Everyone has their own purpose in life. Why do you need to understand your purpose and look for the meaning of life? “I don’t know what my purpose is? I don’t know what I really want or what I like.”

Growing up, we increasingly think about the meaning of life, trying to determine our place in this world. It becomes important for us to find our purpose. After all, understanding goals greatly facilitates their achievement. And the sooner the right tasks are set, the better for everyone. Especially for the surrounding world, because it is so important for it that a person realizes his mission. The purpose of a person is not only his personal responsibility to himself, but also to the entire Universe, which has endowed him with this task. This article will be devoted to the question of finding your life plan.

What is purpose

Destination is the purpose of a person’s life, laid down even before his birth. This is about the mission of each of us in this world. If you dig deeper, it turns out that gender, skin color, nationality and everything else does not happen to people by chance. It’s not even a matter of a combination of genes or a coincidence of circumstances, but rather the unique role of a person that is predetermined for him from above.

The concept of purpose can be viewed in two planes: mystical and social. The first is the belief in the certainty of existence by higher powers. It is called fatalism, and itself - fate. At the same time, a person always has the opportunity to choose. That is, he can go his own way or stray from it.

For example, in Indian mythology there is the concept of samsara - the wheel of life, multiple reincarnations in which a person clears his karma. He can only move to a higher level having realized your purpose in the previous. In Chinese philosophy, there is a widespread belief in the lot that befalls a person and according to which he must live. There are no exact recommendations for action. There is only an ultimate goal and the need to achieve it, but no one knows how this will happen.

When social interpretation of this term we are dealing with the concept of society and harmony in it. This definition of life mission has its roots in the past, when the son of a chief became a chief, the son of a fisherman became a fisherman, and the son of a slave became a slave. This process found its manifestation especially clearly in the culture of India with its caste structure.

Fortunately, in our time, society has become more democratic, opening up wide opportunities for fulfillment in life for people from various social groups. Still, how do you find out your purpose?

How to find out your purpose

Given the significance of this issue for a person’s life, it is important to treat it with the utmost seriousness and attention. The ability to achieve our life goals depends on how early we understand our mission. Fortunately, people have been thinking about this issue for a long time. There are many ways to understand your purpose. They will be discussed further.

Analyze your hobbies and talents

In this way, as quickly as possible, that is, what “the soul lies in.” This is not a life mission, but it helps you come into harmony with yourself. And thanks to this, you can calmly think about your purpose. After all, these concepts are inextricably linked. What causes a feeling of joy and happiness in life must certainly be present in it. And perhaps these very concepts are a subconscious clue that we are on the right path. You need to listen carefully to your inner voice, it is rarely wrong.

Use your imagination

Another good way to understand your purpose. Sometimes in reality people are unsure of themselves and are afraid to even imagine something. But, there is a limitless fantasy world in which everything is possible. And to understand your true self, sometimes it’s enough to give free rein to your inner self. Draw an ideal world, with its own laws and rules. The most important thing is to find your place in this world. And then compare the fairy tale and reality. Identify common points of contact and try to implement them. And even if in a fictional world a person turns out to be an archmage of the third circle, this does not mean that in real life there will be no alternative for him. Perhaps the role of a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences realizes the hidden potential no worse than alchemy.

It’s not for nothing that there is a saying “from the outside you know better.” And very often, relatives, friends, acquaintances or work colleagues can provide an invaluable service in finding yourself. This is especially true for the immediate environment, who have known this person since childhood. Moreover, communication can be started in different ways. Or beat around the bush for a long time, asking leading questions as if about nothing. Or take it and ask directly - “What do you say? What is my purpose? Sometimes an unexpected question helps to get an extraordinary and correct answer. The main thing to remember is that people express their subjective opinions. We should listen to their advice only if it finds some kind of response in ourselves.

Ask numbers, stars and horoscopes

The desire to shift responsibility for one’s life to someone else is present in a person from birth. First, on parents, then on teachers and professors. When adulthood begins, many try to find clues from higher powers. And you can hear them while doing numerology, astrology, palmistry (hand fortune telling), laying out cards and performing many other intricate actions. It’s up to everyone to believe such tips or not, but sometimes it’s so nice to delegate the decision to others. Moreover, these teachings have existed for a long time. And, as you know, there is no smoke without fire.

Find a Spiritual Guide

In search of the meaning of life, you can seek help from an enlightened person who has secret knowledge and abilities. You can find millions of these if you enter the appropriate question into a search engine. Seriously, there are only a few real spiritual teachers. The search for them can be no less lengthy than the search for one’s life path. But, quite likely, having found the first, a person will also find the second.

Perhaps this is how the world intended it? Perhaps the purpose of such a person is not just to find his teacher, but also to become a mentor to others. This role is taken on not only by representatives of various religions, but also by numerous personal growth trainers and coaches. The main thing to remember is that there are many more people doing this than real specialists. And human life depends on their work. Therefore, in search of an individual path, you should choose your assistant very carefully.

Human purpose is a complex and multifaceted concept. It is not determined only by profession or success in creativity. The mission is laid down even before birth and is the question that each of us then tries to answer. Some are in their youth, others in adulthood, and some are looking for the answer to this question all the time. The main thing is, in search of your destiny, do not forget about life itself, which in essence is the main meaning of human existence.

Why are there so many unhappy and dissatisfied people? Why is it that even if you earn a lot of money and have recognition in your career, you still don’t feel satisfied? And all because not everyone manages to find their inner world. How nice it would be if you could find out your true purpose... And this is possible! Want to know how? Read on.

