Tretyakov Gallery horseman. Description of the painting “Horsewoman” by Bryullov. So, who is this mysterious figure, Maria Malibran?

One of the brilliant artists of the 19th century is Karl Pavlovich Bryullov. His works with a high degree of skill evoke admiration due to the riot of colors and combination of contrasts. Karl Bryullov, since 1822, has lived in Italy to raise money for the existence of the Society for the Encouragement of Artists. Here he created many of his creations.

History of creation

The artist’s painting “Horsewoman” deserves special attention. The canvas was created in 1832 by order of Countess Yulia Samoilova. It depicts a young girl riding a horse, having just returned from a walk. A little girl ran out onto the balcony, watching her sister with an enthusiastic look. Today it is known that the artist depicted on canvas two of the countess’s pupils: the elder Giovannina and the little Amalicia. The fact that the work was created for the Countess is evidenced by the inscription on the collar of the dog “Samoilov”.

Composition of the painting

The painting “Horsewoman” amazes with its vitality and naturalness. Everything about her breathes with spiritual energy: a rider returning from a horse ride; a little girl watching enthusiastically what is happening; a hot black horse; a shaggy dog ​​who is about to throw himself at the feet of a horse. The joy of the event is present in the picture due to the short separation. But something else captivates the viewer - this is the look of the little girl, her big, dream-filled eyes. She admires her sister. There is a hint of excitement in her gaze. But what is read more in it is how the girl sees herself in the place of the horse after some time.

Performance technique

The artist uses contrasting tones, each of which is worked out to the smallest detail. Light pink, blue-black, and white shades are combined harmoniously in the picture; there are no places that are overloaded with colors. Bryullov deliberately chose a combination of incompatible tones. Thanks to the artist’s skill, a magnificent picture was obtained, and dark shades against a background of light colors enhance the overall emotional impact on the viewer.

After painting, the painting was presented at an exhibition in Milan in 1832 at the Brera Gallery. The rest of the time, Countess Samoilova kept the canvas in her possession. When the Samoilovs were ruined, the painting had to be sold. Only in 1893 did she end up in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Many admired the work, its dynamics and liveliness. Some critics spoke of the rider's lack of emotion. The unnaturalness of the pose and the calmness of the girl with such an excited horse look implausible - this is what critics thought. Despite this, the painting was recognized as a brilliant masterpiece.

Description of Bryullov’s painting “Horsewoman”

I would like to start with information about the author of the picture.
Karl Pavlovich Bryullov lived at the beginning of the 19th century.
This greatest Russian artist had deep knowledge of painting; he masterfully mastered drawing and watercolor.
All of Karl Petrovich’s work can be divided into two directions: huge historical canvases and not very large paintings, combining excellent execution and spontaneity.
But the most important thing, the most valuable thing in the work of the Russian artist are his grandiose portraits, one of which is the painting “Horsewoman”.

In the picture I see a girl who is dressed in a modern (by those standards), rich and luxurious equestrian costume.
From the details of the clothing, I noticed a brocade blouse, a lace collar, and a skirt that was very long and hung from the horse.
This tells me about the elegant taste of the heroine of the picture.
One cannot help but pay attention to the luxurious, neat curls of hair and delicate facial features.
A light veil stretches along with the wind, as if making the picture smoother.

I want to say a few words about the horse.
I see how her front legs are lifted off the ground, as if rearing up or preparing for a powerful start.
I can just hear the dog barking to my right.
One should not lose sight of the little girl with another dog, standing on a parapet with an arch, and who are seeing off or, on the contrary, meeting the rider.
But the static nature and massiveness of the arch along with the parapet is not conveyed to the whole picture, since I cannot help but see shreds of earth flying out from under the horse’s hooves.
The whole picture, as I understand it, reflects the seething inner world of the horsewoman, but constrained by noble conventions, he does not show this on his face.

The colors chosen for the painting are very surprising.
Red color is combined with brown, almost black color with moon-blue, and gray color with yellowish-blue.
I believe that the author very competently selected these colors and their combinations, which directly influenced my perception of this picture.

Karl Bryullov is the author of many wonderful portraits. Among them there are ceremonial, “story” portraits of luxurious beauties. Among the most famous portrait paintings is “The Horsewoman,” painted by Bryullov in Italy in 1832. In this work, the artist combined an everyday scene and a ceremonial equestrian portrait.

