point, you need to pause for 2-3 seconds so that your shoulders receive maximum load. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Do 2-3 sets of 18-20 repetitions.

Training intensity and frequency

Training should last at least an hour. It is best to plan several complexes for 80-90 minutes. In order for the muscles to have time to recover, it is necessary to exercise no more than three times a week with breaks of two days.

The intensity depends on the desired result, initial physical fitness and health status.

Before your first visit to the gym, you should undergo a full medical examination to confirm the absence of diseases.

When performing relief training, the number of repetitions should increase by approximately 20-30% compared to the mass gain complex. To increase shoulder width, you should pay special attention to the rear deltoids.

You need to start with two sets of fifteen movements. If the exercise is difficult - three sets of ten times. Gradually, the number of approaches must be increased, as well as repetitions per set. However, the number of repetitions is not unlimited: if you have exceeded the threshold of four sets of twenty-five times, you should take a projectile of greater mass.

If your shoulders don't grow

Shoulders are the most “capricious” part of the body, pumping which is difficult even for advanced and amateurs. If you do not follow the technique, the load will shift to the biceps or chest, and the entire set of exercises will be meaningless.

The main mistakes that beginners make:

    The load is placed on the wrong groups of bundles and muscles in general. As a rule, the anterior and middle sections do most of the work, while the rear “rests” much more often. That is why it is important to comprehensively pump all parts of the shoulders.

    The first three to four months of training should be devoted to basic training and only then move on to pumping each beam separately.

    It is equally important to pump up your arms and chest first, so that shoulder exercises can be performed with a normal weight, and not from a “zero level”.

    It is necessary to be able to correctly select the mass of shells. A sign of correctly selected weight of the projectile is that 12-15 repetitions can be done without noticeable load, the rest is already accompanied by fatigue and unpleasant sensations in the muscles.

    It is necessary to gradually increase the load - the number of sets and weight, so that the shoulders increase, and do not remain “in the same place”.

    The shoulders are a muscle whose contraction should be felt during the execution of the element. If you don't see this, there's a good chance you're doing something wrong.

In order for muscles to grow quickly, you need to switch to a low-carbohydrate diet: about 55% of the diet should be protein, 25% carbohydrates and 20% fat. From fats you need to eat sour cream, from carbohydrates - porridge, vegetables, whole grain bread. The best natural sources of proteins: meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, nuts. If such food is not enough, you can purchase special protein sports nutrition.

It is equally important to drink a lot of water a day if you play sports - at least two and a half liters.


In this video you will learn how to build broad shoulders in the gym.

It has so happened since ancient times that one of the most attractive elements in a man (for the fair sex) are strong, broad shoulders. Let us at least remember the heroes in folk tales: as if they were all muscular and broad-shouldered. A man with strong hands not only attracts the attention of women, but also earns the respect of other representatives of the stronger sex. A purposeful person who works on himself always commands respect! But, if desired, each of you can set a goal to pump up your shoulders in the gym and, undoubtedly, achieve it!

Of course, everyone’s body constitution and genetic predisposition are different, but any man can make his body masculine, strong and fit by choosing a special set of exercises and performing them regularly.

And women should not exclude shoulder exercises from their training program, since they will make your arms more attractive and sculpted, toning the arm muscles.

Before starting training, it is worth mentioning the structure of the shoulder muscles. The shoulder is formed from the so-called deltoid muscles. The deltoid muscles, in turn, are divided into:

  1. The anterior or frontal deltoids perform shoulder flexion. They are the easiest to work out in exercises and, as a rule, are always well developed in athletes. When practicing, you can devote less time to this particular beam than to the others.
  2. The middle or side delts flex the shoulder and help abduct the arms to the sides. These muscles shape the width of your shoulders. Isolated exercises work most effectively on this bundle.
  3. The rear or dorsal deltas carry out the abduction of the arms back. They are the hardest to pump up. They are very difficult to work out in exercises. But the volume of the shoulders depends on them.

Before moving directly to shoulder exercises, it is worth saying that the deltoid muscle is a complex muscle, each of its parts needs to be trained. Training for these muscle groups should be done at least once or twice a week. Do not neglect the base and be sure to include its training, increase the weights if you want to build muscle mass, but within reasonable limits, based on your capabilities. Be sure to ensure the correct execution technique. The main and best exercises for pumping up the deltas are all kinds of presses and barbell rows to the chin.