Destination by birth

One option to find out your purpose is to calculate it by date of birth. How effective this method is is up to you to decide, but we can certainly say that the calculations are very general and are unlikely to be suitable for in-depth analysis. If you need to start from something, try to calculate your number.

This is done very simply. Take your birthday and add up all the numbers, and simplify the resulting number. For example: date of birth 12/05/1985: 0+5+1+2+1+9+8+5 = 31. Let’s simplify: 3+1 = 4. It turns out that the destiny of a person with such a birth goes along the lines of four.

The interpretation of each number gives rather an outside view of oneself, the opportunity to see innate qualities and talents, and determining where they can be realized is no longer difficult. The main thing is to approach the process with an open mind and listen to your inner voice.

Interpretation of the destination number:

  • Purpose 1. Under one, born leaders and pioneers are born, but if the energy is mismanaged, a person can also become a destroyer. The motto of such people is - if not me, then who? As children, these individuals dream of becoming adults as soon as possible, because then they will not have to obey their parents in everything. This reluctance to be in a subordinate position does not disappear with age and only grows with the person himself. These are talented organizers who always and everywhere strengthen their positions and strive to realize their leadership qualities. They can find their application in almost any professional field where it is necessary to lead and command, to apply extraordinary thinking, courage and resourcefulness. Singles never sit in one place for a long time, career growth is everything to them, and if it is not in sight, they will not hesitate to change jobs. These are people with enormous potential and amazing inner strength, but a rush of inner ambition sometimes clouds their vision and becomes the reason for a wrong choice in their profession. Remember, you deserve the best - don't settle for less.
  • Purpose according to 2. Twos are real peacemakers, advisers and helpers, but at the same time they can be terrible intriguers, envious people and gossips. The whole life of twos revolves around the constant making of some decisions, the search for compromises, and the resolution of regularly arising contradictions. These are very smart and wise people who constantly live by logic. They make excellent mediators in resolving the most complex issues, which is due to their ability to adequately and impartially look at the situation and give the right advice. They are always respected and appreciated because twos bring with them practical benefits. The main thing is not to turn into a pleaser who strives to do good to everyone at the same time, as this will lead to the loss of the gained authority and respect.
  • Purpose for 3. These are the favorites of fortune, great enthusiasts and simply lucky people, which is why they are very spoiled. Born optimists, it is almost never possible to see sadness on their faces. Being great lovers of life, they early understand that the world is filled with pessimists, complex and gloomy individuals, in general, people who need joy and other positive emotions like air. The ability to rejoice and optimism at the beginning will be your most important “currency”, for which you will receive respect, adoration and trust, but soon you will realize that, among other things, people are grateful to you. You have enormous creative potential, a sense of style and often the talent of an artist. By creating, creating something beautiful, you will receive great pleasure. To be satisfied, your profession must provide the opportunity for creative self-realization and at the same time limit only to the bare minimum. Sing, dance, draw, write, create - do what you like best and just enjoy life. The main thing is to remember that you cannot save and you need to give more and not take, only in this case you will have a lot.
  • Purpose for 4. The whole world hopes for fours, because it is on these people that it rests. These are born practitioners and hard workers, which is why they themselves get great pleasure. If you want to punish the four, deprive them of all their activities and work. From early youth they understand that in this world if you want to get something, you need to work hard. Therefore, you will never meet fours trying their luck near a slot machine, in a casino, or buying another lottery ticket. The life of fours is always scheduled into stages, they are aimed only at success and achieving goals, so every step they take is measured, and the decision is thought out more than a hundred times. They will never give up, and if something does go wrong, instead of grieving and throwing ashes on their heads, they will conduct a thorough analysis of what happened, organize work on mistakes, build a new plan and move on. Nothing can stop them, and anything that hinders them on the way to their goal will be nipped in the bud. Such qualities make fours desirable employees in any organization with more than one person on staff. Your reliability is expressed in your rejection of deviations from what was planned and crimes against rules and laws - you are trusted, respected and valued. You are not afraid to take responsibility, for which you are entrusted with the management of serious affairs and resources - managing large financial flows, organizing production processes, leading and commanding a large number of people - nothing is impossible for you. But remember, such talents and opportunities cannot be wasted on trifles, otherwise over time you will destroy yourself from a gnawing feeling of dissatisfaction.
  • Purpose for 5. These are adventurers and travelers, spies and freedom lovers. Risk is a noble thing for them. This is not to say that this is a tumbleweed, but they do not lack the desire to move into the unknown and learn everything new. Their character, mood and goals can change several times a day, so it is very important to make a wise decision so as not to waste energy. Fives are resourceful, quick-witted and courageous - finding use for these qualities will not be difficult. From the outside, these traits can be interpreted differently, for example, resourcefulness is seen as resourcefulness, courage as recklessness, and the ability to see the end result as nothing more than luck. For this reason, A's constantly have to prove their legitimacy in their opinions and actions. However, most third-party opinions in your favor are based not on common sense, but on envy, because not everyone can afford to be free like you. Fives never cling to the opinions of others and established dogmas. Considering the above, you can choose any activity for yourself where there are no restrictions or limits. You need to constantly move forward and never stop there; you are inspired by everything new and fresh. Don’t set limits for yourself, but never forget about the limits of what is reasonable.
  • Purpose for 6. Under this number, mentors are born who strive to guide others on the right path and take care of the offended and offended. While still a child, you stood out from the crowd in that, unlike the tomboys and ringleaders, you were the one who constantly stopped the company from committing rash acts and stopped risks. Previously, this could have been mistaken for cowardice, but this is not the case at all. The desire to protect others from danger and punishment is the main reason for such imaginary “indecisiveness” and “timidity.” From birth, you have the desire to help, patronize and care, give advice to those in need, but such good intentions rarely turn into a feeling of satisfaction, where painful disappointment comes more often. In the modern world, sixes have a very hard time, because now it’s so “cool” to be a crazy daredevil. Under the yoke of established dogmas, do not break under any circumstances and do not be ashamed of your desire to achieve stability, security and tranquility. When choosing a profession, focus on your qualities as a “nanny”, realize yourself in a place where your care will be appreciated and give love and care to those who really need it, for example, the same orphanages and animal shelters. Suitable areas include medicine, education, psychology and service industries.
  • Purpose for 7. These are people who are predictors; they are always in search of the truth. You can't just accept the facts, you need to verify their authenticity for yourself. One of your talents is to put complex things into simple terms, but this will not work in personal relationships, which can lead to disappointment. But in professional activities there are practically no problems. A desire to learn can quickly make you an expert in whatever field you're passionate about. This includes political science, science, and any field where clear analysis and the ability to expand horizons are needed. With a high degree of probability, we can say that by maturity you will have many certificates and awards for achievements on your wall, and perhaps even certificates from patent offices, because you are one of those who like to invent something useful with your own hands. You have a very rich mind, therefore, you have something to be proud of and something to strive for.
  • Purpose for 8. These people are not made by society, they create themselves. These are bankers and financiers, entrepreneurs and traders. They absorbed the desire to rule with their mother’s milk; they like to make decisions alone and give orders that are not subject to outside discussion. But at the same time, Eights understand what a burden of responsibility they thereby place on themselves and do not shy away from it at all. In young years, such an ardent desire for independence can cause many conflicts, some even have to sacrifice relationships with family and friends. It may be difficult at first, but as you age, you will realize and accept your path as an ascetic, after which you will begin to work with double strength and triple inspiration. You need to constantly feed your knowledge base to stay productive. Being a great mind, you will lead masses of people, receive recognition and respect, your opinion will be listened to, people will line up to get your advice. Just be prepared for the fact that being surrounded by a huge number of people, you will experience a feeling of loneliness, because it is unlikely that you will be able to find real friends. You need to choose your field of activity very carefully, because you have no inclination to rush around, and having chosen one thing, set yourself the task of finishing what you started, even if you remain unhappy. The main rule for professional determination is that the larger, the better. Do not be afraid to take on important, significant and global affairs for humanity - this is truly yours, no one but you can change this world.
  • Purpose for 9. Nines are very receptive, perspicacious and can delve into the very essence, where others are not given the opportunity to know. Regardless of your gender and age, you are always the one who can be called the best friend, who will never betray or set you up, and will always come to the rescue when others have turned their backs. All these qualities manifest themselves very early, and the inherent seriousness, as a rule, by the time they reach adulthood makes it possible to accurately decide on a profession. Often, destiny itself finds you, and not you find it. The task can be described in a few words like this: the need to do good everywhere and to everyone, but how exactly you will do this and where exactly is up to you. You can rely on your intuition, it is well developed. In general, responsiveness, a desire to help others and love of humanity will help in the field of medicine and sociologists; in some cases, Nines find themselves in creativity and social activities.