The picture has an interesting plot and amazes with its richness of shades. It depicts a young lady returning from a morning walk on a magnificent black horse, and a little girl greeting her on the balcony.

Bryullov with great skill draws a horse in motion - it tries to rear up, crosses its eyes, gets excited and snorts. The rider stops her with a graceful movement.

The agility of the Amazon excites the delight of a little girl in a smart dress. Leaning against the balcony railing, she looks at her older friend with adoration.

The shaggy dog ​​is also excited - she barks fiercely at the horse. Even the pre-storm landscape with cirrus clouds running across the sky and tree trunks leaning from the wind shares the excitement.

Depicting the horsewoman and her little friend, the painter showed himself to be a true master of painting. The canvas has a bold compositional solution, the images depicted are distinguished by their liveliness and completeness, and the palette amazes with the brilliance and freshness of the colors.

The painting “Horsewoman” is a romantic ballad about the delightful pranks of youth. The artist admires the extraordinary picturesqueness of the surrounding world, glorifies the charm and joy of the surrounding life.

In addition to the description of K. P. Bryullov’s painting “Horsewoman,” our website contains many other descriptions of paintings by various artists, which can be used both in preparation for writing an essay on the painting, and simply for a more complete acquaintance with the work of famous masters of the past.


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Monumentalists, watercolorists, draftsmen and representatives of academicism of the 19th century. In 1822, he was sent to Italy to raise funds for the Society for the Encouragement of Artists.

Karl Bryullov painted the painting “Horsewoman. Portrait of Amalicia Pacini and Giovanni, pupils of Countess Yu. P. Samoilova” (often called “Amazon”) in 1832. Countess Yulia Pavlovna Samoilova asked him to create this picture. Her name is in the picture: on the dog's collar. In the same year, the painting was exhibited in Milan at the Brera Gallery. The picture immediately received many responses. Italian newspapers called Bryullov a brilliant artist. He was compared to Rubens and Van Dyck.

For 40 years the painting was in Samoilova’s collection. Shortly before her death, in 1872, Yu. P. Samoilova, ruined, sold it in Paris.

Fate brought the "Horsewoman" to St. Petersburg

In 1874, Repin wrote to Tretyakov about what was for sale. But P. M. Tretyakov did not have time to purchase it then. But in 1893 the painting ended up in his collection. Many assumed that the painting depicts Countess Samoilova herself.

But art historians were able to prove that the picture shows a completely different woman. Today the painting is presented at the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg and continues to receive many responses. One of the paintings in which Bryullov is immortalized is “Horsewoman”. always joyful and dynamic.

History of creation

Karl Bryullov was a close friend of Countess Samoilova. Most likely, they met in Italy. The Countess, without hesitation, commissioned him to paint a portrait of her two pupils. Amalicia was the daughter of composer Giuseppe Pacini. It is worth noting that at one time the opera of this composer inspired K. Bryullov to create a painting of the same name.

The painting was painted in a villa near Milan. When it was released, it attracted both positive and negative reviews. Many critics pointed out the lifeless, frozen face of the rider. Their description of the painting “Horsewoman” by Bryullov boiled down to the fact that the girl sits too loosely on a horse. Because of this, the feeling of speed and dynamics disappears.

description of the picture

The central figure of the canvas is Giovanina Pacini. She sits on a hot horse. It is clear that the girl is absolutely confident in herself. She sits straight and proud, even though the horse is getting excited. Giovannina has just returned from a walk - this can be seen from the light blush on her cheeks. But there is a certain angelic detachment on her face. The girl is dressed in the latest fashion: a light blue riding habit, a hat with a dark green veil fluttering in the wind.

The whole picture is permeated with movement: the horse rears up, the dog rushes towards.

A little girl, Amalicia, ran out onto the balcony. She heard the tramp of a horse. Both delight and fear are visible on her face. This girl admires the rider with delight. Her face reflects the feelings she feels for her sister - adoration. The girl is dressed simply: lace pantaloons and a homemade pink dress. Real, immediate feeling gives softness to the arrogant, stately portrait.

The background of the picture is a shady park. The trees are swaying by a strong wind. And storm clouds are gathering in the sky.

Bryullov, like many artists, used the classic form of constructing a ceremonial portrait - a triangle. This composition is found in Titian, Velazquez, Rubens, Van Dyck. The silhouette of a girl and a horse forms this figure. However, the artist decides to break away from tradition, introducing a new figure into the composition.