Working out the anterior deltoid muscles

  1. Barbell or dumbbell press. This basic exercise is performed both standing and sitting. It works all three deltoids, but more emphasis is still placed on the front ones. Standing straight, with your feet shoulder-width apart, press dumbbells above you, trying to feel the tension in the muscle. Do not straighten your elbows completely when you reach the top point. Next, while controlling the movement, lower the dumbbells to the starting position. You need to do 4 sets of 10 repetitions.
  2. Lifting dumbbells/barbells in front of you. Stand up. Feet shoulder width apart. Keep your back straight. The arms are lowered and there is a barbell or dumbbells in them. Exhaling, lift the barbell in front of you with slightly bent arms (to avoid injury). As you exhale, lower your arms with the barbell down. Do 4 sets of 10 reps each.
  3. Seated dumbbell press. This exercise works several muscle groups, but the anterior delta is most involved in the work. Sit on a bench. Holding a dumbbell in each palm, bend your elbows, raise them to approximately shoulder level, and point your palms forward. From this position, press the dumbbells up, slightly bringing them together at the highest point and tensing the arm muscles. Return your hands to the starting position again. Do a couple of warm-up sets and 3-4 working sets of 8-10 reps.

Working out the middle deltoid muscles

  1. Arnold press. Take dumbbells and hold them in front of you at shoulder level with your palms facing you. Next, do a press up, while turning your palms in the opposite direction from you. Next, lower your arms, again turning your palms 180 degrees. Do 4 sets of 10 reps.
  2. Bench press. This is a great basic exercise for those who want to work their middle deltoids. It can be done both sitting on a bench and standing. Raise the barbell with straight arms above your head. Start moving your arms down, lowering the barbell behind your head. Continue lowering until the elbow angle is 90 degrees. To avoid injury, you should not lower your arms any lower. 3 sets of 10 reps.

Working the rear deltoid muscles

  • Pull-ups are a basic exercise for working the rear deltoid. It must be included in the training complex.
  • Barbell row to the chin. Stand up straight. Hold the barbell at shoulder width. Start pulling it towards your chin. Try to choose a grip width that allows you to feel the rear deltoids as best as possible. Do 4 sets of 10 reps.
  • The vertical block row to the chest is a basic exercise. Along with the back muscles, it also effectively works the deltoids. This exercise simulates a pull-up. Sit in front of the machine, keeping your back straight and your shoulders slightly raised. Grab the handle with a wide grip. Keeping your back straight, leaning back slightly as you exhale, pull the handle toward your chest. Try to do the deadlift not using the arm muscles, but mostly using the back muscles, while bringing your shoulder blades together. Do 4-5 sets of 10-12 repetitions, gradually increasing the weight.

  • Bent-over dumbbell swings are very effective for working out the lagging rear deltoids. In the starting position, select such an inclination of the body so that when performing the exercise you can feel the rear deltoids well, bend your lower back, straighten your back and lower your shoulders. Take dumbbells, bend your elbows slightly and spread them apart. As you exhale, spread your arms. Do not contract your shoulder blades, do not bend your arms when performing the exercise. As you exhale, slowly lower the dumbbells down.
  • Bent-over barbell row. This exercise is usually used to train the back muscles, but if you take a barbell wider than shoulder level, reduce the weight and pull it to the lower chest, then the rear deltoids are also well worked out.
  • Bent over dumbbell swings. Lie on a bench on your stomach. Taking dumbbells, raise your arms to the sides. Raise the dumbbells to chest level by bending your arms. At the top point the bend angle should be 90 degrees. You don't need to take too much weight. Select dumbbells so that with them you can maintain the correct technique for performing the exercise. Do 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

There would be a desire, but it’s easy to pump up beautiful muscular shoulders. A properly selected set of exercises, regular visits to the gym and a balanced diet will soon turn any man into a real hero! The main thing is to remember that if your goal is to increase muscle mass, try to choose a maximum weight for yourself at which your technique will not suffer, but it will be quite difficult to do more repetitions in the exercise. Good luck!

Whatever your deltoid goal, one of these seven workout programs will help you achieve it!

No two athletes train exactly the same way. Whether it's the selection and sequencing of exercises, the number of sets and reps of each, how long it takes to complete an exercise or set, the length of rest periods, or what training techniques are used, every athlete has their own training DNA.

Among the millions of gym goers, there are probably millions of different shoulder workouts out there. Individuality is good, but certain principles make some programs better than others, especially for specific purposes.

So instead of presenting you with a million ways to get bigger deltoids—which would make this article a little time-consuming to read—it's going to be condensed down to seven really good shoulder training programs, each targeting a different deltoid development goal.