Destination according to numerology

Another numerological option for recognizing purpose is a little different, more superficial. It is based on the vibration of a person’s full name. Each letter is characterized by a certain vibration of the number, which you need to calculate and then add the sum. The correspondence table looks like this:

  • for the letters A - K - U - Ъ - this is 1;
  • for letters B - L - F - E - this is 2;
  • for the letters B - M - X - Yu - this is 3;
  • for the letters G - N - C - Z - this is 4;
  • for the letters D - O - H - this is 5;
  • for the letters E - P - Sh - this is 6;
  • for the letters Ж - Р - Ш - this is 7;
  • for the letters Z - S - L - this is 8;
  • for the letters I - T - S - this is 9.

Let's look at an example calculation:

Serova: 8+6+7+5+3+1 = 30

Natalia: 4+1+9+1+2+9+4 = 30

Vladimirovna: 3+2+1+5+9+3+9+7+5+3+4+1 = 52

Now the received data needs to be summed up: 30+30+52 = 112. Next you need to make it unambiguous: 1+1+2 = 4. The final number can be interpreted.

  • Digit 1 . The main goal in life is to lead as many people as possible and realize yourself as a leader. If you don’t feel this, you need to develop it. As soon as you learn to manage and control yourself and your life, others will be drawn to you, only, understanding all the responsibility, you need to choose the right path of movement.
  • Number 2. The main purpose is to bring peace to the world. Build relationships with the people around you, look for compromise solutions and have less conflict. Stand up for the weak.
  • Number 3. You need to learn to convey your thoughts and views on the world to society, learn to express yourself correctly, perhaps you can do this through creativity. There is beauty in you - share it, making the world more colorful and kinder.
  • Number 4. The main goal for you is to create something useful and necessary. Everything you do should be useful to people and benefit everyone, not just you.
  • Number 5. You have come with a mission to spread joy and positivity into the world. As soon as you enjoy life, every day you live, nature, you will be able to charge others and at the same time you will be satisfied yourself.
  • Number 6. Your main task for this incarnation is to continue the human race. To do this, you have all the qualities, so you need to start a family and devote yourself to raising children and your soulmate.
  • Number 7. You have been given knowledge that you must convey to society. You are a mentor and teacher - guide people, enlighten them with your experience.
  • Number 8. The purpose of eights is to develop harmoniously in two directions simultaneously: material and spiritual. You cannot completely immerse yourself in spirituality, forgetting about the material, and at the same time be completely absorbed by the gifts of material wealth. If you strive for any one of these, you will get nothing.
  • Number 9. This is our purpose to help those who really need it. At the same time, the assistance provided must come from a pure heart and nothing should be required in return, i.e. be free of charge.