The second original find is a shaggy dog. His presence creates the impression that there is also space in front of the characters.

An equestrian portrait in those days meant a rider who was a crowned person. Bryullov decided to violate this official canon. And the young pupil is already sitting in a regal pose on a black horse.

A color scheme

Working on the topic “Karl Bryullov’s “Horsewoman”: description of the painting,” all art critics pay attention to the seemingly completely inharmonious colors.

The rider is in white, the girl is in pink, and the velvety black fur of the horse. It seems that Bryullov specifically used these colors. After all, they are difficult to combine in painting. But the artist carefully worked out everything and brought each shade to color harmony.

The whole canvas breathes delight. It is airy and light. It feels like we
We stand there in the yard and meet a beautiful girl from a walk.

Description of the painting "Horsewoman" by Bryullov - teach children

Today in schools, trying to instill a love of art and teach them to see beauty, children should be given the opportunity to reflect on a picture more often. For example, the essay “Description of Bryullov’s painting “Horsewoman”” is perfect for this.

Most visitors to the Tretyakov Gallery cannot resist the charm of this painting (Bryullov, “Horsewoman”). A description of the painting can be found in poems by A. Karp.


When you look at the canvas of the great painter Bryulov, your gaze immediately stops at the figure of a beautiful horsewoman who stops her horse. And then you just notice a girl who is standing on the balcony and does not hide her admiration for the horsewoman. The dogs that have turned their attention to the horse and bark at it also experience great interest; one gets the feeling that all of nature has paid attention to this brave girl. Large clouds are moving across the sky, and the trees seem to be bending over to get a better look at the rider. Even the rays of the almighty sun descended to earth to see the beauty and audacity of the girl.

The peculiarity of this painting lies mainly in the fact that the painter painted a portrait of an ordinary girl in the style of portraits of great commanders. If you pay attention to the silhouette of a girl and a horse, you can easily notice a triangle. Previously, Titian, Rubens and other great artists resorted to this technique. But so that the image of the girl does not seem warlike, Bryulov adds a child to the canvas. The little girl heard the clatter of the horse's hooves and went out onto the balcony to look at him. Her face expresses delight at the beautiful horsewoman. But you can also see the emotion on the young face; the girl is surprised that the rider looks so arrogant when she rides a horse. A small child gives this picture life and realism; the canvas ceases to be majestic.

You should also pay attention to the large shaggy dog, which is located closer to the horse. This dog also plays a special role on the canvas. When you look at it, you get the impression that the picture was painted not on a plane, but in three-dimensional space.

Anyone who has ever seen this painting in the Tretyakov Gallery at least once in their life immediately gets the impression that this is not a painting at all, but a window into life.

Essay description of the painting Bryullov's Horseman

Bryulov Karl Pavlovich is one of the most famous artists of the 19th century, the author of many beautiful portraits. The main directions of his grandiose development were panoramic canvases on the theme of historical events, and he also had a great interest in small works that masterfully combined effortless simplicity and skillful use of the brush. However, Bryulov revealed himself most in painting portraits, mainly with portraits of luxurious beauties of his century.

One of the most famous portraits painted by the painter is the painting “Horsewoman”. It was created in 1832 in Italy. In the portrait, the author perfectly conveyed all the beauty of the youth and grace of the young pupil of Countess Samoilova - Giovanni Paccini.

Contrast reigns in the whole picture - and only just a quick glance at it, and after some time, looking at all the little things depicted by a truly master of his craft.

At the first glance at the picture, one is struck by the strength and power of the beautiful black horse - a handsome man. Against the background of his temperament, the innocence of the girl, whom he holds firmly and securely in his saddle, seems even more vulnerable. The girl gracefully stops the horse's impulse to charge, slows down the fire and the pressure of his temperament.

She is met by a little girl on the balcony, just as cute, with curls on her head and in a smart light dress. Her skill in controlling a capricious animal surprises the little girl and instills in her a sense of respect for her older friend.
A small dog at the stallion’s feet barks fiercely at him. The strength and pressure of the picture is also given by the state of the weather - you can feel the approach of a thunderstorm, and even a storm.

The unusual combination of colors in the portrait created by Bryulov is striking. The author combines red shades with brown, almost black colors with soft blue and almost white. Such combinations influenced my perception of this picture – its strength and tenderness.

8th grade. 4th grade, 5th grade.

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