Pay particular attention to how exercise selection and order, sets/repetitions, training volume, and various advanced principles can be manipulated to emphasize a particular goal.

If you find a program that you like, try it for 4-8 weeks, then return to your regular training or try another regimen from the list.

Explanations for training

  • The presented training schemes do not include warm-up approaches. Do as much as you need, but never push your muscles to failure.
  • Choose a weight that will allow you to reach muscle failure in the specified rep range.
  • If you have a training assistant, do some forced reps on your heaviest sets of bench presses. If you don't have a partner, do drop sets on the last set of each exercise, reducing the weight by about 25% when you reach muscle failure and moving to the second point of failure.

Goal: gain shoulder muscle mass

To build muscle, always start your workout with the most difficult exercises—multi-joint overhead presses, in the case of delt training—that will allow you to lift the maximum weight.

In this muscle-building workout, the first compound exercise is followed by a second compound exercise, followed by isolation movements for each of the three deltoid heads: anterior, middle, and posterior. Keeping your overall training volume high also promotes muscle growth.

You can make your workout more challenging in several ways. For the overhead press, start by using dumbbells, which are a little more difficult to control and allow for a greater range of motion than a barbell. You will also follow a reverse pyramid scheme, which will allow you to increase the number of repetitions, bringing the muscle closer to failure.

For the first two sets, use a fairly heavy weight and work in the lower rep range—6 total—to achieve greater strength gains than you could get with slightly higher reps and lighter weights.

As your muscles become tired and fatigued, reduce the weight by about 5 kilograms or 2.5 per side in subsequent approaches. Finally, on the two hardest sets, especially the last one, enlist the help of a partner so you can squeeze in the final reps.

Since the front delts get plenty of work on chest day and the middle delts take the brunt of the overhead press, it's not uncommon for the rear delts to be left out.

In this workout, you'll train them before the other two while you have a little more energy. However, feel free to change the order of the isolation exercises in this circuit based on your weak areas. If you think your deltoids are well-balanced, simply vary the order of isolation movements from one workout to the next.

Workout 1: Increase Shoulder Muscle Mass

  1. Seated dumbbell press– 4 sets of 6, 6, 8, 10 repetitions (rest 2 minutes)
  2. Wide-grip vertical barbell row– 3 sets of 8, 8, 10 repetitions (rest 2 minutes)
  3. – 3 sets of 8, 10, 12 repetitions (rest 1 minute)
  4. – 3 sets of 8, 10, 12 reps (rest between 1 minute)

Goal: relief of the deltoid muscles

Lifting light weights for high reps is no longer considered the best approach for getting deltoid definition.

This workout focuses on increasing shoulder size (moderate weight, moderate reps) and then high training volume of work combined with supersets to increase the number of calories burned both during and after the workout (called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption or EPOC , English excess postexercise oxygen consumption - the amount of oxygen required to oxidize the under-oxidized metabolic products accumulated in the body during intense muscular work, also called oxygen debt)

Workout 2: Deltoid Definition

Normal execution

  1. Seated barbell press


  1. Standing dumbbell lateral raises
  2. Seated bent over raises with dumbbells– 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions (rest 60-90 seconds)


  1. – 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions (without rest)


  1. Peck Deck flyes– 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions (without rest)
  2. Lateral raises using an expander or rubber band– 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions (rest 60-90 seconds)

Goal: to create a foundation for beginners

This basic workout consists of one overhead press and an isolation exercise for each of the three deltoid heads. For the first exercise, use a machine to get a feel for the movement before moving on to free weights.

Although moving to free weights will be a challenge for your coordination at first, it is better for gaining muscle mass in the long run. Start with light weights so you can focus on proper technique first. Add weight only when you have full control of the movement.

Workout 3: For Beginners

  1. Seated overhead press
  2. Standing dumbbell lateral raises– 3 sets of 12 reps (rest 60-90 seconds)
  3. Raising your arms in front of you from the lower block– 3 sets of 12 reps (rest 60-90 seconds)
  4. – 3 sets of 12 reps (rest 60-90 seconds)

Goal: development of the middle deltoid fascicle

To make your shoulders look wider, you need to emphasize your middle deltoids. This in turn helps create a V-shaped torso, creating the illusion of a narrow waist. Of course, the key to this kind of training is to do more exercises that target the middle deltoids.

In addition to the core exercises, you can use different angles of isolation movements for different training stimuli and perform such exercises with a moderate body displacement earlier in the training when your strength level is highest.

You can alternate this workout in your weekly split with a more balanced delt workout that hits all three heads evenly (such as Workout 1).