How to find out your purpose

Is it possible to find out your purpose? It is possible, but it is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Numerology is good, but, unfortunately, it provides only a superficial and generalized description, and not a clear guide to action. Specifics cannot be achieved through calculations alone.

The true purpose is hidden in the subconscious of every person, but not everyone can hear it. If you really want to find out for what purpose you came into this world, in what craft and in what area you can experience real satisfaction and become a happy person, then it is better to turn to natal and karmic astrology, not to be confused with newspaper astrology. It gives a deep and purely individual assessment of each individual; there are no generalizations and there can be no coincidences. By studying it, you can find answers to all your questions, absolutely everything.

The only disadvantage of such a study of one’s own purpose is the complexity of knowledge. Astrology is a full-fledged science, like any field of profession, it cannot be studied in one day or month. Finding an experienced astrologer who will make a high-quality rectification and correctly interpret the chart is difficult. Now there are a lot of scammers in this field who deceive people, which, unfortunately, elevates astrology to the rank of pseudoscience. Be careful, analyze each astrologer - read reviews about their work and only then decide to contact them or not.

As a last resort, do some self-study. Difficult - yes, but it is very interesting. Exploring the deepest corners of yourself means immersing yourself in a mysterious world in which there are no limits or boundaries.

Each person has his own purpose on earth, the so-called “mission”, which he must certainly fulfill in order to be happy and fully enjoy life. It is believed that if a person has a lot of problems and confusion, it means that he has simply gone off the right path and is not fulfilling his mission. There are several ways that allow you to learn about the social essence and purpose of a person on earth. The simplest and most accessible option for everyone is based on the use of name numerology. Simple calculations will help you find out the necessary information.

How to find out your purpose in life?

To calculate the required number, you must write your name in full. Each letter corresponds to a specific number that needs to be summed up and ultimately get the required value. To do this, you should use a list that indicates which number corresponds to each letter.

1 - these are the letters A, K, U, B.

2 are the letters B, L, F, E.

3 are the letters B, M, X, Y.

4 are the letters G, N, C, Z.

5 are the letters D, O, Ch.

6 are the letters E, P, Sh.

7 are the letters Zh, R, Shch.

8 are the letters Z, S, L.

9 are the letters I, T, Y.

To make it clear what this should look like, let's look at an example:

Novikova – 4+5+3+9+1+5+3+1=31.

Julia – 3+2+9+4=18.

Vladimirovna – 3+2+1+5+9+3+9+7+5+3+4+1=52.

Now you need to add the values ​​until you get a number from 1 to 9. In the example: 31+18+52=101=1+0+1=2. All that remains is to find out your purpose on earth, since all the calculations have already been made.

Options for the obtained values:

1 – purpose – to organize and lead people. Only a few are leaders, and if you reveal these qualities in yourself, you can achieve many heights.

2 – purpose – to provide a quiet life for yourself. It is important for such people to improve the relationships of others and protect the weak.

3 – the essence and purpose of such a person is to be able to convey his own concepts and those of others. It is recommended to show your creative nature more often, which will only make the world brighter.

4 – purpose – to come up with something useful for humanity. The activities of such people should benefit others.

5 – purpose – to make people happy. Fives will be able to fulfill their destiny, when they learn to enjoy every day they live.

6 – purpose – to continue the family line. Sixes can feel and become happy only by building a strong family.

7 – purpose – to teach people by sharing with them experience and knowledge. They must guide lost people on the right path.

8 – purpose – to learn to develop both spiritually and materially. If you choose only one direction, you will not be able to feel happiness.

9 – purpose – to help other people. Nines will be happy when they learn to help others without demanding anything in return.

Very simplified, not to be confused with complex numerology (although there is an application), but in any case informative. You can combine the idea with yu and every time you see repeating numbers, work on one or another chakra.

Many people seem to live righteously, do not harm others, keep the commandments to the best of their ability, work with full dedication, but success is in no hurry for them, their life is full of difficult trials, problems that roll in like an avalanche. These people are increasingly asking themselves the question: “Why do I need all this?” If a question is asked, the answer will come.

More and more people are beginning to ask themselves the question: “Why do I live on Earth? Really, to eat, drink, work, have fun? And that's great! People who ask themselves this question have already “grown out of short pants” and moved to a new stage of their development. More and more people want to learn about the purpose of a person, they want to fulfill the tasks of this incarnation, so as not to live their lives in vain. And that's great too! All that remains is to understand and catch your destiny by the tail. It's time to start living consciously.

The main task that is set before us in each incarnation on Earth is to continue our development, gain new positive experience, and get rid of our vices. This is the common task of embodiment for all people. But this task is very extensive, therefore, so that people do not spread themselves thin, everyone is assigned a main task, to which they must devote most of their time and several additional tasks. The main task is determined by our karmic debts and its solution cannot be delayed. Our soul knows these tasks, but the trouble is, we are so carried away by the delights of material wealth that we have lost sensitivity to subtle energies and stopped hearing the voice of our soul.

How to find out your karmic task?