Workout 4: Focus on Middle Delts

  1. Standing barbell press– 4 sets of 8 reps (rest 2 minutes)
  2. Vertical barbell row – 3 sets of 8-10 reps (rest 60-90 seconds)
  3. Side dumbbell raise with one arm while standing with a slight bend to the side– 3 sets of 10 repetitions with each arm (rest 60-90 seconds)
  4. Standing dumbbell lateral raises– 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions (rest 60-90 seconds)

Goal: development of the posterior deltoid bundle

The rear delts tend to lag in both beginners and advanced bodybuilders. Simply put, they don't get the same stimulation as the front and middle deltoids, which are heavily worked in chest exercises and multi-joint shoulder movements.

The rear delts get an indirect load on back day, but still, too many lifters focus on working the “mirror” muscles.

If your rear delts are underdeveloped, simply follow this routine for 4-8 weeks, or alternate it with a more balanced shoulder routine.

Workout 5: Focus on the rear delts

  1. Seated dumbbell press– 4 sets of 8-10 repetitions (rest 2 minutes)
  2. Raises of arms with dumbbells lying chest on an inclined bench– 4 sets of 8-10 reps (rest 60-90 seconds)
  3. Raising arms in a crossover from the upper blocks
  4. Peck Deck Raises– 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions (rest 60-90 seconds)

Goal: development of the anterior deltoid bundle

If you're training your chest, you probably already have well-developed front deltoids. After all, they work in all chest exercises, especially those performed on an incline.

But relatively weak front delts will keep you from getting a bigger chest, so here's a workout that focuses on the front delts that you can use instead of a regular shoulder workout.

Divide your workouts between chest and shoulders, especially focusing on the front deltoids, leaving at least 48 hours between them to allow them to fully recover between sessions.

Workout 6: Focus on the front delts

  1. Standing barbell press– 4 sets of 8-12 repetitions (rest 2 minutes)
  2. – 4 sets of 8-12 repetitions (rest 2 minutes)
  3. Raising dumbbells in front of you– 3 sets of 10 reps (rest 60-90 seconds)
  4. Raising your arms in front of you from the lower block– 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions (rest 60-90 seconds)

Goal: pre-tire the deltoids

As with training the pectoral muscles, the triceps can sometimes be the limiting factor when training the shoulders, especially when performing presses.

If your triceps always tire before your shoulders get the proper load, you'll never be able to push your delts to failure.

The pre-fatigue method solves this problem. Here you do isolation exercises for the delts first, and then move on to perform basic pressing movements while the triceps are still strong. Thus, the deltoids will fail before the triceps.

Even though your delts will be fresh and strong when doing isolation exercises because you're doing them first, avoid the temptation to lift heavy because of the added stress on your elbow joints.

Also, since your muscles will already be pretty tired by the time you get to the compound exercises, the machine version of the overhead press may be a little safer.

By switching the exercise order, your muscles will be a little stronger on the isolation movements, but a little weaker on the overhead press, so adjust the weight accordingly.

Workout 7: Pre-Exhaustion Method

  1. Lateral arm raise from the lower block– 4 sets of 8-10 repetitions with each arm (rest 60-90 seconds)
  2. Lifting the barbell in front of you with straight arms– 3 sets of 10 reps (rest 60-90 minutes)
  3. Peck Deck Raises– 3 sets of 10 reps (rest 60-90 seconds)
  4. – 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions (rest 2 minutes)
  5. – 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions (rest 2 minutes)

Shoulder training is the best way to widen your back and create a V-shaped figure. Pumping the deltoid muscles helps strengthen the shoulder joint, allowing you to perform pull-ups and other back exercises with heavy weights. In addition, shoulder exercises increase the range of motion of the arm joints - which is extremely important when performing.

In order to pump up your shoulders, it is necessary to work the deltoid muscle from different angles - that is why there are many different exercises for the shoulders, performed with both a barbell and dumbbells. However, it is important to remember that the shoulder joint is considered one of the most fragile. Even a minor shoulder injury will prohibit any exercise involving lifting weights with your arms.

A basic shoulder exercise is the vertical barbell or dumbbell press. Also, for training the deltoid muscles for mass, rowing a barbell to the chin (or alternately lifting dumbbells) is effective - the exercises develop the rear and middle fascicles of the deltas, making the back visually wider. Swings and lateral raises, in turn, give the shoulders roundness and volume.

Shoulder muscles: training strategy

The deltoid muscle of the shoulder consists of three bundles - anterior, posterior and lateral. Each of them is responsible for performing a certain type of movement. The front and front parts of the middle beam perform pressing functions, the back part of the middle beam and the rear delta are responsible for traction functions. The middle delta has the largest volume, so it is, as a rule, given priority in training.

Also, the shoulder muscles are connected to the muscles of the upper back and trapezius muscles. That is why proper shoulder training should be based on varying exercises and working the muscles from different angles. The key is to focus on technique and use moderate weights, as the shoulder joint is extremely easy to damage.

Best Shoulder Exercises

The best and most effective exercise for pumping up the shoulders and increasing the strength of the deltoid muscles is the standing barbell press. Note that this exercise is one of the five important for the comprehensive development of body muscles. A variation of this is vertical shoulder presses - for example, seated or standing dumbbell presses.

The correct technique involves maintaining the press in conscious tension. This will help balance the load while strengthening your core muscles. Raising the barbell up is carried out while exhaling; during the movement, the triceps look straight forward. The shoulder joint should always be in the joint capsule - you should feel that the shoulder always has support.

Basic shoulder exercises:

  • Vertical presses - middle shoulder muscle
  • Lateral dumbbell raises - side bun
  • Pull to the chin - back and middle beam
  • Reverse bent over flyes - trapezius and hamstrings

How to swing your shoulders correctly?

A shoulder exercise program should combine both barbell and dumbbells. The main advantage of exercises with dumbbells is the ability to focus on muscle symmetry - that is, to evenly develop the deltoid muscles and pump the muscles of the shoulder girdle at different angles. The standing barbell press increases mass, and flyes create volume.

In this case, the exercise that best influences the increase in the volume and mass of the shoulder muscles is considered to be the barbell row to the chin. By developing the rear and middle deltoids, it quickly makes the back visually wider. The wider the barbell grip, the more load is transferred from the trapezius to the deltoids - experiment and choose the grip that suits you best.

The effectiveness of barbell rows to the chin exceeds various dumbbell lifts in front of you and to the sides. A variation of the exercise is to alternately lift dumbbells to the chin. Hold dumbbells in both hands, but only pull one to your chin. The second dumbbell should act as a balance and counterweight to better distribute the load on the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Massive shoulder training program

It is better to leave pumping your shoulders for the second half of your workout in the gym - strength exercises in the first part of the training will prepare your joints for the upcoming loads. The workout itself should consist of a basic exercise and 2-3 isolating shoulder exercises with dumbbells (for example, dumbbell chin rows and dumbbell lateral raises).

Vertical dumbbell or barbell shoulder presses are performed in 3-4 sets of 7-10 repetitions each with mandatory preliminary warm-up of the joints and proper rest between sets. Each isolation exercise is performed in 2-3 sets and 10-15 repetitions with an average working weight. It is recommended to train shoulders no more than 2 times a week.

In addition, shoulders do not combine well with training the back and chest muscles, since in all cases powerful arm work is required. Most often, “shoulder day” is leg day. In addition, shoulders can be combined with biceps or triceps training.

Seated dumbbell press

The advantage of training shoulders with dumbbells is the variability of your grip. For example, if the dumbbells face each other, the load on the shoulder joint is reduced.

Exercise for training the anterior shoulder muscles. It is recommended to lift the dumbbells one at a time - this makes it easier to control the technique.

The best shoulder exercise to increase volume and roundness. In addition, the trapezius muscles are also involved in the work.

Exercise for the lateral bundles of the deltoid muscles. When performing, the thumb looks down, and the shoulder joint is fixed in one position.

Swings with dumbbells

When performing the exercise, the body is slightly tilted forward, the shoulders are lowered as low as possible - imagine as if the trapezius muscles are pressed against the back.

Supersets and dropsets for shoulders

A superset is a combination of two different exercises by alternating their execution. The shoulder muscles respond extremely well to this training strategy. It is recommended to combine pumping of the front and rear delts, as well as two exercises for the middle part of the delts. In addition, as an advanced training technique, you can use trisets, working all the deltoids in one intense approach.

In turn, a drop set means reducing the working weight and increasing the number of repetitions from approach to approach. In each approach, up to 20-25% of the weight is dropped, a total of 6-8 approaches of the exercise are performed without a break. The dropset and associated pumping are the best completion of shoulder training. and, as a rule, each dropset workout is performed on different delta beams.


Shoulder muscle training should be based on combinations of heavy vertical presses (for example, standing barbell presses) and isolation exercises with dumbbells, performed with medium weight and with ideal technique - this will allow both the even development of the deltoid muscles and minimize the risk of injury (the shoulder joint is one of the most fragile).

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