There are many signs that can help us understand a person’s purpose: the zodiac signs under which we were born, analysis of the talents and aspirations given to us in this life, construction of a psychogram using the Pythagorean method, and others. Today I want to introduce you to a method of digital analysis of our date of birth. There are many secrets hidden in the date of birth. Let's try to lift the veil over this secret and find the code of our destiny. This knowledge was given to us by the Spiritual Teacher and Mentor Kut Hoomi.

Karmic task by date of birth

Let's write down the date of our birth, starting with the year, month and ending with the day.

For example: 1965, 05th month and 15th day (19650515).

The last number, 5, is the code for your karmic task; the remaining numbers of your date of birth show the codes for which you have already developed qualities in past incarnations. For the harmonious development of the personality in this life, they should not pay much attention, but poorly developed or not developed qualities will have to be given a lot of attention.

We will calculate their numerical codes using the missing numbers from 0 to 9 and write them in descending order. In this example it would look like this: 8, 7, 4, 3, 2 . These numbers show us the codes of tasks that will also have to be solved in this life along with the main karmic task. The fewer missing numbers in the task code, the closer a person is to harmonious development.

When a life program was drawn up for each person, situations were laid down that, precisely by the code numbers, would be perceived by us as problems that we must learn to solve. And until we learn to solve them correctly, and bring the correctness of their solution to automaticity, they will be repeated in different versions and with different degrees of complexity. Therefore, difficulties that arise in life should not be looked at as problems. These are just tasks for our learning and development. Moreover, each person is given tasks that he is able to solve. The higher the level of human development, the more difficult the tasks are naturally.

The tasks and lessons of life will disturb our peace with enviable consistency, creating those very notorious black streaks of life. But this is if you let life take its course. If you start living consciously, accept this knowledge and use it in your life, you can avoid many troubles. You can more consciously choose a profession, even if it is not fashionable and highly paid, but one that corresponds to your tasks. You can consciously begin development in your weak areas, develop those talents that are given, and not those that are not. Then you can turn life into an amazing adventure, full of the joy of victories, success and happiness.

For example, a person is given the ability to teach or treat people, but salaries in these industries are small and the person decides to go into business. This is where life lessons begin. The business will fall apart, there will be no income, although other, stupider ones will have a successful business. If a person does not understand these lessons and persists, illness will begin. In addition, the person’s soul will hurt, he will feel dissatisfaction with his life and is unlikely to be happy. Whereas at work according to your destiny, you can gain fame, honor, success and live in harmony with your soul, but it will find a way to make life successful and self-sufficient.

Interpretation of numeric codes

Working through tasks will be associated with the development and opening of the first chakra. A person must learn to overcome all the difficulties of life with joy and love, without bitterness and searching for those to blame, without fear and anxiety. His motto should be the words: “I overcome all difficulties with joy and love in my soul.” These people need to constantly overcome resistance, be very active, develop physical strength, willpower, and understand the mechanism of self-restraint in the family, at work, in society. They will have to learn to take care of others, develop a sense of duty to society and people, and develop discipline and responsibility. A person needs to develop control over animal instincts, learn to manage them, and not vice versa.

When choosing a profession, preference should be given to jobs where you need to have a hand in changing and improving the material world, where there is a lot of movement, where strength and endurance are needed: sports, martial arts, dancing, geology, any form of physical labor, surgery, traumatology, massage. Humanitarian areas of activity will bring many difficulties into their lives. They should not engage in spiritual practices or work with subtle energies.

Work is carried out on the second chakra. Creating a family, the ability to build relationships with parents, relatives, spouses, children are their main tasks. Mastering the mechanism of sacrifice in relation to loved ones, wisdom, patience, sensitivity to others. The creation of a large family is encouraged. The development of the sexual chakra comes through the disclosure of the sexual aspect of love. These people need to learn to control their passions and desires and subordinate them to reason. It is also necessary to understand that sexual energy can be directed to the needs of development, and not just spent in sexual pleasures. Organize your sex life.

Professions should be chosen that will help develop qualities such as sacrifice, patience, and mercy. These are: pedagogy, educators, personnel in hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics. You can find yourself in professions related to nature and ecology. You should not strive to lead large teams; it is acceptable to lead small teams with the development of family-type relationships in them. Tantra is suitable for spiritual practices.

This task is being worked on through the third chakra. The most important thing for these people is to learn to control their emotions, to understand that control over them will ensure stable development in many aspects of Being. If you give free rein to your emotions, then you will begin to be beaten by various unfavorable situations and life problems. These people need to seriously begin to develop their mental body. They need to learn to be guided in life not by emotions, but by a logical analysis of events and situations. These people need to understand and realize that their material well-being and success depend on a stable emotional state.

It is also necessary to understand the difference between creative activity and destructive activity and make your activity creative. In this life, people with a missing seven will have to learn how to earn money, learn to value it, and be able to spend it rationally. They need to understand and master the laws of cash flow, learn to subordinate this energy for their own benefit and live comfortably and happily in the cash flow. When choosing a profession, you need to take into account its focus on creating something. This is any production activity in all sectors of the national economy from worker to manager, folk arts and crafts, trade. These people can be leaders of large teams, but they must achieve this through work and merit. Pursuing a career in any way will be a violation for them with subsequent life lessons.

Working through this task is associated with the development and opening of the fourth heart chakra. The tasks that these people will have to solve are similar to those of the figure eight, but more complex and multifaceted. Passions and emotions no longer interfere here, so there is an active and conscious accumulation of such qualities as mercy, compassion, and empathy. But here the horizons for applying these qualities are expanding from family and relatives to large groups of people. Moreover, these qualities are no longer revealed at the level of emotions and feelings, but consciously, at the level of the soul. A person must open his heart to people and the world, accept, realize the beauty and harmony of the world and bring it to other people. These people must learn the laws of love, the stages of development of love and constantly expand the circle of unconditional love in different aspects of Being.

It is good if professional activity is related to medicine (therapy, neurology), psychology, pedagogy, narcology, work with difficult teenagers and other types of activities related to problems of the soul. These people understand beauty and art, but they cannot engage in this professionally, since they are ruled by emotions and illusions that can lead them astray from the desired direction. It is undesirable for these people to choose professions related to technology and exact sciences.

Working through this task is directly related to the development and opening of the fifth throat chakra. Here the main direction is related to knowledge and creativity. The main goal of these people is to comprehend the knowledge about love, beauty and harmony of the world, and then transfer this knowledge to people through creativity or teaching. In addition, these people need to establish for themselves the rule of the “golden mean” in all aspects of Existence and not violate it under any circumstances of life. These people should learn to build relationships with all people, without exception, on the basis of mutual understanding and respect. These people need to identify their talent in this direction and develop it to perfection. You cannot bury your talent for the sake of some false idea and illusion.

The professions of these people are often related to art: artists, writers, singers, performers, art critics and many others. We can also recommend to them such professions as diplomacy, translators, professions related to travel, pedagogy is also good, but not at school, but at a university.

Work is already underway here on the sixth chakra. This chakra is responsible for clairvoyance and a person will have to learn through many different tasks and situations to see the reason for what is happening and get rid of all illusions. Everything that happens to him must be linked as a consequence of some reason that must be found and realized. This will allow a person to reach a level of stable and prosperous life. Otherwise, fate will throw a person “out of the fire and into the wormwood.”

You can choose any profession, as long as it is not associated with monotonous and monotonous work. It is very good to work in public organizations and volunteer movements; work related to the creation of labor and creative teams is welcome.

Here the work is associated with the highest crown chakra. These people will have to learn to implement law and order in everything. Moreover, they have to learn not only social, but also Divine laws, and they can only be known and accepted at the level of the Soul. It is impossible to comprehend them with the material mind. Therefore, these people will have to improve their mental body not at the level of personality, as was the case for people with a seven in the tasks of embodiment, but at the level of the Soul. This is a more difficult task. To solve this problem, restrictions on obtaining any knowledge, including from primary sources, will be lifted for these people. They will have a constant thirst for new knowledge. But the more is given, the more is asked. Their task is to comprehend hidden knowledge and convey it to humanity without distortion and their own misconceptions. They themselves will be subject to strict demands for non-compliance with Divine laws and distortion of information.

Considering their connection with the information field of the Universe (to the extent that their level of development allows), they will always have enough knowledge to master any profession in which they can prove themselves with dignity. But it is best for them to choose mathematics, astrology, physics; they can successfully engage in scientific activities. It would be a good idea for them to engage in jurisprudence, social and legislative activities. But the main thing for them is to be law-abiding and not to disturb the order and harmony of the world.

The numbers 0, 1, 2 already belong to Divine energies and personify the help that people receive to realize their tasks.

Help comes along the ray of Will and Power. The ray requires constant renewal from people, then it plays a positive role in the lives of these people. If this does not happen, he begins a powerful cleansing of physical and mental toxins. The ray teaches a person to accept the blows of fate with humility, to be able to read their signs and prevent the blows of fate. Teaches sacrifice. A person must recognize God, his strength and power. If a person does not do this and does not change, then harsh education begins: loss of work, loved ones, loved ones, health.

Help comes along the ray of love and wisdom. This ray manifests its activity only when a person has a firm conviction that the source of strength is in himself. When he opens his heart to people, he communicates with them honestly, without deception. When an internal transformation occurs in a person. Otherwise, this ray thickens the fog of illusions and self-deception, and a person often finds himself in unclear and incomprehensible situations. It stimulates internal transformation, getting rid of self-deception, and returning to reality.

The assistance of the Active Cognition beam is activated. If a person strives for knowledge, the ray gives knowledge, through insight it helps to make discoveries, and gives energy for active work. The ray teaches you to take seriously any little things that happen in a person’s life. For any little thing can spoil the fate of these people so much that it doesn’t seem like much. This person must recognize and recognize the existence of energy laws.

Therefore, if the date of birth contains these numbers, then there is additional help in one or another ray. But remember, having access to Divine energies, attention to you increases and demand for violations increases. For example, the date of birth 06 means that the main karmic task is along the number 6, and along the ray of Will and Power there is help or lessons for solving this task.

If the karmic task (birthday) consists only of these numbers: 01, 02, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22 , - such people should know that they Favorites, and that there will be special demand from them. These are either people who came with a specific mission for the benefit of humanity, or with great debts in matters of spirituality. Perhaps in previous lives they failed to cope with the high mission entrusted to them, their Spirit submitted to the flesh, which is why it fell, and karmic debts appeared that need to be corrected.

Until the age of 33, these people differ little from others, except perhaps in the ease and luck with which everything is given to them. Then the program of working off debts or completing a mission is turned on, and here their life depends on whether they complete their tasks or get carried away by material wealth, using their strength and power to satisfy personal interests. Many politicians and diplomats belong to this category; if they take the path of using their power for personal purposes, then serious tests await them according to the digital code.

These people need to correspond in their actions and theories to the religious movement within which they were born. For them it is an irreparable sin to change religion. Their energy is adjusted to the dominant religion in the region of their residence. From it they receive a powerful energy boost. For these people, many problems in life will be brought to them by a complete denial of the fundamentals of the spiritual structure of the world, as well as participation in various false teachings, in sects, practicing magic, and various fortune-telling. Deep down, these people are aware of their situation and often experience inexplicable melancholy, anxiety and a feeling of being lost. I hope you understand that these people must fully serve God and bring his ideas to people.

So, now you can determine your purpose based on your date of birth, calculate the main karmic task and a number of additional tasks for this incarnation. One should keep in mind the fact that if one fails to complete one's main task, life lessons and problems will arise in the topic of the greatest number. In the example we are considering, this will follow the number 8, that is, problems will appear in the family, in relationships with partners, relatives and friends. Diseases of the reproductive organs, powered by the energy of the second chakra, may appear.

I advise you to carefully study this difficult material and try it on for yourself. Make corrections in your life. Without this, there is no point in hoping for an improvement in fate. I analyzed and compared the facts of my problems and difficulties with calculation problems, the resulting codes opened my eyes to many of my problems, their causes and allowed me to adjust and improve my life.

You can leave everything as it is now and follow the path of suffering, or you can start living consciously, use tips and signs to correct your path and find peace of mind, the joy of Being, happiness, joy, health and success in life. The choice is yours!

I sincerely wish you success on your life's journey and happiness!

As children, we all dreamed about what we would be when we grew up. Everyone, of course, dreamed of being astronauts, pilots, travelers and owners of chocolate factories. But years passed, school was completed with C grades, and most of the “cosmonauts” went to vocational school, which also ended with misfortune. And then the work was based on the principle “from each according to his ability,” and children’s dreams remained stupid children’s dreams. And if most of us are asked: “Have we found our path in life? Have we found out what our purpose is?”, then many of us will not even understand the question. I got my education, I work, what else do you need?

And the years pass, the work, which seemed not so bad at first glance, becomes boring and becomes unbearable. But you have to endure it. Because there is no particular alternative. After all, horses are not changed at the crossing, as they say. Only this crossing lasts a lifetime. And at the end of life, many feel dissatisfied. Why? Yes, because your purpose in life has not been found. Life is spent on work we don’t like, achieving goals imposed on us by someone and, in general, meaningless vanity.

When the question arises of how to find your purpose in life, most will say that “it’s too late” and will not think about it. The mistake of the majority is that even if doubts arise that you are not living “your life,” people say that you need to change something in 20 years, or, in extreme cases, in 30. Although, sometimes there are such unique people who Even at the age of 18, having studied for six months at a university in an unloved specialty, they declare that it is too late to change anything. The sad thing is that they actually think so.

We sometimes look with envy at people who know from childhood what they want. We are not, of course, talking about childhood dreams of becoming an astronaut or test pilot. You can often see how very young children already demonstrate some talents - be it in music, dance, prose, poetry, drawing, or simply from childhood they know exactly who they will be. True, it is worth noting that it often happens that this “choice” is carefully imposed on them by their parents. And there is no need to say that a child who has devoted his life to sports or music since the age of six made his choice consciously. There is nothing good in such a situation either. Psychologists say that by imposing a life path on their child in this way, parents realize what they could not realize themselves. Even if we think logically, can a 4-5 year old child make an informed choice? A very dubious statement.

How to find out your purpose in life

In the modern world, most people are not familiar with concepts such as karma and reincarnation. Or, what happens more often, they are familiar superficially, and society has formed a frivolous attitude towards these concepts. But it is precisely in the context of these concepts that one can consider such a question as the purpose of man. Otherwise, a person’s purpose is understood as something like a hobby - an activity that a person enjoys doing. This is, of course, very cool, but it is a very superficial view of this issue.

From the point of view of karma and reincarnation, a person’s purpose is not just his hobby or his favorite job. Destination is a tendency that is shaped by many rebirths. That is, over the course of many rebirths, the soul cultivated in itself certain qualities, inclinations, skills, and so on. And in current life, these skills are simply demonstrated more than any others.

And here it is worth considering another concept such as talent. What is talent? From the point of view of people who are not particularly immersed in philosophical issues and the secrets of the universe, talent is simply a kind of “gift” (by the way, a synonym for the word talent is “gift”) that a person received because he was “lucky” or for some other reason It’s a coincidence of circumstances, and a person’s task is simply to exploit this “gift” as efficiently as possible. It’s good if at least not only for selfish purposes, but more often it happens that the goals are precisely selfish - to gain fame, wealth, a carefree life, and so on.

But this, again, is a very superficial view of things. Talent is not just a “random gift” from God or some other higher entity. Talent is simply the experience of past rebirths. For example, if a person has written poetry over the course of one or several lives, then in this life he can, already at a very early age, begin to famously twist words into rhymes, and his parents will clap their hands with affection, thinking that their child is lucky - he has , they say, talent. In fact, nothing happens in this world without a reason, and any talent is simply the experience of past lives and nothing more.

So, the concepts are more or less clear. But the most important question: “How to find out your purpose in life?” - remains relevant as before. This issue should also be considered from the point of view of such concepts as karma and. A person’s destiny has already been shaped by the experience of his past incarnations and accumulated karma. Let's take a little look at the issue of accumulating karma. Where, exactly, is this karma stored?

Karma in Sanskrit means 'action'. A person, performing an action, creates a deformation in his mind. The sage, who discussed in detail the issue of accumulating and working out karma, in his philosophical treatise “Yoga Sutras” calls such deformations “samskaras”. So, by performing an action, a person has created an imprint in his mind, and the mind of a person tends to try to get rid of these imprints. How?

We can get rid of “samskara” by experiencing on ourselves the same action that we performed in relation to someone. Samskaras are stored in our mind and tend to influence our behavior. Simply put, it is our samskaras that lead us to the time, place and circumstances where we can eliminate this samskara, by obtaining happiness or suffering (depending on whether the samskara was created by a positive or negative action).

And these same samskaras also influence our path in life and the search for our destiny. For example, if a soul follows the path of a warrior from life to life, then, having been born in our modern world, most likely, from childhood, it will gravitate towards sports and martial arts. And by sending their child to a sports section, parents will be able to raise a champion. Another question is why is this necessary?

We all have accumulated both positive and negative experiences. And the human soul, unfortunately, cultivates in itself not only positive, but also negative qualities. Therefore, one way or another, in the process of life all inclinations will manifest themselves, and not just those that will help realize their destiny. How can you determine which tendencies should be nurtured in yourself and which ones should be eradicated?

There is such an important concept as “”. And, by and large, this is the ultimate goal and motivation for any activity. Any of our activities should ideally be a service to people, the world, society, and all living beings in general. And we should cultivate in ourselves exclusively those tendencies and skills that allow us to carry out adequate service. What form of service is most adequate?

Therefore, no matter what talents a person has, it is important to direct them in a constructive, creative direction, which will actually free people from their limitations and, as a result, from suffering. And an important point - if a person has taken the path of serving society, the whole Universe will help him, and his own well-being and well-being will come to him without any effort on his part. So here’s the paradox - the more we solve the problems of the people around us, the fewer problems we ourselves have. And the experience of many people shows that this is exactly how the Universe works. What you gave is yours, what you left is lost.

Each of us has accumulated a lot of different experiences and a lot of very diverse karma. And each of us here and now has a choice - to direct our skills in a creative and constructive direction, or to follow the “demonic” path of development - to put material values, our own well-being and selfish motivations “at the forefront”. And we, by and large, make this choice every day: which way are we going - along the path of service or along the path of pursuing our own passions?

How to find out your karmic destiny

So, while how to use and apply the accumulated experience, knowledge, abilities, skills and talents is more or less clear, then how to actually discover these talents, knowledge, skills and abilities in oneself - the question remains open. All our experience accumulated in past lives is stored in the deep shells of our mind, and it is always present in us. It is only important to “get to the bottom” of your true “I” in order to take advantage of all the baggage of experience and skills that were improved in past lives. How to do this?

To gain access to the entire experience of your soul (in other words, to discover your talents and skills), you need to apply practices to work with your mind. What does “working with your mind” mean? This is not at all about improving your IQ and attending sessions with a psychologist. However, to each his own, it is possible for some and it will be effective. But for maximum effect, it is recommended to get acquainted with meditative practices - only they will allow you to get answers to your questions. And it is important that these answers will not be from the outside (where we can always be deceived), but from the inside, where the answers to the questions will be as truthful as possible. When, in the process of meditation practice, a person receives answers to questions about who he really is and what his purpose is, he will no longer have any doubts about the fact that he is not living “his life” or is doing the wrong thing. It will be difficult for such a person to impose any model of behavior or mislead him regarding the meaning of life, life values, and so on.

So, the key to all the answers lies within ourselves. But this key is like a precious pearl, which is located deep at the bottom of the ocean under a thickness of black impenetrable water. And in order to dive into your consciousness for this pearl, you need to master meditative practices. The best way to do this is to go through. Vipassana is a meditative practice concentrated within ten days that will allow you to get acquainted with your inner world, discover some talents in yourself and learn about your purpose. Anyone who has undergone Vipassana will never remain the same. He will be able to look at the world in a new way, through the eyes of a new person.

The problem with a person is that his choice is not always his choice. Our choices are determined precisely by the imprints in our minds that we ourselves have created through our actions. And it is these imprints that often create false motivations for us, which sometimes force us to spend our whole lives on completely empty things and stupid vanity. Samskaras, which, like a thorn, sit deep in our mind, lead us astray from our true path, preventing us from realizing our true destiny. And in order to act rationally, and not under the influence of our own karma, we need to at least once see what we really are - our true “I”.

And the best way to do this is practice. People who have undergone Vipassana speak about it in the best possible way. This is a unique experience that will allow you to live more consciously and track those moments when your decision is not your decision, but simply the result of the manifestation of your karma, which creates a certain prism, through which we see this world distorted.

It is also important to be conscious of what we do here and now. For example, if we (willingly or unwittingly) participate in someone’s degradation, then this creates imprints in our minds that, over time, will also lead us to the path of degradation. Have you ever wondered why some people from birth end up in such an information field that turns them into alcoholics, gamers, drug addicts, and smokers? This is a manifestation of karma.

All these people often believe that by opening a bottle, lighting a cigarette and sitting down to the next “shooter”, they made their own choice. But in fact, this choice is determined by the samskaras that are in their mind. And these samskaras were created by their own actions, which served to degrade other people. This is important to understand. And weigh all your actions, each time thinking about what you are pushing and motivating others to do.

Thus, we can only find out about our purpose ourselves, by immersing ourselves in our inner world. All the answers to our questions are hidden there. No Tarot cards, fortune tellers, psychics and all sorts of dubious scammers will ever give us such accurate answers as we can get by contemplating our inner world. And the best way to find out your purpose is to immerse yourself in meditation. And this is the path leading to obtaining answers to those questions that concern many today - on a conscious or subconscious level.

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